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Latest revision as of 02:56, 8 April 2024

Point that end at that way!
Date of Scene: 07 April 2024
Location: Danger Room
Synopsis: Bishop teaches blasters to Jay Marie and Patty. Talks of the dark future! Everyone wins a gift card to get food!
Cast of Characters: Bishop, Jay Guthrie, Patty Sloan, Marie-Ange Colbert

Bishop has posed:
Down in the danger room where the magic happens and the training, and well the danger is one Bishop standing there in front of a table with blasters on it, nothing as powerful as his own. He paces back in forth in his X-men outfit, his eyes on the range that he has quickly built, with little chuckle watching it ready to kick things off. His own blasters hanging from the side of his belt, sipping his cup of coffee freshly brewed. His hair is tied back into a well done bun for once given he know it was actin time. Now, he waits for his students.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay has literally never been here before. He tends toward introverted, non-violent behavior. But several instructors at Xavier's have expressed concerned that he needs to have at least some combat skills. Plus Patty mentioned that the session was going on, and spending time with Patty is always nice despite the fact that Jay is too stupid and misanthropic to actually say that.

He walks into the room, carefully making sure his wings don't get caught on the way in. He clears his throat as he looks downward. "Um, is this where the, uh, shooting stuff is...is happening?"

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty had been waiting to get into the Danger Room to find the limits of her abilities. Firearms training? Well that was the one thing she wasn't expecting. Being told to go down to the Sub Basement and go to the Danger Room for it, She did as she was told. She walked down the techno-punk hallway and into the Danger Room to find Bishop waiting.

"Hello Bishop. Good to see you again." She walks over to the table and looks down at the blasters. They are much different from the weapon that was pointed at her the day she got her powers and very different from the assault rifles that the bridal party had at the bank. Still she looks a little nervous about the whole thing. After all, she's never fired a gun before and her previous encounters definitely taught her to respect the weapons.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Training is part and parcel of the Xavier's experience, and Marie has years of that particular experience under her belt. With the escalating tensions going on in the world outside -- and not that far from her own current home in the city itself, it definitely seemed prudent to ensure that she was there for the next available one. Doubly so when she realized what this particular training involved. She's shot energy weapons before!

With... uh... mixed results.

But she steps into the range area in her standard New Mutants uniform, the yellow and black accentuated only by the pouch on her belt containing her tarot cards. "Bonjour, mes amis!" she greets to the assorted students, adding a little curtsey towards their teacher of the day.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at the students of the day his hand is motions towards the blasters. "Yeah these are low powered, they will feel like a 9MM in your hand. Something that is common and easy to find in this time." His voice is friendly, as he nods at Patty. "Yeah, good to see you Patty." He smiles at her, walking over to place a blaster in each of the hands of the others, as he looks at Jay. "Yeah this is where the shooting stuff, is going down welcome to the party man."

He pushes a button on the wall slowly coming out are a bunch of baddies, some holding guns to the head of woman with walkers and a baby carriages and other innocent hostages. "So, this will be a simple for now, if you do good we will make it more complex." He waits for them to get use to the gun in their hands, pointing his blaster down range firing it quickly with that purple energy blast blowing off the head of one of the baddies attacking a woman with a baby cart. "Have any of you used a gun before?" He looks over at Marie and than back at Jay. "I'm Bishop as she stated, I teach Combat, Shooting and future history." He says that last bit like it's no big dealo.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
The winged young man gives Patty a very brief, small smile. In Jay Guthrie terms, that's an outrageous display of emotion. "Hey, Patty," he murmurs. "Lotta guns here it looks like."

Marie-Ange comes in so energetic and bubbly. Jay looks over at her and lifts a hand in a brief wave. "Hey."

Drawing a deep breath, Jay walks over to the table where the guns are. He looks at them like it's a table of pissed-off cobras. "Yes, sir," he says to Bishop. "I dunno what future history means but okay." A small smirk. He doesn't touch any of the weapons, and when Bishop fires his blaster Jay winces very slightly. If Bishop can get this jumpy kid to learn to shoot he's going to get a Teacher of the Year award.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Oh hey Jay!" She smiles to Jay as she looks at him. Then there is Marie-Ange who she hasn't met yet. "Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Patty."

Patty picks up one of the guns and feels the weight of it. She feels the balance of it and points it at one of the baddies. "This is very different from just using the wind but it definitely feels comfortable... I guess." She blushes a little as she listens. She looks to Bishop, "I've seen them being used up close. I can try though."

"Should we be shooting?" She asks curiously as she points the gun at the villains who happen to be trying to harm the innocent lady and the baby.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Good to see you again, Monsieur Guthrie. A pleasure, Monsieur Bishop, Mademoiselle Patty. You are a new student here, oui?" Marie replies with a gentle smile, before adding, "Je m'appelle Marie-Ange Colbert, or Tarot, in the field." She'd go further, but doesn't want to distract any of the attention from their teacher, that's for sure.

To Bishop's question, she offers a slow nod. "Oui, I have shot the guns before." She states, lifting one up and holding it with the grace of someone who... well, has in fact touched a gun before and knows where the trigger is, but definitely isn't entirely comfortable with it. "When I accompanied the X-Men in the Savage Land, they had weapons like these... though they did not shoot the..." she pauses for a moment, trying to find the right word. "...balles?" It's French for 'bullets'. She couldn't find the right word or even something she deemed close enough. "Instead, some sort of powerful light." It's her best way of describing it.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Jay with a nod of his head, his hand is moves to slide that blaster on to the side of his belt. "Well pick up one, get use to the feel of it. Get use to the weight of it, that is the first step. Than slowly bring it up, look down the sights." His finger flicks the sight of Patty's gun with a nod of his head. "Yeah, you should be shooting, not yet but you will be shooting. First step is to get use to it, and than try to aim."

He walks over to the wall leaning against it those massive arms crossed over his chest. "Yeah, well the issue with using powers is they might not always be there, so stuff like this is for the danger when it truly hits the fan. Like....when a bunch of jerks blow up a building and start to shoot you when you run outside. It happens, I have seen it." His voice is dark, as he watches the students now waiting for them.

He turns to look at Marie with a nod of his head. "Good good, it's good to know one of you has done this before. This will be like that it will shoot beams of light, each one is a colored different. So we can tell how each of you is doing." He walks over to the table now, to look down at the range studying it for a long second. "Now, when you are all ready we will have a contest, the winner is going to get dinner on me, anywhere in the city they want."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay reaches down and picks up one of the blasters. With his super strength, he lifts the device quite easily making it seem like he's lifting a plastic child's toy. Anyone with any sense of such things can tell this is literally the first time he has ever handled a gun. Under his breath he murmurs, "A dinner date with a teacher. Who could resist." When Jay is uncomfortable he tends to get an attitude. Also when he's comfortable.

He peers over at Patty, waiting for her to take a shot. "You any good at these things?" He asks her.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty listens as Bishop explains how things are gonna go. She has been feeling the weight, the balance and everything with the blaster in her hand. As she looks down the sight of the gun trying to carefully maintain her aim. When Bishop flicks the sight of the gun, it startles Patty and she accidentally pulls the trigger. A green blast of energy goes flying at one of the villains, hitting him in the groin. "OH!! SORRY!!!"

Patty puts the gun down quickly as she looks at Jay. "I umm... I just... That was the first time I ever shot a gun. Omg Do you think he will be okay?" She shutters feeling kinda bad about misfiring.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie smiles a bit, "Monsieur Bishop is quite right. There are many forces out there that can prevent us from using our natural gifts, as well as times when they are simply... unsuitable for the moment." She's faced a number of both column a and column b. It's one of the reasons she's sought out combat training beyond the norm for the residents here.

As the one with the most experience (beyond Bishop himself, of course!) she handles the weapon with an extra heaping of respect, keeping her fingers away from the trigger until she's actually ready to fire; though, she seems to struggle in the actual aiming portion, not accustomed to using any sorts of sights for precision.

Then when Patty's blaster goes off, there's a soft yelp and then a bit of a giggle at the actual result. "It seems you are a natural, mademoiselle!"

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Jay with a little chuckle watching him with the gun. "I didn't say I was joining you, I said I was paying for it." His voice is teasing the boy, with a wicked little chuckle. "You assume a teacher wants a date with a student, maybe I should be teaching morals you know." His hand is moves slowly to wipe his own pistol quickly upwards, as he stares down at the sights at the targets.

He looks down at the range and than back at Patty with a nod of his head. "Good shoot, impressed that will take him down for a bit. I mean, he will be okay with no kids." His voice is teasing her, as he chuckles with a nod of his head, with a second little chuckle. "So, I guess it's time to start for each target you hit you get a point, for a vital you get 3 points. That was a vital, so right now Patty has 3 points."

He looks over at Marie with a nod of his head. "Indeed, she got him right in the jewels." His voice is rings out amused again, there is a smile but it fades just as quickly. "Now than, take your spots, I will be scoring." He picks up a note pad, as he steps over to the side to wait for them to start firing. "There is no price limit, you may take one other person with you on this dinner, I will cover both of you."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
When Patty's shot hits the target's...um...area Jay visibly winces. One hand unconsciously goes down protectively near his own...you know. Every Guy Everywhere gets sympathy pains in such situations. He peers over at Patty. "Dang, girl, remind me never to piss you off." One little corner of his mouth curls up a bit.

Already uncomfortable around guns, when Marie lets out a yelp Jay jumps a bit. He looks over at her with an actual grin on his face. He warms to people, and apparently guns firing speeds up the process. "You scared th'shit outta me," Jay says with a small laugh.

Icarus lifts his gun and aims it down range at the targets. He squeezes the trigger and hits the shoulder of one of the enemy targets. Not a great shot, but not a total botch either. "Hey, I got it!" he exclaims. Ooops, Jay has momentarily forgotten he is supposed to be sulky and broody.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty is very red in the face. "Thank you Marie." She looks at Jay and laughs nervously. "Yeah that was really crazy." She picks up the gun again and shakes off the nerves. Quickly she takes and fires again. This time she is actually focused and hits central mass on one of the bad guys. "Hey this isn't so hard. But I guess it would be really different in the field. I mean I know these guys are holograms but having to shoot at an actual person would be really hard. I dunno what to think. "She takes another shot and misses before firing two more blasts at another guy. She hits him twice in the shoulder and in the neck.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"I did not mean to!" Marie replies to Jay, tone apologetic.. and then quickly offers a smile, "And I will be certain /not/ to mention this to your brother, as a way of showing my sincerity." Because Marie has known Sam for... well, a long time.

"Quite welcome, Mademoiselle Patty!" she adds, before stepping up to the line, taking a stance to stablize herself, and pulling the trigger. Her aim's not perfect by any means, there's definitely no vitals hit.. but it's good enough to score hits on her targets, mainly because she's aiming for the biggest mass centers to help with her lack of precision.

"I think it is different for us all," she starts to Patty, taking another shot or two. "...but my desire to save my friends helped with the nerves of shooting... how do you say... a real person, oui?"

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Jay with a smile, marking down the point. "Yeah good shot, very good shot. It would spin him away, you got him just right in the shoulder." He sounds very proud, as he looks over at the damage marking it down as a vital. "3 points it's a vital."

He marks down more points for Patty, than he takes a deep breath as he listens. "Yeah when it's real it's harder the first time. But, this will prep you for it, as much as we can. Things get bad. This will be needed." His voice sounds distant, than he bites his lower lip snapping back into the now. "Good shooting, it seems you three a naturals. One that has done it once before and you two. Good good."

He looks over at Marie, studying her as she is speaks with a nod of his head again. "Yeah, best way to think about it. Think of the why, the reason and not the action itself. It is a good way to handle violence and to stop threats. For if we fail others die." His hand is moves to take out a little bag of jerky, from one of the too many pouches. Starting to chomp down on a bit, as he marks down more of the scores with a little chuckle. "How does it feel to hold it?" This is directed at all three of them.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
If ANYONE ever said that Jay was pleased by the praise of a teacher he would vehemently deny it. But when Bishop gives Jay an attaboy, the winged young man /actually/ gets a pleased look on his face and a little redness to his ears. School is stupid anyway, so whatever! Jerks!

But as talk moves toward the idea of actually shooting and killing real people, that pleased look fades a bit. He gently sets the gun back on the table. "Yeah," he murmurs. "I mean, I guess if it meant the difference between your friends getting hurt then you gotta, you know, do what you gotta do." He nonchalantly shrugs his thin shoulders a bit. Clearly his heart isn't in it anymore.

When Marie apologizes, Jay finds his smile again. "It's coolio, no worries." Then he peers over at Patty and swallows. "Next time I have t'go some place dangerous I'll hire you as my bodyguard." He glances back downward, his natural posture.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty fires the blaster a few more times, getting a couple hits and missing a few more. She smiles as she gets a bit more comfortable. "This is getting a bit more easy I think. The gun feels almost natural to hold and there is definite weight to it but its still comfortable." She replies to Bishop before looking down the sights of her laser blaster and fires at the head of one of the villains. The shot clips the side of the baddies' head as she exhales. "I think I am getting this." She comments as she continues her focus on trying to not think about a reward but just do her best.

"I suppose that makes sense. Remembering who you are doing it for and why makes a lot of sense. I'd rather not have to shoot someone but if the time comes that I have to I want to make sure that I am capable of it." She responds to Marie and to Jay. Then looking over at Jay she snickers. "I don't think we will be able to take the blasters out of the danger room though." SHe laughs a little.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
For Marie, the concept of mortality is a bit skewed; life and death are inevitabilities for her, and her role in it predetermined. But, that's the very nature of her powers. She can see the future, and, to this point, has had little evidence that it can be changed. So she's considerably more at peace with the concept than most her age would be.

"It would be my pleasure," she tells Jay with a grin. Like Patty, she's still focused on the exercise at hand. Making small improvements as she goes along, getting better at the idea of aiming to the point where she is, in fact, looking down the right part of the blaster before taking her shots.

"It feels very much like an instrument does... the way you hold it in your hands seems to matter quite a bit." she replies to Bishop. "I feel this matters more with these guns than most of the weaponry I have trained with."

Bishop has posed:
Bishop marks down the points as he looks between each of them with a nod of his head. "Well done, well done. Yeah Bodyguards are good to have Jay." He marks down another few points for the group, studying starting to add it with a chuckle. "The blasters are for here and here alone, Prof would kill me if I gave kids guns. I'm pretty sure, with his anti violence stance."

He turns to look at Marie with a nod of his head, his hand is moves to push the button to put away the targets. "Indeed, that is a good way of speaking on it. Now than, place them back on the table you all passed today with flying colors, you know what let's do this you all did good." He takes out three visa cards preloaded, to offer it towards them. "You each win, you did well and didn't run from the concept of violence, which was the real test. Take someone with you for dinner."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay reaches out and accepts the proffered card. "Alright. Thanks." He says this with a shrug and not making eye contact with Bishop. His mama raised him with enough sense to show gratitude, but he still has a reputation to maintain so not too much gratitude. He glances at the guns one last time and shrugs one more time.

When Bishop suggests taking someone to dinner, Jay looks over at Patty and opens his mouth as if to say something. But then his natural introversion wins the battle and he slides the card into his front jeans pocket, and slides both hands into his pockets too. Oh look, there is something interesting on the floor! Jay peers at whatever it is.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles and lowers the gun, Making sure to put the safety on before putting it down. She smiles to Bishop and accepts the gift card with a grin. "At least I can say I have used a gun before and I'm not a terrible shot." She giggles. "Or you know, Shooting a guy in the groin unless thats a terrible shop. I guess thats one way to end a lineage of bad guys swearing revenge on you."

She looks over to Jay who quickly seems to be examining the floor. Patty gives curious look and looks down at the floor. Yeah. That's a floor alright. I think I am going to use mine to treat a friend I made down in the city. He is homeless I believe and could probably use a good meal."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As the training concludes, Marie gingerly places the blaster back onto the table where she got it from. It's not fear from the French girl, but more a healthy dose of respect from the weapon and an acknowledgement that she doesn't know the weapon as well as she probably /should./

Then, when Bishop announced them all as winners she brightens up even more. "Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Bishop. It was a most excellent lesson!" she thanks the man, flashing a smile as she takes the gift card...

...and promptly holds it out in Patty's direction. "You should give this to your friend, oui? Perhaps it will help with a place to sleep for the night as well." She knows the prices of lodging in the city. It's only thanks to Miss Frost that she's able to live there as easily as she is.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop slinks off to go find somewhere to brood, leaving the student to be social. He has a date with a book and the lake, and a cigar. He will not keep it waiting as he waves over his shoulder. "Have fun kids." He calls out, than he leaves them in the danger room without adult supervision.