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ZZGU: Suicide Squad Edition
Date of Scene: 13 October 2020
Location: Camp Angelis Mater, Oregon
Synopsis: The Suicide Squad is assembled once again! They go into a camp full of nazi-cultists, get slimed, pursued by tanks, shot with miniguns but miraculously come up on top and do the mission.

RIP Jawmaw and Mysterious Ninja.

Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Cole Cash, Wade Wilson, Spiral, Kara Danvers

Harley Quinn has posed:
The mission day has finally come! Who's excited to probably die in service of their country?! (Except those that can't actually die ... Pfffttt, no fun!)

The mission debrief from Waller had been clear, go to Camp Angelis Mater in Oregon, retrieve a missing agent and whatever he may be carrying with him and return to base.

Simple, right?! It was never that simple where it came to Task Force X missions... Waller had mentioned the Agent may have turned rogue. And him being in the middle of what could be a camp of neo-nazi support scum was a teltale that not everything about this story was right. Specially as the Agent wasn't exactly white.

But questions can be left for later, because Harley Quinn was all ready to roll! She is dressed in this tight-fitting suit with graffiti-painted diamonds all over, along with a large X in neon pink on the chest. It does sort of go against the supposedly stealth the mission imposes but then again, considering how she normally dresses this is an improvement.

"Ya have noooo idea what I had ta do ta get this out of Catwoman's wardrobe.." She is explaining, large two-handed hammer looped to her back.

A couple of other suicide squadders have joined in the mission for tonight, eager for the chance to get a reduced sentence. One of them is Jawmaw... A rather unfortunate name but he swears it's the best name ever. As for his power, well, a distortedly giant maw with increased biting power to boot. Vampires beware! As for the other, it's a quiet looking man dressed all in black. He hasn't spoken a word yet and even his eyes are covered, leaving none of his skin in sight. Talk about being mysterious!

But then the teleport from Spiral comes. They are right outside the camp, it being night but even so there does seem to be activity going on. There's a fence all around the place, high and with barbed wire atop. Some vigilance towers are set, men with lights making sure noone comes in uninvited.

The main gates have just opened to receive a couple of jeeps who are returning, men with machine guns riding atop it.

Yet there is one thing that is perceptible for most that have done these kind of missions, or assaulted places. There are no sounds out of the men, no talking or comraderie. They just go about their 'duties' in silence.

Cole Cash has posed:
Grifter was quite sure Waller insistence at him remaining in Belle Reve for a number of dumb reasons was a sign she wanted him at hand. For once, he was right and there was not a super-convoluted reason behind Waller's demands.

He is not that happy about the team, but he figures it is going to be normal. At least he knows Harley and Spiral a little.

The ladies had never seen him masked, though. His 'costume' is just a red cloth mask on his face. Although he wears tactical armor, but that is standard soldier gear. He carries several handguns, a modified assault rifle and a large knife. And the usual armoured trench coat which could be part of a costume except it is a vague green-grey thing that looks boring.

"Hmm, it seems too quiet," he comments, tapping the side of his mask and switching to nightvision. "No way those guys are so disciplined; something weird is going on. I don't like it, we need some recon."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool, is definitely dressed for stealth with his extremely bright red full body suit that is noticable from a mile away.

He's got all the equipment he needs for this neo-nazi infested camp.

1. Adamantium katanas.

2. Explosives

3. GUN

4. Spy Gear

5. The Heart of the Cards

Wade pulls out some night vision telescopic binoculars and starts looking "So Harley, I've been practicing poetry. I wrote this one for you. Oh, my heart, it aches! By yonder, window breaks! iCarly, hardly dates! But Harley, always stakes! Get it? It's a poem about you killing vampires."

Then, looking over at Grifter, he asks, "So what do they call you? Blondepool? Billy the Deadpool? Hardpool? Maybe Deadcore, that's a cool one. Are you a big fan? I'm flattered by the mask, really!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral is crouched behind a convenient rock, and promptly holds up one hand, looking at her nails critically. "Well, it's been a pleasure being your personal government black helicopter." she says softly. "So, best of luck! I'll wait here so I'm ready to teleport you all out when you fight through a horde of nazis and bring Agent Traitor back out.". She has the usual blue spandex like a real supervillain, two swords, a baseball bat over her back, her funky samurai helmet, and Magnificent Fur Boots.

She does peek over the rock with her glowing eyes at the target, though - but promptly gets distracted by Deadpool. "Blondepool." she repeats, and chokes back laughter. Star power. Next time Mojo summons her she knows who her next recommendation will be.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Poetry?" Harley's eyebrows go up, curious. She listens to it and chortles. "Coulda been betta if ya actually brought a stake foh us ta go about killin' people! I wondah if these guys awhe open season on stabbity-stab considerin' they filthy nazis." But she already knows the answer to that. When in doubt the answer is yes! So a wicked little grin comes to her expression and she unhooks the hammer from it's position on her back.

With nightvision both 'Pools' are able to note that there is indeed something off about the guards. It has rained recently, mud everywhere and some of the guards aren't even wearing boots. As if they had forgotten such normal things. They move around almost mechanically, guns at the ready. Beyond there is a number of barns, along with a few other houses. As to where the Agent could be at? For now it's still a mystery. At least from out here.

At the mention from Cole that recon is needed the dark clad 'ninja' steps forward, silent, deadly. Ready to go. He wants to impress. A sharp nod is given and he starts running without making a sound towards the fence, poetry in motion! Dashing and awesome in the way he jumps up to take hold of the fence to get to the other side.. Harley is in cheering mode, lifting her arms up but stopping herself short from whistling. At least until the man actually touches the fence.

Electricity runs through it, and through the mysterious dark-clad man, zapping him to an even darker color than he was before and he falls to the ground. Crispy and dead.

"Poouh mysterious ninja ..., we hardly knew ye.." Harley murmurs.

As for Spiral, there is just something off about those guards, and further beyond ..., as if extradimensional shenanigans were at work here. A very, very faint trace though.

Cole Cash has posed:
Grifter glances at Deadpool briefly and replies with a very short, "yep," without clarifying what question is he responding. "And you must be... Red McRedmask?" He adds, since it seems Waller didn't bother with introductions and he has never, ever heard about Deadpool despite being a mercenary for twenty years. Right.

He was going to add some more pointless banter when the ninja guy goes and gets killed. That is a good start. "Waller must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel for this one," he mutters. "I don't think they are vampires, Harley. But maybe zombies. Hey Spiral, do you feel anything magical here?"

He is aiming his BFG, but mostly to look through the scope. "Hmm, there are too many for just taking them out snipping. Okay, here is the plan," he points at Deadpool and Jawmaw, "you go there and kill everyone that doesn't look like a kidnapped DEO agent. Or try to. Spiral, if they are not killing everyone and are about to die, you teleport them out. Harley, you are with me, we are going to sneak in a little and look for the agent with... somewhat less murder."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade suddenly draws his katanas. "Sounds good to me! Since this is a stealth mission, I'll only do //cool// kills." He rushes the gate, and suddenly starts slashing it apart with his katanas while yelling in pain and being electrocuted.

Once he has a hole cut into the gate, his entire body is smoking, and he looks back. "I made a path!" he announces, smoke coming from the mouth portion of his mask, then he starts sneaking down. "I should have brought a stake, but it's fine, I'll show Harley a stunt she'll never forget..."

Spiral has posed:
"You always have to keep an eye on the quiet ones." Spiral observes. "I never realised it was because they'll get themselves killed if you take your eyes off them though.". She rolls her white eyes, and shakes her head. She likes the plan though, she gets to just watch over people fighting, pretty much her favourite pasttime. "Its so odd to get to watch people fighting and not be the one who is directing it." she admits. "But I suppose I /did/ teleport you here... so not too different.".

Sounds like Harley and Cole have the most dangerous job, Wade she's sure will be absolutely fine one or another, Jawmaw she has never met before but looks like an extra so he can just die... theres one person here she might actually worry about. "If you need me call out my name, Harley." she tells her. "And of course there's some magic, there's magic everywhere.". She points at herself, and smirks. "But there's some out there, too. Something pushing through dimensions, perhaps, who knows. Maybe we're in a horror movie.".

Kara Danvers has posed:
The reaction of a mysteriously black clad ninja hitting the electric fence from one of the guards is to raise his rifle, peer down sights at it, and then return back to his sentry post. Either he is a bit zoned out or their standard operating procedure is very weird.

The eerie quiet of the guards and of the operation is, as was put, very out of character for a neo-nazi survivalist cult. There are sounds of work going on in the compound: angle grinders, welding of some sort. There's no talking that's obvious. They were wearing cameo pants and jackets and caps dressing like soldiers.

Usually they wallow without purpose while a charismatic leader ensures them all that their day of reckoning will be upon them soon so they'd better train train train, but this group seems to have a purpose, to have a mission in mind.

The sentries are shivering, perhaps because of the recent rain that their clothing is damp, but it seems more like a series of unending twitches. A fly lands on the face of one and he doesn't react... zombies? nope, he swats it. He furrows his eyebrows after slapping his own face. He looks around at where he is and then his steely expression returns and he lifts up his rifle to scan the fence line down the scope. He stops shivering.

And then there is Deadpool. He puts a bullet between Wade Wilson's eyes for his heroic electrified slashing through the fence. That aim is certainly note worthy. Problem solved, he lowers his gun.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ya goin' full style points heah?! Oh shit I gotta compete and ..." Harley frowns a bit when she is put on STEALTH duty with Cole. Damn it! No cool kills for her! "So unfaeh..., but fine!" so no getting the hammer out yet.. Ah well! When Wade goes and starts hacking at the fence to make a direct path Harley just laughs out wildly. "Promises, promises! I also think ya attracted about half the camp too!" she points. And to prove it there's that bullet aimed at Deadpool.

Hers glance is given over her shoulder at Spiral and she offers a nod, "These awhe nazis, what's the woahse that could happen?" still blissfully unaware of anything being wrong here. And most wrongness she can usually solve with a hammer anyway.

But now she is running to the side, using the covers to keep mostly out of sight and also letting the others get the brunt of the attention, hopefully with Cole following along. They make way to a part of the fence close to a barn, and also offering cover from prying eyes. Just perfect for infiltrating in unseen.

"Let's go in heah.." she whispers and doesn't wait for confirmation, jumping up towards Cole to get a boost to the other side. She flies like an acrobat and lands on the other side of the fence, even doing a little poise. "Tada..." Beyond that large house there's a large grouping of guards, almost as if they were guarding something on that large barn. Harley asks Cole. "Want me ta create a distraction?"

Jawmaw, bring told that it's time to kill moves in. That the guy that shot Deadpool then just got to ignore him is a surprise. Weird guards, but he begins to go in, moving close to an house and to a couple of guards moving around as if nothing had happened. He reaches for one without hesitation, tearing through his neck with that giant maw of his. Ewww, gross.

Cole Cash has posed:
Grifter actually makes a decent attempt of being stealthy as they approach the fence. Completely unnecessary since Wade is making a spectacle out of his... whatever the hell he is doing. Getting shot? That works.

"Showoff," he grunts at Harley acrobatics. He is not that agile, particularly without someone to climb up first. So, he does the same cutting with a super-sharp blade. Only he has insulating gloves not to get electrocuted. "Sure, go ahead with the distraction. But don't get killed, okay?" Meanwhile he attaches a silencer to one of his guns and goes to investigate the house.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade is laying there dead for a while, until he suddenly sits up. "You'll never believe this, but I heard Frank Sinatra playing in Hell from a radio. I'm back now!"

He stands up straight and goes running for the man that killed him, and tosses one of his katanas straight at that man's head. "God I love nazis! Wait, waitwaitwait, out of context! I mean I love nazis because they're the only acceptable class of people that we can just kill and everyone is okay with it. Like a video game NPC!"

He starts looking around as he also continues to run to collect his sword. "Oh yeah, I get to punch one too!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral merely nods. Nazis do make good bad guys. "These ones have terrible uniforms though. So scruffy. Someone needs to get on to the costume department.". She's talking to herself though, quite far behind. Eventually she gets bored with how the movie is proceeding, peering over at Cole. If only the commando thing was quicker. "This bit will end up on the cutting room floor....".

She keeps most of her attention on Wade or Jawmaw though. Mostly Wade, as he's funnier, but he really doesn't look like he'll be needing rescue unless he ends up in a net or something, especially now he dropped his sword.

Kara Danvers has posed:
More than any other one thing, it's Deadpool rising from the ground that gets the attention of a small group of fascism enthusiasts. They're working on a fleet of vehicles, six in total. They're installing mini guns on to the tops of the vehicles on a swivel mount. One of them jumps up and aims the gun at the reanimated Deadpool and is about to shoot..

When Jawmaw comes out of no where and rips the throat out of one of the nazis. He swivels the gun around proving their craftsmanship is good and then the sound of a fast firing minigun rips through the quiet Oregon soundscape.

This raises the alarm. A horn blasting in to the air. One of guards unhooks a grenade and tosses it at Deadpool. Instead of exploding in to shrapnel though, it explodes an ooze of slime.

One of the barns opens its doors and a plethora of NPCs.. err.. nazis runs out with guns at the ready.

The house has an odd blue glow coming from the blinded windows. Exterior guards start moving toward Harley Quinn and begin to shoot, leaving a pathway open for Cole to enter. Inside, there's a guard at the far end who tilts his head at the man with the sword, then slowly draws his overly large bowie knife and gets in to the posture of someone who knows how to fight with a knife.

But that's not the most interesting feature inside the building. Rows of tables and on them, soil basins with UV lamps overhead creating that glow. Planted in the soil, hundreds of little finger sized wiggling tentacles. Each one is connected to a reverse-IV, sucking ooze out of it toward a collection point at the far end of the building in what looks like a large vat.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Die? Nah! I got Spiral watchin' my back and ... Oh shit maybe I shouldn't had said her name." Then Harley says in a higher pitched voice. "Sorry, Spiral, it wasn't foh just yet!" not that she has any idea on how it works or if at all.. No point in worrying! So she makes her way over to one side. "Hey, dipshits!" she calls the group that's gathered inside.. And she had an whole tirade of stuff to say to them.. Not that they wait, instead starting to shoot her way. She ducks and weaves away.

"Fuckin' unfaeh, I can't even say my lines heah!" Tough crowd for a clownette! Hmph! But she runs into a large barn nearby, being followed by a large group of bad guys. Soon enough the sound of shots along with maniacal laughs and the sound of a hammer hitting people is heard from inside .. She does sound busy..

Very very busy until the sound of an engine starting is heard inside that same barn. And the hammering mysteriously stops... "FUCKIN' UNFAEH!" and she shoots out running through the mud, pigtails on the loose and blood on her clothes and face (not hers of course). She is running to where Deadpool and Jawmaw are at the moment, "THEY GOT A FUCKIN' TANK! SPIIRRAAALLLL!" one of the nazis tries to stop her, being promptly tossed behind her and becoming roadkill to the vehicle trailing behind her.

She waves her arms at the group to call their attention, as if the tank rolling behind her wasn't enough to call attention.

As for Cole, things may be getting wild out there, but he has found a way in! Small blessings!

Cole Cash has posed:
Grifter just pulls out his silenced handgun and shoots the knife nazi in the head. Pft. Dead. Then glances at the tentacle plantation. "Right. I guess zombies would have been better."

But since he was already there, he pulls out an incendiary grenade and tosses it on the center table. Then gets out quickly! To see Harley chased by a tank. Mental note, next time give her a rocket launcher. If there is a next time.

He has to admit they are making a hell of distraction. Even the Jawmaw guy is doing great. Onwards for the next house! Also, the house behind him explodes in flames. As he walks away. It is all very cinamatic, in the 90s style.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"All this time... I was so miserable for no reason..." Wade is covered in goo as he pulls his katana from the dead man, then starts running for Jawmaw. "But I've seen it, I've seen the glorious colors! Colors you can't even imagine. I thought life was so complicated. That Harley Quinn was the most perfect being in existence. But no, now I understand..."

"The eye of the universe, with its million eyes, I finally understand true beauty! MILLIONS OF EYES!!! Like a thousand topless Harley Quinns wrapping around my mind!!! DIE HERETIC SCUM!!!" He suddenly starts rapidly swinging his katanas at Jamjaw. Slamjaw? One of those. "You don't understand the beauty of my true love, the beauty that penetrates my MIND!!! Penetration like you wouldn't believe. THE GLORIOUS COLOR OF MY PENETRATED SOUL!!!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral's Spiral-senses tingle, not once, not twice, but thrice. That must be pretty urgent. And then the tank hoves into view, and all becomes clear. That's not very far, fortunately, so she waves a hand, appearing right in front of the fleeing Harley - catching Harls with five out of six arms, while the final hand prepares a teleport to get out of here.

"I was wrong - not a horror movie... Impressive production values with that tank, too.". Then Wade starts raving about topless Harley, and suddenly she feels outrage - green eyed monster outrage. This ALWAYS happens. "HARLEY??? What about Dreamy Arms?". She scowls at Harley, like she's pondering 'improvements' with the more famous one, but then turns to Wade, who is presumably having fun with the hapless Jawmaw, and draws swords. "So all that talk and now the otherworldly mind slime has you it's back to conventional body shapes!".

Kara Danvers has posed:
Tank! the barn doors explode open as the tank fires. The tank rumbles out and its barrel tries to move to keep up with Harley. Standing on top of it is another neo-nazi with a grenade launcher. He takes aim and fires at Harley. He doesn't have a slow moving barrel like the tank does.

Which is when Spiral suddenly appears. The grenade doesn't reach its destination, it explodes mid-air like it's meant to, sending out a splattering of slime across both Harley and Spiral.

The incendiary grenade erupts across the finger sized tentacles. They start to shriek intensely in everybodies head, a psychic like attack.. which does nothing to the indoctrinated except sound like beautiful music. It's beautiful music to Wade's ears as he rants about the glory of eyes while penetrating Jawmaw with his sword.

It's a shame too. Jawmaw had just managed to do an amazingly cool dive roll away from the minigun only to be met by Deadpool and his sword. He looks in to those dark eyes of Deadpool with a 'But why?' expression on his goofy overbite jaw face, still dripping with blood.

And just as quickly as Deadpool had been introduced to the wonders of ZZGU, his regenerative abilities have phased the parasites out of his system and he's back to.. himself.

The best shot in the scene, Grifter walking away from an exploding burning building, is missed by Spiral. The next building is more fruitful. Sitting cross legged on a pile of pillows at the end of a hall-like building is Agent Ken Jet. He looks up and says, "Welcome. Welcome. Come join us in the glory of Zhed'Zhud'Ger'Uth brother. The world shall know of its wondrous hunger." There are six guards sitting with him and they look trigger happy but haven't moved yet.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Ack! Captured by someone! Goodbye, cruel world! Harley wasn't expecting for her end to be roadkill. Sniff... But then she notes it's Spiral, which immediately makes her beam in happiness. "Ya came!" she points. "Let's fuck that tank up I just need a rocket--" a pause when Wade just starts going slashy on poor Jawmaw. "This demands retribution!" for Spiral's hurt feelings. For Jawmaw who she didn't know but looked hyper cool! For Deadpool actually thinking he's seeing a thousand of her!

It's when they get slimed. Ugh... Her eyes get hazy for a moment, the baby blues losing some of their color but it soon returns. Shine and bright. Burning with intensity! Not even that stops her purpose! "I think I have seen this porno and ... ANYWAY.., throw me!" she asks of Spiral. She doesn't really wait for too long, throwing herself up on those Dreamy Arms and then launching herself through the air, their own version of the Fastball Special!

Sure, if this was a romantic movie she'd land on Deadpool's arms, all in slow motion, beat the virus out of him with a sloppy, yucky kiss. But nope, this is horror! So she is flying feet first towards him.. The aim, well, everyone guessed it. Right towards that sensitive spot where she has kicked him once before.

"Theah can be only one!" the clownette screams out, prepared to kick all those other Harleys out of Wade's mind with ..., the power of love..

Sort of.

Cole Cash has posed:
"I am more a Guns N' Roses kind of guy," replies Cole, gicing Ken Jen a quizzical look. Nevertheless he sheathes his blade and gives the armed Nazis a friendly shrug. "And hand grenades," he adds, tossing one in the middle of the seated Nazis while diving for cover.

It is a flash-bang one this time.

Hopefully weird nazi cultists are not immune to blinding light and bone-rattling thunderclaps. Cole is counting with having them a bit off when he starts shooting. Headshots for the Nazis. He might try punching out and handcuffing Agent Jet afterwards.

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade suddenly looks around, shaking his head and blinking his eyes. "Huh..." Then, looking down at his swords, and then Slamjaw, he suddenly sheathes his katanas and crouches down, shaking the man. "Jamjaw, no! It was the brain worms!!!"

He stands up, then draws his guns in a rage. "Alright you motherfuckers! You made me kill Jammerjaw, you made me hurt Six Handyjays and a Movie's feelings, and you made me humiliate myself in front of Harley Quinn. I DECLARE WAR ON THE COSMOS!!!"

He suddenly starts running, right into Harley's boots, and then he falls to his knees and groans in pain, dropping his guns to hold his crotch as a few coins fall out of his pocket and hit the ground. "Right in the Jimmyjaw..."

Wade Wilson has posed:
But when he looks up, he sees the guy with the minigun shooting, and then dives forward, hurt coin purse and all, and stands in front of Harley as his entire body is riddled with bullets.

He immediately falls to the ground again, when the man runs out of ammo.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral pauses when she's slimed, her white glowing eyes widening for a moment. She already sees More Than Anyone Who Values Ther Sanity Should as it is, different timelines, different dimensions. But her mutated sight focuses for once in a specific direction in space and time - and not a very pleasant one. Some monstrous bloated thing from another dimension wants her to amass followers in some form of sick worship so he can enter this world, filling her with purpose to spread His word to those around her...

... Wait a minute. This is very familiar. "Sorry Cthulhu. An extradimensional tub of lard already has my soul, you'll have to get in line.".

Harley is already climbing on her, so she holds her arms out to make a ladder, and gives a heave to give her extra power. Then there's there matter of that tank. She FINALLY casts that teleport she's been prepping - and teleports inside the tank, swords out. It's kinda cramped even before many, many arms appear in it. Those swords can't really go anywhere else but into the soft bodies of the crew, especially when the timedancer of death starts doing her thing.

Kara Danvers has posed:
There is a sudden blast of gun fire as the neo nazis jump up and shoot at Grifter. This is fruitless as the flashbang blinds and deafens them all. The ringing in their ears, the bullets going everywhere but to Grifter. Then his easy headshots drop them all - except for Agent Ken Jet. He rises up with wide eyes blinking.

As Grifter moves in to secure Agent Jet, the DEO agents training kicks in and a hidden dagger is thrust deep in to the man's side. He pushes it in hoping to hit something important, but is otherwise blinded and his ears ringing too and is easily detained by Grifter.

Tank! takes the shot at Harley and Spiral, where they were anyway. Harley leaping away, Spiral teleporting away. The shell hits and explodes the ground where they were leaving a small impact crater. The tank suddenly veers and starts to turn toward another barn as the pilot is skewered with sword, the gunner similarly skewered. The Tank rips through the wall of the barn crashing through their grenade assembly setup. Vats of slime spill out over the ground and gun powder starts to explode around the armored vehicle.

Jawmaw coughs up blood as he grips at Deadpool's shoulders. His eyes pleading for life in his last few moments, before he slumps to the ground when the sword is removed. Dead. Dead at Deadpool's feet.

The guy on top of the jeep with the minigun was tracking Jawmaw and he only stopped firing because one of his own was in the way, Deadpool.. but wait, suddenly he's not one of his own. The gun spins up again and peppers Deadpool's body with everything it's got until the whirring noise is devoid of bullets and makes rhythmical clicking as nothing more comes out. Seeing Harley Quinn on the other side of Deadpool, he lifts up his rifle and shoots.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The power of love always wins as has just been proved! "Begone, tentacular monster! Back to yoh pornos in the dark webs!" she says her exorcising mantra to Deadpool and ..., he seems to be better! Clearly she is ready to join the mystical ranks with her powers!

And that's right when Deadpool just gets skewered through by tossing himself in front of her.. It's a shower of gore and blood because, well, miniguns have a tendency to do a mess! "Nooooooo! Ya didn't wait until he professed his undyin' love foh me!" clearly a mistake by that minigun-wielding nazi-cultist because she launches herself down to the floor and comes up with the guns Deadpool had dropped earlier..

She starts unleashing fire out of those pistols, shooting gangsta style because that's just how she rolls. A maniacal little laugh comes out of her as her targets start dropping, first the minigun one and then those other unfortunate ones who decide to get into her field of vision..

It's right as if she was back on the arcades playing Time Crisis with her bestie April! (Maniacal laugh included)

As for the mission itself.., uh .., well good thing they brought someone responsible to get it on track!

Cole Cash has posed:
And this is why Grifter should never do nice things. His attempts at heroic rescues tend to end with a knife between his ribs. Fortunately he has good reflexes and pistol whips Agent Jet before anything important gets perforated.

A few extra punches will make sure the DEO man stays down. And likely in the hospital for a week or three.

He stumbles out of the house with the agent on a fireman carry. Handgun number three on the other hand (this one is a .50AE thing). "Guys? Stop playing with the food and lets get out of here. I just want to call the Wall to carpet bomb this place."

Wade Wilson has posed:
Wade slowly pushes himself up and raises his the bottom half of his mask, coughing and spitting out bullets. "Have you ever felt bullet indigestion? It's fucking //horrible//."

He's looking around, and suddenly pulls out a grenade and tosses it at pretty much anyone who looks like a Nazi, then pulls out a red stick of dynamite. "Hey, Harley!" He holds up the dynamite, then tosses it to her. "Use your best judgement!"

Spiral has posed:
Spiral would be hurt if she could read Harley's thought bubbles. She was supposed to be waiting by the rock, she's done way more! Her magnificent furry boots have slime on them too, her assistance came at a high price. Having dealt with the tank, and hearing goopy sounds outside it, she decides its time to exit, and so appears near Cole - for Mojo's huntress/talent agent does have tracking spells after all.

"The veteran with a heart of gold is always on mission. Is it time for the final credits?", she asks, noting the claret leaking out of his side and the fact a man who looks very similar to the agent photo Waller showed her is draped over one shoulder. "Gather around children.". And she starts dancing, creating a magical whirlpool - a spiral, if you will - of magic. "Except Noir Black and Jawmaw. We'll only be seeing them again in a rerun.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
Best judgement? That only means one thing, and that is roundhouse kicking it to send it flying to a throng of bad guys still running about and shooting at it with Wade's guns. One last explosion, because they could still get it in the CGI budget they had available. She blows the smoke on the end of those guns and tosses them back to Deadpool. "Nice guns!"

She starts off onto a run towards Spiral and Cole are waiting for, "Let's get the heck outta heah! Didja get the sample too?!" maybe she should had been looking for it as well instead of running away from tanks!

But then she is dancing about to 'help' Spiral on her teleportation efforts, spinning in conjunction with the spirals being created.

Harley Quinn, sorceress. Confirmed.

Cole Cash has posed:
Grifter still manages to shoot his gun a couple times and bring down a couple nazi tentacle cultist stragglers. Or whatever they are. Some things are best not known. He has dealt with Daemonites many times, so he knows what he is thinking about.

"What happened to Jawguy?" He does want to know that one. "He was doing better than I expected... oh well." Beat, "first round of drinks on me, after I drop the package." And eluding/delaying Waller's debriefing.

Wade Wilson has posed:
"Did anyone else see the infinite eyes of the cosmos?" Wade asks as he catches his guns and holsters them, following behind Harley to the others. "Is //that// where Nazis come from? I always thought they came from Facebook."

He shrugs, then stretches. "Well, personally, I think we all did a great job and she get a raise."

Spiral has posed:
"The Harley besotted ninja killed him in a fit of magically induced honesty." Spiral tells Cole with a bitter edge. "Turns out he was mocking my arms all along.". She sighs as Wade finally drags himself over, and shakes her head slightly. So much for a fellow outcast.

"I'm always seeing the infinite eyes of the cosmos. It was actually quite unusual being focused on a specific series of infinite eyes, if anything. That slime did it.". A pause, and she adds, "The fun thing about infinity, is that there are infinite infinities.".

She's trying to make nice with Waller though, so doesn't go off the reservation any more than she already has done. There's a final pirouette, and a flash of yellow light encompasses them all. The next moment, they are in Belle Reve's canteen. Unfortunately, it's probably after hours at this point, no post-mission gumbo awaits.