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Avengers Ultimates: Burger Edition
Date of Scene: 22 April 2020
Location: Empire Diner
Synopsis: On a night off, the Avengers take on a diner's challenge of eating a three pound cheeseburger
Cast of Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Thor, Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Janet van Dyne

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
It had been a simple comment in passing by Wanda the day before. The nice diner she'd had lunch at, and mention of a gigantic three pound burger, with four kinds of cheeses plus bacon, onion rings, tomatoes and thick slabs of pickle, served on a triple bun. The Ultimate Burger, that would be free if someone could finish it in an hour, plus win themselves a t-shirt for doing so.

How exactly that parlayed into an Avengers dinner at the place Wanda hadn't quite heard. Just that people were going and so she joined in, grinning softly about her teammates. More and more the Avengers had turned into a home for her, and moments like this certainly made it feel this way.

A call ahead had reserved them a prime table. Wanda walks in and over to the table, glancing around the place. "See, pretty nice for a diner," she comments, repeating her earlier statement from the day before.

Thor has posed:
    The restaurant did have a certain charm to it, the small tchotchkes on the walls and around the tables always were of curious interest to at least one of the Avengers. The tall one with the blond pony tail and that umbrella in hand. He pauses long enough before stepping fully in and advancing to the table, just taking a bit of time to nudge a 1950s era toy firetruck before he smiled to the hostess and followed along with the crowd.
    Once there at their table he hooked his umbrella over the rail of a child's sled hanging from the wall, then drops onto the benchseat with only a mild complaint and creak from the wood surrendering to the Asgardian's weight.
    "Indeed, Wanda. A fine arena to face the challenge set before us this e'en."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    "I suppose. For a diner." Of course there is a slight tone of derision in Pietro's tone...but, then again, when is there anything other than that in Pietro's tone? When talking to Wanda directly, apparently, as the slightly older brother steps into the private room fully. That tone disappears altogether when doing so. "It is certainly better than some of the places we have been together before, most certainly." And...what, a smile?

    Only for Wanda.

    Pietro himself wanders over to claim a seat, somewhat in the corner, so he can watch people coming and going. "So...what is this about a challenge?"

Sam Wilson has posed:
When he comes through the doors, Sam looks around and gives a low whistle. "Well, this is out of my pay grade." he admits to noone in paticular, tucking his arms behind his back. Since it's a night out and not a mission, he doesn't have the suit with him, going with the plain human thing as he lets more powerful heads to lead the way.

He moves to take a seat himself as he folds his hands in front of him to listen to the others.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Something about a very big burger."

Steve's answer to Pietro floats in as he wanders into the room. He's civilian as well, a plain grey t-shirt beneath his brown fleece-lapel motorcycle jacket and jeans with cuffs about his boots. He looks around the place with a half-smile of interest and then over at the fashionista on his arm. "Glad you left room for dinner, right?" he asks of Janet as he pulls out a chair at the table for her, intending to sit beside her for the proceedings.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint comes in after Steve. "A three pound burger," he says spotting the sign about it on the wall. "And that's just the beef," he looks at all the other fixings too. Quite the challenge.

Like the others, he's in civvies, a black motorcycle jacket with purple highlights over his usual jeans and t-shirt. He slips around folks to catch up to Wanda, nodding at her assessment. "Yeah, this place isn't bad," he agrees. "Always like little places like this."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Is it possible for Janet to go anywhere in jeans and boots? Just as the rest of the Avengers are dressed down in comfortable eating clothing, Janet's wearing a boldly multicolored dress with long, puffy sleeves, a v-shaped cut to the fabric around her waist, and a flared miniskirt. Paired with stylish wasp-yellow stilettos and tinted, large glasses, she looks like she belongs more on a catwalk than a local chain restaurant.

"Steve, you take me to all the best places," Janet agrees, and takes her seat. The expression she directs up at him is almost simpering, and therefore, ribbing at his feelings.

"At least it's not this place we went to with my girlfriend Emma last week," Janet tells the others. "Deep fried everything. Their catfish poboy was just a slab of tilapia dipped in batter. I think I had a mild coronary just walking in the front door."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff dressed casually enough, wearing a long black skirt that leaves visible her boots only to midcalf, and a purple long-sleeve top. She lets out a soft smile and nods to Pietro. "Can you imagine how we'd have stared at three pounds of hamburger on some of those nights?" she asks. "At a half pound of burger. Would have been a feast for a king."

She takes a seat between Clint and Pietro and glances around at her teammates. "I'm going with a simple Southwestern chicken sandwich they have. But I'm curious which of you might handle a burger that large." Hulk, neither of them, made it, which cuts down the numbers capable of the feat.

A small grin is flashed over to Janet. "Emma, would that be Emma Frost by chance?" It's a big city, and a lot of Emmas, but then Janet does run in those circles. "She hosted a gala to benefit Genosha. I've only had a chance to speak with her a little, but she seems a striking young woman," Wanda says.

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor he is looking as if he were fresh off the construction site, brown work boots, old blue jeans, a grey hoodie under a denim jacket. Almost as if the karmic fashion balance must be maintained to offset Janet's stylish manner. But he seems entirely at ease as he settles in his seat and promptly leans forwards to make free with one of the fresh baked rolls deposited in the middle of the table.
    "I think we should order one of the giant burgers and perhaps share it." The Asgardian nods, then his brow knits together as he looks across the way, "Along with some of those."
    He points across the way to the brilliant display of advertising Americana that depicts what looks like bagel dogs? But deep fried? On a platter of other snacks. Assuredly a wise choice for an appetizer.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    Pietro himself is rather casual as well, with a pair of blue jeans and a green long-sleeved shirt. Simple....with a pair of trainers on his feet. There is a sideward glance towards Thor, as a snarky little grin forms upon his features. "You mean to tell me that you couldn't handle one of those burgers on your own? I assumed that is why we are here....to watch someone take the challenge."

    Oh, Pietro himself isn't going to offer to eat that burger himself. Why would anyone feel the need to eat that much beef?

Sam Wilson has posed:
Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a simple black t-shirt with denim riding jacket, Sam looks over the menu as the others are ordering and he decides. "I'll probably have the pastrimi on rye." he offers, looking among the others. He's still just a little awe-struck by the company, even if he is one of their number.

"The burger looks like fun, just ain't ready to ruin my appetite for the next week."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve smirks at the expression Janet aims at him. He'll apparently never live down bloomin' onion rings as the first date. Once settled, he leans back in his chair and interlaces his hands over his belt, idly glancing around the table at the group gathered. It's a good thing -- comfortable -- familiar -- family.

"Fine with splitting a burger between somebody if they want," the Captain offers with a lift of his hand and brows alike. "Offer's on the table."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint can't help but make a face at the description of Jan's supposedly cajun dinner with Emma frost. "That's a travesty. God it's not the place by Coney Island is it? The one with the big plastic grenade drinks?" he asks, "How in the he-" a glance to Steve. "Did you end up eating there?"

As for food, Clint eyes that three pound burger, his stomach hurting just at the prospect. "Yeah, might get one just to get one, but not going to win the shirt," he says, yeah, a good two pounds of that burger is probably coming home with him.

Or is it? When Pietro throws down the gauntlet to Thor, Clint chimes in, "If you do it, I'll do it buddy," he says to the god of thunder. Then a look to the rest of the table follows. "You gotta get in on this too."

Thor has posed:
    A small scoffing breath comes from Thor as he glances toward Pietro. "I could, of course, vanquish said burger. But I thought it might be best to allow some of the glory go to my fine comrades. For once." His lip twists a little as he tears apart the bread roll and lightly dips it into some of the warmed butter before popping it in his mouth.
    Then another scoff as the tall man settles back into his seat, "Come now, Barton. We both know how this ends." He leans on the table, shaking his head as he looks upon the archer. "Only in tears. Sad. Sad tears."

Sam Wilson has posed:
Steve should have known that when he threw down the gauntlet, there would be someone there next to him to be on his six. "I'm in with you, Steve." Sam decides. The US military has to represent, yo! At least that means he won't be ordering the pastrami tonight after all.

Shooting Steve and Janet a quick smile, Sam settles back in as he listens to the banter between Clint and Thor.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    A shake of the head and the white-haired speedster laughs. Pietro leans back towards his sister, shooting a comment over to her that is well within earshot for everyone else. "This is what you wanted, right? A round of male bravado combined with competition with a dash of ignorance thrown in? Because...we all know what it will feel like to eat that monstrosity...and yet they are all in it to win it."

    Is Pietro going to? That is a question that remains to be answered.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda leans back in her chair, listening to the men and giving a soft grin. Until Clint actually takes up the challenge. "Oh, I can already hear the groaning over a store tummy," she says along with a quiet chuckle. "I'll cheer for you though," she tells Clint, patting his arm reassuringly.

She smiles as she looks around the group, then up towards the doorway where a slightly overweight man in his late thirties is standing, looking into the private room. Wanda raises an eyebrow slightly and smiles to him. "Hello," she says.

The man looks over to her and then seems to take as an invite to come into the room. "Hello," he says. "Excuse me for intruding on your meal. I mean, you don't have food yet, so it's not really a meal yet, but I'm sure you're getting some. Anyway, I just have to ask," he says, and then looks to Sam Wilson. "You're Sam Wilson, aren't you? I mean, THE Sam Wilson? The Falcon?" He looks excited.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet flexes her fingers at Clint in a gesture of exasperated confusion. "You know, I'd be the first to blame Steve for that-- god knows he likes his Outback Steakhouse-- but I think it was actually Emma who picked it," she tells him. "And yes, Wanda, Emma Frost," Janet confirms, looking up from fussing with the napkin she's placed on her lap. "We're old girlfriends, went to school together," Janet assures Wanda.

She looks around at the subtle indicators of chest-pounding starting off, and rolls her eyes at the men in general (and Steve in specific). Sam gets a sideeye that turns into a friendly grin, showing she's good-natured about it, and she looks to get Wanda's attention again. "I'm gonna get a salad, their steakhouse wedge doesn't look bad," she offers. "Want to split an entree with me? I don't think I can stomach that much red meat in one sitting."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Grinning at the sass leveled from Asgardian to Midgardian and back, Steve then glances over towards Sam farther down the table. "Yeah? Alright. Challenge accepted. Looks like we're ordering at least two of those monstrosities. Figure if anything, there'll be leftovers for another day or two."

The waiter arrives and Steve appears to become as nonchalant as he can manage. A glance over at Janet ends in a small, coy smile. "Too bad there's no bloomin' onions to go on your salad," he murmurs in an undertone in her direction.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Your sad tears," Clint grins back at Thor. "Sounds like quitter talk to me," he says giving his fellow Avenger a little elbow.

Though Pietro was right, definitely bravado and competition, Clint rarely meets the latter that he doesn't want to take on. When Steve joins them, he gestures at the man, "See, Steve's all for it."

He may be talking himself into a stomach ache just like Wanda suggests.

Though Clint's bluster comes up short when the fan recognizes Sam out of their whole bunch, he gives Wanda a smile, as he shuts up for few minutes to watch the interaction.

Sam Wilson has posed:
There's relief when Janet doesn't seem to take Sam's backing of Steve's bravado too hard. He gives a grin in response, and was about to say something when he's approached at the table.

Last time he got approached like this in public and asked that, there was a subpeona involved.

He really really hopes there isn't a folded blue sheet of paper involved. "Uh, yes, I'm Sam Wilson. Yes'r." he adds politely as he waits.

Thor has posed:
    "Bah," Is Thor's succinct dismissive reply, thunderous in its deployment, great in its disdain. But the smile upon his lips likely robs it of what gravitas it might have. "Very well, let the competition begin once the waitress accepts our orders."
    And that said the path is chosen!
    But then he looks to the side at the newcomer, and upon his asking for Sam, there's a slight raise to his eyebrows as the Thunderer looks to Falcon and grins.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda gives Janet an agreeable nod to splitting an entree. "I normally stick with the chicken. I had it on my last trip. There's a chipotle mayo on it that was so delicious, I wanted to see if they sold it by the bottle," Wanda tells the fashionista Avenger.

She glances back to the man who came in as he goes over to Sam Wilson. The man practically bounces on his toes with excitement. "Oh my god this is so amazing. Can I get a picture with you? You're my favorite hero! No one's going to believe I ran into you," the fan says, and finally looks around the room a bit more as if to make sure the people at the table realize it. He pauses a moment as he looks at some of the faces. Thor and Steve get longer looks than most, but then he shakes off whatever thought was niggling his head to turn back to Sam. "Just a quick one and then I'll let you and your friends get back to eating," he insists, pulling out his camera and ready to do a selfie if Sam Wilson relents.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet just makes a face at Wanda. "Honey, it's not worth subjecting yourself to that just for some dipping sauce," she informs the Witch. "I'm sure we can find you some cordon bleu chef who can whip up a better version of it, and then you'll have the recipe all yourself, forever."

Janet reaches for some of the popcorn on the table, and munches few kernels carefully; she grins at the sight of Sam being mugged by a fan for a selfie.

"So how's it gonna be, Steve?" she inquires sweetly, ignoring his comment about 'bloomin' onions'. "You gonna let the flyboy win, or are you gonna show him how the Army eats?" Lashes flutter deliberately up at her boyfriend.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    There might be a rather strong urge for Pietro to roll his eyes when Sam gets a fan visit, but he manages to restrain himself. Barely. Wanda would be so proud. He instead sits back to watch the comedy unfold. "You do know there is a time limit, yes? That's three pounds in an hour or less. You all really thing you can handle that?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
In the middle of observing the fan-attention on display, Steve's expression as he's also considered is benign and almost chameleon-like, the epitome of: //Who, me? I'm not the droid you're looking for.//

"Don't mind showing everybody how it's done. Metabolism's good for something, at least," he retorts mildly to the Wasp, dimpling to one side of his lips. Pietro gets a grinning glance. "Three pounds of food in an hour or less might result in a stomach ache, but I'll jog it off tomorrow morning."

As in: it'll be worth the suffering.

Sam Wilson has posed:
Sam's cheeks darken and he's looking around the table, probably for someone that set this up. But he draws in his breath and offers a smile. "Actually, if you don't mind?" he asks the fan politely. "I can get a waitress to take a picture with you and all of us at the table?" he offers up helpfully. "You'll thank me for it later, trust me." he offers to him.

And if he accepts, he gestures. "Come on, everyone in for a selfie that wants to be in?"

Clint Barton has posed:
"Seems like we have a competition then," Clint exclaims clapping his hands, as more Avengers join the fray. He signals the waitress to head their way when she has a sec, while his stomach rumbles in angry rebellion at him. This was going to go sooo well.

"Your powers can," he wiggles his fingers. "Indegestion right?" he asks jokingly of Wanda.

As for Sam and his fan, Clint tips his head down when the fan looks his way, but if he's missing Cap, Jan and Thor, his odds of flying under the radar are good. Well until Sam includes the whole table in the pick, then, Clint happily obliges, looking up and leaning into the frame, his arm around Wanda's shoulders.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
The fan starts to look disappointed as he thinks Sam is about to say no, but then instead he makes it a group picture. "Wow, that would be great. Wait, is this your team?" he asks, looking around at those on the table again. "Oh, right! You are! Wow, this is great!" he says. "You're the lady with the clothing company, right?" the fan asks Janet. He looks to Wanda. "And you, I had a poster... ah..." He trails off, and apparently decides not to finish that thought. Wanda just sits looking at him, her mouth hanging slightly open.

But she leans into the picture with Clint. When the waitress comes in and is given the camera, she says, "What are we saying? Cheeseburger, three pounds? Pietro, I'd have thought you could eat one and be hungry again before the hour was up. Maybe some high speed jumping jacks after?"

Thor has posed:
    If there's one custom of Midgard that Thor has gotten used to, it is the cherished act of the Selfie. And with it so invoked, the tall blond man grins a wide grin and throws up two fingers to the side as he leans in just to be on the edge of the frame to hopefully get included a bit.
    And once it's done he'll settle back into his chair, "I shall have another roll," He announces with great verve as he then tilts his head over to Clint, "To provide you both with a suitable handicap."
    That decided he nods solemnly, as if they were discussing their next mission.

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Not my team, just a member of them." Sam is more than willing to defer to someone else as leader. He's a team player, not a team leader. As everyone gets into the picture, he waits for the waitress to finish the picture. Once done, Sam takes up a napking and borrows a pen from the waitress to sign it and offers it to the fan. "Thank you for making my evening, sir." he offers politely.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet leans back against Steve and flashes a brilliant smile when the fan and the camera aim their focus her way. If Janet has a bad side for photographing, no one's ever found it. She makes even the casual posture look like it's ready to be picked up by a magazine; someone's Instagram will blow up over it, for sure.

"I'll just have the wedge salad," Janet bids the waitress, when her turn comes up. The fashionista then turns back to the table, dismissing the amateur papparazo with the ease of long practice.

"Man up, Clint," Janet scolds the archer. "It's not winning if you cheat your way out from the consequences. Suffer some heartburn as the price of victory!"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Realizing that his ploy to remain anonymous is for naught, the Captain pastes on a photo-friendly smile more comfortable than anything seen back in the glory days of his time on stage in spangly tights. His arm slinks around behind the span of Janet's upper back and he cups her shoulder, very clearly her other half in the picture. A lean-in for the picture to be snapped and the deed is done. Sam gets a little grin -- poor guy, having to field publicity here of all places!

His attention turns to the waiter. "The three-pound challenge burger, please," Steve asks politely as for his order. "Water to drink, sweet potato fries if you have them."

A glance between Thor and Clint is accompanied by yet another grin. "Glad I didn't have a roll then."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
    There's another smile to Wanda. "That's the thing, dear sister. It wouldn't be any contest if I was to join into the fray." That smile widens as Pietro looks over to the other men at the table. "You all would lose. And I really do find watching you all put yourselves through gastrointestinal hell to be more amusing than flat out beating you."

    The white-haired speedster does seem amiable to a group shot, at least. Certainly the thought of watching the eating contest going down has done much to lighten his usual mood.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint smiles big for the picture, and gives the fan a nod before jumping right back into the banter. A grin is given to Jan, "Hey, I'm taking on a god and Captain America, I'll take every edge I can get," even if that edge reduces his regret during the night to follow.

"Kind of you, Thor," Clint says about the roll before, when it it's his turn to order he says, "Challenge burger for me, and an extra glass for each of the other challengers, I need something to catch their bitter tears in when I win."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff puts in the order for the chicken sandwich, and then tells Janet, "See, you think, exist, in a whole different realm than I'm still used to moving in." The Romani woman, for she still thinks of herself that way even if her ancestry is otherwise, gives a small smile and shrug at the thought of commissioning chefs to make a sauce for her. She feels bad sometimes still having the cook at the mansion make her food. Though she can live with that.

A soft chuckle is given and Wanda tells Clint, "I don't know, there's always a price to pay for magic. The t-shirt, probably," she tells him, resting a hand upon his shoulder after the photo is done.

And the photo! The fan is so excited. "Wow, thank you Mr. Wilson. Falcon. This is just amazing. Really, the best day I've had all year. Thank you, you and your team," he says. Clearly for the fan, the group is Falcon and the Avengers. In fact he might later start up a cover band and name them that. He retreats from the room, camera in hand with the precious picture in it. "That was really nice of you, Sam," Wanda tells him.

Thor has posed:
    To the waitress Thor had said, "I accept any challenge, burger or blade." Even as he looks around the table as if daring others to gainsay him, but his half-smirk lights his features back up as he nods to the waitress, "I'll have the three pound behemoth burger, and a glass of water if you would, please."
    That said he leans against the table, hands flat upon its surface. "Now what shall we decide as the boon granted to whomsoever is victorious?"
    A glance is given to Clint and Cap, his primary adversaries in this endeavour. "Or perhaps some ill burden placed upon those who do not succeed?"

Sam Wilson has posed:
"Thanks for humoring me. And him." Sam offers to the others. "I know you guys probably get that ... all the time. The first person that actually recognized me was the principal over at Happy Harbor." There's a chuckle at that, as he adds, "And that still took her a few minutes to figure out who I as. But she asked me out to dinner." he shrugs his shoulders as he glances to the others. "I'd like a water as well, please."

Steve Rogers has posed:
"Thinking maybe the boon of not tasting it again 'nd the ill burden of having to deal with indigestion is enough for this particular feat," opines Steve from where he sits, leaning out to look down the table at Thor. "Already lost one bet lately, don't need to lose another."

He shrugs in Sam's direction. "No worries at all. We made his day better 'nd he got to meet you. Sometimes, it's the little things that brighten a week or month or year, depending on the person's outlook."

Clint Barton has posed:
Grinning, Clint glances back to Wanda. "Fair price if you ask me," he says, t-shirt for no stomach pain? No question it's worth it.

He gives Sam a nod, "Heard good things about that school."

He takes a moment to ponder boons and burdens before declaring, "Well we can go with Steve's plan, or we could wager montor duty, losers pick up the winners shifts for the month?" he suggests.

Thor has posed:
    A sharp nod is given, "Water is the key when approaching a challenge such as this." Thor nods once as he looks in Sam's direction, then sweeps his attention back across the table toward Cap, crinkling his nose with moderate disappointment.
    "Have some confidence in yourself, Steven. Assuredly you will turn your luck around." He thumps the table slightly, likely having in the past upset a table or two in his time. Then he gestures to Clint, "Indeed, there. A harmless wager."
    He spares a glance toward Wasp and Wanda, eyebrows lifting, "Would you not agree, ladies?"

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda listens to the menfolk decide on their wager, before turning to Sam and saying, "A little more anonymity than some of the others get is a blessing, for me." She lets out a soft, exasperated sigh. "Though it seems like half the time they do recognize me, that darn poster comes up." Wanda didn't actually authorize the poster, showing her in one of her older costumes, that was a bit more daring than what she wears now. An action shot that someone posterized.

A trio of waitstaff bring in their orders, setting the foot out on the table. Wanda stares at one of the enormous burgers. "I believe Pietro and I spent the better part of a winter living somewhere smaller tha one of those," she says with the wave of a hand towards one of the towering sandwiches.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Lifting a hand in deference, Steve then sighs. "Alright, alright, Thor wants to lose that badly. So be it: losers pick up the shifts for a month. Get ready to start rearranging your schedules." The Captain then shucks out of his brown jacket and rubs his hands together as if sincerely awaiting the arrival of the food -- and, in a way, he is.

The burgers arrive and he nods to see their size, looking around the table at the others. "Ready whenever everybody else is." The second the go signal is given?

Steve goes to town on that burger.

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor, once the burger is placed before him he takes his time surveying it, smiling at it, then at his two competitors. He takes a sip of water even as Steve embarks upon his opening efforts on that burger. Yet the Asgardian, he allows the World War 2 soldier to get out at a good clip before he calmly slices a piece of the burger as if it were a bit of pie. And then he begins to consume.
    As if he had all the time in the world, "What is the phrase, Captain Rogers? Tis a marathon, not a sprint?"
    That said he devours that clie of burger rather well, setting a nice pace all things considered.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Hey," Clint says to Wanda, "Don't knock the poster," he teases, he knew how much she hated that thing which made it the perfect thing to needle about. Gently at least.

As for the burgers, Clint takes his in and has a moment of doubt, truly a moment of eyes being bigger than his stomach. "So, about that bet-" he jokes before nodding to Steve's terms. He was in it now.

Like the others Clint dives in relying on his years in the orphanage, and having a hungry bigger brother, to try to surge ahead for a good lead before he settled into that marathon pace.

Thor has posed:
    And /of course/ Thor likes to talk as he eats, leaning forward with his forearms upon the table, knife and fork in hand at times as he continues his methodical attack upon the objective before him, treating it like some enemy stronghold that must be dismantled, all assuredly for the glory of Asgard. But that doesn't stop him from imparting his wisdom and what tales he would share.
    "Steven, did you meet Volstagg when we were in Asgard?" He looks for some sign that Cap hears him, but continues whether the answer is yes or no as he tells Clint. "Volstagg is a strong warrior, powerful, twice my size I'd say. Perhaps more. One of the Warriors Three, you see."
    He gestures with his fork, a mass of onion rings around it stabbed partially with a mess of pickles and onions for support, "He taught me much in my youth."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff sits back and watches the boys pursue their bet of gluttony and beefy doom. She looks over to Janet and laughs softly then nodding her head back to the boys. Their own salad and chicken sandwich is much more moderate, Wanda cutting the sandwich in half to pass it over to Janet.

"Taught you much, Thor? Do they have three pound cheeseburgers on Asgard? Or something of the sort?" she asks. She glances over to Falcon and says, "I have a feeling that you and I and Janet are going to be the only Avengers capable of moving come morning. And Pietro though..." she realizes he's gone again. He has a way of doing that, zooming away without her noticing. "He might be in Thailand getting soup, as we speak," she says.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Given he's got a big cheekful of burger blocking up most of his mouth, Steve merely rolls a look so dessicatingly dry in the Asgardian's direction that water may be required. "'s'a'quote 'bout life 'nyways, not 'bout eatin' food," he manages to get around the burger. "'sides, 'm hungry."

Regardless of how good the burger tastes, he's sure to wet his mouth with water often as well as the occasional bite of food to help it get down. His eating pace does slow to a more constrained speed soon enough and it's with deliberation that he continues making more and more of the burger disappear in bites cut appropriately-sized.

At one point, Janet deigns to pause in her picking through her salad to lean over and whisper something into the Captain's ear. It makes Steve abruptly cough-laugh and require some water to get his bite down. He gives the fashionista a squint and teasing shake of head. Janet? She merely appears the cat with canary feathers in her whiskers. Wanda's offered half of sandwich is accepted with thanks and a grin.

Thor's question makes him glance over. "Dun fink fo," replies the Captain around another cheekful of burger as to Volstagg.

Clint Barton has posed:
Wanda may be right, at least about Clint, he may not be moving much at all come tomorrow.

The burger is decent though, but after sprinting he slows way down, regretting he didn't order a water like the other two.

The odds of winning were slipping getting lower and lower but, that doesn't stop him from snarking. "He teach you to talk so much," he says, between bites.

Thor has posed:
    "We do not have burgers, I should say." Thor gestures toward his meal, "But we do have banquets." And as he says that he starts to lop off the next slice of burger.
    "It is all about pacing oneself. Allow your body to catch up." Easy for the God of Thunder to say such things, even as he pulls his plate closer to himself, smiling magnanimously to Clint as if offering the wisdom of the ages to his comrades. "Avoid discussion that might lead to unappetizing thoughts."
    And is there a subtle threat in the man's words? That competitive jerk of an Asgardian.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff enjoys her sandwich, just slowly munching on it as if to contrast that with the pace with which the boys are eating. She glances down at her watch. "Ten minutes gone," she announces, as she looks up to gauge how far through their burgers each of the contestants is.

Wanda pulls out her phone and snaps a few pictures, most of them with someone about to take a big bite. Or just the picture of Steve next to a burger that is as large as his head. Or Clint's expression as he and the others relay zingers whilst eating.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Now Thor gets a flat look even as Steve continues at his marathon pace. He's not showing any signs of slowing just yet, his actions nearly metronome-like in speed and discipline.

"Dun play dir'y, Thor, 's'not honorable," the Captain notes around another bite in an attempt to deflate any ideas beforehand about the grand and gory battle-tales he's heard both on Midgard and in Asgard alike.

Clint Barton has posed:
Cling Bartab... er that is Clint Barton, shoots Thor a smirk, albiet one splattered with ketchup and mustard. "Ouch, man, ouch," he says before diving into the burger again.

So much burger... Clint doesn't bother looking, he just keeps eating, right through meat sweats and and angry stomach, refusing to give up the battle until somebody wins.

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer's lip twitches as he replies with casual aplomb, "You may contemplate that on your many... many many hours of monitor duty to come." And with that the Thunderer falls quiet, doing /away/ with the fork and knife. Pushing aside the small plate he had been using for a serving vessel, and then _pulls_ the whole giganto burger over close to him.
    He cracks his knuckles, limbers up his neck, then digs right in as the contest /truly/ begins. There is a wickedly fast consuming of mass quantities as the Asgardian leans but a few inches over his burger, stuffing his mouth, pushing bread and fries into his cheek for extra storage, pausing long enough to make sure his pony tail is secure.
    For gentlemen. It is now. On.