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Latest revision as of 11:41, 14 November 2023

Milky Milky Moo
Date of Scene: 14 November 2023
Location: Mootant Town Milkshakes
Synopsis: The four meet up at a milkshake shop. They chat and then move on.
Cast of Characters: Cain Marko, Monet St. Croix, Sally Pride, Saeko

Cain Marko has posed:
     It's not early and not really late in the evening. Cain isn't hungry, because he's never hungry, because he doesn't need to eat. But as he was making his way through Mutant Town, he spotted Mootant Town Milkshakes. Since he made sure last time that this place isn't run by a mutant cow that ejects milkshakes from their nipples, he heads in. A milkshake could be good. He's dressed in normal clothes. Between that and the area he's been in, he's not standing out very much. He ignores whatever other scattering of cusstomers there are and makes his way to the counter.

"Alright. I'll take.... large chocolate. Large mint chip. Large hot fudge."

He forks over the dough. He still prefers cash to cards even after all this time. Then he wanders over to one of the tables with larger seats and gets comfortable. That's a plus for this neighborhood, they tend to have sturdy furniture.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Why is she here? Why is she here? This sort of place is beneath her.. But, it's an institution in Bushwick, and it's good to go out and support those sorts of things. Not everywhere can be backed secretly by the Genoshan Embassy after all. So Monet St. Croix goes to enter in, the bell ringing accompanying her arrival.. And then she gazes over at Cain, and moves to elt out an emphatic sigh. For those that could speak Monet-to-English mode, it could be roughly translated as 'whatever' as the girl would go to stand in line patiently. No sense making trouble.

Sally Pride has posed:
Some people do get hungry. Or thirsty. Maybe it counts as both in this case. Whatever it may be, it's not late enough to hit a bar when one might have to go out on patrol because you have some of the better night vision of the crew so a milkshake will have to do for Sally. Insert jokes about cats and milk at your leisure, she's likely heard them all before. She wanders into the shoppe, only to pause for a moment as she spots familiar faces about and waves to them. Particularly that big dude sitting over there, in the big chairs she's use to looking towards because that's where Ray and Seymor would have to sit.

Saeko has posed:
One might think for a devine being such a place would be equally 'beneath' her, but in truth? Saeko loved such things. Of all of humanity (and mutant-kind)'s advances? Their modern foods were some of the greatest.

Slipping through the door, the raven haired woman in the red dress seemed to be smiling brightly as she made her way towards the counter and the promise of the treat.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain glances at the door as a variety of women walk through it. Separately, seems like. He recognizes at least some of them. Idly raising a hand in their direction. Settling back in his seat, he watches them and the other customers. It's a few minutes later that his order is brought to his table, and he picks up the basic chocolate to take a sip. Hmm, not bad still.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix gives Cain a cautious glance - she had seen what he was capable of after all. But he wasn't an adversary so there was no reason to be anything more than cautious. He was allowed to go out shopping as well. She would glance over the menu - more for appearances, she already had it all memorized and knew what she was going to order.

In line, she goes to not pay any particular attention to things going on behind her.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride decides to just wander over, grabbing a more normal sized chair on the way and scooting it to Cain's table. "Fancy running into you here." She scoots the chair into place at the table, then settles down on it in a straddling 'Riker Maneuver' motion, mostly because it makes it easier to keep her tail out of the way of being sat on.

Saeko has posed:
Cain himself was certainly noticeable, large form that he cut being what it is. As she retrieved her order, a strawberry number with a scoop of icecream she happily took a sip from, the kitsune in disguise looked over, a little lift of her hand bringing with it a finger wave of greeting despite Sally making her arrival known.

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain nods his head to the lion in the leather jacket. "Yeah. How you been, Sally?" He casually reaches out and rubs the ears of the mutant woman. He sips again with the other hand. How fast the first shake is disappearing explains why he ordered three. "You spend a lotta time in Mutant Town?" It would make sense, considering. Though he's unaware that she's the other kind of mutant. Or that there IS another kind of mutant. Admittedly, there's not so many full on furries among the usual kind. He nods to Saeko and gestures at the table. "Hey Saeko. Join us?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The others present seem to know Cain. Well that's interesting enough . Monet goes to casually take her place and moves to grab whatever she's ordering. Then goes to slide over towards a nearby table, going tog ive space to Cain and his friends.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride mrrfs softly at the ruffling, the piercings in her ears jingling a little from it. Then she sits back up, stretching her arms. "Essentially live here," she replies. "Y'know, being one of the places folks like me can just walk around being myself." Not that it has stopped her from wandering farther, but there was less of an issue with appearances causing trouble. The difference doesn't really matter to her anyways, mutants are mutants, and mutants take care of other mutants regardless.

Saeko has posed:
Saeko herself was the furtherest from mutants of anyone here, but the woman give a little smile as she's invited over, catching the end of Sally's comment. "It -is- a wonderful place like that, truely. Much more comfortable for many who are different than far too many places in this world."

Cain Marko has posed:
Setting down his empty glass, Cain picks up the chocolate chip mint shake and tries that. Not bad. He gives Saeko a smile when she sits down. "It's alright. I visit sometimes. Can be interesting. Can run into some interesting people, too." Sip. "What've you ladies been getting up to lately?"

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride nods to Saeko when she joins them. "Yeah, exactly." It's followed by a shrug. "Much the same as usual, really. Excuse me a moment." She gets up and walks back over to the counter as the line has gotten shorter than when she came in and she still needs to order something.

Saeko has posed:
"Exploring and experiencing," Saeko offers, a little shift of her head accompanied by the drifting of reality and the reveal of the 'whisker' marks on her cheeks and the pointed fox ears atop her head. This was a place where such things would look less out of place, right?

"Saeko," she offers to Sally in introduction, but the feline woman was already moving away, leaving the kitsune to sip at her own drink. "And you Cain? Has fortune turned to your liking of late?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain watches the lion lady go to make her order, then turns his eyes back to Saeko. "So..." He leans a littler closer and raises a brow. "You're some kind of fox person, huh?" They never did talk after the incident with the rusty guys. He leans back again at the question and shrugs. "I'm still around. Not much been happening to me. Pretty boring overall." His hand sort of reaches out on its own to rub one of the foxes ears as well. "We should talk more often though."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride did catch the introduction as she got up, and follows when she returns to her seat after making an order. "Sorry, wanted to get an order in before the line got long again. Name's Sally. Sally Pride. And boring or not, it's still good to see you about big guy."

Saeko has posed:
"I am...certainly something," Saeko muses, "though 'fox person' is quite the simplification."

A beat, there's a blink as the giant hand touches her ears, earning a little shift of the furred triangle and a quite laugh.

"Boring can be good," she offers, "a chance for contemplation?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain nods to Sally, "You too Kitty." At some point he finished off his second shake, and picks up the last one. Mmm, hot fudge. "Years sure going fast, huh? I didn't even see anything weird on Halloween." He turns back to Saeko. "I'm not much for contemplatin. And I have too much time to fill as it is."

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride cants her head at Saeko. "We'll just stick with fox person then, works well enough." No need for a long and elaborate explaination that would possibly bore them all. "Sometimes having too much time to think is dangerous," Sally agrees, but before she can go into anything farther the waitress brings her milkshake order. "Ah, thank you. I was starting to get even thirstier watching you down those," she teases Cain as she takes the glass in one hand.

Saeko has posed:
"It is better than 'Divine Tenko in service of Inari,'" Saeko muses before taking another sip of her shake and chuckling lightly. "The world is vast, even if here is calm. After all, there is an entire parade of spirits that walks the streets sometimes." A pause, she considers, looking back to Sally. "I suppose, but I guess it depends how pleasent the wandering of your mind can be."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain takes a long pull of his drink, which empties his last glass. He sets it down then stretches. "It is good seeing you two. But I have to get going. I hope you're both okay. Maybe we'll see each other again soon."