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Devil Went Down to Rio -Conclusion Part 2
Date of Scene: 02 May 2023
Location: Experimental Green Energy Platform - Atlantic Ocean -- 200 miles off the coast of Brasil
Synopsis: The New Mutants thwart Justin Hammer's plans to take control of DaCosta International
Cast of Characters: Roberto da Costa, Kitty Pryde, Samuel Guthrie, Marie-Ange Colbert, Tabitha Smith

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is dead. Killed by assassins for hire. The true mastermind still known. DaCosta International is floundering and the Experimental Green Energy Platform, a retrofitted oil platform. Fitted with solar panels, wind turbines and tidal energy stations is ripe for plunder. That's what leaves us here with this merry band or her- I mean mercs. Yes, the New Mutants (You're one of us Kitty stop fighting it.) have gone undercover as mercs after faking the death of the beloved and handsome Roberto, we were all so sad, we can admit it, even the idea... heart wrenching. They have come her to receive their pay and unmask the true villain, I mean what villain can resist the chance to crow over a plan well executed they win so rarely. Anyway that's what makes it so disappointing when the helicopter lands and Batroc the Leaper gets out with a couple of large bags of something cash, bullion, we'll find out.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde had considered going with Fidel Castro chic for her mercenary uniform, but settled on something more modern. Some black fatigue pants and a black tank top. Sunglasses. An armband tied about one arm that looks like it's gone through Vietnam and back. It might have, she could have stolen it from Logan's room. But it looks like the kind of thing a mercenary might have hung onto for sentimental reasons. Also for a ready at hand tourniquet. She doesn't like the guns she has, but wears them anyway. One in a shoulder holster, and a rifle over her shoulder.

No dragons at the moment. Though he is on the area on comms.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is dressed close to how Kitty is, but his shirt is a normal t-shirt still in black. He has picked up the perfect addition for a disguise. An eye patch over one eye. His blonde hair dyed a dark brown. He has a pistol on his side, but no rifle. He stands watching the area standing at a parade rest stance.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Masquerade was something that Marie's time at the Hellfire Club had taught her a few things about. Looking like a proper 'bad girl', though? That was... more than a little out of her wheelhouse. Fortunately, Tabitha had stepped up and designed something that, frankly, is probably far tighter and more revealing than Marie would've ever chosen for herself. It took her a while not to be beet red from head to toe just from wearing it, to be sure.

While the others have ballistic weaponry, she's opted for the melee route. A couple of escrima sticks dangling from her belt (as well as the pouch with her cards, in case things go awry), and a light metal shield strapped to her back. While she'd normally fight with her summons if a fight broke out... while they're undercover is probably a good time to lean into lessons learned from the Themyscirans and Wakandans to be markedly /different/ than her normal self.

The sight of Batroc? That brings a very... particular look to Marie's face. While genuinely uneducated on supers beyond those she's met? This is one she knows of. Why?

...because he's French.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Having just gone with way too tight greens and other bits of flair that might get her easily mistaken for the Asassin'sguild member Belladonna. Which totally won't bite her in the ass but totally will. Tabitha's idea of faking Roberto's death seems to have gone without a hitch.

<<Benefits of having a telepath. We can kayfabe thecrap out of all this and still coordinate like Betsy's wardrobe.>> she points out over the mindlink set up for team communications.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is of course wearing a full face mask, and looks like a facsimile of Tom Selleck mustache and all. He is chewing on a cigar and wearing a Hawaiian shirt with khakis. He has a sidearm and is billing himself as the pilot of the group. He lets others take the lead so as not to give away the game.

    'Ello, I am Batroc, vous 'ave done quite well. This was a job, non? Tha' Da Costa, he is pistol, bang, bang. hanh! Hanh! Hanh! Who is in charge? Who do I talk with? I have the bearer's bonds. Ze Boss has something else for you, if you are interested, non?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty the Mercenary leans against the railing, looking over at the bags of moola with the amount of interest she figures someone who does bad stuff for money would. Though it's not the sole focus of her attention. She has some binoculars around her neck that she brings up to her eyes, giving a quick sweep around the area as if on guard, letting Patch McGuthrie handle the payment.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie steps up and looks over to the man "I'm the man your looking for." He says working pretty hard at it, but able to hide his accent for once. He looks to the man and says "Lets see the money, and then you can tell us about the next contract, and we can see what we can do for you." He motions Tabby over to him.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"You still owe us our cut. Batroc. You never would have gotten past his friends were it not for the guild. We lost good people that will be expensive to replace!" The blonde woman appearing to be one of the top members of the Assassin guild complains.

"Until we are paid you beling to us." she reminds managing to get that whole being a boss but also clearly letting Roberto and the Leapy one to speak.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie just frowns -- trying not to make /too/ much of a face at Batroc's accent. Crossing her arms over her chest and leaving the majority of the talking to the others. As she'd said before, her talking? That'd almost certainly undermine their efforts. Thankfully Tabby has helped out with this.

<<Ugh. This man's accent is /terrible!/ I swear he's doing it on purpose. He knows we're frauds. He knows we're frauds and he's trying to punish me.>>

She's one to speak. Her accent is still just as thick as it was when she'd first stepped off the boat.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Batroc frowns, "We ave always been amis of the of Guild. I will call Monsieur 'Ammer to discuss any payment problems with ze paymen." He talks on the radio, and the helicopter pulls away, another helicopter arrives on the platform. This one is flanked by a pair flying metahumans who land and scan the platform before Justin Hammer departs. "What is this about Payment to the Guild?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde continues to hold her quiet, stoic vigil. Apparently watching for any arrivals to the platform who aren't supposed to be there. She scans the horizon with the binoculars, then looks back over to make sure she's aware of the positions of the guards.

<< Any idea what the capabilities of the pair are? Besides flying? >> she asks the group through the psychic link, before turning back to continue her watch on the horizon. Not just for appearance, she's making sure no other metahumans are out there.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
<<At least your version of the accent is Sexy, Marie>> Tabitha reassures over the link while otherwise trying to put forth that smug evil bitch air. That she might have had to pick up from imitating Emma Frost.

The accent Tabitha uses is closer to just bad cajun, but then it is Remy she's cribbing off with any actual French puleld from Marie's native language. "Missuer Batroc knew that Da Costa has friends that would fight along side him. These people are friends of people the guild we do not like. This will send a message. But we do not operate out of charity when it benefits more than just the Guild."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
<<The one with the accent... his name is Batroc the Leaper. As far as I know he is a human, but, obviously stronger than most. It is said that he jumps like a frog.>> Marie replies to Kitty's question; the newcomers? She doesn't recognize them at all.

Tabby's words, though? They make Marie cough and choke a little -- one hand coming up quickly to cover her mouth, and the blush that threatens. <<Ah... Thank you, Tabitha, but now is not the time for such words!>> she scolds. Hard to look imposing when you're turning red, afterall.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Justin Hammer nods and two more bags are brought from the chopper, "The boy was an insolent gnat, a pest that needed to be dealt with. HIs friends were dreamers, the kind we can't allow to have a place in the world we are building. I hope that doubling the price will recompense you for your costs? Now we can purchase these stations and export this technology to Asia where it will net us a profit that makes this look like chump change." Another non-descript white guy in a suit stand next to Justin and punches things into a tablet. He is smiling as he initiates the transactions but that grin deepens to a frown as he watches the readout. He looks from the readout to Justin and back knowing how his Boss reacts to bad news. The other bags are taken and place next to the ones that Sam is inspecting." Batroc has picked up on the assistants discomfiture and is looking from Justin to the others and to the Group of disguised New Mutants. A second group of burly mercs is now on the platform, three with weapons and two with powers. Berto bristles a bit at the insolent gnat comment but his Detroit Tigers cap hides his discomfiture. He does touch his ear piece, <<Team BUsiness is making their move, be ready. I think that might be Stingray? Their an armored corporate type, works for Roxxon Oil, seems like we have all the players in the open. I think we have Random and Kane with the merc gun team.>>

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie steps over to look in the bag letting Tabby talk to them for now. He is checking out the bags, and watches the goons, running through his head to see if he knows them. "And who are you wanting to hire us for next?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks around with her binoculars again. She completes that circuit of the horizon and then pauses to pull out her phone. Seemingly not paying as close of attention to what is going on as she's on guard duty.

She keys up some things she's prepared to jam and knock out their communications, both so they can't call for more help, nor communicate with each other if they have comms.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's a glance out to some of those that might be gathering. "I am sure your payments will be appreciated. This is a beneficial set of circumstances for us all. But I can understand the need for a business man to want to keep his expenditures to a minimum." she points out in that frech ish accented facade of a voice.

While the real Belladonna is able to step into the Astral plane. Tabitha is a telepath who can do that and a little more. To many of the guards she reaches out and sends a simple command to them one at a time.


<<Marie, you are a badass assasin woman that should own her sexy evil facade. Part of the show. Think of it as pretending to be Emma back in her HFC days.>> she suggests while she flits her blue eyes back to the people she's trying to get money from. "Sometimes trying to cut costs can be more expensive in the long run if they are not wise to the consequences of doing so."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
<<...right. Also, be ready for trouble. I have met Mr. Hammer before. He may be able to identify me.>> Marie thinks back, trying to straighten up rather than following her natural inclination to shrink into the tiniest form she can. Raising a hand to her ear as if she's getting a message from some sort of earpiece.

Fortunately for Marie, she's got a /little/ practice being confident, even in this getup. As she glances over to the side -- presumably to where her 'message' is coming from -- she's trying to lose herself in a memory of practicing for this very occasion. Not quite summoning her own Inner Emma... she has sincere doubts that she can pull that off, but at least projecting /some/ confidence.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
The original bags are bearer bonds like Justin said and was agreed upon. The second set is mix of bonds and cash but the amount seem more like 1.5X than 2.0X but that is par for the course with Justin. "Hmm? I am having some problems with the Than family in Asia, the have purchased protection from the Chinese government, some sort of Large hero group? Big her hero 6?" He waves his hand absently, "I will give you the same rates for them... " Justin frowns as the lose of signal has panicked his assistant and half his security is nodding off, "What the eff is going on?!" The assistant is pale, "Sir, they were countering our move, buying us out." Justin Hammer is livid, "That isn't possible! How- " His eyes go wide, "They know!" He starts to move for the chopper, but the pilot is nodding off and the rotors are slowing. That is of course when the cleverly hidden blue tooth speakers start to play the Hans Zimmer Mission Impossible theme as Berto pulls off his mask, "Having a bad day Justin?" He tilts his head playfully, "I mean the buy out was the easy part, faking my death was hard. Everyone knows my best friend is invulnerable when he's blasting but I think we sold that, "How about you M'suer Batroc?"

    Batroc nods, "Mais Qui, it was a masteerful performannce... I am getting mon bonus?" Berto nods and smiles, "Absolutely, I believed your whole performance. The accent was a bit much." Batroc frowns and looks vaguely hurt.

     At this point Justin is pulling the sleeping pilot from the chopper as he tries to replace him, the assistant has frozen. The two stingrays take the air, and the entirety of the armed secutity has one sleepy bye on the deck of the platfrom only four of the merc remain awake.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will look over and says "Also his best friend can fly." He will blast over and hover in front of the cockpit of the helicopter. "Ah will tell you know your not going to outfly me." He says watching the man and says "Do we let him run Berto?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Well the ruse has been unfurled and Tabitha lets a hair toss flick. "I say both bags are worth not having to bust our humps yeeting people off ledges." she yells out in case anyone outside can hear them, she doesn't know if there's any enhanced senses but nobody likes getting yeeted off buildings.

"My advice was still sound for all of us. I seen enough shoddy builds and stuff to know when sometimes the money is well spent!" she points out in her own normal not quite New York, not quite Virginia Trailer Park accent.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The jamming initiated, Kitty Pryde in her mercenary guise darts, planting a hand on some crates that she slides across the top of on her way to the landing platform.

Anyone still awake that tries to stop her, Kitty zig-zags to give them the impression they've missed her if they take a shot or otherwise try to harm her. Upon reaching the helicopter she ducks under it as if for cover. While meanwhile her phased hand is passing through the avionics. Until she finds a processor or some memory and shuts down the helicopter for good.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
While everyone else is 'unmasking' so to speak, Marie opts not to. The seer is straddling a thin line when it comes tot heir current foe. On one side, her loyalty is to her friends. They're practically family, afterall. On the other side? Hammer is a Club member, and she works there and would rather not lose her job.

So, she gives a satisfied grunt and draws her sticks, holding them at the ready to attack if a fight breaks out. If they're /really/ lucky, the enemy forces will just surrender, or run away, or something along those lines!

Roberto da Costa has posed:
At this point Hammer is yelling apoplectic. Screaming incoherently at Sam as the Helicopter dies. The security force looks about but with their would be leader trapped and the obvious powers on display they give up, the payday is the same either way apparently. Batroc nods, "Descretion, she ees ze better of valor, no?" He hoists one of the bags and the cadre of merc disappear over the side and to wa waiting speedboat like Carmen Sandiego, entirely abandoning their leader.

Roberto approaches the chopper and there is for no other reason than contractual obligations a full-on dance off betweeen Justin and Berto, eat your heart out Pete Quill. Berto vanquishes his foe while explaining how he has been one step ahead of Hammer's efforts to take his company, that the leiutenant who had been 'embezzling' was actually acting at Berto's direction to stockpile cash, while making the company appear vulnerable. That cash was now being used to purchase those platforms in Asia so that DI could expand their Green Energy program.

    Justin Hammer sneers, "You're children, I don't los to children. You don't know who you have pissed off today, upstart! There will be a reckoning."

    Berto sighs, "That is the second time in as many weeks people have told me that. I think I might be doing something right?"