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Latest revision as of 18:29, 5 August 2020

Going Green
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: Suicide Slum - New Troy
Synopsis: The Titans kick butt and meet a new Green Lantern!
Cast of Characters: Dick Grayson, America Chavez, Mary Bromfield, Victor Stone, Kyle Rayner

Dick Grayson has posed:
For once it is a decent night in Metropolis, weather-wise. It is clear, there is a slight breeze, and the humidity is manageable. This combined with the fact that a lot of the Titans could be put on patrol allowed for a few of them to take a swing through Suicide Slum to make sure that all was well in the area near Titan's Tower.

Among the Titan squad is Nightwing, in his full getup, sticks at his side, patrolling up on the rooftops, overlooking the streets tonight, keeping comms open and in generally a good mood as the night had been uneventful. Then suddenly from a few streets over comes a pair of screems and the sound of feet beating a hasty retreat towards the Titans, though the source of the sound is not yet visible, even from Nightwing's perch.

America Chavez has posed:
America Chavez - well, doesn't do costumes. At least, not the way typical heroes would consider a costume. Unless you consider her 'outfit' a costume - which, no matter what, is always a jacket, a t-shirt, a pair of shorts, and some ankle-high boots. And, always, in some combination, these are red, white, and blue with a star somewhere.

Maybe she has a dimension in which she just plucks these out of? Hard to say.

The latina girl, though, is currently flying along side Nightwing, "So, when do we start the fight---," and just as she's asking that, there's the scream as she pulls up to levitate next to Nightwing's perch.

"I guess that answers that. Let's go!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt flies higher in the sky, listening on her comms as she stays in a spot where she can rapidly respond to anyone that needs her. She seems content to enjoy a relatively quiet night of patrolling.

And of course, that's when people start running as Thunderbolt speaks on the comm, "Hey, need me to come down or should I hang back as a reserve?" She seems pretty comfortable with being the Cavalry, if necessary.

Victor Stone has posed:
Jetting alongside Nightwing opposite America, it's Victor Stone, the Titans' own Cyborg, on rocket skates. Years of experience have taught him that trying to keep up with Nightwing on rooftop patrol duty is a foolish, exhausting endeavor; the man's been doing it nonstop since he was like eleven years old, and although Vic isn't lazy, he knows an opportunity for greater efficiency when he sees one. Or when he sees Jupiter Ascending.

Either way, there he is, riding piercing blue flares in midair so that he doesn't have to cyber-springboard from rooftop to rooftop alongside Gotham's most beloved acrobat, when the noise of screaming from street level filters up to him. "Thunder, get the situation in view and let us know what's going on," he instructs the recruit. "When I get there, I need to know who to Goomba stomp." And to get himself in position to do just that, he streaks forward like a speed-skater toward the source of the noise.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Another day, another opportunity to try and be a cool hero! At least that's what Kyle was thinking when he decided to see what trouble was out there, trouble that he could put a stop to. Running into said trouble is a lot easier tonight than it has been on previous nights. Four guys, all up to no good.

"Yo, you can't do that man, that's illegal. I think." Holding his arm out in front of him and concentrating, Kyle brings out a Chibi Captain America, very adorable and all with his shield and suit of varying shades of green. "Captain America says that you have to stop in the..." A couple of the hyped up fellas start shooting at him and he quickly brings Cap's chibi shield up to block them.

"Not cool man, not..." Whatever else was going to come out of his mouth... doesn't, as a big hulking guy comes up and takes a swing. It connects with his torso and sends him flying out of the narrow street and onto a larger thoroughfare, the chibi construct shattering as his concentration fails him. Tumbling onto the ground, he rolls away and slowly gets back to his feet.

"Ugh. Is your fist a brick dude?" He has yet to notice anyone but those in the alley, so summoning up more of his will he floats into the air and then summons forth a larger version of Saber, a female version of King Arthur from the Fate anime/manga series. "While you were studying crimes, I was studying the blade!" He sends his construct forward towards the brawler dude all while flying behind it.

Dick Grayson has posed:
From the darkness, visible in the light of the full moon comes two teenagers, a male and female, still screaming when they see the Titans and say, "HELP US, HIM, HELP!" they point towards a side street, towards where Kyle is.

Nightwing calls down, "What's going on?"

The teenage girl responds, "We were getting mugged and some kid came in and used a green flashlight to fight them, but they are gonna kill him!" The two hang tight for a second, though if no one interacts with them, they will keep running.

Dick looks to Cyborg and nods, "Good call. You three all go on ahead as quickly as possible, I don't want this kid playing hero getting hurt and don't let my inability to fly slow you three down. Time is of the essence. No hanging back, here." The former Robin scowls and begins parkouring his way across the rooftops towards the alley where the scuffle is going on.

The four facing Kyle that he can see are giving him all they can, their eyes wild with fury and are clearly not entirely there are the moment. The two with pistols are letting loose, though the construct seems to take care of that while another, a man almost larger than life with thick skin barrels forward. Inside Kyle's head there is some pressure building as the fourth simply stares intently at him for a moment.

Behind Kyle, some dust is kicked up and a few things are shifted by an unseen force, in a rhythm similar to footsteps, though the source is not visible to the naked eye, though it is between the Titans and Kyle.

America Chavez has posed:
Is that a -smile- on America's face? Nah. Couldn't be. But it certainly looks like there is one, if only briefly, before she streaks through the air, swooping down like an eagle about to nab a fish out of the water.

Except the girl in the flapping blue jacket with the red star on the back, and the red-and-white-stripped shirt and black shorts doesn't grab. She punches.

And there's a rather solid sound as one of goons assaulting, or trying to assault Kyle, goes literally flying backwards and is slammed into the solid wall of a storefront, "Four on one doesn't seem so fair," she calls, floating in the air, and whirling around, cracking her knuckles. "Who else needs a punching? I'm not even warmed up yet."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
As Cyborg calls for her to come in and help... well, Thunderbolt is definitely one to oblige. She soars in and down, landing with a massive impact that, well... shows why she's been tasked to 'bring the thunder' as it were. The goon that was staring intently at Kyle gets the worst of it, getting tossed back into a wall with a solid (but nonlethal, honest!) thud.

Straightening up from her crouch, she then looks around at the mooks. "Alright, I don't suppose you can be convinced to just go home and sleep this off?" She looks around, her cape fluttering behind you as she has a slight smile on her lips. Then she looks over at Kyle, "Wait, that's Saber? That's really cool!" She grins at the Lantern, then nods over at America.

"I think they're going to be stubborn about this."

Victor Stone has posed:
"Good move, Thunder," Cyborg says approvingly as he skates into view. Never mind keeping up with Nightwing; these newbies move FAST. "Always hit the brain guy first! Brain guys are the worrrrrrst." For his own part, he makes good on that Goomba stomp promise from earlier, plummeting to bring the full weight of his partially metal frame down on the shoulders of the rock guy menacing Kyle directly. Once he's faceplanted into the pavement with the Titan on his back, Vic extends his metal hands to grab a storm drain on one side and a windowsill on the neighboring building, hoping to pin the baddie down.

"Hey there!" he greets Kyle in a friendly tone, casual as can be. "I'm Vic. How's it going?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
The Saber construct smashes into one of the shooty-shooter guys and knocks his gun away with a precise sword strike with the flat of her blade on the wrist, then proceeds to bash him with the hilt of her sword a few times. Out of the corner of his eye, Kyle sees movement and turns to catch America smashing one of the goons. "Woah! Quite a left hook you've got there. Please don't punch me, ok? My face is really pretty." He turns again to catch Thunderbolt making an appearance. His eyes go a little wide as other heroes start showing up. "Wow, you have a cape and your costume looks super rad."

Seeing that there are heroes here and stuff is getting handled, he lets his construct dissapear and then lands on the ground and lets out a breath. He looks between Thunderbolt and America first, and then over at Cyborg and his eyes widen a little. "Oh damn, you're a badass. Well, all of you are. This is so cool." He runs a hand through his wavy black hair and grins. "Um, my name is Kyle and uh, I'm super new to all of this. It's so wild to be standing near some real heroes though!"

Dick Grayson has posed:
America's target is now having a bad day, taking a few moments to get up from the wreckage of the window. The large brute, though, looks to the group as they assemble and says, "Give us your money and his money!" He points at Kyle and approaches, getting ready to strike when Cyborg pins him to the ground. The brute struggles for a bit, but the one with the gun thinks his best effort is to help the large guy and begins unloading at Cyborg, the rounds from his pistol coming as quickly as he can pull the trigger.

The other two threats handle things a little less directly. The one who had been staring at Kyle finds herself rising from the rubble, taking a moments to recover, unable to focus for the moment and presently not a threat. The invisible threat keeps coming, though though a quick flash is visible to some as a knife is drawn and begins making their way toward the group, though no longer entirely covered in shadows and gives a sort of shimmer in the light.

Nightwing eventually lands on the ground a few seconds later. He can not fly, but he did the best he could. Soon his sticks are out as he looks to the threats and begins moving towards the one shoot ing at Cyborg, all the while the shimmering one and its occasional glint close the distance between them and Nightwing...

America Chavez has posed:
America looks around, not seeing the movement of the knife just yet or the Invisible Guy either. She's too focused on the fight - or, perhaps, lack thereof. She does a headcount of the bodies on the ground, or at least, presently out of the fight.

She gives Kyle a wide grin, briefly, before walking over to the girl, and punching her open palm with her closed fist, the sound resonating loud, and firm despite the chaos and noise around them. She advises, "I'd stay down, if I were you chica."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt doesn't seem to notice the invisible knife-wielder, not spying that as she's more focused on the gunman shooting at Cyborg. Sure, she's pretty sure he's bulletproof, but the man might also get lucky as she uses a dash of the Speed of Artemis, flashing past the gunman and taking his gun away.

Then she casually squashes the gun in her hands until it less resembles a gun so much as a Cadbury Easter Bunny that was left in the Sun for an entire afternoon. "Yeah, none of that. Very impolite." She tsks a bit, unknowingly positioning herself right where she makes a tempting target for an invisible knife-wielding maniac.

Victor Stone has posed:
"Great to meet you, Kyle," Vic says with a genuine grin. The expression falters as the bruiser he's holding down starts struggling, and Vic has to shift his weight like a surfer riding an unruly wave. Simultaneously, he winces as bullets start pinging against his armored back. "Ow! Hey! That's gonna dent, dickhead!"

Thunderbolt's welcome intervention deals with the gunman, at least, and Cyborg looks to Kyle, again: "Think you could give me a hand with this guy? I'm assuming that's not just a snazzy outfit."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Are you okay?" Kyle quickly asks Vic as he is hot up, but at the grumblings of the big brute, he can't help but laugh. "Money? Bro, I don't have any money, are you kidding me?" He glances around quickly, trying to assess the situation as best he can, though he's not quite sure where to fit in with how the others seem to be working as a team. Licking his bottom lip and hesitating for a brief second, that's when he catches it.

Seeing the flash of the light, he takes off and lands near Mary, bringing up a larger version of Captain America's shield between them and whatever else is lurking out there. "Look out, I think one of them is invisible or something." He waves with his free hand in the direction that he noticed the flash of light.

Dick Grayson has posed:
The would-be mugger that had the gun is now befuddled and looks at his hands and then back to Mary and then back to his hands, which he then raises in the air. He might not be the most rational, but he is rational enough. The telepath does likewise, lowering her gaze to the ground. The other gunman is still out cold while the one Victor is pinning eventually stops struggling, realizing the game is over, though he manages a "FINE!"

The knife-wielding mugger, though does shift to go after Thunderbolt, though all efforts to stab anybody are hindered by a green construct shield that give an interesting clang as the knife goes flying, now visible, into the dust.

Dick notices that and whips around, sticks emitting a light crackle. Using a finger, he turns his mask to give infrared and he calls out where the man is and charges forward, tackling him and pinning the mugger's arm behidn his back. Dick might not be a cop anymore, but some skills are apparently still retained. "Now, I think we got them all?" He asks, "Also, good to meet you Kyle," Dick notes while dealing with the former threat, "I'm Nightwing."

America Chavez has posed:
America waits to make sure the girl understands as soon as she gets up, she's getting punched into next week, before she beams at Kyle, "I'm America. Cool. I've never met a Green Lantern before. Heard a lot about you guys, though in my travels. Pretty awesome to see you in action," she says, sounding quite cheerful as if - well, the fight almost put her in better spirits?

"We're glad to lend a hand. Really. Don't worry. I'm kind of new at this, too. But, it's what I want to do. And I'm pretty good at it. At least, I think I am." Another grin, and a halpless, good natured shrug.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles over at Kyle, blinking as she didn't notice the invisible guy until he clanged off the shield, and then Nightwing tackled him, "Wow, nice. I'm Thunderbolt, and... wait, you're a Green Lantern, right?" She nods over at Kyle, "That, is super cool. And thanks for the shield. I think I was okay... but you can't be too careful, right?"

With that, she zips over rapidly and picks up the knife, looking at it curiously. Probably just to make sure it wasn't the Lost Knife of Eldritch Terror or some other strange artifact that might actually have hurt her. Also, don't want random people picking up knives, that's unsafe.

Victor Stone has posed:
"Oh, fine, sure, just because he's under my feet, no worries!" Vic complains, still trying to stay upright as the bruiser he flattened gets more and more into his role as a mechanical bull. "Cyborg's got it! He doesn't need help!" With a sudden inspiration, he picks up one of his feet, tottering wildly, and then activates the jet-skates in reverse, bringing the metal boot crashing down into the tough guy's rocky skull.

He slumps, apparently unconscious, and Vic takes a couple of unsteady steps down to the pavement. He stoops to peer at him, then extends a sonic cannon from his palm and blasts the guy once, short range, for good measure. "Handled," he brags, giving the others a broad grin as he saunters over to them. "Everybody in one piece?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle watches while THE Nightwing does his thing. After it's all over he lowers the shield and lets it dissipate. "Wow, cool man. Those sticks are awesome." He turns towards the group and gives America a sheepish smile. "Hey, I just kinda started this thing like two weeks ago, I'm not really that good at it yet but I'm trying to get a handle on things." He looks at the others and shakes his head. "Wow, you guys are really something you know that? You have all the teamwork of people like the Fantastic Four!"

To Thunderbolt he nods, "Yeah, I guess? I don't know if I would compare myself to THE Green Lantern. Though I have to say it's kinda neat being able to be an artist in both of my lives." He grins a little and looks over at Cyborg. "Dude, I hope you don't mind me saying it but you're like an awesome version of the T-800. Anyway..." He looks past them and to the baddies. "Do you guys call the cops now or what?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
The remaining conscious ones allow themselves to be subdued and shuffled to the wall to wait while the authorities arrive, which will take a bit, as they need to be summoned.

Nightwing keeps an eye on them and recovers his stick that he had to drop to pin the invisible one's arm back. "I am just surprised there are more of you. I thought there was only one Green Lantern." He nods, and then gives Cyborg a thumbsup, "All good, big guy. Looks like we got out of this one easy." Mary and America each get nods, "Well, this was not a fair fight. Did you guys even give them a chance!" He grins and nods again in approval.

Setting his sticks in his belt again, Nightwing breathes a sigh of relief and nods to Kyle, "Yeah, gonna give them a call in a moment. Heard someone was trying to be a big damn hero over here. Did not expect this, to be honest. How long you been doing this?"

America Chavez has posed:
"Fair? I wouldn't even call it a -fight-," America says, somehow sounding vaugely disappointed. This disappointment is only lessened by the fact they're getting to meet a Green Lantern. "I only got to throw one punch. And not even a hard one." She exhales, her shoulders slump briefly before she walks over to join the others.

"Nice touch with the gun," she tells Thunderbolt, clearly impressed, "I'll have to remember that one."

"But I suppose here in Metropolis Superman keeps things in pretty good order. We'll have to go somewhere else to find the really good fights."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt smiles at Nightwing, "Well, why would I want to do that? Besides, I didn't know what that one staring person could do and I definitely didn't want to see how bulletproof Vic was first-hand." She shrugs a bit, and grins over at America, "We do make a pretty good team, though, don't we?"

She then glances over at Kyle, "Well, maybe /a/ Green Lantern then. I actually met The Green Lantern once, seems like a decent guy. Did an adventure around Jupiter with him and a bunch of others, which was pretty amazing."

Victor Stone has posed:
Vic grins even more broadly at Kyle. "You think so? Never pictured myself as a black Arnold, but I'll take it. As for the cops, already done." He waves a hand -- it's nothing, really. "I've got a mad libs robocaller set up that just fills in the details; they'll recognize it and be here in a few minutes."

Then, something Mary says makes him frown in annoyance. He twists around the best he can with a mostly metal torso, trying to peer over his own shoulder, and turns his back on the others. "I'm not bullet /proof/ I'm bullet /resistant/. How bad did he get me? Think I can buff it out?"

For all the fuss, there really are just a few circular dents here and there; his alloys were well-chosen.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
"Erm, yeah I think there's more out there but I couldn't really say. The alien dude who approached me was pretty vague about some stuff." Kyle looks a little embarassed but he shakes it off and smiles once more. "I'm not trying to be a big damn hero or anything, just trying to do my part and help where I can. Superman is awesome and the best dude ever, but I got given a gift and I can't really squander that, you know?"

He looks towards America and smiles. "You did hit that guy pretty hard, I think I'd be out for a week if you did that to me." Then to Mary, "You went to SPACE? Holy crap, that's amazing!" And then to Vic, who receives a grin. "Maybe work on the accent a little? Could go a long way to pulling it off. Anyway, I'm really thankful you guys showed up. There's no way I could have handled this on my own, so now I know I gotta be more thoughtful before barging into a situation. Maybe have my phone handy to call the cops in a situation like this too."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods and then calls out a few things over the T-comm with the group. After some conversation on it, Dick begins checking the culprits for other weapons and such and finds mostly bullets and then some baggies filled with what appears to be powder, "Hey, Cyborg, catch," Nightwing says as he tosses it over. Before chuckling at America and Thunderbolt's comments, "Yeah, that is fair. More of a training excercise for you two, almost, though I think the Danger Room hit you guys a little harder?" He chuckles and says to Kyle, "So. Assuming you are new to this, and you can't exactly train this on your own, correct? If you want, you can stop by Titans Tower and we can at least see what we can do to help. If you're anything like the other Green Lantern, you can truly be an asset for good."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle watches the group for a moment, and then when addressed by Nightwing, he nods. "Yeah, I got my ring a couple of months ago but it's only been the last few weeks when I could make it work. Slowly I've been doing a bit better with things, but there's a lot I need to learn. I wasn't exactly given a handbook and, man, it seems like I can do a lot with this thing." He holds up the hand with the ring on it. "It lets me do a lot with my art though."

That's when the Titan's Tower hits him and his eyes wide. "Word? Titans Tower? Yeah I can stop by after classes and stuff. I mean, if that's really okay and none of the other members really mind me being there."

Victor Stone has posed:
Vic catches the tossed baggies effortlessly, then peers at them, his artificial eye glowing fiercely as it emits scanning beams rake the material within. "I might take a little sample of this back to the lab. MPD shouldn't mind; we've got an understanding."

At Kyle's comment about keeping his phone handy, Vic glances over at Nightwing and nods. "A phone to call the cops is good..." he agrees slowly. Then, with a shrug, he pops open a little panel in one arm and retrieves a squarish device with a flatscreen on one side and a T logo on the other.

"This might be better," he continues, extending the device toward Kyle. "That's a provisional T-Com. We give them to potential new members, so that we can work with them while we consider them for membership. If you're interested, of course!"

He laughs, then points out some of the functions of the gadget. "You can use this to contact us, report emergencies, just chat... Oh, and it'll let you into the visitor areas of the Tower whenever you want."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick nods to Kyle, "Very well," though Victor is quick to get him a T-Com. "Can't hurt. And yeah, Titan's Tower is pretty neat, in my opinion. Though I am biased." He chuckles and nods to Kyle, "And yeah, where do you have classes, firstly, and do you wnat your identity kept secret? We have no problem with you being there and we've been there forever, we'll vouch for ya, and so will that ring on your finger."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Looking over the T-Com device, Kyle glances up at Victor and nods, "Yeah, um, if you guys think that I can be considered for something like the Titans, I have no reason not to be interested, or to give it my all. Thank you so much, you guys. I'll try to stop by the Tower in the next day or two. I have a few things to get ready for school starting next month and all that, but man... this day has turned out to be really amazing!"

He slips the T-Com away and glances between Vic and Dick. "Um, I guess I don't really care if you guys know my identity. I just don't want bad guys knowing since it might impact innocents. My name is Kyle Rayner and I'm a student at Metropolis University, working on getting a degree in art so I can do graphic design stuff and all that." He coughs. "Sorry, don't mean to give my life story or anything."

Victor Stone has posed:
"It's all good, man," Vic says with another grin, extending a metal hand. "Vic Stone, Cyborg, and I don't care who knows it, either. Not like I've got a forgettable face." His hand is cool and metallic, definitely artificial; but the force is calibrated to be politely firm. Many a hand-shaped wad of ballistics gel was lost to that particular calibration process.

He points out each of the others in turn as he continues, "America Chavez, I don't even know if she /has/ a superhero name. That's Thunderbolt, which is all I can tell you, except that she's awesome, too. And Nightwing over there is, of course, one of the Batman people and therefore among the sneakiest secret-havers on the planet." He laughs and shrugs. "We kinda take all types in the Titans."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I'm just Nightwing," Dick jokes, though he does take his secret identity seriously. But he does give a nod to Victor and then turns to Kyle and says, "Well, you're already rather powerful and provided you aren't a liability, we would gladly work with you, and help you do more good in the world. It was real brave taking on those muggers." He did not say smart, but brave counts, but he genuinely believes it was brave. "Also, the food is good. If you like pizza."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle takes the offered hand from Vic. "Good to meet you, Vic. Though I'd say it's more because you're a certifiable badass is why they're not forgetting you." He glances at America and Thunderbolt as they are both introduced. And then Nightwing. "You know the Batman? Holy shit. The Batman has been a hero of mine for a long time, same with Superman. Anyway, I don't know about being powerful, but I can promise you guys that I'll give it my best to do good. I was given this ring for a reason and I want to make sure that I live up to it. Maybe that sounds lame, but yeah. Anyway, I really appreciate the offer and you guys will be seeing me around very soon. I can't wait to try and improve myself."