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Latest revision as of 22:51, 18 April 2020

Warm-Up to the Stark Expo
Date of Scene: 18 April 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: The lines cross for an agent provocateur, a princess, a prodigy, and a spider-geek. Tech, Tony, and tips.
Cast of Characters: David Alleyne, Peter Parker, Raven Darkholme, Shuri

David Alleyne has posed:
Morning at the Coffee Bean, and while it's mostly quiet for a Saturday morning, there's an excited buzz in the air that's not just from the coffee. The Stark Expo is starting in a little under twelve hours, and there's already some people that are working on getting together their caffine buzz so that they can spend the evening at the event and not worry about getting tired. A few students are studying, otherwise, while the weekend shift is working the counter and putting up freshly unboxed pastries.

Sitting at one of the tables with his laptop open, David is currently typing away as he is getting on his early morning gaming fix, a cup of coffee -- closed container, thank you very much -- is nearby with a half eaten quiche. He's currently dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans and a shirt that reads 'Coders Don't Byte - We Just Do Bits' - and a pair of translucent yellow/orange shades that settle over his ears and nose.

Peter Parker has posed:
This is not his scene yet. ESU classes for him won't start until the fall. But he was dumpster-diving along Engineer's Row, because he hadn't gotten his first paycheck from the new job, and he still had to save what he can. He did find a pretty nice 3-D printer that he could fix up, and it was a high-quality resin model.

So, on to coffee, maybe a nice blueberry donut, and then he can look forward to the Expo. Probably the only time he'll see Stark all this week.

Peter Parker steps up to the short line, patiently waiting his turn.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    There's a young brunette woman standing at the edge of the crowd and seemingly she's rather unremarkable except the streak of hairs that she's chosen to dye blue over her right eye. She is wearing a grey sweatshirt with the hood around her neck and shoulders. The girl has a cellphone in her hand and she's rocking on the balls of her toes to the ball of her heel in her clean sneakers. Mystique looks around the room with her brown eyes and seems to be able to relax a bit with a breath as her Charlotte persona seems to be undetected so far. Just getting breakfast. That's all.

David Alleyne has posed:
Typing away at his computer, David leans back with a gentle 'argh' in his voice. "Camp Sniper strikes again." comes the laugh of a complaint as he moves to take a sip from his coffee. After setting it down, he's getting ready to start the next match, when he starts to feel that gentle connection and unlocking of new skill sets. And when a certain set starts to settle in, he blinks for a moment. Sitting up fully in his chair, when he realizes how much martial arts he suddenly knows, he Keanu's, "Whoa."

But he's looking around a bit more warily, unsure of where that came from, the young mutant knitting his brows in confusion as he untangles the skill sets, mixed it with knowledge of photography, makeup, and who knows what else.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks over at David. Ouch. Sounds like the guy got owned. He seldom played online games. He got accused of cheating a couple of times, because NO ONE can react that fast.
Ah well.

Peter looks up as he is next. "Uhm, regular black coffee, three blueberry donuts...only two? All right, and two Boston cremes. Celebrating." He grinned, then handed the girl two $20s. "Keep the change. Got a new job at Stark Industries and I'm spreading the wealth."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Charlotte isn't much farther in line behind Parker and as such, she's getting prepared like any teenager would, she's totally enraptured with her phone. In fact, she's looking over towards David as the loud boy draws some attention to himself but she's still carefully casing the place, a habit she's long developed and honed.

    A click of Charlotte's tongue and she lowers her brown eyes back to her cell phone. Though the boy offering up big tips gets filled away in her incredible memory. Stark... hmmm... Keep an eye on that one. For sure.

Shuri has posed:
A bit of a huff when she arrives and behind her is one of the Dora, looking as stoic as always. She hated when she couldn't escape them. She shrugs though and simply walks to step into line behind Charlotte and crosses her arms. She then blinks, "Peter!" She calls out to him and waves a hand, "I had not expected to see you here." She nods her head and then looks to the menu briefly and then back to him, "How are you?"

David Alleyne has posed:
There's a shake of his head as if trying to knock off the dust, before David carefully conceals the skills that are settling into his head and filling them away into a temporary bank that will surely be cleared later. There's a sheepsih grin as for cover he offers, "Didn't notice the sniper in the trees. Uh. Game thing." That should work, right?

But he heard Peter saying he was celebrating and glances over to the young man about his age. "Congrats? Not sure for what, but heard you were celebrating." he comments with a friendly grin.

Shuri's arrival is noted. And it takes David a few moments to put it all together, but his eyes widen at the Wakandan Princess and his head tips down. Not exactly a bow. His cheeks may be a little darker than normal though.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks over to Shuri. He smiles wryly. Another genius. Well, he's not exactly in the church-mouse demographic anymore, though.

The guy playing Fortnite or PUBG (heck, maybe even GTAO, for all he knew) gets a sheepish smile as he says for the benefit of the gamer and Shuri, "Got a new job. Beats the old job."
What was the old job? Oh, yes, Superheroing on Five Dollars a Day. Endless entertainment...

He was getting pedantic again. He should really stop that.
"Yes, turns out that there was an issue with their HR director, and I got re-considered for a tech job there." He grabs his donuts and coffee. "It's going to cover the bills and tuition for ESU, so I'm f...doing okay."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Charlotte smirks a little as Peter starts up about how he's going to be successful enough to pay for his bills and school via a Stark job. She finds she's lowering her phone from her face and giving the young man a smile, if he even looks her way, but there seems to be enough talkers talking, so she allows them the opportunity to do so, keeping her mouth closed.

    The man in front of her seems to be umming and uuhing while looking over the menu and so Charlotte does the same, mentally preping her order. She never stops listening and making mental notes of those in her surroundings. The ... Wakandan princess is a bit of a surprise for sure, but Charlotte keeps her composure, lifting her hand up to curl her hair back behind her ear.

Shuri has posed:
A look over at David and she hmms at him a bit before shrugging and looking over to Peter again, "Congratulations, Peter. You deserve it." She nods her head, "I am sure you will do well." She then considers, "Oh, that does remind me that I need to go see Riri. I have a few new toys to show her." She then looks back to the girl and guy in front of her, letting out a hmm before shrugging and looking back to Peter, "Who is your new friend?" She asks of him and gestures to David.

David Alleyne has posed:
CoD:Warzone, thank you very much.

Not that it's here or there. It's time to be sociable and stuff, right. "That's sounds pretty awesome. I just started college myself." Though he could already have a few degrees under his belt. "Best of luck at it!" And David was going to leave it at that, but Shuri points him out and asks Peter-- who he doesn't know from Paul or Mary, who he is.

"We, ah, just met." he manages, a smile given towards Shuri. "I'm David. It's nice to meet you." Okay, so far not tripping over himself.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter steps back and lets David introduce himself to everyone. Spidey may be the Mouth That Never Closes, but Peter doesn't talk much unless he has something to say.

He does spot "Charlotte" and looks...surprised, almost startled. A pretty girl smiling at him? It had been some time since things between him and Supergirl went south. Maybe she was wondering what she had seen in him.
Okay, step away from that can of worms.
He smiles to Shuri, mouthing, "I'll let Riri know," silently.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Charlotte is careful to not smile at Peter for too long. Don't want to give the young man the wrong idea, though he is kinda cute in a way. Another small smile, not showing any teeth this time and then she looks back up to the menu.

    Finally, it's her turn and Charlotte steps up to the counter and waves her phone screen at the barista in greeting before, "I'll have the biggest cup of mocha frape with lots of whipped cream. Oh, and some drizzle... ummm... caramel." She says with a bubbly kind of hop on her toes and a smile before she pays with her phone and slips it into her pocket before responding to the cashier. "Oh, um, Charlie is fine."

Shuri has posed:
Waiting her turn, Shuri smiles ove rat Peter and gives him a nod before looking over to David, "I am Shuri. It is good to meet you. I do hope you have better luck on your game in the future." She then looks over at Peter again before she nods her head, "I am looking forward to seeing what she has been working on." She then goes back to considering her choice as Charlie finishes up. She then looks over to Charlie briefly before nodding, "I have not tried that before. I will have what Charlie has had."

David Alleyne has posed:
"Thank you, Your Highness." Those last two words may have slipped out after picking up on Shuri's diplomacy. So much for trying to play it cool. David listens to the others, and decides to close his laptop for now. "Were you planning to attend the Expo tonight?" he asks curiously between sips of coffee. Settling his cup to the side, he decides to concentrate on the real world for the moment.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shrugs to David. "I might. I don't have any projects that might be featured there, but seeing what people are working on might give me ideas or inspiration. I'm just working on a few initial projects set up by my supervisor until I show them what I've got. Always could learn something new, though."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Best way to get the day going." Mystique says towards Shuri with an obviously uncomfortable giggle from the girl as she steps to the side and waits for her drink to be ready. Eyes look back to the room and the crowd. David, Peter, and Shuri with her guard gets an extra glance but she then quietly looks back down to her phone and waits.

Shuri has posed:
A smile is given to Charlotte and she nods her head, "Sounds like it." She then looks to the girl behind the counter and nods before looking back over at David, "I was going to go see it." SHe nods her had, "I imagine many interesting things will be there and I can see what is happening." She nods her head as she looks then over at Peter again, "I am sure you will show them something amazing before long. It is good that you might now have a chance to do well." She nods again before she pays for her drink and then looks back to the pair, though she does glance briefly at Charlie.

David Alleyne has posed:
Nodding, David agrees with Shuri. "I just hope that this doesn't turn into a blatant campaign rally..." he admits with a shake of his head. "I want to see tech, not politics, right?" Finishing off his coffee and pastry, he fidgets, not sure what else to do, and finally shrugs. "Well, maybe I'll see you there tonight." he suggests to the Princess. Then amends. "I mean, both of you. Also, hi Peter. I'm David. David Alleyne." He offers his hand to him, since they hadn't actually met yet.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shakes David's hand. "Peter Parker. Photographer for the DAILY BUGLE, and the best dog-walker in Queens. But I might have to cut back on that, after all. Mrs. Allen's Pomeranian would miss me...but only because I'd be out of range of the little yapper."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    He's funny. Mystique thinks to herself as she reaches over to get her cup after having her name called. "Thank you." She says in her mousy voice before turning around and moving over to grap a straw and pop it out of the wrapper. With drink in hand and some info on maybe a new Stark thread she might tug at later, Charlotte moves towards the door without a word.

Shuri has posed:
A smile as she looks over at David who appears to be wrapping up and leaving, she doesn't really respond further as he seems to have to run off in a hurry. She instead laughs and looks to Peter, "You certainly should not take away a dog's favorite chew toy." She grins and nods her head before she takes her coffee and nods, "EIther way, I hope to see you again soon. Do not forget my message for Riri if you see her prior to me." She waves a hand and starts away herself.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter waves to Shuri. "I promise I'll let her know."

He looks around then sits in the seat David vacated. He'd completely forgotten about his donuts and his coffee...which is now only warm instead of hot.

Oh, well.