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What Might The Future Bring
Date of Scene: 20 April 2020
Location: Swimming Pool / Patio Deck
Synopsis: A relaxing evening out back of Xavier's turns to a lot less than relaxing with Hope learning Bishop has arrived... and a surprise cameo by Deadpool.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Hope Summers, Alex Summers, Gabby Kinney, Cable, Wade Wilson

Emma Frost has posed:
Its a lovely evening in Westchester. The sun has just set in the distance, and stars are beginning to twinkle in the skies above. A gentle spring breeze dances through the air.

Emma Frost is an admitted workaholic, and instead of spending her small amount of free time this evening on drinking at the club or Netflix and chill at her apartment or Alex's, she is at Xaviers, where the thought is she might be somewhat less inspired to drink herself into a somewhat numb state. After all, after a fashion, these are her people too.

So she and Alex Summers are sitting out on the back patio by the pool, enjoying a couple of non alcoholic fizzy drinks and the sunset that just slipped beyond the horizon. Emma is relaxed, though she is still dressed for work in a white pencil skirt and a white designer blouse. Still, it's not as severe as her business suits, so perhaps this is an improvement.

Hope Summers has posed:
Fitting in has never been Hope's strength. She's too independent, too driven, too...raised by Cable. So while she's started to make a few friends here, she's not really sure how to do the casual hanging out thing. Which often leads to wandering.

She's doing the wandering thing at the moment, which is what's brought her out on the patio. Granted, wandering for her often translates to a loose sort of patrol, even if the school is generally safe. Finding others who are at least adult-adjacent there, she hesitates for a moment, lips pursing as she tries to decide on her next move.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex, to be honest, is just pleased to have gotten Emma to take a break, considering she's often stubborn about how much work she sees herself having to do before she can rest...which is to say, more than she can finish, thus breaks happen infrequently. And he's come to find Xavier's school (oddly enough) as a place to relax, as weird as things are sometimes there.

    So, yes, enjoying an Arnold Palmer as he chats with Emma. And as he sees Hope wandering past, he holds up a hand, waving to her. "Hey, Hope!" he calls. "Come chill with us!"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma nods a greeting to Hope, who she only vaguely recognizes from glimpses into Alex's mind. To her knowledge, they've never met before. And to be fair, the Emma Frost the Hope knows is older, more embittered, and... well...

Maybe a bit different from the one relaxing in a chair on Xavier's patio with a can of Coke in her hand.

She gives the girl a smile, offering a seat at the table they are at. "Its a nice night!" she notes.

Hope Summers has posed:
This is definitely not the Emma that Hope remembers. And maybe, if she doesn't //act// like she is, there's a chance she might not ever become that woman. And Alex is...sort of family. In the sort of way that everything is here.

Taking a bracing breath, Hope summons up an awkward smile and comes over to the pair. "Hey," she greets once she's closer, waving. "I, uh. Didn't want to...interrupt? Is this a date? Is this how dates work?" Wow, it's almost like actual stream-of-consciousness.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex chuckles. "Nah, if we were on a date we wouldn't be hanging out at the mansion for it. Tends to lend itself to interruptions." he says amusedly, then motions to one of the open chairs at the table. "We're just relaxing, have a seat and join us? It's been a while since I've gotten to chat with you, and I don't think you've ever met Emma, right? Er, this Emma, maybe." he adds, furrowing his brow. "Ah, either way, Emma Frost, this is Hope Summers. So future niece of mine? Right?" He looks to Hope for confirmation.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma hmms. "So you're one of Jean's future children...." she frowns a bit, "with Alex's brother? That is so strange. Jean said they've only gone on one date." She glances to Alex and shrugs a bit, amusement playing at her lips. "I don't really know what she'd see in him anyway. He seems a bit stiff." She grins conspiratorially. "Does he loosen up any in the future?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"More like alternate universe," Hope smiles ruefully over at Alex, leaning against the railing. "And, uh. Not blood-related to any of them," she adds to Emma. "Raised by one of Scott and- I mean, technically, he's not even Jean's, he's Jean's clone's son. I'm just going to say that things there got //really// complicated."

At Emma's question, her brows rise in a sort of 'you have no idea' expression as she reaches up to shake a hand through her hair. "Scott gets...You know, Scott is the sort of person who needs things to be black and white, and needs something to balance him. And if you take that away and you put him in a really gray sort of world, he doesn't do well." So no. No he doesn't.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms, listening quietly. "...sounds like him. He was like that as a kid, anyway. And I'd guess that's why, really, they grew up together, him and Jean, in this place." he says, waving around the mansion grounds. "So...how did you end up adopted by him? This clone son guy. Nathan, right?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blinks. Jean... clone... son with Scott? Wow. That's just a weird one. Emma just shakes her head. She scoots her chair closer to Alex's and slides her hand into his free one, interlacing their fingers. She doesn't say anything, just listening.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Adopted is actually probably more...formal than the truth." Hope crosses her arms loosely over her chest, looking out toward the pool. "I, ah. So. Something happened in my world that seriously cut the number of mutants in the world. Down to fewer than two hundred. And then no new mutants were being born. But somewhere, someone had some sort of prophecy about a child being born that would change it. Unfortunately, mutants weren't the only ones who got hold of it. The Purifiers and the Reavers got it too. And hey, lucky me, it was me."

She shrugs, looking back. "Nathan got to the hospital where I was born just before they did, got me, and fought them off. And then Scott sent him into the future to raise me where we'd presumably be safe. Didn't...entirely work out that way, but we made it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks sick for a moment. She didn't recognize the Reavers, but she damn sure knew who the Purifiers were. They were another group like Pro-Humana. And frequently violent against mutants. She could only imagine what they would have done to any mutant baby, much less one with some sort of mutant savior prophecy attached to them.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods slowly. "I see...so...they...chased you to the future too, and then you ended up back here to get away from them?" he wonders, sipping from his drink quietly as he takes it in. "I mean...you made it here, and that other version of...your...adopted dad made it here..."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Not exactly. //They// couldn't follow us, but there was another mutant who thought that I caused //his// terrible future who managed to follow us," Hope explains. This involves lots of hand gestures. It's complicated. "He damaged Nathan's time-slider so we could only go forward, lots of crazy things happened, we managed to beat him and get the parts we needed for repair from him, we came back to the present in my world. Beat the Purifiers and the Reavers, mutants started to be born again, stabilized that, had a bit of a falling out with the Avengers over the fact that the Phoenix Force was headed for me, and then things got //very// ugly in ways I'm not comfortable discussing, I took the force and willed it out of existence, and woke up here."

She claps, then holds her hands out to either side of herself. "And tada! Here I am. So. It's, ah. You know, the nice part is that things a generally nicer here than any time or any place I've ever been, so there's that."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma does not really... follow a lot of that, truth to tell. There is a lot of blinking and confusion from the blonde-dyed telepath. "Well," she manages after a few moments. "I'm glad it is nicer here, then. Though with everything going on, that makes me find a great deal of discomfort in the potential future." She frowns, glancing over to Alex. He was very much a question mark in her future, given... family strain and her own secrets. Still.

"But here at least no one is trying to kill you, perhaps?"

Alex Summers has posed:
    "...cool. Sounds like you deserve a little bit of nice." Alex says agreeably. "So the guy chasing you, he lost you then? And the prophecy thing, it doens't mean you have to go back to the future at some point to fulfill it or something?" He's a bit unsure on things as it is. "...and...out of curiosity, have you met a version of Emma in the future?" he wonders.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Not that I'm aware of yet, at least," Hope smiles faintly to Emma, crossing her arms again with a shrug. She doesn't sound like she's all that worried about it, though. Business as usual.

"We sent the guy chasing us to a truly unpleasant point in the future," she admits to Alex. "Let him deal with some of the consequences of stuff he set up to try to catch us. Until Dad showed up, I'd've said I didn't think anyone could follow us here anyhow," she muses. "But. I guess he might be able to, but I'm not sure why he would. I'm pretty sure getting rid of the Phoenix was the end of what was planned for me there. I think...I'm free now. So to speak."

The last part makes her uncomfortable, to judge by the way she looks away. Emma might be able to sense a tightening of mental shields if she looks. "I've kind of come to the conclusion that it's...better for most people not to know about things there," she says after a moment. "People don't always deal well with that sort of knowledge."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma sticks her tongue out at Alex. She feels the tightening of Hope's shields of course, and while she is mildly nosy herself she doesnt pry. For now. "I'm sure she really doesn't want questions about who we end up married to or having kids with or living happily ever after with, Alex." Wew, given Hope's universe all of that is the furthest from what Hope could talk about, but still. "If you intend to keep me around you will just have to do it the old fashioned way," she teases. Yes, this Emma is, besides younger and less jaded, much more human than the one Hope knew and likely loathed. (For good reason.)

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex bahs. "Well, as long as any of the info isn't needed to prevent robots from the future trying to kill us or something, I suppose I can tolerate that.' he says goodnaturedly, shrugging his shoulders as he sips from his lemonade tea. "So, are you gonna stay in school here, figure out what you wanna do next?" he asks Hope curiously.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There's a pool. There's a POOL and no one told Gabby. Of course her explorations into the back have been more around running out to the woods to visit Logan, or following after the older kids who were out jogging around the lake. The weather wasn't quite 'swimming weather' yet so there was very little case to go out to the pool area. Yet now she explores having been wandering by and overhearing a few familiar-ish voices.

Just to make sure it's safe she pops her head outside the french doors leading to it to make sure it was safe to venture further out. She'd heard about some of the older sorts skinny dipping in the river recently after all. Gossip around here was insane.

Thankfully there's no nakedness (which kind of bums her out that would have been awesome) but she does grin recognizing everyone here. "Hey! So this is where all the cool people went, huh?" Skipping out of the door she heads over to give Hope a hug if she can. "Haven't seen you in ages! Laura's a raptor now so if you see one wandering around don't smoosh her okay?"

Hope Summers has posed:
In Emma's defense, Hope's feelings about Scott aren't considerably different. Well. Maybe there's a //little// more respect. Just a little. "I'm...not really a school person," she admits to Alex, shrugging. "Not my thing. On the other hand, my thing is mostly...guerilla warfare and survival? Which seems to be not a high demand sort of thing."

She purses her lips, catching the inside of her cheek between her teeth. "To be honest? I haven't exactly done a lot of planning ahead in my life, so...I don't really know how. It's always been one mission at a time."

And then Gabby has arrived, the perfect distraction. "Hey," she grins, returning the hug. "I, uh. Wait, raptor?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"...a raptor?" Emma sounds mildly skeptical. There had been a few news reports but mostly she had blown those off as a joke. She looks to Hope and shrugs. "Well, as my father says, lack of a skill is only proof you should develop it. Maybe you should take some time and consider your future here. What you want to do, the life you want to live. //Most// of the people here seem friendly enough and willing to help." Emma smiles over towards Alex. "Take Alex for example. He took charge of his future by accepting a position at Shaw Industries." She lifts an eyebrow and then winks at him. "With his intelligence and drive, maybe we will induct him into the Club at some point." Well, that likely might put Hope on edge some.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods, looking thoughful. "Yeah, the club thing...I mean, the job is great. I'm seeing where it goes at this point, and if it helps Emma out, I'm not against it." he decides. As they haven't really discussed it much as of yet, beyond the basic internship acceptance for....reasons.

    He starts to greet Gabby as she chatters at the group then pauses. "...wait, a raptor?" he echoes Emma, looking vaguely confused. "You mean, like one of those rubber raptor masks people wear for a joke?" Because that's what his mind first jumps to, at least.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney releases the hug on Hope to stand up again still grinning. The talk of futurs, and the club does earn a momentary distraction of, "Oh the Hellfire Club? I had a ton of fun there at the Oktoberfest with Julian! And yes I only had rootbeer," she assures with a laugh because that's what eeeveryone asks her. He, however, did have a beer. She's not tattling.

"Ah, nope. Actual raptor. Utahraptor I think?" She gives a small shrug as well. "Jean turned into a feathered Tyranosaurus at the same time. The school was on lockdown for a short bit until they got things settled."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney adds, after a short moment of thought, "I'd advise staying out of the woods for awhile, too. They've been off hunting."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope arches a brow at Gabby, letting that all sink in for a moment. "Okay, well. Maybe figure out why people are turning into...dinosaurs...should be the next mission," she says slowly, looking back to Emma with a shrug. "One mission at a time. But there's pretty much always a mission. Dinosaurs," she muses, looking back to Gabby. "Well. Better than cockroach people." Because that's a thing that happened.

Emma Frost has posed:
"You can't be serious." Emma for a moment wishes her rapport with Jean was strong enough to telepathically reach her at a distance. That would settle the many questions she had once and for all. Alas.

She lifts a brow at Hope, but doesn't ask because eww. That falls strictly into the 'pretty sure I dont want to know' category. She squeezes Alex's hand. Absently she mentally connects with him, and then drops it. She might test her new mental link tomorrow. Surprise him. Maybe.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex just....blinks at Gabby and Hope as they calmly accept, well...people turning into dinosaurs. "...you're shittin' me. Jean too?!?" he says after a moment. "Wait, how...no, bugs would be worse..." he agrees after a moment. "But seriously...feathered dinosaurs? Like...full sized ones?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances around at the incredulity of Alex and Emma. Hope seems to take it in stride, so she offers them a smile. She moves to the center of where they're all lounging and sitting to simply plop down on the ground sitting indian style with the same smile. "I know I can be a bit silly at times, and it's probably easy to imagine me, well, over-imagining things, so..." She glances at Hope. A hand lifts to tap the side of her own head. "You still got the mind reading, Hope? You can share it with them too if that helps." Before there is any protest she adds, "It's okay. You can't hurt me. Go ahead!"

Really it would be easy. She has no mental sheilding what-so-ever, and her mind is open quite willingly to let her memories be explored. Though she is currently thinking about the other day when this happened in the kitchen. "But if not..." She shrugs a bit. "You guys can always ask Kitty or Bishop or Henry. They were there, too."

Hope Summers has posed:
"No, sorry. Last thing I picked up was glowing in different colors," Hope shakes her head to Gabby, starting to look toward Emma before pausing uncertainly. Is Emma out? Do people know? Probably...better not to mention it herself. "I believe you, though. It's been in the news, all over the internet. Not Jean specifically. I guess I figured it wouldn't hit mutants, though. Not sure why."

She frowns to herself, thinking it over. "You know, I used to be able to do anything at once?" she sidetracks. "Like...five, six powers. Full strength, full control. Here, not so much. Though maybe it's Phoenix burn-out or something."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks disturbed. "I thought whatever they were mentioning in the news was some kind of hoax. People cant just turn into dinosaurs. That is ridiculous." She frowns, muttering something about potential damage to the club. She reaches for her cell phone in her pocket, but glances at Alex and flushes a soft pink, stopping pulling it out midway and pushing the phone back into her pocket.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex raises a brow at Gabby, then looks over to Emma, then Hope for confirmation. "See, the one I heard was apes, not dinosaurs." he says after a moment of thought. "So some weirdness either way. Maybe someone really wants to re-envsion Jurassic Park or something." he says bemusedly. "I mean...wait, does that mean they still have their abilities, even transformed? Like mental powers and...I don't know, claws and stuff?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney awws quietly at Hope's response. At least for a moment, "I totally want to see that at some point." Flashy lights? That sounded fun. The more serious topic does earn a nod from her though along with a shrug. "Yeah, seems so. Jean threw me away from her just before she changed, and then knocked down the wall to run out--" She gestures toward the kitchen wall which was solid and unharmed. "Uh, Rachel rebuilt it," she explains as it seems to make her explanation a bit more suspect.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Trust me, all sorts of things are possible," Hope snorts softly to Emma, mulling it over. "The question is just how. Chemical agent? Magic? Why those particular people and not others? Why a particular sort of-"

It's then that other things start to sink in and she goes suddenly still, save for a slow turn of her head. "Sorry, Gabby. Who was it you said we could ask again?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"Kitty, Bishop, Henry," Emma responds to Hope's question helpfully. She glances to Alex. "This entire thing just... even if it's TRUE, why on earth would anyone do such a thing? What benefit does anyone have turning people into dinosaurs and gorillas?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney spreads her hands in a rather large shrug in response to the why, or whether it was magic or not. "It was really quick. Like, almost immediate a change. Dr. McCoy thinks they might have been exposed to some kind of agent of some sort... But magic might explain it too, and why they still have their powers. I dunno, I'm not a geneticist. I just grew up around them," she explains with another shrug.

She's just about to list the names again when Emma fills it in and she nods. "Yeah, them. Bobby too, come to think of it. They were all there after a fishing trip down to the lake and were cooking the fish up."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex mmms, eyeing the undamaged wall. "...I'd think there'd be a bigger hole with a T-rex..." he admits after a moment, then looks back at Gabby. "What, like some sort of weird magic virus or something like that?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Who's Bishop?" Hope remains very still, though some of the tension seeps through in her voice. No matter how calm she tries to sound about it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma shrugs. "I don't think I've met any of the people Gabby mentioned yet." She looks to Alex. "Maybe I should at some point." She notes Hope's tone. "Is everything all right, Hope?" she asks kindly, with genuine concern.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I mean that makes as much sense as anything else, right?" Gabby points out to alex with a wry grin. "I did hear some were getting turned into gorillas too, but that's not what I've seen so far." Her attention splits back to Hope with a little hum. "New guy. Pretty tall, muscular, dark skinned guy. He's got scars on his face like me," she explains while lifting a hand up to gesture over one of her own eyes. "Except it's in the shape of an 'M'. Looks more like a burn than a cut, too," she explains matter-of-fact. "He seems nice. Offered to teach me how to fight. It's a nice sentiment even if I already know how. I could use the practice."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope glances to Emma, but her attention is mostly on Gabby. "Did he say what he was here for?" she asks, starting to straighten up from her lean. She's got that loose and tense look of someone who's ready to dive for cover, like everything's gone to a sharp focus.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ahms... For once she's not entirely certain what to say as she looks to Hope vaguely confused. "... Lightly fried fish filets?" A helpless shrug comes in response. "He did thank Jean for letting him stay here and get used to things. I think he's kinda lost, maybe? Honestly he's just been really friendly and trying to help out around here."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yeah. Yeah, he's..." Hope takes a deep breath, fists clenching and unclenching. "It's probably nothing," she says, though it sounds more like she's trying to convince herself than that she means it. "This universe's...Bishop's the man who hunted us," she finally explains. "My whole life. He's the boogeyman. But he wasn't...always."

Pushing off the railing, she lets out a slow breath. "Look, I need to go and- I should find out more about this." And check her guns. "Thanks, Gabby. Emma, Alex, good to see you again."

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex nods uncertainly. "...maybe you should go find Scott or the professor and let them know that it's the same guy. Just in case it...is the same guy? I mean, if you can travel back, best to be sure." he says after a moment, glancing at Emma and Gabby.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma watches Hope depart with a touch of concern. "Mm. This could be messy if this Bishop is from--" the phone in Emma's pocket bypasses the silent mode and begins to ring. There are only a couple of numbers that can do that, and it's always an emergency. She frowns, answering and standing up to move slightly away. "Frost. Mm. Yes. Westchester. Uhhuh. ...what? No, no, repeat that? He is a //what//? No, do not call animal control-- no. There is no need to bother father with this, I'm on my way back now." She hangs up, looking apologetically at Alex. "Hon, I have to get back, my VP of R&D is apparently a giant gorilla."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Oh." That's not good at all and causes Gabby to frown as she sits indian style on the ground in the center of the group. When Hope gets to her feet she pushes to her own. A quick slap or two against her thighs dusts her off as she's about to go after Hope. "If you need help with any--" She starts just in time to overhear the call from Emma. She looks to Alex and just POINTS at Emma with an expression that reads 'See!?' She hadn't been making things up after all.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex blinks Hope's rapid departure, then at Emma, then can't help but break into a chuckle. "...huh...yeah, there's...you probably need to deal with that." he says, hiding his amusement poorly at this point. I mean, it's not funny, but then again it is! He stands up, stepping over to give Emma a quick kiss. "Don't stay out working too late, okay?"

Cable has posed:
Seemingly just in time for absolutely nothing to happen, or maybe he just scared everyone away (not), Cable arrives on the scene a little bit too late, having just missed his daughter. He's dressed in somewhat casual clothes to hide his metal prosthesis and, more importantly, his guns.

"I can tell I missed quite the party."

He speaks calmly, knowing full well from just feeling a telepathic shift, as it were, that his daughter's mental state is not the best right now, he'd rather get the situation information before he goes and talks to Hope.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is the last left standing here a mixture of bewildered, worried, concerned, and protective. A strange mixture of feelings to be for sure as she stares off after Hope. Even though Cable steps into the area she doesn't seem to notice him visually, and instead just responds, "Yeah, I think that may partially be my fault. I didn't realize I was supposed to be looking out for someone and he showed up and now..." she takes a deep breath that she lets out slowly while her thoughts turn toward her OWN stash of guns which were, sadly, far away from here. Also not as fancy and futuristic as Hopes'.

Finally she looks toward Cable to blink at the fellow with an upward tilt of her head. Darn all these tall people showing up. A grin is offered to him which causes the scars on her cheeks to crinkle in the process. "Hi, I'm Gabby!" Squinting at him a moment she guesses, "You're Hope's dad? She's mentioned you." She's taking a wild guess but how many one-glowy-eyed mutants can there be? Don't answer that.

Alex Summers has posed:
    "Okay, /which/ guy showed up of the ones that were mentioned that's a guy Hope would be worrying about?" Alex asks, just to clarify, because he's a bit confused. And then looking at Cable, squinting at him. "...man, you looked rough after you came out that portal but I don't remember the metal last time." Because of course he hasn't met Cable. Just his alternate universe clone brother whatever the hell he is. He's lost track by this point. "Wait, you're the Hope's dad one, not the one who never met her. Okay. Cripes people, how many timetravlers are you putting up here?!?"

Cable has posed:
Cable looks at Alex for a moment and he raises a brow at the fellow. "Thats because I'm the -other- Nate." Cable replies to Alex with a cold stare. "Guessed right again. Try not to be this easily frustrated if you're in a high-pressure situation. Could be bad for you. Anyway, this timeline seems to be quite the popular hangout spot for time travelers. Though I only arrived here by luck when I was looking for Hope."

He turns his attention to Gabby as she greets him properly. "Nice to meet you Gabby. I hear your Hope's friend?" he offers the smaller lady his hand for a handshake.

He seems to pause for a moment though as if he senses a presence thats familiar to him. He visibly seems to frown like he was internally going 'Oh hell.'

Wade Wilson has posed:
The air warps a little, a flutter of ozone and... is that bacon?

Mmmm. Bacon.

Out of nowhere in the middle of the air (not the bottom or top of the air) near the side of the pool adjacent to some pleasant and fluffy bushes appears a Traveler. Maybe time, maybe distance, maybe Other. Said arrival is dressed in red and black mercenary leather and straps, a mask, heavily armed, steps out of basically nothing, and nearly ends up in the pool. He dug in his heels, though, acrobatic and skittered backwards, grabbing onto the bush for a lifeline.

"I'm fine. We're fine. It's fine. Where is this, and what year is it? Did I mess up the space-time continuum? I may have. There was a dinosaur in the place I just was. I didn't do it. I mean, I think I didn't, and people usually run away from me instead of following me, but it's /possible/," the masked arrival says, trying to untangle from the bush, now.

"I'm not naked, nor did I burn a hole in the bush, so that suggests there is no time element, but it's best to check on the date, I think," Wade prattles onward. It isn't really aimed at anyone, he could be talking on some kind of headset. Or just to himself.

"Let /go/." That was to the bush.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex raises a brow at Cable. "Pardon me for being confused and constantly astonished at everyday insanities here that don't exist elsewhere." he says dryly, sipping from his Arnold Palmer as he leans forward...then...a guy walks out of the bush.

    He just inhales a bit, then looks at his glass. "...should have gotten the beer." he mutters, before polishing it off. Then stealing Emma's abandoned Coke. He's pretty sure he's okay even if she's got cooties.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to shake Cable's hand with a quick bob of her head in agreement to his assessment. "Yeah! She's one of the first people I met after I escaped the labs," she explains with a bright grin that was a fairly frequent sight on her. She pauses though looking a bit confused for a half second. "I smell bacon?" It seemed a bit late for someone to be cooking that. Not that there was *ever* a bad time for bacon.

A glance is cast over toward the noise at the bushes with a quick blink. "Oh, hey. Someone in their jammies. ... Wait he's got guns. Man, they won't let *me* carry my guns around here!" A small huff of someone mildly annoyed comes only to pass just as quickly. "There's beer at Logan's but I'm not stealing any for you, Alex. I've already done that too many times." There's a pause as she adds, "I think your brother has some in the fridge though?" Someone may have mentioned that they needed to steal some to repay Logan for stealing his beers. That someone being Jubilee the very bad influence.

Cable has posed:
Cable seems to not even reply to Alex, or initially Gabby for that matter. He's too busy pinching the bridge of his nose in mild irritation from Deadpool's antics. "Wade." Cable says in a stern kind of way, as if to tell Deadpool that whatever adventure he was on, or is currently on, is gonna have to be put on pause. "What are you doing here?" Cable had hoped to dodge him for at least a little bit...

But, well, nothing lasts forever. Though Cable was pleased to see Deadpool in good health, its...a two-way street.

He then turns his attention to Gabby as he nods. "Well, thank you for making friends with Hope. She's had trouble making friends in the past." Probably because they were always on the run, before he looks at Alex who tries to be cool while sipping an Arnold Palmer. "Well, I'm certainly not the first. Chances are, I won't be the last."

Wade Wilson has posed:
In a sudden mercurial twist, Wade pulls one of his swords and turns on the grabby bush that cannot keep it's TWIGS TO ITSELF, and slices across the front with a lithe, skilled flick and roll of wrist. Loosened, Wade regains his footing, but not any of his composure. He stares at the bush, and then begins to artfully stap and snip at it with the sword, as if he were carving it into a particular shape.

But then he orients a little belatedly at Cable as he is addressed by NAME. He flicks the sword back and forth in a tick-tock motion, then... suddenly bounds over towards Cable, with a twirl of blade with wrist and fingers up and across ---

Only to neatly sheath it and attempt an excessively exuberant hug just for Cable! "Howdee. I do not have a pause button," Wade says aloud, but also isn't going for the jugular. Yet. "What do? Some lawn maintenance. Very zen. Now hugs." The bush does not look very zen. It's slightly more suggestive than zen.

"Further bulletins as events warrant."

Wade finger-waves at Gabby and Alex too. He's inclusive.

Alex Summers has posed:
    Alex turns his raised brow on Gabby. "...who were you stealing beer for, Gabby?" he says casually. Because if someone's gonna steal beer, they should do it themselves, not pick Gabby to do it for them. He does nod to Cable. "Sure, she's cool. Been through a lot, so I'm hoping she finds some peace here, maybe. Assuming this guy she ran off to check her guns over isn't an issue, anyway."

    As for Wade. "...so this is the groundskeeper? I thought that was some guy named Logan?" he asks Gabby, watching the two...face off? Maybe? He's not sure here.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney sees the oncoming charge, but rather than move to intercept she just steps back to be out of the way. The way Cable was acting this wasn't something to be concerned about. Even if Wade was waving his sword around like that. Besides, that really wasn't how you weilded a sword right before an attack. It was all show-offy. By the time he lunges at Cable to hug and offers the waggling finger wave she just lifts her own hand to wave back with a grin.

Ah, but then Alex asks the questions. "Jubilee and Julian," she answers before moving on to the other question rather quickly to avoid answering more about who she was helping snag beer. "No that's not Logan. That is definitely not Logan." Of course, who it was, was up for question.

"Hi! I'm Gabby. Why are you wearing a mask?" And hugging Cable but she figures he has that part handled.

Cable has posed:
Cable is just waiting for it. Perhaps its a matter of predictability in the unpredictable. But, he turns to look at Alex as he speaks, nodding. "Close. He's more like an occasional visitor if I understand correctly."

Midspeech, Cable lifts his metallic arm and rejects Deadpool?s hug via stiff-arm.

"I know there is no pause button, Deadpool." Cable sighs. "I know. But I won?t stop trying to find it." He looks at Gabby then and gives her a nod. "Very insightful. No, Logan is much more serious."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade just tries to hug the metallic hand instead, which is as supremely awkward as it sounds, but he doesn't push in further than that at the moment. Gabby asked him things.

"Mask? I'm not -- oh!" Wade lifts both gloved palms to pat over his masked face, as if able to feel the mask. "So I am," He remarks, dropping his hands down again, seating them on his hips. "My face has the consistency and charm of an intestinal tract full of overcooked hot-pockets, so mostly we keep this shit under wraps," Wade explains. "There's children here and stuff," he says, pointing towards the house. He then looks back to Cable. "Even tickling Logan's tickle-spots only gets stabbings. You gotta icepick his brain in just the right spot for laughter," Wade advises. "Not that I know for sure." But it sounds like the attempt may have been made. "He's called me both Wade and Deadpool," Wade chatters to Gabby. "Until I become a teacher here, either of those is great. Then... well probably still those."

Alex Summers has posed:
    There's just....a long pause as Alex watches this, though he gives Gabby the eye. But not too much. He's a believer in 1) he's not the fun police and 2) better they get it out of their system when they're young instead of getting wasted when they're actually legal. "So you two know each other, then. Annnnd....so is he supposed to be here?" is the second question, though he also holds up a hand in recognition as Deadpool explains. "Right. Mask is better. Carry on."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney blinks at that particular explanation not quite buying it. She points to her own face where there were obvious scars. "Can't be that bad. I've got scars and I'm fine. But if you're more comfortable with it, I guess that's okay too," she reasons after a moment. Some people she was learning just didn't have the same confidence as her. The topic is passed on as she nods toward both Cable and Alex.

"I know who Logan is. He's my genetic donor's genetic donor after all. This guy is way too tall to be him," she indicates with a grin. "Less hair too from what I can tell."

Cable has posed:
"Best not to look unless you prefer mental scarring to go along with your physical ones." Cable realizes that Deadpool is hugging his hand, which is weird, so Cable tries to shake his hand free of the regenerating degenerate. Either way, Cable looks over at Alex and Gabby. "Have fun. I'm going to check on Hope." He starts to get moving, but against better judgement, he turns and looks at Wade directly.

"Good seeing you again Wade. Try not to blow up this time." Cable says as he turns on his heels and starts getting going on his way.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"All of my blowing will not---" Wade censors, with a snap of fingers at Gabby. Unsure her age, but he's not feeling like getting thrown out of the mansion. "Be talked about." Right!

"As for mask. It isn't like /I/ have to look at me," Wade chuckles back to Gabby as well, with a tilt of his head in amusement. "Just no clue what sort of thing everyone around me has been eating, and my suit is only covered for projectile vomit of things in certain color families," he says, fluttering his hands towards his attire. Marinara sauce and spagetti, he'd be fine for stains.

Wade seems taken aback by the hair comments. "I don't like to think of it as less hair, but MORE face," Wade says, lifting one hand back as if diva his hand up over his lustrous invisible hair and flip it over his shoulder. "Which is what it is," Wade shrugs, seeming to let it go, or at least divert onto other ideas...

"I /also/ know who Logan is. My fellow canuck of stabbies. He's overdue for a hug attempt wherein I get shoved away," Wade says, perking up. "Stick around, Cable; we can have a platonic lunch later?" he begs, but seems driven to go prancing off towards the garage, in search of a Logan, most likely, instead of chasing down the departing Cable. FOR NOW.