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Latest revision as of 19:20, 7 July 2020

Third Times The Charm
Date of Scene: 07 April 2020
Location: New York
Synopsis: A lost scene
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Mary Bromfield, Marie-Ange Colbert, Julie Power

Bart Allen has posed:
So...it was time for Date number three! Or was it?

Bart had sent Mary a text that was filled with sweet nothings and finally the invitation to have the date night (that being Pizza and that new Godzilla movie) at his or her house, depending on what was her preference. Or they could just hangout by themselves, go for a walk and the like.

He largely left the decision up to her. What did he finish doing while he was speed-texting this message? He was pulling a Kid Flash thing, having stopped a bank robbery in quick fashion before he was off texting and running.

Now he just awaits her reply with baited breath.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary got the texts, and smiles a bit, hmming a bit to herself as she considers... then she texted back.

"Pizza sounds great, want to just hang out after? Off work in 15! :)"

Since, well, in this case she's just finishing up her shift as a barista in the Coffee Bean. Fortunately, the afternoon doesn't have //too// many people so she was able to reply pretty quick. But perhaps not so quick to someone that has superspeed...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart had sprinted over to a quiet place where he could do his Flash mimicry and change into some regular clothes when he got the text. Taking his phone out of his pocket to read it, Bart couldn't help but let out a little smile at the words.

'We can absolutely do that. There's a park nearby or the arcade?'

Bart kinda takes the time to make sure he at least looks presentable, since the wind messes up his hair a little bit when he runs. Yet he can pull off the shaggy hair style well, so maybe he should just leave it. But! He starts to make his way over to the Coffee Bean at a -reasonable pace- so that he can pick up his lovely lady as soon as she gets off work.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary doesn't reply right away, since she's had a customer just show up, which does occasionally happen in the afternoons. Once they're taken care of, she checks the text and grins, sending back:

"Park sounds great, c ya soon!"

She then ducks into the back room to change out of her barista shirt and back into her T-shirt, checking her hair and everything in the mirror as... well, she's had a long day of work, but she still wants to look good when he arrives.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart doesn't seem to mind that Mary doesn't immediately reply to his offer, but Bart eventually does feel his phone buzz in his pocket, pulling it out to look at it. He smiles and sends a heart emoji back to her in quick fashion.

By the time she's finished making sure everything is good, Bart would be waiting near the door inside the coffee bean.

Of course he sends her a playful text message.

'Just got here, take your time! No rush.'

Which is ironic, considering Bart is rushing to almost everything with his Super Speed. But he could feel his heart pumping from nervousness. He took a moment to check himself again, make sure nothing was wrinkled, that he looked good for his girlfriend, making sure he had nothing in his teeth, the small things.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary comes out of the back, and gives Bart a hug, "Hey!" She grins and looks at him, "Just in the neighborhood? I didn't think you'd be coming by so soon." Her head tilts a little, as she doesn't seem to mind one bit, waving towards the other barista as she walks out the door with him.

She grins, "So what're you thinking, a stroll in the park and then pizza? Because honestly, that sounds perfect for me." She seems like she's had a pretty good day, but then the morning shift is when you get the best tips!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart gives a big smile to Mary like the sun had just decided to come out. He gets up out of his chair and greets Mary with a big hug, though when they slightly pull away just a tad and start to walk out the door together, Bart reaches to take Mary's hand and press his lips to her knuckles.

"Yeah, I was just around the block actually. Was saying hi to an old friend, then decided to text you and well...you know, I missed you." Bart blushes a tad, but he nods affirmatively at her question.

"That was pretty much the plan, yeah, just spending time with you. Nothing too crazy or offputting, I promise. So! Tell me about work?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes at the kiss on her knuckles, still not quite used to all... well, all of this. It's not that she minds, as she clearly doesn't. She just is kinda settling into the idea, as she grins at Bart, "Well, had a few capes come in for morning coffee, and they always tip well, so that's good for me. Means I can afford pizza tonight." She grins, "But work was okay, nothing too exciting, but it's definitely busy."

She oofs a bit, "And, well, you might want to make sure we have a spot where there's some benches, because I wouldn't mind taking a bit of time to sit down." She grins, "Not that I figured that'd be a problem, since quiet time is something we do pretty well together."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart laughs a little bit. "Man, you are -popular- arn't you? Or at least hte coffee bean is. But hey, if you're the one making the coffee, I totally understand why." Bart hypes up his girlfriend a little bit before he winks at her. "Well, I was planning on buying the pizza, but if you want to I probably won't say no."

He smiles a little wider.

"All a part of the plan. Bench in three...two...one..."

And then he stops them, and gives them both a view of the whole park that likely gains some measure of envy from other romantic couples. "Tadaa!" Bart says with a smile. "Will this do?" He asks more nervously, a direct tonal shift from loud confidence to uncertainty.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blinks, then laughs, "Wow, you definitely can pick the spots Bart." She smiles over at Bart, then takes a spot on the bench as she looks up at him, "And hey, I can cover the pizza, because... well, like I said, capes tip //very// well."

She then stretches out, wincing slightly as she feels her calves from her sitting position, "Man, wish I could just fly to the pizza place. Say, they don't deliver to park benches, do they?" Probably not, but Mary looks pretty content right now, and very much not wanting to move just yet.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart blushes just a little bit before he sits down beside Mary, and notices that her calves were apparently killing her. "You know, I can try to give your calves a massage if they are bothering you that badly?" Bart moves a stray strand of hair out of Mary's face, the offer warm and inviting, his touch soft.

"I mean...we could. Maybe call Superman and he can give us a lift." He teases her. "But maybe if we pay extra or something like in those commercials, we could...or I could run real quick to grab some, but I definitely don't want to take off without you." Bart smiles. "So...that being said, we can sit here for as long as you want."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Well, okay." She smiles a little shyly at Bart, then scoots back a bit so she can swing her calves onto his lap, "Definitely wouldn't mind some work done on them. Been pretty busy the past few days, between classes and the Bean and everything else." She grins over at Bart, leaning her head against her hand as she rests her arm on the back of the bench, giving him a fond look.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles when Mary swings her calves into his lap. He feels there for a moment, as if trying to refind his hands again. But...first off, Mary's legs were awesome. So he's a little gush'ed that his lady just put her legs in his lap, but! He stays to the task.

His hands knead and massage the sore flesh. It might be instantly relieving, because while Bart isn't a magician, he has magic hands. He does turn to lock eyes with her then, a smile touching his face, though mainly just to see her reaction.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary mmms and smiles a bit lazily, much like a cat might in a particularly nice sunbeam as Bart works on her calves. She sighs and lets her eyes drift a bit closed, just relaxing after a long day with having Bart do the work on her sore muscles with those magic fingers.

Really, what more could someone want? Right now, Mary seems pretty content with things as they are.

Bart Allen has posed:
"Uh oh, don't fall asleep on me now." Bart tells Mary with a smile as he continues to work on her sore muscles, his hands squeezing, and though it is hard...his hands are paradoxically soft. It may be an intoxicating feeling. But, Bart smiles at Mary.

"So tell me more about you, Mary. You mention Fred and Billy a lot. What are they like?" He tries to get her talking so he doesn't accidentally soothe her to sleep.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "No promises, Bart..." She gives Bart a pretty lazy look, though she just seems to be really relaxed more than actually sleepy. "But yeah, Billy and Freddy are besties in the house. Billy's a bit older, but not by much, and they do a podcast about superheroes. They had Spider-Man on once, if I remember right."

She then chuckles, "Pretty nice guy, all things considered. But yeah, Freddy is definitely the superhero junkie. Me, I'm just not sure I worry too much about that." Of course, she's also good friends with Julie...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles just a little bit more before he checks the back of her knee with a squeeze to see if she's ticklish. But, aside from that, he resumes his massages. "Ahhhh. The thick as thieves unit of the house, huh? I think I get it." He continues to listen.

"Wow, Spider-Man? That must've been their dream come true. I hear he's a pretty like-able guy. Superhero junkie? Hah, guess that means he's a hyperfan. Is he the type that gets collectibles and the like?" He smiles, before he leans down to give her knee a playful kiss.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary yeeps and jerks her knee as she is //definitely// ticklish, and gives Bart a rather dirty look at that, settling back in slowly. She nods, "Oh, those two really are thick as thieves, that's a good way to describe it. Still, they're great. Don't tell them I said so, though."

She then chuckles, "I did meet him once myself, he seems pretty nice. Helped get me out of a bit of a... scene, I suppose. Involving some drug dealers that I was investigating, as a reporter that is." She grins at the kiss on her knee, arching a brow, "Bart, if you want some coffee from the shop I can smuggle it out to you, you don't have to try and get the grounds off my jeans." A light tease, followed by a wink.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart laughs a little bit when Mary actually verbally eeps at the tickle, and he smiles playfully at Mary and seems pleased when she relaxes that much further. He continues to massage her legs for a little moment longer before he pats her knee (the same one he kissed, ironically), implying that she could sit normally and they could snuggle, if they wished.

But! He does nod. "Ohhh...so your the dangerous kind of investigative journalist. Are you going to give me gray hairs early when your feeling the mode?" Bart smiles just a little bit, before he shakes his head. "I just every inch of you that much, inside and out." Bart smiles. "No need to smuggle me coffee, though if you did...I owuld not say no, though I'd have to think of a reward."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary chuckles and swings her legs down, pivoting so she's now leaning up against Bart, resting her head on his shoulder. "Well, maybe hopefully? I mean, Lois Lane is kinda my idol. Really, she's //my// superhero. I just hope someday to be as amazing as she is." She grins, "So... well, no promises about grey hairs."

She then says, "Though, in my defense, I stayed clear of the dealers, but uh... the photographer I was with," and there's a bit of bitterness in her voice there, "Well, he called in Spidey, and he brought a friend apparently, and they took care of the dealers easily enough."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart lifts a hand to start stroking and caressing Mary's hair, massaging her scalp as she speaks. "Oh boy, I might be in trouble then." He chuckles as she speaks of Lois Lane and he knows -her- reputation. Yikes, but at least Mary will have some good stories. If he ever reveals to her his abilities and alter ego...they might get along even more splendidly where work relationship is concerned.

But, he does frown a little bit when she mentions the photographer dude she was with. "I'm happy you were safe, I really am. And hey." He moves to lift her chin so she's more looking directly at him...though it does bring their faces close together, but only if she allows. "I'm not going anywhere. And that guy? Didn't deserve you."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, "Yeah, I know... I definitely got a better deal here." She smiles warmly at Bart, her face right next to his as she meets his eyes, "No complaints from me, Bart." Her head tilts, just a little bit...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart looks at Mary with a warm smile as she admits that she got the better deal being with Bart than with that menace Parker. But, when Bart notices that her head just so subtly tilts? Bart knows his oppurtunity and he sees it...and he dares to take it.

He tilts his head ever so softly as well, sot hat their heads are tilted in different directions, and he leans in, his hand moving from her chin to fully caress her cheek, lips parting ever so softly as the distance is attempted to be closed to press a kiss to her lips.

Will the first kiss happen?!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary mmms and leans into the kiss, sliding her fingers over the back of Bart's neck as she lets out a muffled sigh, clearly enjoying the feeling of his lips on hers. He can feel her lips curve into a smile, and she gradually breaks the kiss, giving Bart a wider grin now that his lips aren't covering hers. She doesn't exactly say anything, but definitely looks happy.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart melts into the kiss, humming against her lips himself as he feels her slender digits move around the back of his neck. Eventually though, he smiles against her lips in return as he feels her smile and when they finally pull away?

He looks like he's in a dream. Or in a dream of a dream.

"Wow...that was my first kiss." He chuckles. "and not going to lie...I'd love to do that again."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, a bit of a shiver going through her, "Wow, me too." She chuckles, and gives Bart a warm look, "And yeah, definitely would recommend trying again." She mmms and looks at Bart, like she wants to say something, but... well...

It's not just /her/ secret to keep.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart doesn't realize that she's going to reveal a secret.

Instead, he just smiles at her more warmly. "Well then, lets get some practice in." Bart says mischievously before he's leaning to -really- kiss her, like he never had before. Though he is clearly inexperienced with kissing...he's not bad at it, certaintly.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary giggles a bit, "But..." She then gets muffled by the kiss, and she can't help but let out a very quiet moan, mmming into the kiss. She tightens her hand behind Bart's neck, holding him close as she then gasps for air, "Bart... I mean..." She looks around, a bit sheepishly, but fortunately no one else in the park seems to notice the two lovebirds smooching on the park bench.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles as he cuts Mary off with a passionate kiss, his own arms wrapping significantly tighter around her before they suddenly pull away to remember to breathe, Bart gasping as well with a smile. He looks around then.

"What is it Mary? Nobody's creeping on us." Or WERE THEY?!

But, he smiles at her. "You don't have to be shy. But if you'd like to stop kissing, we can absolutely do that too." He chuckles, even if Bart was practically short of breath. His heart usually races like a mile a minute, but now its more like a mile per millisecond.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It's a funny thing about parks; parks are a nice place to go when you're hoping to enjoy a pretty day, or want to go feed pigeons, or like one redheaded girl and her blonde girlfriend, just a nice place to go for a romantic walk with lovely atmosphere.

So there they stroll, hand in hand, chatting away idly as the pair walks down one of the many pathways in the park. Fate is another thing that works in funny ways, as the pathway that Marie and Julie are walking along? Just /happens/ to be the same one where that particular park bench that another pair of young lovers is on, and in one of her glances away from Julie, green eyes catch sight of one very familiar person in a surprisingly expected position. And she /lights right up./

Grinning like a fool, she lifts a hand, one finger extended towards the bench, leaning in to whisper to Julie, "Les amoureux has revealed itself."

Julie Power has posed:
Julie did lighten her hair just a little. While still a strawberry blonde, she just learned that Marie liked her a little more blonde, so -- lighter hair. And with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she's dressed in one of her long-sleeve croptops with a denim jacket and jeans and tennis shoes, her hand firmly planted in Marie's.

She's looking around at the park, chattering about the flowers in bloom and was glancing over at the cotton candy machine before Marie gives her a tug of her hand that has Julie glancing over and she does a double-take when she sees Mary in compromise with a young man and her cheeks darken at Marie's words.

"I thought it already had." she says daringly to Marie, willing to tease her new girlfriend as she asks. "Dare we approach?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary leans into the passionate kiss, unable to help herself since... well, she's definitely feeling it too. Then out of the corner of her eye she notices...

Marie and Julie.

And they saw her. And Bart.


She blushes a bright red, but she doesn't look upset, very wryly amused as she looks at Bart, *ahems* softly, and then points to where Julie and Marie are thinking about approaching. "You were saying?" Despite it all, she is grinning... because at least it's her friends and not, say, random strangers.

Bart Allen has posed:

Bart melts as they kiss again, only for the kiss to come to an abrupt end when Mary seems to immeidately notice her friends staring at them, to which he also lets out a small *ahem*-style of clearing of his throat before rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well...to be fair, they weren't there literally a second ago..." Bart blushes a bright red as well, almost the shade that matches his hair, but then he's laughing and smiling, leaning over to rest his head on hers to cover his face.

Then he looks over at the pair who stare and he waves at them. "Heyo!"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's an easy one to tease, that's one that Julie probably found out very easily. Her face threatens to turn as red as her hair at the words. "I... I... I mean from her reading!" she points out, instinctively burying her face against Julie's hair to hide her shame. Not always the easiest thing for the taller girl to do!

"...but... it appears we have been noticed, so it would be rude not to, at this point." she adds after hearing Bart's greeting, taking a breath and pulling away, demure smile upon her face as she lifts a hand towards one far more outgoing than she is in a wave.

"Bonjour!" she greets, squeezing Julie's hand as she starts moving in that direction. "You must be Monsieur Bart, non?"

Julie Power has posed:
Julie giggles, a warm and delightful smile as Marie buries her face in her hair and takes in her scent. Then she's gesturing to Mary and Bart. "To be fair, did not know they would be here." It's not like Julie saw Mary's social media post about going to the park and made it a point to ask her girlfriend to the park. Just in case it went bad. Nope.

Wing-women at work here.

"I see the date went well, Mary!" Julie offers with a delightful smile, tugged along by Marie, her hand tangled up but she uses her free hand to wave. "...Bart, this is my girlfriend Marie-Ange. Marie, this is Bart, the boy I told you asked Mary out."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes, "I... um... ah..." She looks a bit sheepishly at Bart, "I thought it'd be nice to have Marie and Julie along so we could double. And well, you did such a great job massaging my calves from when they were sore and I would have told you but I forgot because it felt so nice and then... well..."

She looks pretty flustered, and smiles a bit sheepishly, "I... didn't think they'd be here quite so quick." She looks over at Marie and Julie, "Wait, girlfriends???" She hadn't seen Marie since she was Julie's wing-person in that study group, so that's great news, as far as Mary is concerned!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart smiles to Mary for a moment as she seems to be very flustered and caught off guard. "Hah, its completely fine. Besides, I like surprises." He leans forward to give her another quick peck on the lips since their company already knows before his attention shifts on over to Julie.

"Heya Julie, how's things?" Oh yes, the girlfriend. "Crash! Nice to meet ya, Marie, Name's Bart. Or Bartholomew if you're feelin' formal or Allen if you like last names or Bart Allen if your that kind of person. Or just Bart. All crash." He smiles to her widely as he offers her his hand for a handshake.

Friendly sort, isn't he?

But then he looks at Julie and gives her a wink and a thumbs up.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
And Marie? Marie suspects /nothing./ Why would she suspect treachery from her girlfriend, when fate was a far more likely reason? It's not like Julie would ever would do something like that to her!

"Enchante, Monsieur Bartholomew Allen Crash." she greets, releasing Julie's hand for just a moment to dip down into a curtsey -- only to see Bart's hand out, so she extends hers, palm down. The French girl has manners a'plenty, and they're practically programmed in. To Mary's question? She bobs her head once, face reddening a little more. "Oui, girlfriend."

It made perfect sense to Marie... at least after Jenny explained to her how dating in America worked. Which she might not have understood perfectly, but it seems to have worked out for the best!

Julie Power has posed:
One kiss and they were girlfriends. All or nothing. So Julie opted to go with all. "Yes, we had mentioned a double date..." that said conspiratorily with Mary. "But it seems that Mary went a step ahead of me." Not that Julie has much room to talk.

"So. Pizza? I saw a place nearby and then you won't be making out in public for everyone to say..." So says the girl that got her first kiss in front of the Statue of Liberty, floating in air.