Wendell Vaughn

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Wendell Vaughn (Scenesys ID: 4491)
Name: Wendell Vaughn
Superalias: Quasar
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Freelance Security Specialist / SHIELD Asset
Citizenship: US Citizen
Residence: New York City / Oshkosh Wisconsin
Education: High School, US Army, SHIELD Academy
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Guardians of the Galaxy of the Galaxy, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 27 May 1993 Played By TBD
Height: 5'10" Weight: 180lbs
Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: Lightspeed by Joe Satriani - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTtnc38dHcE

Character Info


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Wendell is new to the life of a superhero. He is also new to the life of a SHIELD agent. There is a lot to life that he is new to. A young man in his mid to late 20's with way more power than any one person should have, he is trying to navigate his way through a life that has gotten -way- complicated of late.


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1993: Wendell Elvis Vaughn was born in Fon Du Lac, Wisconsin, Wendell was raised in Oshkosh by his parents. His father never seemed to have enough time to spend with Wendell, being devoted to his job as a research scientist. His father worked government deals and contracts, and sometimes worked with SHIELD.
2011: Graduating High School with an honor roll GPA, focused on mathematics and sciences... most prominently Physics, Wendell applied to and was accepted to the US Army Academy at West Point.
2015: Graduated West Point with honors. Served for four years, departs service as First Lieutenant.
2019: Applied to and was accepted at the SHIELD Academy. Trained and worked hard.
2021: Graduated SHIELD Academy. Not selected for field work due a 'Lack of Killer Instinct'. Assigned to security and low-risk missions as research security team leader.2022: Assigned to detail testing the Quantum Bands recently acquired from Ava Starr. During AIM attack, Wendell dons said weapons to protect researchers. Somehow, Wendell survives.2022: A few days later, Wendell is approached by Eon, the cosmic entity who created the bands. Eon instructs him in the basics of using the bands. Wendell is the new Quasar.

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Wendell seems almost incapable of passing something considered a mystery without taking a few moments to at least try to figure it out himself. This could lead to problems, but is usually something that he plans around and uses to his advantage.

Hero Complex:
Even before Wendell had the Quantum Bands, he had a hero complex. He was constitutionally incapable of seeing someone in trouble and -not- trying to help. It is what drove him into the Army and then into SHIELD. It is a calling to place himself between the innocent and those who would do them harm.

Lack of Killer Instinct:
Wendell is someone who, despite military training, and SHIELD training, is lacking in the reflexive instinct to kill. He does not want to take life if it can at all be avoided. This could be used against him from time to time. But it is theorized that this lack is part of what made the Bands choose and bond with him rather than others who were disintegrated by attempting to wear the bands.

Never Say Die:
While Wendell seems to be perpetually upbeat, with a "Never Say Die" attitude, that is a mask to cover his own self-doubt described below. He projects outward confidence as a way to hopefully trick the universe, and himself, into believing his rhetoric.

Character Sheet


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Quantum Bands:
Wendell is a normal human who has been chosen to wield the Quantum Bands. Please see their entries under +res.


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Wendell is an athletic individual. He has worked all of his life to retain fitness and strength. He runs a mile in an average of 7 minutes. He is by no means superhuman, but is very athletic.

As can be expected of someone trained in the US Army and the SHIELD academy, Wendell is a decent marksman. He is no specialist in weapons, but he knows, understands, and is able to utilize the skill to use most, if not all forms of firearm type weapons. He will quite often form his constructs into forms that resemble modern weapons as that can draw upon his skill to use them.

Hand To Hand Combat:
Wendell is a skilled fighter in close combat. He began his studies with basic Karate as a child. Later, when he joined the Army, he learned a variety of other techniques. In essence, it could be a broad, though not expert level, training in MMA techniques. Krav Maga strikes, Muay Thai kicks, Jujitsu throws. He cannot claim belts or ranks of mastery in any one style, but has a mutt of a blend of techniques from a few styles.

Wendell studied more of this at the SHIELD academy, where he developed a love of weapon based martial arts. He trained with the Bo Staff and the Nunchaku to be specific. He may not be a super soldier, able to fight his way out of every situation with his fists and feet, but he is a talented fighter.

A born leader, Wendell developed his skills of leadership in the US Army Academy. And then in his training at the SHIELD academy, his trainers gave him high marks across the board. Most notably in the ability to lead and inspire others.

Mental Conditioning:
Wendell has had classified-level psychic self-defense classes. He has an above-average perception of when he's being influenced by outside thoughts and can fend off and hinder crude telepathic intrusion and assault.

Wendell achieved excellent scores in mathematics and all of his science classes throughout his educational career. His mind just seems to have a natural talent for such things. In recent times, he has made a focused study of Physics with a specialty in Electro-Magnetic Fields and Energies. For obvious reasons, this can only help him master the abilities of the Quantum Bands.


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Core - Quantum Bands:
Wendell is the bearer of the Quantum Bands, a unique set of wristbands that each have seven large gems on them, spaced evenly around the bands. The bands themselves are conduits to the 'Quantum Zone', a dimension entirely made up of Potential Energy. The vast majority of the powers the bands possess draw upon this infinite realm of energy to fuel them.

Energy Communications:
Due to the ability to detect, monitor, and broadcast EM energies, the Quantum Bands can access pretty much any communication channels used by most sentient species. Radiowaves, cellular phones, all manner of comm signals can be utilized. Video comms can be played in a gem so that he can view them, or broadcast by the bands as a hologram for all to view.

Energy Constructs:
By binding photons and packing them closely together, Quasar can form any object that he can visualize. These will always be golden yellow in color unless he specifically tries to change the hue. These constructs are diamond hard, as durable as superheavy alloys. As resistant to damage as those would be. These constructs can also exert strength as if they were telekinetically augmented. The upper limit of this strength is roughly approximately 100 tons. Some examples of items that have been constructed before include. Objects that he can create are limited only by his own imagination. They function in many ways similar to a Lantern Power Ring. Except that they are not connected to the Oan Network. They draw their power directly from the Quantum Zone, and thus are never needing of a battery to recharge, and the default appearance of their constructs is golden yellow, but can be other colors depending on the wavelength of E-M Energies used to form them.

Energy Flight:
By controlling his Energy Field, Quasar can propel himself through the air. The upper limit to his speed is somewhere over the sound barrier. He can do something like Mach 3. Odds are he can go much faster, but doing so would cause severe atmospheric problems.

In space, he can let loose, and accelerate the hard way up to C-fractional speeds.

Energy Manipulation:
Quasar can use the bands to not only absorb energy, but to manipulate it as well. He can generate energy types in the EM Spectrum. Any form of radiation, visible light, IR, UV. Gamma rays. You name it. Even radiation that has not been previously discovered, if it exists within the spectrum, He can manipulate it. He can also generate it in staggering levels. The upper limits of the damage that can be caused with raw energy releases is not truly known at this time. But with his current level of mastery, he can put out the destructive potential of several superheavy artillery shells striking at once. Something like a division of M1 tanks firing depleted uranium shells all at once.

Energy Senses:
Using the Quantum Bands, Wendell is able to detect energy readings on both a Micro and a Macro scale. These sensors are so acute that they can be used to track energy bearing targets accurately enough to target them in combat even if somehow Quasar is unable to use his eyes. He can tell specific energy signatures apart such that if three people who appeared to wield the same energies were standing side by side, he could tell those energies apart due to their 'signatures'. Much like telling people apart by Fingerprints or other biometric data. He can track energy sources at a long range, and hunt them down should the need arise.

Energy Sheathe:
Quasar's bands generate a sheathe of energy that surrounds his body. This functions pretty much at all times unless he chooses to turn it off. This energy field is protective in nature, and can be shifted along the EM spectrum so that it appears as visible light, or some other type of energy that is not visible to the eye. he tends to not use things like radiation that is damaging to people. But Infrared and UV are both low enough intensity to be used without giving themselves away to everyone who can see his.
This field can withstand tremendous punishment without transmitting the damage to Wendell inside. This is good because he is a normal unmodified human being without the field. It can be strengthened actively, but unless that is done, it is still capable of withstanding artillery shells, repeated impacts of that level, without buckling. Sustained kinetic energy strikes might overload it. Energy based attacks will be less than useless for the most part. See Energy Sponge.

Energy Sponge:
In Passive mode, this power works as a capacitor, absorbing any energy that strikes the bands or its energy field. Energy based attacks directed at Quasar are in large part absorbed fully and the energy stored in the bands. They are in essence a near limitless storage batteries. I say -near- limitless. This ability can be overloaded by too much energy at once, or by a staggering total amount attempting to absorb. This works because the energy is shunted into the Quantum Zone, a dimension of pure potential energy. The energy is not just stored locally. Any overload would be due to an inability to channel enough at a time. More like having a bottleneck break down the flow.
In Active mode, this can reach out and pull energy out of objects or even energetic beings. This has been used to weaken energy based beings, and to depower weapons and devices. It is a standard tactic used to lock down an energy based opponent without causing lethal damage. Again, this energy is fed into the Quantum Zone.
Note: Any of these energies can be drawn upon and fired back or at other targets.

Energy Sustenance:
Due to his energy field, Quasar is able to sustain herself in space, under water, or anywhere that he might need both air, warmth, or to be cooled off. he could survive for a time in the corona of a star. But that is mostly due to his ability to absorb the energy, heat, and radiation. Either way, he can survive for many hours. Even longer if he brings along an air supply with his. It doesn't generate atmosphere, but can retain it.

Mental Shielding:
Wendell was given early and specific instruction in using the Quantum Bands to bolster his mental defenses. The Bands create significant resistance to psionic energies in general and scramble his thought-waves significantly. Intruders attempting to access Wendell's memories or behaviors will find it difficult to breach his mental walls of self-defense with brute force, thanks to the strong (but inflexible) barriers created by the Bands.

As a graduate of the SHIELD academy, Wendell is capable of drawing upon their resources for a given mission. He is however, more of a disconnected asset than a normal flat on agent of SHIELD.


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Energy Weaknesses:
Aside from mind reading and control, the Quantum Bands cannot affect Psionic energies. Psi blasts and the like are as effective against him as they are against any other normal human. Odd energies from other dimensions, such as the Darkforce, can bypass any protection offered by the bands.

Aside from being the bearer of the Quantum Bands, Wendell is entirely human. He has the normal frailties that any normal human might have. If caught without defenses up, he can be hurt or even killed by normal weapons. He can catch diseases, be poisoned, etc.

On Aim's Hit List:
After ruining AIM's attempt to snatch the Quantum Bands, AIM seems to have added the new SHIELD agent wielding the bands to their 'hit list'. Putting a bounty on his head. So supervillains are starting to come out of the woodwork.

Wendell has suffered all of his life from some variant of depression or another. In fact, his self-doubt and lack of belief in himself drove him to join the Army as a youth. Not because he wanted to be a hero at that point, but because he believed that he was not good enough for his Father's approval, and hoped that the Army would make a man out of him. He has had multiple toxic relationships with women, and despite being a hero, has a bad habit of making the worst possible choice in most situations in his personal life. This could so very easily be used against him.



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Wendell Vaughn has 7 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Meanwhile at the Plaza... January 6th, 2023 No description
Happy Harbor: Ice Skating December 21st, 2022 The students and faculty of Happy Harbor High School and guests have their last meeting of the year.
Something Nefaria Going On November 27th, 2022 Quasar and Karolina Dean fight and defeat the goatee-flashing Count Nefaria!
Not Quite A Winter Wonderland November 16th, 2022 A priest in Brooklyn floods a vacant parking lot turning it into an ice skating site. The community gathers and acts of charity take place, witnessed by reporter Clark Kent.
What the Quasar November 10th, 2022 No description
Training training training! November 7th, 2022 No description
Midtown shenanigans! November 4th, 2022 Sandwich turns into Social Media Ads, turns into fangirl moment when the Scarlet Witch shows up.


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Wendell Vaughn has 7 finished logs.

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Wendell Vaughn has been credited in 0 shows.

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Wendell Vaughn has been credited in 0 albums.

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Wendell Vaughn has authored 0 books.

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