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Around the Tower In Five Seconds Flat
Date of Scene: 16 June 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Wally comes bearing gifts. Caitlin Fairchild, Donna Troy, and Jinx scare the life out of him before it's beer o'clock!
Cast of Characters: Wally West, Jinx, Donna Troy, Caitlin Fairchild

Wally West has posed:
A red blur moves in and out of the tower.





Until suddenly it's sprinting inside again. Though there are a few boxes in more than a few different places. What stands in the middle of this sudden mayhem is Wally West, AKA (one of) The Flash. He's wearing his uniform, with the addition of a blue baseball cap that says 'FTL' in big letters and a pen in his hand, scribbling down on a clipboard.

"Oooooookay-" He flips over a piece of paper. "Thaaaaat's one-" He goes through an entire list of things. Even a few that sound kind of strange. "-A toaster, a chihuaha doll, a Superman T-shirt, a Wonder Woman leggings pack, an ace the Bat Hound minifigure, and an Avengers mug. All in a day's work for the Wallman."

Then he looks around. "Wait a second. Oh no. Ohhhh this is bad. Really, really bad." He then checks his watch. "...I forgot to take a break." Wally shrugs, 'clocking out' of his FTL delivery service work to immediately take a longer glance around the place. "Ahem."




Jinx has posed:
Jinx casually wanders out not having noticed the blur but certainly the random boxes everywhere. "What the hell is this?" In particular, she moves one box out of the way on the coffee table so she can flop down on the couch and put her feet up.

Controller in hand, she fires up Faster Than Light immediately upon seeing Wally's hat. It's a fun game, what can one say more about that anyway. "Which one are you?," she asks Wally having seen his uniform, "Fastimus The Fastest Fast Alive?" She knows exactly who he is.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Yes Wally," Donna replies. She's in the kitchen area of the main room, putting away a sizable food delivery (the Titans go through a lot of food). Clearly Wally isn't the only person delivering things today. "I'm right here." Donna smirks at Wally with indulgent amusement. Speedsters are inevitably a bit impulsive, even if only one of them calls themselves Impulse. They never think to just stop and take a moment to check! Wally was the first speedster to join the Titans, but not the last. It's all so familiar.

    "Never ask a speedster which one of them is fastest," Donna tells Jinx. "They all claim to be fastest. You get an argument, and then a race. And then a bunch of hungry speedsters who've burned a few hundred thousand calories and need to consume every scrap of food in the place." Donna stops her work for a moment to look at the large carton of ice cream in her hand, then glance with a slightly guilty expression in Wally's direction before shrugging and putting the ice cream in the freezer. It's probably for the best that Wally doesn't notice just how much junk food she feeds his daughter. Given how close to his own age she is, that's an awkward conversation all round.

    "She has a point though, Wally. What /is/ all of this?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Yeah, just-- hold up, I'm--" there's a lurch, a THUD, a crash and a startled exclamation that turns into the most mild of profanities: "Oh, cheese and crackers!"

Caitlin more or less falls out of her bedroom door and turns a murderous glare to the contents of the room. She pokes the door panel as hard as she dares and the panel slides shut with a decidedly unsatisfying hiss of hydraulics.

"I really wish we had slammable doors," she remarks to no one in particular, and exit's the women's wing to enter the main room. It looks like she has a day off from the hospital, trading in her pink scrubs for calf-length grey leggings and a bright pink hoodie that says 'Columbia Med' in fresh new lettering. "What's the emergency?" she inquires with no preamble, and looks around the room with her palms flexed open in uncertain inquiry.

Wally West has posed:
"AH!" Wally shouts in complete terror at the presence of Jinx giving Wally a hard time.

"AH!!" Another shout towards Donna when she reveals herself also present.

"AAAAHHH!!!" He screams Caitlin's way when she also appears.

Yes, he's totally got his fists up near his chin in everything, screaming like he's about to get mugged and he could scream 'Superman' to come save him. But then he remembers himself. "Geez, you guys can't sneak up on me like that. When did you guys get so stealthy? It's like Robin and Nightwing and Hoodman and Robin again and Nightwing-" Yes, Wally says Nightwing twice and reintroduces the amount of stealthy people who have been trained by Batman to come and go with the Titans. "-must've taught you all something. Sheesh!"

He's also supremely unobservant.

A blur and he's in front of Jinx. "You're new! Your hair is awesome by the way. Oh, the hat?" He flicks it into his hand, offering it to Jinx. "FTL Delivery, at your service. The world's only privately operatedly and one-man team Superhero delivery service! You want it, I'll bring it. I'm like a cooler Amazon, if Jeff Bezos had superpowers. Which he doesn't. Becuse that would be busted. Name's Flash! Or Wally, if you're feeling personal."

He zooms over to Donna, offering her a big hug. "HEY DON! How you doing? Loving the hair. Did you cut it recently or am I just not paying enough attention? Secondly, thirdly, and fourthly, I'm the Fastest! Don't 'at' me." He hesitates. "Isn't that what they say on twitter nowadays? Facebook? Book face? I don't pay enough attention to social media. Also, lookin' good Donna. Benching a few more pounds? Biceps lookin' /rad/."

He blurs as he moves to Caitlin. "HEEEY! If it ain't my favorite redhead. Sorry I screamed at you wearlier, it's like you always have to do things in threes. Like the kool-aid man appearing. 'oh no, oh no, oh no, OH YEAH!' That kind of thing." He notices that she looks...rather murderous in her glare and he gulps. "...I messed up, didn't I."

And sheer terror crosses his features.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx stares at his screams of surprise. "So.. you're a hero right? That's a very heroic heroing you're doing there with all the screaming and boxes." She raises an eyebrow. A small smirk graces her lips at the way Donna describes the dynamics of 'who is fastest'.

"You woke up the Princess who should be getting her I-Do-Medicine sleep. Good job Flash." Whom she now knows has the first name 'Wally'. Progress. But calling him Flash somehow feels more appropriate right now.

"Don't get attached. I'm only here because of imminent conspiracy global threat and court ordered rehabilitation." She's not going to mention the dream that suggests she's actually a Titan already -nor- is she going to mention what Bart told her about his version of the future.

"I want it, you bring it. Even if it's, say, a weapon that can kill Superman?" She waggles an eyebrow and then quickly looks around to see if Supergirl turns up. She has super hearing after all. You never know.

"You know Jeff Bezos is actually more evil than me right? he runs a slave driven corporation where employees have to pee in bottles. He's literally made billions off the suffering of the little person. It's shit like this that made me want to conquer the world to begin with." She selects the Zoltan Cruiser for this run of FTL.

Donna Troy has posed:
    There might be a look of bemusement on Donna's face if she didn't know Wally well enough by now to simply be amused by it all. "We snuck up on you by using the cunning technique of being here already when you arrived," she explains to him while returning the hug. "I'm the coolest Amazon though. There's really no contest."

    "The first of our Speedsters," she explains to Jinx. "And yes, he's always like this. He's Irie's father, though technically he isn't Irie's father yet. That's time travel nonsense for you. Never a good idea, but when people mess around with the Speed Force too much it has a tendency to happen anyway. And Bart's..." she looks doubtful for a moment. "Some kind of cousin. It's hard to keep track with Flashes. We don't really do the 'Xth cousin' thing in Themyscira. We'd use the equivalent word to 'cousin' to indicate anyone related but not immediate family. So... cousin. He's Bart's cousin."

    "Wally, this is Jinx." Yes, it's introductions time. "She used to be a supervillain, but she's realized that her former allies are jerks and decided to go straight. Straight-ish, anyway. One of the Fearsome-We-Can't-Count. And yes, Bezos is definitely more evil than you."

    Donna finishes stuffing the freezer full of ice cream and moves on to filling the fridge, pausing just a moment to give Caitlin a sympathetic look. "We do have slammable doors," she counters. "All doors are slammable if you really need to slam them. It's just that the doors we have here will tend to break if you slam them."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's lips thin at Wally, but really the extent of her ire lasts no more than a heartbeat or so. It's not like it's actually -his- fault that she stood up too fast, smacked her knee under the desk, and knocked over a tray full of precision tools. "Oh, it's OK Wally," she promises, and gives him a brief, warm hug. "I'm not really mad. I'm just glad there isn't an actual emergency."

She walks past Wally to where the boxes are and examines the contents with a furrowed brow. "Donna, I haven't broken any Tower property in years and I'm not about to start. I'm just saying, once in a while I wish we had slammable doors. With that great big *thud* sound," she says, and looks mute appeal towards Jinx to back up her statement. "I mean, sliding doors, it's just not the same. Right?"

Wally West has posed:
Wally gulps.

Caitlin could crush him like a bug. Though Caitlin gives him a warm hug instead of giving him the high five of MORTAL DEMISE. Wally hugs her back, a smile brilliant and shining towards her. "Good to see you too. No emergency here, just these guys acting so quietly. Like..." He leans in consiratorily. "/Really/ quietly. Don't let them tell you anything differently. I absolutely didn't scream like a girl. Okay? Okay. Done deal. Let's get 'em."

Though suddenly he's blurring and he's over by the boxes. "Just some things folks around the tower have ordered. Myself included! I picked up some of the delivery orders. I would've had future Wally do it, but present Wally was invested in getting it done." He smiles, flexing both of his arms. "Yeeeeep. I'm good at my job."

He looks at Donna then, gasping. "Lies and slander! I notice /everything/!" He really, really, REALLY doesn't. "I have /special eyes/. Not like Conner's eyes, that guy can see everything it feels like. But I can tell when people are already in a room Don." He scoffs. Nonsense. "So you guys must've learned from stabby bird-" Damian "On how to be significantly quiet. Most of you can fly too! You're not fooling me so easily." He smiles, laughing aloud as he gives her a big hug in return. "/AND/ the best!" Of the speedsters. "Yeah, don't get me started on Bart. Now that kid has IMPULSE. Probably why he picked the name. Hey, have you ever wondered why he looks /exactly/ like me? We sure he's also not one of my future kids? Maybe a future descendant as opposed to a cousin? Dunno. Spoilers! It's why I don't ask. Till then! He's cousin-ified."

He snaps his fingers. "And yeah, you are the best Amazon. You're cool!" He smiles happily, and he turns to Jinx. "Hi Jinx! Nice name. Cool as heck. Do you live up to your name or is it just really *edgy*?" He frowns when he realizes he woke up Caitlin from her study coma. "Sorry..." He slumps his shoulders. "Kill Superman?! Nah. Now if you want to give Big Blue a flower or something? Then we can talk." He fingerguns. "And...well, I won't get into that. Money is money and I don't got any." He shrugs. "and that was a very /tough/ scream!"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx shrugs a little at Donna's explanation of Wally. "Yuhuh. I did my research before we attacked the tower remember? I know who he is. Wally 'the' Flash. Also keeping track of flashers is the governments job. They keep an offenders list you can look up by area."

Tongue in cheek a little. Though she didn't know he was Irie's to-be-dad. That's quite interesting. Timey-whimey nonsense. Time travel is bad. That's why she's not going to do time travel, only time voyeur. "Hey saying I'm going straight is bi-erasure." She snap points at Donna.

She flies her Zoltan ship straight in to an anomaly sector with a drone attacking. "Oh wow this is a bad start... the RNG hates me. But nothing new there." She lowers the controller and stares at Wally. "Hey, can you run so fast you can loop around the world and smack yourself on your own arse?" Straight-ish.

At the mention of sliding doors from Caitlin, she selects doors open/close/open/close/open/close/open on the Zoltan space ship. Air leaks out. It starts to red line. She shuts them again. "You're right. Slammable doors are more satisfying. Less evil-lair though. This building is shaped like a T. It's the most evil lair looking building in Metropolis."

Jinx's face drops at the million mile an hour conversation that comes out of Wally's mouth. "By the gods make it stop..." She sets the controller aside and rises up from the couch. "Is it even human. Does anyone else get to speak? how does this work..." She can't help but tease.

"Mhm that's me. Super edgy. No special powers what so ever. Just regular ol' joe supervillainess at yer service." Clearly observing who is in a room or researching world threats isn't Wally's strong suit. "If you can time travel like your cousins and daughter why not travel in to the future and get the next lottery numbers; or stock market results; then come back and set yourself up comfortably for life."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You're talking to the wrong Amazon for that Jinx," Donna says with a smirk. "You know exactly what I mean by 'going straight.'" Fridge loading is done, and all that remains is a box full of dry supplies Donna takes into the walk-in-pantry.

    "Evil lairs tend to be more secretive," Donna's voice calls back out from inside. "We're hardly hiding out by having a lair that's in the shape of our initial which can be seen across most of the city. It's a /good/ lair. I mean we're even in the phone book. How many evil lairs are in the phone book? It would be a lot easier for us if they were though. Save on detecting. The various Robins could retire."

    "And no, it never stops. It's a speedster thing. Bart and Irie are better housebroken, that's all."

    "The fridge, Cait. The fridge has a slammable door. You can slam that when you get frustrated. Just be careful not to spill all the snacky shakes when you do it."

    There's a pause, then "Wally? Are you saying someone at the tower ordered an Avengers mug? Traitor! It was Kate, wasn't it. I bet it was Kate. Clint is a terrible influence on her. We should force him to change his codename into something difference. Hawkeye is Kate's now, he can't have it any more."

    Donna comes out of the pantry, carrying four bottles, which she holds up. "Who wants beer?" she asks.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Yeah, that one is on Vic and Nightwing," Caitlin tells Jinx. "The T Tower, I mean. And I'm pretty sure Gar had a hand in it, too. By the time the rest of us found out they'd already purchased the architectural plans and broke ground." She shrugs with a self-effacing 'what can you do' expression and heads to the kitchen to correct-- er, help-- Donna's unpacking, because Caitlin has some *very specific* ideas about how HER kitchen should be laid out. A grin flashes over her fine features as Jinx messes with the airlock doors just to validate Caitlin's sensibility. "I don't think it's evil. At least, not when the lighting is working correctly."

She shakes her head negatively at Donna's offer of a beer, opting instead to go to the side of the refridgerator and pull two SnackyShakes(tm) from the dispenser. One classic chocolate, one in a fruit blend, and she puts them both on the island so Wally can pick the one he wants before she takes the alternate.

Because if *she's* hungry, Wally definitely is.

"Wally, just--" she pats the air with her palm, a little gesture to cue him to slow it down a bit. "You're on your break, right? Time to relaaaax," she encourages him. Jinx isn't wrong, Wally *is* going at about 150% of anyone else's cruising speed.

"Y'know," she tells him a beat later. "I could ask the hospital if they need courier work. Sometimes there are organ transplants that have to get across the country as fast as possible. It's pretty important work, I mean-- 'lives on the line' important, but if you'd like something that pays pretty well..." she lifts one shoulder at him with a shrug, and the casually hipchecks Donna while the dark-haired princess circulates through the kitchen area and gets too close.

Wally West has posed:
"Well at least you're not attacking right /now/. That'd be pretty lame. You're not lame, right? And come on, the government can't keep up! Theyvd got bigger fish to fry, literally. Did you know that 35% of fish-" Wally actually starts talking so fast his voice becomes high pitched and it becomes nearly impossible to determine what he's saying unless one attuned their ears to a higher frequency. He probably comments on the bi-erasure comment, but what he says in actuality is completely unknown.

A cruising speed of 150% is not wrong. "Slap my own ass? Why would I do that? That's kind of weird. Abd I don't think it'd be satisfying. I'm too skinny! If I did that, I think I might slap myself into the Speed Force abd that'd be REAL bad. I remember when ol' Garrick was talking to me about it. Real spitshiner." Can't stop won't stop! That is, until Caitlin helpfully reminds him he's on break. "Hello Wally!" He smacks himself in the head.

"Sorry, I'll try and slow down."

He's barely holding it together. It's sooooo slooooww. "Oo!" Wally peeks up immediately when Caitlin's SnackyShake is set onto the countertop island and Wally stares at both options Caitlin has presented. His eyes narrow. He looks at one. Menotizes the flavor by the text. He slowly turns to ye other...and he finally grabs one! "Cheers!" and he starts to consume it.

Beer too?! "You /do/ love me!" Wally motions to accept a beer from Donna with a big smile on his face, one that's replaced by horror. "Hey! I just talk fast. Never know when it's a last day, huh? Gotta get out as much as possible?"

He smiles Caitlin's way, speeding over to rest his elbow on her shoulder. "This is delicious! We should really sell this stuff. And I'd love to help deliver important things like organs for transplants. No money needed! Long as you put in a good word? I'm always ready to help."

Jinx has posed:
Jinx grins at Donna as she's called out on the 'going straight' ribbing. Truth be told she'd love to remain forever single and visit Themyscira and have the time of her life. Priorities. She stares wistfully in to the distance as she imagines a tropical paradise filled with naked women.

The discussion about evil lairs snaps her back and she lifts up a finger, "Hang on. You don't get off that easy. This place has a potentially homicidal AI, wolves that chase you down in a virtual room, giant guns and lasers defending the entry points - and let's not forget the crazy magic Raven set up everywhere. JUST like an evil lair."

She lifts up a hand, "Beer me." The aforementioned beer thrown hits her hand awkwardly and then drops and hits her head, "OW FUCK!" She rubs her head and then opens the beer. It froths up too much and on to the controller. The lights go out on the controller killing it. "Aargh. Too many days without discharging makes Jinx an unhappy sorceress!"

She stands up and pats down the wet spot on her top now smelling of beer. The beer is still mostly in tact so she takes a long sip of it. "It's more a theoretical question - like, 'go fuck yourself' would potentially be possible depending on how fast you actually are." Her voice is a little British singsong and it's clear she doesn't actually want him to go away.

No, instead, she eyes his derriere and comments: "I've seen worse." With the FTL game ruined until she can replace the controller she walks over and tries to give Wally's butt a hearty slap to test Wally's theory that his butt is too skinny.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Hipchecks between Caitlin and Donna happen quite a lot when the pair of them are moving around the kitchen area. Or inside the T-Jet. Or an elevator. Or generally anywhere conditions are moderately cramped. Or when there's any other excuse. Just friendly little bumps that would probably crush anyone who accidentally got in the way.

    Once beers are passed out to Jinx and Wally, Donna slides the third across the counter in Caitlin's general direction in case she wants one to follow up her Snacky Shake with, then pops the cap on her own and takes a swig. "That," she comments to Wally, nodding in Jinx's direction, "Is how she gets her name. She has bad luck powers. Though there's some debate as to whether it's more a karma thing than that, because they tend to impact herself as much as anyone else."

    With the supplies now all put away and a beer in hand, Donna can relax too, and does a better job of taking breaks than Wally seems capable of doing. She hops up onto the counter to take a seat, sprawling slightly and leaning on one hand, and taking another swig of beer."

    "Gar didn't have a hand in it Cait," she says. "He was still with the Doom Patrol when the tower was designed. Didn't officially sign up with us until what, a year after we moved in? Though he was hanging out here quite a lot before then. He certainly /loved/ the Tower, but it's one of the few things we can't really actually blame him for."

    "Also the tower's far too cool for blame to be the appropriate thing to be discussing. All those things, Jinx? An evil lair may have them, but they aren't exclusive characteristics of evil lairs. That's like saying that Titans Tower must be a hotel because it's got bedrooms in it. Titans Tower is totally a /good/ lair. Also, it's great, so everyone shut up."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin winces visibly at Jinx's profanity. Twice. It's not impossible she makes a small, nearly inaudible distressed noise, but she absolutely *does not* look at the Swear Jar on the shelf (with several other jars, like the Mess in a Kitchen jar and the Secret Identity Fail jar). Fortunately Wally saves her from making any kind of comment, and she flashes a grin at the other redhead for his flattery. "No way, this is *our* secret recipe," she whispers to him sotto voce.

"I keep forgetting that," Caitlin admits to Donna. "I feel like he was here at the beginning. Or, at least anytime Vic did something silly, I just automatically assume Garfield was right there with him."

The fact that the others are relaxing seems to nudge Caitlin into letting the cleaning sit for a while, so she does just that, and instead moves over to the common area to drop into her favorite comfy chair (also the only one built on the scale of Asgardians, with the requisite durability). "Jinx, maybe you can talk with Raven about setting up some kind of .... probability grounding rod. Something to neutralize the passive discharges? I can't help but worry that sooner or later, it's going to kick in while you're carrying something heavy down the stairs," she says, with a genuinely concerned expression for the sorceress-turned-heroine.

Wally West has posed:
"Weeeelll that's just because it's exciting." Wally's reply on the homicidal AI, virtual wolf death matches, etcetera. "Vic was an anvsokute genius when he was putting this place together. I'm just stoked he actually went with the T-shape. Avengers got the A, The JL got the...well, a lot. Because Batman. We got our giant T!" Wally gives a smile, double dusting his SnackyShake and a beer and consuming one after the other.

Great for the metabolism! Thiugh Jinx attempts to get handset and she'll find a blur happens and her hand is batted away, like one would if they reached for food before grace was spoken. "No touchie!" He makes a karate chop hand motion, a la Kuzsco. He turns to Donna, a big smile shown towards her. "Uou know...Themyscira sounds amazing. I've never been, obviously, but it sounds great. Buuut I think it's a firmly 'no boys allowed' rule, right?" He sounds kinda sad about that. "And Titans Tower is GOATED. This place has it all! And I love our occasionally homicidal AI. We're pals, ain't that right?" He asks to the void, as if expecting a virtual high five any minute now.

"Our secret recipe." Wally confirms of Caitlin. Hd wouldn't dare try and get into the hipcheck game with her or Donna. Great way to shatter a hip bone until he could heal. He likes his bones where it is! "Raven's the best slellcaster I know. If anyone knows anything that can keep the bad luck stuff in check? It's gonna be her. The trick is getting in her hood side. Thankfully, I know /exactly/ how to do that."

Jinx has posed:
The blur that is the hand swatty away when Jinx tries to slap Wally's butt has her cluck her tongue, "Huh. Yeah. I see it now." That is, the annoying hero thing where he doesn't notice people in the room but a typical bad guy wouldn't be able to lay a hand on him. Superspeed. It's a thing ya'll.

"Yes touchy. Don't make me jinx you.." She narrows her huffs and takes another drink from the beer. "I'm used to getting what I want and if I don't get it - getting it by force. It's toxic and I'm sorry. Consent is king. May I please swat yer buttocks."

She cocks an eyebrow fully expecting a big ol' No to that request. "I'm not going to discuss another sorcerers magical prowess. Things get weird very quickly. And no, I'm absolutely not going to go to Raven with my problems Cait." She shudders, "Ugh. Besides, I just need to go outside and meditate on the lawn for a few hours. It'll be fun to do it with a bit of a buzz."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Does this count as progress, Cait?" Donna asks. "I mean Jinx here used to be a supervillain, and now she's asking permission to swat a superhero's buttocks. In the abstract it kind of seems like progress, except for..." she gestures vaguely with her bottle of beer, waving it in circles, perhaps to indicate the concept of 'this whole thing'. "You know. The everything."

    "Jinx is a good friend of Harley," Donna tells Wally. "Which explains pretty much everything. They've got a whole 'reformed but not completely, honestly' thing going on together. It creates an unusual dynamic, and Jinx may get you to watch the ill-advised TV show all about it. There's a part of me that worries that they'll be a bad influence on each other. Mostly though, I think they're probably good for each other -- and so far the destruction has remained within acceptable limits."

    "We're not exactly setting things up as a tourist destination Wally, but things are a little more open now than they were in the past. It's more kind of 'no boys allowed unless I ask really nicely first' these days. The visits you missed won't be the last opportunity. Be patient, it'll happen soon enough."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin just shakes her head in mock exasperation, but the fond expression on her face says it all. "Harley's good people, and if she's hanging out with Jinx, then Jinx is good people, too," Caitlin says with a firm tone and a declarative nod. "She was my pen pal in my Criminology 201 class," she explains to Jinx. "And we stayed in touch after it ended. I was one of the appeals to the parole board that declared her treated. I know she's got some rough edges but she is a good friend."

The redhead gathers up her drink and stands up suddenly, eying the hall to the dorms. "Much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to get back to studying," she admits. "We've got a test on infectious diseases coming up and it would be super interesting if it wasn't *so* gross. I've seen such horribles things in PowerPoint," Caitlin says, and shudders violently. Fingers wiggle in a wave farewell and she takes her leave of the others, going back to the grind of med school waiting in her room.