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Latest revision as of 04:17, 24 July 2023

From the room with all the spare stuff in it
Date of Scene: 24 July 2023
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Jinx adjusts SCIENCE! outfit and Gar installs GIANT! bird feeder
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Jon Kent, Kian, Gar Logan

Jinx has posed:
Jinx has set up a sewing machine. She has scissors and has cut away bits from what looks like a comically oversized labcoat. Now the labcoat is being fed in to the machine to sew it back up. You learn these skills when you don't have budget or family to get you your own clothes. You also learn these skills when you're part of a cult that wants to be self sufficient from the world.

With earbuds in, who knows where Jinx got those, she's listening to music as she sews. There's a chocolate milkshake by the machine that she sips from with a metal straw because plastic straws are evil. Jinx is trying not to be evil. But she is humming the song a little as she works.

Jon Kent has posed:
After a security system announcement of his impending arrival, Superboy descends down the open elevator shaft. He lands as gently as a cotton ball on a lamb, his red cape momentarily billowing as it siphons off the kinetic energy of his motion. Six feet tall and whip thin, somehow he manages to command the House of El vibe, like one is in the presence of absolute, unmitigated truth.

He offers a warm, genuine smile and lifts a hand in a brief wave. "Good evening, everyone," he says, his voice at once deeply rich and gently soft. "Hope I didn't come at a bad time."

Kian has posed:
    There are missions, and there are missions, and it's probably not hard to predict the one that Kian is on when he pops out of the open shaft and immediately cants his flight toward the kitchen area.
    Yup, supersaturated sugar water, dyed purple.  It's only after the completion of this quest that he notices he's not the only one down here.
    He never claimed to be the most observant of the Titans.  Just the most birdlike.
    "Oh!  /Kie/, Jinx!  Are you making a new outfit?  Maybe you should talk to Tarik... nnh.  Terry.  He changes his uniform all the time."
    Granted that Kian's "uniform", such that it is, consists of essentially whatever he happens to be wearing, his commentary on uniforms may be disregarded.
    "Is there such a thing as a bad time?  I mean, weird things often happen without much warning," he comments, raising his tumbler of sugar water towards Jon and taking a large sip.

Gar Logan has posed:
By the time various greetings are being made in the main room of Titans Tower, a delivery truck pulls up to the front of the building. Outside, someone is already there to meet the people unloading whatever it is. A large box. "Yeah, over here through the doors. I'll help."

A green-skinned member of the team - how many of those are there, really? - leads the way in and he motions for the pair to set the box down just inside. "Thanks. I'll take care of the rest." He signs a piece of paperwork and waves to see them off.

Only then does Garfield Logan turn around to take note of those already here, giving them a cheeky wave. "Yo. Oh, heeeeeey Kian." That's a long, drawn-out 'hey.'

Jinx has posed:
Jinx pops an earpod out and gives a small smile at Jon. "I didn't hear you land. It's always a weird time here so ... probably not?" She then grins a touch at Kian. "Adapting this old labcoat I found in the lab. If I'm going to do science magic with Nadia I need to look the science magic part right?"

The labcoat in question has a lovely CF embroided on its pocket. "But it doesn't fit me, so I'm fixing it up. Why would you call Terry - Tarik? that's a very different name. I'd have thought you'd know your partners name by now. Even I know Terry's name."

Jinx raises an eyebrow at Gar and then smiles. "Hey sleeping beauty." Because how can she not poke him just a little bit.

Kian has posed:
    "Science and magic are two different things," Kian says with certainty.  "I know, I can manipulate science, not magic."
    And then his whole demeanor softens.  "Terry is also Tarik.  That's his chosen Akiar name.  Since he's our /tenar/--" and he glances at Gar. "--and he has had his First Flight now, I should call him that.  Tora /q'Tar/ has declared him Akiar by right of being the /tenar/ of me and Gar, and I have overseen his First Flight, and the less said about *that*, the better.  All I will say is that it went about as well as one would expect it would for /him/."
    He glances at Gar again, but does not elaborate.

Gar Logan has posed:
"It's complicated," Gar says of the whole Akiar customs, "but then a lot of things are where we're concerned." He sticks his tongue out at Jinx after the light teasing, keeping a bit of a neutral way about him for now. He's warmed a bit toward her, which is an improvement. She's been earning it. "I'm always beautiful."

Whistling a little to himself, he focuses on opening the top of the box. Based on its lack of detail on the sides, it's difficult to tell what's supposed to be within.

Jinx has posed:
The sewing machine stops as she considers what Kian is talking about. "Tarik huh?" And she is imagining him using glitter portals to 'fly'. Then she looks at Gar - well he can just make wings. "Wild.. Gar you're in a league of your own."

She starts the machine again and sews up the other side of the labcoat. "Does that mean Gar has an Akiar name too?" She raises an eyebrow. It's also true that Jinx has mellowed since she's arrived at the tower. Being around people who constantly try to give her a safe space to unravel has been very good for her.

Kian has posed:
    "Well, yes.  Since he can be one of my people, and has had a First Flight, he is not just Gar, but also Gar," Kian says, as if the difference should be obvious.
    And it *is*... to Kian, anyway.
    "I don't know if that makes any sense to Earthers or not," he admits, and sips at his sugar water.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan states, "Nobody else quite like me, and it's been that way for ages." He squints at what Jinx is working on. Lab coat? Interesting. Kian is left to handle the intricate nuances of the Akiar naming, nodding once in reaction to that.

In the meantime, he draws out a few lengths of metal from the box. Upon putting them together, it looks like it forms a stand for a base, rising up straight from that to curve outward, then back up and over, ending in a hook.

Jinx has posed:
"You're right Kian. About magic and science being separate things. But Nadia insists she's going to find some grand unified theory of magic and explain everything. I can manipulate magic.. you science. Gar form. Together, we eat pizza.."

She jazz hands a moment and then whips the lab coat out of the machine and wraps it around her. It's still too long. The arms are too long too. It was definitely Caitlin's labcoat. One of them at least. -Was-. And that's definitely Caitlin's sewing machine too.

"Ta da. Almost done." She pats the sides. They fit her well now. "Gar is Gar. That.. doesn't make sense no. I'm definitely an Earther then."

Gar Logan has posed:
"So are you doing science, Jinx?" Gar asks, shooting a brief glance Kian's way again before he hauls out the next piece, then another, and another.

It's beginning to look like an oversized hummingbird feeder. A /very/ oversized hummingbird feeder. To make things work a little more properly for this, there are straws that fit into the feeding spots.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx tugs on the labcoat a little, then takes it off and grabs the scissors to remove more mass. "I'm being science adjacent. Nadia is very excited about tapping in to this alternate timeline I may have accidentally created so that we can go there and talk to the woman whose life I saved in Pathstow..."

She pauses at the rambling, "It's a whole thing. I'm sure it'll be fine. Something something her fathers reality breaching portal device. I appreciate the help. I just need to chat with her for, like, 5 minutes and then we're done."

She turns around and stares at the oversized hummingbird feeder. Then, she laughs. "Wait - can Kian actually use that thing or what?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan's brows knit together. "I think I missed some of that, but I'm just gonna roll with it. Not the weirdest thing I've ever heard of, but science isn't my specialty. Except when it comes to animals, of course. You've seen a little before." Both under good and bad circumstances.

Hanging the feeder up from the hook, he looks it over and places his hands at his hips. "Hmm. I wonder how many gallons this holds. Does it say..?" A peek toward the box before he indicates the straws. "It's kind of like a big hamster drink thingy. I'm pretty sure any of us could use it."

Jinx has posed:
Snip snip, Jinx cuts the sleeves shorter and begins to sew them closed again with the machine. "It's fine. Just trying to understand some.. life shit. It's all Harley's fault really. This was her idea of therapy - go back to the place where I was born. Good ol' double homicide suicide by cop. Woo."

She doesn't sound so thrilled about it and then looks over at his giant feeder. "...Pass."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan makes a faintly strained sound at the mention of Harley. "She's also complicated. Very complicated," he states. "I think she usually means well, in her way. Hopefully that helps, but you never know when it's one of her ideas." He's got some experience there, it'd appear.

There's just a mischievous grin at her opinion of the large feeder.