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Latest revision as of 04:41, 18 December 2023

Where we are gods
Date of Scene: 17 December 2023
Location: Planet.. uh.. where are we?
Synopsis: Instead of ending up on New Krypton with aid, the team ends up on a strange planet conquered by the Hegemony.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Clark Kent, Monet St. Croix, Singularity, Noh-Varr, Jon Kent, Wally West, M'gann M'orzz

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The Justice League arm of the Atlantic Starport has a large office room off one of its wings and in it there's a desk and at that desk sits an Amazonian warrior. She has her hand on a weapon under the table as the door opens, but then she relaxes when she sees Alura and Clark.

Standing, she salutes a hand across her chest and reports, "All quiet Superman, Superwoman." Alura smiles and clasps her forearm and says, "Thank you." Her eyes then fall upon the large collection of boxes and says, "Oh good all the supplies are here."

Turning back around as the rest of the volunteers gather in to the room she begins. "Welcome. What you're about to see is classified beyond top secret. Today we're using a portal technology to travel across the stars to New Krypton. Our mission is to distribute aid," she motions to the large boxes.

"And for cultural exchange. As most of you have never been to New Krypton before." She points to a small patch for wearing on the forearm, "That is a translation device. It should help you communicate with the Kryptonians." Alura doesn't waste much more time, she motions a hand over the bracer on her forearm. Kryptonian symbol holograms pop up and then she activates a secret program.

The far wall falls back and folds in on itself revealing a large circular gateway. With a buzz the device activates and a shimmering film appears inside the circle. "Everyone grab a box. If it's too heavy, carry it with someone else." She picks up a large box under both arms and then nudges her chin to the gateway, "Then head through the portal to New Krypton. The trip is instantaneous from our perspective".

Clark Kent has posed:
Clark Kent. Kal-El. Superman. Currently his arms were crossed across his chest. His blue eyes were distant, as though looking at a point many kilometers away. He was quiet, serene, and almost in a state of Zen.

Strangely, Kal was floating above the ground. A few centimeters, but enough to be defying gravity. Whether he was doing it instinctively, or subsconsciously, it was unknwon. What was true was that he was in a contemplative mood with a subtle frown that only those that knew him would pick up on.

Superman hears his name, and turns slightly, well floats slightly, towards the Amazon. "Thank you!" He returns the salute respectfully, and smiles at her. He then remains silent, as she directs the mission.

Nodding to Alura, now fully here, Kal says, "One small step for Krypton..." A slight joke, unsure if Alura would get it.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's been back and forth to New Krypton a few times. SHe's hoping that the planet is rebuilding from it's most recent attack. Monet has been far too caught up in her own tribulations to have made an effort to check in, for which she reproaches herself somewhat inwardly. But, there have been others and her aid has not been needed. So she is attempting to make amends now to be of aid.

The translator for Kryptonian is appreciated, though M is not using it. She's been slowly trying to learn the language for the last year or so. One does better when they have to listen and speak of their own merits. She has her hands folded in front of her as the group readies to depart and she's thoughtful.

A nod is given over towards Superwoman and she waits for thier departure.

Singularity has posed:
When Kara said she was going to New Krypton to her, Singularity was immediately intersted. After all, in order to open dimensional wormholes between places, the young universe had to understand where something was. Like leaving a dimensional waypoint marker.

When the appointed time came up, Singularity's appearance begins with a small perinwinkle sphere that starts to expand and swirl, bending time and space and from within the middle of the portal, a young woman made of the material of the universe appears, with a bright smile and pure white eyes. "Hello!" she greets. "Kara! Singularity is here!" And then she looks around and realizes... Kara is not here. What did she feel then? She could have sworn she had sensed her.


She will have to consider that later as Alura is giving out instructions. There's a bright wave to the her, since she seems to be in chage as she accepts the patch. "Thank you! Kara has been teaching me Kryptonian. Can understand. Cannot speak. So this helps!" She slips the patch into place.

When the instructions are made to grab a box, she moves to take one up and she pushes it against her chest. Space folds, bright interior lighting the way as she pushes the crate inside of her and lets it settle into place. "Can carry more if need to!" she offers.

With the portal opening, she reminds herself to not open wormholes inside the portal. That would be bad. Very bad. "Can carry more if needed! Plenty of room!" She pats her chest proudly.

Noh-Varr has posed:
Unknown to practically everyone is the strange man with silver-white hair and a fine dusting of stubble on high, angular cheekbones... Noh-Varr introduced himself as 'Nolan', the staff too polite to call him out on the obvious lie as long as he didn't raise any red flags. And so the interdimensional Kree warrior has joined the crowd, wearing his green, black and red uniform, organic-looking metal gauntlets encasing his hands and providing a lift to his feet so that he hovers along with the other fliers...

And after a brief glance at Clark and Monet, he shifts from the stoic, nearly military-like precise pose to something with his arms crossed, green eyes shifting left to right as if to confirm he's doing it right and to see if anyone's noticed him doing it right. He grins when he spots Singularity, giving the universe a quick grin as if to say 'See? I'm making *friends*!'

Jon Kent has posed:
You don't have to tell Jon Kent twice! The instruction to collect a box has Superboy lifting a box up between his hands and holding it aloft while he waits for further instructions. The calm but contemplative expression worn by Clark, his father, is given a moment of consideration. For a moment son's head tilts aside, as though to quietly ask: what's the dill, pickle?

There Jon remains in place with his box and an eye turning toward the sudden, shimmering film of the portal. Suddenly he smiles, clearly taken by the mystery and novelty of it all. A glance back to his father and so many others seems to alert Jon. He clears his throat and shifts, trying in vain to leverage the crate so that he may cross his arms while continuing to hold it. It's not going to work. He exhales soft and slow, so as not to create an accident. Calm down, Jon. Everything'll be okay.

Then it's back to the portal for his attention and Jon seems to waste no time approaching it with his crate, ready to lead the way if he must.

Wally West has posed:
Kryptonian Translators?


Though Wally could also just try to learn the language. Given how fast he is, he could probably do it far faster than most people! Even still, Wally accepts the patch with a smile and slaps it right on his suit! Wally's been back and forth to New Krypton once or twice by now, so this is a little bit helpful. All the same, Flash is happy to collect a box and hoist it upwards, angling it between his hand and his shoulder. Nice and easy so he can still run. "Happy to help however I can." He does turn his head to look at Singularity. "Woooaah. You look cool!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann is happy to be here! As evidenced by the bright smile she aims at everyone and everything.

Nodding to Alura's explanation, she'll make sure her translation patch is firmly affixed to the gold clasp at the throat of her cape. Sure, she could use telepathy, but that would be rude! Also, against the rules. This will be her first time to New Krypton, but she's excited (and nervous) to act in diplomatic fashion on behalf of her own culture.

Stepping forward, she'll loft up a stack of boxes telekinetically to float along behind her in a neat stack, like a sentry of supplies! And off they go!

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura is surprised as Singularity appears. Kara had mentioned her and then it's become clear exactly who it is. "You must be.. Sing." She smiles, "Welcome." Kara makes the most interesting friends. She glances side long at Clark for a moment and then says, "Alright everyone. Let's go."

She's still pondering what Clark was trying to say about one small step for Krypton as she enters the portal. What should be a normal instant movement from point A to point B feels like someone has yanked the gravity off to the side, then off to the other side, before dumping her out in to a room.

The floor is tiled in a beautiful mosaic of a flower. A large ring sits on a pedestal and that is the circle from which Alura and the rest of them tumble out of unceremoniously. There are wires hooked up to the portal and they run over to a Kryptonian console; a sleek crystal stabbed in through the tiles indicating it was recently installed.

Laying next to the portal by its side is a person in lavish silk like gowns and a Kryptonian symbol upon them which the translator aids in those who don't know the language. It reads 'Unto the House of Non'. The phrasing is strange. Alura has dropped the two boxes she was carrying as she stands up in a start.

There are open windows without glass looking out over what appears to be a large village. Lots of painted homes with rendered walls. Carts pulled by horse like creatures. People selling in a market place. The smells are delightful yet very alien.

Alura takes a moment to get her bearings. This is not New Krypton. "What?..."

Clark Kent has posed:
Although a tad pensive today, Kal takes a moment to nod at each of his allies, friends and family. Of course Monet, whom he tosses a stern glance towards, then a smile, letting her know he was glad she was here.

Next was the new arrival, Noh-Varr, sending him a respectful nod. Then a smile towards Singularity, a welcome nod follows, as Alura tosses him that look. "I am fine. Just thinking." He smiles.

Family comes next. A warm smile towards Jon. "I am glad you are here. Family is family. There is a lot you don't know about our home. This will help to answer some things. If you have any other questions, Alura and I are here!"

Turning, Clark says, "Welcome Wally and M'gann. I am glad you are here to help! Thank you!"

Stepping through the portal after Alura, Superman is next to go through that trauma. Looking first to Alura, then at the scene, Kal says, "Alura..."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
They're not on New Krypton anymore. Monet St. Croix goes to look about in confusion - before having reacted to the others making the journey with them. She frowns and is about to repeat the same thing over that Alura just said.. But, they're not at their intended destination, and the portal is designed too well for there have been a random teleportation. So that means they were in all probability redirected..

But, then where's the ambush? If they were taken here to be attacked then they'd be hit on from multiple sides as soon as they had come out of transit and in a kill zone.

She glances over at the symbol on the wall and then glances to Alura, "Are we.. When we were supposed to be?" She would inquire while glancing over at the symbols once more. Then simply moving to try and scan the mind of the person that was near them wearing the silken outfit. Just surface thoughts, hopefully enough to get an idea of where they were and what was going on.

Singularity has posed:
"Hello, Noh-Varr of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Corps!" Singularity greets the Kree warrior cheerfully. "I hope repairs to your ship are going well." And with all the eyes on her, she stands up a little proudly, a small piroutette as her hair floats around her, the starfield of galaxies, nebulas and innumerous freckles of stars over her frame flickering as bright as a pre-dawn sky.

"I am Singularity. I am a quantum singularity. Or a pocket universe." she offers in way of a practiced explanation. She wisely doesn't go into the things that she can do, because that would just slow things down and she hopes her short explanation is enough to sate most curiosities.

"Oh!" she realizes and looks to Alura. "You are the one that felt like Kara." Her white eyes brighten in delight. And then Alura addresses her and her smile alights in delight. "Yes! I am Sing!"

And then, she is stepping into the portal. It is the first time she's ever been teleported. She usually handles it herself. So, there's excitement as she leaps practically skips within. "Wheeee--!" *BLIP* As she looks around, she oohs. "This is very pretty!" comes the announcement, the starfield of the universe shimmering, but doesn't change much from the teleportation.

Unlike Alura, Singularity has no idea that this is not New Krypton.

But she's so completely sure that it's not her fault.


Noh-Varr has posed:

Oh *no*.

This isn't the first time Noh-Varr has found himself stranded somewhere unexpected, and he blinks as he grabs a collection of boxes and follows the crowd, trying to look serious as he returns Superman's serious nod despite a goofy grin wanting to break through.

While no one knows who he is, he knows quite a few of them... Tiktok and twitter, y'know?

He stops short as he feels his connection to his ship break from the distance, a disorienting experience, and blinks. "Um." He says cleverly as he turns to look at the people running the mission. "Is this where we're suppose to be...?"

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon, Superboy, smiles brightly back at his father at the reassurance and promise of answers should questions arise. He offers a quick nod in response, but otherwise distracts no further from the journey about to begin. He does at least take a moment to consider the others around, presenting the familiar with a soft smile and those unfamiliar with a polite nod. The Singularity among them earns a stoic, but still intrigued look and consideration. When Alura, followed by Clark, and others begin to move forward and through the portal; Jon follows after.

When gravity effectively does a barrel roll and dumps the whole diplomatic team out of a metaphorical bucket, Jon lands atop the crate that he'd been holding. It breaks his fall and, thankfully, it does not break itself. He grunts while he lays across the crate and while he's there, peering off to the side he spots a familiar face: M'gann. "Oh, hey," he offers toward her cheerfully.

Then he seems to remember their situation and that Kansas seems to not be where they metaphorically are anymore. Jon slides from atop the crate and brushes off the front of his suit with the palms of his hands while he begins to look around, asking calmly as while he looks about his surroundings, "Are we in trouble?"

Wally West has posed:
"Wooooaaah...a walking pocket universe." Wally blinks at Singularity but then a big smile forms on his face. "Incredible! I know like, several people who would be delighted to talk to you." Wally chuckles, before he's looking at Alura. "Alright, we headed in?" He smiles and then, turns to look at Clark. "Hey thanks Kal, I aprpeciate it. I don't know if I'll be of help, but anything to help a world, right?"

They step through the portal...

And Wally notices a VERY different world. "Uhm...this doesn't look like New Krypton..."

He looks at everyone else, his fists clenching tight and looking like he's ready to run. "Maybe...Uhm...M'gann, can you take a quick telepathic scan of our surroundings?"

Wally is about to run, but he wants to make sure he's not going to get clipped by something if he does. "Trouble?" Wally tells Jon. "Maybe, but we don't know quite yet."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Happy to be of help, Superman! My Uncle and I are so very glad for you and your people." She offers the quick, pre-rehearsed little speech and turns that bright smile towards him.

Through the portal, M'gann is unsure if the spinning about is part of the journey, or if something has gone wrong, or maybe she simply isn't used to how such portals work! Regardless, she keeps hold of the boxes with some effort, though it means dropping through into a crouch in order to keep the boxes in their neat little stack.

Rising up as she brushes herself off, M'gann sends a confused glance around the room, then nods to Wally, "Of course. But that person is there," and she points to the person in the lavish silks near the console. Still, she'll send out telepathic feelers to get an idea of who or what else might be around them.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"No- this is not where we're meant to be. This is not New Krypton." Alura walks to one of the open windows and rests her hands on its window sill. She looks out at the large town. "For one, it's a bright sunny yellow star warming this place. New Krypton has a dull yellow sun. And for two - this is definitely not Kandor."

She looks back and notices the body on the floor. A quick few steps and she kneels down to check on them. Fingers feel for a pulse on the neck and she shakes her head, "He's dead. And he's definitely Kryptonian."

Following the wires she walks over to the terminal. It's locked with the symbol fo the Kryptonian Hegemony. Her facial features drop and she glances quickly at the team who fought the Hegemony before.

She walks over to another window and looks out to see a large shadow over the other half of the town. Looking up - there is a big crystalline star with one point reaching down to the ground and almost touching it. "Oh no..."

"The Hegemony is here." Alura looks to Wally. "Scout out the perimeter. Don't engage." Then to M'Gann and Monet, "Try to isolate Kryptonian minds from the locals. I want to know how many we're dealing with." Then to Clark she ponders, "This can't be a coincidence. Perhaps this guy was experimenting with this..." She pauses and looks at the ring they came through. It has shut off and its design is made of exotic metals far advanced from the simple Romanesque architecture of this place.

"...you don't think there's a network of zeta-beam powered portals out there and somehow we skipped off my track on to another when this Hegemony scientist did his experiment?"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Heads up everyone. Be alert. This is not New Krypton." Superman shakes off his pensive mood, and immediately comes full circle to hero and Soldier of Justice. Floating to the front, Superman prepares himself to take the full brunt of any assault that would come towards them. As always, he was leading the way.

"Alura..." His eyes flash towards her for a moment, as he takes in where they were. It was obvious in his tone that he didn't know what was going on and hoped his Aunt could help them out with some answers.

Hearing her words, Superman nods. "Well. As always, hope for the best expect the worst, as Bruce would say." Moving to the window beside Alura, Superman says, "Then...where?" Then. The body. Following Alura, walking this time, Superman frowns. "Hrm."

"Hegemony..." That brought a large frown to Superman's face. "I agree. It can't be a cooncidence." Looking to everyone. "Tread carefully." A puase. "Wally. Be careful." Back to Alura. "Zeta Beam? Rann? Possibly. Hmm. Thoughts?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The actual mechanics for how they got here can be figured out later. Now they have to quickly secure the perimeter and get ready for a fight. Monet gives the man on the ground a hard look. But there will be time for it later. She goes to confirm to Alura, "On it." Her mind goes to start scanning as far and as wide as she can.

M'Gann is a far more capable telepath than she is, so Monet goes to sweep a little more slowly than she usually does, taking the time to try and focus to isolate any minds that she can.

Hopefully if there are any around she can identify Kryptonian ones - the members of the Hegemony have harsh edges to their thoughts. She goes to quickly upload her own sorts of.. 'Awareness' of Krypotnian auras over to M'Gann as well. That will hopefully be of aid to help Martian girl pick up things. They have to cover as much distance as they can to try and isolate threats. Is here a subjugated area or an intact colony?

The fact that it's seemingly using beasts of burden is an indication it could be either.

Singularity has posed:
As plans are made, Singularity listens as Alura rattles off the orders. Glancing up at the large ship that made the Kryptonian worry, she realizes that going out and flying up is probably a bad idea.

Wally's on his way to scout. M'Gann and Monet are feeling people out. For her part, she offers helpfully, her hands folding in front of her as she considers. "Zeta beams. I am not sure that is one of the energies I give off." She probably does, just doesn't realize it. A universe has a lot to learn about herself, but she is a very quick learner when she needs to. And she's understanding the situation quickly.

"Friend Alura." She glances around and then back to the female Kryptonian. "I can get us back." she explains. "Can sense those close to me. Here." A hand to where a human would have a heart and then she taps her head. "Can sense Kara. Or Carol, Alison or Jennifer. Once found, can open portal back to them. Will be back as fast as we arrived here. Do you want me to do that?" she asks.

"I can work on that if we also decide that we need to help those here." A glance to the person on the floor. "Can help fight."

Jon Kent has posed:
The time for distractions is passed and Superboy steps away from his crate to join the perimeter. While some others press out farther to investigate and gather information, Jon stands a few paces from the body that Alura and Clark inspect. While they work to investigate, Jon commits himself to watching their surroundings for them. He stands with a readied stance, his hands held low ready and his foot properly spaced apart for a quick reaction. He seems ready to intervene should an attack come unannounced and without preamble; a page right out of dear old dad's playbook.

Throughout the beginnings of civilization Jon's attention shifts, turning this way and that. Alert to the world around him, he does not speak further or offer random unnecessary commentary. If he spies something of note or interest, he'll call it out. Otherwise he allows everyone to focus on their tasks without his verbal distractions.

Noh-Varr has posed:
Kryptonian Hegemony is something new to Noh-Varr; in his own world, the Kryptonians were subjugated to the will of his Supreme Intelligence and any further details were too classified for him to access from his AI. "Zeta beams." He repeats, brow furrowing, "My people were working at isolating zeta radiation and focusing it through quantum observation."

He eyes the equipment, frowning. "I can try to interface with the technology using nanites." He offers, "I can't make any promises. Kryptonian technology is inelegant and not exactly optimized for my people's particular frequency of bio-interfacing."

He blinks, and glances over at the Kryptonians present. "Sorry." He mutters, rubbing the back of his neck. "Shall I lick it?"


Wally West has posed:
Wally looks at the person on the ground at M'gann's acknowledgement. "Yeah...I don't think he's doin' too good, M'gann..." The Flash sighs ever so slightly, though he nods at M'gann. "Thank you." for doing a telepathic scan, or trying to. Then Alura is giving out orders. "A please wouldn't hurt!" Though Wally just gives Alura a salute, sets his box down, flips down his goggles, and he turns to look at Clark.

"Always am, big blue. I got someone I gotta get back to." He winks at Clark and suddenly he's /gone/ in a blur of movement! He tries to take a wide sweep. Moving so quickly that the world appears as thoug hin slow motion or stopped completely. Long enoug hto see what he needs to, what he means to. Hegemony being here is /bad/. Really bad. Course he doesn't have the raw brain power to determine zeta beam accuracy...

But he /can/ do scouting missions like some people wouldn't believe.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Hi Jon!" Mg'ann offers a quick, bright smile and a small wave to Superboy, belatedly returning his greeting.

Then she turns her mind towards the task Alura assigns. There's a few glances shared with Monet, the suggestion that the pair are working in conjunction, sharing thoughts much faster than they could speech. After a few moments, M'gann nods her agreement to the assessment Monet offers and looks to Alura. "There is only one Kryptonian mind present in this area, barring yourself, Superman, and Superboy." Pacing towards the open window, she points up towards the very large ship over the city. "There."

Singularity is offering to take them home, and Noh-Varr is offering to... lick? the console, and she offers helpfully, "I have been warned that it is unwise to lick strange items, sir. You do not know where it's been." The advice is offered solemnly, suggesting that at some point there was an incident.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura pauses as she hears a very different perspective on Kryptonian technology from Noh-Varr. "Huh..." certainly inelegant is not a word she'd ever have used to describe their accomplishments. She supposes, though, that it might be degrees of aesthetic - like art. "I'm not sure licking is our best course of action just yet."

An explanation is given to Clark since he wasn't at the original briefing for the portal. "Yes Rann. They are only just learning how to harness Zeta-beams; Diana gave me one of the Justice League's short range Zeta-beam based teleporters from Rann and I modified it for a trap to New Krypton. But this..."

Alura motions to the alien gateway before them. "Suggests some other race out there also figured out how to use zeta-beams for long range teleportation. Clearly not the inhabitants of this world, which implies an advanced species set up a network of them."

"I posit we somehow 'skipped' off of my portal beam and on to one of theirs and we've ended up here. Where-ever that is. It must be still in the Milky Way otherwise there wouldn't be a Hegemony ship outside." A nod is given to Sing, "That's good to know. Because deciphering an alien zeta-beam based transportation network is a project that will take time."

She rounds to M'gann and looks perplexed, "One?!" ... there were two Hegemony Kryptonians on this world. And one of them was an indentured servant. A scientist no doubt which would imply the one on the ship is likely a conquerer.

As if on queue a loud horns sounds throughout the town and everybody stops and looks up at the great crystal ship in the sky. Kryptonian words below out to them on high: Tribute is Due. There is a hustle and bustle as it becomes obvious that market place was one stop on the way to the tip of the crystal ship at the center of town.

"... Okay then." Her hands go to her hips, a gesture many have seen from Supergirl over the years. "We've never taken on a Hegemony ship before. This isn't one of their big ones - it's the first time i've seen anything like it. But we know who they are and what they do. For whatever reason they've decided to rule this world. Perhaps there's some resources here they need - perhaps they were just curious about this gateway... but right now they don't know we're here. We can use that to our advantage." She is looking around at the team, "... what say we liberate this place?"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman remains silent as Alura explains the Rannian teleporters. He knew some of that, but it was good to be brought fully up to speed. "I see. Skipped? Hrm. "

As Alura does her liberation speech, Superman grins. "Well. I think you have it. Let's liberate this place."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would just smile over sadistically as Alura speaks, "Yes, I feel like it's an excellent way to start." Given the lack of other minds, the garrison will (likely) be composed of robots with perhaps some jannisaries if the Hegemony are the type to use them. Going to focus over on the other Kryptonian mind present, Monet goes to rapidly share as much as she can with the rest of the team.

A quick nod is given over to Wally to go ahead - he's the fastest man alive for a reason. Then she's going to rapidly launch herself up in the air - going to fly along with M'Gann and flanking her about ten meters away as she takes on the green woman's wing.

Singularity has posed:
"Oh. Kay!" Singularity sets aside her search for the dimensional presence of those the closest to her for now. Instead, the young universe turns to the idea of liberation. "Reminds me of Arcadia." she admits. "Dimension I was in before this one. Island. Pretty. God Emperor Doom ruled there." Her hands drop to her sides and form into small fists.

"Yes. Liberate. Can support this plan. Happy to help!" Various energies flow off of the young universe as she takes to the air. She does not suggest teleporting into the ship. While she's sure if she messed that up it wouldn't bother /her/, it could hurt everyone else.

Noh-Varr has posed:
Noh-Varr frowns when his offer to lick the technology to interface is met with bewildered looks and other indications that he said something taboo. He shakes his head, frowning. "I can use blood." He sounds a little offended, though, as if his offer to help was laughed at. "I just need exposure via bodily fluids. I used the restroom before we left or else..."

Okay. Let's just top this right there. When there's talk of liberating from an oppressive regime, he brightens, green eyes alight as he nods. "Yes! Peace brought under the jackboot heel!" He even gives a fist-pump, before coughing and dialing back the enthusiasm, like a proper soldier. "I mean... It is a solid plan." He rubs the back of his neck, a touch self-consciously, before adding, "I can dose with my nanites while we do so? It will take time for them to break through any firewalls or security protocols so I can interface."

It's said professionally, seriously, but there's a slight hesitancy in his eyes, as if he's not sure how else to contribute in a battle full of Kryptonians and Martians and whatever the hell Singularity is.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon's chin lifts and his blue eyes lift to the crystalline ship above. Alura's words and Clark's response earns a resolute nod from Jon. It's then that Superboy readies himself with a soft exhaled breath. He's ready and holding, waiting for the order to engage or some semblance of a plan to be announced. He's not in charge and therefore Superboy stands ready to launch himself from the ground only when he's told to begin their attack on the Hegemony ship.

Sing's comments seem to break Jon's concentration for a moment and he looks toward the being made of stars and whatever else that may be; aside from adorable. The young man's lips move, but no words are spoken; yet it's apparent that he mouths, confused, the words 'God Emperor Doom'? He shakes the words and his thoughts off in order to turn his face skyward anew, his hands curled into fists. Without thought he begins to drift upward, his feet leaving the ground beneath them. He floats with a knee bent and arms at his side, hands curled into loose fists. He's ready to go, he's ready to follow all of his practice and training.

He does, however, suddenly look back to those gathered around before he announces, "Be ready to stop it falling to the ground if it loses control or something. That could destroy this place and the people in it. Want me to hang back?" Presumably to act as the battering ram to keep the ship afloat in such a situation.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann gives a nod to Alura, "Liberation seems best. These beings are scared, afraid for their lives. We should free them of their fear." There's another glance to Monet, more of that silent communication back and forth, and she lifts off from the ground, floating upward but holding position for the moment.

Looking back to Alura, then Clark, she lifts both brows, "Monet and I can scout, get a headcount of any opposition in the ship, and perhaps see if we can.. produce some useful information from the Kryptonian's mind?" She smiles to Monet, "I can cloak us in an illusion, so they won't see us coming."

Psychic girls are scary.

Turning towards Noh-Varr, she floats over and sets a hand on his shoulder as she's seen others do, "We do not censure you, friend. We show concern for your well-being in licking strange objects. You are a useful and valued member of the team." Smiling at him, she turns again and floats back to her previous position to await further orders!

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura looks back to the console the Kryptonian was using to conduct his experiment. Can the Kree hack Kryptonian technology? She raises an eyebrow and gives him a nod. "Give it a try. If we can learn what they were trying to do then we have a better chance of stopping them."

"Good thought Superboy but I'm not sure even all of us combined could stop that ship from coming down if it came to it. We'll need to take over the command deck and fly it out to orbit. Perhaps we can activate some kind of self destruct."

"Flash, we're going to need some disguises. Can you zip around and rustle up some local clothes? Our best way in to that ship will by through its apex at the ground where tribute is being delivered. The current ship shape means that portion is not shielded - deliberately so I imagine. If we can get in close we can get -in-. Let's try and maintain the subterfuge."

It becomes obvious when the young man drops the tray of foods that he had quietly walked in to the laboratory space. Dressed in a simple beige toga and straw sandals he takes in what he sees with mouth agape. He spots the dead Hegemony Kryptonian on the floor, then quickly he drops to his knees in worship and bows his head. "Have mercy great gods!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M'Gann's powers work at concealing the green woman and the mutant, and Monet is content to hover now as Wally goes to rapidly get the others up to speed. Monet goes to purse her lips. A ship crashing is a bad thing, yes. And none of them have the strength to stand up to something that can perform orbital bombardment and glass the area.

<<Will the ship be primarily automated or have separate crew?>> That's sent over to M'Gann. Monet doesn't have teh telepathic range to scan something that far away. But with the two of them looking perhpas like a flock of native birds, she can use her telepathic sweeps to scan the area for others. Trying to pick out where the strongest sets ofe motions are coming from. Fear, rage, paranoia.. The sense of those that are being pacified and those doing the pacifying, if she can get a sense of them.

She can get a quick bit of sensation on the Kryptonian but doesn't go in too deep. The mind is too strong for her to get more of and she doesn't think she could get more without him being aware.

Singularity has posed:
As they are talking about disguises, Singularity realizes a problem. "I cannot change this." there is a gesture to her universe covered body. No clothing on. She's just a starfield. "I could disappear between dimensions and wait?" she starts to suggest.

That is before the villager comes in and kneels, pleading for his life. "Will not hurt! We are friends!" she announces as she waves to the poor guy and smiles brightly. But that sparks an idea.

"Alura? I could go out there. Make myself bigger. Much bigger. Present myself as goddess Sing? Perhaps would draw attention of Kryptonian. Buy your time you need. Very durable! Can take a hit!" She might be overselling, but she is pretty invulnerable.

"Rally villagers to help. Stay out of way." It's probably a bad idea, but she's willing to make a suggestion to see if she can help. Or remain on standby. She's easy like that.

Noh-Varr has posed:
"What's the point of subjugation if not to make for a better world?" Noh-Varr shakes his head as the worshiper pleads for mercy, frowning consideringly at the man. "If we need disguises, we could neutralize him and others for their togas?" He suggests brightly, even as he moves over towards the console, licking his hand wetly.

His hand glistens with a curiously metallic tinge, and the salive seems to ooze into the machine as he rests his hand on it. The Kree warrior frowns, adding, "I haven't attempted to interface with this dimensions tech, beyond a 'cell phone' and an 'Aye Tee Em'." He warns, "And I lack my AI to assist. But..." He leans down, wipes his hands on the Kryptonian 'god', "It will have to do."

He then straightens, turning towards the other, less fascist Kryptonians and waits for them to offer further guidance.

Jon Kent has posed:
Jon offers Alura a quick nod in answer. He trusts in her own experience and expertise, so he does not suggest further utilizing himself as a batter ram to keep the ship aloft. If it comes to that. The talk of disguises does earn a glance around and upon the arrival of the man in the toga, Superboy is quick to turn to face him. He cants his head and offers up a happy little smile, along with a little gesture to see the man raised up from his knees, "Please, stand".

It's toward the pattern of stars and space that Jon turns his attention to, Sing, and he offers his own input on the suggestion of rallying the villages, "We don't want to be innocent people - victims - into harm's way. This is a fight for them; not by them. I don't think it's smart to get them involved when they should be clearing the area."

Then he looks back to Alura and others present in the immediate vicinity, taking stock of their own views on the subject. If any.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Under the guise of illusion, M'gann and Monet head up for recon on the ship! Disguised as a flock of native birds, they draw closer to give them a better chance with their telepathic sweeps.

One such sweep finds an arrogant and aware mind of the Kryptonian. Part of her wants to dig deeper, she's sure she could, but he's of sufficient mental acuity that he might be able to single her out if she did.

Leaving that thought behind, she turns her not-inconsiderable mental abilities towards sweeping the ship for minds, organic and inorganic alike, trying to get a headcount of the opposition they might come up against.

If she can find a sufficiently weak mind, a mental map of the ship would be nice as well.

The ping of surprise and panic from behind them has her communicating silently with Money again, but they stay the course and attempt to gain valuable intel about the ship and it's potential occupants!

Wally West has posed:
Wally returns and runs through a quick rundown of the situation, though notably with a ton of clothes under his arm: "Looks super Roman-inspired, or maybe they inspired the Romans, no idea. People wear togas, smaller buildings on the outer edges give way to larger fields, probably farming their crops and the like. But it looks like there's evidence of broken weapons, charred buildings. Any resistance was blown away from above."

After that bit of information is given, Wally receives his next set of order sand he smiles. "Way ahead of you, Superwoman. Here you go." He starts handing them out to people who might want one. "Just togas, not exactly anything fashionable. Take 'em if you need 'em!"

"Liberating a world? Hell yeah, I'm in."

He turns to Singularity. "Gotta agree with some of hte others, if we start a big fight here, a lot of people could get hurt." He turns his eyes towards the man who falls to his knees in worship.

"Well that's a first."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The man is hesitant but.. who is he to argue with a god. He rises up at Jon's insistence and looks between the beings insisting they are not gods. The look on his face is one of incredulity given one of the beings is a talking starfield. Many of the beings here are clearly not of the local humanoid species.

"Ha ha.. the gods have a mighty sense of humour," he says trying to figure out the right play here to save his own skin. "You are most wise and merciful."

Alura watches with fascination as one of the locals seems to insist they are gods. "Hmm.. we can't let him tell others, it might give the plan away."

Her smile grows a bit as Wally returns with the clothes. "You really are fast Flash." She takes one of the togs and then with a swish has changed outfits in to it. A belt about her waist, her Superwoman clothing is wrapped up in clothe and hangs from it. "Alright everyone. Let's get changed."

She looks to Sing and contemplates. "Perhaps M'gann can disguise Sing; if you go out there and get big the ship will shoot at you. I'm not willing to gamble if you can take a short or not from that beast out there. The Hegemony weapons are extremely powerful. They are also very good at shielding and hacking."

The nanites sink in to the crystalline computer console. Interfacing with something alien is a struggle at best and even though Noh-Varr's technology has met alt-reality Kryptonian technology before it was not nearly this advanced.

At first the nanites seem to gain some kind of interface as they wrap around internal crystalline structures and feel the pulse of energy flowing through the machine. But then - the nanites begin to feel something probing back. Digital warfare is right up the Hegemony's wheel house as some of the nanites become a conduit for the console to start proving Noh-Varr himself.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is thoughtful as she goes to scan the area. She can pick up flickers of pain and fear from theship - at this distance, nothing precise, but heavy emotions are easier to register. They stand out. Monet goes to focus and then passes along the information to the others. "There are civilians present on the craft. In pain. I'd guess that they're being interrogated or expecting to be so shortly." SHe uses a euphemism for what they're more than likely going through. Sometimes one has to mince words.

She pauses, looking over at Singularity. Remembering not to try and scan the mind of the active quantum girl. Could she get them up there to the ship and back quickly? Very likely. But it's left unspoken for now.

Jon Kent has posed:
Alura's comment about preventing the villager from telling others results in a nod from Jon. Superboy shares a look back toward the man and his smile is soft, yet warm. It's a smile he's seen of his own fathers before and Jon tries his level best to mimic it before he begins to speak to the would-be worshipper, "We are, yes," he answers first on the topic of their wisdom and mercy. Playing along. He's taken a drama class or two before! Even played some tabletop roleplaying games with some friends when he first started college!

"What we require of you now is that you remain here and pray," he phrases it more like it's an instruction than a request. Thinking quickly he adds, "We wish to walk among your people, our devout. We wish to see how they toil and work, without their knowing we watch over them."

Jon fixes the man with a firm stare, as though willing him to accept the excuse. To follow his instructions.

While others begin to change their attire around him, Jon remains resolutely in place and watchful of the man. Finally he asks, as though putting a dab of icing atop the cake of godhood, "A man of faith such as you can do that to please us, yes?"

Jon's eyebrows move higher as the question is asked, beseeching the man for an answer.

Singularity has posed:
"Oh! Oh. Kay." Singularity responds to her idea getting shot down. "Saw movie where that worked." She shrugged her shoulders and just seems to get past it and back to whatever the rest of the group is doing. She's fine with tagging along.

However, instead of causing M'gann having to worry about having to disguise her, the tinyverse makes her way over to the clothing. And she starts layering. Pretty soon, she's covered head to feet with cloth. Only her eyes are visible between a scarf and a head-wrap, the loose cloth hanging off of her, muffling her appearance.

And one might notice that her bare star-covered feet are exposed. "Disguised!" she announces cheerfully.

Noh-Varr has posed:
The nanites in his saliva are pernicious and every bit as alien to the technology attempting to counter-infiltrate it as the reverse it true, and sophisticated beyond belief. His green eyes narrow, and then widen as the organic looking metal around his hands begins to almost glitch. Without the neigh-unlimited power of Plex to direct the nanites, he can only attempt to brute force through the proliferation of the nanites, a Zerg-style attack on security protocols designed to smash and grab without regard to actually analyzing data.

The organic-seeming metal on his wrists begins to glitch, absorbed back into his body as he fights the Kryptonian counter-defenses. He shakes his head. "Too alien for me to penetrate fully." He reports, eyes snapping into focus as he cuts the connection with the nanites, coughing and spitting out the compromised bits like bloody phlegm. He wipes the blood off his lips, rolling his shoulders. "When we return, I can upload what if anything I managed to acquire." He then makes his way over to the clothes, poking at it with a frown. "Breezy." He comments, as he slips it on and the armor seems to slither over his flesh and sink into his skin.

He rolls his shoulders, and glances over at the worshiper, assessing. Religion is foreign for him, the empire of his home dimension built on enlightened dictatorship and so religion having been suppressed heavily in favor of patriotic zeal.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Once they've swept the ship, M'gann offers a telepathic suggestion that they rejoin the others, starting back in that direction. Arriving amidst a bunch of toga-wearing superheroes, and one very scared local, M'gann looks to the others, then back to the young man, approaching him and setting a hand gently on his head. "Sleep." This is more than just a word, the telepathic suggestion quite strong, and hopefully saving the poor man from further mental anguish.

She'll catch the man as he falls, setting him gently on the floor and looking towards the others even as her form shifts and changes into a young woman of the local humanoids, wearing the clothing appropriate to them. Her gaze turns to Singularity with a smile, nodding. Looking to Alura, she blinks, "Should I cloak everyone in illusion so you all more accurately appear as the local species?" It would help them gain access to the ship.

There's a pause, with another glance towards Monet before looking back to Alura, "Also, I might suggest that Monet and I set up a telepathic network for the team's communication, so we do not give away anything by our speech."

Wally West has posed:
Wally gives Alura a finger-gun gesture and clicks his tongue. "It's the name of my game." As the togas are passed out, Wally simply spins where he is. His red suit is placed in the ring he wears on his middle finger, or the 'Flash Ring' as he likes to call it, and a white toga has been placed on his person. "Huh, didn't think it'd feel so loose. Is this how everyone back then felt, just really drafty?" He questions himself, though as he stands there, some folks might make a connection that Wally kinda looks like Hermes, of Greek mythos.

All. Because. Of. The. F*cking. Toga.

Wally looks at Singularity. "Don't get me wrong, it's a relaly great idea! Just you know, for a different situation." Positive reinforcement! He turns his eyes towards Jon and tilts his head, though he doesn't ruin his clever motion. He looks at Noh-Varr. "That is seriously cool. Who knew saliva could hack?" Wally shrugs, a little smirk given to Noh-Varr as he gives him a nudge with his elbow, intended to be playful and teasing. "Look at you doin' your thing!"

He looks at M'Gann. "Sounds like a great idea to me."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura pauses in alarm as Noh-Varr coughs up gunk. The idea that the Hegemony technology would not only defend but attack back is clearly new information and valuable in and of itself. "Nng... okay. We learnt something. Here's hoping we got more data than just that."

The local nods his head slowly as Jon instructs him to stay out of the way and pray. He looks around the room for a good place to do that when suddenly he yawns and shuts his eyes, drifting off in to sleep and falling in to M'gann who then rests him down.

Alura nods to M'gann, "Yes. Make us all look like locals. We're likely to face off against large robotic defense machines inside that ship. They move fast, they punch hard, and they have a beam weapon in the head. The processor is somewhere in the chest. Mr. Fantastic determined the best way to attack them was from these angles,"

A hologram springs up from her bracer, "I think it's likely this tactic will work here too. The longer we can maintain the element of surprise the better. The last thing we want is for the Hegemony to fortify that ship and blast this town to bits trying to kill us."

She considers a moment that they have their bases covered. "Okay let's do this. We board that ship - rescue whoever needs rescuing, take over the command deck and fly the ship in to orbit. Set an auto-destruct and then Sing teleports us back to Earth." It's a simple enough plan. What could possibly go wrong?

Alura sets out of the building toward the tribute point underneath the ship. The team of Earth heroes sticking together. On this world where they would be gods only the Hegemony has the gaul to claim it. They have yet to truly have a 'win' against the Hegemony and this might be their best chance to find out what's on the inside of their vessels.

Why have they subjugated this planet? how many ships are there? How many Kryptonians make up their number? there are too many unknowns and the Hegemony seems to be moving swiftly. This accidental trip might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

... To Be Continued (in 2024!)