8525/Narrows Dog-park Grand Re-opening

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Narrows Dog-park Grand Re-opening
Date of Scene: 02 November 2021
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: The unveiling of the new Narrows Dog Park goes off without a hitch.
Cast of Characters: Lincoln March, Autumn Graves, Oswald Cobblepot, Giselle duGevaudan, Austin Reese, John Stewart

Lincoln March has posed:
     The narrows is a place without hope a place of darkened doors and broken boarded over windows. It's the place that officers fear to tread in the dead of night and most law abiding folk ignore all together unless they can't help it. It's a place that's been forgotten for years by the people of the city and the mayor's office alike left to its own squalor for generations.

     All that in mind it's a strange site to see the news crews out in force along with the police and yes even the mayor's personal limousine in preparation for a public event. For many of the locals there's a look of shock and awe that something, anything is being done with this section of the city at all.

     Lincoln March, the mayor of Gotham stands with pride in the center of an empty lot, a golden shovel waiting in the wings guarded by several members of GCPD's finest. The lot has been cleared off of debris and trash that had been filling it for so long and now a small podium waits in front of the lot as cameras and cellphones flash bright lights towards him.

     "People of gotham, I Lincoln March ran on a promise last year during my re-election campaign." He stands tall and proud as he speaks into the microphone blaring his voice over two large speakers. "That promise was an effort to stitch shut the gaping gunshot wound of gotham" He pulls his fingers together knitting them one inside of the other as he speaks. "To stop crime at its source rather than simply applying bandages as the wounds appeared." He motions around himself. "To build a brighter tomorrow not by crushing the darkness, but by lighting the way for those who have been trapped inside of it for so long."

     "Today I take the first step of many into paving that way to a brighter tomorrow with the reintroduction of a piece of gotham once lost." He leans forward with a smile. "For many you may see a simple empty lot where once not long ago stood a wretched hive of criminal activity burned down in the midst of the night, but I assure you this is simply the first stepping stone to our brave new world."

     He reaches behind himself much to the shock and surprise of many of the people in the audience and pulls at the open air behind himself.

     The illusion cast by a small group of local mutants fades completely as into view comes a field of bright greenery. Large ornate statues, and green terraces fill the open ground park benches and more in this small lot in the midst of the narrows. At the center of it all a statue to the founder of Gotham made of bronze. All of it comes slowly into view as the mutant groups magic fades.

Autumn Graves has posed:
Autumn Graves kind of likes the darkness. Don't get her wrong, she makes an effort to put an end to as many scumbags and psychos as she can, but she doesn't do well in bright light and she isn't very skilled at good behavior. She's a bit too broken for that.

But she can pass.

So instead of the masked slasher that hunts the night, today she's here in her civilian garb, a college girl in a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top, plenty of make-up and hair dyed currently a black-rooted crimson. She lingers at the edges of the crowd, having mostly been curious. She does have a rather large rucksack over her shoulder, containing some of her gear should chaos break out. Always a risk of such matters at Gotham gathers.

Oswald Cobblepot has posed:
    Oswald Cobblepot, local socialite, owner of the most exclusive club in Gotham, humanitarian, and definitely not a crime boss, is not going to miss a photo op with one of the mayor's public works projects. Normally his business in the Narrows is far less... agreeable, and he very rarely comes himself. Even now, with all eyes focused on Marsh and the GCPD all around, he bristles with uncomfortable awkwardness as he smiles for the few cameras that sweep his way. Flanked by two linebacker-sized bodyguards who are most definitely not goons in nice suits, he tries to be the first to applaud appreciatively at the mayor, umbrella tucked under his arm for the moment as he shows what he hopes is interpreted as enthusiastic support.

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     The Narrows was not a part of town Giselle frequented. Even as a recent transplant to Gotham, she knew to avoid it. Still, the announcement of the ribbon-cutting had reached her as she finished her final lecture of the day. Needing an excuse to get off campus, she decided to attend.
     Dressed in a cinched, sage green trench coat and with dark hair in a low chignon, Professor duGevaudan presses in with the other onlookers. She listens attentively as the Mayor gives his speech, and gasps with much of the audience as the illusion gives way. She can't help but applaud enthusiastically at the theatrics. She looks around with a smile, glancing at those that surround her to see if they were as moved as she.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin Reese hadn't lived in the Narrows his whole life. Just most of it. How he turned out the way he did despite growing up in some of the worst parts of this town was definitely an interesting story in and of itself.

The idea that something was going to get improved in this part of town was worth checking out though. Wearing a hoodie with the hood up, he listened in to the right pretty speach by the mayor (who he would admit he didn't vote for). Still he's surprised when the illusion is lifted because he figured that of all people he'd have known something like that was being built in his part of town. Maybe he's not as good at keeping tabs on this stuff as he thought.

John Stewart has posed:
Then, there are those who want to see how this pans out.

Universal peacekeeper by occupation, one of the sectors Green Lanterns stands at the edge of a rooftop overlooking the ceremony. His uniform and the green field around him make him obviously visible to those below, even as his green glowing eyes watch the ceremony and the surrounudings for signs of trouble.

Arms crossed, John Stewart stands as a silent guardian for the event, above, his Power Ring giving him a real time accounting of what's being said.

Lincoln March has posed:
     Lincoln takes note of the presence of Oswald and gives a bit of a smile in his direction. He was always good at making people feel welcome and playing his cards close to his chest. Ever the statesman as he stood upon the stage turning back to the crowd with the complex garden behind him.

     "We stand on the precipice of a new order for our city, of a new dawn for the darkest of nights in our fair burroughs." He smiles brightly towards the cameras as he leans both hands onto the podium. "For where some see a simple soup kitchen on one corner, and this dogpark in the midst of the narrows I see a foothold for us to take back our fair city from the darkness, to take back our hopes and dreams, and to lift up those who have been downtrodden."

     "This park is far from the end of my plans for Gotham, it is a begining." With that the mayor cuts the little ribbon on the park alloowing it to flutter to either side. A careful eye would catch one of the mutants on reserve sending the smallest of sparks towards the ribon causing it to burn from the middle to either side burning away with a pleasent aroma and a light green glow.

     "Now let's enjoy this park and more than that let's enjoy the future that waits ahead of us that this park symbolizes." He pauses for a moment. "A brilliant new future awaits us Gotham, all we need is to reach out and grab it."

Autumn Graves has posed:
Autumn Graves is rich but thankfully not famous, her family one of the old money types that doesn't seek out too much publicity. Not least of all because their only daughter had spent a lot of her late teen years in Arkham under an assumed name.

She blows a cloud of vape smoke and looks over at the guy standing in the hoodie off to her right, addressing Austin with a snort, "You believe this shit? Can't just have construction like normal people, gotta be a big magic surprise, like a rabbit coming out of a hat. Hey, you holdin'? I could use a little actual smoke," she mutters.

Oswald Cobblepot has posed:
    "Hear hear!" Cobblepot agrees enthusiastically, clapping for a little bit longer before reaching for his umbrella, leaning heavily on it as he takes the park in, mind racing as he tries to figure out the play here. Something this nice, he reasons, can't survive in the Narrows for long, not without additional support. Enthusiastic support might better endear him to the government, but at the same time, the Narrows are useful for things better left unsaid. Not something he has to make up his mind on immediately, no, but it's not something he should let linger. Gentrify the Narrows?, he thinks to himself. Could it even be done?

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Giselle applauds again. Perhaps not a lifelong Gothamite, nor even a resident long enough to claim the title she still felt moved by the effort to restore the city. The woman smiles again, and glances off to her side once more, as she spots Oswald and his book-end hulking guards. At least he seems supportive. Though her own thoughts echo his as she wonders if gentrifying the Narrows was possible.
     "I should have brought my dog," The professor remarks to herself, in her mildly accented tones. Dark eyes continue to glance around, and finally up to spot the haze of green. Quite a good turnout for the ceremony!

Austin Reese has posed:
"Can't help you, unfortunately." Austin replies, in regards to Autumn's question, "But I agree with you. Springing shit like this in the Narrows is an awful idea. Hope mayor is paying out for 24/7 security because that statue will be tagged by 3am tonight." Honestly if nothing else it bugs him that the mayor is using mutants as show props for his big reveal, "Hope they're at least getting paid for showing off their powers."

John Stewart has posed:
As the ceremony goes on, John simply stands there up above. An uneventful event is a solid way to spend his on-duty time, after all.

Lincoln March has posed:
     Lincoln takes his time making his way down the stage in order to shake hands and answer questions from the local news media. He's invited several of the smaller outlets to attend this little ceremony mostly internet outlets, and local groups none of the bigger news organizations.

     He moves from one face to the next pausing near Oswald for a brief moment to offer a friendly smile and basic commiserations. It's a strange natural charisma about him that makes him the most eligible bachelor in gotham now that Wayne is off the market.

     "Mr.Cobblepot, a pleasure" He extends his hand for a brief moment before offering an addition of "I'm surprised but pleasantly so that you've decided to attend this little ribbon cutting. "

Autumn Graves has posed:
Autumn Graves sticks her tongue out at Austin in disappointment, "Too bad. He probably did it that way on purpose. I bet that thing's insured up the ass and a cut goes in the pocket of everybody standing up there grinning like an idiot," she says.

Also, that gives her a bit of an idea. Graffiti isn't exactly a serious crime, but she might like just smacking some people around tonight. Plus, sometimes the big name psychos like to do something splashy and symbolic. She really wants to get some serious Rogues Gallery scalps sometime.

Oswald Cobblepot has posed:
    Oswald will never be vying for the post of most eligible bachelor, much to his personal chagrin, but such is life. He shakes Marsh's hand, flashing an almost-charming smile that never quite reaches his eyes. "I thought you might have something amazing to unveil, and so you have. I'm delighted to see a little bit of color and life take hold here in this perpetually impoverished place. Always a delight to see our city on the mend, Mr. Mayor."

    He smiles again, mugging for the cameras just a little. Gotta look enthused, but not too sycophantic. Just the proper touch.

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Pulling of the collar of her trench, Giselle starts to head for the park. Even without her dog here, she can still take a look around and make sure it's up to standards. She doesn't get in line to shake the mayor's hand, neither a celebrity, fellow politician or of enough note as a professor. Giselle wonders around idly, not recognizing any of the faces in the crowd, or having an alternate agenda

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin laughs a little bit as Autumn mentions it being insured, "You know if I tried to do that I'd wind up in jail. But get elected and you can commit as much insurance fraud as you want."

Still, Austin decides to go check out the park anyway. He doesn't have a dog, but it's just called a dog park because you CAN bring your dog to the park, not that you HAVE to. So he's gonna check it out, and also see if he can't learn the lay of the land now.

John Stewart has posed:
It's around the time March is talking to Cobblepot that John walks to one side of the roof top... and drops down, disappearing into an alleyway, where he shifts into civilian garb for anyone who might be paying attention to that particular alleyway.

Black trenchcoat, black sunglasses, and grey shift and sweatpants to help ward off the cold, with black combat boots appear to anyone looking at him as he walks out.

The only real visible sign of his statuus as a Green Lantern as he heads for the gathering is the obvious Power Ring on his hand.

Lincoln March has posed:
     Walking around the park would yield a bit of information on little placards. Every plant in showing happens to be a gotham native flower hand picked for its symbolic nature as a plant. There are all manner of flowers gathered in fine collections to the side of the paths for the dogs. Of note is the fact that the plants seem to have been selected to be perfectly safe for dogs to eat without getting too sick, an attention to detail lacking in some other parks of the city.

     Play equipment dots the yard locked into place by thick layers of concrete to keep it from being stolen in the midst of the night.

     There's been a great deal of care taken into the planning of this whole dog park perhaps even more in planning than there was in construction itself as this was a long term goal of the good mayor.

     "Well it's only one part of a larger picture Mr.Cobblepot, I've got high hopes the other portions of my little jigsaw will fit together just as nicely." He chuckles lightly. "I'm a subscriber to the theory that if you fix the windows when they're broken, clean the graffiti when it shows its head and make a place somewhere people want to live you'll save lives in the long run."

     "Now if only the soup kitchen I opened last sunday got as much media coverage as the dog park." He chuckles to himself before flashing a bright smile of perfectly white teeth, a smile seemingly hand crafted to perfection by artisans. Everything about the man is pulled clean out of the handbook for building a beautiful statesman. From the linebacker build to the chiseled chin the whole nine yards.

Oswald Cobblepot has posed:
    "Well," Oswald says amiably, "you know the news media, ever ready to focus their cameras on something flashy than something humble. The people will appreciate both, I'm certain." He smiles again, shifting his umbrella a bit to walk a little easier as he notes the selection of plants.

    "It is nice to see so much green here," he admits. "Perhaps a little life might lead to some birdsong other than the cries of pigeons and seagulls." A little wistful sigh.

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     "Bonjour." Giselle says politely as she crosses paths with some of the other more inquisitive attendees. She pauses, reading a placard on a bed of native flowers. Well, botany wasn't her field of study. She turns dark eyes instead to the play equipment. Well, it seemed like a nice enough park. Hopefully it would last a few years. It might do the neighborhood some good, to have something nice.

John Stewart has posed:
Uneventful, but getting to a point where he has a prior appointment to keep now.

With one last look over the crowd, John goes back into that way, transforms his clothing back to his uniform, and flies off into the sky, heading east. "Ring, make a note: Meet Mayor March."

Lincoln March has posed:
     "Would that the songs of a thousand birds would fill the air once more in our little city. The cries of the wild back to stay." Lincoln smiles as he walks through the park taking time to answer a few questions from the reporters as he moves motioning to the various flowers on display. "By sticking with locally sourced and available plants we were able to drastically curtail the budget while still providing astounding visuals. A number of the collection were from my own private garden just to ensure we would be able to stay ahead of schedule and under budget."

     He offers a friendly smile as he walks through the park running his hand across the top of the little obstacle course. One brief look is given up to a spot overlooking the park where for the moment no one resides. "To think it was only a few months ago that a viscous drug den resided on these grounds and in that time we've been able to revitalize the area and return it to the people who need it most."

Giselle duGevaudan has posed:
     Sighing gustily, Gielle found herself walking back to the front of the park once more. Well, it seemed nice enough now. Perhaps she'd give it a week or two before bringing her precious Fifi. However, it was now time to pickup said Fifi from the dog sitter's. She took a final look, before warily leaving the narrows once more.

Oswald Cobblepot has posed:
    "Quite right, and good show, Mr. Mayor. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store." He does, indeed... and the Penguin has some thinking to do about how to turn this to his advantage, as well.

Austin Reese has posed:
It's not that Austin doesn't appreciate efforts to improve the Narrows, it's just that he doesn't trust it to keep going if it stops becoming politically convenient for the mayor to help the area out. But if the guy has Bruce Wayne's support, maybe he does have Gotham's interests at heart.

Austin does finish exploring the park a bit, but after finding nothing that worries him, at least in regards to the neighborhood, he ducks back out and heads home. He figures he might check it out again after dark to see how it plays out, though.