13518/Bushwick Bound: Hot Under the Collar

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Bushwick Bound: Hot Under the Collar
Date of Scene: 08 December 2022
Location: Genoshan Embassy
Synopsis: Though the day ends with Sophie still wearing a power-suppressing collar, she has a safe place to stay and some new friend who want to help her. Things could have gone worse.
Cast of Characters: Tommy Shepherd, Micola Maximoff, Roberto da Costa, Bunny Macleod

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Just over thirty minutes ago, the sound of a young girl screaming had put a significant number of Bushwick's population seriously on edge. Whoever she was, she was clearly in danger, and the emotional feedback of her powers had allowed her fear to trickle out into the surrounding populace.

    Thankfully, no one was hurt, and after a brief search the girl had been located, seconds away from being kidnapped by shadowy figures. The intervention of Pietro Maximoff and Micola Lykaios put a stop to that, but not before a power suppression collar had been locked around her neck.

    The neighborhood is still in a bit of a state, but the girl has been safely escorted to the Genoshan Embassy, whose staff had quickly mobilized.

    Things are certainly happening behind the scenes, but at the moment the first floor is fairly calm. There are a few kids way over on the basketball court, but the young girl has been sat on one of the couches on the opposite end of the Embassy, where she is sipping a hot cup of tea to soothe the pain in her throat. She's done a lot of screaming over the past little while, and she can't yet talk.

    Other attempts to get her to communicate have been similarly unsuccessful.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola got shocked to hell and back by the collar that had been clamped onto the girl, but she wasn't detered by that. The blue haired woman is seated across from her and giving her some space so she's not smothered. She felt a bit over protective and it was showing. Pietro had decided to make a run through of the surrounding area to make sure that none of the guys in the tactical gear were still around.

Micola digs into her bag and comes back with one of her drawing pads and a pencil, "Would writing things down be easier on you?" she asks her quietly. She didn't want to spook her or make her feel like she had to communicate. Just give her the option to without using her voice.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa enters with a flurry of activity. He has an entourage by this point some of the group are visibly mutants, most are notable faces in the neighborhood at least in the short-term. And a few are Berto's people, hand selected experts. They speak with the Genoshans and with any of the neighborhhood peeps who opted to stay. They are all dressed in black suits of a minimalist modern cut, pants jackets, their belts shoes and shirts are yellow. The shirts are collarless. Except for their fearless leader who is wearing a well tailored black suit, with a yellow vest and tie. Crisp white shirt. He's speaking on a phone his expression firm. "... I'm well aware sir but this is the third episode in as many weeks and they happened on American soil to American citizens! VOTING citizens. So, I think the senators need to make time. No, I will not watch my tone. You tell your boss that my Father was one of his biggest supporters. You know the money he brought in. Yes, well, in the future that lagresse will be earned." He ends the call and tosses the phone to someone. A girl with blue hair and deer antlers catches it, she's an empath reading the room projecting calm. Berto gives a nod towards the girl with a questioning eyebrow.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny had a similar shocking experience taking the tracking device and the collar from the two that she, Dirt, Gross & Company had knocked down. She was also rocking a horrible headache, her left hand trembling a little bit as she stands off to the side, eyes wide as she watches officials go to and fro. After giving twenty bucks to both Dirt and Gross (since they were the ones who technically made it possible to shield-slam the duo with the guns, collar, and tracker). She's got her pink hoodie up, hiding her hair and showing the spray-paint style wings on it and has a rainbow bandana up and over her nose and mouth, to make it harder to ID her.

    She's not 'out' as a mutant, and being here in any official capacity is terrifying, but she wanted to know the girl was OK.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The girl has done little more than sip her tea and stare down into her lap. She's got the kind of downtrodden body language of someone who thinks they're in trouble, but when Micola speaks she peeks upwards the tiniest little bit, and then after several silent seconds where she looks uncertainly around, she nods. The way she sets her cup down so carefully that it makes no noise at all when it touches the table still speaks volumes of how timid she is, for whatever reason it may be.

    And then Roberto and his entourage enters. She'd just been reaching to take the drawing pad from Micola, but then she flinches, pulling away and ducking down flat on the couch (which doesn't actually fully hide her).

    There she "hides," peeking over the arm rest shakily, her fingers digging into the fabric... until she sees a head of pink hair. "Buh--" she starts, and then immediately starts to cough because her throat is still wrecked, hands flailing as they clutch at her throat over the collar.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look when the flurry of activity happens and there's a bit of a look back to Sophie when she just thought they were getting somewhere. The ducking down and 'hiding' makes her angry, but not at Roberto. The girl had to have been through so much more before this. "Hey, it's alright. They aren't here to harm you." the woman states as she rises and goes to sit on the other side of the couch with Sophie.

"Can we see where the person is about taking this collar off? I know it's late, but she's going to feel more comfortable with that thing removed and it won't hurt her anymore." she states to one of the aides from the embassy. She then looks to Roberto and there is a smile, "Welcome. She's having trouble speaking due to the amount of screaming she's done, but hoping that we can get somewhere with writing." she offers. She then turns her attention back to Sophie, "Want to try this again?" she asks her softly.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods to one of his people sending them up the stairs in pursuit of a collar tech. He then motions his people back letting form a kind of perimeter around her. It's a subtle piece of work as they usher the crowd away gently and seem to blend in giving the effect of dispersing. Bertoand the blue haired woman get down on their knees voices quiet. "Ah, Ola menina. My name is Roberto DaCosta. You should just rest, we will get that off you as soon as we can." He smiles easily, " Try not to move. The is Bodillia, though we all call her Bo. She's an empath." Berto nods to the woman who takes over the conversation as Berto leans back still smiling, "This is new tech, definitely government." His ton is quiet and wary pitched low soasnot to worry the girl.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Freaking monsters. Puttin' shock collars on kids like they're some kinna dangerous animal." Bunny mutters crossly, tapping her fingers stiffly against the offending piece of tech that had given her a shock when she pulled it off of one of the soldier's bodies. She eyes Roberto, her semi-face expression showing distrust on a general level, her gaze turning to Bodillia A K A Bo, and she leans back against the wall, keeping a wary eye on them.

    She does give an up-nod to Micola though, and eventually rests on Sophie. There's a solidarity in being scared in places. She feels it.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    One of the aides, who has been hovering near the wall -- literally, she has wings, she's been hovering -- moves over at Micola's beckoning, and then nods once before heading towards the stairs herself. She and Roberto's person cross paths, and all she does is nod, muttering, "Maybe we can use the muscle," and then they're gone.

    The girl watches all of this, her hands creeping up to the collar around her neck. But she doesn't try to wrench it off, she just kind of holds onto it.

    And then she looks up at Micola and shakes her head. Roberto's empath friend will certainly sense low-grade fear and uncertainty running through the girl, but even moreso, a sense of disagreement. As if she doesn't want the collar removed.

    Her hands drop so that she can take the drawing pad, though, and the pencil, and then she... well, she begins to draw. She's sketching something out, tongue poking out the side of her mouth as her brow furrows with intense concentration.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola stays in the spot that she is. If someone wanted to get to Sophie they'd have to come through the blue haired woman. She gives a soft smile to the aide, "Thank you." she tells her. Pietro not being here left Mic on her own with responsibility, which...was fine. She ran her own business and things. She seems to give Roberto and the other blue haired woman the space they need to speak, "Yeah, the guys that we caught trying to take her were all in black tactical gear. I don't know who is after her, but I'm guessing she's not the only one they'll try to take." she frowns.

There's a look over to Bunny, "Are you alright?" she asks her as she noticed the shaking. "If you need patched up or need a seat come on over." she smiles to her. Then she settles back in to let Sophie draw what she is wanting to.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "'M fine." Bunny replies, toughing it out as she shoves her left hand into the front pocket of her hoodie.

    "Jus'... not... used to being in some place so big or brightly lit after a fight in an alley." she admits, trying to make light of the situation. Her eyes close and she almost makes the n_n expression, minus the fact that the rainbow bandana is covering the lower part of her face.

    "Those soldier-type people had hand-helds too. Mighta been some sorta tracker? One to track one to shoot if any of us get too close?" she asks, taking her left hand out, stretching her fingers, making a fist, and then stretching her fingers again.

    "M' fine." she heads off any secondary questions, and then looks to Sophie.

    "If they're after her, they're gonna hafta come through this place, I guess. Heard Geonosha has a thing against people comin' after mutants."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The girl has completely stopped paying attention to what's happening around her. She's shifted to sit with her back sunk into the couch, knees brought up so that her legs function as a makeshift table for the drawing pad. She's still scribbling, occasionally looking up and to the side, in Bunny's direction, before she returns to her work.

    Because she's certainly taking it serious enough for it to be "work".

    While Micola and Bunny talk over her head, the girl makes the last few pencil strokes, and then she turns the pad around to show off her drawing. It's of three people, and if anyone in the room has seen anime it's obvious where her desire to draw things has come from, because it has that distinct style. There's a girl with a scarred face half-hanging off a young man with messy hair, and then another girl who has her hand outstretched towards something behind them. Rather, the behind of the famous Charging Bull in the Financial District. There's even a comedically-placed Censored bar over the bull's unmentionables.

    The last girl in the drawing is obviously Bunny. Which the girl has helpfully annotated with a chibi picture of a rabbit with an arrow pointing at Bunny's likeness.

    After a moment of consideration, though, the young girl pulls the drawing pad back to herself and scribbles some more, for just a few seconds. And then she turns the drawing pad back around.

    In delicate cursive, it says, "I want the collar to stay on. I hurt people." with a little :( frowny face next to it.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to Bunny and there is a soft nod to her, "I won't press. Just as long as you're okay." she tells her. "And no, none of the Genoshan's will stand idly while someone is hounded." she admits. "I mean, I'm not in charge here by anymeans, just my sentiments." she states quietly.

Then she's looking back to where the girl is showing the picture. There is a look over the drawing and there is a bit of a look to Sophie, "You're young and you didn't mean to hurt them, did you?" she asks the girl. "Powers can be frightening for us. Mine came in when I was just a toddler." she admits. "We can work to get them controlled, you aren't a monster that needs to be collared." she tells her quietly.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "... oh hey thaaaaaaaaaat's me and Tom...athan and Gabjamin." Bunny speaks up, looking at the rabbit. Very helpful. And adorable.

    She looks at the picture, and then to Sophie as she then chooses to plunk down, allowing her skates to slide out under her as she comes down to the floor. She draws her knee up, and then pulls back her hood, showing the mess of in-need-of-a-re-up pink hair and she slowly pulls down her mask.

    "... there's no problem wearing something to help you get a hold of it, on the other hand, until you're ready. Not everyone's gonna have on-tap powahs." she states with a shrug, but she points to Micola. "She's right though. You gotta work on it from both sides."

    And then she looks to Micola.

    "Bunny. Like the girl says."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Another brief interlude of sketching happens, though this time it's so that the girl can draw a somewhat plain rendition of herself. And then she adds a 'Sophie' with an arrow pointing down to it, introducing herself apparently.

    After showing that off, she shakes her head again in response to Micola's question, and then touches her throat with a grimace. More writing, and this time it says, "I can't turn them off and I'm so tired!" She underlines the "so" several times, for emphasis.

    So when that same aide with the wings reappears, letting them all know that they're ready to remove the collar upstairs, Sophie crosses her arms over her chest and shakes her head back and forth. Emphatically.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to Bunny when she introduces herself and she smiles, "It's nice to meet you, Bunny. I'm Micola." she offers in turn. She didn't need to introduce Pietro down here she didn't think. She gives a nod at her talk of keeping it on, "All are good points." she agrees with her.

Then her attention is brought back to Sophie and there's a nod to her, "It's nice to meet you as well, Sophie." she states. She gives a sympathetic look to the girl and then there is a look to Bunny, before looking back to Sophie, "If you'd feel more comfortable with it on then." she nods. "Can we do that with the plan that we'll take it off to try to safely practice your powers when you are ready?" she asks her.

Then she has a realization, "Do you know the name of your parents? So that we can contact them and let them know that you are here?" she asks her. The last thing people needed down here were cries of kidnapping.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny gives a slight smile. "Micola. You get a lotta jokes about cough drops, Mickey?" Bunny asks, and she delivers a finger gun with a click of her tongue and a wink. It is not flirtatious in the least and in fact just proves how lame Bunny is, in spite of the fact that she has remained in roller skates for the last fourteen hours.

    Not that anyone knows it. Except maybe Sophie.

    "Wait, you mean no one's gotten in contact with a parental guardian? What kinda hokey-pokey organization is this?" Bunny asks. And then, for dramatic effect, flops to the floor, goofing it up for Sophie's amusement.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa turns back from speaking with a few people, "Yes, I injured someone when my powers emerged, as well. And while the deserved it. It took sometime to learn to control them. "I have heard of a school that could help you to control your powers. Someplace you would be welcome among others like yourself. if you have parents or guardians we could speak with them as well. It is sort of what we do. Easing the transition helping people to understand. If you want to stay here we can help you as well, help you find a path forward that is yours."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The aide looks... more than a little confused when Sophie refuses to go with them to have the collar removed, and then she's outright stunned when Micola agrees to let her stay put. But she also isn't going to question it, because that is way above her paygrade.

    Like, at least two managers up. Maybe even three.

    So she heads back towards the stairs to fly up and let the crew know. Which seems to relieve Sophie very much, who curls her legs underneath herself and looks to be making herself much more comfortable on the couch. "I was supposed to meet my friend for dinner," she writes, and then after holding it up for both Micola and Bunny to see, she flips back to the previous page to tap her finger against the drawing, right on top of the face of the younger man. She's looking at Bunny as she does so, head tilted to the side.

    Though her attempts to communicate stop when the topic of parents comes up. She frowns, and looks down at the drawing pad, before she slowly turns it over. Her hand shakes as she writes.

    "I don't have any parents," is what it says.

    Roberto's talk of a school has her looking up sharply, eyes narrowed, but when he gets to the part about staying here she sits up straight and nods vigorously to that.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a chuckle to Bunny, "I have been called Ricola a lot, yes. No one ever forgets cough drops it would appear." she muses to that. There is an amused glint in her eyes when the girl gives a flop to the floor. Then Roberto is back and talking about schools and such, which might be a great option for this honestly.

Micola's hazel gaze looks back to Sophie and the words that she writes. "Are you hungry? We could get you food. I'm sure you're probably starving after all of the things tonight." she states. Then there is a smile, "Well, I'm sure we can set you up with a place to stay. Do..." she starts and then looks to Sophie, "Are your parents deceased?" she asks her quietly. She didn't want to upset her at all.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "So. You know Tomathan." she sits up, and she looks over to Roberto. "An' no offense, but if that's the school in Westchester, I've met precisely two people from there who weren't immediately jerks about stuff. One I taught how to roller skate, kinda." she purses her lips a moment, and she draws her leg back up as she looks up to Sophie. "So if she won't go there, I can understand it."

    She takes her phone. She scrolls down to Tommy's number, and then types in:

    Hey Tomathan Nichols Shepherd. Do you know a Sophie?

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles and nods, "We can get you some food. The embassy has a kicking foodstaff. Also, really good snacks." Some body hands him a tray of random snack which he offers to the group. "Yeah, we can arrange something for you locally." Rob glances at his time aware of the headaches this may cause but giving no outward sign, "Maybe we could have you meet with some friends of ours fromthe school, just to see how you'd like it. No pressure."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Some of the things Sophie proceeds to write are:

    "I hate school," "I want to stay here," and "I was supposed to meet him for milkshakes!"

    That last bit she empasises with a couple of pointed taps of the pencil. Milkshakes! Though the homemade (insofar as a semi-industrial kitchen making anything is 'homemade') hummus with pita chips that Roberto's staff procures for them is certainly not turned down. In fact, Sophie crams food into her mouth at an astounding rate.

    She averts her eyes at the mention of possibly meeting people from the school, but she does at least nod her head to accept the offer.

    Notably, nothing about her parents is commented on.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Thank you." Micola gives a look to Roberto and a smile, though she doesn't interrupt anything that he's said. Snacks are turned down for the moment. She looks back to Bunny and Sophie and there is a smile to the girls. "Milkshakes, definitely sounds like him." she muses to that. Milkshakes were a big deal. She doesn't press the girl when she doesn't comment on her parents. She could do some digging. She had the connections.

"I think for the night that we know that she wants to stay here and that's what should happen. We can get her fresh clothes and set up in one of the rooms for over night. In the morning or tomorrow afternoon we could possibly meet up again and talk about things?" she offers to the others.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny types in some more on her phone before she leans her head back, and she points at Sophie.

    "He's worried. Do you want me to tell him where you are?" she asks, holding another finger up. "And two, I have some Care Bears pajama pants I can hook you up with that are butter-soft if you want, and I can ask him to grab them." she sits back up.

    Genoshan Embassy.
    Armed asswipes were after her.

    I think I got a tracker thing off some gun thugs that Dirt, Gross & Co took out w/ me.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa produces a trio of milkshakes after a bit of scrambling, vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, "Milkshakes should never be missed, if you can help it. Maybe your friend can share one?" He smiles, "I'm sure they can find space in the embasy for a few nights."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Sophie nods towards Bunny to answer her questions. Yes, tell him, and yes, Care Bear pajamas sound great! So great that she flips to a fresh page in the sketch book and starts drawing Funshine Bear.

    Though any pretense of drawing is abandoned when milkshakes appear. They're maybe not up to snuff in comparison to the otherwordly creations of Mootant Town Milkshakes, but not much can, really. And she claims the chocolate one for herself.

    She sits there struggling to slurp anything up through her straw as Micola and Roberto discuss her staying here. She seems fine with that, at least.

    The result of a little more texting on Bunny's part is a blur that deposits a bag on the couch next to Sophie with some comfort items. Including those Care Bear pajamas.

    That was probably Tommy, unless there's another, third, speedster hanging around. Which, you know. It's Bushwick. It could happen.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile to Roberto when he produces the milkshakes, very thoughtful. She sends a text to Pietro and then gives a look to Sophie, "If you want to stay in a quieter space in a few days we have an extra bedroom at our place. Or we can look into Mister da Costa's ideas as well." she offers. The blur gives her a bit of a double take, "That was not Pietro." she muses. Probably Tommy. She digs a colored pencil out of her bag and then reaches out to write the number of the drawing pad for Sophie and others, "I've got a drawing table at my shop you could use if you like drawing." she tells her. Then she rises, "Sadly I've got to make sure that his Highnessness doesn't do anything too silly." she tells them. Then she's off to find Pietro!

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, "I'll be around as well. You can drop by X-Corporation. They can help you with your powers."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    The phone number ends up being a speech bubble for a sketch of Micola herself, and before she leaves, Sophie looks up and smiles at her. A similar drawing of Roberto with a stylized X-Corporation logo joins the other sketches, too. And between the milkshake, the hummus and vegetable snack from the Embassy, and the food Sophie finds in the bag next to her -- a wealth of bougie organic stuff from a local grocery -- she's set for dinner *and* a midnight snack.

    It's the same aide as before that comes down to escort her up into the higher levels of the building, where the private bedrooms are. The collar around Sophie's neck still bothers her, but the woman with the wings puts on a chipper smile, nods her head to Roberto and murmurs out some polite thanks, before helping Sophie carry her things upstairs.