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Rogues Gone Wild: Postscript
Date of Scene: 08 August 2023
Location: The Heart of Africa
Synopsis: The Justice League and allies pursue Grodd and the Rogues to Africa. And while they do not come across them, another surprise awaits...
Cast of Characters: Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Diana Prince, Phoebe Beacon, Oliver Queen

Barry Allen has posed:
The ongoing problem with the Rogues in Metropolis, the constant high-tech crime wave that has seen multiple attempts to rob the city's biggest and most notable tech firms finally have come to an end it seems.

In about the worst way possible.

With more than a dozen Rogues being held in custody awaiting various legal hearings and with all their technology still on site at Metropolis Police Headquarters, Barry Allen -- The Flash -- was left with a bad feeling about the situation. So many Rogues in such close proximity? With all the tech they had tried to steal all gathered up in one place? It seemed like a recipe for disaster. Which is exactly why he sent out the call for some back-up to keep an eye on things.

It didn't help, to put it mildly.

The masterminds behind the entire thing were finally revealled; Grodd and the Reverse-Flash. The other Rogues were freed, restored, tehe desired tech seized and the heroes on hand to keep an eye on things were thoroughly stomped into the ground by a literal Rogue's Gallery.

And then they simply teleported away.

That could have been the end of it, at least until they reemerged. But at the last moment Batgirl managed to hurl a tracking batarang at the escaping Rogues -- at it was swept up in the teleportation energy, vanishing along side of them.

For a couple of days, nothing. No signal, no sign of Grood, Thawne, or any of the rest of the Rogues. But then something strange happened. JLA satellites did pick up a signal at last. In the middle of nowhere, in the very heart of Africa.

Fortunately the resources of the Justice League are at their disposal and while they don't have an embassy all that close, it is not exactly difficult to make use of the Watchtower and the dropships there. Not to mention others, who have equally efficient means of crossing great distances.

So a team is assembled, the coordinates confirmed and in short order they will find themselves on a wide open plain, tall grasses swaying in the wind. A nearby watering hole has attracted more then its share of native fauna and in the distance tall trees rise up, dense jungles holding who knows what mysteries.

Fortunately for Barry, the brief break has been beneficial. The beating that Eobard Thawne gave him was not insubstantial, but the extra couple of days has gone a long way to insuring that his ribs are feeling much better.

Hurray for a fast metabolism.

Holding up a device borrowed from the Bats, he gives a small frown before gesturing towards the distant treeline. "The signal is coming from over there..."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen wishes his grandparents could get along but he knows one of them aint going to let that happen. So today Bart is here to help his Granddad in the majorly red costume. He comes running up pulling a white and red Rickshaw with lightning bolt designs on it. In the Impulse-Shaw he has brought Balm with him. As he looks around and sees Barry he will ask. "So have we been able to figure out what all the items used together can be used to make?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Wonder Woman was on hand here this afternoon (local time?), as is the Invisible Jet... but its where-abouts are challenging for most to ffigure out after Diana steps out of its interior and it audibly shoots back off in to the sky.

Walking at a casual pace across the grasslands, Diana's eyes are scanning the horizon, taking in the sights and sounds of this place. Briefly a smile touches her lips as she observes the local fauna enjoying their days off in the distance, but when she comes closer to her companions on this mission, she returns to a 'all business' expression.

The warm winds of the area cast her dark hair about her bare shoulders, the Princess nodding to those who have arrived here. She glances toward Bart, before speaking up.

"These villainous unions are a concerning change to them normally working alone. I would like to know what has spurred this desire to work together, and see to it that we end it before something far worse happens from all of this..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Speaking of Bats, Gotham's Actual Finest had provided with one of their own tonight -- while she hadn't her armor while in Metropolis, tonight she was wearing the gray-with-blue Balm armor, hood pulled up and held on to as she's transported via Impulse-Shaw, and she steps out of the vehicle as she gives a nod to Barry, checking her gear is all in place, she stretches her fingers and pulls her gloves a little tighter as she reviews the information on her domino mask.

    "This is going to be etrordinarily dangerous." she comments quietly, mostly to Bart, but she looks over to the distant treeline, and then up towards the skies. "Could go take a look, but I feel like pink wings would be a definite alert item ig Grodd and Reverse-Flash are smart. Which I'm guessing is 'Brilliant'." she gives a slight grin of her matte black cherry lips.

    She does give Diana a big, real smile, and a wordless nod of acknnowledgement.

    Feel free to imagine Inner Phoebe squeeing in a most UnBat-like fashion at working with several League Members. And Bart.

Oliver Queen has posed:
You know who doesn't have a super-metabolism or any way to speed his healing? This guy, right here!

Oliver Queen -- the Green Arrow -- is one of those that Barry reached out to, making the trip down to Metropolis to be on hand, just in case the worst happened. Which of course it did. Oliver doesn't mind long odds. Lord knows he has certainly gone up against them on more then a few occasions. But going up against just about every foe who has ever developed a grudge against the Flash at the same time?

That wasn't a whole lot of fun. He would not recommend anyone else give that a try. Like, ever.

Regardless, Star City's protector is back for round two despite any reservations that he might have. Unlike Barry, he still bears some of the bumps and bruises from the last encounter but it does not seem to have slowed him down to any great extent and he casts a wary eye over the tall grasses that surround them, one hand gripping his bow.

His dropship rests nearby, the jump-jets still cooling from his reentry. Some people have to manage without superspeed to hurry things along, but a quick teleport up to the Watchtower and a swift drop back down is not the worst way to travel.

"If I get set on fire again, you can consider this the last time I'm picking up your call," he says wryly towards Barry, starting to move off in the direction that the Flash indicates.

Barry Allen has posed:
While he could admittedly go racing on ahead to quickly find the source of that signal -- he'd even have someone who could keep up in Bart -- after the ambush at MPD headquarters, he's not eager to fall into that kind of trap again. And while it is less likely that Grood will have a police department full of armed individuals to both use against them and have the unspoken threat of hostages, they are still potentially outnumbered.

If hopefully better prepared.

"You complain too much," Barry counters Oliver's warning with a smile, trailing after the other man as he keps himself from racing ahead, gaze still firmly fixed on the device in hand that directs them towards that waiting swath of trees. "I'm sure it will be fine," he says reassuringly. Though he doesn't exactly offer any hard evidence for that assumption.

glancing towards Bart, the smile slips from his expression and he gives a small shake of his head. "Unfortunately no. Technologically, it's a pretty diverse set of items. They don't seem to naturally go together, so maybe there are a couple of different purposes. I think we can pretty much count on the fact that it is either Grodd or Thawne that wanted them though. Maybe both," he says quietly.

Diana joins them, she likewise gets a nod and a brief smile before Barry turns his attention back out over the tall grasses. "I think we can narrow that towards Grodd. I have a feeling that he has been psychically influencing them. That would certainly account for their change in behavior. And the just how well they worked together. It was almost like a single mind was directing them all," he points out.

Which is definitely troubling, if true. That collection of individuals have a pretty sure sense of self. If Grodd has somehow overwhelmed them all, or found a subtle enough way to just manipulate them... definitely not good.

Balm likewise gets a quick nod as they cross that savannah. "It could be. They spanked us pretty good last time, and they have a two day lead this time. Who knows what they could be up to," he admits. "Just stick close to one another. If we can get the jump on them..." he says, leaving the words unspoken.

It's a pretty big if.

Giraffes stretch out and eat from a lone tree nearby, and a massive rhino crosses no more then fifty feet in front of them, sending those tall grasses rippling with it's passage. None of them seem particularly concerned about their presence.

But as they near the treeline, it seems to grow quieter. The signs of life, of animals scarcer. "I don't like this..." Barry admits, gaze darting about those nearby trees warily.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has actually studied animals. He works at Gotham Zoo, and is going to school for veterinarian medicine. He nods to Barry and seems to think a moment. He starts going over his head for the items that were taken, also how speed force and mind control might work together. He hmmms a bit and stops for a moment and draws something in the air, picturing it in his mind, looking a bit odd to other. He ponders a bit if the devices might be used to help channel speed force to other subjects like say an army of Gorillas.

Diana Prince has posed:
When Diana sees Phoebe she smiles to her in a very warm fashion, ever happy to see the young Gothamite out and about like this as she still considers herself in Phoebe's debt for the acts performed when Diana was lost in a coma two years ago.

Her eyes return then to Bartand Barry as they speak on the situation. "If Grodd is behind this, I would recommend we be careful, extra so. We do not want him possibly infecting any of our minds as well." She notes, before she expresses a smile toward Oliver as well.

When they set out, Diana is right there with them, her stares taking in the local wildlife, the Giraffes and nearby Rhino-- who himself needs to be kept a close watch on for obvious danger all by himself.

But as they progress closer to where the Bat-beacon had indicated, Diana keeps her enhanced senses peeled all around, listening as closely to the sounds carried on the winds as she can.

"In normal circumstances, I would consider being here quite an honor. It is... beautiful." She has to quietly comment when appropriate before she continues her own search. "Perhaps I should take to the sky as well. It might yield more results."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm gives a nod as she follows along, giving a wan smile to Green Arrow, and an arch of her eyebrow. "Is... that a thing that happens to you *often*, Green Arrow? Luckily I'm pretty skilled in putting out most fires." she replies to Ollie's concern with a gentleness to her voice. Giraffes, rhinocerous, a secretary bird -- watching for snakes, she shifts her weight and rolls her shoulder a moment.

    "Not anything that I can sense on the magical spectrum. Might work to our benefit." she states quietly as the trees thicken around them. Watch for snakes. Watch for ants. Watch for any signs of her ancestors asking her why she never visits.

    "It is beautiful. And like us, dangerous." she agrees with Diana, before she hops off the ground, not with the sound of wind rushing, but with the POOMF of a grapple as she takes nimbly to the trees.

    And Phoebe would always consider the debt long settled; Diana's belief in her was always more than enough credit.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"That's easy for you to say. I'm more of a city boy," Oliver counters drily.

Which is not exactly true. One doesn't survive on Lian Yu for all that time without picking up the skills necessary to make due in the wild. And while he has little interest in hunting animals, at least not unless they are of the two-legged variety -- the skills surely transfer over fairly well.

Still, he probably has more experience tracking then anyone here. Well, except for possibly Diana admittedly. Who knows how things really work in Themyscira. Still, he instinctively takes point, wading out through those tall grasses, masked gaze sweeping in front of him. But he is just as alert to every sound, to the motion of the grass around them and while he continues to hold that bow at the ready, his free hand remains reaching into that quiver, ready to pull out an arrow at a moment's notice.

"A little aerial recon might not be a bad idea," he agrees as they near those trees, slowing a little as he peers into the darker confines of that jungle, the sunlight that fills the savannah with its warm glow not penetrating quite so far.

"I mean, technically it was my own thermite arrow that did it. But I wouldn't have had to use it if we weren't so outnumbered. That's why I'm holding the Flash responsible," he says, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. He's probably kidding.


"Beautiful and dangerous," Ollie agrees. "Lets hope it doesn't get even more so."

Barry Allen has posed:
If anyone can be prepared for the unexpected, it should be them, right? They have magical senses and superhuman ones. They have an experienced tracker who has survived months entirely on his own and a pair of speedsters that can react just about as quickly as anyone alive.

Still, it's hard to be prepared for a jungle to simply disappear. Not to mention a whole host of beings just suddenly appear out of nowhere.

Not the sort of thing you can really prepare for.

Even with eyes peeled, even peering around warily, Barry doesn't get the slightest warning as the jungle looming up in front of them simply vanishes at once, Great, towering walls of wood loom up before them, though they appear to have been reinforced by some strange material that is not readily idenifiable. While trees can be seen behind those walls, pathways seem to connect them, creating a ready means of traversing between them. Clear structures can be seen built on those same trees, the design shockingly advanced and a number of towers loom up just behind those walls, overlooking the plateau where this city in the jungle sits, the sound of a cascading waterfall nearby clearly audible. While it is difficult to be sure, with such unusual design, those towers seem to feature holographic projectors -- which would surely help to explain the sudden change of scenery.

But as unexpected as the city might be, those abruptly surrounding them have to be more so. Gorillas. Large, hulking gorillas of a variety of colors all stand there. And perhaps more alarming are the fact that each of them holds a spear and a shield. And the tips of those spears glow, radiating energy.

No crude weapons these.

The largest of the gorillas -- a white creature with surprisingly knowing eyes steps forward. More surprising? He speaks! His voice is low and there is a decided growl of warning to his words. "Outsiders are not welcome in Gorilla City. Turn back now and forget that you ever stumbled over this place."

There is a decided threat of 'or else' to those words.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmmms a bit at this and looks about the place and says "Oh so this is where that used to be." He looks about the area and barely resists the urge to run about and look at all the things. "Um Hi, we come in peace." He tries and holds his hand up in a vulcan salute.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes watch Phoebe grapple to the trees, which gives her pause on advancing up in to the sky herself... at least for now. The group advances in to the thick underbrush of the savannah forest, and Diana lets her eyes roam over the spaces between the natural beauty. She hears the trickling of water, the sounds of something unusual, something that sounds like holographic projectors... the kind used at the Watchtower, or the Hall of Justice. It could be a microwave though, you never know.

When the armed Gorillas appear before what seems to be a city peaking through the foliage, Diana tilts her head to the side ever so slightly at their presence.

Then the speak. She spares a glance to her companions, before she regards the furry guardians clutching their weapons and equipment, her own sword and shield resting on her back behind her shoulders.

Diana speaks to them. "We do not come here to cause harm. We come here because we have reason to believe that this location may be connected to nefarious elements who mean us harm. If we were to leave now, we expect that these same individuals would only strike out at us again... and this is something we have to address." She states, trying to be diplomatic about it all.

"We must get to the bottom of this, before we can leave, but I do assure you we are here for peaceful preservation purposes." She raises her right leather-wrapped hand up to her chest to place her fingers there lightly. "I am Princess Diana, of the Themyscirans... These are my friends..." She states, motioning to the others. "We are simply keepers of the peace, and enforcers of justice."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm seems particularly startled. You'd think a bunch of energy-radiating energy speartips would show up on a HUD, but then again -- Phoebe is kind of easily distracted on the odd occasion. She pauses, drawing down to the group to keep everyone together in case she needs to summon up her shield.

    She lets Diana do the talking here, opting for the silent role. Batman would be proud, she's sure.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Well, that is a surprising turn of events.

The city is impressive, no doubt about it and a part of Oliver is very much interested in seeing the totality of what lies beyond those walls, to wander those pathways. Oh yes, he could definitely lose himself for a time in there. And really, it doesn't sound like very many other humans have ever laid eyes on Gorilla City. That alone makes it pretty worth while to take a closer look.

But then there are those gorillas. Those armed gorillas. Those talking, armed gorillas who appear to have access to some pretty advanced technology. That naturally indicates a pretty impressive level of intelligence. But it doesn't seem like they are particularly welcome.

That could be a problem.

"Is anyone else getting some pretty wicked Planet of the Apes vibes here?" Ollie asks casually, a arrow almost immediately nocked to his bow as it's drawn back. But the Emerald Archer is careful not to actually point it towards any of the gorillas that surround them. Particularly not while Wonder Woman is still trying to talk things out.

Still, Oliver keeps a wary eye out, eyes darting over each of the more then a dozen gorillas that surround them, mumbling quietly to himself. "I hate every ape I see, from Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z."

He's probably not helping.

Barry Allen has posed:
On the bright side it is probably hard for things to get a whole lot worse, right? Short of the armed, angry gorillas to decide that they best way to keep their hidden city safe is to kill at the furless devils who have now seen it for themselves.

But Barry generally prefers to look on the bright side of things. Sure, it doesn't hurt to prepare for the worst, but it is a tough way to live. Sometimes it's just nice to take a more positive note.

At least Bart and Diana seem to be trying to keep things civil -- and Balm has made no hostile action up above. He's not entirely sure that the gorillas are going to know much about Star Trek, but unlress the Vulcan salute means something very different amongst these advanced primates, it shouldn't hurt.

Oliver is another matter of course. While his words might be quiet, Barry hears them. Which means that the gorillas probably do as well. Indeed, low growls come from the armed primates that surround them and they take a step forward, those spears levelled, the energy glow surrounding them seeming to intensify noticably. "Arrow..." he murmurs quietly, though he does not otherwise stick his nose into the discussion.

He does glance at the devive in his hand, noting the fact that it seems to point beyond those formidable gates. That tracking batarang would appear to be within Gorilla City itself.

One of the darker apes snarls at Diana and shuffles forward with that spear raised as if it intends to attack. "We care not for why you are here! Flee now before we kill you where you st--" it postures, baring it's teeth.

Before it can do anything however the towering white ape holds up one of its hands, it's own snarls moderating ever so slightly. His words are still rough, and far from unfriendly, but that intelligent look in his eyes is assessing. "Wait," he commands, and almost immediately the gorilla advancing on Diana begins to back off, though not without a snarl of displeasure, thumping it's chest with that spear once. ""You come seeking the one we call Grodd. The abomination. And his... allies," the white gorilla says, lip curling slightly in distaste.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head and says "He is about this tall." He stands on his toes and holds up his arm to about the same height as the others, "and this wide." He again spreads his arms to about the same width as the others "And he has black fur." He pauses looking over to Barry and says "You know he might be a bit harder to pick out than I first thought." He hmmms and scratches his chin a bit but while he is joking around he is looking over the spears for where any power source might be.

Diana Prince has posed:
The sounds of the jungle are thick around them all here as they make this meeting of very different cultures. Diana keeps her breathing even, having been in similar situations an untold number of times before. She watches the angry Gorilla guard move toward her, spear brandished and seemingly ready to 'throw down' with the Amazon Princess. She doesn't bite. She remains as casually presented as possible, her hands at her sides do curl up in to loose ffists though...

She levels her stare upon him, then shifts her gaze slightly toward the white-furred-one who seems to cull the call for combat.

"That is correct." Diana replies, her voice loud enough to hit all ears who may be standing within range of this tense meeting. "Grodd is who we seek. He, and his companions, have caused harm not to just us here before you, but also to many of our kind back at our home. You must understand how this would fuel our desire to track him down, even here in your fine city. We know that Grodd won't stop, either, until we intervene with him and get to the bottom of what is motivating him for these heinous acts against our people."

After speaking these words, Diana does glance to her right toward the others with her, almost conveying that she's not sure this is going to work...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... you must be the *pretty* one on the League." comes Balm's gentle accusation to Ollie is whispered (in thinking her friendship with Red Arrow and team-work with Arsenal might buy her a couple of points), but she keeps her hands raised in a defensive gesture. Where they can be seen and observed to be unoffensive. She listens to the words between Diana and the white ape, her eyes flicking between the apes in front of her, watching for any of them to make a move, for her to raise her magic shield. Heart thudding in her chest -- and as Diana glances over her way, Balm speaks up:

    "We also want to take his human cohort and return them to prison." she explains in a no-nonsense fashion, looking towards the white Ape.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Sometimes taking this job seriously is a little difficult. Laughing - at least on the inside -- is occasionally the only way to keep from getting one's mind totally boggled.

He's trying to brood a little less these days. Making light of even the serious situations seems to be a fair direction to take, all things considered.

Oliver is not indifferent to Barry's quiet warning, nor is he oblivious to the fact that Diana is trying to keep things from escalating to violence. Which is probably a good thing, considering that once again they find themselves on the wrong side of the numbers game and while the gorillas may or may not be as formidable as the Rogues, it's a safe bet that the energy discharge from those staves probably doesn't tickle.

So the Green Arrow fades into silence as the Amazon Princess negotiates with that white gorilla. Will it turn out well?

How the freakin' heck should he know. They're freakin' gorillas. Who knows how they'll react.

With Diana's glance, Oliver pulls that bowstring just a little, ready to move at a moment's notice.

But he does sneak a peek Balm's way at the comment, flashing her a tight grin and a wink before his eyes are back on the abundance of targets all around them. It is certainly not a compliment. He chooses to take it as one regardless. "Why thank you."

Barry Allen has posed:
For a moment there is no reply forthcoming. The hulking white gorilla with those intelligent eyes simply stands there, listening, head tilted ever so slightly to the side. Perhaps surprisingly given the hostilty from earlier -- the hostility that is still very much present there in the eyes of the other gorillas gathered around them, he genuinely seems to be considering Diana's words. Those features even seem to smooth slightly, though if anything that makes it all the more difficult to tell just what he's thinking. A stark reminder that despite the power of speech, despite the formidably technology that is seemingly at their disposal, these are definitely not humans.

Finally however that white gorilla lowers his spear, the glow of energy around the tip fading away. They do not look impressive to be sure, but that energy charge has to be coming from somewhere. But where it might be is not immediately apparent. Advanced technology indeed.

The gesture seems to be a signal to the other gorillas gathered near and while there is some shuffling and some hard looks shot towards their apparent leader, the other gorillas slowly lower their spears as well, no longer pointing them towards the small group that has stumbled upon their home.

"I am Solovar. I lead my people," the white gorilla says, a formal note to his words. "Know that Grodd is an outcast, unwelcome amongst us. He and his allies did suddenly appear two days past. We massed our forces and prepared to take him into custody for returning and breaking his banishment. But they swiftly moved on once more before we can do so," Solovar admits before signalling to one of his gorillas who immediately disappears back through the gate behind him, that massive entrance parting just enough to let him slip through.

More gorillas can now clearly be seen up atop those walls, watching, lingering near heavier armaments that are more apparent now.

"If you seek him for crimes know that we sympathize with you. Go in peace, for Grodd shall find no welcome, no refuge here," he says before that expression seems to harden. "But I would advise that you deal with him swiftly, before we feel the need to do so. You do not want us to come out amongst you, into your world."

With that, all the gorillas except Solavar start to tramp back to the city behind them, only standing aside to allow the first of their number to return, bearing a small, intricately carved box.

"We found this device, where these foes of yours arrived. We thought we had deactivated it. It seems that it can turn itself back on. Clever," he says, opening it up to reveal the batarang within, before offering it up to Diana.

Flash remains just off to the side, poised, ready, though increasingly it seems like the Amazon's diplomacy may have spared them from a fight.

At least so far.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana returns her eyes to the Gorillas as the white-furred-one continues, and introduces himself. This earns a respectful nod from the Princess who is keenly listening to what he has to say about Grodd, and the others, who seem to have tried to return here only to get denied. This has the Amazon exhaling in disappointment quite softly, but to it she nods her head, having no reason to disbelieve them in the moment. Grodd being bannished from his own home, is not a far fetched story for Diana to accept.

"I understand. I am sorry that Grodd has been a burden upon your people, Solovar. Should he ever be a hostile enemy to your people, know that the Justice League, and I, would be available to aid you. I can leave you something that would allow you the ability to reach out to us, should you ever need to, or should Grodd ever return and you wish to inform us." She states, pulling a JLA comm from the pouch on her leather harness beside where the golden lasso is coiled against her hip. She offers it in return as the box with the Batarang is offered up to her.

diana reaches for the very familiar weapon, even if this one looks a little more modern-tech than when she'd seen Batman's last. But this one wasn't Batman's, was it?

Diana hands the Batarang off to Phoebe then, assuming she'll know what to do with it.

"Thank you." Diana says to Solovar, her eyes indeed scanning the visible citizens of this 'Gorilla City'. This is a very interesting place, one that the wider Earth populace would likely be very intrigued by, but it would be best for now to keep this just a JLA known locale.

"If they have gone, then we shall depart from your doorstep. Thank you for your hospitality." The Princess finishes, before she turns to leave then, giving one last look to the Gorillas before she regards her team, and prepares to head back the way they had come.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Unlike Batman, Balm gives a smile and an upnod to Ollie as he accepts the not-a-compliment as a complement. He's pretty, regardless.

    She does listen to Solovar's story. She stretches her fingers again in her gloves, and looking at the box, she purses her lips a moment, and accepts the Batarang -- this gets folded expertly, and tucked into her backpack, with a nod to Diana. She'll make sure it gets back to the Batgirl to whom it belongs.

    To the gorillas, she gives a nod as well, and a kind smile, turing to follow the Princess back towards the Savannah from whence they came. Kindred spirits, partially she supposes. She had a locale to the North East of here that she kept secret too.

    "No Grodd, but we're closer."

Oliver Queen has posed:
It would appear that Oliver's own efforts to 'aid' in the pursuit of diplomacy haven't cost them anything and with the situation seemingly resolved without the near for violence he does finally let that bowstring go slack, returning the arrow resting there back to the quiver on his back.

For all his cavalier attitude, it is something of a relief to know that they aren't going to have to fight today. Though the fact that Grood and his lot are still out there, up to who knows what is not all that reassuring. And now they don't have any sort of lead on them at all. Another troubling little fact.

With the matter finally settled, Green Arrow turns away, pausing just long enough to offer a polite nod to Solavar before he starts back towards those tall grasses and his waiting drop ship beyond. "Closer, maybe. We know where he isn't. I'd feel better if we had him trussed up and preferably unconscious so he couldn't hit us with any of that mind juju," Ollie points out, pressing onward.

There is a brief pause and then his voice sounds again from up ahead. "So... did any of you know that there was a city of talking gorillas out here? Cause I feel like that's the sort of thing I should know about. And I most definitely did not."

Barry Allen has posed:
When Diana offers the JLA communicator, Solovar eyes it, mistrust clearly present in his eyes. Clearly there is going to have to be some work done before any outsider is welcomed with open arms to this particular part of the world. But the mistrust quickly fades -- or at the very least is politely masked -- and the white gorilla extends a hand to accept the device.

"You speak well," Solavar gruffly conceeds. "We may not be friends, may not be allies," he begins, a hint of an unspoken -- yet -- hanging there in his words "but you give me some faint hope that your people are not all savages as we have long believed," he allows. It might not seem like much, but it's something, right? "If Grodd should try to return, we shall reach out to you and let you know," he intones.

It is a concession to be sure, one that they hardly had reason to expect given the initial greating. Not too shabby for a day's work.

Offering a little bow, Barry falls in with the others as they turn away, one last look shot back towards the city behind them, eyes lingering there until the holographic field that seems to conceal its existence suddenly snaps back into place, looking like just another stretch of innocuous jungle.

"I was kinda hoping to see inside," the Flash admits, a regretful note in his words. But at least by parting on decent terms there is always hope that it will still happen. Something to look forward to.

"I guess it's back to the drawing board when it comes to finding Grodd and the rest of the Rogues. I'd feel a lot better if we knew what he was after," he admits.

Of course, if he knew the full scope of Grodd's plans he probably wouldn't be reassured. Not in the least...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will be a moment behind the others and says to Solavar "You are one of the greatest and wisest of the leaders of your people before and after. I see why you are known as so." He hmmms a moment and says "By any chance do you know where he might hide, when he was not allowed here?" HE waits for the answer and afterwards when he is catching up with the others "Well yea, but gotta leave ya some surprises."

Diana Prince has posed:
Ultimately, Diana ends up paused outside of the jungle tree line again. She makes a call in to the Jet, and within moments it is visibly landing amongst the savannah grasslands, its cloud-hued hull elegantly angled like a finely crafted dagger.

"I did not know of this place.." She states, glancing back toward the jungle, a look of discontent upon the Princess' features.

"But I certainly will not fforget it." She states further before she regards them all again.

"We will need to put out our feelers, all allies and associates who might know of where Grodd would be going to get off the radar. Whatever he is up to, he and his new allies, I do not think we have seen the last off it, or them."

She takes in a breath, her dark hair waving gently in the winds washing over the environment. "But all the same, discovering this place, and knowing it to be Grodd's origin site. It is very intriguing, to say the least."

She nods once to them then. "Let us keep our vigilence."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "That's nothing. Have you heard about the upside-down city manned by humanoid pangolins below Sudan? They burrowed deep into the limestone bedrock." Phoebe states matter-of-factly. It's a completely falacy of course, and she looks to Diana, then to Ollie and Barry, and she rubs the back of her neck a moment.

    "I'll return the batarang to Batgirl, and see what other information can be pulled off it." she states, drawing down her hood and showing the pink braids beneath, neatly kept to stop hood hair. "I would surmise that there's probably interference from someone like me trying to divine the location. Not my strong suite." she adds quietly.

Oliver Queen has posed:
He has no shortage of items on his agenda of course. It's why he has currently relocated to New York temporarily. But there is certainly no denying that this has the potential to spiral out of control. Having the Rogue's united in purpose is bad enough. What exactly would happen if Grodd was able to take it beyond that.

"I don't think I will either. It was definitely a... unique experience," Oliver conceeds, though he shoots a look at Bart when he admits that he did indeed know about Gorilla City. "Of course you did," he mutters, tromping on back towards the dropship. "I don't know if my contacts on the streets are going to be of much help on this one, but I'll turn them loose. We might want to think about involving the rest of the League. This has clearly grown beyond a thieving ring in Metropolis," he says, veering towards the waiting dropship.

Barry Allen has posed:
Watching them go, Solavar starts back to his city as well when Bart asks him that last question. Turning to regard the speedster the white gorilla hesitates for a moment before shaking his head. "We have never truly understood Grodd. He does not think like any of us, all twisted. I hesitate to use the word evil in regards to another gorilla, but if I ever was to do so, it would be in regards to him," he admits. "I wish you luck human, and urge caution. He is more dangerous and ruthless then you can know. And if he has found others like him amongst your kind I can only assume he is even more so now," the ruler of Gorilla City says.

Then he slips behind those gates as they slam shut, once more ceiling the homeland of the gorillas off from the rest of the world.

For this part, Barry offers a brief smile Phoebe's way though he quickly hides it away and nods his head knowingly. "It is pretty impressive. Definitely worth seeing," he agrees before shooting the ol' side eye towards Ollie to see if he will bite.

To Diana and Oliver he dips his head in agreement. "I'll definitely keep my eyes open. The sooner we can figure out just what they're up to the better I'll sleep at night," he admits, lifting a hand as he prepares to speed away.




Meanwhile, back at the Legion of Doom...