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Latest revision as of 18:05, 8 November 2020

Showing Class After Class
Date of Scene: 07 November 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: A chance meeting leads to a large gathering, an ominous portent...and a LOT of coffee flung in Peter Parker's direction.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Johanna Mitchell, Natasha Cranston, Yaretzi Acama, Siobhan Smythe, Alexander Aaron

Peter Parker has posed:
Geez, what a day. Twenty pages of notes to transcribe, three midterms, two labs, and some non-ESU work writing up four entries for the Spider-Comm database.

And, to top it all off, there was too much blood in his caffeine system. The reserves needed to be replenished.

As such, the rather haggard-looking guy walking into the Bean with the ratty-looking backpack looks just like any other college student after the midterms - namely, shocked and amazed they are still "alive" with a little dawning comprehension that any illusions that he was still in high school have been flayed away. And with about as much pain involved.

Peter Parker, college freshman, got into the short line, pondering which high-octane source to draw from.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Little did Peter Parker know...

The person in front of Peter Parker approaches the register. All smiles. All sweetness. Except when she gets to the register she makes the worst type of offense in a coffee shop that can be possibly made. She doesn't already have a concrete plan of what to order!

Her eyes narrow as she leans in, stepping up on her tippy toes as if both might somehow help her pick which variation of a coffee drink that she desires.

"What will you be have'n, Sweety?" says the clerk behind the counter.

"Uhm..." The anxiety! The pressure! The decisions! The girl begins chewing her bottom lip between her teeth. She then points uselessly at the menu overtop of the clerk. "I guess... a London Fog?"

The clerk gives an obligatory glance but as soon as the decision is made she starts typing it into the register. "Anything else, Sweety?"

"Uhm..." Oh God. It begins again!

After about two minutes of this back and forth, money is finally exchanged. Things are lined up on the girl's tray. Only, once she picks up the tray, she swings around entirely too fast. The coffee cup slings across the plastic tray, and upends over the side. Coffee splatters to the ground--or in this case, it's more like it explodes, obscuring the way to the clerk with a big puddle of tea and steamed milk. The girl holding her tray stares dumbfounded, before murmuring a sharp-sounding, "Shit!"

Both herself, and one of the girls behind the counter begin to tend to the spill by ripping out napkins from a nearby dispenser.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Oh dear, what a day. A teleconference negotiation in the morning because it was the only time all parties involved could be awake at a decent hour, a strategy meeting right after, two more budget fights before noon, mediating an inter-departmental boundary dispute, signing off on report after report...

     Natasha sighs, then looks over her agenda for anything actively critical -- and finding none, decides that it's been too long since she's been exasperatingly irresponsible. She touches the intercom. "Jasmine, I'm taking an early day. Be a dear and shift any remaining appointments, would you?"

    By the time the sputtering from the intercom has morphed into a coherent protest she's already in the elevator on her way down, and out the door with a cheerful wave at the receptionist and an equally cheerful deafness to their half-voiced protest, and into the cab that stops right by the curb when she waves for it.

    "Early job today, Boss?" Benny comments as he pulls into traffic.

    Natasha shakes her head. "Not yet, at least not that I'm aware of," she replies as she reaches into a well concealed compartment for a quick change of clothes. "I need a break, and preferably not as Natasha. Find a good place for Jenny to go for some coffee."

    Benny chuckles as he turns the wheel. "I know just the place. Little coffee shop near ESU. Students love it."

     About fifteen minutes later, Jenny steps out of the cab and enters The Coffee Bean, getting dutifully in line for her drink and only hopping a bit on her feet to work off some of her energy...

    Just in time for a minor Coffee Accident to happen.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks up to see the splash of coffee product arcing towards him like a brown cloud.

Well, hello, Parker Luck. Wondered when you were going to show up-

Peter looked down at the coffee covering his shirt, his pants, and his tennis shoes.

He does not explode. He does not rant. He does not yell. Instead, he simply looks down and sighs, as if this was his life, a life where (sooner or later) someone bombs you with coffee.
He does not wince. The suit under his clothes really WAS good at extreme temperatures of hot and cold. He just...accepts it before looking up to Johanna.

Wow. She's...pretty solid. She has that physical presence you can see in the awesomely fit, a little excess definition of hands and cheekbones.

For a moment, he wonders if she's going to demand his lunch money next...

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Sploosh, indeed!

The coffee upended not just over the edge of the tray. But at Peter Parker, himself! It could not have worked out better if Johanna had intentionally ripped the lid off the cup's edge, and chucked the cup's contents into him directly. The only difference between that scenario and the one going on now is that the current scenario sees the poor college schmuck caught mostly around his thighs rather than mostly against his torso.
    Johanna, however, had not noticed that she'd caught the student until well after she was already on the ground, righting the cup and dabbing the splatter off of the ground with a napkin. Then chance, or perhaps the fact that he was standing there placidly as a sheep might in front of its own slaughter house, urges Johanna to side-glance. To take note. And to be thoroughly horrified.

Her fingers touch the front of her gaped lips and she stands abruptly. The hand holding her napkins joins the other at her face, until she's practically doing the Macaulay Culkin face from Home Alone, murmuring the whole time, "Oh my God! I am... I am /so/ sorry, oh--please! Let me...?"

More napkins are ripped from the dispenser, and she offers them by the handfulls to the soaked Peter Parker. There's more she'd like to say. Some of it bubbles just underneath the surface but they all seem to hitch in her throat, each thing she -could- say sounding lamer, and lamer by the second until finally it occurs to her to ask as a peace offering, "Let me... Let me buy you your coffee! Please, it's the last I can do, it's..."

She stops talking for a moment, looking past Peter Carter at "Jenny." Something drags her attention to the woman. Probably the blue hair. Too cool! She'd have to tell her she likes that shade at some point while slipping out with her metaphorical tail tucked between her legs. If she'd survive the social bumble.

But her attention is right back on the poor ESU student. "C'mon. You go sit. I'll order. Watcha' want."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny winces as the poor college kid gets dunked in coffee and cream, but it looks like he's already getting assistance. Still, this incident is going to hold up the line, and it's also currently the most interesting drama to watch, so she keeps an eye on events.

    Johanna gets a brief, easy smile as she notices the girl looking, but then she looks away again, too polite to keep staring -- besides, she does still need coffee.

Peter Parker has posed:
Well...another reason he cannot think he is in high school. She's offering to pay for HIS drink than demanding he pay for hers.
He kinda likes college a little bit more, now. Even with the coffee stains.

The young man blushes slightly. "Uhm, you don't really have to...it's not necessary, I mean it was just an accident...accidents happen..."

And then he realizes that this is like a gift, and the statuesque woman would feel worse if he DIDN'T accept.
"Uhm...large hot chocolate with a shot of espresso, whipped cream?" He smiles his trademark smile, both apologetic and disarming, hoping she finds some comfort in it. He then spots a table for four that just opened up near the front window, and points to it. "That looks good. I'll just...sit over there. Get out of the way."

And with that, he steps out of the line, dabbing at himself with a handful of napkins.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
The ESU student's attempt to tell her that it's unnecessary, that accidents happen, goes completely unheard. She's having none of it. She's flared a hand between them, shaking her short pixie-cut hair in a way that makes it flail across her forehead, and then using that hand to point at a seat. Her voice commands authority as she raises it, just loud enough to be heard over top of him, "Just tell me what you want. I'm not going to hear anything else to the contrary."

Then he gives her the information. She listens carefully, one hear toward him while her eyes remain demurely on the floor between them, until she pops a glance upward with a quirked smile as she realizes what he ordered. A hot chocolate kid, huh? Her dark, indigo eyes twinkle a little at that. Perhaps she does find his smile disarming. "You do that, Kid. Here. Take this with you." She thrusts the crumpled napkins into his hand and goes to wait in line behind Jenny. All the while, repeating to herself outloud, so that she won't forget: 'Hot chocolate. Shot of espresso. Whipped cream.' And she repeats it to herself at least twice, or thrice, before it's Jenny's turn to grab her own order.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi, who looks like a high school student by comparison to all the college students in the place, stepped in a few people in line behind Jenny -- and decides to, for now, skip the line. She heads into the shop, away from the coffee fiasco in progress, and miraculously finds that a four-person table opens up in front of her! Without realizing that it's the same table Peter's indicating he's going to claim, she starts towards it. Her intent is to put her backpack down and 'claim her spot' -- high school lunchroom tactics, of course.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "... That sounds pretty good, actually," Jenny muses out loud with another smile at Johanna, then turns to the cashier. "Hot chocolate, espresso, whipped cream, please."

    She smiles at the cashier, pays for her order, and moves out of the way to let the next person order, glancing around for a free table or at least a free seat at one...

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter pauses as the young lady sits at the table. He does a quick look around...
...and there are no open tables. So...he could walk up, tell her that he's sitting with some people, and could she please move and OH CRAP that sounds so STUPID he is ashamed it fell out of his own brain.

"Excuse me?"
The brown-haired, brown-eyed schmuck with the earnest face and his clothes covered in a large coffee stain smiles apologetically. "Is it okay if I and another person can sit with you?"

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi looks up, even as her butt's about to hit the seat, as Peter asks if he and his friend can join. "Sure", she says, gesturing at the empty seats across from herself. "I'm alone, so the chairs are open", she adds, as she pulls a book (a paperback novel) out of her backpack. That's when she spots the coffee all over Peter's pants. "Oh, wow...!", she says, eyes widening. "Did that, like, -just- happen or something? You need some more napkins?" The blonde girl's already putting down her paperback and starting to get out of her seat.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna grins as Jenny takes her order--or rather, borrows Peter Parker's order...... And stares at her for a little bit longer afterward. Nose crinkled. Huh. She could sense something with her. Under her breath she murmurs, "I bet she could throw a mean punch if she wanted. Don't fuck anyone that has blue hair, that's what m'mum would say." Then she gets up to the actual clerk. "Hi again!"

"So, watcha' have'n this time Sweety? Another London Fog?"

"Uhmm...." Maybe she just has anxiety when it comes to being decisive about things?!

About two-minutes later she's given her hot chocolate with an espresso shot and whip cream. And her london fog. She forgoes the tray this time. Walking up behind Jenny, she asks the chick, "Hey, the tables are all crowded--wanna sit with me and that guy--wait." She squints. There's not one, but two people at the table! Another whipper snapper. "With us three, I guess? Our numbers keep growing, we'll consume all eventually--join us now before the inevitable!" Johanna thinks of herself as funny and that's really all that matters for the woman, because she cracks a wide-toothy grin before reiterating, "C'mon."

As she gets to the table, she places a cup down on the table in front of Peter Parker. "As ordered. Who's this? Friend of yours? Those stains, by the way? Totally my fault. Accidentally busted a cup of tea on him," she explains to the highschooler, holding her own cup in her hand.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny blinks in surprise at the sudden and unconventional invitation, looking Johanna in the eyes a moment longer, but then smiles again and nods. "Sounds good! Doesn't look like there's much room left elsewhere, anyway..."

    She reaches out and offers the hand that isn't currently holding a coffee cup. "I'm Jenny, by the way. How are you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter holds up the half-soaked bundle of napkins in one hand. "I got it, but thanks." He gives Yaretzi a pleasant, slightly cock-eyed grin before the cup with his drink arrives. He looks up to Johanna and the smile gets a little embarrassed. "Uhm, she got to the table before I did, and I'm not enough of a jerk to go tell her to sit in the empty table this place doesn't have right now."

He blinked as another person arrives, but the situation hasn't changed. No other open seats. So he nods to "Jenny," then looks back to the blonde woman, tilts his head slightly, then said, "I don't think we've ever met...and I don't think I introduced myself properly."

He nodded to both Johanna and Yaretzi. "My name's Peter Parker."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi sits back down, picking up her paperback, when Peter says he's got things under control. Her eyes go to his face, then to his stained pants (it was tea, not coffee, though!), then back to his face. It's clear she's unsure that he's 'got it', but she's letting it go.

At the introduction, without getting back to her feet, she says, "I'm Yaretzi", even as she's opening her paperback and pulling a Captain America bookmark out from where it was sandwiched within, marking her place. Her facial expression, and her body language, are showing that she feels a little out of place with the older people suddenly joining her at the table -- for all she knows, the one who brought this guy his coffee's his girlfriend.

In any case, Yaretzi looks like she's about to dive into her novel 'for cover'.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
"Nice to meet ya', Jenny." Johanna takes the blue-haired woman's hand and gives it a vigorous shake. The handshake of a person that's been told before to never give 'limp fish' handshakes. "Yeah, this place is bump'n. But we're the cooler kids, if I've got my oar in."

At the table, as Peter gives his explanation about the table incident, Johanna nods her head sagaciously. "Well, we can't very well dishonor the dibs system. It's a flawed system, but it's the best we've got in this trying times." She brings her London Fog to her lips but fails to actually sip at it--probably wise, the shit is hot enough that she needs to keep switching the cup between her hands.

"Peter Parker." Johanna repeats the name out loud. "Well, this here is Jenny. She ordered the same thing you did, Peter, so I was like--synchronicity. Ya' can't let that slip by when it happens. Plus the place is crowded."

Yaretzi gives her name and this is when Johanna cants her head to the side, more to one shoulder than the other, her lips drawn up curiously. "What nationality is that, Love?"

A hand taps on her own chest. "Johanna Mitchell, by the way. Scooch." She fits herself into the booth by the high schooler and drums her fingers on the table once as she gets settled. "Well, we each have good tastes in coffee establishments. What other threads are weaving us together here at the moment." She gives each of the three gathered a look of importance.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "Pleased to meet you," Jenny replies, returning the handshake, then sits down and nods at the others. "Peter, Ya-ret-zi," she takes a bit more effort to match the girl's pronunciation, ", nice to meet you both." She looks up at Peter with a slightly teasing grin on her lips "... So, how's the coffee around here?" she asks. Yep, definitely teasing.

    She looks over to Johanna as the bronzed amazoness asks her question, raising one eyebrow at the florid speech. "Oh, nothing much," she replies. "I just really felt I needed a break, and asked the cab driver to take me someplace new where they had good coffee," she adds, perfectly truthful. "How about you? From the looks of it... Martial arts? Or wrestling, maybe?" she asks, giving Johanna an appraising glance.

Peter Parker has posed:
Funny how Johanna is mentioning threads...

*Well, I'm a superhero in my spare time, I have an IQ of 270, and my last girlfriend was possessed by a 12,000-year-old Hyborian barbarian woman named Red Sonja.*
He honestly didn't know which one would be the MOST inappropriate thing to say.

"Well, I'm a college freshman at ESU near here. I just started in the fall, and I'm learning how many different ways college is NOT like high school. I also work as a lab tech, which pays for tuition, so I didn't have to go hat-in-hand for student loans."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi hadn't been expecting to be directly addressed, again, and her cheeks flush -- visible because she's somewhat fair-skinned, despite her quite obvious 'latina' looks. "Oh... uhm... dad said it was his grandma's name. It's Mexican. Well, it's more like Aztec or something, I think", the high school girl says in reply to Johanna's question.

Her eyes dart from Johanna to Jenny... then to Peter, and she looks a -little- confused. She's wondering if she got the wrong 'read' on the boyfriend/girlfriend situation, now that Johanna's sitting next to her. But then... Johanna made it sound like the other two had just met, too... and Jenny's being flirty with Peter, so now she's even more sure she got the wrong idea at first.

Tucking the Captain America bookmark back between the pages of her novel, she lays the book down flat as she starts to stand. "Save my spot? I'm gonna go get coffee now that the line's shorter...", she says, not really speaking to any of the others in particular. She leaves her paperback on the table, but does pick up her backpack; she's not stupid enough to leave -that- much of her stuff laying around among strangers while she goes to the counter.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
"Huh, that's really cool." And then, Johanna smiles easily. Nude lips spread to reveal white teeth as she makes herself comfortable beneath the table. She swings one leg over top of the other and casually lifts her cup for a first testing sip. However, still finding it too hot, it remains just that--a testing sip. "I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that. I've just never heard the name before. It's pretty. It's funny how names get handed down like that. Your dad must have been close with your grandmother. Wear it well and proudly, hm?" She offers the highschooler a kind smile.

"Now my name. My name's the type'a name you give a baby if you conceived it in the back of a pick-up truck." She smirks lightly to herself and brings her cup in just a little more under her chin--only to glance at Jenny with a surprised expression, with lifted eyebrows and a forward lean. "How'd you guess? I was an instructor not long ago at a small dojo in the upper state of New York. Kinda' looking to get back into the business. I've got a lead so far with the Chikara dojo in Chinatown but I'm still job hunting on the side until that actually secures itself. What about you, Jenny?" Her eyebrows wiggle. "They say a warrior knows a warrior when they meet each other on the street. I got'a feeling about you. Like you could secretly throw all three of us down without even trying."

She leans back as Peter talks about going to ESU. Her brow furrows. "Watcha' studying? Do you happen to know an Alexander Aaron?"

She gets up and outta the way for Yaretzi as she decides to go get her coffee. Casually her glance falls on the Captain America bookmark sticking out of the book and she can't help but smile again.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny gives Peter a smile. "College, huh? What do you study?" she asks, then turns to look at Johanna as Yaretzi leaves.

     "Couple things," she replies waving the hand holding her coffee in a vague gesture at Johanna's form. "Your build -- you're in /really/ good shape, which probably means it's something important to you, but if you were a distance runner or bicycler you'd have less upper body development, and vice versa for weightlifting or throwing, so it's a full-body sport. Not nearly sleek enough for swimming, New York really isn't the place for rock climbing, and you're really well balanced when you move, so... Martial arts," she finishes with a flourish and a smile.

    "... Sorry. People-watching is kind of a hobby," she admits, then takes a moment to sip her chocolate as she ponders how to answer the rest of Johanna's question. "I don't think so. For one, my art's Capoeira, and this shop would be way too cramped to go to town. And I don't think I'd want to go toe to toe with you if I didn't have to..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles lightly to Yaretzi as she gets up to grab her own drink, then looks to Johanna.

"Uhm...I'm in the Neuroscience program. ESU has a very good science department." He picks up his backpack and opens it to reveal about four textbooks. "Midterms were today."

So, for a college freshman, it should be Biology 101, Chemistry 101, Bonehead Algebra, and World History?

Well, the World History 101 book is there, but the other ones have names like Advanced Biochemistry, Quantum Mechanics, and Man/Machine Interface.

The last time someone was walking around carrying books like these, Will Smith had put a bullet hole in their forehead.

"I don't recall that name, but we may be in different departments."

He pauses for a moment, then adds, "It sounds like a cool name to me. I mean, after all, what else do you get for your birthday that you use for the rest of your life?"

He thinks with a trace of amusement, *New York not a good place for rock climbing? News to me...*

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"I'm trying to!", Yaretzi says, in reply to Johanna's words about her name as she leaves the table... and actually smiles, a thoughtful expression passing across her face, as she walks to the ordering counter. That was actually cool to hear, that someone thinks her name is neat and the other stuff the woman said. She'll have to ask her dad more about his grandma, later.

At the counter, she orders herself a 'Frozen Abuelita' -- iced chocolate coffee with a double-shot of espresso in it, returning to the table a short time later and already pulling some of the drink up through the straw through the clear plastic cup's lid. She's carrying a stack of napkins in one hand, taken from the dispenser.

"I didn't miss more spillage on Peter's clothes while I was gone, did I?", she asks, setting the new 'pile' of napkins down in front of him -- and plucking a single one from the top of it for herself before reclaiming her seat at the table.

It seems the high-schooler 'loosened up' a bit, at least enough to be able to tease Peter about the earlier accident.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Johanna gets up again to permit Yaretzi to get her seat--only to feint slinging her drink in Peter's direction briefly, and then stop with a broad cheshire cat grin spreading across her face.

"Jesus," Johanna breathes as Jenny hammers down exactly how she came to the conclusion she did. "Are you secretly working as some type'a interrogator or detective? Ya'll saw that, right? She just went all Sherlock on me."

There is the slightest, almost imperceptible flush that hits the darker woman's cheeks as blood starts to race toward her ears. She takes the first true drink of London Fog and dabs at the corners of her mouth afterward with a dry finger unnecessarily.

To Peter, she continues conversationally, "He's apparently studying Classic Literature or something. He just started there as far as I'm aware." There a slight pause. "I've been considering taking some courses there myself," and at this, she tucks a lock of hair behind her ears, her eyes fixating momentarily on the books that Peter has. Perhaps she just doesn't know enough about what courses are par for the course (get it?) for a young kid like him to be taking as of yet. "I uh... I went the fast track route out of high school and went straight into working."

She twists to give Yaretzi a squinted look. "Stay in school, Kid. Or else you're going to have to be filling out a billion Indeed form requests like me. Speaking of."

Johanna fishes her phone free from her pocket to check her notifications.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny laughs, a bright, warm chuckle that fills the room. "Only an amateur at best, I'd be terrible at a law enforcement job," she replies, entirely truthfully. "Mostly it's just observation, and then thinking about what you're seeing and what it means. Like I said, people-watching is a hobby of mine..."

    She sips her chocolate again. "I, ah... Kind of had to get a Business degree. Long story, trust fund, specific stipulations. Not what I'd been hoping to do with my life. Economics, bleagh..."

    Her eyes flick over the stack of books - and their topics - then back up at Peter. "That's a pretty impressive courseload for a first years," she says in a mixture of respect and pity. "When do you find time to sleep?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks thoughtful. "No one's spilled any more coffee on me, but there's still plenty of time left in the day, Yaretzi..."

He glances to Jenny. "...Sleeeeep...sleep. Yeah. Hang on, I remember what that is...don't say it...Oh! Right! Yeah, that's an interesting concept, Jen. I used to do that, once upon a time. Gee...it seems so long ago..."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Johanna's apparently listening in on the conversation still even while she's checking her phone, because there's a short, mirthful laugh that she gives at the notion of sleep being something distant and far beyond reach. "Yeah, Jenny. We're in a coffee shop. Ain't no one that visits a coffee shop that understand a single thing about the intricacies of sleep."

Only, she's lying. She's had plenty of time to sleep in between job-searching and bumming out. Not that she's gunna' inform them of that or any such thing.

"Business degree though, huh." She glances up from her phone and makes the screen go black by tapping the power button. No notifcations! At least, not important ones. "Watcha' do when you ain't break-dance fighting?" A crooked grin spreads on her face.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Siobhan Smythe, local rock talent, Irish lass, and occasional terrifying herald of death/Super heroine, walks in with a slight smile on her face as she takes in a deep breath of that coffee. She could use it. She has her guitar on her back as she approaches the counter to order her usual mocha mint. She hears the people around her, better than many ever could, but for now isn't prying. Just listening for the usual bad guy/gal talk. Just in case.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny nods sympathetically at Peter's dramatic statement, then smiles at Johanna. "Oh, this and that... Free-running, dancing in the park, have good coffee, you know how it is," she replies. "It turns out that just having a business degree doesn't mean you get a business to run with it," she finishes with a wry smile.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter takes a sip of his hot chocolate. He is starting to relax somewhat, even with the big brown stain on the front of his shirt and his pants. He should probably soak them in soap and cold water.

When you have to repair clothing as much as he does, you get pretty good and handling stuff like this.

He doesn't know anything about running a business, but these two apparently do, so he sips and listens to the play-by-play. You never know, you could learn some...

He paused, as if listening for something.
That little frisson of the Spider-Sense. It is getting more intricate as time goes on. There is no imminent threat, but a POTENTIAL threat is around. But for the life of him, he doesn't know who. The Spider-Sense doesn't exactly interface with Spider-Comm and set up waypoints.

So, listen, be aware, and be ready. While looking completely worn out.
Well, he has no problem with looking worn-out. That's practically a default setting.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna's eyebrows lift as Peter seems to stiffen up like someone done come and rolled an icecube on the shell of his ear.

Even though he's not staring a particular direction, Johanna glances across her shoulder as though there might be a somethin. Her indigo eyes pass right over the newly entered Siobhan, not recognizing the singer--and Johanna wouldn't, she's been out of the country for a year--and not recognizing anything else for that matter.

She doesn't say anything at first. Jenny's still talk'n and she doesn't wanna interrupt. "I figured a business degree was one of them ubiquitous things that get you in through the door to pretty much anywhere you wanna' be at. Since there's always room just about anywhere for the business aspect of things. But I hear you. Kinda'. Doesn't matter what type of experience I have in MMA fighting, it doesn't make the related jobs come easier." She pauses. "Like, my resume to work at the Ben and Jerry's shoppe was just passed over." It pained her a little to admit it outloud. She sits there with a sour expression until she washes it down with more steam milk tea.

Then finally. "What's up, Peter? You look like a cat that just got a whiff of a cougar in the vicinity."

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    "The problem with that line of reasoning is that everyone who wants a job in business gets a degree like that, and then you have more people with degrees than you have jobs open, and, well," she spreads her hands, then tilts her head again.

    "MMA fighting? Were you looking into the pro fighting circuits?" she asks. "Chikara dojo.. I don't think I've heard of it... What does it teach?" she asks, then looks at Peter's state of mild distress and follows his gaze...

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
The woman smiles as she orders her drink, making sure to specify the extra shot of espresso before she idly looks around the room. It takes her some time to scan the room. Peter Parker, now that face seems familiar but she can't quite place him. She hmms as she looks at him, idly staring for a long moment before she looks off into the distance. She knows she has seen him somewhere but can't for the life of her place it. Even as her drink arrives, she picks it up and sips it, looking back over at Peter for a long moment and then she blinks slowly as recognition begins to form.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter blinks, a little startled. Crud, someone noticed.

"Uhm...sorry. Thought I heard an alert. I...one of my primary jobs before my lab tech job was taking pictures for the DAILY BUGLE. So I had this little alert on my phone to let me know if something was noteworthy enough. I had to use a remote drone for the kinds of pictures that would sell. So I'm less of a self-employed business person and more of a freelance photographer."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
"Perhaps I should." Answer? She hasn't been. Johanna bites the inside of her mouth briefly as she considers the possibility. "Might be more fun than what I've been considering... Anyways. Chikara Dojo? They actually have a website if you ever wanted to check it out. The owner, Colleen Wing, apparently gives out the first lesson for free! I already used mine up, but if you wanted I could bring you in? Free is free, after all." She spins her phone around after looking up the Wing Way website, and she pushes her phone across the table so that Jenny can take a peek.

While Jenny is checking it out, she stabs her elbow into the table and crams her chin into an open fist that supports her head. "Hey, no need to apologize kid. You throw that sorry right back out where it belongs. Daily Bugle, huh?" Has she read it? Has she seen pictures this kid has taken? Hm. "You got any examples of the pictures you've taken with you? Or like, a website portfolio?"

Perhaps because Siobhan has been giving glances their direction, Johanna finally notes the Irishwoman. Johanna offers a short wave to her, the language of, 'Hello! C'mon over!'

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
She is considering going to talk to Peter when suddenly Johanna waves at her. Siobhan blinks at that response and starts over toward the table, sipping her drink along the way. When she does arrive, she offers a grin to Johanna before looking over to Pete and then gestues at him, "Hey." She offers casually, tilting her head, "Aren't ya de one who's grandmother wanted help pickin' out some clothes for ye or somet'in'?" She asks, her Irish Brogue painting her words rather heaviliy as she speaks.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter recognizes Siobhan after a moment. Well, maybe some dangerous schmuck is in the area. He'll keep an "eye" on it.
"Uhm..." he looks down at himself, brown splotch on his shirt and pants, and gives Siobhan a woebegone smile. "...Yeah..." he says with a sad smile. "Hello again, Miss Smythe. Glad t' see you're doing well."

He looks back to Joanna, then takes a deep breath. "Well, I don't carry around my portfolio with me, but if you see a picture of Spider-Man that wasn't taken from the ground, then that was me. I have a few action shots from the last one, where he was aiding this heroine in Spanish Harlem. Someone named Golden Eagle."

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Johanna's brows lift at that. Not the skeptical type'a lifting. The, 'Oh!' type of lifting, of genuine surprise and interest. "Spider-Man huh? If I see any of his pictures in the news I'll look for the annotation of 'Photo taken by Peter Parker.'" As she says it out loud she leans back so that she can splay her fingers with each new word, as though she were reading it off of an invisible sign before her. When she's done she drops her hands and admits between the two of them. "I've been out of New York for a while. I haven't any idea who Golden Eagle is. But I -have- heard of a Spider-Man. Red and blue suit, ain't it?"

She makes a scooch to the left and pats a seat for Siobhan to plop herseof down into, if she felt so inclined as to sit with the unwashed masses. "Miss Smythe is it?" she asks, picking up on Peter's reference. And she doesn't say anything about the grandmother bit, but that's really the type of thing that's equatable to kittens wearing mittens or something like that. Just /too/ cute, and she gives Peter that silent 'awwww!!' look as though he were exactly that: a kitten with mittens.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny nods in thanks, looking down at the phone to memorize the site and contact details, glancing briefly aside to nod in greeting to Siobhan. When Peter mentions Spider-man, she perks up and looks over at him. "Spider-man? Have you ever met him? I think I've seen him swing over once or twice, it's amazing. I wonder how that feels, that's gotta be just /awesome/, high up in the air, wind in your... Well, not ears, he's got that mask, but still..."

    She looks wistful for a moment, blinks and gives Johanna her phone back with an apologetic smile and returns her attention to her chocolate.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi's been pretty quiet, lately, letting 'the grownups' talk. When Spider-Man being in Spanish Harlem with Golden Eagle is mentioned, and photos of that happening mentioned, she puts down the paperback novel she'd once again cracked open. "You got pictures of her?", she asks. "I've seen Spidey swinging around, before, but I haven't even gotten a chance to -see- Golden Eagle; I've only heard about her, so far!", she says, trying to 'gush' like she might if she'd just seen Wonder Woman in her neighborhood.

Peter Parker has posed:
This part he has rehearsed. It has the benefit of being true in many ways.

"Well...the truth is, he and I kinda work together. After my Uncle died, I had to become the primary breadwinner. So I started using my Uncle's photo setup to sell pictures. I came across Spider-Man a couple of years ago, but he was relatively-unknown, and had a bad reputation. So...we set up a little arrangement. I helped a little bit with his tech...and I built a drone that would travel with him. If he ran into some bad guys, he'd send me the alert, I'd take control of the drone, take pictures, sell them to the Bugle. He'd get a better reputation, the pictures would tell his story...and I could make enough money to keep the lights on and the water running."

He takes out his phone and smiles to Yaretzi before tapping a key...
...and the holo-emitter in the phone brings up a 2-D picture of a bullet bouncing off of Golden Eagle's chest, as Spider-Man is seen off-center firing webs at three gang girls who are trying to run.
"The impressive-looking one is Golden Eagle," he says, pointing.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A blink as she realizes what she's walked into and she looks around at the others, "I'm Siobhan, by de way." She states to the others here, "Siobhan Smyt'e." She nods her head and then looks over to Peter Parker, "I tink ya might've mentioned somet'in' about him in our last meetin'." She nods her head and then shrugs her shoulders and really she isn't as impressed by hero talk when she's been to space...and nearly lost in space. It's just not as big of a deal.

"T'ank ya for da seat." She takes a spot, nodding to Johanna and then looking around, "So, is dis some kind of Spider-Man fan club?"

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
    Johanna accepts her phone back from Jenny with a slight nod. The little device is slid across the table underneath her finger tips until it's directly next to her cup'a tea. Which has been partially cleaned out by now. The cup is thick but ya' can see where the top line of the drinks still at in the cup, and it's definitely on the bottom end of things. "I imagine," she responds to Jenny, "it feel like being on those bungie jump rides at theme parks. You know what I'm talking about, right? The ones that lift you up way, way in the sky and then just cut loose, and ya' go screamin' like a madman with your heart all caught up in your throat like someone's crammed it upt here for ya. That sorta thing. Though who knows. Maybe he's done it enough time that the adrenaline just ain't a thing anymore."
    She glances toward Yaretzi once the highschooler has put down her paperback. "Watcha' heard about her?" she muses, throwing back her cup and finishing it all the way.

Then Peter starts laying down the story of how he came to work with the Spider-Man. She frowns at the bit about his uncle dying, offering a frown and a, "I'm sorry to hear that," as a brief interjection, but listening politely as the spills the rest as she threads her fingers in front of herself.

"Dude, that's totally awesome that you both get to work together like that. You're basically his publicist." Then Peter starts displaying the thing of Golden Eagle and she cranks her head to the side, leaning in close to get a good work. "Takes a bullet like a champ," she murmurs out the side of her mouth.

"Well, Spider-Man and Golden Eagle now," Johanna remarks wryly.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    A touching story, and the unmistakable ring of truth to it. Jenny would accept it without question. But Natasha remembers what she felt earlier and files the clues away in the back of her mind. No reason to bring any of it up at this point, anyway...

    "Oh, that's kind of awesome," she coos at the holo. "Still, from what I see in the Bugle doesn't the editor hate Spider-man and think he's dangerous?"

    Her head tilts again as she thinks of another question. "Has he ever taken you for a slinging ride? That'd be really cool, and you'd get some amazing shots from up that high..."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Whooooaaah!", Yaretzi says as she eyes the 2D holo of the two superheroes. "Is that a bullet boucing off her?", she then asks, pointing. "Cangri!", she says. Then she says, clearly in reply to Johanna's words: "I heard she's so strong she can bend steel and that she's so fast that you can't even see her going from one place to another, and I heard she can fly, that she's totally bulletproof, and that she shoots, like, fire from her hands, and that her eyes glow when she's mad! ... and that she's like seven feet tall, or something... but I don't believe -that- part!"

As she speaks about what she's heard about Golden Eagle, the girl starts gesticulating -- a balled fist held at arm's length up over her head (flying), pointing at the holo-pic (bulletproof), extending her arm out in front of herself as a 'finger gun' (shooting fire), and then both hands flared around her eyes (glowing eyes).

"She sounds totally brutal!", Yaretzi concludes, though she says that last word in a 'latina' way, so that it sounds more ilke 'broo-TAHL', instead.

Of course, Yaretzi's putting on an act, doing her best to act like a fan of the new heroine. It's not like she should just totally NOT react about a new superhero in her home neighborhood, right?

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "I get vertigo. But I have heard of him taking people with him on these webslinging jaunts. If you like rollercoasters traveling through New York City, I suppose I could ask the guy. He needs all the good press he can get."
Speaking of which...Peter sighs. "I don't know what Mr. Jameson's issue with Spider-Man is. But I do know this. I know he keeps his opinions to the editorial pages and his vblog, STRAIGHT TALK. Anywhere else in the paper or on the website? Nothing but the truth. He's an old-school newspaperman. And the last time the paper had to print a retraction because of bad information? Let's just say it wasn't in this CENTURY. Jameson is a hard supporter of mutant rights, and he'd rather get shot than give up a source."

He smiles. "His feelings about Spider-Man notwithstanding, he's a good news editor. Shame he's such a skinflint."

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Siobhan is about to speak up when she notes Yaretzi going off. She blinks at the young woman, staring at her for a long moment before chuckling and nodding, "Sounds pretty amazin'. I imagine she's a powerhouse to be sure." She idly nods before turning her gaze over to Johanna and then Natasha. She hmms before finally blinking at Peter's explanation of things and she puts it together. She ahs and nods. She sips her coffee and then shrugs.

"Sometimes, dose who hire ya can be rat'er stingy wit' money but I often find dose dat do dat have a rather strict set of codes dey live by. Even if dere opinions can be somewhat messed up." She nods her head, and then considers, "Hey, Pete, ya ever able to help someone meet up with Spider-Man? He do meet and greets or anytin' like dat?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    At the door there's a jingle jangle jingle, no spurs though just the bell as a blond youth slips through the doorway holding it open for another patron on their way out. He then stops a few feet within the coffee shop, hands stuffed into the pockets of his blue jeans, an oversized black t-shirt hangs from his chest that proclaims in a vibrant white lettered University Frathouse font, 'I Saved Olympus and All I Got Was This Goofy T-Shirt!'
    He adjusts the hang of his ESU backpack and stands up on his tip toes to peer across the way, and as luck would have it he more likely hears Johanna's voice (loud) than catches sight of her and starts to make his way across. It doesn't take too long as he wends through the crowd and takes up a place behind and to the side of Ms. Mitchell's chair, booting it slightly with the toe of his shoe with a resonant /thump/ and then lifting his voice.
    "Hey, suck in that gut, people are trying to get through here, lady." A voice of New York Kindness.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
"Yeah, she didn't look seven feet," Johanna murmurs, returning her chin to her hand as she leans in against the table with folded arms. "She sounds like a complete bad-ass," she agrees with Yaretzi, and underneath the table she uncrosses one leg from the other, just to cross them again the other way, wiggling between the two people that she sits between. "I dunno about brutal. Brutal implies an entire spectrum of things I wouldn't want to associate to someone taking a bullet for other people."

When the talk about newspaper and ethics hit, Johanna pipes the question, "How's the Daily Bugle doing these days, anyhow? I know most small news outlets have been gutted in not-so-good ways. Difficult for people get their living through journalism. It's been slowly dying for how many years now?"

Then Siobhan asks her question, and Johanna listens attentively.
    Too attentively.

She completely misses the blonde terrorist that sneaks his way into coffee shop. Only feels the thump of a boot hitting the back of her steel legged chair, and she twists. "Hey, what the f--" and she probably might have been able to ask what his problem is, but then she actually sees who's doing it, and she twists up an expression on her face that is half mirth and half annoyance. A hand shoots across the table, grabbing one of them soaked crumpled napkins from earlier. It fiercely gets balled up in between her hands and she throws the wadded pad of napkin directly at his FACE. "You suck," she states lamely.

But since Peter is probably answering Siobhan's question by now she turns her voice to an absolute /purr/ and grabs at the front of his shirt to pull him toward her shoulder, to ask the question: "Will you get me another London Fog?" The tone is sweet! Saccharine! Honeyed!

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks a little surprised. "I...wasn't aware he had so many fans here. I suppose if you wanted to meet the guy, I could set it up. I know he put together some kind of harness when transporting people with him. Usually for rescue, but if someone wanted to do a...ride-along?...hmm. I can ask him. As long as no one has issues with the roller-coaster thing or the swinging-through-town-at-100-MPH thing...and you don't normally suffer motion sickness...I don't see why he couldn't oblige. If you want to meet the guy, I could set it up. I'm sure he has SOME downtime, but since he works all over the five boroughs, the sooner the better. If you want to meet him...can I ask why?"

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny nods sympathetically at Peter's admission, and then listens attentively to his spirited defense of JJJ. "... Okay, I suppose that's fair. I apologize," she replies, then smiles almost involuntarily as she listens to Yaretzi fangirl.

    "She sounds really awesome. I hope you get to meet her some day," she replies when the girl runs out of steam.

    She nods at Siobhain, opening her mouth to answer when Alexander barges in.

    "Suck in your own, you clearly have experience," she snaps back. "I guess they didn't teach manners in the Neolithic..."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi looks over at Johanna. "No, not 'brutal'", she says, pronouncing the word, this time, the 'English' way. "I said 'brutal'", she adds, saying it again in the latinesque 'broo-TAHL' way she before used. "It means, like, 'awesome'... though I guess it kinda depends on context, too", she says, a thoughtful look on her face. "Anyways it's....", she starts, but then Johanna's chair is kicked and so on.

The high school girl's face looks like she's trying to not blush and not giggle at the same time, when Johanna's suddenly sugar-sweet in trying to get another drink out of Alexander. She listens, too, to the conversation Peter's having about Spider-Man doing a web-slinging ride-along, her attention obvious because she's watching him as he speaks about that.

"I hope to meet her someday, too!", Yaretzi replies to 'Jenny', too... then her eyes widen, her hands covering her mouth as she tries to, again, not giggle at how Alexander's being talked to.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
Sipping her coffee, Siobhan listens with a nod to Peter only to be distracted briefly by the arrival of Alexander and Johanna's reaction. She blinks at how that plays out and wonders just what kind of relationship Johanna and Alexander have only to have a hand land on her shoulder with a vice like grip. She winces and turns around to see who or what is grabbing her only to have what appears to be an unsuspecting businesswoman staring at her. THe only thing is, her eyes are glowing like white hot embers, face contorting with pain and fear.

"~She's coming!~" The woman screams out and then suddenly lets out a horrific scream that seems to echo, as if from some dark corner of the world resonating out through this poor woman's mouth before suddenly the woman stumbles back and gasps, eyes closing. The woman's eyes blink open, having returned to normal, and she braces herself on a table, looking around in confusion.

Even as this happens, Siobhan's chair hits the floor as she stands up quickly, backing a step or two away from the woman herself even as the 'message' is being delivered, her coffee hitting the floor.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A napkin goes /fnap/ right into Alexanderface and he stands there, one eye scrunched up as he endures the perfidy of assault even as he catches it in one hand and takes a moment to look down at it, thumb and index finger twisting it around through as he ponders what exactly it might be wet from, then squints sidelong at Johanna as if expecting it to be something horrible. Knowing her.
    Yet he says, "Hey." That first one to the person whose chair he kicked, then he lifts that hand to offer a further more robust, "Hey." To the other people there, this time accompanied by a small wave of one hand. Though now he perches on the back of Johanna's chair with both hands upon its seatback and a wry grin on his lips. "Neolithic, bah. I liked it before it was cool, back when it was just Lithic."
    Yet his grin is easily offered and carries no weight of malice as he finally tells Johanna while she /pulls/ him toward her. "Totally not buying you coffee."
    Of course that's the moment when the shriek and announcement comes which has the youth stepping to the side and ahead toward the shrieking woman. A hand lifting as if to try and offer some hint of succor. But as quickly as the scream and pronouncement happened it ends.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
Johanna, sensing comraderie within Jenny, begins nodding along to what the woman says while she has /Alexander/'s shirt wrapped within an iron fist. "I know. He's just rude. And terribly useless, apparently." Spoken again with those honeyed tones, as if it were not humans she spoke with, but kittens. A sweet cooing sound.

She releases Alexander's shirt by simply letting each and every finger uncurl so that he can slip out of her grasp. "A London Fog is -not- a coffee. It's--" She stops talkfing because that business woman with the hagrid expression grips Siobhan by the shoulder. It's a good thing that Alexander has already stepped out from behind Johanna because he would have gotten shoveled over the next second as the (relatively) young woman jumps up from the table with the type of speed that sends the chair flying out from underneath her.

Everyone has stopped talking within the small coffee shop. All eyes are on both the woman and Siobhan (and the coffee splattered area between them). And it only partially alleviates at the woman collapses against the table to brace herself.

Johanna reaches a hand across the table to touch the woman by the shoulder, her brows furrowed, "Hey, are you okay?" Then toward Siobhan, she lifts her attention. "Who's coming? Do you know her?'

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny is still glaring at Alexander, mouth already opening for another choice insult when the shrieking starts - and startles Jenny into whirling around. She'd just been about to set her cup down, but the startle causes her arm to jerk wildly, and the remaining contents go airborne.

    Time almost seems to slow for Peter as the liquid sails through the air... And he doesn't need his advanced physics class to calculate where it's about to land.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi is suddenly quiet, frozen for a second, her eyes wide as she watches what happens to Siobahn... then, she's stuffing her novel into her backpack as she's shoving her chair back and pulling her backpack onto her back as she's getting fully to her feet -- a sudden and quick 'getting ready to GTFO' series of actions that end up with the girl standing behind her chair with both hands on the back of it, braced as if ready to bolt.

She's definitely a Spanish Harlem girl, able to get herself ready to leave in a hurry, like that, without leaving her personal things behind if she can help it. "Dito!... los huevos se pusieron duros!...", the girl whispers under her breath, her eyes wide as she watches everything she can, without taking her eyes off the wierdo who just spoke so freaktastically.

Peter Parker has posed:
Jeez, and he thought Halloween was over...

Peter jumped up to stand behind the table, barely restraining himself from jumping high enough to land on the ceiling and confused enough to stick there. His hands tightened into fists as his Spider-Sense squalled like a four-alarm fire at the nape of his neck. He hasn't had a "flight" response for a long time. It's all "fight" now.

As the woman seems to have expelled whatever was inside her, he is suddenly aware of an incoming mass of liquid. He had enough time for a mental sigh before impact, and the second barrage ensured the mission to bomb the formerly-clean clothes is successful, all the way up to the shoulders, dripping down onto his jeans and completing the destruction.

*It's like they're aiming for me. WHY are they aiming for me? No, never mind an answer, Parker Luck, THE QUESTION WAS RHETORICAL.*

The woman seemed to have recovered...but he's done for.

Siobhan Smythe has posed:
A swallow and Siobhan continues back a few steps, nearly stumbling into another table. She turns her gaze over to others here and then back to the woman who seems completely confused. Her eyes going around as she tries to figure out where she is or what she was doing. Questions have the woman wondering why she even came in here. Siobhan, for her part looks more directly at Johanna and then she swallows and shakes her had.

"No, I don't know dat woman." She states softly and then looks back at the woman like she's seen a ghost. She stands up straighter for a moment, sucking in a breath and letting it out slowly before looking down at the coffee on the floor. She then shakes her head, "I suppose I'm done here..." She looks briefly at Peter and then frowns, "Sorry." She states to him, seeming genuinely apologetic for his pain. As if she were really responsible for things. Then she turns and quickly starts heading for the door.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    One hand is held out toward the woman who so shrieked and who even now is recovering, Alexander's attention is on her and on Johanna as well as she seems inclined to try and help as she can. Yet his attention is drawn over toward poor Peter. His lips part as he makes a small gasp then murmurs, "Oh man, that sucks." He then, curiously mirroring Johanna's efforts of before starts to get napkins and tries to be of some use at first offering them and then looking to perhaps help prevent more from spilling on him by wiping at the table and the like.
    Sidelong towards Jenny, Alexander says without looking toward her, "That was seriously Post-lithic. I can't even how Lithic that was." He tells her while trying be of some use.
    Though he does look after the affected woman, likely having lost track of Siobhan in the moment.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Jenny looks from the woman to Peter, eyes widening in horror and remorse. "... Oh my gosh, I am /so/ sorry, are you okay?" she asks, reaching for what few napkins remain.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs. "This is my life, now." He looks around, then says, "Jenny, I think we should get out of here. The chaos is going to be epic soon, and people are already calling 911. I need to get rolling." He looks to the others. "You can look me up here or in the Daily Bugle website. Until then...be careful."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi picks her moment to move, just before the majority of the crowd in the place seems to decide it's time to also clear out. Thankfully, it's not a panicky exodus -- there doesn't seem to be a serious or immediate threat happening, and these folks are New Yorkers, after all. She's out the door and away from the place with the first elements of the exiting crowd, and heading for the nearest subway tunnel at a job. She'd have loved to stay and try to help as Golden Eagle, but... well, there was too much talk of the heroine there for her comfort, and the sudden appearance thereof might be too telling. Besides, there really didn't seem to be any real danger happening, after all.

She did miss ONE thing in her hasty exit though: she left her cellphone on the table, something she'll kick herself for, later. Hopefully, that the 'emergency contact info' on it has her email address in it will help it find its way back.

Johanna Mitchell has posed:
"H-hey..! Don't just go!" Johanna shouts at Siobhan as she tries to leave. But it's probably a little too late.

    Johanna tends to the business woman, making they occasional, "Hey, hey--you're going to get coffee on you," until Alexander is on the ball with them napkins, sopping up the area that's been splashed on the table, and assisting the soaked Peter Parker. Questions are asked like what her name is. If she's feeling alright. If she can walk on her own two feet. At one point she asks Alexander, "Do we even call 911 in this case? Like, is their specialty really in dealing with temporal possession?" and so forth. Eventually, she decides, "Just help me get her outside. Maybe fresh air. We can park her out on that bench out there."

And thus is the tale of the coffee shop possession.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter spots the phone a few moments before Yaretzi vanishes into the crowd, then snags it. He should be able to get this back to her later.
