12132/Resonants: We Need Another Mage!

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Resonants: We Need Another Mage!
Date of Scene: 24 July 2022
Location: Shadowcrest Manor - Bristol Township
Synopsis: Thor, Sif, and Caitlin travel to speak with Zatanna about her aid in their effort to gather suitable artifacts.
Cast of Characters: Zatanna Zatara, Thor, Caitlin Fairchild, Sif

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The summer months find Zatanna outdoors. Shadowcrest is much larger than its physical footprint in Gotham. The double terrace doors open onto a flagstone terrace that looks down over a series of rounded hills burgeoning with tiers of grapes and rows of tall cypress. The air murmurs with bees and a soft breeze fresh with the green smell of harvesting nearby. Tuscany is lovely in July.

A white clothed table is set to greet Zatanna's guests, a bottle of local wine chills in a terracotta holder. A platter of antipasti set out next to a basket of bread in anticipation of their arrival.

Zatanna has poured herself a glass and sits idly turning the stem and admiring its color in the afternoon sun. The magician is simply dressed for her illustrious guests, wearing wide-legged blue linen pants and a white sleeveless blouse fit for a summer's day in the country.

Thor has posed:
    Gotham is not their usual stomping ground.
    It is a dour city that holds itself apart in some ways from the world around it for there is a timeless element about the city. With its tall Gothic architecture, its sweeping severe skyline, and the way each city is divided... it holds its own mystique. And if one were to choose a singular building to exemplify that sentiment it likely would be Shadowcrest.
    Like several of the old mansions in Bristol it has its place upon the curve of a hill, allowing it beautiful views upon the rest of the world. Clear sightlines give it vision far off to the river where one can see the distant ships traveling between great cities...
    Yet it also is high enough that when the figures in the clouds come into view they are easily seen ever far off. If not the figure of the man being led by a great hammer thrown before him, then assuredly the sight of a flying steed is more easily caught. Two figures on that mount, beautiful wings flared as they begin their descent and growing larger as they draw near. Until the Asgardians are setting down on that lovely terrace, and Thor lands with a soft thap-thap of his boots lighting upon the flagstone.
    "Zatanna, you are kind to receive us." The Thunderer says with a smile as he advances, offering his hand. Then he gestures to the side, "May I present to you Lady Sif, and Lady Caitlin. Worthy heroes, strong and true."
    The Asgardian prince is garbed not in armor, but in the loose casual fare seen for Asgardians at times. Boots, breeks, black in color. Then there's a grey jerkin with a crimson half-cloak that hangs over his shoulder. Fine clothing, but more modest than seen on him at times.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The horse's landing isn't perfect. Thor, naturally, lands as effortlessly as he wishes the impact to be. The horse comes in at a bit of an awkward angle and there's a loud clopping of hooves as it argues with the riders about which direction to go. The pegasus takes four big side-steps and comes to a halt, trying to tug at the reins held in Caitlin's hands.

She pats the horse on the neck and whispers some encouragement (and apology) and waits for Sif to dismount before she joins her. Caitlin's dressed fairly casually; grey calf-length leggings, pink hoodie, and casual slipper-style shoes in a dark purple. Her hair's tied back in a loose ponytail and the hoodie says 'Columbia Med' on the front in fresh-printed vinyl. When it's her turn for introductions, she smiles at Zatanna, and offers a handshake in greeting. Garb aside, it's hard to think she's a simple college undergrad given how she stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the Asgardians. "Dr. Caitlin Fairchild," she tells Zatanna. "I'm with the Titans. It's nice to finally meet you officially," she tells the magician. "I've heard a lot of really nice things about you in the community."

Sif has posed:
Sif was behind Caitlin, using her legs to maintain her balance despite the flight being rather...turbulent. That was a nice name for it right? Though when they landed, she sent a little mental thank you to Odin. Not that she'd ever admit it!

"You did well. We need to develop more trust between you and your steed," she murmured as she slipped off the horse, landing on the ground and moving with Caitlin toward their hostess. She's dressed in her armor. Not out of any need to do so but it was simplest. She didn't feel completely comfortable when acting in an official capacity to wear Midgardian clothes. Nor did she want to wear a dress, as was often befitting of someone in her stature in Asgard. Thus, armor it was, the red and white she was known for. Her black hair was short, about 2-3 inches in length. Long story.

"A pleasure to meet you," she said, giving a proper bow of the head to ther magician.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
On the novel winged arrival of her Asgardian guests, Zatanna rises to welcome them with a formal dip of her head to the Thunderer, the Lady Sif and the Doctor. Gesturing to the chairs around the table, "You are all very welcome in my home. Please take a seat. Can I serve you something, wine or water if you prefer?"

A smiling glance at the winged steed prompts, "Shall we have someone take your beautiful steed to our stables or would you prefer," her eyes lower a moment, examining the horse, "him to remain here?"

The magician's attention returns to Caitland, saying with a modest lowering of her head and a smile,"How kind of you to say so. I have heard nothing but good about you, as well."

Thor has posed:

    As Thor steps around the table he will smile to the others, one hand drawing out a seat for Caitlin as he gestures to it in the next moment. Sif can take care of herself, though he does shoot a half-smile her direction should he catch her eye. Then once they are settled he draws his seat in close with a soft scrape, gently, gingerly, making sure the frames can support his weight.
    "Whatever you are having, I shall partake." For such is custom. He looks to the others to see if they are willing to indulge then turns back to face Zatanna as she sees to the needs of his comrades. Once matters are settled he clears his throat and looks to the others as if accepting that is ok for him to proceed.
    "We touched on this briefly, Zatanna. I hope you can be of aid to us. We have embarked on a quest of sorts and we feel that you could be of much use to our cause." As he finishes saying that he then looks to Caitlin and Sif, trusting for them to perhaps continue the summary.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin accepts the gesture with a slightly embarassed nod and a flashing smile for Thor. Still, she sits down /very/ carefully, and exhales a relieved sound when nothing cracks or squeaks under her weight. Thor's taking point for now and she seems willing enough to let him take point on broaching the issue with Zatanna.

Though, at the mention of food, she wags her chin a little too enthusiastically at his suggestion of 'whatever's being served'. Caitlin's not the sort to pass up any opportunity to eat."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
After her quests are settled Zatanna moves around the table serving them. The pleasant gurgle of wine being poured joins the summer chorus of bees and the gentle whisper of a breeze through the cypresses. The deep red wine, glinting with the orange accents of the local vintage is set before each of them, next to a plate and pillowy linen napkin at each place.

"Please help yourselves," she enjoins them once again, before setting the example and serving herself a slice of prosciutto, bright red roasted pepper and a few olives glistening with oil."

Fixing her bright blue gaze on Thor, "Yes, you had mentioned it to me. I'm very interested in hearing about how your explorations have been going." Her eyes move between Sif and Caitlin and she nods encouragingly to them both. "I should like to know how I could help."

Thor has posed:
    Accepting the glass of wine and easing back into his seat... though it does creak with mild complaint, Thor smiles sidelong at Caitlin then returns his attention fully toward Zatanna and the task at hand. A sip is taken, then he furrows his brow.
    "Well it came about that after a few incidences I started wondering if there was aught we could do to perhaps make it safer for Midgard and the travelers who come to this realm. For I had encountered others who had wandered from one of the other realms and it often seems like a difficult transition. Dangerous, with chaos and misunderstandings likely to come about."
    A pause as he looks to the others to perhaps see if he's forgetting anything before he continues. "So I spoke with Jane Foster, and the good Doctor Strange. We came up with an idea to help those who casually make that passage to be perhaps guided to safer locations where the people of this realm help them get where they wish to go. Doctor Strange researched for a time and we came up with a possible solution..."
    He pauses, another glance at the others, then concludes. "An enchantment could be wrought, but it requires the acquisition of artifacts that will serve. Resonant items that hold a connection not just to Midgard, but to the realm we wish to help guide. We have been seeking these artifacts, and it has been successful. Yet it might be wise for us to have one who is gifted with magic accompanying us as well."
    That said Thor pushes a hand over his rather short hair, the stubble on his chin not quite a beard beyond a few days worth of growth. Then he uncurls a hand toward Zatanna, "And your name came up."

Sif has posed:
"I would appreciate your gen..." And before Sif could even finish, the winged stallion spread his great wings. Two downbeats and he was off into the sky. "Generous offer but it seems it will be unneeded." At least he should return when summoned. Hopefully.

She took a seat and listened to the discussion, giving a murmured thanks as the wine was poured. Then she elaborated on Thor's points. "During our last mission to find one of the resonant items, we ran into some magic at play. Or, we presumed it was magic. It proved it may be good to have those skilled in such along on the quests, as opposed to focusing only on the steps to secure a location of power to create the hub."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A powerful draft of air flutters the tablecloth when the winged horse takes off. After looking up, she nods with a half-smile to Sif.

The creak of chairs complaining under her guests' weight is pleasant, accompanied by the conversation that makes the afternoon somewhat more than 'Il dolce far niente.' Giovanni Zatana had taught his daughter that discussing magic is always better around a convivial table.

Now that the meeting she participated in with Jane Foster is evoked, she gives Thor two quick, small nods, then dabs her mouth with a napkin before saying, "Clever that. Very clever to use resonance."

After a glance at Sif and Caitlin, "And you say that your explorations have been fruitful? I can only imagine you have visited some interesting climes and had some adventures. I should like to see the list of places that you would like to harmonize."

A brief grin shows a flash of white teeth at Sif's observation, "It has been known to help." Zatanna's grin sobers, "Objects of power are often jealously protected by the sorcerers that created them."

Thor has posed:
    Another sip of wine as Thor listens to the others, then spares a nod for Zatanna. "I cannot take credit for it." Said cleverness. But he smiles all the same, "We have acquired two of the artifacts, and likely will store them in the Sanctum Sanctorum. But in the future it might be wise to have someone like yourself with us."
    He straightens up a little in his seat then gestures with the glass, "There is also a matter of finding a proper place of power where we intend to build this area for those crossing over. Some place with suitable connections to..." He looks to Sif and Caitlin as he starts to speak of matters he isn't /hugely/ familiar with. "Leylines, or crossroads... and whatnot."
    He then sets the wine down with a resonant glassy clink. "So any expertise you can lend toward that endeavour would also be appreciated. Hopefully, if we are successful, then it will make Midgard a safer land."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin lifts her fingers timidly near her shoulder, not quite raising her hand for permission but waiting for Thor or Zatanna to acknowledge her before she chimes in. "I'm sorry-- I'm really just here for trouble shooting," Caitlin clarifies, prefacing her words. "Part of the concern too is making sure we can differentiate between friends and foes. We're planning something similar with the spaceport-- you probably saw it on the news?" she hazards. "I mean, we're setting up beacons to direct newcomers to land there safely, and sensor nets to detect... strange ships, teleportation, wormholes, that kind of thing. I've worked out a system for detecting when something like the Bifrost opens, we developed it when we travelled to Rann the first time. We might even figure out how to prevent portals from forming, in small areas at least."

Sif has posed:
"Thus far, we have only gone to two of the realms and recovered the items of power. Asgard and Vanaheim. Though, the Vanaheim item was found here on Midgard." Which had been the adventure with magic involved. Asgard had been less so, being more political machinations. Though in that one she got to use a sword more. Asgardian politics sometimes involved those.

"We have seven realms yet to go. Research is being done to pinpoint potential items that will fit needs before we seek to visit them."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Eyebrows faintly knit, Zatanna nods slowly while Caitlin describes the measures to safeguard Midgard from unwanted intrusions, commenting, "It was a concern of mine as well. Especially for intrusions from Muspelheim." She opens her hand to Sif, "Where magic is likely a concern as perhaps with Svartalfheim, I'd imagine. It remains to be seen." Then addressing the table at large, "Have you made plans for those realms yet?"

Thor has posed:
    A nod is given to Caitlin as Thor listens to her words, lifting a hand to gesture that it is entirely fine for her to speak up as she feels. Then he looks to Zatanna then murmurs, "Indeed. We are hoping most casual travelers will be brought around by our efforts with the resonant artifacts, but there will be sorcerers with greater powers likely able to circumvent these efforts. Thus the need for the items that good Caitlin is working on."
    Back to Zatanna and he takes a deep breath, "We have not," Made plans for those other realms, "It will take some research. To perhaps find something suitable, something that might fit our needs. Your magic and your expertise may be of use in that regard as well. For there are lands we do not wish to travel lightly. We may need to be in and out as quickly as possible." Considering the relations Asgard has with some.
    Spreading his hands then, however, he breaks the conversation to a side topic as he asks. "Is this something that you would find of interest?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna pushes her now empty plate away and knits her hands together on the table. Eyes downcast she considers Thor's question before looking up and taking a long breath, saying at the last,"I would be willing to lend you my help. Count me in when you have laid your plans."

With one finger raised in the air, "Still there are others stronger or more apt to certain types of magic. Will Dr. Strange or someone of his ilk not be ready to help?"

Thor has posed:
    "Dr. Strange will be of aid," Thor says with a nod, "Though his time is often thin on the ground. Hopefully you both can confer at times." Which has him smiling at the thought of it, then he gives a nod as if it was all decided.
    "Very well then, welcome to our fellowship, Lady Zatanna." That said he gives a solemn nod, a thin akin to a bow before he adds, "Now, let us not allow these fine comestibles go to waste."
    And with that their meal begins.