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Nazi huntin'
Date of Scene: 20 May 2020
Location: New Jersey
Synopsis: Team SHIELD SCIENCE gets together to save the day again while hunting for those nefarious nazis that had stolen Quake's powers. With Daredevil as a featured guest.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Matthew Murdock, Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons, Dane Whitman

Daisy Johnson has posed:
New Jersey.

It had been Nazi-Quake's last known whereabouts. Where that bank robbery had happened a few days past. Investigation had been run on the weapon retrieved and plans had began to form... While nothing had yet to be found where it came to following those nazis on social media it was finally time to test and track down those earthquakes if they could, by using a mix of SHIELD tech along with the USGS earthquake tracker that Jane and Dane had proposed when they had met on the labs some time back.

No Quinjet this time, just an inconspicuous van, filled with the best SHIELD could offer for this type of mission. With some luck perhaps they'd be able to track them today.

"I recruited the help of someone that may help us track them down. Sort of a specialist where it comes to tracking sound. May help pin down those localized earthquakes if we track any." Daisy explains, then sends a message.

>We just got to Jersey, where can we pick you up? (This sent as a message to Daredevil)

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The Devil of Hell's Kitchen was in Jersey, waiting for that text. When it comes in and his phone reads off Daisy's text, he smiles and dictates by voice command: "I'm coming to you."

Figuring they'd go to the scene of the crime he was waiting on the rooftop and getting the message, makes quick work of coming down the fire escape to the alley below. Landed there, he lifts his phone dictating, "If that's your van out there, I'm in the alley to the right."

The van may not be conspicuous by sight, but with Daredevil's senses it stood out like a sore thumb, thanks to Daisy's latent vibrations and the high end tech inside the thing.

Waiting for the van to arrive, Daredevil stays out of sight, not wanting everyone on the street to see a guy in a devil suit entering the inconspicuous van.

Jane Foster has posed:
They have earthquakes, so many earthquakes. With the abundant data supplied by the Geological Survey, Jane's turned her talent for tracing ripples in space to something far easier to use, linked between her phone, a tablet, a few sensory devices, and the DWARFs. Having an astrophysics background doesn't preclude knowing things about geology, though planetary scientists and their counterparts playing with dimensions (hers truly) might have an awful lot to squabble over given the downgrading of Pluto to a dwarf planet and the meeting generating thereof accidentally knocking /Earth/ out of contention as a planet by their first definition. Whoops. Maybe this makes it up to the planetary science friends.

Either way, she is not the driver for once, greedily wicking up information about micro tremors localized in the area. Simply put, seismographs pick up all sorts of pinpoint data from mine collapses to fracking, but there's hardly anything of the sort in New York to stand out. So basically, she's got a DaisyChain app, allowing her to follow those fake Quakes. This she flits through, overlapping tremors and then using those to map out the relative locations against a digital layout of the area.

"Turn left, " she suggests. "Should be an excellent German pastry shop fifty meters up. Not sure the coffee is any good, but it gives us a proper vantage as we need." She's in the field! She's having fun! Team SCIENCE was off for a week, so they roll again.

Her former starry splint has been replaced by a few cool wrapped bandages around her wrist, nothing funky. Save that for the light scarf decorated with beaming, 19th century-esque moons. No one to take the famous scientist seriously, right? Bank robbers, please.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Well...Daisy has been telling Jemma to get out of the lab more. And so, she's in the van. This van, though, isn't a normal everyday van...but a rolling command center for all things SCIENCE! Computers set up to scan for those lovely tremors (when the van itself doesn't move) or to keep the DWARFs in check (when the van is moving). Plus, you know, the best wifi that SHIELD can afford...which may or may not include direct satellite connections, because Fitz wouldn't go with anything less.

    Jemma, for her part, seems to be moving a lot better. There is only a compression wrap upon that upper thigh now, nicely hidden under the nondescript standard issue SHIELD field ops uniform. A black baseball cap is perched on the brunette's head...because that is of course key in being incognito, right? The standard baseball cap is essential for passing as a normal person.

    Eyeing the monitors, Jemma offers a nod towards Jane. "Seems to be a good place. Though, I be more up for tea than coffee. But, then again, you would know that." Yes...seems Jemma is perfectly happy being out and about, too.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Which leaves Dane Whitman at the wheel, as well as being on standby for both tech and combat support if needed. Hopefully not this go round unless they're fortunate(?) enough to run into some Nazis, but regardless, he follows the called-out directions to the letter, comfortable enough driving a vehicle of this size, though he's certainly not likely to win any races...mostly because he doesn't want to jostle everyone. And all that expensive equipment, though at least that is secured down pretty well.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
> We are close, stopping by the German pastry up ahead.

When they near it Daisy points over to a nearby alley. It's indeed not too far from where the bank robbery actually happened.

"Let's stop over there and pick up the specialist." Dark, inconspicuous van.., stopping near an alley, the side-door opening. If one didn't know better it seemed almost as if there'd be a kidnapping happening! If one would be foolish enough to try and kidnap the Daredevil of course..

"Anyone has met the Daredevil? Meet the team." gesturing towards the rest of the 'gang' assembled within the van. She lets people introduce themselves as they wish, closing the door van.

"And alright, what spots have we got so far?" she questions, looking between all the SCIENCE people gathered within. As for herself, she was dressed up in jeans, shirt, jacket atop it. The gloves underneath. Typical Daisy when not in her 'on-duty' clothes. No cap for her though!

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Once the van parks and the door opens Daredevil slips inside and closes the door behind him, his senses going over those inside, as he lifts his hand in greeting. By his senses he can tell the whole group is dressed in civvies, and so, he smiles, "Hi, ever get the feeling you got dressed up for the wrong party?" he asks, picturing in his mind how odd he must look in his get up compared to the rest of the folks in the van.

"Anyhow, good to meet you all, Quake's briefed me on what's going on and I'm happy to help how I can," he says getting down to business.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane Foster, victim of a thousand late night TV shows and podcasts, is surprisingly alert for someone who makes her name in the dark, by night. The array of data pummeled through the various computer systems wired into the van and her mobile devices keeps plinking away, giving an excellent sense of direction. She turns when the door opens, going off Daisy's lead.

"If I got to wear that, I would totally do it. Except mine would have to be navy or black," she chimes in, before offering her hand. "I haven't had the pleasure personally, but pleased to now. Daredevil? I'm Jane. Foster." The addition is there, just in case. "I had something to do two years ago when Loki made the city /interesting/, so we might have crossed paths then. But it's great to have you along."

She has no qualms about moseying over or shifting to sit closer to Jemma, giving them more room inside the van. It's still a van, space is at a premium. She prods at the screen, holding it up for Dane to see. Daisy, too. "Looks like we need to cross over to Washington and cut north until a large parking structure, I'm guessing. Or that might be a park, but the labels aren't coming up." Several red rings overlap one spot in particular, at least with more frequency. "Give or take it's about a mile? Jemma, what do you think?"

Team SCIENCE! is friendly and meritocratic.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "All the time."

    The very British accent of Jemma's cuts through in response to the superhero(?!) question posed. Still, it is that very same British sensibility that keeps Jemma from immediately asking her own dozens of questions. All for the sake of SCIENCE, of course. And, of course, the least of the questions....where does Daisy meet these people? Still, it would be rude to not introduce herself, as so Jemma does. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm Jemma." No last name....and certainly no titles. They are all friends here, right?

    A glance to the monitors takes Jemma's attention, silencing those inquiries that were certainly brewing. A quick read of the data from the DWARFs that no doubt will collaborate with Jane's own readings. "I have the DWARFs in route to the source. Looks like your classic trope, an abandoned warehouse with all the windows covered. Certainly a cliched setup." There is a shake of the head as Jemma politely chuckles. After all, no one said that Nazis, past or present, were very original in their actions.

Dane Whitman has posed:
"Dane Whitman, pleasure. Forgive me if I keep both hands on the wheel." Dane replies from the driver's seat, waiting for the door to be closed before he starts driving again. Following the map given, he heads towards the destination marked by the readings and called out by Jane and Jemma.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"I forgot to tell you this was friday casual." Daisy says with an half-smirk creeping up on her expression towards Daredevil. And it's not even Friday yet! She lets them go ahead with their own introductions, arms folding together, she remaining on a seat near the front of the van. "Man, we should totally had installed flamethrowers over here...." she says with a sigh, glancing Dane's way. Yes..., she missed those. But disco death truck was one of a kind ...

Yet when they get down to business her expression gets more serious. She offers a nod towards Jane and Jemma's readings. "Nazis, right?" she says, rolling her eyes. Abandoned warehouses!! "Seems like we are about to find some action though.." she checks on her ICER, picking it up, looking at the charge..., all that Agent stuff she likes to do while they are en route to the destination..

.. When they are closer she glances towards Daredevil. "Want to check if we are in luck?" she asks him.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The smile Daredevil offers is warm and personable. "Good to meet you all," he offers, his tone matching his smile.

He falls silent then as they drive, letting the science folks do their thing until they get close enough for him do what he does.

"On it," he says to Daisy.

Daredevil's eyes close behind the red lenses of his suit and he lets the sounds in, it's overwhelming at first, and then he starts to home in, filtering out the extraneous noise of the city, people talking blocks over, creaking pipes, rats squeaking, the wings of pigeons beating air, until he finds something familiar, the sound of thosee peculiar vibrations Daisy gives off, but not from the van but in one of the warehouses. He opens his eyes, about to report it when a new sound hits him, a scream of pain coupled with the pulsing of someone using those quake abilities.

He tilts his head, trying to get a fix, "Someone's using thosee powers on someone-" a pause. "Half-block down this street, on the right. We need go now."

Jane Foster has posed:
"I'm not prepared to go flying through a windshield today, so I appreciate your consideration, Dane." Jane's voice is warm with laughter, burnished by an affection she doesn't bother to hide. Neither is it absent from the laughter bubbling up at Daisy's response. "Humpday casual, that's what we need to suggest. I'm sure that will go over well with the birds." Her finger traces a path up the map to lock in the recommended coordinates with minimal traffic or parades, since this time of year, you never know when someone wants to celebrate sculptures or rock climbing or the opening of a new restaurant. She shakes her head, still smiling. "No flamethrowers! Those were a special occasion. We can't keep repeating our brilliant tactics, otherwise they become mundane." Mad genius she is not, not exactly, but the disco death truck needs to go down in history as a grand idea for a grand problem. Hopefully it won't inspire a fleet of shiny vehicles with shiny problems.

Her shifts in the chair are minimal once seated, and she keeps flicking her fingers around the map to determine the position of a loading dock. "It might have been used for a former furniture company? I'm barely able to see the sign from the drive-by images snapped by the rolling car mapping out the street. "We have what looks like fencing sealing off the road, entry here close to what I assume is a gate, and then loading bays in the back of the warehouse. That gives two obvious options if we don't plan to hop a fence. Given the site's current situation, I would imagine the security measures are minimal, but that assumes the neo-Nazis haven't reinforced it somehow. Trail cameras are cheap and plentiful. I have my doubts on an electrified fence, but an easy way to tell that once on site. And never forget their love of concertina wire."

She tilts her head up when Daredevil tilts his head, but this is why they pay him the SHIELD bucks and not in German baked goods. That comes later, anyway. The curve of her smile rises a little out of professional fascination. "That covers that. Lovely." Scrap of an ICER, grabbed.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a frown as Jemma overhears that there are now lives at stake. "That does not sound good....no good at all." With a keystroke or two, the DWARFs form a perimeter around the warehouse, while a monitor changes to a bird's eye view from one of the drones. "We can get a peek inside with infared scanning, if you want." Of course, that isn't going to stop her from pulling it up...because Jemma wants to see, if no one else.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane pulls into a side alley adjacent to the warehouse, keeping the Van running but putting it in park. He unfastens his seatbelt and looks towards Daisy, "Do we have a contact plan? Sounds like we need to move fast." He has an ICER holstered on his leg, but otherwise doesn't look too geared for a fight (or any more so than anyone else here), but looks can be deceiving...with all due respect to the blind superhero.

"If not, then I say we keep it simple and have Daredevil hit 'em high while you and I hit 'em low from different angles. Try to bottle them up."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The mention that there are actually lives at stake, and that someone with her powers might be using them on these people makes Quake grit her teeth. Hard. She looks at her ICER again.. Maybe she should had brought something a bit more deadlier..

"The more info we get on them the better.." this seems to be said towards Daredevil and Jemma.. And then she opens the door.

"I agree, hitting them from multiple angles might just give us the advantage we need."

The gate to the warehouse seems to have been broken out and crushed away, perhaps even by whoever is inside that warehouse, giving them a way of entrance. As for the warehouse itself there seems to be no further defenses. Either too confident or they don't expect to be here for long. The main warehouse doors seem to be close but through the DWARFs it's visible that the loading bays are open even if they have that look of not having been used in a looong time. Just rotten wood remains of what was once the 'Pick'em Up' Company..., or well, if one went by the logo it was the '..m Up' company. Not too catchy a name.

"Everyone get an ICER, lets do this." Not that she actually tells both Jane and Jemma to go with them, but the choice seems to be left to the duo.

She steps out, now looking towards the front of the warehouse.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Lingering just long enough for the plan to be formed, Daredevil gives a nod to Dane at his suggestion that he go high while the SHIELD team goes low. Then he's off letting his senses give him what info he can as he bounds off of a dumpster, throws his line to a nearby roof and swings for the roof of the warehouse. He could feel a number of people in the warehouse by sound and smell. He wasn't sure how many were on what side yet, but hearing the faint buzz of the DWARFs nearby he was sure Jemma would be feeding that info to the team shortly.

Finding a skylight on the roof, he can hear clearly voices inside, talking about needing to speed things up, and a woman being urged to 'finish him off'. At the window, Daredevil's radar sense kicks in, piercing the inside of the warehouse through the broken glass. That's when he can sense the figure pointing her hand at someone on the ground. Not waiting for that figure to do more damage, Daredevil hurls his baton through the broken skylight at the woman with the outstretched arm. It's aimed for her head, but even if it doesn't knock her out, it should get her attention up at the skylight and not her victim by her feet or the team coming in from the ground.

Jane Foster has posed:
Time to go dancing. As she and Daisy hold equal responsibility for throwing a lower level agent into danger, the irony of this isn't lost on Jane. She casts a faint, grim smile to the others. "Off we go. Should things turn pear-shaped, I retreat to the van and keep running mobility with you, Jemma." ICER in hand, she tosses off the scarf to leave on the seat rather than give someone a means to choke her with. Protective stance thus, she slips out from the van after Daisy. Let the girl who can throw earthquakes around help.

The one very ugly warehouse ahead of them doesn't give much sense of appreciation. She relies on those heat signatures from the DWARFs as she navigates closer, staying low and using the van for coverage until they break for it. Moving over open space has to happen at a run, keeping low, seeking the protective cover afforded by a choppy wall, an empty window peering down over weeds and cracked concrete. Not for her running off like a lone ranger, trying to be a big damn hero. They end up dead. Her death wish isn't that sort, and she needs mundane information supplied to her senses to figure out where to go. Though probably useful to go zigzagging toward the warehouse, though she doesn't break from cover or the others.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    With the DWARF painting a rather clear picture, Jemma shifts from just another pretty face to more of a mission support role. And...what information she feeds to the team sounds grim. "5 people to the south side. Armed with guns of assorted sizes. Looks like pistols to your standard sub-machine gun, though hard to tell with IR. One in the middle. Three on the north side...one of which looks to be the target of our Tremors wanna-be." Yes, Jemma used the nickname. "Our acrobatic friend is in position upon the roof now."

    There is a quick glance to Jemma's side, where her own ICER sits upon her hip. Of course, she is more than willing to let the more combat-oriented individuals go in...but 5 against 3 are not good odds. Though, considering the three are superpowered in their own rights, Jemma might be more concerned for the terrorists actually surviving than her friends actually getting hurt.

    Still...while Team SHIELD prepares their raid, Jemma sends a drone looking for another entrance. Apart from the one Jane finds, there does seem to be a rear entrance that could be used that is closer to the hostages...but most likely is barricaded. Maybe.

    Switching to the comms, Jemma's voice cuts in. "It's okay. I will sit here in the nice safe van." Maybe...or...she might be considering her own Big Damn Hero (TM) moment, should the situation calls for it later.

Dane Whitman has posed:
It's that rear entrance that Dane heads toward, ducking between bits of urban terrain as he makes his way there. Barricaded? Not as much of a problem when you're carrying things that can cut through darn near anything.

Speaking of which, Dane's got the photonic blade in his right hand, though not yet activated. The matched shield rarely leaves his wrist, but he double-checks its' charge as he gets into position.

<<I'll delay a couple of seconds, let you guys draw their attention and see if I can get to the hostages and get them out of here.>>

And then Daredevil makes his move, and Dane lights up the photonic sword, and counts down from 3 before moving to slash around the edges of the door and kick it in.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Tremors wanna-be! Gosh, when Daisy finds out the person that started dishing that nickname around .... Reckoning will be had!

She also breaks out on a jog towards the front of the warehouse, even as she spots Daredevil go up to find that spot up above ... And she is not here to go easy on them. A nod is given to Jane when they begin nearing the front doors. "Lets knock first." which by Daisy standards means she lifts up her hand, pointing it towards the door and literally makes it start to vibrate and curl, ripping it away and making it fly out and towards. It hits one of the poor nazis that was too close to the door, making then fly off across the ground. Knocked out? Most likely..

Meanwhile Nazi-Quake is screaming out in German. << Intruder. Get him! >> Pointing up towards where Daredevil was after the baton hit her on the arm. Luckily enough it sent her shockwave haywire so the only thing destroyed was an old crate filled with rotting furniture. Two men point their machine guns up, tracer fire beginning to light up the warehouse as they shoot towards Daredevil. Better get that agility to work!

Indeed they had worked up on a small barricade, just in case, but nothing that the photonic sword doesn't just cut through.. Which leaves the hostages in sight. Homeless by how they are dressed up. One on the ground and unmoving.

The man near the entrance where both Jane and Daisy are at moves towards cover, using his gun to start shooting in their general direction. "We are surrounded boss!" he shouts.

As for Nazi-Quake, she begins gathering up power, loose pebbles beginning to tremble on the ground. Clearly getting ready to unleash..

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Note for next time, borrow comms! But at the very least the fire is aimed up at him and not the SHIELD team. Daredevil flips backwards as he feels the gunmen's heart rates spike and the guns get turned in his direction. He's gone from the skylight as the first bullets blast through what's left of the broken glass sending it raining down into the warehouse below.

Landing back on his feet, Daredevil sprints for a second intact skylight on the opposite side of the warehouse looking to drop in on the battle about to start below.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    One good thing about being in the van? You can see everything. And, with the setup in the van, it isn't hard for Jemma to notice a certain caveat about the fake fraulein flower galivanting in the middle of the warehouse.

    "Do you see it? In the left hand. There's that same device that we apprehended before." A quick mental calculation is performed, while Jemma watches the footage. "Disable that device and I believe you will disable our quasi-Quake. Should be rather straightforward."

    Of course, Jemma isn't the one running into the warehouse. So...might be easier said than done.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane is /not/ a major combatant here. She knows her limits, and she knows the science brain working in the van is their intel on this one. On the other hand, she's in the field physically questioning her choice of activities in /being/ in the field. Someone is going to yell at her about this one, but then again, busy plugging information into a pile of computer programs is her day job. Sometimes... right, explain to Bobbi later.

She slips in silently along the edge of the building to the front doors with Daisy covering her. The ICER braced nicely in her hands no longer has the limitations of the splint to impede her firing ability, a definite win. Sadly for her, she doesn't speak German and the conversational tones behind the door mean nothing to her. On the other hand, a shouting Nazi is a shouting Nazi. The woman barking commands is a perfectly suitable target, and a man shouting at /her/ along with shooting is equally so. She says low as she can, hissing into her comm, "All yours, Daisy," for Hey Mr. Door-Shooty-Man.

Because grandpa always said shoot the Nazis. So she does: even if it's a mistaken angle, not quite perfect, it counts for something. Death simmers in her eyes, the faint reflections of violet skulls lost in the earthen depths. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze three times, rapid succession, a slightly trailing line. Not the safest thing to do, but on the other hand, she's got killer health insurance. Backed by the All Rainbow Company.

Dane Whitman has posed:
<<I have eyes on the hostages. If the rest of you need help up there, let me know, but I'm going to try to get them out of here. Someone call for an ambulance and tell them there are likely internal injuries.>>

Dane isn't too worried about engaging unless he has to, but he moves to the hostages, working to try to get any bonds cut and guide them out of the combat zone. The fallen one will have to wait for last, triage and all that, but he signals the others for quiet as he works, hoping he can get them out quickly, and return to the fray if necessary. The photonic shield does activate though, just in case any gunfire needs deflected away from Dane and whichever hostage he's evacuating at the moment.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Now that they have breached in they can note the military boots on them, the shaved heads, that military gait. They seem nothing like pushovers. And there's just that fanatical look as they commit themselves to the fight. Are they ready to die here? Definitely.

"Got it, Jemma. Lets try to focus on that weapon if we can.." But easier said than done indeed... Shots flying everywhere.., but Jane's shots make it so the man near the entrance has to duck for cover under the large metal crate he was using for it.. Just as good for Daisy.. She points towards it, pushing back violently. The reward is a cry of pain and then silence.

Just in time for her to be caught by a shockwave that is tossed out by Nazi-Quake.. She still gets a small shield up in time, but is tossed back across the nice weeds on the outside, landing a few good meters away. On the ground but still talking.. "Ouch, she packs a punch..." which leaves Jane pretty much alone to go in through the front door.. The glows are certainly still there, even if the two that are being taken away by Dane seem to have their deathglow beginning to fade.. Just mostly the one on the ground continuing with it flared up.

While one of the men that was shooting at Daredevil continues to look up and looking for the devil of hell's kitchen the other has the bright idea of going to the hostages. Because nothing like an hostage to level the playing field... Which is when he spots Dane. Weapon points towards him. "Stop!" not that he waits, instead beginning to shoot in his direction.

Nazi-Quake starts building up again, looking for targets, teeth gritted together at the effort.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
     What to do, what to do?

    It is one thing to tell the SHIELD team to go for the weapon in Nazi-Quake's hand....but how about the hero on the rooftops? He isn't on the comms...at least not that Jemma knows...but he should know as well, right? But....how to tell him without tipping out the terrorists?

    The biochemist snaps to attention as Jemma concocts a plan. Fingertips fly on the keyboard as Jemma sends down a specific drone, around the back and over towards Daredevil himself. This particular drone floats in relatively close...but enough to not betray the hero's position. With a flick of her fingers, Jemma activates the speaker on the drone...a leftover from the shadow fights....but in this case, she does some quick programming. And...what does she do?

    Jemma sends a message that only Daredevils (and dogs, maybe) should hear.

    <<Forgive the intrusion. There is a device within the super-powered woman's left hand that appears to be the source of her vibrational powers. Please, feel free to disable that with direct impunity, should you desire. Thank you.>>

    With that, the drone drifts back...leaving Daredevil with the rather polite (and probably confusing) message to ponder.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Daredevil rushes for the skylight and dives through with only a cursory sense of what's going on below. That blast that sent Daisy flying also left his head ringing and senses a little scattered. Danger of that power and super senses.

Still his dive through the window is clean and when he hits the ground he rolls immediately for cover knowing they'll be looking for him, leaving him crouched low behind some drums of something or another to one side of the warehouse. He can feel the men turning his way, and feels the woman too, but not turning the unsteady beating of her heart, bringing back what Daisy had told him about the dangers of power cloning weapon, how it would kill those who used it sooner or later.

Then he gets that message, sent at a frequency only creatures on four legs, Superman and himself are going to hear it on. There's a moment of confusion then Daredevil rises, grabs the baton from his holster and throws it hard for the weapon in the women's hand. Taking the risk of incoming fire as he moves to stop her and potentially save her life all at once!

Jane Foster has posed:
Daisy drops a box on the problem, and Jane is left blinking for a moment. Two. Right in time to be rattled into the wall, bounced back off the ground by the shockwave somewhat absorbed by the warehouse. "Structurally how sound is this place? Are we in danger of a collapsing roof?" she murmurs quickly under her breath to Jemma in hopes of picking up information there. She rolls her shoulders to ease out the pain.

A swift look around assures nothing is about to dump its contents down on her. "Like a Costco from Hel." Soft spoken, she's probably picked up on the comm links. "Quake, can you keep that door covered? We need a retreat for that man on the ground. One serious patient, incoming." She sinks down, preparing to bolt out from cover. "Dane, take the shooter, I'll get the civilian. Exiting via the doors on your four." Then she runs once Daredevil comes crashing down on fake-Quake. Hopefully no one will be too excited by some astronomer girl flitting off at an angle. Maybe she gets shot! Maybe.

Just in case, she strafes a line of ICER fire at the machine gun Nazi while darting in a rather drunken zigzag from cover to cover. Enough to get him turning for an opening Dane can exploit, and then she can dive in for the fallen victim and pull them out.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Well, good thing he got that shield up. Dane shifts tact, moving away from the hostage, and charging towards the gunner shield-forward, head ducked behind it as he goes. Though along the way chain mail armor courses along his form, clothing him in the garb of the Black Knight (Albeit the jacket-wearing variety as opposed to the Caped variety), because a little extra protection (and especially a sturdy helmet) never hurt anybody when gunfire was going off.

In any case, he closes the distance with startling speed, and lashes out with the photon blade first towards the Nazi goon's weapon, and following it up with a second strike across the midsection of the one holding it, though midway between the two he shifts the blade from the lethal "cutting" mode to the non-lethal "neural" mode with a flick of a switch. So basically, trying to destroy the weapon, then disable the man.

Daisy Johnson has posed:

With Team SHIELD working together, along with their featured guest, there's little chance for these nazis apparently as it all comes down and everyone springs into action.

Nazi-Quake is the type that likes dropping boxes on her problems too. Go figure! So it's without much of a surprise that one metal crate comes flying near Jane. Those zigzags help though so there's no close encounter of the box-Jane type. As for the machine-gun nazi..., that one is too busy looking for Daredevil once he crashes down from the roof, some shots pelting close to the hiding place he discovered.. Of course that it leaves him open as well. So that strafe with the ICER gets him and he falls down, unconscious..

The REAL-Quake gets up to her feet and bolts up to the door again, just in time to divert one last box that Nazi-Quake was attempting to solve problems with, sending it scattering to one side of the warehouse harmlessly. "Got your back." she says on the comms.

The man shooting at Dane looks surprised first, then his eyes widen when he notes the armor forming up. So unfair! When the blade cuts through his weapon he just mutters.. "What..?" before he falls down to his knees after that second 'cut', then down on the floor, out just as well..

Last, but not least, the baton tossed by Daredevil hits Nazi-Quake right on that arm which was holding up the weapon when she was preparing to unleash on Dane and Jane, making her cry in pain, the weapon flying across the floor, out of her reach. The vibrations immediately stop, yet there is a 'beep' heard from the weapon. She reaches to her holster, speaking in German << You won't get me alive >> starting to draw her pistol.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Oof. One of the shots that had been aimed at his hiding place passes through a drum to slam into his suit's armour. It even with the lost velocity of passing throught he drum he still feels like he's been hit with a fast ball. There isn't time to check the injury though and so he pushes past it, like Stick taught him, 'plenty of time to cry about your boo-boos later, kid' ringing in his ears.

He hurls the baton and when the Nazi weapon clatters to the ground Daredevil leaps the drums landing awkwardly trying to get there and disarm her. Though those with powers or an ICER are likely to get there first!

Dane Whitman has posed:
Sword, shield, Nazi with gun a medium distance away. Nazi in front of him down. Dane just up and hurls the neural blade at the former-Fake-Quake and for good measure drops to a knee, pulls out the ICER on his hip, and takes a couple shots to try to disable her before she can hurt herself or anyone else. He's not the best shot...but he's been practicing! And he's smart enough to aim low, hoping she'll try to duck under the blade that's spinning through the air towards her.

Jane Foster has posed:
She escaped one crate and now another wants to drop on her. With her luck, it'll be full of sea kraits. Jane yelps in spite of herself because a huge metal box isn't something she can nimbly dart away from. Won't she have egg on her face when it lands several feet away!

"He-- err, thanks!" the yelped interjection is surely heard by everyone, and her response is to glower at the box for a second before pulling herself together. "I need a new t-shirt. Boxes fall, people die, instead of that rocks one from my gaming days." She swivels in the shaking and vibrating warehouse, stumbling to keep her footing and getting up again valiantly. Such a hero, Jane Foster, except it's all in the purpose of scramble-diving after a guy who probably hasn't bathed in two weeks and fell through the vaunted social safety net that hopefully the next candidate for president will try to fix. Dane has so much better a chance at this, Quake or anyone but her...

"Coward!" she snarls, holding up the ICER gun and taking a shot. Shifting into the far more ancient language she knows might just throw off the fake-Quake a moment. Aesir is, after all, spooky enough that maybe, just maybe, it'll be mistaken as scary chanting or something. "<Odin knows your crimes. There is no length in death or life the storm-crows won't follow you to seek justice, you quisling.>"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Nazi-Quake won't make the same mistake twice! Or in this case thrice! She took two batons to her arms already, and now someone is tossing her a sword through the air? Easy dodge.... Or so she thought... Because the ICER shots from Dane&Jane hit her squarely and she falls ..., just in time to be caught by Daredevil's arms if he so wants..., or let her fall to the ground like the scum she is! Entirely his choice...

Meanwhile there is another 'beep' from the weapon not too far on the ground, the visor showing it having curved up to the max. Did it 'steal' someone else's powers? Whose though?

Daisy begins to walk into the warehouse, a look given around with a frown, searching for more bogies. Yet confirmation will come from their eyes above through the DWARFs that they all seem to have been taken down.

As for the hostages, the two on the back seem to be rather thankful now that danger seems to have passed, staying close to Dane, while the one on the ground is still unconscious. Breathing though even if appearing to have taken a 'beating' from Nazi-Quake earlier.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt does catch the Nazi-Quake before she hits the ground, taking the time to lay her down gently, then looking to the Real-Quake, "You probably should call a med team, her heart rate is going crazy," he says, or was at least before the ICER rounds, still the woman needs to be checked out Nazi or not.

As for the weapon and the beep, it's missed in Daredevil's concern for his enemy. "Everyone else okay?" he asks the team head turning from one member to the next.

Jane Foster has posed:
"She'll live. These ones should too. We have a proper medical expert in the van and I can provide triage here," says Jane with a quick, perfunctory look over the Nazi woman and then the homeless person she was sheltering. Time to try and move that guy a little closer, since hanging out in the middle of a warehouse is good for exactly nothing and no one.

Dane Whitman has posed:
With the threats neutralized, Dane heads over to very carefully pick up the source of the beeping (and of Fake-Quake's powers). "I'm going to run this outside and call for a prisoner extraction. Can you three get them gift-wrapped for the retrieval team?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There was indeed a spike on that heart rate. Using those powers comes with a toll, specially as they have been using this highly doubtful serum to do so..

But now all that is left is to get everyone bagged up to get out of here and back to SHIELD.. Daisy will approach, nodding at the gathered. "Good work, and yea, lets get out of here."

While prisoner extraction is called up on what not Daisy will look over to Daredevil. "Thanks for joining us today? Want a ride back or are you good on your own?" she asks..

The SHIELD gang seems to have saved the day, but has yet to find the source of the problem. Perhaps soon though!