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Latest revision as of 15:08, 18 August 2020

Something Just Like This
Date of Scene: 12 August 2020
Location: The Tin Cow
Synopsis: Burgers, conversation, a little drama, and plans for movie night.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Laura Kinney, Carrie Kelley, Conner Kent, M'gann M'orzz, Rose Wilson

Tim Drake has posed:
Two of the tables at the Tin Cow have been dragged together with the screech of metal piping on concrete floor to accomodate the group after they've arrived, and as folks get seated the laminated menus and crayons to mark off their selections handed out. Tim takes one of the seats at the corner of the two four-tops pushed together, rather than on either of the ends-- not really his style. He's been here before, a couple times, so he's aware of the drill: check off what you want, hand it back in when the waitress comes back, and food magically appears a little while later.

He's casual-but-not-slumming today... dark jeans, open short sleeve button-down in charcoal with a slight grey pattern on it over a crisp white t-shirt, custom Converse in black and red. It's a step up from the sweats and tanks he's been bumming around in lately, which is somewhat of a plus. He idly spins the bright cerulean crayon he was handed on the tabletop while he considers the offerings.

He's been fairly quiet today generally, avoiding much of anyone prior to his arrival for a late lunch at the Tin Cow, and he's continuing that given that beyond greeting folks as they arrived, he hasn't offered conversation. A check goes into the box beside the Elvis milkshake, and then the crayon goes back to spinning. He could be lost in thought (that's frequent enough) or he could be still sour over the night previous. Or both. But he's here and he's at least not being an ass.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura had been punctual, and promptly on time, assisting with pulling the tables together without complaint and, overall, been her usual self. Which is generally not subdued, but simply quiet; more observing and participating when the need was there but not volunteering much herself. It's clear that she gets her clothing from a second hand shop - not because Tim knew that after their first encounter, but the faded black t-shirt that she wears with the Budweiser Frogs. Someone, likely, had recently cleaned out their closets from tweny years or so past.

Now, she is quiet looking at the menu, and figuring out what she wants, ticking off some of the more healthy selections like the portabella mushroom cap burger, and side-salad after figuring out how the menu worked. Only then do her eyes fall on Tim, sensing the change in his mood and behavior from those she's observed and grown to know him to have. She furrows her brow, studying him a few breaths longer.

"I fought your friend last night," she tells Tim, suddenly, feeling it necessary to engage him. "She is very skilled."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley was mostly prompt. Mostly. Usually she would have been early but she cuts it just in time this time having newly arrived back from a visit to New York. When she pushes through the doors a quick skim over the restaurant quicly identifies which tables are theirs and she veers in that direction. Her attire is casual and comfortable while still being just a bit stylish. Skinny jeans with ripped knees, throw-back hightop sneakers, a babydoll blouse of green and a cream colored pashmina draped over her shoulders.

Rather than immediately take a seat she steps behind Tim's chair to wrap an arm around his shoulders in a half hug with the greeting of, "Hey bro. Doing better?" It's a simple question that she doesn't pry over as she does release her friendly hug and head for a seat of her own. The menu is plucked up to be glanced over quickly though her eyes lift and dart around at others as well. She hadn't met everyone yet, so Laura also gets a smile of greeting. "Hello!"

Conner Kent has posed:
"For a second I read this was the Tim Cow," comments Conner upon arrival. He is a few minutes late, which is not too bad considering his track record. And he definitely looks more rested he was yesterday. Maybe Phoebe's power managed to give his biology a strong healing boost. Jeans, boots, obscure band t-shirt and the leather jacket. Today he even wears the utterly unneeded sunglasses. The day is way too hot for a leather jacket, but that never stopped him.

His enhanced senses are back, for one. So, he heard Laura's comment. "Fighting Cassandra? What happened?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Mostly prompt...is usually not a characteristic that M'gann has. But, fortunately, she isn't much more late than Conner, walking in a couple minutes after him. She is most certainly in full Megan mode as she enters, dressed in a black t-shirt with a drawing of a female wielding a staff in a white cloak with the phrase "Bandaids don't heal wounds. White mages do.". She also wears shorts...a pair of denim shorts that look particularly distressed (i.e. ripped) with the hemline a good two to three inches above the knee. On her feet are a pair of white Converse canvas shoes...and no socks. The smile is bright as the redhead makes her way over to the table, the perfectly normal looking teen brushing a lock of hair from her eyes with a wave of her hand.

    As Megan gets closer, though, the smile slowly fades into a slight frown...as she seems to sense *something*. With a glance towards Tim, the ginger claims a seat, but not before waving hello to the others. "Hiya everyone..."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Evidently it seems like the entire world is 'off'. Tim is silent and not chatty, Rose is late which in and of itself isn't exactly a shocking thing. She tends to arrive places at wildly varying times, potentially some unconscious effort to keep the world guessing. Late isn't odd, nor is the fact she's wearing jeans, boots and a t-shirt with a leather jacket, and a motorcycle helmet that is new. In fact, up until now Rose hasn't had a motorcycle, so that aspect is new...as of today new.

When she arrives at the table she finds the seat nearest to Tim that hasn't been taken, dropping the helmet onto the table before she drops into her seat, arms crossing over her chest before she looks over the others gathered, irritation clearly on her face. More so than usual.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Hm?" Tim glances over to Laura. "Cass? Yeah, she's great. She can be a little difficult to communicate with but it looks like you've figured it out." He gives her a bit of a forced grin, then finalizes his burger decisions. There is a bacon patty involved. And also a hot sauce called 'Smokin' Ghost'. He can't decide between the fries or the onion rings, so shrugs and goes with 'why not both', checking them both off and assuming that Rose would steal some off his plate anyway. Conner's comment gets a short laugh. "I don't know if I'd name a place after myself. Seems pretentious, really." There's a joke in there somewhere, given how many buildings and businesses in Gotham are named after the various founding families, his own included. Carrie's half hug actually relaxes him a little bit, and he gives his sister a less-forced smile as she sits down.

Either by design or by others trying to avoid the aura of annoyance raditating off of him, the seat nearest Tim is the one next to him, which Rose's arrival is met with a slight perking in his mood. He does place his arm on the back of her chair after she settles in, sliding her a menu to check off, his own visible in the event she wants to see what she's likely to feel free to 'borrow' off his order. "New bike?" he asks mildly with an amused look. Megan gets an upnod in greeting, and there is at least a slight softening in the cloud she's likely empathing from his direction.

"Food is pretty good here, even if Jay thinks it's a bit hipster." Which it is.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods once to Tim in affirmation, then answers Conner, simply, "She ambused me, and was unaware of my abilities. She relented, and then we had popsicles." Because, that's how any good ambush for testing teammates for a friend happens, isn't it? She sounds so matter-of-fact as she says this, it might certainly seem so to her that it is, in fact, the proper thing to have happened.

Green eyes rove over to Carrie, then, as the girl comes in and puts her arms around Tim. She pushes her menu out for the waitress to retrieve once done, and nods a greeting to M'gann and then to Rose, briefly eyes drawn to the motorcycle helmet and then Rose's own irritated mood before looking back to Carrie.

Bluntly, Laura tells Carrie, "I also know Hank. But I am not as close to him as you are."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner picks the seat in front of Tim, assuming right and left are reserved for 'sister' and girlfriend. He greets the others as they arrive, looking somewhat concerned at Rose's obvious irritation. Then offering a lop-sided smile at Laura's explanation.

"If it ended with popsicles it can't be too bad," he decides. Then reaches for the menu to see the choices. He has never been here before, which is what usually happens with places in Gotham. Because Gotham. However, everything in the menu looks really good.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley already has the menu in hand and plucks up the crayon to begin ordering. Rose gets a grin as she arrives, a nod of greeting, and then when Megan enters the same. "Hi," she offers them both. Given it seems most are here she was about to re-introduce herself when Laura speaks.

It's damn lucky she's not taking a sip of a drink right now because the remark earns a sudden flush of color to her cheeks as she practically chokes on the words she was about to speak. A little sputtering cough comes and she quickly covers her mouth with a hand giving herself a moment to recover. "Ah... I just came from a date with him," she mumbles awkwardly still practically GLOWING red with her blush. Darn having such pale skin. She's a mixture of embarassed and happy at the thought of Hank at the same time. Talk about confusing emotions.

"Ahem. Sorry. I'm Carrie, Tim's sister. I met Rose and Conner before, but..." She leaves it there waiting to see if the others introduce themselves. A burger is checked off on the menu in the meantime along with a milkshake.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Oh, hi, Carrie!" The greeting sounds almost exactly as if Megan knew Carrie from before...which is just speaking to how friendly this other person really is. "I'm Megan. Tim and I met through Conner. We go to ESU together." Well...technically it is true. Conner was the link between the two, even if they didn't really know *who* exactly they were looking for at the time. "It was relatively recently, so don't feel bad about it. I am still trying to get to know people, too."

    As Rose enters, Megan looks up...and instantly blushes red. For...no apparent reason. Though, a glance is cast sideways towards Tim, as Megan's green eyes flicker from him to Rose. Yes...it seems that Megan has at least seen Rose before. Though, officially, they have not met yet, either.

Rose Wilson has posed:
"Yeah." It is. It is a new bike! Which, normal people would start gushing about how amazing it is, and how they can show it off to everyone. Rose's answer is just a rather boring, although blunt, yeah.

The menu in front of her is picked up, and then she grabs a crayon to start marking off things she wants. Burger, basic, fries. Then the milkshake she orders is the Morning Joe, as well as a s'mores puffs. With everything ticked off she tosses the crayon aside, then sets her menu on top of Tim's.

Laura and Carrie get a curious look, before she turns her attention towards Megan, giving her a frown, "Who are you?" Evidently that means more than a name? Something?

Tim Drake has posed:
"Popsicles sound like a good way to end a spar," Tim says agreeably. But the comment about Hank actually has him stifling a snicker-- he's not going to 'ew' at his sister in the same manner she had at him last night. "Well, isn't it a small world," is all he says, dryly, before adding his and Rose's menus to the stack of completed ones. He leans over to Rose and murmurs, "Probably better to explain more in-depth elsewhere. But she's the Manhunter's niece."

He settles back upright in his chair, looking a little bit less grouchy. "Conner, try the deep fried mac and cheese on yours. It's not like you have to worry about how unhealthy it is." He gives his best friend a bit of a grin. Things may be looking slightly up.

Then a well-manicured hand rests on his shoulder from behind, nails gittering with the type of taloned manicure that costs far too much time, money, and effort to keep pristine. "Young Timothy Drake. It's so nice to see you out in the city. Are these friends of yours from the university, mm?"

Tim looks up. The woman is likely in her middle 40s, in a designer suitdress with her light brown hair perfectly coiffed. He recognizes her immediately, and inwardly cringes (that's for you, M'Gann). However, his expression is perfectly polite as he replies, lying, "Yes, of course, Mrs. Powers. How are you?"

She pats his shoulder. "Doing well. Really, you and Bruce should get out to the club more often, be a little more social."

Tim does the polite social chuckle, the hand resting on Rose's shoulder tensing some. "Eh, I'm just a kid, Mrs. Powers. Doubt they really want to talk to me."

"Nonsense. You're an adult now, and you're the head of the Drake house. Your input is valued as one of the Founders, and we have our eyes on you," she waggles one of the taloned fingers at him lightly. "We expect great things. And I'm sure you've got wonderful plans for rebuilding your house." She pauses. "And Drake Manor, I suspect."

This may be one of the worst 24 hours in Tim's most recent recollection. His entire body tenses as she mentions his family and their holdings, though he politely replies, "I hadn't really thought much about it, Mrs. Powers, though I'm sure when the time comes I'll talk to Bruce and get some of his thoughts on it."

She pats his shoulder again. "Of course. Again, we'd love to see you come out and spend some time at the club. A round of golf perhaps. And you remember my daughter Carlotta? She's your age, and I think she'd make a good /friend/ for you."

There's a flash of annoyance in his eyes. "I remember her, and perhaps we'll see each other at the next gala," he allows. "But if you'll excuse me, I'm out with my friends and I'm sure they don't care much about Gotham politics."

"Mm." She smiles. "I apologize. Young men have their own ways of socializing. Enjoy-- and let Bruce know I'll be in touch." With that, she departs the table, heading out the door.

As soon as she's gone, Tim lets out an annoyed groan.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura understands little of political manueverings, or chess games as it comes to foundations of power, legacy families, or influential power as an applicable means of attack and force of change. But she can, at least, hear the change in Tim's heartbeat, and hear the change in his breathing. She does nothing to interfere in the exchange, but her eyes do not leave the woman until she is gone in the aftermath of the exchange and conversation.

"Do you wish me to track her?" Is all she asks of Tim, ready to forego her meal in persuit of the greater need.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Manhunter? Rose looks at Megan for a little while longer, but whatever might have followed under normal circumstances is halted in place when the cougar shows up.

Chess games, political manueverings. It's possible that Rose knows how all of that works, after all, it's just another form of war. Or, something about the woman and what she said just rubs her in all the wrong ways. Laura offers to track her, but Rose just gets to her feet, "I'll be back."

And then she's heading for that door after the woman.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley sticks her tongue out in response to Tim whether he 'ews' or not. "It was just a date not..." she starts to argue but decides this is not the time for it. Let him have the win. He needed to cheer up as it was. She's still grinning at least even as she shakes her head.

Then her eyes snap to Mrs. Powers. She sis up right automatically taking on an entirely different posture than before. Stoic, mannered. No elbows on the table here. Her frozen smile remains politely on her face all the while the woman speaks to Tim about the estate. Then when she leaves she exhales a breath.

"Wow, she must be slumming it today. Rarely see her out in the light of day unless she's at the club." She does frown a little in concern though at the talk... but shakes her head. "I don't think you'd need to do that. She's just one of the ..." She pauses her, shrugging as she gestures to Tim to better explain. "Annoying points of high society membership?" she hazards.

With that annoyance gone though she's free to relax again and offers Megan a warm grin. "Nice to meet you. I'll be around the hangout a lot more in the future I imagine. When I'm not juggling other matters."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is happy to follow Tim's advice on food today. Health issues have never been an issue in regards what he would eat, really. In that regard he is a very typical American teen. Only, he really has no health issues to address. Probably.

Check, check, check, and extra fries. Taking advantage of the visit of the wicked witch from East Gotham. Done.

"I'd like to see your bike, Rose," he asks the white-haired girl. She might not be very enthusiastic about it, but Conner likes motorcycles. Maybe he should get a driving license.

Then he leans forward, conspiratorially-like, "hey Tim, was that old woman one of those owl zombie ninjas? She sure looks the part."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    With that nerdgirl vibe Megan is rocking, it is perfectly understandable that Rose would have her doubts about the girl. But, again, that dissipates when Mrs. Powers arrives. While Megan is decent enough to not show it outwardly, that internal cringing is certainly noticed. Still, a small smile remains on Megan's features while the socialite remains, only for a small shudder to overtake her once Powers leaves.

    Megan's relief or someone else's? That remains to be seen.

    There is a blink of mild surprise. "Owl Zombie Ninjas? Someone is watching the midnight matinees again." Not that Megan never watched those at all. Which she totally did.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim snorts at Conner's comment. "God, I wish. No, she's just... it's complicated. Politics." He pauses. "Necessary but..." he gestures to Carrie, "as she said, annoying part of being high society. UGH she's going to try and shove her daughter at me and--"

There goes Rose. Tim is torn between stopping her and not-- if she catches up with Mrs. Maria Powers and lays into her, that's both absolutely hilarious to Tim and somewhat mortifying given the amount of social cleanup he'll have to do later.

But then again, he HAD been bringing Rose out... and she'd been seen with him often enough it was already one of the myriad of semi-scandals the upper crust swapped amongst themselves. That she had made that sort of commentary with Rose //right there// and Tim's arm around her really chapped him, especially in the mood he was already in. So the social cleanup might be absolutely worth it, at that.

So he shrugs, and calls after her, "Don't kill her," which anyone else in the restaurant would probably assume was teasing or joking, but Tim was actually being quite serious.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura watches Rose leave, and apparently fully believes the white-haired girl is perfectly capable of handling herself because she does not offer to move in support to assist.

"What I know of politics," Laura offers to Tim, "Is that they assassinate each other on a regular basis in various countries. Including the United States." She doesn't go into further detail, however.

And it should be no surprise, to anyone, that Laura provides, "I prefer direct confrontation. It is far more decisive. And less complicated."

Then, Laura is looking after the exit where Rose left, and furrows her brow, briefly losing herself in her own thoughts, likely about the other teammate whom she's so far had little enough interaction with.

"It is likely my sister would like one of your movies," she eventually tells M'gann. "Gabby. She has already met Cassandra. She wants to meet all of you. It would be a good start. If you are interested."

Wait. Did Laura just offer M'gann to have a movie-watching party?

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lets out a small sigh. "Times like these I'm glad I'm not an heir," she admits with a wry grin. Her selection of items off the menu is decided so she just slides it over to join the pile of other food requests for the server to pick up. "No, he's serious about the zombie owl thing. It's complicated, and I don't know as much as I'd like to yet, but it's going to be an issue for Gotham. Some kind of secret society causing trouble." Of the zombie variety apparently.

"If you like motorcycles, Conner, you should check out Jason's. Tim's got a decent one too." She ponders a moment considering something. "Maybe I should get one too come to think of it."

Laura and Megan talking of movies earns a grin in response. "Movies are never a bad thing."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner watches Rose leaving with some concern. An irritated Rose is a dangerous event. And although he is sure she is not going to kill anyone, the chances of Rose punching the old woman are fairly high. And she punches hard.

"Oh, I think this is more about Tim's money than the usual politics," he offers Laura. "Not that business is not as cut throaty as politics. I got the impression Tim here is really wealthy, hmm?" As he has avoided investigating who Tim Drake really is, he can't say for sure. "I don't think it is important. Just annoying."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim actually blinks at Conner. He didn't know Conner... didn't know. "Uh... yeah. Pretty wealthy," he says, rubbing the back of his neck ruefully. "That's... one way of putting it." Actually explaining it seems really weird, but he sighs softly and lowers his voice, knowing Conner isn't going to have to strain to hear it. "My family is one of the families that built Gotham. Not just... business stuff, most of my money is old money. Inherited wealth, going back generations." He cringes slightly. "Basically, I'm one of the closest things there is to royalty in the US. I mean, I'm not the only one, but... yeah. And the other families kinda like this too, all get weird and political about... things." He looks really, really uncomfortable about explaining that even as loosely as he did.

"Ugh. Now I know why Jay drinks," he grumbles, mostly directed to Carrie.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Don't kill her? Rose doesn't even acknowledge that, because she's already out that door.

Probably to not kill the society lady on the street, even if there's a good bet she wants to.

Tim Drake has posed:
Powers is standing on the sidewalk, looking at her phone as she waits for her SUV to arrive to whisk her back to the old hotel her family owns and runs. At first, she doesn't notice the white-haired, eyepatched girl coming towards her, but something seems to ping her notice and she looks up, making eye contact with Rose as the obviously agitated girl comes her way. "Yes?" she says politely but icily.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"If you do not wish all the money," Laura suggests to Tim, then, pragmatically, "Why not get rid of it?" Sure, she understands how the world works. And how money can get you the things you want, make life easier - especially considering the amount of money she has set aside for rainy days from what little she was able to put together from her escape from The Facility and the amount of money she's vaugely aware they charged for her services.

Still. "Is there purpose in holding onto something that clearly makes you unhappy?"

She clearly didn't know about Tim's wealth either, but it also doesn't seem to change the way she's reacting to him. Then again, Xavier's has a rather substantial influx of cash too that she's aware of.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Megan has been a good girl, really she has. There has been no errant peeking in people's minds or anything of that nature. The shields are up, so to speak, although not as strong for emotions as they are for thoughts. So, it is truly a bit of a surprise when Laura offers Megan a movie-watching party with her sister, among others. "Hmm, sure?" Confusion gives away to joy as Megan warms up to the idea. "I mean, it would be fantastic! Do you know what sort of movies she would enjoy? I mean, I have watched soooo many that it really doesn't matter, but it will be fun regardless!"

    Oh, but back to the issue at hand. While Megan really hasn't probed minds, the conflicted nature of one Timothy Drake cannot help but be felt. "Well...I don't know exactly what is going on, but I felt it the instant that woman laid hands on you. Is there something we can help do for you? I mean, really...if you needed anything, you just have to ask." Because, yes, she doesn't like her friends feeling out of sorts. Even newer ones like Tim.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"And if that wasn't impressive enough," Carrie adds with a smirk, "He was also adopted into the Wayne family which is largely considered not only ONE of the founding families, but the head founding family. So he's a Drake, and a Wayne, with enough liquid assets to back a small country if he wanted." Her fingers lace together with a grin. "I'm just a poor widdle adopted girl that Brucie felt sorry for. And I think there's more reasons Jason drinks than just putting up with people like her," she points out as she relaxes again.

After a moment of staring into space her nose crinkles, and she lets out a sigh. Reaching over she snags her menu ticket back. "Actually I just remembered I have to go do laundry. I'll catch up with everyone a bit later." Standing from her seat she runs her hand over her pashmina tugging it a bit firmer around herself. "Sorry to bail for such a lame reason, but... needs done." She shrugs with an apologetic smile.

Tim Drake has posed:
"The money is nice. It allows me to do what I do," Tim replies to Laura with a shrug. "And I do 'get rid' of a fair amount of it annually to various charities. It's the whole wasting my time with half the politics. I won't even say all of them are bad-- we've been able to do a lot of good and put a lot of things in place to help others. But..." he grumbles. "I'm the last of my family. If I die without kids, we're gone-- so there are people are are very interested in that not happening. Personally, I figured it wasn't gonna be an issue until I was like, 25 or so. I don't even have majority control of my trusts, shares, and properties until then, after all." He wrinkles his nose in distaste. "Carrie's got it easier because the sharks won't circle for her until they've managed to latch onto me and..." he considers, "a couple of my adopted brothers," he says more circumspectly, "first." He shrugs helplessly, then glances back out the door. "I... probably should go stop Rose from eviscerating her, even if she likely deserves it. I'd like to be able to bring Rose to the next ball, after all, without there being too much trouble." He looks to Carrie, and gives her a half grin. "All right. See you at 'Dad's' later? Don't forget to text Jay about his birthday."

Rose Wilson has posed:
Icy is perfectly fine. Rose isn't icy, though. Instead she invades the woman's polite space bubble, eye looking her over from head to toe before settling back on the woman's face. "Do you often try to pimp out your daughter?"

There is probably no reason for an answer, and Rose doesn't wait for one. "Since you're both blind, stupid, and have the worst taste in shoes, I'll spell it out. Tim's off the market, so you and your trashy daughter can bark up another tree."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura nods to M'gann, "I will let her decide. I will also try not to ruin the movie." Appparently, by her tone, this is something she may have done before - not by spoiling the plot, but rather commentary on how inaccurate the acting and staged fight-scenes or action scenes were.

Then the girl is turning her attention back to Tim. His words register, and make sense. She nods, once. "I see. I am afraid I cannot offer any further advice. I suspect your foster father may be able to provide you something more substantial."

She inhales sharply, looks to the others and remarks to Tim, out of the blue, "Thank you. For inviting me to be part of this team. I look forward to working with all of you more. It is helping."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Oh, sweet girl, you have no idea, do you?" Ms. Powers doesn't look threatened at all, more amused. "You're some nobody he's taking pity on, and when he's bored and starts focusing where his attention should be? You'll be //lucky// to be a sidepiece." To be fair, the society people in Gotham aren't exactly aware of who Rose is, and if they really did know, there would be a mixture of respect for her father and snide comments for her mother. But that's not for now. "So enjoy it while you can. If it's not my daughter, I know of at least three other families who would be pleased to merge the Drake name with theirs." About then is when the SUV pulls up, and the back door pops open. "But I don't expect gutter trash to understand how the real world works. Don't worry, I'll see you at the fall gala, I'm sure. If he hasn't moved on by then." She steps in, pulling the door behind her.

Tim waves off Laura's comments. "It's fine, Laura. I'm glad you're with us. I think you're a great asset," he gives a nod. Laura strikes him as someone who would prefer that sort of compliment, anyway. He pushes back from the table as the waitress grabs their menus. "Let me go defuse... whatever is going on," he says with a sigh, heading towards the door. "Be right back, with Rose."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    Watching Tim run off isn't much of a surprise for Megan. It isn't like she needed to hear his thoughts to know what he intended to do. She shoos him off with a hand. "Go on. You're going to need to get out there. I feel disgust coming from there and I am not sure who is worse, right now."

    There is a worrisome expression on Megan's face. She...doesn't like to feel negative emotions. And there is a lot of negativity out in that street. She turns partly in her chair, casting her eyes downward as Megan tries really really hard to block it out.

    With limited success.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Oh, Ms. Powers. She's made herself an enemy today. There are many things that Rose just brushes, but sometimes things just stick and burrow in. This time, this has found fertile ground to grow the plant of...Something. Whatever, metaphors.

As the SUV pulls away, Rose pulls out her phone, taking a quick picture of the plates.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim arrives outside about the time Powers' SUV is pulling away, and he moves to slide his arms around Rose's waist as she is snapping a picture of the plates. "Hey, she's not worth it," he says, not having overheard the exchange-- which is probably lucky for the older woman. "Come back in, let's eat and forget about her bullshit." He sighs a little, knowing Rose. "Or, if you really want to piss her off, we'll book a room in the old Powers Hotel for a night and make sure to order room service and... whatever else." He muses. "And I can probably think of another few incredibly petty things to do that might add more salt if you give me a few hours."

Conner Kent has posed:
Indeed Conner never investigated Tim's real identity. For someone with his abilities, it would have been easy. But his friend's secrets are his secrets. He knows exactly what Tim has told him. And now he just revealed quite a bit more.

Like the famous Bruce Wayne being Tim's adopted father. And Conner is not stupid.

True, he usually lets Tim do the thinking because Tim is clearly far smarter than him (he demonstrated that abundantly in the weeks after they met. So. Many. Times). Hell, he is quite sure Bart is also smarter than him. But Conner can add 1 + 1. And there are secrets he didn't need to know. So, he sighs, looking at his friend going after his girlfriend.

Then Laura says something that makes him arch an eyebrow. "Hey. We are lucky to have you with us. This is going to be the best super-hero team of America, you'll see. You have a sister? Man, I wonder if I have clone brothers too. It might be cool."

It will absolutely NOT be cool.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Tim's assessment of what Laura would appreciate hearing is on the money and she gives a sharp nod to him. She doesn't feel she's contributed much, but she's certainly focused on changing that.

As the rest of them wait for Tim and Rose to return, and their food is set in front of them Laura replies back to Conner, "I believe you will like her. A lot of people do. She is very - friendly." As in, the opposite (in a way) of Laura.

The girl tilts her head to look out towards where the other two members have gone; the city too noisy, and they slightly too far away for her hearing to pick anything up. Still, she can't help but wonder if she ought to go out and assist. For now, though, she'll remain.

Still watching the door, she tells M'gann, "Tim told Rose not to kill her. She will not." She shrugs. "What else is there to be concerned about?"

Rose Wilson has posed:
Powers Hotel? There's a glance cast down at her phone, then Rose tucks it back into her pocket before she starts to head back towards the door. One arm curls around Tim, making sure that he's being drug with her, "Sure. I've some spare time."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim and Rose come back inside and take their seats right as the drinks and milkshakes are being brought out... burgers and sides will be another few minutes. Gentlemanly, Tim does pull Rose's chair out for her and takes his own after they've been reseated. "So, movie night, right? You guys do realize I have like, a literal theater? I did keep one of the theaters intact... updated the screen and had the whole room redone with better chairs and... yeah ripped out that dirty carpet and put in clean stuff, but I'm happy to host it."

Conner Kent has posed:
"And here they are, just in time!" Well, at least for the drinks. Looks like they still need to wait a few minutes for the food. "Is something bothering you, Rosie? I mean, besides old hags digging for Tim's family money."

To Tim he smirks. "I did notice the old theater is renovated and working. Why did you go all the way to do something like that? I mean, how large is this team going to get? Those are a lot of seats."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
    "Oh, a movie night in a private theater?! That would be something special!" So Megan had a sheltered upbringing...so what? Still, with both Tim and Rose back, the happy-go-lucky nature of Megan is curbed slightly. As if Megan is choosing her words before saying them. Or...it could be that she is processing the additional emotions in play and working to not let them affect her. Which means, they are affecting her.

    "Oh, but only if it is okay with everyone else. I mean, really, it isn't like we have to do that. I should probably study or something. Wouldn't want to interrupt miniature painting time or anything like that." Now...that was a direct shot towards the gaming nerd at the table, with the small grin of Megan's shifting into a decided smirk.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I will get with Gabby, so she can join us," agrees Laura, then looks to Tim and Rose, curiously, but does not inquire further to what if any other exchanges contained. She seems to think it's already been decided since M'gann wanted to do it, and Tim had offered the theatre to do so.

"In the meantime, you know how to contact me if you need me until then."

Tim Drake has posed:
"I'll get everything straightened up, then," Tim seems in a far better mood now. "And the theater wasn't just for the team... I mean, how cool is it to have your own theater?" All things considered, though, with the new chairs and layout with the little tables and everything? What once had seating for about 100 now was more like... 35 seats... but still. More than the team had in it, that's for sure. "But we'll get something set up." And the food arrives... and the group continues enjoying good food and good conversation, and making plans.