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Titans in the Park with Pizza. What can go wrong
Date of Scene: 07 May 2020
Location: Centennial Park - New Troy
Synopsis: Pizza and Football and a Get Together at the park. Fun times had by all.
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Mary Bromfield, Naomi McDuffie, Kyani Kohanna, Victor Stone

Heather Danielson has posed:
    So, new girl hazing time. Heather just assumes and accepts this. She goes out of her way to make it happen even. When someone mentioned pizza party in the park, she made the arragements and even went so far as to purchase pizza for everyone. Lots of pizza. And I mean LOTS. The fact that she can eat more than five full grown guys means that she is prepared for heavy eating.
    There are stacks of pizzas around a pavilion that she arranged to have for the team's use. Plus speakers set up for music, and a dock for music players with wifi-hot spot and all that set up in advance.
    What? She has money and she likes spending it for fun stuff. And so she arrived first since.. well she was setting up. And the music is a bit too loud since... all alone and such. She's dancing around the pavilion setting pizzas on all the tables, with AC/DC's Shoot to Thrill blaring.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
The playlist switches over to AC/DC's Thunderstruck, which seems to be a bit of an omen as Thunderbolt flies in, descending rapidly from the sky above. However, she's not so crass or careless to do the 'superhero landing', instead pulling up and slowing to a hover, then touching down on the ground with a smile. She then looks curiously over at Heather, giving her a warm smile, "Hello there! It's nice to meet you. I'm Thunderbolt, probationary member." She looks around at the layout for the party, and seems fairly impressed with what was thrown together.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Not far behind Mary comes Naomi, flying in with a smile and spinning once before she lands with a grin. She's in her super costume, enjoying the sound of the AC/DC and then looking around before saying, "Nice spread." She grins, "What is everyone else gonna eat?" She chuckles and winks at Heather and Mary before looking over at the area around, "Wonder who all might show up." She nods her head.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani makes his way to the park, he streaks into view. As he stops where they were supposed to be meeting, white lightning crackles along him before it stops as he looks to Mary and Heather. "Hello." he says as he looks to the two women, he smiles at them, "The name is Kyani, but I go by Nitro now." he says as he looks at the esambled group of prospects. He smiles a little bit and stretches, hearing the music, "Nice pick." he chuckles.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smiling at the chance in tunes, Heather glances to Mary, "Well, how appropriate for the music then." She says. Then she offers Mary a hand with a warm open smile on her face. Her voice has that Midwest sound to it as she adds, "I'm Heather. The media calls me Knockout. Apparently they think it's appropriate. I think it's a bit extra vain but eh..." And then others show up and she turns to greet them, "Welcome! I hope you don't mind me taking the initiative in setting this up!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary gives Heather a grin at that, "Hey, I think it's cool. I'm Thunderbolt." She then waves over at Naomi and Kyani as they arrive, "Hey there!"

She smiles warmly, "Well, I'll be happy to take any of the ham and pineapple off your hands... my brothers hate it, so I can never get any at home..." Yes, the sin of living in New York and liking pineapple on pizza. Clearly the real reason she keeps her identity secret!

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Naomi was about to say something else when she looked over at Mary with a weird look. She was from Oregon but that sounded terribble to her. She then looks over with a shake of her head to Heather, "Can I get a meat lover's?" She asks and looks then to Kyani with a wide grin, "You chose a name!" She states and nods, "Nitro. I like it." She nods her head, "Just don't blow up." She laughs a little at her own joke and then looks around a bit hoping someone else found it amusing even as she tries to collect a pizza.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "I got like six of every kind of specialty pizza they had. My friends have a saying about pizza. Pizza is a lot like sex. Even when it's bad, you're still gettin' a piece." Heather lets that joke hang in the air for a few seconds before she gestures to the spread, "I'm not a waitress today. I just bought it all. Dig in, everything is..... and why would you put Pineapple on a pizza! It's not a topping!" she exclaims, turning towards Thunderbolt and biting her lower lip, "I mean, unless you -want- it there. Sure."

Victor Stone has posed:
Maybe everyone else is going to superpower their way to the party, but so long as there's not some kind of alert going on (and it's a Titans party, so there's no guarantee of that), Vic figures he can get to the park by the scenic route. He's also, to be honest, feeling a little bad about the T-Car getting sidelined on the recent mission. Intellectually, sure, it's just a machine, but he has never let that stop him from getting overly sentimental before.

He pulls up in the parking lot, pops open the gull-wing door, and hops out of the car, giving the hood a pat as he makes his way on foot to where Heather set up. "Hope you saved some for me!" he calls out, just loud enough to carry over the AC/DC.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt makes a bit of a face as judgment is rendered unto her pizza choices, "I... I thought you were my friends!" Then she coughs, and laughs, "Eh, it's okay. At least I don't cheer for the Red Sox." With that, she takes a meat lvoers' pizza for herself, then perks up as she sees, "Vic! Hey!" Giving Cyborg an enthusiastic wave, she beckons him over towards the group.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani laughs, "Hey I will not, just try to keep up if we have to rush out anywhere." he grins a little. He smells the food, "I did and I like the name I've chosen." he tells the other, "Heather I think we met once before at a coffee shop, though I dont think we spoke nor introduced one another."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile is given to Heather as she selects her pizza and then looks to Mary with a smirk, "You make poor choices and we're gonna call you on it. That is what friends do." She laughs a little and nods before looking over at Kyani and nodding to him, "Hey, as long as you like it. I don't have one yet but I don't know if I'm going to yet." she shrugs and then takes a slice of pizza up and then blinks, "Cyborg is here! Quick, hide the pizza." She winks at him before biting into her slice.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And the music keeps Heather's hips moving regardless of the setup and comments. She twists about and grabs a slice of sausage and mushroom, -her- favorite pizza. "Well, this isn't New York, so you won't get lynched for liking the Red Sox. You -will- however, get put on my naughty list. But... my team is one a lot of folks hate as it is."
    She gives a pause before adding, "The Cardinals baby!" as she whips out her phone to show off a protective case that combines the St Louis Blues and St Louis Cardinals logos creatively.

Victor Stone has posed:
A spring afternoon in the park wouldn't be complete without a game of catch, so Vic came equipped with an old football, which he's passing from one hand to the other around his body, as though practicing handoffs. "You can /try/ to hide the pizza," he answers Naomi, letting his artificial eye shine with a little extra brightness for a second, "But it turns out I have an app for that." Mary's wave is returned with his free hand, then he sets the ball down to rifle through the pizza boxes and pick out a pair of slices, which he folds together into a sort of giant pizzataco and takes a bite from. "Now, whose bad choices are we judging exactly?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt harrumphs at Naomi, "Pineapple on pizza is /not/, a bad choice. You get a nice sweet flavor to go with the savory, especially with chicken or bacon. Or both, really." She then blushes a bit as Victor speaks up, "But um, yeah."

Then Heather speaks up about the Cardinals, and Mary grins, "Yeah, that's cool. I mean, honestly, I'm a Phillies fan since, originally I'm from Philadelphia."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani walks over to the table and takes one of the meat lovers, he groans a little, he's hungery and well he could literally eat all of this and be about halfway full. He doesn't, he behaves himself and begins to eat a slice, "Hello Victor." he says as he sees Cyborg coming over to join them. "Hows it going?" he asks. He than looks over to Naomi, "Well if we start working with one another, maybe I can help you choose one. Hell if we were all fighter pilots, the squadron would've already given you a callsign." he grins at her.

    He quirks a brow up at Heather, "I actually like that." he says about what she spoke of her friends and pizza and sex. "So Heather welcome to the Prospects." he says to her, "Thanks for getting the pizza too, that's pretty cool of ya." he states. Though it is hazing, still nothing wrong with thanking someone."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Phillies are okay." says Heather with a shrug. "And any time, Nitro is it? Eat up. Glad to be on the prospective team member list. I wanted to do -something- useful and helpful with my abilities and I think this will be the best place for it."
    But she sees the football and grins, "Oh hey Vic!" she turns and trots a few steps out away from the pavilion, arms raised, "I'm open!" she calls out. And she doesn't have that girly non-athletic run. She did plenty of her own athletics, soccer, field hockey... Self Defense. You know, tomboy stuff. Or rather, athletic girl stuff.
    She even played catch with her Dad a lot, and so she's open and hoping for a pass.

Victor Stone has posed:
"Oh, that old debate," Vic comments with a laugh. "Man, once you guys have eaten pizza with Starfire or Beast Boy, you'll never quibble about a little thing like pineapple again." He pauses and thinks, then amends, "Well, Kori's palate may have settled down once she got used to earth food, but whatever planet Beast Boy learned to eat on, I hope we never discover it." He shakes his head, then grins at Heather. "You got it," he calls out, pulling back for a pass and then tossing it in a near-perfect spiraling arc, leading her just enough so that she can keep moving while she completes the catch. There's a reason they stopped letting him play competitively when his muscles were replaced with high-precision actuators.

The former athlete gives Kyani a quick upnod. "Not bad, man. You've signed up with this outfit, too? I don't even think I realized you had powers, and now you've got a codename and everything. I need to catch up, I guess."

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A smile at everyone and she takes another bite and then she blinks as her phone goes off. She sets down teh box and pulls out her phone before blinking, "Whoa. Umm, no biggee but family thing." She gestures to the phone, "I kinda gotta be in Oregon like in two hours so..." She shrugs, "Thanks for the pizza." She takes up two more slices, makes them into a sandwich and starts to devour them as she flies off, giving a wave and once the pizza is eaten? A burst of sound from high above as she breaks the sound barrier...and then some.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt watches Naomi go, then shakes her head, "Wow, I thought I was fast... well, I mean, I am, but nice to see it's not just me." She glances over at Victor with a grin, "Nice form on the throw, by the way. Though, well, I don't really have all that much athletic skill." She looks a bit sheepish at that, "Let's just say that I'm still getting a bit used to... well, all of this." Which is a bit odd, considering she looks like the classical image of a superhero.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    And Heather looks like someone's kid sister who should be out dancing at a club, not punching supervillains. But she jumps and makes the catch, grinning like a loon as she comes down. She herself is still getting used to her strength, so her feet dig into the dirt as she lands, tossing a chunk like she was a giant golf club.
    She notices that and goes all sheepish, "Um. Shit." she mutters as she turns to hurl the ball back to Vic. It's not a flawless spiral, but it doesn't suck. And knowing how tough he is, it has some -force- to it.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani smiles at Heather, he nods his head to her and watches as she goes out for a pass. He looks over to Naomi as she is getting ready to leave, he waves to her. "Take it easy Flight Time." he grins already trying to make up a new name for Naomi. He devours three of the meat lovers on his own.

    He continues to sit and watch the others, "I never did sports, well that's a lie. I do parkour but as for track, football and such. Yeah...." he states.

    He grins at Vic, "You move pretty quick, and he looks to Thunderbolt, well I know a bit about speed myself." As Heather lands he feels the vibration of the ground a little as she lands. He doesn't say anything and just wait to see if she throws the ball to someone and whoever she throws it too, he would attempt to intercept the catch but he uses his speed to move him to try to intercept.

Victor Stone has posed:
Vic hovers a hand over one ear and winces. "Damn, girl," he says with a slow blink. "Somebody remind me to talk to Naomi about residential airspeeds. You want noise complaints? Because that's how you get noise complaints." When Thunderbolt comments about her own speed, he points at her and says, "That goes for you, too. Keep it below Mach One if you can see apartment buildings."

He almost isn't ready for Heather's return pass, coming in as fast as it does, but he does get his arms up -- just in time for Kyani to snag the ball. /That/, he wasn't prepared for. "Alright, Nitro," he says with a teasing grin. "You made the interception -- now let's see your throw." That part might be a little trickier for someone who hasn't handled a pigskin before.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt blushes a bit, "Of /course/ I keep it subsonic when I'm around a city... I'm not that reckless!" She ahems a little, then settles back and watches Kyani curiously when he intercepts the ball. She smiles a bit, not quite joining in yet as she seems to be getting a bit more comfortable with things.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Blinking a bit at the interception, Heather looks about and then catches sight of Nitro, "Oh, speedster." she says almost blandly. "Guess I won't be trying to catch him." she adds as she trots over to grab more pizza. "So, I'd love to share some personal stuff. Like.. digits, jobs. But it's not like anyone -doesn't- know what I do for a living." she adds with a roll of her blue eyes.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani grins, and he throws a tight spiral back Heather, though what one would call a tight spiral looks like a flopping duck when Kyani throws it. "Ok, so I can catch, but can't throw a football all that good." he laughs. It does get to Heather, but drops a foot in front of her. Kyani doesn't seem phased at the ugly pass. "Go ahead and make jokes and what's wrong with speedsters." he says as he looks to Heather. "You can have my number, I do need to give it to some of you more experience members." he looks to Victor. "But I work at Mac's Deliveries in New York City. I handle parcels, and other things, and I also do deliveries of my own on the side with my own clientele." he states.

Victor Stone has posed:
"Yeah, I feel you," Vic agrees with Heather. "I mean, not that I have quite as high a profile, but it's not like I get to be real private about what I'm up to, either." He flicks the side of his head, generating a metal-on-metal clunk. Thunderbolt gets a simple thumbs up. "Hey, no problem, I'm just making sure everybody knows what's up. Let's avoid getting in trouble with the cops until it's actually important to piss them off." He gives a dry smirk, but doesn't seem to be entirely kidding there.

Turning to take in the exchange between Kyani and Heather about digits, he asks, "You all got T-Coms, right? Your personal phone numbers can stay safe from BB's neverending group chats, if you so choose."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt pauses as the others talk about not-hero stuff, and grins at Vic, "Nah, it's okay, I'm just... guess it's the big sister part of me, I'm used to being the one that keeps the little brothers out of trouble. So it's a bit weird to hear that coming towards me, if that makes sense." She hmms, not exactly volunteering what she does outside the costume...

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Two steps forward, and Heather scoops the ball up off the ground before turning and giving it a -hurl- for distance. "Nothing wrong with speedsters." she admits, "Especially ones who can chase that throw down and catch it." she remarks with a mockingly innocent smile.
    "And I haven't gotten a com yet. I got the notification last night that I was on the prospect list."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    The pass is caught and he gets close enough to throw to Victor, though eh does focus on this throw making it a bit better, but he's throwing from the wrong part of the ball. He shakes his head, "I can catch damn there anything I see." he says to Heather. He then looks to Victor, "I was informed I was a prospect but no comm device of any kind."

Victor Stone has posed:
"Ah, right, I remember you mentioning a big family," Vic answers Thunderbolt. "I guess that makes sense. The closest I've had to siblings are the other Titans, so... I guess I'm going into big brother mode without even realizing it. Uh, hopefully not the Orwell kind, though."

He smirks over at Heather and Kyani. "Well, if you're a prospect you're eligible for a provisional com, so either of you can swing by the Tower any time and I'll hook you up," he tells them, before jogging a few yards to scoop up Kyani's pass and send it rocketing toward Heather again. This time, he aims it a little high, so she'll have to jump for it -- he figures she'll enjoy more of a challenge.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Well, Heather -does- like a physical challenge. She isn't a superleap type. But she's athletic and with ten tons of lifting, those legs propel her skywards a bit more than she expected, faster even. So she leaps past the ball, missing it entirely before crashing to the ground and rolling through the grass... tumbling to a stop as she mutters, "Ow." while reclining on her back.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani grins at the pass Victor throws for Heather and he watches as Heather goes after the ball, "Yo, DAYUM girl, you got some hops. I will have to get you on the b-ball court." he grins. "Hey Victor does the Tower have a full gym and basketball court?" he asks. He then looks over to Thunderbolt, "Hey Thunderbolt. Come on over, this was for us to get to know one another." he says.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt sees Heather fall over and tumble, and flies quickly over towards her, "Gosh, Heather, are you okay???" She sounds concerned, then grins a bit sheepishly as she crouches down, offering Heather her hand, "If it makes you feel any better, you probably came closer than I would have."

Then she grins over at Kyani, and looks a bit sheepish, "Well, ah... what would you like to know?" She smiles, "Sorry, I'm... still getting a bit used to this."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Levering herself up to a seated position, Heather shakes her head. She lifts a leg and rotates her left foot with a grimace. "Problem with my powers. Strength without being any tougher. So that landing was one that caused me to break my ankle but..." Then she sighs, "All better." she adds as she stands up and shrugs, "S'how it works I guess."

Victor Stone has posed:
"ohshit--!" Vic starts forward as Heather bites it, then pauses as she starts pulling herself back up and Thunderbolt easily beats him to her aid. "Sorry, Heather -- you okay?" he calls out, throwing an apologetic wave instead of an overenthusiastic pass this time.

"We've got better than a gym, we've got a Danger Room," he tells Kyani, still looking concerned for Heather. "You can turn it into basically anything you need. Like the most immersive video game you've ever played."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Rolling her foot, Heather shrugs, "I'll break stuff in a gym too. It's just how it works. I am literally no tougher than your average teenager. I just heal so fast it -looks- to an outside viewer like it's super toughness. The only -real- difference is that... my way -hurts- every time."
    That said, she shrugs and smiles, "But please don't worry about if I get hurt. I always get hurt, but I get better."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani is over there as well, he looks to Heather and watches as she manages to stand up, "Looks like you're in the same boat as some of us, still need to learn how to better use your gifts." he says to Heather in a concerned way, "I've not really pushed myself except for once when I raced Shazaam around New York." he states. Seeing that Heather is ok, he smiles. "Still you got skills.

    "Danger Room?" he asks. "Wait, you can create anything?" he asks as a smile bloosoms on his face, "I will have to check this out."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt blinks at the mention of the Danger Room, then smiles, "Well, that sounds really cool, a place to train like that." She nods over at Kyani, and grins, "Yeah, he told me about that. He was pretty excited." She does give Heather a curious look, but seems to accept that she's okay. Still, she seems a bit worried.

Victor Stone has posed:
"Anything within reason," Vic clarifies for Kyani. He doesn't want to oversell the thing -- it's cool, but it's not a full-on Holodeck. "Sports fields, though, not a problem."

He finally catches up to the others next to Heather. "Speaking as someone who has taken some serious hits," he tells her, "that does not sound fun. At least while we're just messing around in the park, let's try not to bring the healing factor into play, yeah?"

Since it seems to be a topic of interest, he offers, "When you come to the Tower to pick up your T-Coms, say the word and I'll be happy to run you through a sim or two. Least I can do to be a good host."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Smirking, Heather nods. It's not that I -like- hurting myself. Far from it. I just accept that it's a part of the game now. But..." and then people start gushing about the gym, and she smirks, "There better not be a setting to make some holographic version of me to be all smiles and agreeing for virtual dates."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani laughs, "Well I think we should try to get together and start training together and work on things and see how we push one another." he says to the others. "Might as well see how things go." he says. He stretches a little bit, he yawns a little. "I do need to get going, I will take a few of the pizzas if anyone don't mind."