Marc Spector

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  Moon Knight  
Marc Spector (Scenesys ID: 1091)
Name: Marc Spector
Superalias: Moon Knight
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Financier
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York City
Education: High School
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Street Level
Apparent Age: 39 Actual Age: 35
Date of Birth 05 Aug 1982 Played By Oscar Isaac
Height: 6'2" Weight: 225 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Dark
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Once a mercenary, Marc Spector was killed in the sands of Egypt in an ancient tomb. There, beneath the stony gaze of the Khonshu, God of the Moon and Vengeance, Spector was reborn. Now, afflicted with dissociative identity disorder and his own moral ambiguity, Marc Spector takes to the streets as the avenging vigilante, Moon Knight, the Fist of Khonshu.


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* 1983: Born in Chicago, IL.

* 1996: After developing DID, Marc is housed in Putnam Psychiatric Hospital.

* 1999: Marc's father dies. Marc is allowed to attend the funeral and escapes hospital custody.

* 2000: Marc falsifies his records and joins the Marine Corps.

* 2010: After multiple tours, Marc's past is discovered and he is dishonorably discharged from the Corps.

* 2011: Marc is recruited as a CIA operative.

2014: Marc leaves the CIA, and participates in underground (illegal) fighting rings. Before becoming a mercenary (a job
that turns out to be quite profitable for him.)

* 2016: Marc is betrayed and mortally wounded by Raul Bushman while working on a dig site in Egypt. As he lay dying, he hears the voice of Khonshu, the Egyptian God of Vengeance and the Moon, and exchanged his life for service. Shortly after being revived and returning to the city he meets Layla Abdalla El-Faouly and after a period of dating they fall in love and marry.

* 2018: After a large fight about Layla's suspicions on his double life, Marc decides he can't risk Layla being put in the danger his life as the Moon Knight would cause her and storms out demanding a divorce. Marc returns to the States. In order to stay off the radar of society, he adopts the persona Steven Grant (multi-millionaire philanthropist and weapons designer) to bank roll his activities as Moon Knight, via Grant's public business Spectorcorp. The persona of Jake Lockley (a down on his luck cab driver) he uses to collect information on the street level of society.

* 2018: Moon Knight fights against the forces of Loki during the Battle of New York.

* 2021: Marc decides to adopt a more public image and creates the mask of Mr. Knight, a priest of Khonshu. Again, with the help of Steven Grant's money, he acquires and builds the Midnight Mission as his temple. From there the Call of Khonshu can reach those seen as needing his assistance or alliance. Mr. Knight takes the problems of the victims of the horrors of the night and Moon Knight takes care of the problems directly.

IC Journal

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Jake Lockley:
Jake Lockley is a bitter and angry man. He is cynical and desperate, having seen the worst sides of humanity, and having lived in the streets. A streetwise cabbie, Jake is a bundle of repressed anger and aggression, though he isn't an embodiment of mindless violence, and is capable of befriending those with whom he can identify, which typically are counted solely among the impoverished, homeless and working class peoples of the city. Of all of Marc's personalities, Jake Lockley is possibly the most dominant.

Khonshu, the God of the Moon is a creature of multiple facets, and his motivations are as mysterious as his very existence. It is arguable that Khonshu, as he exists within Marc Spector, is real at all, or just another manifestation of Spector's DID at play. This personality tends to "communicate" directly with Marc's other selves directly, as opposed to taking the wheel. It sometimes acts as a guide, others as a taunting nemesis. Khonshu's motivations and the way he presents himself are never clear, not even to Marc. After all, he is a God with as many faces as the moon itself.

Mr. Knight:
Mr. Knight is a very enigmatic figure. As high priest of the Midnight Mission he is reserved and polite, always wearing a bespoke white suit, white gloves, white shoes, and a white featureless mask with a crescent in the forehead. When dealing with those outside the clergy he is still polite, but his questions can sometimes lean toward the dogmatic, as they try to fit everyday society into the teachings of an Ancient Egyptian deity.

Mark Spector's personality is that of a subdued introvert, plagued by demons and with a focused need for redemption and vengeance. His obsession with vengeance is that of vengeance as a concept, as a result of his bloody past. As a result of his long career in the military, CIA, and as a mercenary, he is driven, analytical and keen minded, focused on the mission at hand. He tends to avoid direct personal relationships, save for very few close associates, and only feels comfortable as "himself" when in the guise of the Moon Knight. When in "character" as Moon Knight, Marc Spector is more freely spoken and outwardly confident, more the man he was in his youth. Sometimes, he can be downright personable, even.

Steven Grant:
Steven Grant is a suave, wealthy tycoon playboy with a heart of gold. He's charming and personable, dedicated to uplifting causes and philanthropy. He's quick with the wit, easy with the smiles, and a consummate gentleman. He's highly intelligent and often seeks cooperation with others in order to achieve goals. He is, however, a bit decadent and narcissistic, with a sense of entitlement due to his position and the good that he does for others.

Character Sheet


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Fist of Khonshu:
As Khonshu's avatar on Earth, Moon Knight is gifted with enhanced physical capability, the potency of which is tied to the phases of the moon. At a baseline, Moon Knight is able to lift close to 1000 pounds, during a new moon. His speed and agility are heightened to the level of being able to predictively dodge point blank gunfire and perform inhuman feats of acrobatics and balance. His endurance is heightened to the point where he can take hits from super powered beings and stay standing, though he does feel it. Most strong impact and blunt force trauma only serves to stun him. These abilities increase during the height of the full moon, making Marc exponentially more powerful, and able to lift over 4000 pounds and withstand even greater damages.

Healing Factor:
As Khonshu's avatar of Justice, Moon Knight if gifted with an accelerated healing factor. While this is nowhere near the rapid regeneration of such heroes as Wolverine and Deadpool, it does work more strongly when his wounds are exposed to the light of the moon. Often, he is able to recover from severe wounds within a matter of hours, and is highly resistant to toxins, poisons, and disease.

Psychic Resistance:
Whether it be the protection of Khonshu upon his chosen avatar, or it be due to the splintered psyche of Marc Spector, the Moon Knight's mind is exceptionally resistant to psychic intrusion. This includes attempts to read his mind, as well as project mental illusions or other forms of mental control.

Marc Spector first became the champion of Khonshu when he died at the foot of a statue of the Moon God and was resurrected. Since then, Moon Knight has suffered mortal injuries and felt the cold embrace of death, only to be pulled from that embrace through the will of his patron.


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Through his years as a soldier, mercenary, spy and vigilante, Moon Knight has become an extremely skilled acrobat and gymnast, on an Olympian level. He is capable of performing extraordinary feats of flipping, tumbling and freerunning, as well as deftly swinging from grapple lines to traverse cityscapes and to aid him in his wild style of combat.

To say that the Moon Knight is truly among the world's most elite combatants in the world is an understatement. Before he ever entered military service, Marc Spector was a champion boxer. Over the years, he has refined his skills to include mastery of multiple martial arts forms including Jujitsu, Krav Maga, Pencak Silat, Dambe, Escrima, Kyokushin Karate, Savate, Muay Thai, Kung Fu, and Ninjitsu. His mastery over these fighting styles has made him extremely adaptable, and his fighting style is wild, and unpredictable, though a bit reckless, as he'd rather take a hit than to avoid it, so as to gain advantage with a counter.

In addition to this, Moon Knight is a master of weaponry, with a special focus on thrown weaponry, such as shuriken, boomerangs and bolas. His marksmanship is uncanny, including with other ranged weaponry such as guns and bows, due to his extensive military and spy training. Finally, he is intimately familiar with most forms of martial arts weaponry, from European style arms to those of the East. He prefers the baton or truncheon, bo staves, and nunchaku, and with these, his skill is nearly unrivaled.

Largely due to his time with the CIA, though refined through his vigilante career, Moon Knight is an expert, world class detective. He learned tracking skills in Africa, training with some of the most elite hunters in the world, and through his persona as Jake Lockely, he's come to know the criminal underworld very intimately over the last several years. His deductive reasoning is exemplary, and his eye for detail is uncanny, but all of it is supplemented by the simple fact that he has a very broad knowledge base, understanding, and miscellaneous skills to compliment it.

Perhaps it's Marc Spector's DID at play, but Moon Knight is a very, very skilled disguise artist. No one but the most skilled observers would ever be able to tell that Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley are one and the same person. Spector knows makeup and special effects techniques, as well as acting skills to change his body language, posture and appearance enough to pose as nearly anyone of his general size and shape.

Marc Spector is a highly trained infiltration specialist due to his time spent with the CIA. He's trained in counter surveillance methodology, lock picking, counter security measures and a host of other skills that allow him to bypass security measures and systems, pass unnoticed past security personnel and otherwise get himself into plenty of places (and situations) where he should not be.

Marc Spector is an expert interrogator, trained in secret military and police methods. These include such things as being able to read "tells", the use of leading and confusing language, and even torture, if need be. Whatever the means, if Moon Knight is trying to receive information from someone, they'd be hard pressed to keep it from him.

Moon Knight is no stranger to intimidation tactics. He even wears an all white costume for the express purpose of intimidating his foes. Using a combination of his physical presence, psychological training, his brutal reputation and other tactics, Moon Knight can be one of the most fearsome beings one could have the displeasure of encountering.

Pain Tolerance:
Be it through training, spiritual gifts, or just sheer madness, Moon Knight shows a nearly inhuman level of tolerance to pain, seeming to shrug off or ignore such painful injuries as having chunks of flesh bit off of his face, or being shot with bullets or arrows.

Moon Knight is well connected to the streets, and through his Jake Lockley persona, he has numerous ties to the criminal underworld in the seedy underbelly of NYC. Even outside of his hometown, however, Spector knows how to talk the talk, walk the walk, and fit himself in with the street culture of the world. He can tell a front when we sees one, easily find the places where dealers and addicts might gather, who might be the best informants, where the Black Markets might be operating and easily can deduce the breakdown of leadership after gathering a bit of information about any gang or other organized crime outfit.

Tactical Expert:
Years spent as a Marine, Commando, Mercenary and CIA Agent have given Marc Spector a very firm grasp of combat strategy and tactics. He's effortlessly able to assess a battlefield and formulate plans and strategies that take his environment, the situation, and even his targets' abilities and skills into consideration. He is extremely adaptable, able to change tactics and recalculate for rapidly changing situations. There are very few people in the world who might be able to rival Moon Knight's sheer tactical genius.

Vehicular Expert:
Moon Knight is truly a prodigy when he's behind a wheel. His time in the military made him an ace pilot, skilled in piloting most aircraft such as fighter jets and helicopters. He's an expert driver of land based vehicles, as well, from motorcycles to cars, trucks, vans, and etc. He can pilot most seafaring craft, especially small one man boats, such as speedboats or small military boats. Be it by land, sea, or air, chances are if it moves, Moon Knight can handle it.


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Arsenal of Khonshu:
After his resurrection in the tomb of Pharaoh Seti at the foot of the statue of Khonshu, Marc Spector returned to America with a number of ancient artifacts in his possession. These armaments of Khonshu are many and varied. Over the years, Marc and Frenchie have added modern weaponry and gadgets to this once ancient and mystic arsenal, rounding it out so that no matter the situation, Moon Knight has the right tool for the job. Primarily, Moon Knight operates with an adamantium truncheon that can extended to a staff. It also contains a gas propelled grapnel launcher, and can separate into a pair of nunchaku, or a three-sectional staff. He also carries a large assortment of adamantium crescent shaped "darts". Other items in his arsenal include silver shuriken, silver plated spiked cesti, a large golden ankh staff that can be used as a bludgeon and glows when Marc is in danger, bolas, and an ivory boomerang inscribed with protective Egyptian magic. Among his more ancient relics, alternative vestments and armor pieces can be found that allow Marc to see and interact with, as well as protect him from, the spirits of the dead.

Through Steven Grant, Moon Knight has ties to the upper crust of society, able to rub elbows with the elite, and keep up with the social life and ongoing ebbs and flows of the high business and political world. He knows all the best events and parties to attend, all the people one should know to get things done, and even gather information from the city's administration. Through his Jake Lockley persona, Moon Knight has ties to the streets and the criminal underbelly of the world. Through these connections he can easily find out about the happenings in the world of organized crime. The up and comers. The movers and shakers. Who is warring with who. Who is making moves, and who is suffering for it. Lastly, there is Marc himself. Marc has a long history with military, mercenary and special agents. Through these connections he can keep tabs on the worlds of war and espionage, and might be able to leverage for insights on current events and gain secret intelligence that otherwise would require security clearance.

Jean-Paul DuChamp, known as "Frenchie" is Marc Spector's most trusted friend and confidante. He's Marc's Guy Friday. The two met as mercenaries, and Jean-Paul was there when Marc first died and was resurrected by Khonshu under the light of the full moon. The two have been inseparable ever since, with Frenchie helping to create and maintain much of Moon Knight's gear, and also acting as Marc's pilot when Marc is on mission. Frenchie helps run intelligence, analysis, and other "guy in the chair" roles, but he is also a very skilled combatant and veteran, capable of holding his own when needed.

Moon Knight has a small number of vehicles that he uses in his crusade against crime. First, a bit of a misnomer, the Mooncopter is actually a very advanced VTOL aircraft that largely looks like a crescent moon, with a number of exceptional features. It features three undermounted rotors for propulsion, equipped with a noise free whisper capability that combines with white noise generators to make the rotos nearly silent. Unburdened, it can reach a maximum speed of 220 mph and reach a maximum altitude of 19,000 feet, with a maximum range of 1000 miles. It is armed with two forward mounted 20mm cannons, and through the onboard computer and commlink, Moon Knight is always in contact with the Mooncopter. Next, he has the Angel Wing, which is a crescent shaped glider that Moon Knight can ride on, similar to certain Goblins. He can remote control the Angel Wing from his suit, and it has room for two people to ride on it, if needed. For ground traversal, Moon Knight has a state of the art superbike that has armored plating and gyroscopic stabilizing so that it can maintain balance on its own. This motorcycle is transformable and can take the shape of a large white sphere, before unfurling to reveal the bike itself.

Vestments of Khonshu:
Originally a ceremonial garb used by the champions of Khonshu, over the years Marc Spector has modified and updated this suit into one of the most advanced pieces of armor out there today. The armored bodysuit is comprised of parts kevlar, carbonadium and adamantium. This protection can even stand up against large caliber firearms, and he can use a joint locking mechanism within the suit to support and sustain much greater weights than he could lift by himself. It also includes a number of advanced technological features, such as a magnetic recall device for his crescent darts and truncheon, jump boots, dart launchers in his gauntlets, and a deployable minidrone, which streams a video feed to a micro-HUD built into his cowl. The cowl itself is equipped with air filtration, a radio commlink and remote to control his glider and drone. His cape is a deployable glider, allowing him to glide safely from great heights to the ground when extended. Lastly, the suit itself can be remotely assembled and disassembled onto his body, similar to an Iron Man armor. While primarily Moon Knight prefers a gleaming white costume to help strike fear into his enemies, he can change the color of most of his armor to black for stealth missions when necessary.

Marc Spector invested all of his money from his mercenary years, playing the stock market as Steven Grant to great effect. Now, Grant is a bonafide multi-millionaire, and Marc has more than enough money to support his crusade against crime, and to let Steven have the occasional high society get together with other elites, celebutantes and other movers and shakers.


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Marc Spector doesn't simply take on different identities to perform certain tasks or gain certain advantages. His psyche has truly splintered into a few distinct and complete personalities. While, on the surface, this would appear to simply be the result of his traumatic experiences during his mercenary life, there are certain indications that this Dissociative Identity Disorder is actually the result of Khonshu's partial possession of Marc Spector. Unlike most sufferers of DID, Spector's various personas communicate with one another within his mindscape, and even come to odds against one another from time to time.

Lunar Influence:
Khonshu is a lunar god, and his influence and power waxes and wanes with the faces of the Moon. And, Khonshu's nature is often fickle and mercurial, which can manifest in fluctuations in the abilities he bestows upon Marc, even stripping him of some powers at times altogether. As a result, most of Marc's abilities, including his physical prowess, are affected by the phases of the moon, with him being demonstrably stronger and more powerful under the full moon, and noticeably weaker on nights of the new moon.

Marc Spector has seen some of the darkest that humanity has to offer. Worse still, he has seen and partaken of that darkness himself. A large part of why Marc does what he does is because he is mentally scarred by the things he has seen and done while living his life as a soldier and spy. The atrocities he has witnessed and inflicted come back to haunt him. Often. His only solace is being gifted by the powers of the moon, because he certainly doesn't have an easy time sleeping at night.

Perhaps due to a sense of self loathing, or madness, or arrogance brought about by having healing powers and a god that resurrects him upon death, Marc Spector is a reckless individual. This attitude extends to everything in his life, from his combat style, where he'd rather take a hit than to avoid it, all the way to his choices in lovers and business decisions. This sense of daring more often than not leads Marc into situations where he's set himself up for failure and he often seems to be his own worst enemy.

Secret Identity:
Marc Spector is not publically known as The Moon Knight. In fact, it's a large secret that Marc Spector is also Steven Grant and Jake Lockley, as well. Should any of this information ever come to light, his entire world would crumble around him. His enemies could seek him and his loved ones out to take vengeance against him, and that's only the start. His wealth would be stripped from him, as Steven Grant isn't a "real" person. His insider criminal ties and web of informants from the streets would vanish, as Jake Lockley would be revealed to be a fraud. As such, Moon Knight does all that he can to protect his identity.



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Marc Spector has 82 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Are You My Mummy February 27th, 2024 There is something strange a foot in the Temple of Hibis. Cameo by Moon Knight.
Moon Flowers December 30th, 2022 No description
Holiday Chaos. ROUND 3. December 26th, 2022 Mike Hannigan and Jake Lockley catch up over the Holidays. The movie is brought up and Jake makes an offer that needs considering
SKA: Snake in the Grass August 26th, 2022 No description
Digging a Firepit August 26th, 2022 Cael brings Jon to the Reserve to see to the berserkers that were left in wake of the previous leadership of the Pack. After obvserving their condition, the Archivist manages to remove the spiritual disturbance caused by the twisted tattoos they had received.
How Wolf August 19th, 2022 Cael pays a visit to the Pack on Constitution Island, her pack, to learn more about what they were up to before she took over. She learns a few troubling pieces of information and then gets word of a what may possibly be her first recruit.
The Pride of the Pack August 11th, 2022 Cael's werewolf troubles finally come to an end, with her atop the pack. As Alpha she's in charge of a great number of mouths to feed, time will only tell whether or not she's successful.
Of Jackals and Wolves August 9th, 2022 Cael comes to Marc for information concerning her werewolf problem and finds an avenue that, while not ideal, might be the best option open for her gaining back control of her life.
Many Moons, Many Faces August 2nd, 2022 Marc and Layla sit down as Marc lets his alters meet their future partner in vigilantism. The meetings while brief prove beneficial to all parties involved.
Sun King Ascendant: Supermoon Super Barque July 12th, 2022 Layla helps Marc go through a ritual that allows him to meet with Khonshu and Tawaret. With their help, he shows Steven and Jake their shared history and origins. Then they all prove to Khonshu their unique abilities that will help them serve him jointly going forward.
The Cult of the Morrigan: Part One July 6th, 2022 Morrigan is summoned back to Earth, threats are made and the heroes manage to get their damsel saved!
Sun King Ascendant: False Dawn July 3rd, 2022 Viktor Johanssen, the Sun King, wakes up. He tries to apologize for his actions in the past few months, but Moon Knight's having none of it. And as usual, the Scarlet Scarab is the voice of reason.
Elephant in the Room July 1st, 2022 Feelings are exposed, discussed, and decisions are made. And yes, the elephant in the room is addressed.
Sun King Ascendant: Tropic of Cancer June 21st, 2022 The Heliopolitans travel to Egypt to rescue Jonathan Sims from the Sun King and his ally Elias Bouchard--now revealed as Jonah Magnus, an Archivist who should have died over a hundred years ago. Ma'at proclaims the Sun King the avatar of Ra, and Magnus turns on him before Cael rips his throat. Layla saves the Sun King, and they depart--and thus miss Jonah's revival as the avatar of Apophis.
Sun King Ascendant: Mars in Retrograde June 20th, 2022 Missed texts and missed calls lead the Heliopolitans to discover Jonathan Sims has gone missing. Spells and deductions and a fly-over from Scarlet Scarab indicate he's being held in Egypt by a deadly foe, and the group goes off to effect a rescue.
Sun King Ascendant: Foggy Nights June 20th, 2022 Jonathan Sims attempts to fend of a psychic assault by his old mentor Elias Bouchard. He discovers the truth of the man he once called his teacher, and loses not only the struggle but control of his body as well. Ma'at, taking his place, agrees to name the Sun King as the true Avatar of Ra.
Sun King Ascendant: Waning Retrieval June 20th, 2022 Jon confronts the threat to his family and finds the Sun King once more. After a tense face off Jon ends up trapped in a magic containment circle and discovers that his old mentor Elias Bouchard is behind the entire plot.
The Fall of the Red House: The Velvet Glove June 19th, 2022 Cael's (less murder focused) associates travel to Arizona to ensure the Alhambras' threat never intrudes on their lives again. And end up commiting a couple of murders in the process (but Terry fixes it in the end.)
Four Years, Two Months, and Two Weeks June 15th, 2022 Marc reveals the precariousness of his mental state with Layla after recovering Cael from her dramatic transformation. She offers a solution to the state that he has to take time to think on.
Relocation of the Newest Jackal June 14th, 2022 Marc and Jon get Cael out of her cage - and into a warded room. And Jon discovers an ominous mark on the back of Cael's shoulder...
Sun King Ascendant: Strawberry Moon June 13th, 2022 The Heliopolitans patrol the streets on the night of the full moon, but the true threat has been right under their noses all along...
Happy Harbor: Cairo By Night June 10th, 2022 The Happy Harborites are out for a night of fun in Greater Cairo, but fate is about to intervene. Macha returns from her dead sisters essences that have stored away in Morrigan and they both die as a result. Teens and Faculty are heroic, but sadly death takes Morrigan in the end.
Nothing Lasts Forever June 10th, 2022 The unexpected sight of Marc's wife shows up at the Midnight Mission. Jon arrives and finds out that the 'ex' in front of her name is not as official as Marc led him to believe. Also she's an avatar of her own Egyptian diety these days. The pantheon's coming together!
Happy Harbor: Cairo By Day June 6th, 2022 Day One of Happy Harbor's end of the year trip goes off without a hitch. Which could be bad!
The Unusual Usual Fare May 31st, 2022 Lydia and Jon track down Jake Lockely doing what Jake Lockely does. After a confrontation they manage to confuse him enough that Marc is able to slip back into control of his body.
Sun King Ascendant: Mixed Faces May 30th, 2022 Marc awakens from his coma only to not be Marc at all. It's Jake Lockely and he's not aware of the situation concerning his body. Jon and Cael see that the man is safe to head out and then give him leave to depart the mission due to his apprehension of being there.
SKA: Well Now What May 30th, 2022 Jon and Cael and Lydia talk to Marc's associate, Frenchie, about what the heck to do about Jake Lockley.
Sun King Ascendant: Total Eclipse of the Heart May 15th, 2022 The Heliopolitans--and a couple of allies--fight a pack of werewolves during the lunar eclipse. All goes well until someone in Egypt seals the power of Khonshu, leaving Moon Knight nearly dead from a wound. He survives, but for how long?
Gotham Spring Gala May 7th, 2022 A Gala in Gotham where... no one gets hurt and everything resolves rather peacefully?

Are we sure this is Gotham?

The Call Takes All May 2nd, 2022 Cael and Jon pay a visit to Moon Knight to see if he is able to jar her memories of her time in Duat. Upon the revelation of her time and the warning Cael received, Mr. Steven Grant makes an appearance to assist in puzzling out the nature of the warning.
Justice is Due May 1st, 2022 Jon enlists the help of Moon Knight in tracking down the man who shot Cael. Upon finding him and taking his statement, Jon metes out his own goddess justice upon the man in retribution.
Shait's Divergence April 30th, 2022 Cael's past catches up with her when a member of the Alhambras tracks her down near her apartment. She gets shot, and dies long enough to visit Duat... but Sara gets there in time for Witchblade to save her.
One Plus One Equals Sailor Moon April 29th, 2022 The Moon Knight and the Archivist spar and discuss their lives and the changes that have come with being what they are: avatars to gods.
New Threads April 26th, 2022 Jon stops by the Midnight Mission early morning and delivers coffee to Mr. Knight (Marc). They talk about a possible dangerous foe and what death truly means to both of them.
A Meeting with the Benefactor March 20th, 2022 Morrigan meets Steven Grant and learns some about the business tycoons relationship with Marc as well as learning that even in New York there are shops tucked away amid the hustle and bustle of city living.
Dracul Rising: End of the Line March 16th, 2022 A cadre of the Heliopolitans take the assault on Ravencroft Institute, the lair of Raul Bushman and then Uraean Brood. Through determination and perseverance and extraordinary skill, they manage to destroy Bushman and the progenitors of the vampiric line, ending their threat for good.
Monstrous Excursions March 8th, 2022 Avengers and Friends save a hospital from massive red slugs.
Lydia's Birthday Party! March 6th, 2022 Lydia has a delightful little birthday party. Gives were given, and Lydia was proposed to by Mystique! It's official now!
What it Means to Die February 13th, 2022 Jon and Cael come to Mr. Knight to talk about what it means to die as an Egyptian and the nature of avatars.
Dracul Rising: To the Marrow January 3rd, 2022 Morrigan manages to escape the clutches of Raul Bushman (with an assist from Moon Knight) and is returned safely to her home at Happy Harbor.
Dracul Rising: Blood of the Snake January 2nd, 2022 The Heliopolitans rescue the Archivist from the Irappu. Two vampires are killed, one gets away, and Jubilee is hurt!
Dracul Rising: Bloody Feathers January 1st, 2022 Jon is brought to the Irrapu lair and drained to the point of unconciousness. In the haze between life and death, he is given a vision by those he serves. (Warning: Scene is Rated R. Contains disturbing content. Reading discretion advised.)
Dracul Rising: Blood in the Water December 31st, 2021 Jonathan Sims is attacked at the Midnight Mission by a group of vampires. He fights back but is ultimately defeated and is taken prisoner for some plan, but is this at all related to the attack by Raul Bushman recently, or is this fight a piece of a larger puzzle?
Sun King Ascendant: The Longest Night December 23rd, 2021 The Uraean Brood attacks the Midnight Mission. Moon Knight is faced with an old foe, and there are /two/ kidnappings.
Sun King Ascendant: Fading Spark December 22nd, 2021 Jon, Lydia, and Moon Knight try to help Agnes recover from an illness which they discover was caused by blood magic. What do the vampires want with her? And what will be the fallout of disrupting their spell?
Not Quite Heliopolis, But Close Enough December 6th, 2021 The first collective meeting of the Heliopolitans comes to order. On the dockett: vampire incursion, looming cult threats, and body-hopping wizards just to name a few of the various threats to public safety of the group. A decision is made to take the fight to bad guys, before the Mission itself turns into a warzone.
Sun King Ascendant: Aspected Relationship December 6th, 2021 Jon finally sits down and talks with Agnes one-on-one, revealing the truth about her parentage and the circumstances of her birth. In the end, Agnes decides to stay with the Heliopolitans rather than return to the man who raised her.
Sun King Ascendant: The Eye of Ra December 5th, 2021 Jon comes to Lydia and Mr. Knight with the tale of Agnes' origins--and leaves them, unfortunately, with more questions than answers. But at least now they know what they're dealing with.
A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Office (not really, not funny at all) December 5th, 2021 No description
Sun King Ascendant: When the Sun is in the 4th House November 30th, 2021 Moon Knight calls for more aid in discovering just who and what Agnes is... and Zatanna has a vision of the Sun sitting in the house of the Moon
The New Girl November 29th, 2021 Mr. Knight, Jubilee, and Jon try to get information out of the girl the Heliopolitans rescued from the vampires at Allen Creek Shelter--and get more than they bargained for.
Dracul Rising: The Price of a Pint November 28th, 2021 The Heliopolitans take out a vampire nest at Allen Creek Shelter in Queens, and find more questions than answers. What blood magic were they doing in the basement? Why did the vampires have pictures of the group? And who is the young girl they found who can produce fire from her hands and understands ancient Egyptian?
House Calls Are Not Only for Emergencies November 21st, 2021 Mr. Knight shows up unannounced at Morrigan's door once again. Revelations are given and progression of something more than a business relationship seems to be underway.
Dracul Rising: Scarlet Streets November 15th, 2021 The Heliopolitans stumble upon the remainders of a feeding ground for vampires. The clean up crew ambushes them and the Heliopolitans are victorious, with only minor casualties inflicted upon the team.
The Balm of Moonlight November 15th, 2021 Phoebe Beacon finds her way to the Midnight Mission and speaks with Moon Knight, who offers her a place among the Heliopolitans.
Call of Khonshu November 14th, 2021 Lydia answers the call of the Moon to find Moon Knight at the other end with an interesting proposition.
A Robin in Moonlight November 14th, 2021 Tim Drake takes a visit to the Midnight Mission to meet with the enigmatic Moon Knight and is treated to one part sermon, one part recruitment speech.
Knowledge and the Moon November 11th, 2021 Moon Knight and the Archivist discuss the formation of the Heliopolitans as well as some of the more recent events in Jonathan's life. It would seem in the leading body of the Heliopolitans is finalized.
Can An Arrow Hit the Moon November 9th, 2021 Thea Queen, Red Arrow, answers the Call of Khonshu and meets with Moon Knight before joining the ranks of the Heliopolitans.
Making House Calls November 5th, 2021 Morrigan calls Mister Knight for a chat at an ungodly hour while she licks her wounds.
Pantheon's are a Relative Thing October 30th, 2021 Moon Knight and K'Tara Tsabedze meet. The Lunar siblings form a pact together and agree that the Darkness they both fight against has likely met its match with their combined strength.
Egyptian Temple BnB October 21st, 2021 Mr. Knight seeks out Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre to offer the amenities of the Midnight Mission as well as to share information on more mystical goings on that Moon Knight has been involved in.
Birthright: Pemesket October 21st, 2021 A visit to the Museum at night proves enlightening... Pemesket, the original holder of the Primordial Spark, gifts John Constantine the means to save his daughter and put her breaking powers to right.
Along Came A Wendigo October 19th, 2021 The Wendigo reclaims land that doesn't belong to those currently holding it, but leaves a child alive. October is starting to turn into a blood bath.
Birthright: The Village October 18th, 2021 Rated R for language, depiction of corpses, scorpions attempting to eat John's earthly tether.

John Constantine leads Zatanna Zatara, Jon Sims and Moon Knight into an investigation to try to find the last person Leksandria, the Necromancer better known as ASENATH or THE LADY IN RED (or in John's opinion 'dead woman, that bitch'). John crosses paths with Paisi again, and Zatanna, Jon and Moon Knight get to make acquaintences with the ghost of Phoebe Beacon's mother. They see the condition of the souls left trapped in the web around the village.

There is blood in the water now, and it's a matter of time until John claims a red coat for his adoptive daughter's suffering.

A Test for the Fist October 17th, 2021 Moon Knight travels to the place of his creation and is tested in both resolve and self-restraint by the one who gives him strength.
Sparks at Midnight October 15th, 2021 Jubilee makes a visit to the Midnight Mission and comes across Mr. Knight who seems genuinely inclined to help her.
Pointing a Finger at the Moon October 15th, 2021 The Moon Knight called Zatanna Zatarra to the Midnight Mission in order to SCP (Secure, Contain and Protect) a magic mirror that was the portal for a killer. The appropriate spells were said disposing of the mirror in a warded vault in Shadowcrest.
Bloody Mary October 13th, 2021 The Archivist and Moon Knight come to investigate a recent killing. They run into two folks that like blood. Nothing else dies in the end!
Birthright: Game, SET, Match October 10th, 2021 With the help of friends and allies, John summons Set to find out more about Phoebe's situation.
Ethical Quandries October 10th, 2021 Jon Sims pays a visit to the Midnight Mission, to discuss a conflict of interest with Mr. Knight and make an offering to Khonshu. Evidently, Khonshu approves of the offering...
Blood Oath October 9th, 2021 The day started with Jubilation Lee deciding she wanted 'in' and ended ... well, it's just been a day. But John'll FIX IT, because it's just what he does.
Moon & Moon Redux: Late Night Relaxation October 9th, 2021 Lasariel and Steven meet again in a park and more exchanges about each other and the Moon are discussed. This has to be coincidence, right?
Birthright: Dead Man's Party October 5th, 2021 John Constantine uses a Hand of Fate on a corpse sent to destroy him. Phoebe's past is revealed to her through the words of a long-dead relative. Lydia sends his soul to the afterlife, and Moon Knight now wants in on the action, as the Avatar of Khonshu, to ensure the girl's survival.

Come for Phoebe screaming in fuzzy slippers over a mummy in the icebox, stay for Chas threatening John with a fire extinguisher.

Moon & Moon October 4th, 2021 Steven Grant and Lasariel meet after she needs a moment to breathe. Conversation is had and information is exchanged. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Moon. Right?
Shadows in the Moonlight August 21st, 2021 Spider-Man meets up with two legends of the past and the mysterious Moon Knight.
5 O'Clock Somewhere February 16th, 2021 No description
A Little Bit of Moonlight is Magic February 15th, 2021 No description
It came...from Warehouse 42...BH4335C December 28th, 2020 A giant wolf gets free, it is far bigger than thought...and the uh, heroes, stop it.
Whose impulsive November 30th, 2020 No description
The Falcon and the Moon November 2nd, 2020 Steven Grant has a conversation with Carmine Falcone
A say at the garage October 7th, 2020 No description
Life is a ball September 16th, 2020 Champaign showers and Egyptian wishes at the Met during a charity ball


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