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SHIELD: For Whom The Bells Toll
Date of Scene: 28 April 2020
Location: R and D Labs: Triskelion
Synopsis: SHIELD considers how to hunt and disrupt monsters.
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Bobbi Morse, Jemma Simmons, Daniel Hastings, Clark Kent, Dane Whitman, Mikhail Uriokovitch

Jane Foster has posed:
Facing down an assembly of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best and probably among the brightest minds is only less harrowing than finding Nick Kury in the same bodega you shop at, getting himself some shaving cream and killer pupusas from an authentic El Salvadorian shop. Or whatever jury-rigged gear he's using as an excuse for hiding out on that particular block. Jane Foster at least has little to worry about with the director sailing through with his lunch pail or gimlet-eyed stare; besides, she's already working on taking over some of Jemma's precious gear to manage a variety of projections making the most of the data assembly stationed around Queensland Park and elsewhere in Metropolis.

One side benefit being the Mistress of the Hayden Planetarium: turning boring, dull data into somewhat spectacular presentations, especially for anything that projects. She already has a schematic of the neighbourhood picked out in fine luminous blue detail that hopefully responds to a touch or two. A building layout is more than a blueprint, tucked away, features a few model cutaways for when she needs it. A little better than some grainy images and boring old NCIS: Peoria or something. Printed out details are also available for the lower tech folks who prefer paper, or something. No doubt someone is curating all of this, but she is all business right down to the doughnuts stolen from some popular Metropolis doughnut company, a promise made good last time. So, yes. Help yourself.

She's already checked the materials and the projection and the software. "I promise," she murmurs, "to let Jemma give you whatever upgrade she can do if you play nice. Please." Talking to the electronics? Yes.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi didn't exactly need to be here, but she was invested in the process now. She spent all those hours in Metropolis with the other agents setting up all the sensors. She wants to know just where this is taking them and how elaborate the earware might have to be when dealing with these 'shadows'.

She stays in the back of the room and turns to say something snarky to the person next to her, but they appear to actually be nervously preparing to write notes. "Ah, where's the fun in that," she murmurs and looks back to the presentation Jane is preparing. It's combination Bobbi today. Black ops uniform and weapons - over which she wears her white lab coat. Her laminated ID card hanging from the front pocket of the coat, and wearing glasses at the moment to let her eyes rest from the contacts.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "What was that, Dr Foster?" The posh British accent of one Dr Jemma Simmons is overheard as she possibly caught her name spoken out loud. Jemma herself had been putting herself to good use, putting away her other projects to prepare. She had offered the Research and Development labs as a potential meeting place for two reasons. One, it certainly kept the Command wing free of roving scientists. And two...this was her place. She knew every inch, every nook and cranny...and easy access to whatever technology was needed to do *proper* research. So...Jemma might have had a selfish reason.

    Not that she was going to admit to it.

    Decked out with her own lab coat, safety glasses perched on the top of her head, Jemma walks over with her tablet in tow. She is of the current age, where paper and pencil just won't cut it. "Are you having any issues with the presentation?" It was a guess...but an educated one. After all, Jemma knows how the tech...and more so how the engineer who designed the tech...works. And it might be an acquired knowledge.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel hadn't gone out with the first crew but had followed up making tweaks to the devices as anomalies appeared and failures were documented. On one of those occasions, he and Valiera Richards had foiled a warehouse heist quite by happenstance. Now he was in the briefing room looking to Jane with attention as he eagerly awaited the results of their speculative efforts. Every now and then he glanced towards the door as if he was looking for someone but then returned his attention front. Or at least to the display. Front was a relative position in a lab with so many distractions.

Clark Kent has posed:
For reasons no doubt immediately apparent, a few agents bring in a particularly eye-drawing hero in through a different side entrance to R&D. The main entry wasn't appropriate, due to the current security level surrounding the sate of Superman's death. The state being... that he isn't, in fact, still //dead//. From the side, doors were opened for him by agents that are businesslike but unable to not stare awkwardly. They linger in the doorway, still looking at Superman's back, as he enters and takes up a post to one side and towards the back of the R&D gathering area. He isn't here to be a spectacle, but it's just about impossible for him NOT to be a huge distraction in the room. His smile is polite and subdued; his intention is not to derail the information being presented: he's here to take it in and offer additional pieces that he may know.

Superman isn't in his familiar blue and reds; he's in gray and black, a somber, less attention-grabbing version, but it just ends up clashing with him a little bit: he seems healthy, attentive, /present/. The gray is ill-suited to the iconic hero. Though some of those present may not yet be aware Superman is alive (the information is rather controlled), there's no doubt of it now - it's hard to replicate the presence that Superman exudes.

Superman gives a smile to the those he recognizes from the prior meeting, but stays out of the way - as much as it's possible, anyway.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Bouncing between Staten Island and Upstate may be easier when you have a superfast flying horse, but working a full day at school and working an evening of SHIELD Training and Evaluation and a late evening of Briefing may explain why even at this hour Dane's got a (properly sealed) travel mug of some kind of caffeinated beverage in one hand, and a tablet in the other, while he wants for the presenter to arrive.

He may have a slight advantage in having been able to peek at some of the data beforehand, and he's got a couple things ready to piggyback on the presentation. Possibly having been up well into the wee hours the night before working on pertinent things may also have contributed to the dark circles under his eyes. But he spares a smile for the assembled, and perhaps a slightly brighter one for said presenter, if laced with a bit of weariness.

Jane Foster has posed:
Combing her fingers along the edge of the sheaf of paper in front of her, Jane offers that slight smile to Jemma. "Just reminding it to be nice. Never hurts." Her expression shows very little suggestion of nervousness, settling into a pattern long familiar -- defending theses, calming scientific feathers, or ruffling them. Clasping her hands in front of her, she sits up slightly straighter with the white of her coat stark and elegant in the dimmer-lit room. "Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight. I thought it prudent to disseminate the findings from Metropolis in a timely manner, as we might have time-sensitive opportunities to discuss," she begins, falling into her vocal stride. "Agent Morse led a team out to Queensland Park in Metropolis, as indicated here." The map display matches, somewhat, the map contained in the packets. "Anything indicated by a blue radial dot indicates where we placed acoustic monitors. Red indicates infrared scanners, purple the ultraviolet sensors, green diamonds for the dimensional array, and so forth indicated by the legend in the lower right corner. Agent Whitman and I helped with the placement."

She gives a bit of a pause, and then taps on her tablet to start bringing up readings. "This array of detectors was set up with several specific aims in mind, foremost acquiring data about any of these animated 'shadows' and the trance effect observed in Metropolis. Data started coming in once the array went live, and we have preliminary findings as projected here. Pursuant to the last briefing, we were looking for signatures of these shadows, a sonic frequency that might cause the paralysis or observed trances, and possible ways to isolate the bandwidth of transmission being used. From here, R&D could develop temporary and long-term protections."

Cue a lot of fancy acoustic data dancing through, a sound engineer's dream. "Let's start with the sounds. There isn't a single frequency but several distinguishable pitches it's using."

Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
The most out of place member of SHIELD here is the extremely large individual who appears out of his element, Mikhail Uriokovitch. He had been given a briefing on this, and as a trainee, was assigned to get a good look at what Research and Development did, since while he is likely never to be a permanent member of that department, it is good to know what they do.

Mik is sober, a rarity, and is standing in the back for the moment, absorbing all he can at the time, so that he can get brought up to speed. Briefings were nothing new to him, but usually not science-heavy ones.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes follow the man in grey as he enters. Her mouth drops open in surprise. She was not expecting to see Superman. He's far more charming up close than she realised. She draws her eyes away from him, but they flit back several times just to make sure he's really there and hadn't left. But, no, she must focus on the issue at hand. Part of this entire operation was to help him block out these sounds after all.

Bobbi tries to catch Jane's eye and give her a thumbs up to get this thing started, or perhaps to give her encouragement. Everything that was about to be said in here was likely to quickly escalate to the level of super science, given the minds involved. She had prepared herself for this by having two coffees before hand. As the data gets laid out she pushes off the wall a bit. Her hands rest on the back of a chair as she leans in. They actually caught the thing in the act, whatever 'it' is.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Ooh, data. Amazingly, Daniel doesn't do more than acknowledge Superman with a genial nod. He was at the last briefing. Plus. Well. He hadn't really been exposed to the whole 'living god' reputation the fellow had. More important to him was the information Jane just relayed and that he was now perusing. "So.. thermal imaging goggles would seem to be a must when combatting this creature. And.. the frequency negation is going to be problematic since it isn't a static form but.. I wonder if it takes on aspects of language."

His fingers drum on the counter he's leaning on as he thinks, "Pack hunting.. more insectlike do you think? Drones and a queen? Or more cooperative with an alpha. It will matter in how to combat it if only because if the smaller creatures have independent thinking and instinct we won't be able to bait or maneuver them so well." It's clear he's mostly just thinking out loud for the moment.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The Russian trainee agent is given a bright smile from Jemma, as the two had a chance to work together before...albeit in somewhat different circumstances than this. Jemma's attention then shifts, catching sight of the visitor in grey. To her credit, Jemma doesn't seem to be too surprised, but only because she had a little more experience in seeing people back from the dead than perhaps Bobbi. A slight, almost unnoticeable nod is given to the visitor, which he, of course, most likely picked up on, before Jemma turns to Jane properly.

    And...It is the sound waves that catch her eye almost immediately. "Interesting..." The tablet makes its first appearance of the night, as Jemma keys in data to translate the soundwaves into programmable data. "It is a siren effect. Shades of Odysseus indeed." Fingertips fly over the tablet as Jemma casts a sidelong glance towards Daniel. "Well, we had thought that might be an issue." The 'we' in this case refers to her partner, Leopold Fitz. "And so we developed a prototype that initially will block all frequencies, but is programmable to adapt to key frequencies as we desire. Consider it a learning device, if you will."

    Wait a minute. Did Jemma say 'developed'? As in, they have a working prototype at the moment? She doesn't elaborate on what they have...but what they can do. "It would not be terribly difficult to run these frequency modulations through the devices' matrix to have it learn which of the frequencies we have identified are to be negated."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane takes a sip, expression growing more serious as the presentation begins. Once the mug is sealed again, he brings up the tablet and starts manipulating some of the data he's got on it. To Daniel's suggestion of difficulties in countering the variable frequencies he starts to reply, then pauses, then chuckles, lowering his tablet and simply says, "I worked up some preliminary designs for similar devices, we can compare notes later, but it sounds like you've got it covered, or at least figured out the processing hurdle I was having trouble getting over."

Yep, bit of a sheepish expression, there.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman has return smiles for those that upnod to him or give him curious looks. Otherwise, he isn't trying to make a scene; the 'living god' thing isn't something he's trying to exude. He stays quiet and observant, giving the floor fully to the presentors. He does slowly adjust the edge of his visitor badge on a lanyard. He didn't need one, possibly, but he insisted on normal procedure when possible. The boy scout attitude coming through: doing things properly.

And so, he only listens at first, and tracks the data attentively; it isn't going over his head, by all appearances.

In fact, as Jemma comes to having a possible piece 'developed' - not in development but ready, Superman does offer, "I am available to test prototypes; I have completed a number of tests relatively safely, as I can test from a long distance away." He simply lowers his head a little in a firm offer of his support, for them to accept if or when they are ready.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Music is a universal form of language, so you're not the only one to wonder that. On the other hand, music has a limitation that certain counter-tones or melodies could be used to wipe it out," suggests Jane, tipping her head to look at the others around the table. "We might want a proper musician to run the diagnostics on that, since I fear my limitations rest on playing 'Ode to Joy' or singing showtunes to calm the savage beast." A sudden turn of a smile shows as she flicks an overlay onto the arrays. The smile creeps back to a more contemplative expression, though not before she offers Bobbi that grateful nod and a smile to Superman in turn. His presence is noted, respectfully, along with all the rest. All right, game on. "The curious part to me is the choice of bell sounds. Whether its physiology limits it to this sort of communication or not, unclear. Resonance has significant impacts, and something using resonance frequency to hunt and move its prey around has a few precedents in nature, at least that we've understood. However, it seems we're dealing with higher intelligence here."

She gestures lightly to the theatrical blueprint after Jemma comes up with a prototype reference, followed up by Dane. "Excellent. Finding an appropriate method to stifle the frequencies or at least muddy them would potentially save civilian lives. I haven't seen an upper limit yet on the potential discharge and using resonance frequencies, something could potential harm objects or kill. Which leads us to our first victim, who clearly wasn't killed by the harmonics but another means altogether. Another form of problem. Life draining is going to be hard to counteract, though you can see that was an individualized effect. Rather than skimming life energy off the top, this was a concentrated attack."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Arrest it, disarm it, fight it, kill it perhaps, contain it. These are all the questions running through her head. She suspects it's like a hunter with their dogs. Attacking the source will bring on the wraith of those shadow dogs. "For whom the bell tolls," she says trying not to sound too ominous. "We defeat the paralysis possibly, but now face a different threat. Running from it doesn't look like a winning strategy. If it phases in and out, perhaps it can be handled physically. Someone is going to have to confront this thing and attempt contact - that person is going to need better protection than 'oops your life drained away' though," Bobbi says to the group. "And let's assume for a moment that we can arrest it for murder and it is cognicent of its crimes, how would we contain something like this."

Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
Mik pinches the bridge of his nose as everything comes at him far quicker than he is comfortable with. As the least qualified person here, the Russian mutant is happy to see a few familiar faces and gives Jemma a wave and smile in response, but the presence of Superman finally hits him. Mik had heard stories after being thawed after Superman's death and was frozen long before his birth. It is sort of like meeting a legend, but after recovering says, "Think like predator," he says to answer Bobbi, "Predator care not for thoughts of prey, they respond only to other predator."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel's inner monologue seems to perk up at the mention of music and he looks to Jane. "Yes.. absolutely.." And then he's looking at the wave forms again. "It's funny you mention that because Valeria's been working with soundwaves of late and I have something of a musicians ear thanks to my father. The conundrum of course is.. the shape of their resonance chamber. Our human sinuses are far different than say how an elephant modulates soundwaves. If we could capture one of the smaller creatures.. or.. at least bring back the corpse for autopsy.. that would be helpful." Why was he having flashes of Jurassic Park and the velociraptor bones.. he /really/ needed to stop watching television. It was rotting his brain. "In any case, if you wanted to generate multiple frequencies.. it would need to be irregularly shaped.. or with primary and secondary vibratory structures. Alternatively.. we could be hearing call and countercall. As if the creatures were forming a harmonies between themselves."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The offer to test the sound-cancelling earbuds is noted by Jemma, to which she nods her consent to the Kryptonian, in full view, this time. And the discussion of the frequencies emulating a bell resonance is also noted. Jemma offers a thought, rather absently...as if thinking out loud to herself. "The sine wave of a bell tone is somewhat more easily distinguished from other sine waves. It has its own distinct audio fingerprint, so to speak. One could run a program to counter the specific amplitude of bells. It will effectively block all bells, so musical appreciation would definitely take a downturn if bells were used in the percussion." Perhaps it was a joke...but Jemma says it with much too straight of a face to be deemed as such.

    But...then the topic of autospy is broached. That certainly grabs the biologist's attention. "*If* the recovery of a corpse was possible, then it would certainly assist in discovering exactly what precautions can be taken." Jemma turns to Daniel, supposedly to speak to him...but it is more speaking beyond him, as her mind latches onto a train of thought blindingly quick. "Even any sort of biological matter would be helpful. To see what comprises the creature, or creatures in this case. If we can determine the basis...its genetic structure, then we could develop an effective means of capture and containment, as well as develop countermeasures to whatever biological advantages it may have."

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Not to be morbid, but we may want to look into the Autopsy and other medical history of the victim, if we don't already have it. The camera footage made it seem like he could /see/ the thing...or see something anyway. Probably a good idea to see if we can figure out how." Dane Whitman notes, expression a bit grim on that.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman now considers, one hand moving to cup the side of broad jaw in a few fingers. He's not scowling, but a firmness and focus has come into his visage as there is talk of one of the victims.

"I believe I have seen it, though briefly at the end of one of the events, before being engaged by one of the small creatures: in the form of shadows it cast nearby. From the shadows it seemed as humanoid with long, distended limbs. It is possible the victim reacted to the shadows cast: they are very ... haunting, and eerie. Immediately after that, it vanished. Perhaps slowing down footage to focus on the very end of the sound event might catch more evidence of it."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Being able to change into an incorporeal state presents a great risk. We don't know the full tactics of our shadows here. Becoming something that cannot be touched by conventional methods requires a different approach. Are they susceptible still to different forces on the electromagnetic spectrum, for example? Are they sensitive in turn to sound-based attacks? While they transition, is there a weakness we can work with?" Jane recalibrates her thoughts with Mikhail offering ideas about a predator, her mind racing ahead on the notion. "We see a semblance of predatory behaviour I would normally associate with a cetaceans, in that they physically herd the prey and use acoustic attacks to stun or weaken their prey. I pulled up a few research papers indicating sperm whales, orcas, and dolphins might exhibit the behaviour." Following up on Jemma's thoughts, she rests her hand briefly on the table and looks off for a moment. The astrophysicist narrows her eyes a fraction. "It's thought they could use narrow spectrum clicks best suited to stunning their prey. It might actually stymie their efforts if you were to introduce noises outside the environment, at least making this mass hypnosis harder due to interference. Though we might have an unwanted side effect they begin hit-and-run tactics on individuals, which clearly gravely injures or kills them. I'm not liking where this leads us, but it might also be sufficiently daunted by having its primary sensory method interrupted that it looks elsewhere."

A light clearing of her throat follows suit. "Who has clearance to get into a morgue? The autopsy reports were fairly clear on the cold effect. I'd be interested to know the actual temperature range in question. A very different scenario dealing with 50 Kelvin versus -45'C." Sorry, she works in metric versus imperial save when forced. Brushing her fingertip along the arch of her eyebrow, the deft flick knocks away a few of her chestnut strands of hair. "I have samples not from the body, but from the hunter itself. How stable it will stay before degrading, I'm not sure, but I gathered and lodged them all the same according to standard protocol. We can compare any residual biochemical signatures there, surely, or at least start an investigation into its composition? What's throwing me is that I /can/ confirm certain options do strike this creature. Keeping in the same vein as," well, Superman, but she nods, "the conversation, it might take high-speed cameras or unusual abilities to detect them accurately. They're meant to hunt. Shadows on shadows, incorporeal manifestations?" No singing Ghostbusters.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi begins to mutter quietly to herself, "Of course the victim ended up in the city morgue and not here." She takes out her phone and steps out of the room for a moment, "Yes, yes.. transfer the body to the triskellion. Like, yesterday. Mmhmm. Thank you. Yes I understand. Thank you." She comes back in to the room, "The body is on its way, should be here in a few hours."

At the discussion of some residue of the creature she perks up. "If it bleeds we can kill it?," of course, she'd rather they didn't have to kill it - but it is on a killing spree and that's gunna stop. "So we're going to be wearing hearing protection, singing carol of the bells, carrying high speed cameras and waiting to see if anyone feels a cold spot. Do we need some salt circles while we're at it?" It's low hanging fruit, how could she not.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Jemma kills the joke from Bobbi the best way she knows how...by an overabundance of analysis. "Well, it is hardly convenient for salt circles, as it limits your mobility, effectively restricting you to a singular spot. Not effective at all when attempting to track and contain a biological threat." Not even an eye batted as Jemma drops that comment.

    But then back to the issue at hand. "I can perform the autopsy. I would have had clearance to get into the morgue, given my credentials." That...was accompanied with a side-long glance to Bobbi, as a faint smile curls Jemma's lips. Yes, she definitely knew what she was doing. "However, since we will have the luxury of performing the procedure here, it would be recommended that we procure an examination room in the Medical wing for this." Jemma casts her eyes skyward as she sighs softly. "Fitz has never forgiven me for the last time I did an autopsy in the same laboratory with him. Never ask him about the cat."

    There is only a moment longer of self-inflection, until Jemma returns to the present. "But yes, once the body arrives, I can examine it." That is spoken with a sense of assurity.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Well, I've got something that can probably hurt them but..." Dane Whitman frowns, "It's not something that can be replicated, and there's still the question of detecting them in the first place." He nods towards Jemma as she volunteers for super-autopsy duty. And grins a bit wryly at Bobbi's snark, adding nonchalantly, "Some holy water probably couldn't hurt, either."

Mikhail Uriokovitch has posed:
"More information is good," Mik notes regarding the specimen from the creature, "If it is like whale, then we give it whale prey. Squids have their own tricks for whales, and perhaps there is something there we can use?" He ponders a little more and then shakes his head, "No, that won't work. But perhaps something similar as a baited trap?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles awkwardly as Simmons leaves her hanging after her salt joke, but thankfully she is rescued by Dane. She gives him a metaphorical high five with a hand in the air for the motion. "We have theortical ways to defend ourselves, hurt the thing, we think we understand what its' doing, but not necessarily why it's doing it or why here and now. We may hopefully have a headache cure for.." She glances at Superman and mumbles, "Superman," as if saying his name out loud was somehow forbidden at the moment. "and all of this could achieve nothing if it can suck our life away at a whim. As far as anti-life-sucking defences and weapons go, I'm pretty sure we're none for none on that account. May be the biopsy will tell us something useful. May be the bells are a language, may be we can communicate with it. May be we can shoo it away with more sounds. Unfortunately it seems like we're going to have to start putting lives on the line to get some real answers."

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane nods as she takes in the details. "The ichor samples I managed to acquire will hopefully be some use when run through the right systems. Agent Morse, I assume that they'll be illuminating to give us an idea of what it's made up of, where it might be from. The biologists should be able to tell us more. All this energy is being taken for something, and the effects on the average person clearly aren't good. They remain unaware while they are being attacked and that docility puts them at risk for other hostile forces. I just consider it fortunate something hasn't happened like a fire. Car accidents have made more victims, and the sooner we halt this the better. I wish I had more specific information on what you can do to intercept or prevent the damage, but those lines of inquiry remain open still."

Her lips press together as she thinks, brow lightly furrowed. "The bell-form communication strikes a possibility. What if we tried a broadcast to bring it in? There are only so many ways a vocalization could be used to broadcast within a given range. Play back its own tones at it, or try to serenade it?" She's suggesting courting a shadow monster. Stranger things have happened. "That could indicate what manner of sentience and intellect we're dealing with. It may be more sharklike or it could be responsive, whale-like, but the two different factors could play out whether this is just showing up and doing a feeding routine or has hostile intent."

Clark Kent has posed:
"Once I feel confident that auditory protection is working, I hope to be able to produce a better sample, or determine if I can fight it," Superman says, quietly, yet his voice carries, from where he is standing. He crosses his arms, but then seems to deeply consider, thoughts inward.

"Additionally, I think we need to continue to look into mystical answers. A magical resource of the Justice League found a possible link to some relics or items that were in the Metropolis Auction House. Unfortunately I don't know more about that, right now, but magic should be another focus for us here, I'd suggest."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There isn't any commentary immediately brought up in terms of magic by Jemma. Namely because she isn't a strong believer in magic. Science is her religion. But...Jemma isn't going to provide Superman her view of magic, either, regardless of how strongly she feels about her particular viewpoint. It just wouldn't be *proper*.

    Instead, the biochemist just offers a nod of understanding, then moves on. "It is possible that there is no malicious intent by these creatures. However, we should prepare for the worst. Once the biological samples... " yes, Jemma heard there were samples and she is markedly more enthused than before by it..."...are examined, then we should be able to determine quite a bit more than mere conjecture."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane returns Bobbi's air-Hi-5, humor still painted on his face, but he grows more serious, "Well, if it's a magical life-drain there are possibilities for defenses, but they'll likely need at a minimum a degree of ritual that some folks might not be comfortable with. Or just having a powerful mage around when it all goes down. Either way we'd definitely need to know more before we could seriously look at that side of things."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Yep, that'll be a new one for the report. Fury won't raise his eyebrow at that at all.. and then we summoned a shadow monster. Tentacles you say? Sure why not. Hell hounds? may be. Yes sir that's why we had to evacuate the cathedral, too many bells." These special cases always start going strange when the 'magic' people turn up. She rather wishes they'd all just admit they have very advanced machines hidden away and drop the charade. There is zero chance she won't be trying to get involved in analysing the samples, or at least hovering around to take a peek at the findings. This is the kind of biochemistry she lives for. She gives Jemma a knowing look of 'the samples are all of life'.