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Latest revision as of 07:30, 17 April 2020

Bro Bro Bro!
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: East Village
Synopsis: Some bad Bro Bro Bros shake down a nice old couple. A handful of good Samaritans save the day!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Shuri, Shang-Chi, Colleen Wing, Laura Kinney

Emma Frost has posed:
"Bro, bro, bro," the tracksuit clad man at the head of the group of several tracksuit clad men says to the bodega owner in the apron. "You need pay, or we break your windows today. You no pay tomorrow, we break everything else."

The bodega owner's wife, standing behind him, looks like she's about to cry.

Shuri has posed:
So, technically she wasn't supposed to be in this area alone. She was supposed to be here with her usual guard as she is a princess but then she is also Shuri so she does what she wants. She was here partially to see what she could see and partially because she had heard that some people in this area like to cause trouble. One should not go looking for trouble but Shuri had really not had an oppportunity to 'stretch' her legs in a while. And it really was just dumb luck that these bunch of no neck losers had picked this bodega.

Popping up from behind an aisle where she was looking at candy choices from this unique little shop, Shuri blinks a few times at the men.

"Oh, I didn't know someone was conducting business here." She smiles as she moves around the aisle to stand at the end so she can see the men, "So, is that how things are handled in this part of New York?" She asks and then she idly stretches her arms up, "Trade deals are made in a form of destruction?" She nods her head and then puts her hands on her hips, "Then I wish to conduct business as well."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Nothing like a nice evening stroll with a friend after a good sparring session and some fine tea. Has the walk perhaps extended far longer than might have been originally intended, taking the pair of Shang-Chi and Colleen Wing far from the original neighborhood they started in? Well, sometimes walks have a tendency to do that, especially if the conversation is pleasant, which apparently has been so.

So there is laughter and the sound of chattering voices coming near the bodega, but the conversation halts abruptly as the pair nears the open door. There's a certain tension in the air that no doubt Colleen can sense as readily as Shang-Chi...that silent "buzz" that speaks of violence being close at hand.

The Master of Kung-Fu does not warn Colleen...such a thing is unnecessary, as she is more than capable of handling herself in such matters. Instead, there is simply a brief look towards her, laughter turned to solemn purpose, and a nod, acknowledging that the path before him is clear. If or how she chooses to follow is her own decision, but once that silent communication is made, he moves through the door, sidestepping to leave the path clear, and arriving just in time to hear Shuri's comment, which brings a quirk of humor to Shang-Chi's lips.

"Pay me no mind, I'm just here for a hot Pastrami sandwich."

The fighting stance he drops into as naturally as breathing might put the lie to that, however.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Oh she had to get out of the dojo. What seemed like an endless stream of lessons had kept her quite busy unable to veture out. However, when a friend such as SHani-Chi suprises you and wants to go for a walk aroud the old neighborhood, you go for a walk around the neighborhood. She does sense it, something wrong, something eerily quiet coming from the nearby bodega and when the silent communication is shared, Colleen gives a nod to her companion and with a deep breath enters the bodega behind him.

Entering after him, she just misses Shuri's comment, but Shang's recieves a response before her head is raised to see what is happening before her. "When since have you ever eaten..." Words stop and she looks the tracksuited men over and the frightened worker and his wife. "Just once...just once I would love to be able to buy milk without trouble." She tilts her head from side to side and reaches her hands up behind her to tighten her ponytail and assuming a Japanese styled stance.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Peering through a monocular, Talon gets a good look at the license plate of the car the tracksuited mooks had arrived in. ...Yep, definitely one of the plate numbers she'd acquired on the list. Tucking the device back into a pouch on her belt, the teen parkours her way down the fire escape and starts heading towards the bodega itself. Go in, scare them off, they'll drive back to their base. And thanks to the GPS tracker she slips into a wheelwell, she'll know where that safehouse is. And then she can raid it and take their stuff. An excellent plan, overall.

     The bell at the door rings again, and a shorter teenager clad in black with the hood of her sweatshirt pulled low enters, heading into the aisles and 'browsing'. Those with more tactical knowledge might notice that she's flanking around into an ideal ambush position...

Emma Frost has posed:
"Bro," says the leader to Shang-Chi. "You don't want to do this right now, bro."

"Yeah, bro," chimes in the second guy behind him. "Yeah bro, yeah!"

The old man who owns the bodega says in a shaking voice, "I don't want no trouble. No trouble."

A couple of the tracksuits give Colleen and Shuri a once-over, then obviously dismiss them for being... well, merely women.

What nice guys, right?

The leader turns back to the bodega owner. "You pay double now, bro." He looks at the old woman. "Go get money, bro."

The woman sniffles. "Please don't damage our shop!" Behind her, a black-and-white patchy coated cat lets out a sad mewl.

"Pay the money, bro," the leader says.

Shuri has posed:
"Oh, I see that I have not made my intentions clear." Shuri states and looks past the men toward Shang-Chi and Colleen. She waves a hand, "You do not need to worry, these men are merely conducting business." She nods her head and she idly steps closer and over toward the owners, "Hi." She waves a hand at the man who ignored her.

"I propose that you give this up now or I break all of your noses. You give it up later and I break more." She looks over at the owners and then back at the men, "Am I doing it right? Well, perhaps a down payment is necessary."

Shuri was not a traditional martial artist. Even with the training from her uncle and brother, she had her own way of doing things. In her left hand is a small orb and she is rolling it idly between her fingers, "Hold this please and thank you." And she tosses it right at the man in front of her before her right hand lashes out with incredible speed right for the man's nose, attempting to break it. Then the orb will either be caught or aim for his chest. Either way, once it does hit, it sparks a brief moment before unleashing a short burst of power equivalent to a police tazer.

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi tilts an eyebrow as Laura meanders right in-between himself and Colleen, acting oblivious to the matters at hand. There's a flicker of...concern? But when the tracksuit-wearing fellow speaks up, he lets out a short, mildly frustrated sigh, "You are quite correct, I do /not/ want to do this right now. And yet I cannot permit myself to allow this to proceed. So I grant you the opportunity to depart with no harm having come to you, and leave these good people to their lives, unburdened by your corruption."

"But you do not strike me as wise enough to make that choice."

Shang-Chi then listens to Shuri's comments, trying to hide the little grin from his face, and then she's taking the initiative.

Well, that decides that.

Shang-Chi launches himself forward in a blur, with speed that displays the utmost limits of human capability, and slips right past the nearest Tracksuit Mafioso, slapping his back with enough force to send him stumbling right towards Colleen, while his other fist lashes out for a Second Mafioso's throat, precisely controlled to give him the sensation of choking for a moment without /actually/ collapsing his throat.

The gambit works, as the man instinctively reaches to clutch at his own throat, leaving his body open for Shang-Chi to launch a flurry of machine-gun fists to the man's torso, before a straight high kick catches him beneath the chin, sending him flying back amidst his comrades.

Colleen Wing has posed:
And so it begins. The time for talking is over. Colleen has always been a woman of few words and always let her hands and feet do the talking. There is casual shrug given when Shuri launches into attack mode, eyes actually widening at the style of the attack and the orb. Who to attack first? That question is qickly answered when Shang pushes one forcefully back at her with his hand.

The tracksuited man before her is given a sweet smile as he is spun around by her hand grabbing his shoulder and pulling, her other hand striking fast and accurately with a karate styled knife hand strike to his vagus nerve in his neck, an attmept to cause disorientation or render him unconscious. The effectiveness of the quick strike is quickly seen as the man crumples to the floor before her after wobbling a second.

Colleen steps over him and walks forward, putting herself between the bodega owner, his wife and the tracksuited men. "Send me another Shang." She looks over her shoulder to the couple behind the counter. "I would suggest you duck down."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     ...Oh hey. Looks like other people had the same idea she did. Laura pads up behind one of the oblivious thugs, popping a toe claw with a snikt inaudible over the sound of fighting. A quick jabbing kick slices the man's achilles tendon, and he's promptly shoved into one of his friends. One relatively disabled, she turns to lunge towards the next closest bratva member who isn't being currently assailed

Emma Frost has posed:
The ball hits the leader in the chest, and he looks down. Then...


Convulsing, he hits the ground, out for the count. The old lady and old man both freak out. "No no no! Not in the shop! Please!" the old woman begs, as Colleen interposes herself between the nice old couple and the bad, bad men.

Her husband sighs, shaking his head. "Insurance will drop us if our shop gets wrecked again! Third time this year already!"

That's all right, though, as Shang-Chi shoves his second at Colleen and takes the third down quickly. There's a bit of a pileup at the door of the shop as the fourth goon drops screaming in agony, clutching his ankle as blood gushes onto the bodega's linoleum floor.

The fifth goon meets Laura's lunge with a snarl, squatting and then lifting himself for a powerful uppercut to try and knock out the teen lunging towards him.

Number six looks at Shuri in fear. "DON'T TASE ME, BRO!" he yells, diving towards the exit of the shop-- and Shang-Chi.

Meanwhile, number seven gives Colleen a once over and swings a fist at her.

Shuri has posed:
"I believe none of these men know their genders very well." She shakes her head, "They call everyone bro." She shakes her head even as she looks down at the leader and then looks at the work of the others, "Please do me a favor and break all of their noses except for the one running away. We did have a deal." She nods her head as she gestures to the man who is trying to escape.

Then in the midst of chaos she turns around and smiles at the couple behind the counter, "Do not worry about any damages. If there are any, I would hate for you to lose your insurance. I will cover that damage. What I would recommend is reaching out to the proper authorities." She nods, "They will need to collect the ones with broken noses."

Shang-Chi has posed:
It almost looks like Shang-Chi is taking a step back when the fellow bolts towards him, crossing one foot behind the other, but right as the man comes within reach, Shang-Chi reaches out and seizes him, pivoting on those feet and both using and contributing to the fellow's momentum and literally flinging him right out the front door of the shop. Broken nose? Well, maybe, as he did go mostly-head first, but it wasn't really the goal.

Shang-Chi pivots back to survey the scene, seemingly not noticing that the man rather quickly regains his feet and tries to charge back in...until he gets a no-look elbow to the gut and a backfist to the face that lays him out on the sidewalk in front of the door.

-Now- he has a broken nose.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen is simply waiting and when another one of the men makes a step towards her and swings a punch, she sidesteps and grabs his wrist, her other hand going up and pushing hard on the back of his shoulder, quickly forcing him face down on the counter of the bodega. There is a lot of pressure put on the shoulder and she twists him up into a folded arm bar behind his back, pushing upwards and threatening to dislocate his shoulder.

Holding the arm in place with one hand, she reaches out to the counter and grabs a long fire striker lighter set off to the side. Her hand shoves the strikes into one of the man's nostrils and she tightens the arm hold. Her tone is soft and her words condescending. "Apologise. Go on. Say you are sorry. You are one click away from losing all your nose hair."

It may not be a broken nose, but unless he apologizes he is going to smell fire.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     One down, One currently trying to knock her out. Laura leans back, the heavily telegraphed uppercut whiffing past her nose. The attack is repaid with a knee in the groin, a palm strike to the nose that makes a nice crunching noise, and a downward chop that elicits another distinct crack. Better hope this guy's left handed, because his right is out of commission now. ...Hang on, is that everyone?

Emma Frost has posed:
That is, in fact, the entire collection of self-important goons in Adidas tracksuits, yes.

Six are laying around in various states of groaning or moaning in pain, and the seventh is about to have his nose lit on fire.

"BRO! DON'T BURN ME BRO!" he yells.

The old man winces. "If... you set him on fire, can it not be on the counter? Smell of burnt hair and flesh is hard to get out."

Shuri has posed:
Smiling as she looks over at the people laying about before she walks over to the man that is being held by Colleen. She leans down to look at him before she shakes her had, "She said to apologize. I think you really need to work on your listening skills." She then shrugs and looks to Shang-Chi and then at Laura, "Well, done. Interesting that we were all here at this time." She then looks to Colleen and nods to her before she stands up straight, "This has been most invigorating!"

She then blinks and looks to the old man, "Oh and," She reaches down and selects a Butterfinger and places it on the counter, "I would like one of these. Thank you."

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi steps over the groaning and/or semi-conscious forms of the fallen goons, carefully reaching over the counter to take the lighter from Colleen's hand (and out of the fellow's nose), giving her a somewhat amused look.

"I think perhaps he has learned a valuable lesson, at least for tonight. And I'm not sure how well you ladies would take to being called "Bro" when he apologizes to you."

He grabs the man by the ear, and asides over his shoulder, "One hot pastrami sandwich, please."

And then he carts the fellow out by said ear, all but flinging him out the door.

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen allows the lighter to be taken from her hand, giving Shang-Chi a casual shrug and a small smile. "What? I wasn't really going to do it. Do you know what that smells like?" She release her grasp as Shang take the man by the ear and shuffles him out the door, turning now to face the bodega and giving a nod to Shuri and Laura. "Same time tomorrow?"

SHe reaches into her pocket and throws a 20 down on the counter. "For the sandwich and butterfinger. Oh and a half-gallon of milk. You can keep what's left." She steps away and makes her way towards the back of the store to grab her milk/

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "I followed them here." Laura shrugs, now revealed to be wearing a half mask over the lower half of her face, and retracts the toe claw before anyone sees it. ...HOpefully. Snagging a couple bags of hostess donuts from the shelves, she pulls a 20 from her pocket and slips it onto the counter. "Keep the change. My apologies for the mess." Turning, she starts to head for the door again.

Emma Frost has posed:
The nice old lady steps behind the deli counter to make and wrap up a sandwich for Shang-chi, while her husband takes the payment for the various orders and rings them up int he register. "Thank you so much! And for handling these bad, bad men!"

Shuri has posed:
A blink at this and she looks over at the man that is thrown out. She considers, "Should he have received a broken nose?" SHe considers and then blinks at Colleen paying for things and then Laura lays out money, "Oh no no." She says to them, "Really, I should not allow you to pay for me or for this. I appreciate it, I do, but I do not believe that it is necessary." She shakes her head adn opens up a pouch at her hip before pulling out a card, "I can pay for everything, really." She nods her head, the black card in hand.

She then blinks at Laura, "Oh and I am Shuri, of Wakanda." She nods her head.

Shang-Chi has posed:
Shang-Chi returns, dusting off his hands, and turning his attention towards the proprieters, "Do you have a mop? It appears we got some blood on your floor. I will gladly clean it up for you." He grins a bit at Colleen, "Truly, I wished to spare you the odor." There's a flicker of amusement as everyone threatens to try to pay for others, though he doesn't seem to argue Colleen paying for his sandwich.

He does, however, borrow a pen and some scratch paper to write down a number and give it to the couple, "If these men trouble you again, do not hesitate to call. I cannot be here instantly, but I have some skill at teaching lessons that need to be taught."

And Shuri's introduction gets a bow from the waist from Shang-Chi, "I am Shang-Chi. Recently of Gotham City."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen comes sauntering back in typical carefree Colleen fashion with a half-gallon in her hand, smiling to Shuri and Laura. "Colleen. I just came for the milk." At the mention of everything being paid for by Shuri she shrugs, reaches for the twenty and pushes it down in a can on the counter for a homless pet charity. "Thank you. The next time we all do this..I got it."

As she witnesses her friend give out her business card, Colleen raises a brow and rolls her eyes. "You stepping on my turf?" There is jest in her words. She reaches into her own pocket searching for a business card or something, and after realizing she does not have one, leans into the couple and whispers. "Chikara Dojo. Chinatown. Free first lesson and a t-shirt." She turns and winks to Shang. "What? Girl gotta eat."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "Talon." Laura shrugs, she's contributed her payment somehow at least. "I should go." After, of course, she gets some more intel. One of the unconscious thugs is quickly relieved of his cell phone. Not like he'll be needing it where he's going. "I must follow this phone to the next link in the chain before the bratva realize their team was stopped." ...And probably recover her GPS beacon. Not like these guys are driving anywhere.

Shuri has posed:
A blink as she notes how things are playing out before she puts down her card and then turns back to Laura in time to blink, "Well, that was an odd girl." She states simply enough before she turns her gaze to Colleen with a wide smile, "You have a dojo? I would very much like to see it!" She states enthusiastically, "I am curious as to what is being taught here in America." She then nods to Shang-Chi, "And it is good to meet you both. I have heard unpleasent things about Gotham. I must visit."

Shang-Chi has posed:
"Well if that's the case, I could probably spare half a hot pastrami sandwich?" Shang-Chi replies to Colleen with a mischievous grin, stage-whispering, "I've never tried one before, I'm looking forward to it."

There is a bit of a troubled look towards Laura when she speaks to herself, but he looks back to Shuri when she speaks, "Gotham is home to very resilient people, and it is a place of many experiences. Some of them are even pleasant."

Colleen Wing has posed:
Colleen looks to Laura as she states she has to go, caling out to her. "Hey. If you ever need backup...you know where to find me. Honestly, just stop by." Her eyes drifto to Shuri and she offers another half-smile. "Yes. I do. In Chintown. Don't let the outward appearance fool you. Okay, it is not all that impressive inside either, but trust me it's the best around. Substance over apperarance right? Stop by anytime. I am almost always there...well I kind of live there too so... yeah."

Her attention goes back to Shang and she pats him once on the shoulder. "Pastrami huh? I would have pegged you more for a roast beef."

Shuri has posed:
A smile and she nods her head at Collee before nodding to Shang-Chi again before taking her candy bar and heading for the door, "I will keep both in mind." She then takes a bite of her candy bar as she walks out the door, smiling back and offering a wave.