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Latest revision as of 06:04, 22 April 2020

Late Night With Spider-Man! Featuring a vampire and a valkyrie! Thugs providing chin music!
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Dr. Foster gets mugged, but some guardian angels show up.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Peter Parker, Karla Sofen, Blake Riviere

Jane Foster has posed:
A social sensation of a scientist's work is never done, but sometimes the actual work takes place outside normal business hours. Exiting Rockefeller Center after showing up for a late show recording, Jane breezes past the thin crowd trickling out from the audience hall. Her phone cradled in her hands gives her a view on the world otherwise absent, at least for a few hours there, ticking through a variety of text messages, alerts, and emails of no particular consequence. Two or three end up starred for later review as she navigates her way down the long plaza away from the NBC building back into the general flow of Manhattan traffic after dark.

As always, she has half her attention on her surroundings because the last thing she needs is a collision with a bollard or someone dashing across the plaza. The city is too pretty when it dips into darkness, coming alive in its illumination, the burning vibrant soul of it all. She stops every so often to take it all in, unrushed about the process. This is, after all, the start of her work day in some respects. Pity that the decent coffeeshop closed ten minutes ago, as its dimmer internal lighting and shuffling employees suggest. She gravitates away from the door, not about to use any shred of indecent celebrity to cop a latte after they've cleaned up for the night.

So, in short: mildly busy, rather peaceful. For now. It never lasts.

Peter Parker has posed:
Of course it never lasts. New York may be a happening place, but it has its share of problems. One of them being the rats...the two-legged as well as the four-legged kind.

Three two-legged rats spot Jane and size her up. Cute, distracted, and dressed well.

They move into position, one of them pacing Jane while another heads to the alley intersecting her path, the other larger one moving into position to blitz her into the alley when the time comes...

Karla Sofen has posed:
To Karla it was one of those afternoons of receiving patients at her psychiatry office which then turn into a late night of revising her notes on said patients. A sigh. When did she start to care about it? Certainly not something she did in the past, staying up late due to her clients..

Bue being an half-full glass type of woman she finds solace in the little pleasures, which is to enjoy a bit of the Manhattan night air. Always a good thing. And why take a taxi home? She might just walk and take her mind out of what's been clouding her so much of late. So she finds herself navigating her way down that long plaza and towards her own destination, dressed in what she always does when receiving her patients, skirt to the knees, high heels. A silk blouse. The only change being a jacket about her shoulders to keep the chill air away.

Blake Riviere has posed:
A decent night, soft air and peace. Even here in the city, there was a certain thrill to it all that somehow found a harmony with the undercurrents of the sun being down and all the secrets night could offer.

That...or perhaps Blake had simply lived long enough to wax poetic at the thought of it all. Tonight she was out and about, dark black jeans and a deep red leather jacket over a low-cut top, her long raven locks down and hanging free. Tonight wasn't one for elegant gowns nor eye-catching gothic attire, but her ever-favored red ribbon clung tightly around her neck in the style of a choker as she walked down the street.

The light polution of the city made it impossible to most oh-so-often, but for the vampiress? The moon was visible beneath the haze, offering a 'witness' to the comings and goings of the night beneath, whatever secrets one might try to hide around corners and in the dark. In Blake's case? A little rendevouz in a club, some flirtation and mild mesmerization, she had drunk her fill enough to silence the thirst for a little while and enjoy the evening for what it was. Her lazy path? It had her headed towards the direction of the Plaza itself and Jane's retreat.

Jane Foster has posed:
The swish of city life flowing by isn't much muted the further that Jane gets from the sheltering arms of shops and businesses leaving their stamp. Threading her way out of the block-long sprawl, she comes out onto 49th Avenue, directly facing a wall of glass and steel. Construction mars an approach to the sidewalk, scaffolding surrounding the walkway beyond a kimchi restaurant to a corner closest to the Rockefeller Center subway station. In short, perfect for pouncing, though the skinniest of alleyways between the almost wall to wall blocks is something she would normally give the barest notice. More problematic are the construction materials littered through a set of low green dumpsters, loose chunks of plywood, limestone slate, drywall cut in ten foot long chunks. A few trash bags wrapped around other debris flap lightly in the wind.

She has a city-dweller's awareness for people on the move, and the distrust of the same, her keys in her pocket in case they're needed and her phone a beacon of light entering that narrow tunnel. Once she crosses the road, of course, threading through light traffic to get there. Blake is bound to find her first, and she might note Karla in her elegant attire on the approach. Far from rude, the scientist smiles in that American way; honest, not entirely impersonal. The kind of way that freaks out the German soul.

The golden bracelet around her wrist, barely visible under her sleeve, might attract those thugs. /That/ is just a pretty piece of art. If it's actual gold, worth a very pretty penny indeed. Little do they know.

Peter Parker has posed:
Their plan is not too complicated but it should get points for cunning and strategy.

Jane is almost to the entrance to the alley when she hears, "Hey, miss, you dropped something."
She turns to face the speaker, and then the man to her left seems to appear out of nowhere. He blitzes her in exactly the way he needs to when her center of balance is slightly off, and they both disappear into the alley. The speaker simply walks up and turns to the left to enter the alley. The third is already there to grab Jane and help hold her against the wall.

It is a modern-day magic trick. In the space of a second, the sound of a short grunt, and a Nobel-Prize-winning astronomer disappears from the world...

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla had certainly missed this, just walking through the streets after a long day of work. Honest work? In a way... And it did bring a change from just flying everywhere. Where once she had coveted her powers so much now she found herself enjoying the little things. How life turns sometimes ... Though there was this carelessness to her, as if she couldn't care less about walking alone in the streets.

Still, she notes some of the others about, perhaps doing the same, enjoying a little of the night time. So she does smile in that very american way too even if her eyes retain a sharpness to them, she coming down the opposite direction from Jane. Does that face ring a bell? Mmmm. Not lingering though. She moves on..

She does hear those words moments later, just past the alleyway. A tsk. Such is the way of New York. Eat or be eaten. She walks just a few meters more, Karla all ready to let the smiling woman to her fate but then pauses. A draw within her that tells her to do -something-. She does have the power to intervene, even if she has only been the type to act only in a selfish manner and not aid others. Could she change though? Or maybe there was something inside making her do so. So she comes to a stop, turning towards that alley..

Blake Riviere has posed:
Karla had indeed been noticed by Blake, the woman in black and red offering a little flashed return of a smile to the woman as she passed by. Polite, untinged by any hunger for the moment, this really was the best way for her to enjoy the city at night; not feeling like a starving woman in a city full of dinner dishes! So far? She'd passed by, only really crossing the plaza at a leasurely enough pace she hadn't actually recognized a certain celebrity Astrophysic expert.

She'd really been on her way to pass by, only to hear those words on the edge of her enhanced senses. Words that wouldn't have raised alarm at first, but the near inaudible thump of a form against the wall had her turning, finding one less patron of the Plaza visible. She didn't really need Vampiric senses to track what had happened, Karla was doing it for her by turning direction and running towards the alley, leaving her with her own choice.

A choice easily enough made: there were other things to indulge in within the city after all...and she still quite liked the thrill of a little excitement.

A soft rush of wind fills the plaza and Blake's form dematerializes, leaving only a swirl of mist to seep into the alleyway itself.

Jane Foster has posed:
The astrophysicist isn't a particularly brawny woman by any stretch of the imagination, but there is a bit more to her than a mildly fit adult woman semi-regularly practicing yoga or getting to the gym. Never mind she drives everywhere like you do. Being tossed about on crash mats comes as part of her other job, not that her assailants know it. Strategy of three on one, though, calls for purely defensive measures rather than playing fast and stupid with her life. A gun is a gun, at the end of the day. Jane turns first to that vocal "Hey, you..." Her position is guarded, not unfriendly, but it's all too late to toss her off. Fortunately some of those lessons earned painfully with a very competent sensei apply here. Jujitsu defensive stance it is when she's plowed to the wall, held flat to brick and stone, shifting her weight to leave herself at least some mobility.

"Don't do this," three immortal words of the victim everywhere pass from her lips. Three words that carry a quiet tone, one not shot by so much fear. A skim of anxiety, yes. Keys she has, and if they're enough to reach for, she has the option. Badge for the certain late night show in her back pocket of her sleek jeans. And uru: a tempest's condensed core, the impenetrable birthright of a dying dimension cheerfully locked against her wrist in its bright gold shine. Up close, it's easy to see the engravings on it. Trefoil-like knotwork.

If the thieves know it, Norse or Viking style. If they truly have any awareness, that might be the warning: Asgardian. It's otherwise a nice trinket, probably the only valuable one other than her drop earrings or her phone or those boots (designer). Boots she's prepared to use with a kick, but for the moment, it's largely to see if reason will work. It rarely does. Still... fair play. "Just take it and go. Sunday..." Or whatever voice activated software a Stark Phone uses. Especially one modified for SHIELD. "Unlock this device." Which is, in effect, protocol for compromised. Hey, that much she had to have on there, telling it to shut down all the background noise.

Peter Parker has posed:
The main guy, the one who had said she'd dropped something came up to her and began frisking her, starting with the phone. A pretty nice one, with one of those little hideaway cases with ID and stuff. His fence would like it. He smiled to the big guy pinning Jane to the wall, then looked back to Jane and he frisked her with his eyes. "She looks like fun, boys. Doesn't she look like fun?"
The other two men nodded, neither of them saying a word beyond grins and snickers.
The man grinned back to Jane. "We're going to have some REAL fun. If you're nice, we might even let you live afterward."

A joke, of course. They never let ANYONE live.
"Now, let's see how your clothes look on the street..."

"Danny-boyyyy...the cells, the CELLS are caa-haaa-lling..."

All three men freeze. They stop smiling as they realize the voice is coming from ABOVE them. They look up to see Spider-Man resting on the wall 15 feet above them.
"Danny...Mikey...Trent...you should have TOLD me when you three got out of Riker's. I would have told them to HOLD your cells for you..."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla has noticed Blake as well. A smile offered. But now her focus is on that alley. And as she looks again to where Blake was before she doesn't find her, nor anywhere else on the street..., strange.. But she doesn't give it too much thought. Yet this a public street, and not exactly knowing who may be looking in her direction means she is not ready to shift into her Moonstone outfit. Which also limits on how she may interfere, not wanting to let her secret identity be discovered...

Ah well, maybe she can then skip it ..., just continue walking down the street and leave the woman to her fate... A jolt on her brain and an headache later she is again heading to that alley. Walking though, she won't run in. Hero? Her? She hasn't been one in years..., yet it's hard to resist what once made her become Ms. Marvel.

So she walks towards that mouth of the alley, her high heels heard. She doesn't really like stealth, looking about, taking in the three assailants, the woman to the wall. Then Spider man up above. She doesn't stop, approaching. "I hate unfair fights..." well, technically she does love those, but noone else needs to know.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I swear...we truely keep running into each other. Are you stalking me little Spider?"

A mugging going on, Karla's arrival and threat and poor Jane caught in the middle, now the -mist- that was sweeping into the alleyway was talking.

The damn mist! What a night to be a Jane-Snatching mook!

The swirling mist finally coalesces, but by perhaps practice or some sort of mystic trickery the figure revealed is little more than a silhouette at first, one with luminescent red eyes and scarcely more detail to be seen. At least until Blake steps forwards, finally revealing herself to the light. Spider above, Vampire to the left and Moonstone to the right...unfair fight was putting it mildly!

It's only then that scent and sight meet with recognition for the fanged woman, recognizing Jane with a blink. The scientist and her one-time conversation companion from The Wick! Such a small world!

Jane Foster has posed:
A sense ripples places it shouldn't. Inspired by some purpose, Jane doesn't need to look up to see it: there hangs the violet death's-head like a blemish in the alley. No one else can see it, but she can. Leering, growing, benignly smiling down on her. "Hell no. Not like this," a soft murmur escapes her lips. Genosha was bad enough. Weeks later and dead in an alley? Hell. No.

Growing. Shrinking. The death's-head flame taunts her all the same. Anyone looking in her eyes might see the skulls there, superimposed like a faint shine. Presumably the one holding her firmest to the wall is distracted by the shadowy figure up there -- hello, friendly neighbourhood Menace -- and she does that makes the most sense. Stop being passive, give a would-be helper some help. Key word, help.

She sinks down against the wall, feet sliding forward a bit. Her chin tucks low, giving less of a handhold, and her hands rise, one going horizontal to his forearm. The room might be just enough for her to rotate her body, throwing all the frightened strength she has into knocking the inside of his arm away from her. If it works, then it positons her elbow to come back right towards his face. One hard jab becomes a second straight to the cheekbone with the back snap of pressure. Ugly and forceful, but not brutal. The ultimate end point of that move is a headlock, but ugly odds are just enough to get her fighting to escape the alley wall.

Yes, it's the young lady from the Wick. When she gets around to understanding there /is/ talking mist that coalesced into a person? Chances are good she didn't notice, but she is aware of Blake all the same. And Karla: the lady of the lovely attire. "Hi," comes out as a flat, breathless greeting to them all but in the middle of stopping herself from becoming an apparent casualty, it's all she can muster.

Peter Parker has posed:
Mikey looks down in time to see Hello, Mrs. Elbow, because you're not a Miss.
He catches it in the nose and steps back, lessening the grip on Jane. Then the big guy blinks once before suddenly FLYING upward to the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, who webs him on a nearby fire escape.

THEN he notices the two new people and...uh-oh, Lady Dracula's here. Then another voice chimes in and oh, look, a WITNESS! Just in time, too.

"Miss Riviere, I don't see HOW I could POSSIBLY stalk YOU." His eyes move back to Danny and Trent. "Boys, Two options. Option A, you lay down, I web you to the street, and the cops come and put you back in your nice clean cells."
Trent asks, "What's B?"
Spidey points to the woman with the red eyes and fangs. "She gets involved and makes you WISH you picked A."

Karla Sofen has posed:
So THAT is where she was. It comes as a surprise for Karla when she sees the mists coalescing into Blake's form. Sure, she has seen her things in the past but what would be the odds? Her eyes do focus on the supposed 'victim' though, watching the struggle, the tall Californian blonde cutting an imposing figure right at the beginning of the alley, keeping at least that run away avenue closed. Or well, she just looks like a normal person, albeit tall and athletic. So what are the odds that there is yet *another* powered person here? Not many, right?

Are those eyes different though? She squints her blue ones while she takes note of Jane, waiting, watching her fight off against poor Mikey who takes it on the nose and is then captured by Peter.

Yet as the fight appears to have turned unfairly towards the 'good' side she decides to not move in and intervene. Because, well, we are talking about wererats aren't we? So much fur ..., and what are the odds they are all diseased? Ufff... But more importantly, that pressure on her brain from a certain spirit has subsided, not pressing her anymore to urgent heroics. The others should have this, so she will keep her place just in case any tries to run towards her. "Truly the worse night for you boys to come out. I would listen to your friend up there." 'friend' is said in a very loose manner.

Blake Riviere has posed:
For all the physical senses Blake might have, she very much lacks those needed to notice the ephemeral tormentor of Jane or all that potential that Karla carries. As far as she knows? The blonde was simply a good samaritan with some uncommon bravery. Commendable, but that was about all she could really recognize in this moment. Instead her eyes flick to Jane as she makes her moment of struggle and decides to step forwards, a flare of those eyes and a hiss of fangs, one swears there might actually have been a bright after-image of the woman who surges forward and attempts to grab Trent by the throat and pin him against the wall, held aloft by a single arm in a poetic parody of Jane's earlier predicament.

"They are both correct," the accented vampiress speaks, eyes fixed on -her- victim for a moment. "This is not your night...it's mine..."

Blake Riviere, ever one for a little dramatics.

Jane Foster has posed:
The whole point is getting away. Jane's opened a get out of jail free card, so she takes it by darting away as fast as she can towards Karla. The slow procession of trouble coming from elsewhere -- the vampire, Spider-man -- gives her that freedom to avoid being a tempting target. Not a pellmell retreat, which opens too much of her back to danger. She rather makes a strategic dash, hands raised to guard back against any strikes directed her way. Clearly some martial training applies here.

"Hello, no idea who they are, and I hope you don't mind if we stand back," she says raggedyl. Bruises will show up sooner than later. Her eyes flash with anger repressed, with worry between Blake advancing and the shadowy form up there offering to web things. A weak salute is given to the latter: "I'll take no offense if you stick them to the ground. Thank you!" Always remember manners. Always.

Even if she's seething for a fight, it's better to check her shoulder hasn't ended up too bruised or her elbow cracked. That hit was hard. It'll be felt for days.

Peter Parker has posed:
Trent looks into those eyes, his own going wide...

And then, although it is not raining, he is suddenly standing in a puddle.

Spider-Man webs Trent's hands to the wall, then looks to Danny. "Danny-boy..." he says almost playfully.

Danny stopped and sighed, rolling his eyes. He is about to get down, then suddenly throws Jane's phone against the wall, hoping to smash it.

Instead, a burst of webbing hits the wall first and cushions the impact, leaving the phone unscathed. In the next moment, Danny is rooted to the spot.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Karla does stand back, even going as far as edging to the side so as to allow Jane to get next to her and not be blocked in that alley with the rest of those thugs. Not that she looks the protective type, but well, she is here already so she might as well stay. And nothing like gaining some points with other heroes. One never knows what the future may hold...

Blue eyes still trail Jane for a time, focused on her eyes, but whatever she thought she had seen there seems to be gone. Doesn't mean she doesn't squint, mmm'ing thoughtful. "Nothing to worry it would seem. The fight seems close to it's end." she assesses. Which is just as good for her, means she won't have to apply any of her powers.

Then perhaps in a measure of respect at someone which didn't exactly wait to be rescued and actually did something to protect herself she introduces herself. "Karla."

Blake Riviere has posed:
And then Trent was pinned to the wall by webbing and Blake was left to release him...while he's still left hanging. Those fangs are actually in the midst of retracting only for her to spot Danny attempting to smash the phone. There wasn't any real moment to intervene, but it seems the local 'Menace' had things under control and Jane would be spared a repair bill!

Those practically glowing red eyes? They fade, dropping to a more natural blue while the vampiress reaches up to fix her hair and finally turns to face Karla and Jane, a stranger and a past encounter both. "Good evening," she greets lightly in those same accented tones. "Forgive the interuption."

Jane Foster has posed:
So long phone. Little did she have ye--

--okay, another day, another factory reinstall. But it saves her a grand against her budget, highly appreciated. Someone not made of money or circuitry can accept her phone being saved, and not filing an insurance claim of "Thug deliberately destroyed it during mugging."

Jane sighs softly under her breath. The signs of the death's heads in her eyes are gone, for the most part, unless Blake really gets hungry or violent. Should any of the people in the vicinity prove in mortal peril, the shadowy outline is there again to the sensitive. She shivers though it isn't especially cold, pulling her coat back over her shoulders and closer. It might be the worse for wear, torn up, but at least it covers her. "Good to meet you, though sorry under the circumstances." She exhales. "Jane. Jane Foster." The latter name puts her in the stratosphere of public figures, the kind who debates physics with Colbert or matches wits with Reed Richards. Springy, adaptable minds stretch to take in the violence. When Blake turns back, both of them receive a lopsided smile. "Thanks, by the way. For stopping. I'll have to thank them later when it all resolves." She twists the bracelet around her wrist, then runs her hand over her sleeve to let off the excess anxiety.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man drops to the ground, stretching slightly. He looks to Trent, then shakes his head. "Sad."
He walks over to the phone webbed to the wall, then gives it a spritz of the webbing solvent in the handy little atomizer. A couple of seconds later, the phone comes loose and none the worse for wear.
He strolls over to Jane Foster, and catches the introduction. "Dr. Foster? You won the Nobel for...astronomy. The 'Unified Worlds' paper. Uhmmm...here." He holds the phone out to Jane. "Here you go. Not even a crack on the screen."

Karla Sofen has posed:
The vampire still gets a good look from Karla. She knows how to read danger. As if red eyes and fangs weren't a good enough sign. Yet once the woman begins to change back to a more normal outlook so does she appears to ease whatever tension was left. Specially now that most foes appear to be done. "Good evening." she says. Ever polite, even allowing a faint smile to come to her lips, a dip of her head given, both to Spider and Vampire.

Jane's introduction does makes her lift a brow. So that's where she knew the face from. Of course. "Ah, Dr. Foster. Well met. Seems these people had no respect for science."

A pause when her eyes are drawn to the bracelet the woman starts to twist, her eyes narrowing, the tension returning again. Does she recognize it? But soon enough that tension appears replaced by curiosity.

Blake Riviere has posed:
'Lady Dracula' or not, the bracelet to her gaze was simply that for Blake, a bracelet. She had no idea of whatever potential it might conceal, but at least she wasn't herself offering any immediate danger. She'd even fed already tonight after all!

Hair appropriately fixed she steps forward, shrugging her shoulders at Jane's thanks and offering a slight fangless grin. "You bought me a drink last time, what's a little threatening of muggers in return?" she speaks, apparently amused by her own comparison before she turns her gaze back towards Karla. It was a polite greeting returned, an introduction offered even if Spiderman had technically given part of her name away earlier. "Blake," she offers simply and folds her hand, looking sidelong to the Spider offering out the phone and giving a little tilt of her head.

"You thought I was going to 'eat' them, didn't you?"

Jane Foster has posed:
"Some people have no respect for others," Jane agrees, whatever bemusement found in the situation washed away as she no longer worries about the usurpation of her senses or, moreover, the ability to breathe and live another day. The night shines in its beauty, New York hums on like it always will. Nothing short of total obliteration will keep it from trundling right along. Her hands smooth out her hair, fallen away around her face, though it still needs a good combing. "Yes, that's me. Lady of Wormholes, Rainbow Bridges, and Stars." Not her own title; they've all been applied quite regularly by the press on different occasions, causing no little amount of annoyance. Good credit, though.

Taking the phone from Spider-Man, she gives him a definite smile. There may still be nerves rattling her, but not too much for that. Looking over her phone, she thumbs the screen and it shows the merry logo of Stark Industries, the wallpaper back to a standard swirl. "That's... that's wonderful. Thank you for rescuing this. Saves me from having to stand in line for hours getting my identification replaced. You're awesome. I won't forget this." She lifts the phone carefully in salute. "All of you, and I mean that. You came when I needed help most, and I will try to repay the favour. If you ever want a background tour of the Hayden Planetarium or something like tickets, just let me know."

Sincerity colours those words, though she carefully slips her phone back into her pocket. Keys are still there, beyond all. Using them to scratch out the eyes of muggers, not so needed. "I'm going to be buying rounds all over at this rate." An attempt of humour mostly works, the chuckle low and throaty. "You were impressive, I'm sure."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey steps back from Dr. Foster and gives Blake a sardonic look. "Fangs out, eyes red. Face it. You're scary when you're like that. And anyone who forgets the Hyphen is capable of ANYTHING."
He smiles pleasantly to Jane. "If I can make a request...the next time you find someone who needs help, help them out. No worries about what it will cost you in time or money or attention. If you can help someone else out, Dr. Foster, you can consider you and me squared up. Paid in full." He leans against the wall, then takes out a much older-model phone. He is REALLY hoping to get his own Spider-Comm network up soon. "I'll call the cops and have these boys tucked away. I think all this counts as a few parole violations."

Karla Sofen has posed:
As they speak and Karla realizes they are acquainted to each other, at least to a measure, she smirks briefly. "I see everyone is acquainted already. It's a small world sometimes." she says in comment, adjusting her blouse, checking her nails. None broken, just a fine evening. Minimum effort and a few acquaintances to boot. When Spiderman speaks though she lifts a brow. She tends to dismiss these good samaritans that do everything for the goodness of their heart but then sighs. "You are as good of a guy as it gets, uh?"

Eyes then turn to Jane, she not exactly one to refuse what is offered, stating. "I will never say no to either free tickets or a drink, so count me in." no false modesty there! Even if her participation in this fight was, at best, just making number! But who will tell her that?

Though she reserves one last question to Blake. It's an honest one at least. "Why didn't you?" curiosity on her tone.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"There is a hypen?" Blake questions, only to blink once more. How could one distinguish a hypen or lack of in verbal speech. Clearly some sort of mutant or meta power! With the vampiress disturbed by such a thing, she waves a hand dismissively at the mention of her being scary when full 'fangs out'. Not that she really denied it, it had been the entire point!

"If you are offering," she muses towards Jane, that grin remaining as agreement is made to Karla's comment, but she does lift one hand, tapping a painted nail against her cheek. "Then again, perhaps parting you from your money after saving you from muggers is a bit ironic."

Of course, she wasn't going to mention the other intentions the thugs currently hanging nearby had.

Karla's question, honest as it was? It's met with a pause, consideration of her own honesty before she shrugs. "It is...like having a stale 'gas station' sandwich after you'd already had a perfectly cooked meal earlier in the night." Metaphor, but it was a little less unnerving than suggesting she simply preferred healthier or higher-class 'doners'.

Jane Foster has posed:
Hyphenation, the bane of all non-Germans. Jane suppresses a bit of a grin, unable to do much there. Still, she braids her hair into a quick plait falling down her shoulder, tolerably organized rather than windblown. Not much to be done for an elastic, but a reappointed bobbypin will do for the moment. "I would never offer unless I meant it," she replies to Karla. Thoughtful for a moment, she nods to Spider-Man, giving him a more grave reply. "I always try to help out others as I can, but doing so when it's a risk? Fair enough. If you had not come, then I would not have fared nearly so well." Her smile fades, eyes dark cinnabar and full of clouds where light should reign. Still, her phone is safe in her pocket and no dominant rage insisting she go kick some poor webbed mugger. Poor indeed.

"A drink sounds normal, and we can all use a little of that. A drink, a place to sit, and good reason to remember this city isn't all bad." She shrugs her shoulders mildly and remembers why it's a bad idea to do that.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey taps a few keys, then shrugs. "I'm going to have to get going. Still got the rest of my patrol to do. It was nice meeting you, Dr. Foster."

He glances to Karla, then says, "I used to be a pretty big jerk. It ended badly for me...I'd rather not repeat the experience. So I'm not up for sainthood."

He smirks to Blake, then says, "Thanks for not juice-boxing anyone in this place. It is appreciated. Maybe sometime you might see some of the other stuff I do when I'm doing this whole heroing thing. These days, I think even a vampiress can be a heroine."