Jessica Cruz

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Jessica Cruz (Scenesys ID: 3256)
Name: Jessica Cruz
Superalias: Beryl
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Online Sales
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Metropolis
Education: Some College
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Mystic Arts
Apparent Age: 28 Actual Age: 28
Date of Birth 14 Apr 1993 Played By
Height: 5'5" Weight: 130 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Jessica Cruz is not a well known woman. She keeps to herself, lives in an apartment in Metropolis, and pays her rent on time. Very little is known about her and it seems like she might wish to keep it that way.


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The Ring Arrives:
It was an odd night. Jessica had not expected any deliveries. Perhaps it was by fate or perhaps design that a package would arrive on her doorstep all the same. Maybe it was through simple postal error, she got a ring. A strange looking ring. Dark green in color, it had been blackened and worn by age. A strange triangle was on its front and when she got it, she could feel it pulse in her hand. When it did, she dropped it. A moment later, it rose from the ground, pulsing with power and a strange, black and green energy. She screamed as a voice darkly called to her. She grabbed a shotgun she kept by her door, aimed and fired.

The ring was undeterred.

That was the last thing she remembered from that moment. She awoke to a banging at her door. Police wanting to ask questions about the sound of gunfire. On her hand, a ring. The ring from the night before. And for some reason, she couldn't take it off.

*1993: Jessica Cruz is born.

*1999: Jessica's father takes her out on her first camping trip.

*2003: Jessica takes down her first deer, solidifying her love for camping and survival.

2012: After graduation, as a 'gift', her father signs her up for survival training. Similar to what the military goes through, she passes with flying colors.

*2017: Jessica Cruz was out on a camping trip with her college friends. It was just a normal bit of fun for them. Unfortunately, they'd bear witness to a murder performed by the mafia and only Jessica would escape the massacre that followed.

*2017-2021: Jessica's run in would have her hiding from the world. She refused to help the police, refused to help herself, and frankly refused to help anyone. She changed cities and went into her own form of hiding/seclusion.

*2021: Jessica Cruz receives the Ring of Cyprus. A strange ring, dark green in color with strange powers and a dark purpose.

IC Journal

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A large part of Jessica's personality is what has broken her. She's an introvert now. Prior to the incident with her friends being killed, she was far more outgoing but now she is untrusting of people. She doesn't like going out. She doesn't like being around crowds. She doesn't even really like being outside. It's not that it scares her, it's that she's overly cautious now. She knows how bad the world can be and she doesn't trust it not to be bad again.

While it might seem an odd contrast to the other side of her personality, Jessica isn't a babbling mess. She isn't going to allow that. She was trained to be a survivalist. She was trained to survive. She has multiple locks on her doors. She carefully plans trips out. She barely goes out but she refuses to let fear control her. She has a great deal of fear in her now but she is not afraid. It's an odd line to walk but she does it quite well.

Character Sheet


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Iron Will:
This might seem like a strange thing for someone who locks their door five times and prefers to hide inside from the world than go out into it, however, it is something to be said that she's willing to go out at all. She watched her friends die, she barely survived herself, and yet she is still willing to live. Still willing to fight the world that puts such fear into her and while that fight might just be to go outside, go outside she does. She is not a mind so easily overcome despite the fear in her. One might even say it is because of her fear that her will is so solid.


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Thanks to being an avid outdoorswoman, she is very skilled with all types of firearms. She is not necessarily an expert but she can use a rifle to take down a rabbit at a hundred yards if the conditions are right. She isn't half-bad with pistols either.

Stemming partially from her forceful personality, this also relies heavily on the fact that she has lived several years in fear of the world. She knows what it is like to be desperate, what it is like to ward people away, and what it is like to make people avoid her. She has worked hard on being able to turn people with just a look simply because she doesn't want to be around or near people. As such, she has a knack for making people wonder just what she has in mind for them with just a look.

Her main skillset falls into the ability to survive. She has trained for years with her father and other members of her family who are experts in terms of survival. She comes from a family of hunters and woodsmen. She was given the tools necessary to live in harsh environments with limited tools and equipment. The Appalachians are a favorite place of hers and she grew up there, learning to live nearly indefinitely out in those forests with little to no outside aid or support.


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Her apartment is something of a tiny fortress. Her door was replaced with a solid steel door with multiple locks. She has weapons hidden throughout it and she has supplies to be able to last a year on freeze dried food and water if need be.

Ring of Cyprus:
Long ago, a Green Lantern ring came to Earth in search of someone of great will. Sadly, the ring made a grave error. It did, indeed, find a human of great will but it did not know that this person was also the apprentice of a terrible sorcerer. Akakios Cyprus recognized what this ring represented almost as soon as he saw it and was quick to place his apprentice within a spell of stasis before he even knew what was going on. Unfortunately, Akakios would spend his last days free attempting to find a way to not only remove the ring from his apprentice but to turn it to his own dark ways.

The Stasis would keep the ring from being located by other Lanterns and the struggle between the magic of Akakios and the power of the ring would end in the seeming destruction of them both.

Now, this ring, that had been buried for centuries, was uncovered by Archaeologists. It would begin a new search in the modern era. This time not for someone simply of great will but of someone with great fear as well. In Jessica Cruz, it found its match.

The Ring itself acts similarly to a true Green Lantern ring except the dark and twisted soul of Akakios is still inside, magic and all. His soul, his magic, powers the ring rather than Lantern energy. This gives the wearer powers similar to a lantern. Clothing alteration, force fields, telekinesis, power blasts, object creation, flight, and even self-healing. Not to mention self-sustenance and protection from harsh environments (such as space).

The ring, however, is not as powerful as a true Green Lantern ring and cannot achieve true interstellar flight. All the powers are to a lesser extent, at least until Akakios can find a way to permanently regain his full magic and body. For now, all Akakios can do is use projections from the ring to create a temporary body/projection for himself to interact with the world though he can only do this while someone wears the ring.


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Phobias are often irrational. Hers is no different. All the same, she does not like any situation which she doesn't control. It can cause her to panic. She likes to be in control because of a time when she had no control at all. It's just that simple and any place or group that she doesn't have control over is an act of will to interact with.

Suffice it to say, some days a simple walk to the store can feel like a crawl through a battlefield. Every person is another person out to kill her. Every turn has a gunman ready to shoot her. Every loud sound is a gun being fired at her. She has to overcome this, push it aside, and move forward quite often.

Survivor's Guilt:
To put it in basic terms, she blames herself for surviving while her friends died. She shouldn't. She survived a horrible situation and can do nothing to change it. She sitll can't help but feel like somehow she could have done something different. ANything different and they might have lived. Maybe she should be dead and they should be alive, at least in her mind. It weighs on her daily.

The Ring:
The Ring contains a dark sorcerer. Akakios Cyprus is a horrible man who wishes nothing more than to return to this world and finally gain control of the power of the ring he wished to control so long ago. For now, he can only try to coerce Jessica into doing what he wishes. He has many forms of manipulation at his disposal, including trying to simply use her fear against her. Akakios wants nothing more than to find a way to get free of his ring prison even if it means riding Jessica's body or creating a new one for himself. He may even pretend to 'help' her if it means he can get his way.

Her will is a double edged sword. When combined with her mental issues from her terrible experience, it means it is much more difficult to convince her to overcome her own problems. It's hard to change when you have a will of iron. While her will has protected her from the worst mental trauma, it has also kept her from overcoming it to a degree.



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Jessica Cruz has 26 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Cruz'in Right Along September 19th, 2022 Mary Jane catches up with the newest Green Lantern Trainee, Jessica Cruz, post exorcism.
So how Do We do This August 29th, 2022 Jason and Jessica grab a bite to eat and talk about life, the universe and (some of) everything.
Reading is Fundemental. But is it Fun August 19th, 2022 Charlie runs into Gabby and meets Jessica in the Velvet Room's bar. No books were harmed. No NARCs either.
Lighting the Lantern: Beware My Power August 15th, 2022 The final showdown wtih the sorcerer Akaikos Cyprus that lived in Jessica's Lantern ring! With the asisstance of Justice League Dark and Red Hood, the sorcerer was defeated and banished to the realms of the dead. With that, the Lantern ring chose Jessica as its proper bearer, and now a new Green Lantern is born!
Old Places, New Faces August 2nd, 2022 A new ally is gained for the JLD, and some insight is offered for Jessica!
Lighting the Lantern: Recruiting Allies August 1st, 2022 Jessica and Jason met a representative of Justice League Dark, Cael Becker, to try to get Jason into JL Dark to help with her ring problem.
Lighting the Lantern: The Suffering of Jessica July 25th, 2022 The sorcerer in Jessica's ring went berserk and attacked Jessica herself using the wax museum sculptures - her boyfriend Jason Todd and the surprise appearance of Red Sonja helped Jessica get the will to wrest the power back to win the day. Oh, the waxanity!
Something Czarnian This Way Comes July 24th, 2022 The Main Man, Lobo, is coming to Earth as Jessica was floating in orbit to clear her mind - the two talk for a bit before Lobo finishes his journey to Earth.
Ringing Endorsements July 19th, 2022 Jessica and Chas discuss her fears and possible solutions to overcoming them. Chas proposes his own solution to her little ring problem and the mad sorcerer lying in wait within.
Welcome Back... to the Velvet Room. July 18th, 2022 After Jessica discovers that her ring's indwelt sorcerer spirit is dormant in the Velvet Room, she speaks with Lydia and Jon about the start of a plan to deal with him.
Don't I Know You From Somewhere July 15th, 2022 Beryl seeks an arcane artifact in a Gotham jewelry store that happens to be in the midst of a robbery. Red Hood arrives shortly after to assist and offer advice.
Milkshake Madness. July 7th, 2022 Gabby moves to Bushwick.
A little something in the VR. July 6th, 2022 No description
Pancake Hermit July 4th, 2022 While out getting pancakes, Greg and Jessica run into each other. Jessica's turmoil is enough for Greg to ask her what's wrong, talk to her, and reveal she's at least got one friendly heroic type.
Magic Book November 28th, 2021 Hellboy, Madigan, and Jessica confront Tynan's's Tynan? Jessica knocks Tynan out. Hellboy carries out two ladies while people are upset about disappearing wishes.
THE LAST LAUGH: A Man Falls Into A Pub November 10th, 2021 The bartender says 'Why the ugly face?'
JUSTICE LEAGUE: Meet-Up November 5th, 2021 John, Zatanna, Phoebe, and Jessica Cruz meet with J'onn and Diana about the formation of Justice League Dark.
All Hallows' Eve October 31st, 2021 Everyone stays safe and sound through All Hallows' Eve at the Laughing Magician. The only ghost to make an appearance is one long overdue when Phoebe and Charles Beacon share a moment through the veil.
Right Number, Wrong Caller October 31st, 2021 Jessica's work day is interrupted by an extremely pushy, ring-wielding caller interested in learning more about her-- or, at least, her ring.
PoP: The Exorcist(s) October 28th, 2021 Members of the Night Brigade cleanse a church and its congregation of the evil plaguing it.
A Really Bad Night to be a Criminal October 23rd, 2021 Two idiots try to rob a car. They realize they are stupid thanks to Rogue.
Through a Looking Glass Darkly October 23rd, 2021 For once, a day ending in Y doesn't end with blood and broken bones for anyone.
PoP: Vanished October 14th, 2021 Another thinning, but this time it's different. This time John and his allies get a peek at what might be behind them. The Laughing Magician came through the final battle mostly fine for a change. But then Jubilee nearly killed him without even knowing she was doing so. Another day ending in Y, innit?
Birthrite: Interlude October 11th, 2021 Phoebe and John share a quiet moment where not much needs to be said, but knowing Phoebe she's overthinking and saying it anyway. John hires Jessica Cruz as the latest vict-- cook -- COOK at the Laughing Magician
Pop: Hush October 11th, 2021 Silence isn't always golden, especially when it's unnatural and there are ALIENS. John, with a LOT of help, seals another thinning. They're growing more strange with each one. ...and he's still no closer to figuring out what's causing them.
A (First) Day in the Park October 8th, 2021 Jessica meets a nice person in the park, aka Demona. They both survive the encounter.


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Jessica Cruz has 26 finished logs.

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Jessica Cruz has been credited in 0 shows.

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Jessica Cruz has been credited in 0 albums.

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Jessica Cruz has authored 0 books.

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