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Marshal Law: The Tower
Date of Scene: 12 September 2020
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Federal Marshals come to the Tower looking for Nadia, but they are ultimately forced to leave empty handed.
Cast of Characters: Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Heather Danielson, America Chavez, Siobhan Smythe, Cassie Sandsmark, Mori Merritt, Gwen Stacy, Kate Bishop

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
It's a normal day around the Tower. Well as normal as any day has been lately with four members still missing and the fallout from that. The Titans are going about their daily routines, such as they have evolved currently. For example, Nadia is the the T-Jet hangar putting the finishing touches on the installation of the new experimental space propulsion systems.

That is of course when the perimeter alarms start going off indicating a large number of vehicles is approaching the tower. It doesn't seem to be an attack or anything, just an early warning system tripped. As the cars get closer the markings of the United States Marshals Service can be made out on them.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    This time, Heather was in the workout room lifting weights. She has gotten herself up to twenty one thousand, three hundred and eight pounds on her squats. Sure, it hurts as muscles tear. But they heal fast for her. She grunts in exertion as she gets her latest lift all the way up. Then the alarms go off, and she jerks out of surprise, twisting a bit and suddenly one of her muscles tears but -good-.
    Cut to a few moments later as she comes jogging out of the gym, rolling her neck and stretching her back where that torn muscle has just finished healing. She reaches the hallway and activates her comm, "Knockout. Gym level. Sitrep?" she asks.

America Chavez has posed:
America, this time, had not brought Nadia food. What she had brought, though, was herself. While she wasn't any good with outfitting, or repairs, she could lift very heavy things, and hold things in place for Nadia while she worked, and she's just as eager to help get the T-Jet off and running as anyone else.

As she takes a drink of water, she looks over at the warnings, frowning. "What's the police doing here?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
The alarms startle Siobhan out of a reverie. Her fingers were quietly moving over her guitar and flicking the various strings when she hears it. It takes a moment for her to shift her favored instrument up to its case and carefully put it away even as she walks over to a monitor in confusion.

"What the...?" Her only real response to what she sees and then she considers herself in the reflection of a nearby surface. She bites lightly on her lip before she, for now, moves quietly toward the entrance. Avoiding being seen for the moment.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
It's a little bit BETTER than a normal day recently (which is still probably a lot worse than a normal-normal day), because the team has just gotten some good news: the missing Titans are alive! It's not just a matter of hope any more, but a matter of... well, OK maybe it's still a matter of hope, depending on whether you trust Amazon oracles or the logic of Alice in Wonderland as authoritative sources!

Cassie's only just gotten back, and is still coming down a bit from the emotional high of telling everyone. She does that, naturally enough, by lounging around on the main floor, grabbing some snacks, flipping through the TV stations. After a bit, she finds that normalacy is still a bit out of grasp, and ends up with an info pad in her hand, reading through Kate's transcription. She's gonna be spending a lot of time pondering it.

But then, so very not-long after her own security-defying arrival, the alarms go off again. "Oh for the love of... what is it this time?" Never mind that her arrival brought good news. She tosses the pad on an end table and goes over to the nearest monitor. "What the..." Pressing a button, she gets on the communications with anyone else who might be near them. "Uh, anyone reading this? Who called the police?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
Being in the Tower was cool and being around someone who might be able to run more tests if something came up was better, so Mori was happy to fill in being Nadia's assistant. Currently, she's seated nearby in the hangar, floating tools around to her as needed and sketching what looks vaguely like something out of Star Wars. While Nadia might not be reacting to the alarm, it's certainly something that has her attention. The tools drop and she's got her hands over her ears. "OW. Is that /supposed/ to be doing that? Does this always do this?"

At least she hasn't set anything on fire this time.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Heather's choice of weight and buildup had been impressive, and it was indeed about the upper limit of what Gwen had ever tried to lift herself without injury. That made her an ideal enough spotter (if one didn't count) the obvious height difference between the pair. Dressed in her costume and with her mask and hood both removed for the time being, the blonde was standing nearby.

"Just take it nice and smooth-" alarms go off, the weight drops and a whince follows. "Yeah...the opposite of that. Jeez! Are you alright?" Healing or not, that was going to hurt.

Sure enough, the Spider was behing Knockout as the pair move, slowed only for the hasty pulling of her mask into place. Visitors, better be dressed properly!

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
The US Marshal's service vehicles pull up outside the tower entrance. There's about six of them and two SWAT Vans bringing up the rear. The men and women getting out of the cars look a little bit nervous, but that's really to be expected when you're bringing super powered individuals news and government edicts they are probably going to disagree with. Their numbers seem to be more about their own limited safety than an actual show of force. The intercom linked to the front door buzzes and the Tower AI helpfully informs everyone, "A Special Agent Peters of the US Marshals Service would like to speak with whomever is currently in charge."

Nadia is working away, at this point it is fine detail work, checking the wiring, making sure bolts are tightened down, re-checking the welds to make sure the whole thing won't fall apart the minute it launches into escape velocity.

"Someone probably just made a large pizza order." She says in response to Mori's question about the perimeter alert as she keeps working, seemingly used to it. But then America mentions the police and she definitely perks up, "Wait what?" When the tower AI informs them of further details, she drops her wrench and it clatters on the floor. "Oh no..."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "We'll get the door." offers Heather into her comm. She smiles to Gwen and shrugs, "I'm fine now. Shall we?" she asks as she steps into the elevator and holds it for Gwen before pressing the button for the ground floor.
    And once the door lets them out, she heads over to the front door... reaching to open it in tennis shoes, sports bra, and workout spandex shorts with a bottle of water she scooped up on her way over to the door.
    "Oh, officers. Hello. How can I help you?" She asks. Of course, the simple fact is, she is a new-ish member of the Titans, but she is a known member as well as her minor celebrity status in her own right.
    "Do we have a prisoner we are transferring to you?" she asks, confused, but polite.

America Chavez has posed:
"What's wrong?" America asks Nadia, immediately recognizing Nadia's trepidation and worry. It causes America's mood to shift from causal to both concerned for her friend and teammate, and protective; unconsciously she steps closer to Nadia. "You know why they're here?"

It's clear America doesn't. The US Marshall's office, nor the police, have visited the Tower since she's been a prospect to officially join the Team, which is why she's a bit taken aback by the visit now.

She watches the screen as Knockout and the others deal with the Marshalls, seeing exactly what they want, a frown etched on her features.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
For the moment, Siobhan doesn't go to the door. She instead just watches from a monitor. She is listening for now as she hardly wants to take her real face down there but is worried her other real face might send the wrong message.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie stares at the screen for a second. "I don't like the look of this," she says into the panel. And when the AI pipes up, she adds. "Tell them to hold their butts." If it relays that verbatim, amusement may be had. "KO, I'm coming down." Beat. "Literally. Tell them to stand back from the door." All of this is explained by her skipping the elevator and just going to the nearest window, opening it, and hopping out.

Cassie drops like a rock, and then slows, just enough that she's not crash-landing on or in front of them, but making it a little dramatic as she arrests her fall at the last moments, hovers, and then gently drifts to the ground. The drama's not accidental. As much as Cassie's appearance screams 'generic middle class white teenager,' her Amazon training has ingrained a warrior ethic in her, and a mindset where everything, even hopefully diplomatic encounters, must be approached tactically. In this case, it's psychological warfare, reminding them what they're up against.

... at the same time, Cassie meets them with a big smile. "Hi. The senior members are all unavailable, I'm afraid. But I'm happy to speak to you on behalf of the team." She just made full member and is a little proud of it! "I'm Wonder Girl." A little bit of a 'you may have heard of me or at least my big sister' kind of look. "This is Knockout. And... yeah, what she said. We didn't get any word you were coming."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen's expression of concern was lost under her mask, only a furrow of her brow managing to translate through the white fabric while she lifts her hood into place. Ghost Spider was a relatively new recruit too after all, but she folded her arms as Heather answered the door, tilting her head. This was new, but...

"Do you guys just normally show up here like this or?" she trails off, glancing sidelong to Heather. "The Tower has a phone after all. Or email...or whatever..."

Gwen might work with cops now and then, but lending a hand and handing over criminals were far more comfortable than having them turn up at her front door.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori rubs her ears, as if somehow that would soothe them. "Pizza needs to not be so loud, I think." She does, however, get to her feet, setting her sketchpad down by her bag. The suggestion of police has her uneasy, especially not knowing exactly what they want. It's Nadia's reaction that has her worried, though.

She turns to face her more seriously, her face concerned. "... are you okay? Did something happen? Do you need to sneak out the back?" The last bit is said a little lower in tone.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Special Agent Peters," The tall dark suited Federal Agent greets Heather and Gwen. "We are looking for Nadia Trovaya, is she present?" He informs them as the other agents take up positions behind him. "There are some issues concerning her legal status in this country that need to be sorted out. Her mother greatly wishes for her safe return home." There's a lot of them for a simple door call.

The AI then chimes in "Wonder Girl would like to request that you 'hold your butts' and please step back from the door. Agent Peters is a bit surprised but does so just in time to not be clobbered by Cassie's dramatic entrance before him.

In the hangar Nadia looks between America and Mori, "Um, well, uh, I wanted to tell you guys but there was never a good time with everything going on... you see, remember when I said I was raised in Soviet Assassin Gulag School and that I escaped? Well, they've kind of been making moves to try and get me back." She sighs, "And they've co-opted the US Government into helping them using international treaties normally meant for the protection of children." She looks back at the T-Jet and then back at America and Mori, "I guess I'm out of time."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Comm-earbud relaying that to Heather, she just shrugs her shoulders, "Dude. She -was- here earlier. But you're a bit late. I think she went out for some Schwarma about a half hour ago. If you want to leave your card, I'll ask her to give you a call when she gets back." she offers. Now it should be mentioned that Heather is a halfway decent actress. She offers a strained smile to the officer. "But.. I'm just a junior team member. Can I get you all some water? coffee? Maybe ginger ale?" She asks, going into the friendly hostess moment and gesturing to Wonder Girl. "Anything you need Cass? Can you wanna open out here maybe?"

America Chavez has posed:
America looks at Nadia increduously. "Out of time? No. Only thing you're out of time on is sleep. You should get some." The look America gives Nadia is the same look that a friend might give another when that friend is, no matter what, going to force the other to do what's best for themselves whether they like it or not.

"You get to go where you want to. And, I already know you want to find our friends. So, you're staying here." She points at the screen, "They aren't taking you anywhere. And you aren't going anywhere, but up there," and America points to the atmosphered, "When the T-Jet is ready, and we're all set to fly."

She just -looks- at Nadia, daring the girl to tell her she's wrong.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Looking at the monitors, Siobhan twitches a little. She knows something about being in a land that isn't your own. She listens to the words and then she idly turns away and looks up before looking down. She's a little annoyed by this whole thing as someone has come here looking for trouble. Law or no law, she's not a fan of what is happening here. So, for now, she starts heading for the hangar. Her right hand clenching and unclenching as she walks to try to keep calm.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Unaware of confessions or otherwise being offered by Nadia, Gwen was more concerned about moving out of the way of the arriving Cassie. There might even have been a twinge of her Spider sense that had spurred the backstep. Heather's quick-thinging denial? Gwen barely manages to avoid a snerk before shrugging her shoulders, arms dropping from their crossing before she tilts her head to the side.

"Obviously, we can't exactly go handing out contact information or anything of the sort to protect indentities of those who lend us their assistance. And since we've recieved no notification of a warrant and the fact that you're talking to us rather than executing a 'no knock'...we can't really help you here."

The perks of having a 'Cop Dad', Gwen could at least sound like she knew what she was talking about.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie just gives a bit of a shrug to follow-up with Heather's excuse. "Yeah. Like I said, some of the members are out, on various missions you know, saving the day and all that." She's not really the legalese talker, so when Gwen takes it up, she hops on board eagerly. "Yeah, you have to understand that we're pretty strict about codenames here, officer. Keep the personal lives separate, just more secure that way, you understand I'm sure?"

There is some DEEP irony here, sadly lost on the officers. And no Kate to inwardly scream.

"If it's a legal matter... we do have a contact for that," or she assumes they must! Bat lawyers or something! "Maybe you can get in touch with them?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori goes a bit wide-eyed at the mention of people trying to get her back. "That's... not the kind of thing you should keep to yourself, Nadia. But they've got the police to help? That's... also really bad." She rubs the graphite smudges from the side of her hand, frowning. She looks over to America, however, and the frown lessens a bit before she nods at Nadia.

"Can't you just hide somewhere and then come back after they're gone?" She looks a little antsy. "... how can I help? I want to help."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"I see." Agent Peters is not amused, do Federal agents ever get amused? They all seem to have standard issue dour expressions. He glances to another agent who trots over and hefts a briefcase up opening and holding it some Agent Peters can go through the contents. Some very official looking documentation is withdrawn from the briefcase, "This is a Hague Convention warrant issued by an international tribunal setup by the treaty to ajudicate such matters. A treaty our great nation is party to, you will find the signature of the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs on it. Are you willing to make sworn affidavit statements to the effect of what you have just told me?"

Nadia should perhaps not be surprised by America's reaction, but on some level she's still not quite used to having friends who would have her back to this degree, "You're right, I should disappear, at least until we find out more."

She looks over at Mori and thinks for a moment nodding, "Yeah, hiding is something I'm actually pretty good at. Though if I wind up a fugitive... we're going to need to sort out this whole government thing one way or another."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Is that a no to a Ginger Ale?" asks Heather, nonplussed. "Well, that's fine with me. More for me then." She adds with a shrug as she turns her back to the agents, making a show of searching the fridge while bent over and giving them a view of what most young men dream of.
    She mutters softly, "Safe to let them search for you? Can you get hidden?" she asks in a subvocalized comm voice.
    But Gwen's legalese makes her stand back up and say, "I have an Orange Juice!" as she holds one out and gives Gwen a thankful grin before turning to approach the door once more, "Juice?" She asks as she holds it out, stalling for now.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Great. Official signitures and fancy paperwork. Gwen was a college student and heroine, not a lawyer! Time to stall, time to bluff. Nadia was a smart sort and she had to guess the rest of the tower were watching. Hopefully they can work something out.

"I can't be making any sworn affidavits or statements without compromising my identity or the identity of others so..." a shake of Gwen's head, she glances up towards Knockout...then it's Cassie to the rescue. The Titans have Lawyers? Either that or they'd need to jump on google quick! "Of course, if you'll wait here till we can get an attourney to look this over, we'd be happy to cooperate as much as we can safely do so..."

America Chavez has posed:
"You're not disappearing. The hell kind of reaction is that?" America asks, almost even more inscensed than she was previously. "We are going to fight this. Hiding doesn't solve anything. You want to protect something in this world," she says to both the other girls with her, "You fight for it."

America points at the T-Jet, "You're fighting, right now, to bring Donna, Caitlin, Vorpal, and Cyborg back. Yeah? Why the -hell- wouldn't you fight to keep yourself here." She glares at Nadia, challengingly, then after a long exhale, replies, more in check with herself, "We're your friends, Nadia."

She taps into the comms, then. << Wonder Girl, everyone else, they're apparently here to take Nadia to Russia. Something about diplomatic bullshit, and treaties and children. >>

She looks back to Nadia, "So, let me get this right. They get proof you're back in Russia, this all goes away, right?"

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Stepping out into the hangar, Siobhan starts over toward America, Nadia, and Mori. She blinks for a moment at seeing Mori before offering a hand wave, "Well, now dis is a surprise." She then looks briefly to America, catching the tail end of what she says before looking over at Nadia, "Right now, I am a heir's breadth away from scaring a lot of official lookin' and soundin' people. Tell me why I shouldn't?" She asks and looks then to America briefly and then back the way she came.

"If I go down dere, it's not gonna be pretty even if I'm on me best behavior as I'm not goin' down without goin' full Banshee first."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I'm not really qualified to comment on international treaties or anything," Cassie admits, with a bit of a shrug of her shoulders. "Wonder Woman's the foreign ambassador and daughter of a sovereign head of state. I'm just her sidekick!" There is a bit of playing dumb here, although admittedly, not THAT much when it comes to international law. She has no idea if they've actually got some legal authority to budge into the place.

"But I agree with Ghost Spider. There are some big problems. Of course, we're happy to comply, but we'll want to do it with legal guidance and guarantees of our own personal secrecy. So none of us can directly give statements at this time. Naturally, we're willing to make them, but also under appropriate legal, uh, safeguards? Procedures?"

She looks at the others, shrugs helplessly, and looks back.

"Also I'm pretty sure foreign treaties don't supercede the Constitution when it comes to searches of private property soooooooo-" OK maybe she knows a LITTLE. "You guys can wait out here as long as you like, I guess! Knockout's happy to bring you refreshments, like she said."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I don't know, I'm not really a superhero, I just kind of figure if someone's after you and they're not great that you should hide until you know how to deal with it?" Mori frowns, glancing between Nadia and America for a moment, though she nods. "I'm not sure what to do, but I'll help with whatever is best in this case, as much as I can."

She glances over as someone else heads into the hanger, though she offers a small wiggle of fingers in Siobhan's direction at the familiar face. Doesn't hide the fact that she looks extremely worried about the whole thing.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"You can make an affidavit under your identities registered with the DEO, they remain legally binding. I am also obligated to inform you lying to Federal agents in the execution of their duties is a Federal offense for which you can be held accountable." Agent Peters informs them without any cheer whatsoever. "Now if she is not here as you say, would you object terribly to us performing a quick search of the premises to confirm things?"

Upstairs, this is a lot for Nadia, not only her situation but the reactions of her friends as well, "Woah woah," she says holding her hands up when Siobhan arrives talking about going full Banshee on Federal Agents. "Don't do that, you don't need to become fugitives, too!"

She blinkslinks a bit taken aback by America, "But Mori and Heather on the T-Coms said... I get what you're saying but I don't think we can punch our way out of this right now. Siobhan, America, it will be fine! I'll just hide for a short time! What else are we going to do, you can't just go down there and punch a bunch of Federal agents and make an enemy of the entire US Government! I'll be back after they leave!"

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Hey, we never said you couldn't come in or even search the place. I believe what my esteemed teammates said was.. would you like to wait here while we have our legal team review your paperwork and advise us on the proper way to show you where you can stick them?" Heather asks super sweetly. "After all, I'm just a kid, and don't know my rights very well at all, you understand, correct?" she asks as she holds the juice out, "Seriously, we buy this juice locally. It is fresh!" she offers.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A shift on the spot, Gwen nods back to Heather, a glance to Cassie and then finally back to the agent. "As soon as we've had the warrant looked over by a suitable attorney so we can know exactly what it covers. There are some proprietory technologies, personal records, private belongings...we'd hate for you to violate your warrant and tank your whole case, end up on news networks and such for conducting an unlawful search on...well, heroes."

A shrug of her white-clad shoulders, the Spider frowns. "That'd be bad, right?"

America Chavez has posed:
"Not going to punch a federal agent. Hell no. We're the Titans." America looks at Nadia again, then she shrugs, "Punching is -always- on the table, though. Never discount punching. Let the others handle this for now," she states, simply. "But I'll be damned if you hide. No, we're fighting this. And we can start by mentioning how you're integral to the rescue of four Titans, one of whom is an Amazon of Themiscrya," America points out, firmly.

"And if we have to, if it comes down to it, I can star-portal us to Russia and take a few pictures of you to buy us some time. But, I think the way to fight this is to fight the arm, or the pen, behind the request. They back down, the police will back down because they won't have a reason to bug us."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
This is where Wonder Girl gets, well- you know. Stubbornly loyal when it comes to her friends and all that. She crosses her arms, meaningfully. Bracers visible. "OK, then under my current identity my affidavit is that I am not aware of her location at this precise moment and don't care to speculate," Cassie declares, which is one of those... true in a very technical sense if pretty misleading sorts of statements, "And, respectfully KO, no, -I- am saying they can't come in at this moment."

She thinks a moment, and ammends:

"Well, they can come in the lobby and sit down and wait -there-, if they prefer not waiting on the front lawn," she offers in a very friendly way. "We're not uncivilized. But a search is a no-go. Not until someone," and she nods at Gwen, "someone who can verify what they're saying can uh, come and verify it, and we can get someone from the appropriate agency to come and handle things. Because there's plenty secret stuff in the tower above agent whoever's pay-grade. No offense, agent."

Then she turns away and takes a few steps off. "I'm gonna see if I can raise Nightwing on the comm." When all else fails, trust the Batlings to know how to work the system. "And after that, call Diana." No secret name needed /there/. "Also, I'm like 90% sure Themyscira isn't a signatory to the convention and I have dual citizenship." Which of course also comes through the comms in case Nadia might be looking for some non-space escape options.

Mori Merritt has posed:
None of this is really helping Mori calm down. She shifts her weight from foot to foot. "I don't know if this is a situation you could talk your way out of or if this is a hide-and-wait thing, because honestly I don't really see the talking thing going so well if they can get the law on their side. That could get really sticky really fast..."

She looks around. "I really think you should just hide, Nadia. Go and come back when someone gives you the coast is clear. In my humble and very worried opinion."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A frown and Siobhan looks over at America before pointing at her while looking at Nadia, "I like her idea of showin' ya ain't here and movin' on." She shrugs and then looks back the way she came before sighing, "I'm not into da idea of fightin' the government but at da same time, I'm not into dem just runnin' all over. Seems ta me dat dere is more here dan one girl from Russia to worry about." She then sighs and shakes her head as she looks down, "I'll stay out of it for now, dough."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Agent Peters glances at Heather and Gwen and looks Cassie up and down, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is you let us confirm your story that she is currently not here." He listens to something from an earpiece, "...and is also apparently not currently at any Shwarma restaurant in a 20 mile radius." He looks back at Cassie, "The hard way is we leave, come back with the Undersecretary of State in person as well as the DEO and arrest you all for obstruction. Your choice, make it quick." His patience seems to be wearing thin.

Meanwhile upstairs Nadia is looking between Siobahn, America, and Mori, "Yeah if I just hide they don't find me, it'll buy at least some time." She takes off a necklace with a pink crystal and hands it to America, "Whatever you do, keep this safe until I get back." and moments later she seems to just vanish, though she's moving in the direction of the necklace when she does.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Seriously? I didn't say she -was- at a Schwarma place. I said I thought she said something about going to get Schwarma." offers Heather with a roll of her baby blues. "But we invited you in and told you that we'd be happy to comply, once we had our legal team review the documentation and assure us that it was legal for us to do so. Is there some reason you are trying to push us to -not- exercise our rights in having your documents examined?" asks Heather as she folds her arms under her bustline, narrowing her eyes. "Now, do you want to accept our gracious invitation to come inside and sit down and await our legal team? Or do -you- want to admit you are trying to bully a bunch of young people into giving up their rights?"

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate has been watching from the Main Room on the monitors, mostly because she didn't really want to deal with US Marshals and there were already so many Titans dealing with them that therei s bound to be confusion.

Inviting them inside to search though is not really accetable in her view though and an intercom is flicked on and Hawkeye's voice comes over it. "Knockout, we won't be inviting them into the lobby." pause " Hello Agent Peters and associated agents. You don't have jurisdiction here. We are under the DEO as things you could find in here could compromise our secret identities and put our lives at risk."

There is a brief pause "Lives that were just risked saving the entire planet from the War World Invasion. You do not want to deal with this no matter who you are or what authrotiy you think you have. I also doubt the DEO wants to try to arrest any of the Titans for obstruction of a US Marshal Warrant when we are simply telling you that we will neither allow you into Titan's Tower and we will be expecting your Agency to work with our legal counsel and perhaps jointly with the DEO to sort out this unfortunate situation."

"I am very sorry though that you wasted your time today with your show of force and dubious legal standing. You should review the statutes that are in place to protect Super Hero Identities and also have come with a laison from the DEO. I assume you didn't because they would have told you that this is stupid and not authorized."

America Chavez has posed:
America takes the necklace as it's handed to her, then her jaw sets and she does -not- look happy with Nadia's decision. The necklace is put around her own neck - afterall, nobody is going to be taking it from her unless they take her down and that's unlikely to happen anytime soon in her mind.

"I'd go down there, now," she tells Siobhan and Mori, "But if I did, I'd really be punching those agents, and sending them somewhere they don't want to be."

Into the comms, << Nadia's gone. Or, well, mostly gone. She shrank. And, I think I'm holding onto her. WOnder Girl - how upset would Diana be to learn that these federal agents are interrupting our ability to go rescue Donna? I hate to add something else to Diana's plate, but ... >> America sounds frustrated.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Small addition over the intercomm. "Also there are magical wards and other defenses here that no one currently in the building can disarm, so this is not just for our safety and wellbeing but also for you and your Agents wellbeing sir. So please. Proper channels and through our lawyer and DEO handler so this can be done safely and correctly."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Siobhan blinks at Nadia's little trick. She looks to the necklace that America has before she shakes her head and sighs, "If I go down dere, it isn't as Siobhan." She states simply enough, "Dey needn't know my identity." She then shrugs and turns to walk away, "If dis turns sour, I'm comin' out and no one will like it." She shrugs and throws her hands up, "I'm not of any use here right now so I'll just be watchin'." And she's heading for the elevator and back to the place she came.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
New voices, Kate was cutting in and Nadia was apparently clear. Gwen could breathe a little sigh of relief. There was only so long the blonde could bluff. Stepping back, the woman shifts, glancing between the others before she makes to retreat further into the tower. If there was any chance they'd even attempt to look in on the place? She was going to tripple-check her quarters for anything that would ID her.

This one, she was happy to leave to the professionals.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Is it bad that Cassie looks briefly eager to hear about this 'hard way,' starting to smirk a bit... and then subsequently very disappointed when it turns out to be more legal mumbo jumbo and not some kind of epic battle on the front lawn?

"Look, right- how many times do we have to say it? We're willing to comply, but as we've told you, multiple times: our team leaders aren't here. I'd also like our legal representation to verify these documents, because frankly I've never heard of whatever mumbo jumbo you're claiming. Personally-" and here another voice comes in, Kate's. "-right, as far as I know, this stuff is always executed under the DEO. This is for our protection -and yours-," she adds, leaning meaningfully on the last few words."

"The tower has defenses for all kinds of threats, from alien invaders to rampaging robots to interdimensional horrors, and I don't have the codes to de-activate all of them. Again, because I'm not in charge. We covered that, right?" She shakes her head. "I'm not sure there even /are/ codes for Raven's wards. And you really don't want to trip those." She sighs, tone getting very weighed-upon, like she's having to explain something obvious.

"So you're welcome to come in and wait. Hawkeye," she speaks back into the comm by the door, "The lobby's public, it's fine. The elevator has access codes and the shafts have laser grids." She's not actually sure they have laser grids, but it sounds like a thing a Robin would come up with.

"If you'll excuse me, then." When America comes in on the comm, she steps away so it's not easy to be overheard. "I'm sure no one is going to be happy about any of this. I think we have to play along, but I'm pretty sure my stalling is like... at least 80-percent legit. They might come back with even angrier people with suits, but we should have the lawyers on hand by then."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori watches the disappearing Nadia with a small frown. Not displeasure, just worry. She glances between America and Siobhan, shaking her head a little. "Punching anyone is gonna be bad. Nadia's safe and I'm sure everything else can sort itself out." She rubs the back of her neck, smudging graphite there. "This is really awkward timing, I'm the odd duck out here."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Agent Peters gives Kate an appraising look as if confirming some suspisions mentally, "We were hoping for more cooperationg. But if you want the DEO involved, that's fine. They are a branch of the US Government and will follow its laws accordingly, just as we do. There are important national security issues in play." He raises a hand in the air twirling a finger in the signal to turn around and pull back. "The law will be executed in due course." he turns to the other agents, "Alright people, let's go." And with that they get into their vehicles and depart.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    "Well, I guess I'll drink the juice." mutters Heather as she grins, twists the bottle open and gulps it down quickly. "After all, I do need to cool off after the workout."
    That said, she turns and heads for the elevator so she can go grab a shower, "I'm super sweaty too." she adds.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Once they are gone over the comms, "Lobby is probably safe yes Cass.. but you are right they would have been eaten alive if they tried to come up and search rooms. They really bungled the warrant and now we get to tell Nightwing to get the lawyers primed and ready for bullshit."

Deep sigh. "What a mess.... glad no one was hurt though."