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Latest revision as of 06:03, 22 April 2020

Roxxon Over Drinks
Date of Scene: 21 April 2020
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Jessica and Danny meet to discuss the next step of the Roxxon engagement. Thor stops by, and Matt joins in the end. Jessica was never drunk. You were drunk!
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Danny Rand, Thor, Matthew Murdock

Jessica Jones has posed:
Another work day ended at Alias Investigations, and with a bit of a delay on one investigation, there was the matter of the one left behind. So Jessica sent a text message to Danny, asking if he'd like to come to Josie to discuss their upcoming shindig. Whatever he says, she's already there, sitting at the bar, a bottle of whiskey 1/3 through set before her.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny had of course, sent a text back that pretty much was like this:

'Hey Jess, finishing up a meeting, will come over after. Have a few drinks on me in the meantime'.

Which Jess may appreciate. All the same, Danny does indeed arrive at Josie's wearing more casual clothing (green jacket, black shirt, jeans) and he approaches the bar. Patting Jessica on the shoulder, Danny takes a seat beside her. "Hey, hope you're not drunk yet since we have stuff to talk about."

Thor has posed:
    Three times before, Thor has arrived at Josie's. Once he was incognito that first time, likely unnoticed for he wore the miraculous garb of disguise being a hoodie and a baseball hat. Though, to be fair, he did get his fair share of side eyes.
    The second tie it had been with his brother and matters had become a touch raucous so Josie remembered the tall blond man even as people asked back and forth if that was the man they new of from the television at times.
    But it was the third time when they had actually approached and he was friendly, accepting a few pictures taken and smiling with an arm around Josie. That very same picture was there behind the bar, right next to an image of Robin Williams and James Earl Jones of all people.
    So it might not be too much of a surprise when the tall blond Asgardian steps through the door and is greeted by a call from the bartender. "Hey yo!"
    And there he is, larger than life, smiling cheerfully as he lifts a hand in greeting, "Samuel."
    "Sammy, man. I told you before it's Sammy."
    "Of course." That deep baritone voice with the rolling accent, "Forgive me my friend, Sammy. Your best whiskey, if you please."
    And with that he walks across that aisle heading to the end of the bar.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Reaching to touch her shoulder is probably not a good first move with Jess, because her instinct is to turn and already have a hand swinging to push away whoever was there. Luckily, Danny is fast enough to react regardless. Albeit in this instance, Jess stops short from throwing a punch or shoving, recalling she was expecting company. So instead, she just jumps in alarm and swirls quickly, before easing up. "Sheesh, don't sneak on me, Danny," she grumbles, even though one would be hard pressed to call that one a 'sneak' attempt. "Had Josie set a glass for you as well," Jess notes as she pushes an empty, untouched glass towards the empty seat next to hers, "you said it's on you, so I went ahead and ordered a bottle. Nothing fancy though, just Knob Creek."

She was about to say something, when a most recognizable hulk of a man walks into Josie. That seems wrong, nobody that good looking ever goes to Josie's...and he drinks whiskey. Why is the world toying with her constantly. Jess snorts, "Danny, dig the Thor lookalike...coming to Josie's an ordering the best whiskey as if she has one," even as she says the words Jess hand goes up in submission, "sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny was knowledgeable that he shouldn't sneak up on Jessica, and he chuckles a bit when he manages to sneak up on her anyway. "Sorry, sorry. Couldn't help it, you're just really easy to sneak up on." Danny winks teasingly at Jessica before he nods. "But thank you for getting me the drink."

Even though its on his tab...

He does sip the whiskey, before he looks over at Thor when he's just asking him for the best whiskey. "Heh. But, whats your plan for Roxxon? Unless its like the gala all over again and you pretend to be my arm candy for the evening."

Thor has posed:
    Jess' words definitely trigger a raucous laugh up and down the bar even as some of the people there nudge each other in the ribs. But there are rushed and hurried words back and forth as that electric vibe goes through the room.
    For an impersonator he pulls it off pretty well. I mean Thor out and about? Assuredly he'd dress better. He wouldn't be running around in work boots and blue jeans and that crimson denim jacket over his hoodie. Definitely a weirdo with how he carries that umbrella around even though it hasn't rained in days.
    But there's a faint /whom/ as he sets the accessory on the bartop taking his seat. And then there's how the people at the bar fuss a bit. Eighty-year old Jimmy Brickston grinning without his teeth and shaking the impersonator's hand even as the Faux-Thor is there pouring the old man a drink and lightly patting him on the back. They share a toast as even that curmudgeon Father Mulaney is joining in with a drink. Some selfies are being taken.
    But the piece de resistance might be when the bartender hands his cellphone to Thor and keys it into speaker phone. There's the sound of the phone ringing a few times, then a bleary voice on the other line asks.
    "Yeah, whatcha want Sammy, shit. Not my shift for another hour."
    "Is this Edward? Edward Mulligan?"
    "Yeah, who the fuck is this?"
    "Edward, this is Thor, Son of Odin." He even has the patter down. "I have been instructed to tell you that your efforts are..." He looks up as if for coaching, "Lacking."
    And with that the bartender kills the call and then people break into laughter.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Gee, thanks for making me feel like an oaf, Karate Ninja Guy," Jess shoots back in a manner that makes one wonder if she was truly ignorant about martial arts, or was just trying to get a rise out of Danny mixing up such an unlikely schools of martial arts. Neither of each was Danny's own.

"Hey, it worked, didn't it...?" Jessica quips at Danny, "speaking of which, the fuck was with that kiss?" The tone might be a bit surprising, considering how smoothly it went at the event, but for a moment, Jessica is staring daggers at Danny. Is she yanking his chain or being serious? Hard to tell with Jess.

Her attention shifts back to the wouldbe Thor, shaking her head as she nudges at Danny again, "he's carrying a fucking umbrella," as if that was the straw that broke the camel's back, Jessica calls out at Thor, "hey, buddy, I don't know if you're the real deal or not, but I'm pretty sure they get weather apps in Viking Dream Land, or wherever the fuck, Thor the Avenger comes from, so...if you wanna be beliveable, drop the umbrella next time."

Then comes the bit with the cellphone, and Jess looks squarely back at Danny, "that's not seriously the Avenger dude, is it?" Because it would be just like Jess to make the wrong impression with the real God of Thunder.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny looks like he's going to be just listening to Jessica before he hears a boisterous laugh from Thor down the way. From what he knows, if it IS truly Thor, well...even real heroes have to get out and about at some point, right? Either way, his attention had shifted right on back to Jessica as she tries to get a rise out of him, something that apparently completely fails given Danny's general level of calm. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that way, if it helps you feel better, most everyone is pretty easy to sneak up on."

Then she asks him about the kiss. "What? Not pompous enough of a liplock?" Danny chuckles. "It was really nice though. Wouldn't refuse another, to be sure." he teases her, perhaps trying to get what -she- thought of the kiss out of her, but...it was quite a kiss all the same.

He does look over at Thor with a tilt of his head as Jessica tries to expose him. "I dunno, never met him before." he chuckles. "Be pretty cool if it was though."

Thor has posed:
    After a bit more time the people start to head off or float back to their seats, but then Jessica lifts her voice and draws the attention of that man with the long golden hair, even though it's pulled up into a loose pony tail behind his head. And really, the real Thor would shave better wouldn't he?
    But it's enough to cause the tall man to rise up, taking his bottle of whiskey with him in hand as well as his Viking Dream Land Umbrella. And... alright he's pretty damn tall as he closes the distance, but his smile is just as warm and cheerful as ever. "I beg your pardon."
    Those blue eyes shift between Jessica and Danny then back again. "I was told this would be a suitable accessory for my travels in the city." And as he says that he sets it down upon their table with a faint /whum/ coming from it, the black-clad umbrella somehow pointing /straight/ up into the air as it rests upon its handle.
    Then the man looks back and forth between them, "Would you suggest something else that might draw less attention?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I guess after you learned in Ninja Heaven, sure," Jessica scoffs, of the different Defenders, she certainly been one of those who never bought Danny's story.

With the kiss re-centering on the exchange, Jess sighs, "you didn't have to do it, Danny, I had everything under control...you forced me to go with the flow on that one to not raise suspicion, and it wasn't easy for me..." she leaves it at that, but you don't need to be a therapist to realize she's hiding some deeper layers of hurt in that simplistic statement. Further evidence is how she follows up by downing her glass, and refilling it, before downing it again.

Jessica is easily dwarfed by the looming Thor as he approaches Danny and her. She remains in her seat, though rises her head gradually for a better look at that adonis of a man. "Well...first of all, that's not the weirdest statement to make at all," Jessica offers one hint without being explicit, before following up, "a briefcase might work better than an umbrella if it's not raining and you want to be inconspicous?" She looks over at Danny, but before asking for his advice, waves her hand dismissively, "don't ask him, Danny might think you're a okay with that umbrella...he's weird too." She then looks back at Thor, "are you sure you're not from Ninja Heaven?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"K'un-Lun." Danny corrects Danny after she called it 'Ninja Heaven' "Though I guess it can be called that. Its a paradise, and one of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven." Well, that sounds extremely mystical and non-realistic, but who said martial arts-based mystics were realistic? Though if the glowing fist was any proof or the dragon tattoo any evidence...maybe Jessica just needs to see it to believe it.

Though when Jessica speaks about the kiss, Danny looks extremely guilty. "I'm sorry, Jess, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or bring up bad history or hurt you. I just could tell that Selina wasn't buying a thing we were saying, so I tried to help sell it. If its any consolation, I was aiming for your cheek...the full kiss caught me by surprise, but thats not an excuse. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

He even gives her a bow from his seated position to show his sincerity, though whether Jessica buys it or not is up for debate.

Then he turns to look at Thor as he looms on over. "I mean, I think the Umbrella's neat. In case it rains, you can stay dry." Danny, always the nice one.

Thor has posed:
    The bottle is set down with a faint clink of glass as he smiles to the others, and then pulls a chair from another table to set it equi-distant between the two of them on that table's edge, he smiles to them and then crinkles his nose a little as he answers Jessica with an ease of manner.
    "I don't know, I do not see myself as a man of business, briefcase or no."
    And apparently he is entirely unaware of whatever subtext might be playing out at the table considering he just invites himself so and calls out over his shoulder, "Barkeep, another round for these kind people!"
    That said he smiles a smile of thanks to Danny, because /he/ at least likes the umbrella and clearly has good taste.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica nods at Danny's correction, "yeah, that's what I said." She side-eyes at Thor when Danny speaks of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, "see? At least the whiskey is good enough for good stories." But yeah, try and convince a P.I. with a glowing fist in a world infested with metas, and a tattoo which Big Joe's Ink Sink can provide for you, down at Clinton.

"What bad history? I didn't say anything, so don't make assumptions," Jessica notes defensively, frowning, as she reaches for yet another glass. "Well, after you left, I salvaged it by playing the role of a gold digger, and trying to use her to get intel on Bruce Wayne." She shrugs, "I always find a way, but I appreciate the sentiment, I guess you had good intentions."

She is glad to be distracted by Thor, turning to focus on him completely for the time being. "So...surfboard?" She offers dubiously, "or maybe...a scooter would be better?"

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny gives a light nod to Thor with a smile. "Yeah, anytime." He looks at Jessica then as he just falls into silence, knowing full well that there's nothing he can say or do to improve on the situation. "Apparently it wasn't good enough, so I want to apologize all the same." Danny then just lets the matter drop, but one can tell that Danny is currently riddled with guilt.

He just kinda falls into silence.

Thor has posed:
    It doesn't take long before the bartender makes the walk over with the next round of drinks, presenting it with a grin and then stepping on back to the bartender. It's only /then/ that he pauses and looks between the two of them, curious as he sits up a little straighter, "Ah, am I interrupting?" He rests his hands upon the tabletop, ready to push his chair back.
    "Forgive me if I mistook what I perceived as jovial banter." He tilts his head as he looks at them, expression curious and wide-eyed, not unlike a golden retriever struck with a moment of puzzlement.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"It's fine, don't worry about it, Danny, I said what I said, you apologized, let's move on," Jessica murmurs, clearly uncomfortable discussing that topic, as she reaches for her fourth...or was it her fifth glass? That bottle of whiskey is starting to near it's last third.

"So, I gotta ask," Jessica shifts the subject as she is wont to do, "are you seriously Thor or you just a look-alike, because your muscles are fucking impressive."

Thor has posed:
    A glance is given to Jessica, then over to Danny, as if they both might be playing with him and perhaps taking the piss. He squints a little one way and the other, as the umbrella is just standing pointing straight up at the ceiling somehow defying the laws of physics there. But perhaps it'll take more to prove it is so.
    So, with a casual aplomb, he leans over and lightly 'taps' the umbrella.
    Which causes it to flicker with a rush of silver light that plays across the surface of it, causing the umbrella to disappear and to leave in its place the heavy weight and blunt silhouette of Mjolnir, its leather-wrapped handle pointing up toward the ceiling, the strap wrapped around its haft, while that metal head rests flat upon the table top.
    And then, curiously, Thor asks. "Are there many look-alikes wandering the city?" As if such a thing never occured to him.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"So...you're really good with umbrella balancing acts, huh?" Jessica for the first time takes note of how oddly the umbrella is balanced. Just so very different than how everyone handles an umbrella. But then Thor literally reveals the secret of the umbrella, and Jessica gasps in awe, slowly turning to look at Thor himself. Much more impressed with him than the stupid hammer, which goes to show how little she understands of all things Asgard. "So you are motherfucking Thor for real, huh? I'll be damned...mind if we take a selfie?"

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny eventually clears his throat.

Yes, he realizes that Jessica is fangirling over Thor, but he's here with a purpose. "Soo....are we going to talk about Roxxon, or are you going to drool over Thor? I don't mind if you do, but I kinda ran out of a business meeting..." Danny doesn't seem irritated, but he does feel like he's third wheeling a bit.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm not!" Jessica snaps back to focus on Danny, growling at him, "I'm not drooling over anyone!" With a roll of her eyes, she turns to Thor and murmurs, "Mr. Thor, I'm sorry, but my colleague and I were in the middle of a business meeting, so, maybe we cross paths again some other time..." and today Danny's stock plummeted further in the Jess Jones index. "So...I'm thinking your name is how we get places, I pose as your PA. We show interest in some kind of deal, so, being the business guy...what do we say? Merger? Purchase of the docks? Deal to have shipments come in through Roxxon's private pier?"

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny seems to look very unconvinced of Jessica's apparent distaste for what Danny notices. "Its okay Jess, you can admit it. I'm pretty sure literally every girl on the planet is fawning over him anyway, so your competition is pretty steep." Danny seems to have no issue calling it as he sees it. When Thor leaves, Danny looks back to Jess, smiling as they apparently get down to business.

(to defeat the huns)

"As was I, though a merger would probably be about a 50/50 shot. If we outright bought the docks, thats a different story, and would have to ensure that they come to us before they can make any sudden moves. I think going in and having a chat with Roxxon and buying the pier off of them would be a wise move. And if they vehemently refuse or show any aggressive tendencies...then we'll have to go as our night time operation."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm not fawning...I'm not the fawning kind, okay?" Jessica groans, as if it was hurtful to even have Danny entertain the thought, and there goes the fifth glass. "I'm not ever going to join that competition, so you can cool it, Rand...I mean it."

Jess is more than happy to switch full on to business talk, "if you think that's the best play, let's go for that, checking feasability for merger...I'll make the call. Remember, Daphne is one of your PAs. So don't be surprised if you hear about this..."

Danny Rand has posed:
"Hey, just saying." Danny says with a shrug. Though he does find it mildly entertaining that Jessica's getting frustrated over her own actions. Though Danny is a horrible liar, so he speaks his mind. When she speaks further on the business aspect of things. "Then thats what we'll do. Daphne?" He pulls out a cell phone and makes a note. "Got it, sounds like a plan. Remember not to oversell your play when you make the call, or they'll do a background check on you most likely."

Hey, if they're associated with the Hand, they WILL double check. Its a legitimate concern.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica and Danny are sitting at the bar, luckily, there's another open spot by them that was until recently occupied by someone who may be quite famous. There's a bottle of whiskey between them, down to the final third of it, a glass infront of Jessica currently being filled, and a full glass by Danny which may or may not be his first one. Barely touched.

"I trust you when it comes to business and instinct, Danny, we'll go with that," Jessica agrees, and when he calls her by the cover name, she does a familiar high pitched tone of voice as she cheerfully announces, "I'll get right on scheduling, Mr. Rand."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
There was that voice again, somehow cheerful and sarcastically cutting all at once. Matt recognizes it at once as he walks through the door. He could already tell who was in the bar, and if you asked, he probably could tell what they ate for lunch, but that voice just put a bow on Jessica being there. As for Danny, the grouping of sensations that made up Danny Rand in Matt's mind were just as distinctive.

Smiling, Matt finds his way to the bar with his cane, just happening to bump into that recently vacated stool. "Anyone sitting here?" he asks for the sake of his blindman routine, the smile on his lips slightly wry.

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny nods softly as he finally reaches over to take the lightest of sips from his drink. Unfortunately, Danny was not quite the drinker that Jessica was and honestly, he prefers tea to just about anything. Though when Jessica admits she trusts him, then proceeds to indicate her acting skills with her voice, Danny seems to shudder softly. "I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to that."

He then looks at Danny when he arrives. "Oh hey, Dan the Man. Welcome to the party. Seats all yours, man. How've you been?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica kills her undercover preppy voice real quick when she hears Matt's voice, turning to look his way, she smirks, "must be your lucky day, just opened up, and there's still some whiskey in the bottle if you care for a glass."

Jessica shakes her head, as she shares with Danny, "as a P.I. you need to use sly tactics now and again, I can act, I can do voices, I can go undercover...I find that specific Queen Bee peaked at high school cheerleading voice does very well to open doors." Just to be safe, she goes back to nursing her...what glass was it? Who remembers any more.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Thanks," Matt says to them both, Danny for the seat and Jess for the offer of whiskey. "One glass," he asks Josie. Then flares his nostrils before asking, "Did this place start serving mead?" he must have picked that up from the seat's former occupant.

When the glass is delivered and poured for him, he says, "It is disconcerting, but you'd definitely never figure it was Jess on the other end of the phone with that voice," he smiles before downs his shot.

"Anyhow any luck with the Roxxon thing, or that thing for that detective?" he asks.

Danny Rand has posed:
Nobody remembers what glass Jessica is on. Its one of her superpowers to just keep on trucking wit hthe alohol, but either way, Danny just chuckles. "Apparently. So just to make absolutely sure, you're just my PA? no relationship, no flirting, no gold digging?" Danny wants to make sure all bases are covered.

But then he looks at Matt with a smile. "I have no idea...but apparently Thor was here earlier. As for Roxxon, we are just finalizing the plan."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I wouldn't know about that, I keep to hard drinks," Jessica remarks as if it was obvious, as she reaches for the bottle, and by the time Josie brings the glass she's already filling it for Matt. "That's the point, people who know me, and want to keep away? That's how I get them to answer...announcing they won an xbox at a raffle does wonders."

"I'm sorry, Matt, that's on me, I had an influx of cases so got sidetracked, but we're actually meeting here to discuss how to go about it, and we've got it down. I'll be setting the meeting for later this week, or early next week. It should go swimmingly."

"Gold digging? Absolutely not, flirting...? I guess that depends on your reputation, Mr. Rand," Jessica teases as they both know his reputation. She then downs her finaly glass, seeing how it empties what remains of the bottle. She at least appears as if it doesn't quite affect her. Then again, she's still sitting. "..okay...I feel much better now."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Thor. Well that would explain it. He takes the second drink and sips this time, not wanting to get too far into things just now. Never paid to drink and Daredevil.

"No worries, I've been preoccupied too," he says of the slowdown in the plans. "We've still got time, so whenever you guys can make it work."

"Yeah, I can see that XBox thing working," he says after some thought, before getting back to business and asking the two of them, "So, what's the plan of attack?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"Oh, of course we know my reputation." Danny chuckles. "Girlfriend-PA it is. They'll probably be more interested if they know there's a scandal in the midst too, which could be used to our favor." Danny shrugs, but he winks at Jessica all the same. He did enjoy a certain interaction last time.

All the same, he looks at Matt and he nods softly. "I've never played an Xbox, so I guess I don't get the appeal, but knowing Jessica it'd probably work if she didn't beat them unconscious with the thing." Danny chuckles. "Basically, I'm going to head into Roxxon with Jessica serving as my PA. We're going to try and buy the pier and use the information therein to try and force the Hand's actions."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Merger meeting..." Jessica gives the very short version, leaving it to Danny to elaborate if he so chooses, before swiveling to face Matt and asking, in a tone of voice that suggests she may have just had a bit too much tonight, "Matt...I gotta ask, there was this asshole on twitter that said I'm looking for dates all the time, is that something I can sue for a libel? Cuz...hell, my dating life looks like the rest of my life, total shit wrapped in more shit." Yeah, she should probably retire for the evening.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt leaves the scandal stuff be for now, but smirking broadly it'll likely be brought up another night, though he nods at the plan as they lay it out. "That will definitely get their attention," he agrees. "Just watch yourselves, if the Hand don't want to sell they may try to take you out."

There's a slightly worried note to Matt's expression as he considers Jessica's state and request. "'Fraid not, or people the courts would be jammed up with Twitter suits. But if they keep at you, let me know, there may be a case for harassment."

"You gonna be alright though, Jess? Need me and Danny to walk you home?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica looks quite disappointed, but doesn't say anything, even though answering a blind man with a look is about the dumbest thing ever. Maybe she really did get herself drunk this go around. "I'm fine, Murdock," Jessica grumbles, as she snaps at Josie, "Danny got this one, Josie, he's good for it..." and with that she starts walking, not in the most balanced of gaits, towards the door. "It's fine, I'll make it easy...not that far from here...I'm okay."

Danny Rand has posed:
Danny nods softly to Matt. "I sure hope so. Though if the Hand reveals their plans, then we'll just have more reason to act on them and confront them on everything Roxxon. Its foolproof, especially if we're still alive to tell the tale." He chuckles, but then he looks at Jessica as she denies Matt's help, and he gets up to start following her before he turns to Matt. "I'm going to make sure she gets home okay. Certain elements might see her as easy prey. But, here soon, lets talk again Matt before we officially go through with anything, I have something I want to talk with you about." He gives Matt a nod before he goes and opens the door for Jess.

He doesn't put a hand on her shoulder, he doesn't offer her an arm, he just walks with her with his hands in his pockets. He'll keep her company until she's back at her apartment. Can't be too safe in this town.