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Latest revision as of 01:14, 30 December 2023

It's a social time in the 'center
Date of Scene: 29 December 2023
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: Everyone is surprised at the arrival of Singularity
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Paige Guthrie, Caleb Dykstra, Singularity, Gwendolyn Poole

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a bit after the holidays. Between Christmas and New Years. The streets are still aflight with lights and decorations as there's the rapid shift going on of things between the two holidays resettling. It's time to go out, to see the tail end of this year turning into the next, for the memories of what has happened pass away and to instill hope for the coming on.
    Monet is walking along wtih some others for the Institute in what is basically chaperoning some of the younger students. Her face has a half sneer, half irritated look upon it. Not at having to play metaphorical child watcher (most were over that age) but mostly over just -what- the previous year had involved. Giant robots, aliens, monsters, time travel, things from other realities..
    ... The normal things.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie is dressed casually as she chaperones the younger students at their pre pre-new years field trip. She has on a winter coat and is meandering from the group as she window shops. The Christmas Holiday was gone so fast and now the next holiday is already on the city, but that doesn't mean Paige has days and days of free time. She looks distracted as she window shops, maybe wanting to buy something, but she quickly is pulled back into reality as one of the young students runs past her as the kid plays around with another, "Hey!" she lets out. She wiggles her finger at them in a teacher-like way.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb is here, doing the final christmas shopping, which happens to be a large bag full of... Well, materials, actually. Some of them are popping out, and it seems to be a fair share of scrapyard junk. Not even a toy in sight. And alongside him, is his kid sister, Sheila. She too is helping, with a bag of her own, albeit a smaller one - duh.

"So, when we get home, you're gonna start building it?", she asks.

"Yeah", he says, "I think you're gonna like it. It'll be a little late, but..."

"Caleb, I know how it works, okay?", she says. "I'm not a baby anymore."

He chuckles, "That you're not."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M's normal expressive state goes to full neutrality as she walks along with Paige. Letting the far more empathetic of the duo handle the children when they get a little too caught up in the lights. Monet's expression puts her more on the 'bag humbug' scale of things.

"Wait for another few days. When stores have returns after the new year, then everything will be put up on extreme sales to get rid of overstock."

Singularity has posed:
    When it comes to it, Singularity is a free spirit. She comes and goes as she pleases. She doesn't seem to have a care in the world. And when she decides to make an entrance, well... the entrance never gets tired.

    The small sphere of blue forms in the sky above the ice rink. It spins and expands, flattening out into a portal shape that rends through time and space, and from it appears the form of a young woman. She lacks clothing, nor does she need them. Her skin is the color of the stars, her body covered in the fabric of the universe.

    Popping intio existance, she makes an excited little noise as she sees that the tree is still up in the center. "Has Christmas not come yet?" she asks noone in paticular, a little bounce in mid-air as she looks around for familiar or even interesting faces!

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen is doing what she can to enjoy the holiday. She never really enjoyed hanging out with her family back home, due to being the kid who never accomplished anything. So, her relatives always poked and prodded and made snide comments.

'You dropped out of school? Ugh. Gwen...really..."

'You got fired again? isn't that the third time this year?'

'A girl? Well, I know I wouldn't let MY daughter date a girl...'

'Why are you so happy about getting a comic book for Christmas? Aren't you, like, 18?'

But here? Here she might not have anyone at all, but at least the girl is free of the comments. So, she's out to get a breath of fresh air and enjoy the last remaining moments of the season while she can. A pair of leggings with uggs, and a big fluffy white coat with a pink beanie keeps her warm, and looks rather cute on the blonde at the same time. A bag from the LEGO store is one hand, and she's munching a giant pretzel idly with the other. Aaaaaand, then Singularity appears. Her eyes get wide as she stares, and she steps towards her.

"Yeah! Just passed. But New Years hasn't yet!"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie whooshes the kids back to Monet and the others as they were running around too far from the group. Paige also was meandering too far from the group and looks depressed as she is pulled back to the group, instead of continuing her window shopping. She looks at Monet, "Sorry M, thought I saw a sale sign," she mutters disappointedly. She raises her chin in surprise as Singularity appears on the ice rink nearby, "Hey M, what's going on over there?" she wonders. She looks concerned something evil or villainous is afoot.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb looks in the direction of the light source, and notices the appearance of the universe. "Well, look who it is..."

And Sheila is already moving in her direction, "Singularity!", she calls out, remembering the performance from a couple weeks before.

Caleb's enthusiasm is more curbed by the years, but he too approaches, smiling. "Heya there, Singularity!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over and shake her head, "On this side of the city? You'll not see anything on sale unless one considers it by the standards of one that is as wlel off as Professor Xavier or Mister Worthington. The sign itself will probably cost more than you would make in an entire lifetime." There's sincerity there - this was Rockefeller Center after all.

"And.." She shifts her attention over to what has Paige's attention as the.. Blue being composed of cosmic reality comes into appearance. "That is an anthropomorphic universe." In the literal rather than metaphorical sense. And continuing on a moment later. "In the.. Same sort of way of the thing of which Ms. Grey is an avatar of." For comparison. Which was probably a bit simpler way to put it.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie hmms, "I guess you're right," she says to Monet, "I was just dreaming again," she adds about the window shopping. She frowns at the appearance of Singularity, "Maybe it's a media stunt," she mutters. She keeps eyes on the young students again now that something has attracted attention. She glances at Monet in a confused way, as if not understanding what she's talking about.

Singularity has posed:
    When Gwendolyn approaches her and speaks with her, Singularity smiles brightly. It's so rare that someone takes the initative when speaking with her! "Hello!" greets the friendly universe as she floats from the rink over to where the blonde is. "I am..." And then someone calls her name. Glancing over, the young universe smiles brightly. "Hello, friend Caleb, friend Sheila!" she greets the pair of them, before her attention drifts back to Gwendolyn.

Drinking in the way she looks, Singularity drinks in Gwendolyn's appearance before she smiles. "I like your hat!" she offers warmly, when she speaks, the sounds of space and stars sound in her voice. "It makes you pretty."

A wave is given to Monet and Paige - because Monet she recognizes!

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Singularity, huh? Now THAT is a bad ass name," Gwen states with a whistle of appreciation. She takes another bite of her big pretzel as she glances about at the others drawing close. The young blonde (With pink tips!) offers an easy smile to the approaching Caleb and Sheila. She downs the remainder of her pretzel and balls up the paper wrapper. She turns and tosses it towards a nearby trash can, getting the shot perfectly. She pumps her fist in victory.

She looks up at her beanie, which is a difficult feat, since she's wearing it. She goes cross-eyed for a second before she looks back and beams. "Oh, sweet. The beanie makes me pretty! Gonna hafta wear it more often."

She extends a hand to her. "I won't get like...vaporized or something if I shake your hand, right? Anyways, Singularity, I'm Gwen!"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Hey, I'm Caleb. This is Sheila, my sister", he says to Gwen when she acknowledges their presence. And looking back to Singularity, he says, "So, what's a universe like you visiting a universe like ours?"

He looks at the gather of people, his attention falling on the mutant group, and the two chaperones, to whom he idly waves for the moment.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would sigh at Paige - she had no reason to sigh, and yet she was.. "She's no threat. Merely curious and inclined to explore." One didn't have to be a telepath to get that - Singularity rather literally radiated it after all. She was too earnest to be anything but that. "Come then, we might as well." Going to head towards Singularity, likely wtih some of the curious students in tow with her and perhaps Paige as well. This was the sort of thing that her life had turned into since she had come to America..

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie nods to what Monet says, "Okay M, if you say so," she answers. She quickly tries to keep track of the little youngsters who are curious about this Singularity as they run forward. She rushes up to the edge of the ice rink and stops one student from falling down onto the ice. She straightens up and smiles at Caleb as he waves over at them. She waves back. She looks up at Singularity and this Gwen quietly to see what they'll do next.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity giggles. "I am able to be touched without issue!" And to prove her point, she takes Gwen's hand. Her own hand is cool to the touch, and while it has the same form and function as a hand, she can feel... there's no bones there. Just that solid, cool feel of the membrane that holds her universe together and in this form.

    Then Caleb asks that question and she brightens. "When I was created I observed!" she starts off. "I was between realities. I saw this one. I saw your heroes fight against the invasion of the Aliens. It was all so exciting. To watch your stories. And I wanted to be part of it. So I took this form. Came here. To explore! Learn. Feel. Give. Forgive. Fight. Play. Explore!" Gwen may find a few similarities between the two.

    A wave is offered to Monet and Paige as the pair and the kids come closer. "Hello!" she greets. "It is good to see you again, friend Monet. I hope I do not give you a headache!" she offers earnestly. A beaming smile to Paige. "Hello!"

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Nice to meet you Caleb. Shiela."

She grins and shakes Singularity's hand. She blinks at the odd feel of it, but doesn't comment. She furrows her brow, then, and listens for a bit, glancing between them. "Wow. That's...cool! Like, really cool!" She doesn't really want to out her Origin Story to strangers, but the idea of Singularity being, at least SOMEWHAT similar, makes her grin.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Our... 'stories'?", Caleb asks confused to the point of frowning. "You mean, you observed us?" He shrugs, "Well, that's a very broad-scoped answer, but what I meant was what're you doing here, in Rockfeller Center, at this time." He continues, "Or, in other words, what're you up to?"

His mind drifts back to the 'watching of stories' for a moment.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie waves to Singularity as it says hello to her and meanders over next to Caleb since he seems to know what's going on, "Alright, that's enough playing around, get off the ice. You don't have skates," she tells two of the kids who had been running around earlier. She glances at Caleb, "Excuse me, you know what's going on right?" she wonders.

Singularity has posed:
    "Yes, observed. In the broad sense." Singularity explains. "I didn't look in on personal lives. I did not search for whom was dating whom." she shrugs her shoulders. "I was more interested in the heroics. The battle. I watched the way this world turned back an attack. It had caused damaged in so many other realities. But not in this one. You were victorious. I was inspired!" she explains, a little twirl to show off her youthful frame. All stars and galaxies and feminine.

"Took this form and came here. And now. Singularity. Is. Here." Another one of those bright smiles.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"It's basically your friendly universe incursion", he shrugs to Paige when she asks. "I wouldn't dwell much of the scope and implications of a universe as a whole acquiring sentience, though - when I did, I lost sleep for about three days." He points to his kid sister, "Sheila here wouldn't believe me, thought I'd gone cuckoo for cocoa puffs."

"The invasion... You mean the alien coallition that came here years ago to conquer Earth?", he asks Sing.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige Guthrie looks back at Singularity as she contemplates what Caleb explains, "Right," she mutters, "Guess I should be used to strange stuff by now," she comments idly, "Alright students, come on line up. Let's go back," she tells them.

Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Oh, wow. That's...super interested! Imagine that! Having...observed the world and know a lot of stuff before coming here. Ha...ha..." She clears her throat and glances between the others, unable to keep a straight face. You can practically see the big anime sweatdrop on her forehead!

"She brushes her fingers back through her hair and adjusts her beanie a bit, fidgerting.