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It's Another Birthday!
Date of Scene: 23 March 2024
Location: Level 4 - Kitchen and Dining - The Roost
Synopsis: Cake is had! Also, best birthday present ever! And Kiden gets to share it with friends, which makes everything better!
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Megan Gwynn, Laura Kinney, Kiden Nixon

Conner Kent has posed:
It has been five months already since he met Kiden? Time flies, and Conner learned today was her birthday just a couple days ago. She didn't tell! He couldn't get people here, but fortunately he managed to find food and a big birthday cake, mostly chocolate, currently on the dinner table.

And some drinks, since she is 21 as today.

Conner is not even sure who will be able to make it, but since Kiden has not enjoyed a birthday party in years, he figures most anything will work. And they can always enjoy a movie or three in the theatre, anyways.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been busy doing school stuff and hasn't been seen around the Outsiders in a while. However, hearing about a party to celebrate a relative newcomer, Megs is always up for a party! Of course she doesn't know Kiden that well, so hopefully she will like her present which is pretty much just a fancy gift card for the mall, wrapped up in a cute tea tin and finished with a satin bow. She's also wearing a bright hot pink cocktail dress with a purple shrug that really makes her already colorful Gaye and wings really pop! "Soooo! Where's the birthday girl? Let's paaartyyy!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Ah yes birthdays. Those things naturally created people have. Laura's never really cared much about her own birthday, but she does at least try make the effort for those around her. Arriving exactly on time, having set off early to check for ambushes (because she's still X-23 even if she is trying to make an effort), in a black party frock with sequins and a little gift bag tucked under one arm. She practically looks like a normal person going to a normal party. Shocking I know.

There's even a bottle of decent fizz! In case the party is a bring your own booze affair. And if not? Well champagne is the perfect drink to celebrate a twenty first birthday. And with all those super metabolisms no matter how much alcohol Conner and Kiden stocked up on it won't be enough.

Not that she expects Kiden to have waited until she was 21 before drinking alcohol...

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden is super jazzed! This is her first birthday party since... well, since she hit puberty, really. And it's her 21st! Yay legal drinking age!

Not that she hasn't or wouldn't drink otherwise, Laura of all people would remember sharing shots of something really strong at that dumpling place when Kiden popped back up... but this is a special occasion! Also, there's cake! And she's not turning down cake! Especially when Conner has put effort into making this impromptu party happen. She's hovering near said cake, debating if she can sneak a taste of the frosting without getting caught. Chances are low but... people!

"Hi! I'm Kiden! Look at his CAKE! It looks like it's begging to be eaten. Thanks for coming by!" She offers a bright smile and wave towards Megan before letting out a whistle for Laura's appearance, "Oooooo, look who's fancy! Hi Laura!"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is not very fancy, honestly. This is a party for a few friends, and he is surprised to see Laura and Megan looking, well, good. "Megan, it has been about year, so good to see you!" He greets.

Presents, yeah. He has one! Originally it wasn't going to be a birthday present, but it works. In fact, it works pretty great. But first... "alright, I don't know if anyone else will come, but if we don't let Kiden start with the cake, she will steal it and eat it whole in no-time. So... bring some plates."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs at the sight of fake and flutters over, giving Kiden a big cheerful smile and hug if allowed. "Hii Kiden! Happy birthday!" she exclaims excitedly.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Thankfully Laura did not bring any of the stuff they drank at the dumpling place. It's an acquired taste. And an excellent paint stripper and/or potential fuel source...

"I have a more casual set of clothes stashed with my bike," she admits. "If I'm overdressed... I thought about bringing urban camo but the chances of you wanting an impromptu paintballing excursion seemed.. Unlikely?" And highly unwise with all the drinking that'll probably take place. "I could eat." She notes in response to the comments about cake. With her metabolism she can always find time for food.

The bottle is held out in Conners direction. "Do you have any ice for this?" she wonders, raising an eyebrow. "It doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd own.." She sniffs the air, idly working out what sort of cake it is, then adds "If not I'll put it in the refrigerator to chill a little if there's room?"

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Flashing a grin, she leans up to peck a kiss to Conner's cheek, "You know me so well." Because she was absolutely debating if she could get away with taking the cake into No Time and scarfing down. Because cake! This may well be the first cake she's had in awhile. She doesn't normally get it, trying to stick to the strict diet that goes with the exercise regimen for someone that doesn't have a super metabolism to burn all the calories.

But.. this is BIRTHDAY CAKE. Totally doesn't count!

Laughing lightly, Kiden grins at Megan, "Thanks! Pretty sure the last time I had a party there was a clown of the non-psychotic variety and Courage the Cowardly Dog was the theme." In other words, it's been awhile!

To Laura, she grins, "You look great. Stay in the dress if you want! I'll get the plates and stuff for the cake!' Kiden doesn't move, just seeming to blink from one spot to another, reappearing with plates and forks and a knife for cutting the cake. Because time powers are cool! Setting out the plates, she keeps the knife for herself and glances to Conner, "I don't have to wait for candles, right?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Birthday cake doesn't count, and if help is needed, Kiden can always count with Laura eating for three. And if Bart shows up, they will need another whole cake. Or six.

"I have an ice bucket," he commends to Laura, with cans of beer and soda, but the champagne bottle will have to stand the affront for the brief time of existence remaining.

Candles, right. Conner looks around distractedly. "Damn, I got some candles... somewhere... oh well. I guess we can skip them this time." He presents the cake to Kiden, so she can stab it.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "That cake looks sooo good, need helping eating it?"she makes a face at the idea of a clown. "Ugh I hate clowns they're sooo creepy.." she pauses long enough from ogling the cake to offer Kiden her gift card. "Sorry, I'm such a last minute shopper and couldn't figure out what you might like..But hey, now you can get anything!" she quips cheerfully.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I pictured you as more of a cooler filled with ice sort," Laura teases, heading over to deposit the bottle. It seems like the sort of fancy bottle that, like a lot of X-23's black ops budget, is best not subjected to close scrutiny for risk of discovering it's evidence in some sort of crime. But don't worry. She cleared away any forensic evidence very very carefully like a good friend should. "No candles here and I used all my thermite up for now."

"Hope you're doing well Megan? It's been a while." Given how closely arrived she probably said her hellos on the way up.

"Wait clowns are actually a /job/?" She blinks. "I always thought it was a criminal subculture..." There's a shrug. "I'm going to leave your gift upstairs for you to open later. But I'll be back by the time you're finished serving up that cake." Presuming Kiden doesn't just cut a quarter for them to split between them while she finishes the rest off. "I'll have to explain what it actually is and how you use it. And it'd just bore everyone else."

Because that isn't bemusing, ominous or cryptic.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden flashes a grin at Conner and winks, "It's totally fine, no candles is good. Gets to the cake eating faster!" Approaching COnner with knife in hand... she does Laura's training proud! She stabs the cake quickly, precisely, and evenly.. slicing it into four large pieces so they can each have a quarter of the cake.

Plating it up, she hands Megan and Laura a piece first, then Conner, then takes her own. Because she's a good hostess! Mostly... mostly a good hostess! She did still contemplate stealing the whole cake after all. "To cake! And, to a lesser extent, my birthday!"

Laura's cryptic statement just has Kiden laughing and giving a nod, "Alright, but eat your cake first or I can make no promises as to the safety of it if it remains unattended in your absence." She's learning Lauralese!

Taking the gift card from Megan, she grins, "Hey, no worries! I didn't even really expect presents, I'm thrilled for cake and people!" Conner gets a kiss before she dives into her cake. Because he's the awesome one that put this together last minute!

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner smiles at the kiss, and notes, "ah, but I do have a real present, and it is comes in also as a present from others, since it was quite the collaboration effort."

He sets aside his cake for a minute to go to his room and pick up a large-ish bag. Colorfully if hastily wrapped in birthday paper, he offers it to Kiden. "To be opened right now, and I'll get a picture." Of her face, because it was requested.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oooohs, scooping up the cake hungrily, digging in to it like there's no tomorrow. Looks like she'll be working on seconds and thirds in no time. "Well that's a relief! maybe next time when I get to know you better I can get something more personalized!"

She notes the exchange and smirks. "Oooh are you two dating?" but then there's a group effort gift and so she waits impatiently to see this gift.

Kiden Nixon has posed:
"Awwwwwww, Con, you didn't have to! But yay! Present!"

Kiden makes sure to wipe off her hands and face, setting her cake aside to take the wrapped gift with a grin. "Now this is exciting. I wasn't expecting this!" Even as she pokes and prods the package, Kiden flashes a grin towards Megan, "Oh yeah. Conner and I have been dating for... jeez, almost six months now, isn't it? Not long after we met. Just kinda.. clicked. Besides, he was SUPER cute and really sweet. He had me from the start."

Chuckling, she finally puts herself out of her own misery and tears into the package!

Conner Kent has posed:
"Actually, it is long due," comments Conner, grinning to Kiden. Then he nods to Megan. "Almost six months, I met Kiden when Toyman was sending killer toys to off some gangsters he felt had stolen something from him. Crazy old guy, but I guess I owe him one."

And finally he has a chance to get into his cake, happily. The present is an outfit for Kiden, mostly made of unstable molecules and includes and armored jacket. Designed by the team's best bat-people and self-appointed experts on style.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs. "Well that's cool, crazy how strange life can be sometimes.." she sighs wistfully. "Would have loved to introduce you to my boyfriend but...A bunch of crazy stuff happened.."

Kiden Nixon has posed:
Kiden lets out a squeal that can likely be heard across multiple floors of the Roost. "A SUPERSUIT!!!"

She's made it! She's really a hero, now! And the jacket! It looks like one of Conner's, only cut down to her size. Looking over the suit, she's poiking at it lightly, "Oh wow, this is SO COOL! I can't.. AHHH!" She hugs the outfit to herself and grins at Conner, "You're the best. Forever, always, the *best*."

Turning towards Megan, she offers a quick one-armed hug, "Hey. Crazy stuff happens. You guys can get through it. And if not? Then he wasn't good enough for you. You'll find someone better. I thought I'd found someone, years ago. Then he bailed on me and our friends. It sucked. A lot. But... I kept it together and pushed through.. and I ended up meeting Conner. And that's when I found the real deal. Sometimes you gotta kiss some toads before you find the prince." Winking at Megan, she grins, "Now.. lets gang up on Conner and get more cake. Birthday cake totally doesn't count for calories, and it's still my birthday for like.. hours."

And THAT is a story for another time.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs as Kiden opens her gift. "Wow that's Soo cool! I gotta see you try it on!" she grins and shrugs. "It's on, serves me right, dating an ex criminal and all..Should have known that he'd eventually turn back to a life of crime and try to keep me out if it, and now I've made an enemy of a powerful superhero for defending another criminal but hey guess we're trying to get off on the right footing now.." she yawns glancing at her watch. "Wellbthis has been fun but I gotta go, nice meeting you, hope you have a good one.,"