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Latest revision as of 04:22, 4 December 2023

After Dinner Strolling
Date of Scene: 03 December 2023
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: Tis the season for giving!
Cast of Characters: Priscilla Camilleri, Cassandra Cain, Sally Pride, Henry McCoy, Bruce Wayne, April O'Neil, Richard Swift

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Given it is the Christmas Season, Rockefeller square is starting to be the popular place in Midtown and that means there are a lot of people down enjoying the start of December. The huge tree has been brought in and lights up the surrounding area with all of it's lights and ornaments. Not to mention that most of the center is hosting holiday themed things, tis the season.

Dinner was delicious and Priscilla had suggested that a walk might be in order given the amount of calories that had been consumed. "Oh we could go see the Christmas Tree and all the decorations since they are up now. It might be a bit crowded is all." she suggests to Henry as she has her hand tucked into the crook of his arm.

"Which reminds me, we should absolutely do the whole tree thing. Decorate the penthouse and all of that." she grins up at him. "If you feel up to it that is?" she asks.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The asian lady who's wandering is dressed nicely. She has on a warm coat, gloves, and winter boots. Walking with a taller gentleman she seems a bit out of place. This is Cassandra, and she's never understood Christmas. You can tell by the complete lack of shopping bags.

Not that her credit card is going to complain, she usually ends up giving gifts she's made by hand. Except that one time...but that's another story.

Looking back at her escort, she shrugs silently. None of the shops call out to her. Maybe he'll be better.

Sally Pride has posed:
This time of year 'a bit crowded' might be an understatement. But over time Sally Pride has gotten better at not letting that keep her down. Not with the wide variety of strange people and weird powers running around in the world these days.

Though she still took some precaution to not just walk around blantantly non-human. And even that was mainly just a stocking cap pulled over her head to keep her ears out of sight, and the usual aviators to cover her feline eyes. Otherwise the leather jacket and jeans didn't look much different from anyone else in New York (her tail was tucked inside) as she meandered through Rockefeller Center, hands tucked in the pockets of said jacket. Just wandering and casually people watching as others go about their holiday activities.

Henry McCoy has posed:
One of the blessings of thick fur, Henry is cozy as a bug in a rug! Still, fashion is a thing. He's wearing a nice jacket, and a jaunty scarf to avoid the cold - over his normal everyday attire. He's clearly feeling the spirit of the season, his arm held steady for Priscilla. "I imagine it will be quite spectacular. All the blinking lights." Giving her a toothy grin.

"What size tree do you think we could fit in the penthouse?" Henry asks, leaning into her very slightly. No need to knock her over! "I'd be ecstatic to help decorate. I can reach the higher spots." He teases her.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
The taller gentleman beside Cassandra might look _somewhat_ out of place here in New York City. Perhaps he hopes to blend in a bit more, walking with hands stuffed into the pockets of a black overcoat with the lapels turned up. One might not notice Gotham's richest man walking among the rest of the crowd, although Bruce Wayne's gaze surveys those he passes as if keeping tabs of who or what is out there.

He, likewise, is not laden by shopping bags, although it is also entirely possible that he has people for that. He returns Cassandra's shrug, but offers a warm smile in response.

"It is not an obligation, of course. If you feel it, you feel it."

April O'Neil has posed:
Strolling through the promenade is April O'Neil. She carries herself with confidence, and has a bag slung over her shoulder. She walks with purpose in the general direction of 30 Rock, like she has a meeting of some sort at the building. Her cellphone buzzes in her pocket, and she slows to check the message, and then, sighs audibly and mutters, "Figures," under her breath.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
"I think we can be safe with six or seven feet, the ceilings are thankfully high. I'm not going to make you get dressed up like a lumber jack and make you go chop down a tree for us." Priscilla states with an amused look to that. "Yes, you can reach the top of the tree." she grins to that.

"Just as long as I don't wake up in the middle of the night to find you knocking all the balls off the tree." she teases him gently. "My mother and father asked if we were going to be attending Christmas there and I told them I'd have to speak to you given the length of travel and things. I don't want to pull you away from projects." she admits.

Richard Swift has posed:
Moving quietly along with the rest of the crowds gathered to observe the holiday gaiety is a tall, slender man in a black tophat, carrying a fairly elaborate walking stick. Perhaps unnecessarily, he has a pair of dark sunglasses over his eyes, but he seems to walk without needing to use the stick for guidance. Perhaps it is merely an affectation for style.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass, with Bruce escorting, isn't much. She's silent, not entirely knowing why everyone is all about this season. It's cold, it's messy. Greedy people, worrying about whether or not they're loved enough. Sadness. Cold, sadness...wait.

Pausing, Cass frowns. She looks past the trees, into the other places, and gives Bruce a small upnod. Look there, it says. She turns, moving against the current, and hunches down.

A child, selling puppies. Sitting in the snow, cold. Hungry.

She looks at Bruce, eyes concerned. The little damp box says 'help plse.'

Henry McCoy has posed:
The joke earns Priscilla a gentle hip bump, Henry chuckling in good-natured laughter. "I look good in flannels." He admits, winking to her. "And no, no smacking the ornaments off the tree. They are pricy, and a bit of a keepsake from my family." The man explains.

At the suggestion of Christmas travel, he nods. "Assuming there aren't any Krampus situations, I certainly do not mind visiting your parents. I enjoyed meeting them before." A wide smile. "I'm honored that he asked after me."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce's eyes follow Cass's nod, and his mouth adopts a frown. He then nods to Cass, as if in answer to her question. She spotted it, he is curious to see how she handles it.

Sally Pride has posed:
Things seem to be rather calm here. Boring, even. But right now Sally thinks that's a just fine, one has to enjoy the breaks when you get them. She's content to just watch the people passing about, though the tall fellow does get a slightly longer glance. Another is walking around with his collar upturned, which she has to remind herself is probably just because it's a bit nippy this time of year and he's trying to shelter his face a bit. Not something to be supicious about as he accompanies his shorter companion. Just people going about their lives.

And then she gets distracted by one of the New York street vendors who's adapted to the season by selling hot cocoa and pumpkin spice drinks. She just opts for the former, fishing some spare case out of a pocket of her jacket to pay.

April O'Neil has posed:
April O'Neil is in a bit of a rush as she walks through the courtyard, but she picks up snippets of conversation here and there while she types away at her phone, still grumbling about whatever happened on it. Perhaps her date cancelled? Either way, she's picking up steam and heading out of the courtyard looking miffed.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Bruce's glance says it all. This is hers to deal with, and he's on her side. But it's also a moment she has to address, he won't choose for her. So much said with so few words, that's part of why she likes him. He isn't the type to jabberwords like some people.

That trust gives her something. So, looking at the kid and the puppies, she starts to unbutton her coat. A present from him, it's possibly one of the warmest of its type. Probably worth a fortune. She does not care. It's warmth, it's safety. It's slipped around the child, with everything she may have in the pockets? Well, it's probably nothing.

Then she smiles, and starts picking up the puppies. With the child's eyes wide, she picks one up. Then she says, as loud as she can, "Puppies. Take. Donation for poor child." She's not got a good voice, but the intention is clear.

Also, bare arms now. Which is how the child was a moment before.

Doesn't understand christmas my caboose.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
The hip bump from her other half makes Priscilla laugh, "Hey, we were probably both thinking it." she grins to that. "Well I'll be sure to add flannel to the wardrobe then." she chuckles. "I think I've got a few ornaments from my family, but something I need to stock up for on my own as well. We could see if there is an ornament shop to pick out an ornament for this year?" she offers.

"Krampus situations? Have you seen an actual Krampus?" she asks him curiously.

Richard Swift has posed:
The man in the top hat regards the drama playing out. A girl with puppies, all cold to the night, rescued by another girl. He looks to the taller man. Is this some test? Their clothes seem rich enough.

Richard Swift slips away from the crowd to find a railing upon which to lean to watch this particular tale play out.

Sally Pride has posed:
Sally Pride is understandably not really a dog person. But seeing the young lady give her jacket to the more needing girl, and to take care of the puppies as well, is still a warming sight. Especially this time of year. She sighs a little, leaning on the back of a bench with her elbows so she can sip her cocoa while watching.

Miracles might not happen, but people with kind hearts still do.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast thinks on that, rubbing his chin. "We could look around the tree here? There may be some commemorative ornaments there? Or we can go searching for a proper one elsewhere?" A smile. As to the whole knocking off ornaments, he tsks. "Just because I am more amiable to silverpine, doesn't mean I am wholly feline." He teases her.

"I can neither confirm nor deny the existance of Krampus or Santa Claus." He waggles his brows. "Avengers clearance only."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
So Cassandra came out to find a gift for her family members. She instead is shivering in the cold, giving away puppies. She takes donations, being more visible, more powerful a draw. Not many come over, but she's impossible to ignore.

Soon a puppy is gone. The child is holding some money and a sandwich, from a donor. Cass picks up another, smiling down. Then she holds out the doggo, clearly uncertain how to hold a dog. "DOGGIE!" she announces. This is important!

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Indeed, Bruce's goal was for Cassandra to make her call. And once she did, he follows suit. He removes his own jacket and slides it around her. He, at least, has the benefit of a long sleeve shirt underneath to cut through the cold.

He watches quietly as Cassandra orchestrates the benefit for the child. It is true, he has that magic wand that can make most of this go away. It may still be used before the night is over.

But there is something about earning it that makes the lesson all the more valuable. If it is a lesson, that is.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla hears the yip of a puppy and there is a very wide eyed look that she gives to Henry before she starts to look around. They'd been talking about animals months ago. "There's puppies." she whispers dramatically to him. "And I don't think I'm ever going to be a member of SHIELD. So that secret is safe with you." she states as she gives a smile to him.

Then she spots the girl that Cass was helping and she decides that she is going to help out as well. She purchases a hot chocolate and then gently tugs Henry in that direction. There is a bright smile to Cassandra when she says doggie, "They are adorable." she states in a quiet tone.

She then crouches down to offer the cup of hot chocolate over to the little girl, "Is your mother around?" she asks her.

Richard Swift has posed:
For a moment, a voice deep inside Richard Swift suggests that the proper remedy to the cold girl is to envelope her in the shadowy warmth of death so that she will no longer suffer.

He pushes that voice away, and sticks to an amiable smile as he watches the charity poor forth.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Well then! Puppies could be a holiday gift, for certain! Henry is nudged in the direction of the little girl and the puppies. Walking along with Priscilla, he nods as she purchases a hot chocolate - knowing it is for the tiny little girl. Trying to be less imposing, he offers a pleasant, if not toothy, smile.

"They are adorable." He agrees, offering a nod to Cassandra. "Is there an adoption fee for the puppies?" He wonders, amused at the thought. Even so, he peers at the pup, clearly enamored with the canine.

Sally Pride has posed:
The puppies are cute. But with two mutant felines, several bigger and more fiercer animals, and a pidgeon lacking self-awareness it would be a terrible chaotic idea. They have enough just getting Lizzy out of her lab on occasion, regardless of Sally's 'team pet human' jokes. Or somehow have it end up becoming another mutant. No, bad idea. So we will be content the puppies are getting help from more suitable sources, with the attention being gathered now.

Sally finishes her hot cocoa, tossing the cup in the bin next to the bench. She stays where she is to watch, as it's already getting rather crowded around the young girls and there's no need to make the situation any more anxiety inducing.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The child shakes her head, looking up at Priscilla. She seems to be about ten, but could be older or younger. Lack of proper nourishment will do that; she's clutching the sandwich as if it's the big win for the day, already. Probably will feed her entire family. One sandwich.

(Typist is grumbling now, sorry. This hits close to home sometimes.)

Cassandra points to the sign the girl has, which says 'help pls'. Clearly Henry's question is answered! "Doggie," she insists. No, she is not eloquent. She appears to lack that ability to ...social. Which I'm told is important.

Glancing to Bruce as she's given His coat, she nods. This is the right thing to do, darnit. But she is staying until this is done.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
For now, Bruce Wayne - billionaire, playboy, philanthropist - just stands watching with a certain measure of pride on his face while Cassandra orchestrates on behalf of the girl.

It is enough to keep his arms from feeling chilly at the air without a coat.

Priscilla Camilleri has posed:
Priscilla gives a gentle nod to that, "Is she at least aware of where you are? I don't want to pry too much or make you uncomfortable." she tells her as she straightens. She didn't want to scare the child at all. She then looks over and sees Bruce Wayne. They've met before, "Ah, Mister Wayne. It's good to see you again." she tells him with a smile.

She gives a look back to Henry, "I'll pay for all of the vaccines, vet visit, toys and bed. If you don't mind bringing another one into the condo?" she asks him.

Sally Pride has posed:
After a few moments Bruce would find a cup of cocoa passed his way when Sally walks over. He doesn't need one as much with the long sleeves, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't get one. It's hard to tell if she doesn't recognize him, or is simply not caring that he's rich and famous and is just treating him like another decent human being. "Feels good to see others willing to help those in need out, doesn't it?"

When someone calls out to him as Mr. Wayne, she tilts her head a bit.. then shrugs. Now it's definitely just treating him as a decent person and not because of all the rich boy clout he has. Means very little to her in the end.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Henry chuckles, and fishes out his wallet. "I am sure between the two of us, we can make sure the puppy has a very good home." Kneeling down, he smiles to the little girl, friendly as can be. The Doctor draws out two hundred dollars from his wallet, offering it to the young child.

"Fair trade for such an adorable young girl, and a handsome puppy." The man offers over with his deep voice. "Make sure you get this to your mother, yes? Did you need help getting back to see her?"

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A little more time passes, and puppies are sent out into the world. The girl has a phone number to call for help (Possibly one of ours, or more than one) and people have warm bundles of hungry doggie in exchange for what they could give.

It's just a little thing, but you have to smile. You, yes you, helped. You did that thing. And it might not be what you came for, but it mattered.

Cassandra? She looks up at Bruce, with a sigh. Well, she got a gift for the family after all, it seems. What could it have been? Well, I won't admit that it's a puppy, but you can pretend if you want.

I don't mind. It's Christmas after all.