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I Gotta Bail
Date of Scene: 21 February 2020
Location: Bushwick - Brooklyn (Mutant town)
Synopsis: Madrox has bail posted by time traveling hitmen on rocket boots. After being saved by Rachel, Daniel and Morrigan, he's re-arrested but offers pizza. Maxima witnesses a day in the life of Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Jamie Madrox, Morrigan MacIntyre, Maxima, Rachel Summers, Daniel Hastings

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Cold. No way about it other than that. The kind of dry cold that withers stength and chips away at the resolve to actually get out and do anything productive. Rain is coming soon. Maybe snow. Mutant Towns ever colorful population begrudgingly preparing for the inevitable of power outages, lack of heat and the usual inconveniences of living in Bushwick. The streets are quieter than usual at this hour. Late evening on a Friday? The cold offers a stern barrier to the less willful of New Yorks citizens. Those brave enough to get out into the city are often rewarded in sometimes unforgettable experiences and new friendships... kidding. Mutant Town is a crap shoot and everybody knows it.

Jamie Madrox tries to ignore that fact. Like someone who just bought a car, pointedly ignoring the missing headlights and cracked windshield. Blissful, impeccable ignorance. "Yeah, yeah. You said that last weekend. Now look who's walking out the front door again?" Jamie backtalks while walking out the front of the Police Station. Bail posted but not by anybody he knows. Jamie stands in the middle of the stairway, tattered overcoat slung over shoulder. A pair of third-hand slacks and a t-shirt that reads 'Mommy Drinks Because I Cry'. Someone had to raid the lost and found. As the doors shut behind him, the cold sinks fangs in and Jamie shivers against it. Another week, another minor scuffle and misunderstanding.

It's a quiet night but when does that ever last in this city? The muffled -fwump- of portals punched through the time-space barrier. High up in the skies above Brooklyn. If not for the immediate wail of high pitched rocket engines, most people would ignore the noise as just background. Could have been anything, right?

It's not anything. It's six grown men in silver body suits, feet encased in smoke belching rocket boots. They race downward from the skies, Jamie Madrox in their sights. Why? Stay tuned.

The half dozen invaders, clad in identical metallic body suits, all wearing the same streamlined helmets with glowing orange eye ports. Black trails snaking behind them as they scream downward in a tight V formation.

"Hey, anybody got a spare buck?" Asks the hungover, haggard and absolutely unsuspecting Multiple Man of the passing citizens of Mutant Town. Not a soul responds. Too cold, man.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Fred's Diner was down the way and Morrigan made it in about once a week. She wasn't a mutant, but, it wasn't like that was stopping the woman from visiting. She's just exiting the establishment, tucking her phone into her pocket as she spies the anomaly in the sky. "What the..." the Irish woman trails off. That's not something you see everyday. She buttons up her coat against the cold and then starts to head the way of where the rocketmen are heading. Keeping an eye on them as she does.

Maxima has posed:
On the previous night, the woman known as Maxima had arrived upon this planet and stepped out of the pod that brought her here. It would not be usable again but she didn't necessarily need it. She instead started off toward the apparent and large metropolitan area nearby. She had flown into the area to get a vantage of the city before landing on a rooftop and looking down at a passing young woman. A few read surface thougths later and a hmm and she landed in an alleyway and walked out in her new Earth Outfit.

Having decided it looked acceptable, she moved on to exploring the city casually. She was not sure of all the traditions and customs of this place but the more she moved the more she realized that the people here seemed wrapped up mostly in their own lives, not caring about the quality of their entire people. Some, were exceptions but many just kept their heads down. Though...quite a few looked her way.

Finally, when she spotted one staring at her, she walked up requested, "Where do those with powers and abilities live?" He seemed...confused so she restated, "Those with powers. Different abilities and strengths than your average Eart...individual." She corrected.

"Uh...do you mean mutants? Like muties and such?" She tilted her head, "Mutant town is that way, lady. You don't wanna go there though." She smirked and raised her chin.

"You do not decide where I go, small man." And she walked past him casually and started on her way toward the place directed.

Traveling like this was not precisely her preference but for now she wanted to blend in (and was doing just an /amazing/ job at it...not really...) so she walked. Now, even as she walks through this Mutant Town, making a displeased face at the experience and wondering a great many things, she blinks to see the people approaching Jamie's location from on high and starts over that way, watching the scene unfold.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    The presence of 'Mutant Town' made Rachel both wary, and tempted. She gave in eventually. After all, this is the location that in her time was the concentration camp she spent three years in. Where she and the other X-Men planned their breakout and alterations to the past. Where many good, but horrible things happened.
    So she finds herself walking through the town, clad in a heavy P-coat over bluejeans and a sweatshirt. What? It's cold out. Seeing the haggard beggar, she fishes in her own pocket and produces a five dollar bill. The only currency she has. It was given to her by Kitty Pryde in case she needed a cup of coffee or some such. But she offers this over as her eyes flicker up towards the approaching invaders. "Please." she says in a small voice. "Just go away. Nobody here means anyone any harm."... I mean come on. This whole place is one big flashback, and when she is -here-, she feels semi-powerless, since the whole time she was here in the camp, she had an inhibitor on.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Mutant Town. It's a thing that is completely new to his vernacular. And new to his existence. That the place is run down and otherwise delapidated somehow doesn't surprise him. So he's got his jacket collar turned up and a fedora on his head to brace against the cold.. or appear to be.. as he walks through the winding alleys and takes in the surrounds. But then there's a warp in space and he looks up like someone just stepped on his grave.

His eyes squint. His vision zooming in on the appearance of the three as they come out of the floating ship. "Bloody hell. Can no one get any peace on this planet anymore?" Comes the tone of a vaguely British voice from an alley that sounds down right annoyed. With a sigh, space begins to warp and distort around him.. masking his features.. and he begins to float up towards the trio.

"Excuse me, gentlemen! Or whatever sentient species you might be partaking of. Please declare your purposes or else depart Terran space immediately. This would be your warning. I don't tend to ask twice. I'm a scientist not a diplomat." This coming from the fellow now clearing the rooftops on his intercept towards them.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
So what if he engaged in a little back alley brawl? And sooo what if he accidentally burned a Lincoln Continental to blackened scrap. It's not like he was fighting anybody but himself... That's right. One big, drunken Dupe brawl landed him in the tank for a night. He seems to be managing just fine! Black eye, butterfly stitches holding his left eyebrow together. But his pilfered new clothes are clean, so there's that. As people brush him off as some random bum, which... isn't terribly innaccurate on some days... He's actually caughy off guard by Rachel and her sudden generousity. "Oh, thank god. You're the best, kid." Jamie Madrox says with a grateful smile while lifting the bill against the street lights glare. Can never be too careful, right? "Won't have to roll anybody for beer money." A little wink then, surely he's joking.

That's when Jamie sees the glittering red dots of approaching... "That's probably nothing." He says, pocketing the fivespot Rachel offered. The young woman was looking at the lights too. "You see that too, huh? Sort of a relief. Friends of yours?" He asks while lightly hopping off the stairs to the sidewalk. Is he actually just going to ignore this?

The rocket booted invaders wrapped in shimmery silver approach at a break neck speed. Crouched low, each one holds the stance of a downhill skier. Hands gripping corded objects wired to slim back packs. Backpacks heralding their approach with the electric screech and primal cocophony of what -could- be music. Depending on your stance on such things. Down, down, down they race. Angle adjusting. "Prime Target locked." One says over the shrieking whine of jet boots. Black smoke trails snake lazily through the air. "See you 'round, Red!" Jamie says as he starts down the sidewalk toward the nearest bar. Not seeing the six blasters leveled and charging. The green glow building and building.

That's when Daniel decides to make his presence known. A hazy, hard to distinguish shape of a man. The formation breaks immediately. "Prime Target has obtained assistance. Lethal Force still denied. Engage." Says the one leading the charge. Three rocket skiers spiral downward and level out at the streets, screaming fast down the sidewalks. Pedestrians diving from their paths. "Anybody hear a squeaky fan belt orrrr...?" Turning on heel, Jamie sees the sky skating group. "Ahhhhh crapballs." He says as the concrete detonates infront of him from a green plasma blast.

The Leader and two others circle wide, coming back at Daniel. "Surrender the Prime Target and you will mot be harmed." The helmeted man shouts. "We're still going to sterilize and stasis lock Madrox, right?" One asks as he levels the blaster at Daniel.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan should be used to space invaders by now. There's a look to Jamie and then to the silver suited men in the sky. Well, this wasn't going to be a friendly encounter.

The violet eyed woman gives a bit of a frown and then her hands are raising, fingers curling as wisps of neon purple outline her hands as she traces. She focuses on the man that has leveled the blaster at Daniel and she brings her jerks her hands down in a forceful way and the man is suddenly yanked out of the sky, "Now that's not nice to be doing when you're visiting." she spits out.

Unless he's immune to magic.

Maxima has posed:
Blinking slowly, Maxima considers what is happening and then finally spots someone flying up to meet with three of the invaders. She nods a little and lets out a slow hmm as she watches, crossing her arms as she looks up. Then she notes the coalescence of some other power attacking the ones in the air. A moment later her eyes go back down to where the other ones are heading and she starts her progress over toward that.

Walking past the people now leaving the area, she moves around to the side of the street, considering the words of those men and their purpose. Were they htis world's police? She could not be sure. Perhaps this man was a criminal. They did not appear to be using lethal force.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Well, she tried. But Rachel has a trigger. It's rage. It is seeing someone targeted unjustly. Someone hunted like they were merely a mutant and not deserving of rights.
    But before she does anything more, she sends her thoughts skittering through the minds of the attackers. Pure aggression. She nods her head and eyes flickering from target to target, she visualizes.. and then her Telekinesis reaches out and latches onto the thrusting boots of the fliers. She narrows her eyes then and little flickers of phoenix-fire flare from her eyes even as the boot jets suddenly go out, crushed (along with the feet incidentally) of the wearers. If their feet are super tough then it might hurt a bit less. "I hate bullies." she mutters as she moves along just behind Jamie.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"Until you provide a writ or warrant, I think you need to return to your ship." Daniel replies, "As someone who knows SHIELD quite well, you're operating within the jurisdictional boundaries and the auspices of domestic terrorism at this moment and I think I'm rather through discussing the matter." As such, the distance between Daniel and the 'leader' of the trio is closed in the blinking of an eye. The pair disappear only to reappear at the portal hanging open high above. The fellow is summarily plopped back into the hole from which he came. "Now. Your associate will likely need medical attention. I will see to that as well as his interrogation. In the meantime, any further gunfire into a civilian environment will designate you as a hostile and lethal force will be used. I bid you good day, sir."

Jamie Madrox has posed:
These men were prepared. For what, exactly, is not completely clear other than the unified front of dealing Jamie a dirty hand from above. They were not, however, prepared to face outside interference. The mission was chosen specifically for this exact time. This moment. There weren't supposed to be variables. Magic is one big freaking variable. The blaster yanked downward, any other gun and the guy would just let go. This one was bound to that slim, disk-like packs they wore. With a surprised yelp, the sky skier is tugged downward. Unbalance, he rockets wildly toward a parked moving truck.

If this is Maxima's introduction to Earth society, there may or may not be a fruit basket sent her way to smooth things over. As one of their number is attacked, the group seems to lose what cohesion they had. Formations break. If she was wondering about the police? Well, they make their debut right about -now-. After all, this IS happening right outside the precinct. Doors burst open, uniformed officers shouting at eachother and trying to make sense of the chaos. Shouts demanding a cease to the activities are met with blaster fire aimed in a green, firey rain around Jamie. Who yelps in surprise, immediately taking cover behind a bus stop bench. "What did you do to piss these guys off?!" He shouts at Rachel while peering between wooden slats.

A blast of green energy scorches through the bench. How are these things non-lethal?! Rachel's display of power is clearly impressive. Rocket boots capped forcibly. The results? Hoooo boy. Telekinesis crushes high powered booster engines and bones alike. It's not pretty. Small explosions. Screams. A rain of debris. Four uninvited, silver clad attackers disabled in a flashy, very permanent fashion. Why four? Because Mo just yanked one through a box truck and Daniel? Why, Daniel just -vanished- with their leader. Four men hit the streets. Minus thier feet.

The Leader, if he can even claim the title after this botched abduction, is completely stunned when Daniel so easily returns him to their Portal Platform. Boot engines die and the man looks back through the hole in reality. Seeing the carnage below. "I... I... I... " He stammers in futility. Snatching off his helmet, the bald headed man in his late 40's drops to his knees. "You... you don't understand... We were -saving- you! From THAT!" He shouts, pointing at one James Arthur Madrox. The man now assaulting a downed sky skier with a piece of a destroyed bench. "Don't you know what he will do?!"

Dropping his debris weapon at the behest of a police officer, Jamie lifts hisn hands and looks just about fed up. "Come ON! This is clearly not my fault this time!" What a time to explore Mutant Town, right? Come for the diversity. Stay for the brutal maiming of future born invaders with rocket powered rollerblades.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to the one that's plummeting towards a car and she decides that it's best to cushion his fall. No time to be murdering today. She gives a bit of a duck when the blasters fire off and there's a look up when the police come bursting out the doors. "Shit." she whispers and then she's heading that way, her hands coming up and more finger movements as she shields the officers from the incoming barrage of green bolts. Who really knew if they would appreciate this? But hey, she was a Doctor and protecting others came naturally.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    And now, this -really- pisses off Rachel. "What he will do?" she asks softly, before her voice rises in volume and pitch, "WHAT ANYONE WILL DO?!" she cries out as she turns from where she started to take cover alongside Jamie. She starts walking towards the one trying to justify his actions. "In the future, EVERY mutant will be rounded up like Jews in World War Two. And I will -not- let that happen. Not again!" she exclaims before she does something that will basically make her the focus of attention for the foreseeable future. She spreads her arms out, and flames burst out of her into that famous Phoenix Aura, looking like a firebird surrounding her... She gestures towards the man Jamie is assaulting, and the flames lash out to grab onto the man, lifting him away from his attacker and into the air before turning and shoving him towards his commander, ""We will not be like you. We will not kill you and yours just because you are different. Take your man and leave!" she yells. Okay, so she's gone from timid meek girl to COMMANDING COSMIC GODLING. Stupid emotional triggers and flashbacks.

Maxima has posed:
The arrival of those who seem to be authority tells her that these people attacking are not the authorities. However, things seem to be under control so for now, Maxima doesn't interfere. This, after all, appears to be handled. She simply smiles a little at the sight. This is what she had heard about. Those of power and strength upon this world. Those who she might relate to and otherwise. Of course, the actions of Rachel has an eyebrow arching a small smirk forming. Such power and force of personality has Maxima's eyes twinkling. Truly, this girl can be counted among Earth's powerful few.

She looks up at the destruction that Rachel is creating and then at those on the ground that are writhing in pain and she nods softly in approval.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"To quote a contemporary of mine, the self-righteous rule out the possibility that they are what has gone wrong." Daniel replies to the older man he's facing. "You're talking to a man who has studied the nature of space-time extensively. Felt its sting. You speak of causality without the any manner of self-awareness. Did you consider that time is both immutable and infinite in guise? Every act spawning new threads while every tampering with the skein.. is not tampering at all but by design? My friend, look down there. Realize that there are powers beyond your kenning and grasp this. If this fellow is truly a threat to the future.. and you are from it.. that you are blind to anything but the instant of your focus and not at all understanding of the permutations you face. Elsewise, you'd have known I would be here. And her." He means Rachel. Because.. bloody hell. "Now. Who are you? And please.. don't tell me this is a mutant issue." This is mutant town, after all. INCOMING. Daniel floats to one side to stay clear of the incoming cronies by way of flamewave.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
One mans fall cushioned does not save his legs. While Morrigan left on the safety gloves, Rachel had clearly thrown hers to the wind. It's pure anarchy in the streets, green blaster fire scorching pavement and parked cars. Knocking people to the ground, clothes damaged but flesh somehow unharmed. Weird weaponry indeed. Morrigan lifting up an arcane barrier saves more pride and uniforms than they will ever admit. Though her actions -are- recognized and not seen as an attack. Which, with the NYPD, is a small miracle.
"Look, I'm not armed!" Jamie shouts as handguns are pointed at him when he leaves cover. They know Jamie. They keep the guns trained. When Madrox drops a kick into the downed invaders ribs, warnings are shouted. "Okay! Okay! I'm done! Cross my heart and hope to wear a badge!" Arms up still, his jaw -drops- when Rachel lets go. The fire. The imagery. The -memories-. Jamie steps back, shaking his head in disbelief. "Ooooh crap, crap, crap, crap. Guys? I'm ready to go back inside now! Cell still open, right?!" Even the police are backing up as Rachel levitates a legless body wreathed in telekinetic flame. Jamie is happy he's wearing borrowed pants right now.

High above on the other side of space and time, Daniel continues his pow-wow with a completely defeated strike team leader. The man on his knees, helmet held loosely in trembling hands. "I... no, I didn't consider any-" Blond eyebrows furrowing, the man glares with wide eyes at Daniel. Shocked that he failed. Stunned that it all went so hard south so fast. "None of you were supposed to be here. Just the Prime Target. Just that -thing-." Head bowing, the man flips his helmet over in shaking hands. Finger resting against a small, recessed button. "Oh no... oh no no no. Wrong time. Wrong timeline. They sent us back too far." Looking up at Daniel, there is a certain resolve in those blue eyes. "They'll send more. Jamie Madrox cannot live. He can't." Closing those baby blues, the Leader presses that button inside his helmet. The portal starting to close infront of Daniel. "He screws up time itself worse than you could ever know. Don't let him take the serum. Don't let him."

StreetsideC police and paramedics swarm. Firetrucks arriving just as Jamie Madrox is having his outstretched wrists cuffed once again. "Fridays, man." He says with a shake of his head to the officer cuffing him. An officer pointedly keeping a close eye on Rachel instead of Jamie. "Hey. My eyes are up here, slick." He says with a weak smirk.

Rachel Summers has posed:
    Okay, okay. Rachel had no real recollection of just what damage she caused. In reality, she wasn't even seeing things as they were. She was seeing Sentinels attacking her and her friends, anti-mutant people assaulting.. Ahab...
    But when things die down, her flames go down to a smoldering aura just beyond her skin. "Did he just say timeline?" she asks aloud just before she plunges into that man's brain with full force mental probe. She needs to KNOW what he was here for, where he was from but more importantly... -when- he was from. As someone who travelled back to 2020 from 2047 recently... she has a rather... focused interest.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's more than a little confused by the words from the guy that lead all this. And she's pretty brilliant so that's a feat. She keeps the barrier up between the police and the visitors though, more for safety than anything else.

Then she's looking to Jamie, "But...you didn't do anything." she states in her Irish accented tone. And he really didn't...or did he? She looks back to the officers and there's a look over them, seeing if any of them got hurt, "Anyone need medical attention?" she asks.

Maxima has posed:
Walking up slowly, it doesn't appear caution that makes Maxima move slowly, it's merely casual. She simply approaches the groups and looks down at one of the men who were attacked. She looks at him briefly and then over to Morrigan and then she points down, "These men likely need some form of medical attention." She nods her head and shrugs before looking around slowly, causally scanning for other emotions involved in pain not coming from the people who deserve that pain.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel is careful not to get trapped on the other side of the portal. He's had enough time-space shenanigans for one lifetime. Still. The words of the temporal fanatic have him looking down towards Jamie.. as if he wasn't some two hundred feet in the air standing on nothingness. Behind the distortion of warped space, he frowns a touch then.. appears at ground level. "Officers. What you just witnessed was a time-space incursion by unknown persons seeking to abduct this gentleman here." He indicates Madrox. "I don't suppose you could tell me who he is?" There's a turn of his regard towards Madrox but his tone suggests he's heard enough of the fellow's words and might not believe him if a name was given. "You may refer to me as Journey in your reports." He offers as an addendum to the officers.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
It all happened so fast. It's hard to keep it all straight. All Jamie knows is that he's being arrested -again- and those guys in space leotards were talking a mean game of Jamie bashing. "Yuuuup. Said timeline. I think. Could have said 'landmine'. Maybe 'fine wine?' Look, does ANYBODY have an asprin or something?" Jamie Madrox, still painfully hungover and having just escaped a less than pleasant fate, seems a little nonchallant about all this.

An upnod to Morrigan is Jamie's greeting. Wide smile, bloodshot eyes and new handcuffs glimmering in the street lights. "Story of my life. Irish? Love the place. You know, I-Hey!" Jamie exclaims as the officer tries to lead him back to the stairs. Quietly pleading with Jamie to actually listen to him for once. "Oh, yeah. Those dudes are -wrecked-. Kiddo here has the juice." He says while nodding enthusiastically.

Maxima is absolutely right. Luckily, the ones not fighting back are being loaded onto stretchers and hurriedly worked on. The paramedics seem to be at a loss on how to handle their gear. The one under Maxima's attention trying to sit up. Pulling at his mask as he -begs- her to just kill Jamie for him. You know, do him a favor. "Yeah, maybe don't listen to that guy." Jamie offers helpfully as he's being pulled on toward the stairs.

Daniel, floating high above and free of the portal(and the quiet sobs of a strike team leader), draws attention and rightfully so. The officer holding Jamie's upper arm pauses, looks at Madrox. Jamie just shrugs and looks up to Daniel. "His name is Jamie Madrox and he's under arrest." Jamie lofts a brow at the officer. "Fooooor?" He asks. The officer scowls. Thinks on it and hurriedly answers. "Inciting a riot. Again." With a push, he shoves Jamie at another officer who grabs him up by the collar.

"For what it's worth, I probably owe you guys a pizza? Journey? Dude, you're gonna get sued." Jamie says with a light hearted chuckle as he's shoved at the doors. "Gino's! Ask for Multiple Man!" He shouts back at Daniel, Rachel, Morrigan and Maxima. The only non-police or emergency workers now on the street. "Ask for Multip-" The front doors of the police precinct slam shut. Jamie Madrox urged back into processing. It's going to be a long night.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel Hastings squints a little as the officer summarily drags Madrox back into the precinct. "Inciting a riot? Well. Remind me not to spit on the sidewalk in America." There's a definite tone of disapproval in his voice. "I imagine he'll need an attorney to disprove these falacious warrants." There's a moment as he looks to the officer. "Officer... Dooley.. badge number 4617. Noted." But he doesn't stop them. No.. he has other means of seeking justice. "I think.. this is most certainly time to make a phone call."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's violet gaze softens a touch as she looks to Jamie, "Yeah, Irish..." but anything else is cut off and there's a bit of a head shake as the doors close. Then she's heading off to talk to the EMT's that are loading up the injured. Maxima is given a nod, "Thank you." she tells her. Then she shakes her head at something one of the EMT's ask her, "No, take them to Mount Sinai. We'll take care of them there." she states.