7663/Running all over town

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Running all over town
Date of Scene: 02 September 2021
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Bad Grandpa
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Harrison Wells, Bart Allen, Mark Grayson

Bando George has posed:
    It's a rather nice day, really. The weather has cooled off thanks to the storms to the south, and while it's a little muggy, it's also not hot. Cloud cover keeps it from being too bright, and Bando just got off school. It's a bit of a distance that he has to travel from Queens to Happy Harbor, but that's what it is.

He's just got off the Subway, and while he's been told not to take the short route due to the crime in the area...he doesn't always listen. After all, he's a superhero! He just...doesn't tell his parents. His backpack over his shoulders, and his shorts and T-shirt don't make the most notable of superhero garb, though. He looks like just another kid walking down the streets of Queens.

Harrison Wells has posed:
It is a rather nice day. Then the gunfire starts.

Or rather, gunfire starts, goes on for a couple of seconds... and then abruptly stops. It sounds like a brewing gang fight... that gets silenced in a split second...

The brief sound came from a gym just ahead. One of the new places that just happened up called 'The Daily Burn'.

Civilians around Bando run in the opposite direction.

Bando George has posed:
    Indeed, as people leave the area, Bando's instinct to help takes over, sending him in the opposite direction. His backpack bounces as he makes a beeline for the gym. He comes clumsily to a halt, the backpack shifting over his shoulder as he tries to stop on a dime, and peer inside. Gunfire means someone is getting shot at! Well, given that this isn't a shooting range at least.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Inside is a normal, wooden floor gym, with a ring in the center of it for boxing or other martial arts.

Inside the ring are three bodies in civilian clothing on the ground, two to one side, and... a blur? A blur of yellow in a humanoid shape holding up a man in black clothing. Bald and with a terrified expression, he's held up by the neck looking at the face of whatever-it-is. There are audible choking sounds... and on the ground are various pistols and submachineguns around the bodies.

With his back to Bando, the blurred form simply sits there for a moment, before a distorted voice speaks, "You will be the survivor who tells everyone else what happened here. I do not tolerate betrayal. Especially from thieves who do not know their place."

As he speaks, red lightning flits here and there over his form.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando's eyes go wide. "Oh man," he glances at the bodies on the ground. This is serious business. He scans the room, trying to figure out what he can use against...a lightning man? Is that Electro? Why is he wobbly looking?

    Bando looks over at the large punching bag. That's probably heavy enough! It's not heavy enough for what he wants to do, but he doesn't know that.

    He teleports it off the chain, and it reappears directly where he sees the man of lightning. If the villain is still there when it appears, the problem of the law of impenetrability comes into play, and the lighter weight object is displaced. Unfortunately for Bando, that's the punching bag, since it only weighs about 150 pounds. It would simply shunt the bag off to the side if it makes contact.

Harrison Wells has posed:
The bag connects... and just.. shunts away. The blurred figure glances to it, before suddenly he's a /whirlwind/ of superspeed and red lightning in place.

That is not Electro. Electric isn't /nearly/ that fast.

The man is suddenly tossed at superspeed into one of the wall placed matts, and the sheer velocity knocks the wind out of him as he drops to the floor, knocked out.

The blurred figure, on the other hand, appears right in front of Bando at the entry. Does /he/ have teleportation? No, there was a split second trail of red lightning from the ring, so the man did travel....

He just did it so fast, Bando didn't actually see it. The man is a speedster, one of the faster ones.... and his red, glowing eyes can be seen through the blurring. Bando can't even tell if it's a man or a woman!

"That was cute." The distorted voice notes, with a hint of amusement.

Bando George has posed:
    A glance back and forth, waight, what is the blur-oh. He finds himself looking up from his crouched state at Zoom. "Oh, hi," he says, looking a little at a loss for what else to say. He could play dumb, but he doesn't. "Well, I was not really going for cute," he admits. "I just was tryin' to get you to let go of the guy in there." Which, technically he accomplished. He stands up straighter. He seems to lack the aggressive confidence that many superheroes might have, but at the same time, he lacks the fear and panick that most civilians would. "So, um, thanks for doing that." Now what? He doesn't know now what, he wasn't thinking this far ahead!

Harrison Wells has posed:
"You're welcome." Well, he's cordial? Or at least civil? And he's not trying to grab Bando and toss him around like a puppet. So there's that too.

This close, Bando can see the sudden 'buildup' of red lightning over the blur. Before, it was every few seconds, now... it's like he's 'filling' with it. Judging by those red eyes though, that might not be far from the truth.

"You can call me the Reverse-Flash. Some call me Professor Zoom, as well." Introducing himself?

Bando George has posed:
    There is a certain hesitancy as he regards the lightning crackling around him. "Oh, um, okay. Introductions. I never really had someone just stop and introduce themselves. I'm Bando." Did he just give the bad guy his name? Probably not a good practice. "Wait. Reverse Flash, like THE Reverse Flash? I thought you were in Central City! Why are you even here?" Okay, the understanding of who he's dealing with does seem to bring a little tension to his face. He's clearly starting to realize just how dangerous his situation is. But it doesn't get him to back down. "And why are you beating up guys in a gym?" He doesn't dare try to make another attack, particularly not at arm's reach range. Can he teleport away fast enough? He's never had to test his reflexes to that degree before.

Harrison Wells has posed:
"Why I am here is none of your concern. I wanted something, and was cheated out of it... and that's all I will say on the matter." Reverse-Flash tells Bando. That lightning suddenly levels out... as if the 'filling' is gone. "They tried to extort me, instead of knowing their place in my plans. They paid the price for that. All but one of them are dead."

Then, the Reverse-Flash starts to walk -yes, walk- around Bando, taking the young man in, "running headlong into a dangerous situation. Wannabe 'hero'?" His tone has a distinct mockery to it.

Bando George has posed:
     Bando may not be fast enough to be able to react if he was attacked, but that doesn't mean he wants to have his back turned to the villain. "You killed them!? That's like, super psycho, man, you know that? I get if they wronged you you can get back at them. I mean, that's what a lot of people would do, but killing them?" Yes, a teenage boy with no costume is giving a lecture to an incredibly powerful supervillain. It's in his nature.

    "Look, you gotta stand trial for that. And maybe I am a hero, but that just means I do the right thing when other people won't." The worry on his face says he realizes he has no idea how to back up his next statement. "You gotta get turned over to the..." well, cops? No... "J..ustice League." He stumbles starting the word. Is that a thing? Turning people over to the Justice League? Well, one thing is for sure. Bando is definitely out of HIS league.

Harrison Wells has posed:
As he mentions the Justice League, the Reverse-Flash stops where he is and stares at Bando, "I'm the fastest man alive. Not even the /Flash/ can manage to catch me. I don't answer to them. To you. Or to the primitive morons the people here call /police/"

Then, he turns, glances inside the gym... and suddenly aims a hand inside the building. A /MASSIVE/ storm of electricity suddenly dances inside the roof, and the whole place goes dark as all the electronics inside are turned into slag by Speed Force lightning.

The only light inside is the electrical storm still discharging above.

Then, the Reverse-Flash looks back to Bando, "I will kill who I like, when I like, and how I like. Anyone I kill was already dead anyway."

One of his arms lifts, and suddenly it starts to charge with red lightning as the Reverse-Flash channels the Speed Force through it rapidly, "WOuld you like a demonstration?"

Bando George has posed:
    Bando recoils as the lightning explodes through the gym, having been taken by surprise. And probably not to the Reverse-Flash's surprise, Bando has approximately average human reflexes. Nothing remarkable to speak of. He's quite scared, now. He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it. He has to move. He teleports ont he spot. With such advanced perception, the teleportation appears to be a vortex that happens in an instant, sucking the boy out of existence from his center as he teleports to the roof. Only his backpack didn't go with him. Why didn't the backpack go with him? It simply falls from its position.

    Another teleportation happens, this one is far more significant in size. One of the motorcycles on from the gang sucks out of view, and does the same thing that the punching bag did, only this time...it's orange, and the tires are made out of pillow material instead of rubber. It still has all of its mass, but it definitely has changed from the way it was when it started its journey.

Harrison Wells has posed:
The boy is gone, but his backpack remains? Selective teleportation? If he had finessed control over the process, it would be a locaized field over his entire inventory. Likely scenario is he doesn't have control, or the effect has a flux to it.

Sure, he could search for Bando, but at this point, he could be anywhere.

So, instead... the Reverse-Flash goes to pick up the backpack... and search through it. His Speed Force aura temporarily shut off...

Then, the motorcycle is shunted into his space-time, and the Reverse-Flash is sent flying across the street... only to land and suddenly start speeding back to the motorcycle itself, red lightning filling the air around him as the Speed Force suddenly rapidly fills him to the brim.

If he starts using bigger objects on him... this power is potentially dangerous, best not to take chances.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was heading back to Gotham, after his latest English class. They want to see him in class at least a couple times a week. He spent his time there as he was needed, and now, he was putting on the speed. A straight shot home would be boring, so Impulse was now on the scene seeing some of the odd spots of NYC. When the police band buzzes, he sighs a bit "Dang it." He heads down, seeing Zoom, heading for the backpack, the young man will kick it into overdrive moving to get the backpack, and looks over to the Reverse Flash. "Not exactly matching the outfit, they have a pickacu one down the street, much more your color scheme "I choose you and all." He blinks a bit at the motorcycle, and says "You ticked off some poltergists?"

Bando George has posed:
    Bando pumps his fist in satisfaction as he watches the villain sprawl across the road. He puts his hands on the edge of the building. Now what? He glances around. There's still injured people in the building. Phone! Yes. He should call the police. Or the ambulance. Or...well, just dial 911. He starts to dial.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Reverse-Flash just stands there as Impulse comes onto the scene. The backpack would have been a bonus, but no matter... "Impulse, was it? It's been a while since I've studied any of you." The distorted voice of the Reverse-Flash takes on a mocking tone. "What, did central city get boring for you?"

He looks into the gym proper, his red glowing eyes searching briefly for Bando, before he looks back to Impulse, "What I do with my time is none of your concern, child."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the other speedster and says "But it is, you sorta make it mine, as you do the whole giving speed a bad name." He tells him. He will point at him, and says "Studying see you need a book bag, and pens, papers, I heard someone mention something called a trapper keeper, but you may have to go back to the 80s to get one. Maybe one with a kitten hanging from a limb with the whole Hang in there. Since you keep coming in and loosing to the Flash. I mean you gotta give it to your keep on trying bit."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando is not about to reveal his location, particularly since someone who seems more suited to deal with his foe has arrived on the scene. Police still? Hmm. He hesitates. "911 where is your emergency?" He ducks down beneath the edge of the roof. "Yeah, I'm at um...crap. The gym that's on Radison Street. I don't know the address. We have the Reverse-Flash here, and he's at least hurt, and maybe killed a bunch of guys inside. There's a superhero here now. I hit him with a motorcycle."

    "You hit the superhero with a motorcycle?"

    "No no, I hit the Reverse-Flash with the motorcycle," he corrects.

    "Kid, is this a serious call?"

Harrison Wells has posed:
"I was given /nothing/, boy." Reverse-Flash flatly tells Impulse. "I took it, as was my due." He narrows his eyes at impulse, the red glowing dimming a bit as a result. "I don't care about the 80s. Why don't you go back to your own time and stop bothering me? Better yet, go back to the 80s and have fun with the trapper keepers."

He turns and looks up to the rooftops, "I have more important things to do."

He starts running up to the top of the closest tall building in a trail of red lightning then.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will look into the bookbag, to see what is here, and what he might be able to throw at Zoom. He knows Zoom maybe faster running but Impulse is the fastest there is at annoying people. He starts to pelt Zoom with pencils, balled up paper, erasers and if there is any left over snacks in the bag. "Oh but see this is my home now, my time is so boring, and I mean, I would go back to the 80s, I could play pacman, digdug, and all kinds of classic games, but right now, got things to do." He looks into the bag again as he chases Zoom up the building "Where is a banana peel when ya need one."

Bando George has posed:
    Bando looks down, "Aw man, my stuff!" he groans. "Throw my history book, not my pencils!" He looks back at his phone. "No this isn't a joke! There's a real supervillain and he's..." he glances up as the Reverse-Flash appears at the top of the roof. "Right above me." He gives a wince, and *fwump* he disappears again. He's not about to stick around now that there's a much better suited hero present. He disappears...out of all of this clothes this time. They collapse without a body inside of them, and his phone falls to the ground. "Sir? Sir are you there?" the voice of the operator responds.

    The now indecent teen reappears in the salon across the street, where some of the ladies are watching the scene unfold. He glances down at his current lack of attire. All of the ladies are looking out the window, fortunately for him, and he turns bright red, and desperately grabs a few of the towels used for hair washing, and covering himself with them. Back door, yes... he needs to get out of here. It's going to be a LONG walk home.

Harrison Wells has posed:
When he sees Impulse following him, Reverse-Flash stops, turns, and looks at him. The pencils? He more than had the reflexes to grab them out of the air and simply drop them to the ground as they came... and they leave a trail to him as Bart comes up. "So. You want to test yourself against me. I suppose I should see how you measure up to the others."

Both his arms come up and suddenly red lightning arcs and fills the air around him, his body visibly pulling far more of the Speed Force into himself.

Under the blur, the Reverse-Flash takes on a twisted mockery of a smile. "I wonder if your connection can be severed too?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will slide the backpack across his back, he will have to return it later. He looks over to Zoom, well at least the kid is safe. " He wiggles his fingers at Zoom "Oh I am so scared." He tells the other speedster, while he might actually be somewhat he can't let it show. He hmms and runs like he is going to head towards Zoom, but at the last minute, will let his own lightning aura sail past him towards the other man, and himself sink down into the building to get the other to chase him perhaps.

Harrison Wells has posed:
It doesn't take a genius to realize Bart is testing him, and dodges to the side as that lightning aura attempts a hit. He doesn't know all of Bart's tricks, but Eobard has been fighting the Flashes for over a decade more or less, even with the lapse in activity. Still, Bart can see the red eyes of the Reverse-Flash follow him even as he super speed phases down through the building.

instead of following him though... the Reverse-Flash runs at light speed to the entry... then starts running /up/ to meet Impulse. He's fast enough that by the time Impulse is running on the floor, he can see Reverse-Flash running /at/ him from below, a fist coming up, ready to punch? Maybe clothesline?

With his speed, Impulse has nanoseconds in his own mind to decide on a coourse of action.

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse's goal right now, is not to beat Reverse Flash, but keep him busy for the kid to make sure he is away. Plus there is part of him that actually does not want to hurt him, he has just recently gotten to know one of his grandfathers, what a way to get to know the other. He will not do a normal dodge, or a return punch, No Bart hits a baseball slide to take him low and past the other man. "You know if your the Reverse Flash shouldn't you run backwards or something, or maybe talk backwards, but then you would be the magic flash." He hmms as he keeps rambling a bit. The one thing Bart maybe even better at than running.

Harrison Wells has posed:
Mission Accomplished. To be fair to Eobard though, he never really cared too much about him beyond his potential teleportation power. Now, it's a matter of survival and testing the new speedster.

Unfortunately for Bart, Eobard is simply /faster/, despite Bart's reflexes.

instead of countering the low slide past him, the Reverse-Flash keeps going... and goes back around and /down/ back out onto the street in a red lightning streak as he goes right back to the gym outside. Is Impulse following him, or was he just trying to keep him away from the gym proper?

Bart Allen has posed:
Impulse will take just a moment for himself, trying to figure out what Reverse Flash is up to. He knows the other man has more experience and perhaps is faster than him. Bart will have to out think and out plan the other. Bart will move towards the gym to see what is going on. The young man keeps a bit of distance, but watches to see what Reverse Flash is up to.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark FINALLY got his costume and he was trying to practice and get himself to a point where he could have some experience as a superhero. Putting on the blue and yellow, making sure he's fully strapped in and secure in the outfit and puts on his glass eyepieces before he takes to the sky! He flies around New York a little bit, but he notices the rushing blurs that appear in Queens.

Not on his watch!

He puts on the speed to get there faster, taking a position on a nearby rooftop to watch what's going on. Looks like they're...speeding around a gym? Is there something important inside? Either way, Mark's eyes widen behind those glass covers on his eyes.

"Woah...those guys are -fast-. Too fast. I dunno if I can keep up, but...well, worth a try. That red lightning one looks mean....uhm..." Big hero decision time! But maybe he just needs to observe more.

Harrison Wells has posed:
The man in the yellow suit is actually moving near to light speed, but slow enough to allow the other blurred figure to keep up with him.

As Impulse comes into view, those glowing eyes fix on him. "Not half bad. You need practice though. Did the Flash never teach you endurance." He mocks with that distorted voice.

Mark, if he has the senses to hear superspeed speaking, will be able to get most of that, just before the Reverse-Flash runs into the gym proper.

The gym inside is pitch black... and corpses litter the inside, gangsters, it looks like.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen frowns a bit at this, as he actually got little training with the Flash, and what he did was Wally or Jay, not Barry. No Impulse was trained mostly by Max Mercury and his own experience. The young man who wears a backpack that does not match his costume, reaches up and taps his goggles and heads into the building, hoping for the best. He needs to find out what Reverse is up to.

Mark Grayson has posed:
The Gym.

While Mark can -definitely- not quite understand speed-force talk, his ears are sensitive enough to pick out every second or third word maybe. Sounds mean though! So, Mark takes to the sky and hovers a little bit above the Gym, trying to get a good look at the place without tipping off either of the speedsters.

Come on, successful stealth check!


Either way, Mark sees the bodies inside of the gym after flying through one of the windows and his eyes widen. "Oh man."

Harrison Wells has posed:
Inside the Gym, the Reverse-Flash actually /hops/ into the boxing ring... and stays there.

Is Eobard mocking him? Testing him? You never know with him. He /always/ has a plan... even if you think he doesn't.

From Mark's perspecctive, the man in the yellow suit has stopped dead except for some blurring. Red glowing eyes fixate on Impulse as he runs, and red lightning flits and flashes all over his body... as if his body is channeling something.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks around and yes, Bart takes the run to check on any of the men who might still be alive. The men maybe villains but it is what a hero does. Once he has finished, he looks up intot he ring "So, why here, why these men?" He asks of the man in yellow."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Red eyes, always the sign of EVIL!

Mark looks like he's ready to try and catch Harrison by surprise...not even realizing the differences in speed that Mark may be dealing with here, or rather, helping Bart deal with here. But as soon as Bart asks, he's going to wait for Harrison to perhaps reveal his evil plan...

Then he bursts forward with speed! His fist reeled back to try and sock Reverse-Flash across the jaw! Odds of missing, high. But who knows, he might roll that nat 20.

He doesn't get why these gangsters. These look like random killings. No sense to it. Just 'boom' then dead.

Harrison Wells has posed:
"That's none of your concern, child." The Reverse-Flash speaks normally now, his superspeed limited to his blurring and voice.

Of course, Mark coming at him is pretty much out of nowhere. Reverse-Flash was NOT expecting another participant, and Mark gets a solid jaw punch from the side that sends the Reverse-Flash flying... and through the wall of the gym to one side.

He lands against a bathroom sink, water starting to drain to the floor from the water pipe, and Reverse-Flash goes to a knee as he gets his bearings from that ambush.

He's not knocked out at least, but Mark can see he's disoriented for just a moment from that surprise attack.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen may not of seen it coming, but that does not stop him from trying to use it to his advantage. He will move to grab some jump ropes, and heads to try to wrap Reverse Flash in them while he is disoriented for that instant.. He tries to get the ropes tight to make it harder for the other man to vibrate out of them.

Mark Grayson has posed:

Mark's fist sails right into the jaw of the Reverse-Flash, sending him sailing through a wall and Mark skids to a stop and his hands are raised, though he winces a little bit. "Oooo...I punched him too hard, didn't I?" Mark seems to wince, though seeing Bart move at the speeds that he does to try and wrap Harrison up, Mark moves with him, trying to find a metal support perhaps to try and wrap it around Harrison as extra support.

If they move -fast- enough...they might just make it! If not...well, that would suck wouldn't it?

Harrison Wells has posed:
Unfortunately, all it takes for the Reverse-Flash to get out of such flexible 'rope' is to take a second to learn the frequency of said rope and...

A second later, the Reverse-Flash is vibrating harshly and audibly, and he superspeeds his way out of the building and up to the rooftop just before Mark can wrap that metal support around himself.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen mutters a bit to this and says "About the only way to stop him is to knock him out, but if he sees it coming your not going to lay a hand on him." He tells the other young hero. "I have no clue why he is here, normally he is all about tormenting the Flash and central city."

Mark Grayson has posed:

Mark wasn't -that- fast. He notices just in time before he's wrapping metal around nothing but empty space. His eyes narrow. "-Wow- he's fast. Has he always been that fast?" Mark questions of Bart. He honestly has -no idea- how effective he's going to be here, but he nods to Bart. "...So I should punch him harder...got it." Mark sighs.

"Why's he got a gripe with the Flash? The guy is awesome! I own like, fifteen of his comic books." Great...Mark's a nerd. "So uh...do you have any ideas? You seem to be fast like him."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "It is a complicated thing, but just put on that they are mortal enemies." He does not add in more he knows, but looks over to the other man "If I can keep him busy you might be able to blind side him, but he is faster than me." He looks around the gym for a moment, and gathers up some icy hot, and other muscle relief items with a strong eye watering smell. He starts lathering his hands up with them "Maybe if I can get enough of this stuff around his face he want see you coming. "I am going to go up and get personal with him." and with that Impulse is heading to the roof with his effervescent hands.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Gotcha." Mark tells Bart, though before he can get a word in, Bart has bolted!

"Couldn't wait....?" Mark sighs, then he's flying straight for the roof, as if he intends to burst through the ceiling, maybe startle Thawne...or completely fail. Whichever comes easiest.

Harrison Wells has posed:
He's still on that rooftop. At the edge of it, really... so when Impulse runs up to meet him and try to smear... medicine on him?... he sidesteps, and sidesteps some more. Impulse keeps almost getting his hands on Eobard's face, but it seems the Reverse-Flash is adjusting for his reflexes a bit.

Then, Mark comes through the rooftop, and everyones blance is disrupted.

The Reverse-Flash takes a moment to consider Mark... or rather, Invincible... before he runs across the rooftop, jumping directly to the next...

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen was somewhat expecting the bump, so he does make one last lunch not to punch but just rub his hands across Reverse flashes face, before going down the side ot the building and trying to come up behind Reverse flash on the other side of the building. The man is fast but hopfully distractions count for something.