9660/In This House

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In This House
Date of Scene: 16 January 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: The Titans get together for breakfast-for-dinner and talk. It's a much more sensible meal than night burritos!
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Roy Harper, Bart Allen, Kian, Victor Stone, Garth

Terry O'Neil has posed:
~The neighbours want us all to leave
Then they're callin' the police
Kick us out if they were strong enough
It's my house
'Cause my house is your house, my heart is too
It's my house
'Cause my house is your house, there's room for you~

There's Mika blasting on the stereo, there's the smell of pancakes and honey in the air, and there's a Cheshire cat shaking his tail and singing at the top of his lungs, flipping pancakes.

"It's my hoooouse!" he wails.

In times of trouble, it's the simple things you appreciate. Caitlin is gone, brainwashed by angels, and the world might just end because of them.

It's pancakes time.

<<Breakfast for dinner for anyone who wants it!>> Vorpal calls out through the team comms, as he starts setting up the table, dancing all the while.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy is still very new around him, and he doesn't yet feel comfortable letting loose. Plus he's been a bit mopey lately for some reason, a little something less than his usual enthusiastic self. But he fucking loves pancakes. He walks slowly into the room, hands in his pockets, surveying the scene. When he sees pancake-making, dancing cat boi, some of his gloomy expression gets dispelled and he smiles a little bit at the silliness. He slides onto a chair and watches quietly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen happened to be nearby when he heard the call of pancakes. So, he makes a run up to Canada and down towards the equator, and as the blur of Bart coming in to join the others, fresh fruit and authentic maple syrup is on the table. He stands there and ponders a moment "I should have gotten the fruit first, then I could have run it through some snow, to chill it." He hmmms.

Kian has posed:
    "I remember you making pancakes before," Kian says, popping out of the open flight shaft and followed by his brother Keth.  "That was when you drugged me with coffee."
    "Coffee?" Keth repeats.
    "It's an Earth drink," Kian explains.  "Apparently it helps them wake up, but it knocked me out.  Terry had to put me in my bed to sleep it off."  At least he's learned better than to say 'take me to bed'.  "Pancakes are good.  You'll like them.  Especially with the syrup."
    "Ooo."  Keth flits over and lands very near Terry, peering over his shoulder at the stovetop cookery.  As best he can manage, anyway, being no taller than Kian.
    "I think you're going to have to feed him now, /tenar'h/," Kian says with a chuckle.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Victor's been up in the lab, focusing on Wonderland stuff. He's not sure about braving New York just now, to go try to see Caitlin. Not to try to talk her out of anything, but just because he misses her. He's not sure about talking to the side of his family who very much go to church every Sunday. He's... well. He's focusing on science, right now, or rather trying to science the magic and chaos of Wonderland. A weird idea, but it's something to do.

    Also, there's still snarks to hunt down.

    But he will /definitely/ put in an appearance for food. "Pancakes?!" he says as he comes through the flight shaft after Kian and his brother. "Oh, and fruit, nice, Bart!"

    Noticing Roy, he grins at him. "Better than cake people, right?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Well, that's convenient, because food is on its way," Terry grins and winks at Keth, "Go ahead and grab a seat and food will come your way. Don't let your brother get more pancakes than you!"

"Bart, you're a champ! Just set them on the table- and Victor! Orange juice?"

Zap, Zap. Two bursts of chaos magic, and pancakes fly onto the large serving plate, forming a neat stack, and then the plate flies towards the table, settling down in the center in a graceful landing. Another zap and silverware floats to the table.

Grabbing the pitcher of orange juice, the cat approaches the table among a procession of flying glasses, like the weirdest religious pilgrimage. "And there's a Roy! You're prompt at the table- that is Titans Rule number one. You'll do well here," he says, setting the pitcher down.

"How's everybody doing today?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I was doing the daily check in and heard ya call so thought I would join in and bring some stuff." There is all the normal fruits but some of the odder ones as well, as Bart enjoys trying new and different things and figures others might as well. He has learned though there is nor Durian fruit. "Doing pretty good, got to help with a check up on a couple of the nocturnal animals at the zoo last night."

Roy Harper has posed:
With an uncharacteristic shyness, Roy gives each person in turn a nod and a small, polite smile: Terry, Bart, Victor, and Kian. "Thanks," he says to Terry. Then he slowly and unassumingly grabs one pancake with a fork and puts it on his plate and pour himself a bit of juice.

"Thanks for...for cooking the food, Terry," he says with some warmth in his tone.

Kian has posed:
    "Mostly just catching my breath," Kian says, settling in to a seat.  "I've explained to my family and my government why Keth and everyone are still here.  It's surprising what you can get away with as a /Rhytak/.  Really, all it takes is for me to say it's okay with me.  Don't let me get used to that.  It's very tempting."
    "And very useful," Keth puts in.
    "That's what makes it tempting."  He reaches over to ruffle Terry's hair as he passes with pancakes.  "Terry will keep me balanced.  Ria q'San was right when she said he'd talk back to a god if he thought he had to.  Also, make sure you get some before Bart gets at the food, or there might not be any left."  The voice of experience speaks, with a smirk.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "Would they be so sure you're a god if they saw you in the danger room?" Vic says to Kian with a grin. He's teasing, of course; the alien is really pretty good in practice a lot of the time. He settles himself at the table, reaching for some fruit and juice alongside the pancakes and syrup.

    "I'm just trying to figure out... Donna /insists/ there's no such thing as a snark, so I figure I'll track recent mentions of the thing and find out if I can find a source. Mostly I'm trying to prove her /wrong/, but you know... it's Donna. She /could/ be right. I guess."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry smirks but says nothing about the Snark. There are some parts of Wonderland you just don't explain. "I am still sore as balls for Raven throwing me overboard like she did, though. That's not cool at all."

Grabbing himself some orange juice, he reaches over and ruffles Roy's hair, "No need to thank me, red!" says one red to another, "We do for each other here. When she's in her right mind, Caitlin bakes a bunch for us. You'll have to see what her baking is like when we get her back. It's unbelievable."

They will get her back, right?

Roy's mood wasn't unnoticed, but he knows better than to ask what's wrong. Instead, he gestures, "Have some fruit, too. Bart always gets the freshest. Must be nice being able to run everywhere like that..."

"And what do you mean, /would/ talk back to a god? I am planning to sass Archangel Michael. And don't forget the goddess of Discord- the concept, not the platform- has sworn vengeance against me. Gods /hate/ me, man."

He sits down and sips his orange juice. "Vic, I checked up on the Hatter. He's still out like a light." He sighs. It had been how many weeks now?" But his vital signs are stable now."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy rolls his eyes when Terry ruffles his hair. The list of people who have done that and not pulled back a handful of broken bones is pretty small. At Terry's suggestion, he piles some fruit on his plate too.

"Thanks, Bart, that was pretty cool," he intones to the speedster.

He takes a little half-hearted bit of pancake but mostly pushes food around on his plate with his fork. "So, um, dare I ask what a snark is?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Terry, and says "Like you can't just pop down and grab some yourself." He does smile a bit though, and looks over to Kian and says "Hey I make sure anyone new gets food before I do, now once ate around you 3 or 4 times, you may need to make sure ya get it quick " He jokes. He does wait for the others to get his before making a large plate for himeself.

Garth has posed:
Garth makes his way in, wearing a slim-fit long-sleeved shirt in grey with teal accents, along with a pair of simple trousers and shoes. His hair is pulled up into the classic 'man-bun', tucked on the back of his head.

"I suspected I smelled pancakes. While I'm not always up for all the variations of surface food, you guys have breakfast nailed down pat. Kelp and raw fish are delicious, but definitely not first thing in the morning," he says. He gives Terry a quick side-hug before making his way over towards the food.

Kian has posed:
    Keth's eyes widen at his first taste.  "Ooo."
    "Told you," Kian says, waving to Garth, and then grinning at Terry.  "The /q'San/ is an excellent judge of character."
    He picks up a forkful of pancake and looks at it thoughtfully.  "Maybe I should talk to these angels.  If they're also winged like me, maybe they'll listen to me."
    He chews thoughtfully.  Isn't optimism cute?

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic nods to Terry as he munches on an apple. "Good to hear. Poor guy was pretty roughed up." He frowns, remembering that whole business with the naval base. Naval bass? Still kind of confusing. "But yeah, we take care of each other. 'Titans together' and all. I think I might drop in on Caitlin, bring her some barbecue from Aunt Ruth."

    He waves to Garth, then peers over at Kian. "Hmmm... I mean... /could/ be an idea? The data we have says they're probably dangerous but maybe Cait could keep them from hurting you?"

Roy Harper has posed:
With just a couple of bites taken from his pancake and the fruit largely untouched, Roy stands and bring his plate to the sink. "I should probably make an appearance in Starling before someone puts out an APB. You guys have a good night."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry frowns. "Maybe. But they are also capable of controlling people. They brainwashed Caitlin. They convinced a woman to crucify herself. If you go talk to them, I am coming with you. If you start feeling dragged by their pull, you can anchor yourself by linking to my mind."

That is the strange state of affairs today, boys and girls, "Because if I lose you too I /will/ go ahead and open that Rabbit Hole to the sun's corona and just blast them to smithereens."

/There/ is a comforting thought, that this is something that's within Terry's ability. "They're just /lucky/ I'm a nice guy." .

"The Snark is an exotic creature- delicious, but also /very/ hard to catch. There's a reward out for them right now, some rich guy wants to eat some. Donna, Vic and I got caught up by a floating ship that went on to hunt one, but Raven was her usual charming self and ruined it all for us." The Cheshire grins and gets himself some pancakes, for starters.

He glances at Keth and at Roy, "Things are usually this crazy around here. It gets some time getting used to it, but once you do, almost nothing fazes you."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Harper, a concerned look on his face, he will offer the other man "Need a ride in?" When he does not seem to need it. He hmms and says "Snark something from Wonderland?" He asks Terry, and waves over towards Garth "Well there is the one seaweed that tastes sorta like bacon at least." He offers with a smile.

Garth has posed:
Garth shakes his head, "Just the aura of whatever's happening has been causing terror undersea. Schools of fish shifting their migration patterns, spontaneous algae deaths, species abandoning their dens to get away from the coast. Magick going haywire all over. I agree we should do what we can. I just confess that I don't know exactly what that is."

"Whatever's happened to Caitlin should be our first priority, I think. As was said - we take care of our own."

Kian has posed:
    "It does get weird around here," Kian confirms, sliding a glass of orange juice to his brother, "but he's right, you get used to it."
    Keth nods.  "I'm finding that out, and I stay out of the way when things get weird.  Going back to Kyshan is going to be dull after this."
    "Appreciate the dullness while you can," Kian counsels.  He tilts his head at Garth, considering.  "Maybe I can help with that, if I can get into Caitlin's mind and help her reassert control over herself?  Of course that means getting within arm's reach of her and that's... risky.  But it might be something to consider."

Victor Stone has posed:
    "You're all assuming she's not in her right mind," Vic points out. "Just because she agrees with Saint Michael doesn't mean she's being /literally/ mind-controlled." He looks around at them. "I'm bringing her Aunt Ruth's barbecue 'cause my Aunt Ruth thinks Caitlin's fighting the good fight, and she approves--and she's /nowhere near/ New York."

    He sighs. "I'm just saying... you can't assume that just because she disagrees, that she's being controlled. For me, I just want to go... see what's up. Ask her why she's doing what she's doing. Listen to my friend. There's got to be a reason that she doesn't see this the way other people do, and I want to find out if she's got a good reason or it actually is, y'know... mind control."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"It's... Vic, the angels do something to you. They fill you up with... something. And that makes you agree with them. Makes you into a zealot. And it all seems perfectly /reasonable/ and you /want/ to do it because it's salvation. Or what they peddle as salvation." The cat sighs, "It's... sick. Thank god I'm an atheist."

He chomps on his food. "I know gods exist. But I don't believe in them. It encourages them..." he glances up at Garth, and frowns, "But believe me, Garth... I want to help Caitlin as much as anyone here. But this is... very powerful."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the group and says "Well I think it comes down to the fact, that the angels and somewhat fit with her belief system before they came down and all. I mean if she was a different religion it might be different. The question I have is how she feels towards her friends who are fighting the angels. Will she fight us to help the angels, does she think we are lost to her, or is there hope there that after this we can find a middle ground.

Garth has posed:
Garth puts aside his plate for the moment, "It's hard to believe that she genuinely supports some of the actions being taken. That doesn't mean she can't be honestly on their side, but I think we all kind of hope she isn't. That's a whole different kind of problem. I get that she has sincere beliefs, but so do some of the Deep One worshippers among the Atlanteans, but we don't let them start sacrificing people on the altar."

He meets Terry's eyes and nods, "I don't know her as well as some of the rest of you do, having been away for most of the last few years. But everything I've seen of her says she's as good and true as someone like Donna or Nightwing."

Kian has posed:
    "I can't make her change her mind, Vic," Kian says, looking down into his orange juice.  "I don't have that kind of training or that kind of mental strength.  The four of us together," he continues, indicating Keth with a wing and glancing in the direction of his room where Shiri and Kala were, "*might* be able to, but it would be dangerous to her and unforgivably wrong in the first place."
    Keth shakes his head once, but adds nothing.
    "I could tell if she were being controlled, or if she were genuinely with them of her own free will.  The absolute best I could hope for would be to remind her that she's a Titan and we need her with us... but changing her mind would still be up to her."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic nods to Bart. "That's what I want to find out. I just... want to talk to her." He eyes Terry. "And don't worry... I'm gonna have the computer up here," he taps the side of his head, "making sure I'm not getting infected with whatever magical mojo they've got going on. I'm hackable, but not like /that/." He glances to Kian, and nods. "I mean... might be worth it, but you should be careful if the angels are that dangerous."

    He frowns at his plate for a moment. "Really... I just want to see her. I mean, I'm worried, y'know? She's out there fighting without her friends. Sometimes facing off against her friends. I hope I get a chance."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Just be careful, Vic. I don't want to lose another friend. And neither can Gar." the Cheshire nods at Vic, "I trust you. I just worry, that's all." He stands up with his plate and takes it to the sink, "I worry about all of us. Eldritch monstrosities from another dimension. Alien Invasions. That sort of stuff, we've faced. These angels are of a different level. At least the Archangels are. It makes me wish I were more useful at times." He walks over and puts a hand on Tempest's shoulder, "I wish you knew chaos magic, so you could teach me to be a chaos terror!"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I know what ya mean, I am pretty much, a point me at what you want me to do and I will do it, to the folks who I trust on this stuff. Magic, is not something I really know about at all.

Garth has posed:
Garth nods to Terry and sighs, "I wish I did, too. I'm not even sure how much power my own magicks might have. This particular pantheon of yours is very...complicated. We don't have anything like it among the faiths of the Deep. It seems very harsh to me. So exclusionary," he says, then holds up a hand. "My apologies, I don't mean to offend anyone, I am simply speaking as an outsider to this culture."

"I'm not convinced they're so entirely different, though. I think the main difference is people's attitudes towards them. Even nonbelievers among the surface dwellers seem overwhelmed by the mere idea of these angels."

Kian has posed:
    "It's not like our beliefs," Kian says, and leaves it at that.
    Keth, on the other hand, looks confused.  "Wait, this world has more than one set of gods?"Kian nods.  "I've lost count.  Donna seems to be related to... one or more?  The angels seem to fit in with Caitlin's beliefs, but I guess they're not gods themselves.  They're kind of--"
    Kian winces at the word, but nods once.  "Kind of, I think.  I don't really know anything about your beliefs, Garth," he says, "although I should imagine they relate to life underwater like ours do to life in the air.  And Terry has hinted that he might be... something... in the realm where his powers are rooted."
    "Oh!  So you have at least three /Rhytak'yw/ on your team already!" Keth says brightly, nodding at both Terry and Kian.  "Then you should be fine."
    Kian just winces again.  "It's... not that easy."

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I'll be careful," Vic promises. "I don't know much about magic, but I know Caitlin, and I know she wants to do the right thing."

    He looks to Keth. "The angels are... helpers to God, kind of. His messengers and warriors. According to the Bible, anyway. But that sounds like what they're doing."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The cat smirks, as he comes to help clear the table away. "Well... like that opera once said- 'It ain't necessarily so: The things that you're liable to read in the Bible, it ain't necessarily so.'"

He purses his lips. They were going to need some training. Just in case. You never knew.

"So, who's up for some danger room shenanigans?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen finishes his food and cleans up his dishes as well. "I could probably tag along, but need to head back to Central city to meet Jay and Joan for lunch." He tells the others of his plans.