Keli Quintela

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  Teen Lantern  
Keli Quintela (Scenesys ID: 3582)
Name: Keli Quintela
Superalias: Teen Lantern
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: High School Student
Citizenship: Bolivia
Residence: USA
Education: Happy Harbor High School
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Happy Harbor
Apparent Age: 15 Actual Age: 15
Date of Birth 09 Jan 2006 Played By N/A
Height: 5' 2" Weight: 105 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: RTSuperFan5912
Theme Song: "Outsiders" by Against the Current:

Character Info


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Keli Quintela is Teen Lantern, a fifteen-year-old girl who hacked a gauntlet that mimics Green Lantern rings. She's at the start of her superhero career, but she's eager to learn and grow into her new role. She's also an exchange student from Bolivia, studying at Happy Harbor High School. Of course, "hacking" into the Green Lantern power source is no easy task, and she has no idea who made the gauntlet. When she figures out how it actually works, there might be a reckoning at hand...


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* 2006: Born in La Paz, Bolivia, an only child. Her she loses her parents at an early age. She grows up with her grandmother, in a small house in a poor neighborhood.
* 2017: By the age of eleven, Keli has proven herself a genius with robotics. Her grandmother dies of an illness and she moves in with her next door neighbor Cher and her son Marcos. Keli and Marcos start raiding the nearby junkyard for scrap they can sell or build into new robots.
* 2021: Keli gets an invitation to go to Happy Harbor High School as an exchange student. Shortly before leaving for America, she goes to the junkyard with Marcos one last time. They witness a human shoot an alien wearing a Green Lantern uniform. They run away, but Keli is overcome by the emotion of witnessing the assassination. She goes back to the junkyard that night to find the alien, Iorl, barely clinging to life. He gives her a gauntlet attached to a power source. She thinks he's asking her to be a Green Lantern, an honor she happily accepts. Keli takes the gauntlet home and starts tinkering with it, adjusting it to suit her needs and learning how to use its powers.

IC Journal

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"Aren't you *fascinated* that there is a multiverse and what we could learn from this experience?"
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #9

"You do not find this one unsettling? Many mammals become fearful/dangerous in our proximity."
"Scared? Of *you?* No way! You, you're like... a wedding dress? But *alive.*"
--Pfuzex and Keli Quintela, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #1

Keli's endlessly curious about the world. It's a sign of her intellect, sure, but it's also just part of an almost naive joy she has in experiencing whatever she can experience. Yeah, the first couple of times she sees weird things she might freak out, but after that, she's going to be fascinated.

"What are we waiting for?"
"A plan."
--Keli Quintela and Jinny Hex, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #13

Keli has a tendency to do first and ask questions later. Or never. She's impatient and impulsive and quite distractable. She trusts her gut, her friends, and her skills (and her genius) to get her through most situations. She's headstrong and liable to run off the second she thinks she has a read on a situation--even if she really, really doesn't.

"Where's Batman?"
"We have something better than Batman."
"Yeah... we have

  • you.*"
    "Nice save."
    --Tim Drake and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue
  1. 12

    "Isn't there anyone more qualified than... us?"
    "More qualified than *Young

--Amy Winston and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #13

Keli has a tendency to be "team cheerleader," pumping others up and encouraging them to do their best. She's got a big grin and a bigger heart, and in her mind her friends always are capable of amazing things, /especially/ if they work together. She has absolute faith and confidence in herself and those she trusts, and she'll communicate that to them whenever they need a lift.

"When the battery blew, I was out for days. Keli didn't leave me."
--Simon Baz, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #7

For Keli, a friend once made is a friend for life. She'll risk her life to keep a promise for a friend, defend them in direst straits. As she progresses, she's likely to use constructs of her friends and loved ones in battle, because they're always foremost in her mind. She keeps her promises, and always repays a favor.

"And to think... I was going to ask to take a selfie with you!"
--Keli Quintela to Red Tornado, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #20

Keli has the one /key/ ingredient to being a proper young superhero down pat--she's got the /sass/. She's bold and brave and not afraid to tell people how she sees things. Quipping through a battle? Definitely! Mouthing off at adults! Definitely! What could /possibly/ go wrong there?

Character Sheet


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Genius Intellect:
"You thought showing Green Lantern that you hacked his power battery was going to turn into him giving you a job at the Hall of Justice?"
"Well, an internship."
--Cassie Sandsmark and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #6

Keli's one of the smartest people in the world, an intellect of the sort that will make waves as she gets older. She learns quickly, grasping difficult concepts with ease. While her impulsive nature sometimes makes her run off and make bad decisions, that's mostly because of incomplete data. She's able to think on her feet and change direction when need be. If she did ever did join the Green Lantern Corps it's hard to say where she'd rank due to alien intelligences, but she'd easily be one of the smartest of the human-level members.

"Damn. The stones on this kid."
--Simon Baz, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #1

Most fifteen year olds who witnessed an assassination in a junkyard would just run away and not come back. That's what Keli's friend Marcos did. But Keli possesses the kind of willpower that makes a potential member of the Green Lantern Corps. She went back, she thought to call for help, and ultimately, she got the gauntlet.

What's more, she got the gauntlet to /work/ for her.

Training and experience can come with time, but there's a core of will, of determination, of ability to overcome fear, that is /vital/ for any potential Green Lantern. Keli's young, but she already has the requisite Will. What remains to be seen is what she'll do with it.


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"Like I was saying... te voy a patear el trasero!"
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #20

Keli's native language is Castilian, Bolivian Spanish, but she also speaks several other languages. She learned Quechuan young, though she's not fluent, and she speaks English with fluency. It would be fairly easy for her to learn other languages as well.

Robotics and Engineering:
"So, yeah, I'm Keli Quintela. Call me Teen Lantern. I... hacked into the Green Lantern power battery from my place in La Paz, Bolivia."
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue

  1. 6

    Keli was building robots out of scrap before the age of ten. Most of what she's learned

has been self-taught, between reverse engineering broken pieces, trial and error, second-hand books, and of course the internet. She knows a great deal, however, and with proper education and training she'll be a top engineer.

Superhero Fan:
"I'm actually a *huge* Red Tornado fan."
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue

  1. 20

    Keli knows just about every publicly-known superhero on sight, she's a bit of a fangirl.

She wouldn't know secret identities, of course, but she knows names, appearances, power sets, greatest hits of famous fights. Knowing superheroes means knowing supervillains, too, and it might be helpful for fighting against any that are decently well-known.


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Hh Exchange Student:
"You need training and you need answers."
"I accept."
"I didn't say from me."
--John Stewart and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #20

Even before she found the gauntlet, Keli had gotten into an exchange program with Happy Harbor High School in New England. She has access to all the school's resources, from education to a dorm room, and of course it gives her a legal reason to be in the United States. It also means she has to go to /classes/. Ugh.

Teen Lantern's Gauntlet:
"Keli Quintela, you're going to get in trouble with that. But, tell no one, I am impressed."
--Alan Scott (Earth 22), Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #7

"An *alien* gave it to me. And he told me to--well, I don't know what he said because it was alien, but I'm pretty sure he told me to 'be my best self and to be a superhero and to help save people and to make the world a better place...' But again, it was more in his eyes--I may be paraphrasing."
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #20

Keli does not have a standard Green Lantern ring. Instead, she has a gauntlet that she's modified to better fit her hand and hacked to do things the rings normally won't do, like pick up on wi-fi signals to let her get on the internet.

In many ways, the gauntlet works like a normal Green Lantern ring. It allows Keli to create constructs, whatever she can imagine, fueled by the strength of her Will. It lets her create forcefields, protects her mind and spirit, and allows her to fly at supersonic speeds. She can also use the ring to fire energy blasts and projectiles. Keli is very new to doing all of this, and so her constructs can be crude, her blasts might go wide, and her mind and spirit are not so wholly protected as they will be when she is better trained.

There are several aspects of the rings that Keli either has not yet unlocked in the gauntlet or simply cannot access. Because the power battery is not connected to the central battery on Oa, she doesn't have access to the Oan database or communication network. Other ring abilities like healing, translation, phasing through objects, and going invisible she might figure out how to do with time, but has not yet accessed.

There is one other unique aspect to the gauntlet-- even when Keli is unconscious, she can summon constructs to protect herself if the gauntlet senses she is in danger or that someone might try to take it from her. This is an almost instinctive ability, and can go against friend as well as foe if Keli feels herself in danger.

Tl Power Battery:
"It's not Krona's gauntlet, is it?"
"They share design elements, but no. That is still in its vault."
"It is not of Oan origin. It does not draw power from the central battery. Very troubling."
--John Stewart, Guardian Koyos, and Guardian Nemosyni, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue

  1. 1

    Keli's gauntlet does not need to recharge like a Green Lantern ring. Instead, it is

directly connected to a power battery that she normally carries on her back. Without the power battery it doesn't work. Keli isn't sure precisely how the battery works--she thinks she's hacked the Green Lantern's power. She doesn't know enough about the Corps to know about the central battery on Oa, but if she did, she'd assume the gauntlet has hacked into that.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The power battery that Keli carries does /not/ hack into the central battery, nor does it tap into some mythical 'willpower field' or any other such thing. Instead, the battery siphons Willpower directly from other beings around Keli in order to recharge. This is often almost negligible, drawing little bits of Will from anyone it passes near, sort of skimming off the top. If Keli has to do a lot at once, and desperately needs a recharge, however...? Then the battery might wind up draining nearby people a /lot/, and very strongly.

Once Keli discovers this, whether she'll keep it as a weapon or figure out how to fix the power battery remains to be seen...


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"But, I *did* see John's report. Why'd she go with him to Oa? Who on Earth lets strangers take their child to another planet? No Mom to defend her. No Dad to keep her safe. No brothers. No sisters. All these constructs are people she met this last year. She might as well put up a neon sign ... Autophobia: fear of being alone."
--Jessica Cruz, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue

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    "Ha ha! Okay, I take back what I said about everybody abandoning me! I might have

--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #10

Keli is /terribly/ lonely. Her parents died when she was young, her grandmother died a few eyars back, and the only people who would take her in were the neighbors. They were nice enough, but Keli felt like she had to work hard to earn her keep so they wouldn't resent the extra mouth to feed. She's never had any real friends, not the sort who stand by you and stick up for you no matter what.

The thing is, though, that she's /not/ a loner. Keli /desperately/ wants friends, and will respond swiftly to the slightest kindness. She's awkward and eager to please, desperate to fit in. She'll also be swiftly loyal to anyone who reaches out a hand.

Green Emotional Spectrum:
"Fear is cancer. It is the rot at the core of every failure, of every shattered soul. Fear owns the Oans."
--Thaal Sinestro, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #1

Though Keli's gauntlet isn't technically a Green Lantern Ring, it /does/ draw on the same power. "Emotional Spectrum" might be a misnomer, but regardless, Keli's gauntlet is powered by the green light of Will, making it susceptible to influence from the Red Lanterns of Rage and the Yellow Lanterns of Fear. It depends on what actually makes Keli angry and fearful, of course, but an enemy--and particularly a Red or Yellow Lantern--who can figure that out will have an advantage.

It's Mine!:
"The kid was good for the first three rounds. The IQ stuff. The psych stuff. She killed on the physical exam. But then--"
"...They tried to take off the glove."
"They tried to take off the glove."
--Simon Baz and John Stewart, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #1

"It feels like--like I was frozen solid my whole life and--and I had no way out of it... no way. But now... with this? Like, now I have a purpose. A *real* purpose."
--Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue

  1. 20

    Once Keli puts the gauntlet on, she's *really* not going to want to take it off. Not for

any reason.

Once she puts it on, she's going to keep it on as much as possible. She might even just wear it all the time, even if she has to leave the power battery at home. Attempts to take it from her are liable to be met with an absolutely frenzy of anger and even violence. The gauntlet is /hers/. It's given her a purpose and direction in life, and no one--/no one/--is taking it from her.

Mystery of the Gauntlet:
"Take this. And you--you make as much as you can with it. You *own* this world with it. And then... throw it in fire. Before--before--"
"What is it? Are you--are you a *Green Lantern?*"
"Am I now--did you just make *me* a-a-a-a Green Lantern? I accept! I am

  • honored!* Do I have to *sign* something? Is there some kind of--"
    "I can't--believe this..."

-Iorl and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #9

"*Who* would hack the Green Lanterns? Who *could* hack the Green Lanterns?! If Keli stopped for a second she might have asked herself that question."
--John Stewart, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #20

Keli has no idea who or what originally made the gauntlet and power battery. She has no idea who Iorl was or even if he was really a Green Lantern. Why was he in a junkyard in La Paz? Why was he assassinated there? Why did whoever shot him just leave the gauntlet?

These are questions Keli has not thought about too hard. Mostly because she doesn't want the answers.

There may be someone out there looking for the gauntlet--humans, aliens, or both. And who *could* create a power battery that mimics a Green Lantern ring? Why would anyone do so, and why would an alien in a Greeen Lantern uniform be carrying one?

Excellent questions. Hopefully the answers won't prove too dangerous.

Not Really a Lantern:
"You are *not* a Green Lantern."
"So you *have* no authority over me, Grandpa."
--Alan Scott (Earth 22) and Keli Quintela, Young Justice Vol. 3 Issue #7

"Oh, I'm not a Lantern. I mean, I *am,* but not--I don't have a sector like that."
--Keli Quintela, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #1

Keli thought she was being recruited to be a Green Lantern, and she'd love to be one. She even calls herself Teen Lantern, and if she meets any of the Lantern Corps her initial response would be excitement. But... she doesn't know the oath. She doesn't know about Oa. She doesn't know /any/ of it. She doesn't have the training, she doesn't have the resources or the backing of the Corps. Moreover, she /looks/ like a Green Lantern to people who don't know any better, which means any of the Corps' /enemies/ are going to see her as one.

And, of course, the /real/ Green Lanterns might take issue with her gauntlet.

"The child Lantern is... upset."
"No &%#@."
"Her medical report said she is suffering from post-traumatic stress."
"No &%#@."
--Peya Fel and Sojourner Mullein, Green Lantern Vol. 6 Issue #4

Witnessing a brutal murder in cold blood has scarred Keli in ways she's not quite aware of yet. She has nightmares about it, flashbacks, the works. She feels guilty for not doing anything to help Iorl, and the only reason she even has the gauntlet is that she went back to try to help him. Now, she uses the gauntlet to try to help herself feel safe. Further traumatic experiences are likely to merely exacerbate the problem.



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Keli Quintela has 19 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Happy Harbor: School's Back In Session! August 23rd, 2022 The first day back to Happy Harbor High School goes off without a hitch! Or anything exploding!
Happy Harbor: A Haunting August 8th, 2022 The Twins are back at HHHS. A few guests stop in and Delia has brought a ghost friend. It's Another day at Happy Harbor.
YA Beginnings: Getting the Band Back Together August 6th, 2022 The first meeting of the Young Avengers at their (eventual) base goes off with only a few hitches. It looks like a new team is truly forming in the heart of the Big Apple.
Happy Harbor: School Assembly July 19th, 2022 Duncan introduces the replacement director of Happy Harbor to the students. It's just Morrigan back from the dead though! And it's very weird!
GIRL: Return to Rann June 12th, 2022 The Rannian Rescue Team gets knocked out of Hyperspace, finds a graveyard of wrecked ships, meets genuine SPACE PIRATES, almost gets absorbed by a two dimensional void creature, and then Irie saves the day in spectacular style! (Also ages 10 years /again/. Seriously no more Speed Force or you're grounded!)
Tempus Figgeritout June 5th, 2022 Iris brings the gang together to start brainstorming ideas on why she's aging faster than normal. Brains have been stormed!
GIRL: In Pursuit of Rann-y Rayguns June 1st, 2022 A group of GIRL members go to bust up an AIM arms sale only to find more than they bargained for. AIM is selling Rannian weapons and technology, but what's worse communication and Zeta Beam travel to Rann seems to have been somehow completely cut off!
Not Your Average Meet and Greet May 21st, 2022 America comes across Keli Quintela and, after learning a thing or two about the young Latern, recruits her to the group she's thinking of forming.
For SCIENCE! March 15th, 2022 Mads and Keli meet up in the Science Lab while they're both working on their projects for the Science Fair.
Force of Will February 18th, 2022 Madison comes in front a sudden rainstorm to find Keli practicing with her gauntlet in the Happy Harbor Gym. They talk about Jedi powers and Green Lantern powers and then maybe kind-of sort-of break school rules. Maybe! If shooting arrows in the gym is against the rules...
New Year, New Ire: Part One January 25th, 2022 A rather snow filled day at Happy Harbor turns into a slight medical concern. A tingle is felt by some.
Happy Harbor: That's Not Right January 4th, 2022 There's something weird happening in one of the girls dorms. It's TOTALLY a Werewolf!
GIRL Expo: Aftermath December 18th, 2021 Pieces are picked up, stock is taken, information gathered. It's time for a meeting about A.I.M.
Three Months Is A Big Dill December 9th, 2021 And the best way to celebrate is to awkwardly reminisce about your past as enemies while making your best friend hang out with you as a third wheel. Sorry, Phoebe. The surprise appearance of a teenaged girl with a Lantern-powered gauntlet only reinforces the idea that it's impossible to have a normal relationship when Gotham does its best to be weird.
Chillin' in the Happy Harbor High Gymnasium December 4th, 2021 Some Happy Harbor kids hang out in the gym and compare powers and commiserate.
Happy Harbor: Weekly Check-In December 4th, 2021 The students at Happy Harbor get a karaoke evening!
GIRL Expo: Day 2 November 16th, 2021 Girl Expo Day 2! Much Science! Much Tech! Wow! Do not eat the rats! Jane Foster is alive! Demon Girl?! The best is yet to come!
GIRL Expo: Day 3 November 16th, 2021 The GIRL Expo ends with a bang! Many of them! Really big ones! Even an erupting mini-volcano?! But Monica Rappaccini and A.I.M. sent packing! That Zeta Beam Emitter they made off with probably isn't a big deal right? RIGHT?! Either way, our intrepid heroines have likely not seen the last of them...
GIRL Expo: Day 1 November 16th, 2021 Day 1 of the GIRL Expo goes quite well! The universe is not destroyed.


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Keli Quintela has 19 finished logs.

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