13757/Pizza with a Side of Serpent

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Pizza with a Side of Serpent
Date of Scene: 05 January 2023
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: Covert HYDRA extraction turns into a gunfight. SHIELD Heroes arrive along with the Blue Beetle and Carin gets a formal invitation to join SHIELD. If she can find the headquarters.
Cast of Characters: Carin Taylor, Natasha Romanoff, Achilles, Ted Kord, Toni Ho

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Pizza and wings? Maybe some comfort food and a night out is the plan. Carin's out by Angelo's pizza, swaying on her heels. She's wearing her 'super shoes' today, if only because the thrift store sneakers she had the other day got... melted in Gotham after her other day out. So, comfort food. It's a terribly chilly evening, snow isn't in the forecast but some melt and re-freeze has left the streets a little more dangerous. A little. Not that it matters to more New Yorkers. But this Thursday evening in Brooklyn is also a bit more.. quiet?

    At least until a black H3 tears around a corner as it comes out of an alley, trailing garbage and discarded papers in its wake. The driver, however, overcompensates for the ice and the tires aren't grippy enough to handle the sharp turn out of it. The loud screech and squeal can be heard for a city block as can the sound of a large vehicle smashing into a traffic pole. All right in front of the pizza place. Carin is about to step forward to see if anyone is hurt while the rest of the general public back away, take photos, or call for emergency services.

    At least until the doors of the vehicle open and several armed individuals climb out. "SECURE THE PACKAGE!" barks one, two forming up to guards the back door. "GET US AN EXFIL!" he barks again, two more raising the rifles and moving towards a delivery truck that's been parked nearby with clear intent to hijack it.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She'd been out on all things on an Avengers assignment. Something that of an alert hadn't ended up paying off. So after a few hours of fieldwork, Natasha was heading back to the Mansion on a bike.. Right in turn as she would go to hear the sounds of an explosion and shooting! She would quickly send in a message along the SHIELD and Avengers comms <<Unknown individuals have engaged in public assault on courier. Moving to intercept.>>

Achilles has posed:
    Angelo's pizza. By the gods, Angelo regrets moving into that area. He literally lives like 3 blocks from the pizza place. But indeed, he is out for a walk. He does enjoy supporting local small businesses, so rather than brewing coffee, he popped into a local coffee shop to get a good well brewed cup.

    And thus, he is walking along the sidewalk as the H3 tears into the area. He jumps to evade it, even though it was not going to hit him. It was a reflexive reaction. And... thus, that coffee ends up on the sidewalk, splashing out onto the cement.

    But then... the package? Angelo's eyes narrow and he begins striding towards these guys with purpose. He is not sprinting, is not drawing a weapon. He merely walks towards the delivery truck and the people moving towards it. Not a word spoken, not an attack launched. Just... moving that way. Odds are he'll be noticed. He's not trying to avoid notice...

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord was planning on a visit to a children's hospital. Flying on aero-disks, full mask, stealth suit -the works. He carries a messenger bag full of Blue Beetle swag, because he is darned tired of being called Blue Spider-Man. Then he too gets a SHIELD signal. Technically he's just a consultant. Technically he should not do a lot of things, like approach within 100 yards of Sir Patrick Steward (long story). The Blue Beetle drops down, barely clearing car roofs and proceeds to the signal. He hits the acknowledge button.

Toni Ho has posed:

DOCTOR Toni Ho, armorsmith and occasional field agent, had pulled the dreaded On Call duty. Luckily, so far, it's been quiet, letting her putter about the lab and drink too many Red Bulls while blasting German Industrial music. She had just finished tweaking the repulsor outputs on the Iron Patriot armor when the alert hit. She groans. "Aw man. Now I have to actually work." She pauses. "At least I get to use the big guns."

She steps onto the assembly pad, tying her pink hair back in a quick bun as the armor begins to assemble around her.


Windows rattle as the Iron Patriot blazes though the streets of New York. Her HUD feeds her directions like a much better Google Maps (with a much more pleasant voice). She twitches her body, shifting her arms slightly to take a corner at -far- too many G's, blasting down the last straightaway as fast as she dares to go. (She might be pushing the sound barrier. Don't tell the boss.)

Carin Taylor has posed:
    A second H3 tears down the alley after the first, this time much more narrowly avoiding Angelo. This one also going slow enough to not slam into a light post. This time, another five armed guys pile out, too. Ten, ten total. No gunfire yet. But the stack in this one bring their rifles up and train them on Angelo and anyone else coming close to them. "HYDRA Business, step off!" grunts one of them. The two told to 'secure the package' open the back of the crashed vehicle, and inside is a cargo crate.

    It's obvious that they've got something they're trying to secure, and with the accident, they need to transfer it to another vehicle. The box truck they're moving to secure. By now, most civilians are backing away--or fleeing in terror. Guys with guns? Normal day in NYC. And normal procedure is GTFO. The guns? Not normal make. Rifles, yes. Stamped with a telltale red insignia. "CONTACT!" another yells, raising his firearm towards the Iron Patriot. Well, hell of an entrance that. Especially if the others aren't quite on approach.

    The ones with eyes on Angelo seem to be unsure of whether or not to focus on him or the inbound power armor. Carin, in the meantime, grips the literal meal ticket in her hand tighter, watching as all of this plays out. Lunch *and* a show? Not the sort of show she's... that interested in though. Maybe.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Her alert is sent in over and Natasha is going along the intercept. She's moving to take her motorcycle on over to head on a parallel course. As she's going along the course of the heavy Humvees. her weapons aren't going to do much against them, and the use of explosives risks too much collateral damage. What Natasha can do, hwoever.. Is race along in front of them, thumb going to flick a small button on front of her motorcycle.
    This releases a series of caltrops and an oil slick in front of the vehicles as she would zig and zag along. Any sort of retreat now would hopefull yresult in tires blowing out and cars going wild from the liquid spread along, and an easy detonation if they did. So they'd have to fight thier way out.

Achilles has posed:
    "Wow. First time I ever saw HYDRA idiots who just announce that they work for Nazi-cum-lately wankers." says Angelo in a voice that sounds like it is about two weeks away from losing its English accent. He lifts his hands and offers a smirk. "If it was me, I'd be more worried about the flying Stark tech. But..." And he shrugs before turning a hand forward and manifesting a seven foot long spear in his grip... the tip of the spearhead less than an inch from the HYDRA agent who spoke. "Do me a favor." he says as he twitches his grip, aiming to smack the flat of the spear-head into the man's head for a non-lethal takedown. "Grow some brains in the future." I mean sure, others are ready to shoot him, and the odds are, he gets shot... lots. As the guy he struck drops like a sack of wet cement, he himself gets blown off his feet, blood everywhere.

    Only a second or two pass before he just sits up. "Ow." he says. I mean, his only real -power- is that he can't die. Even if stabbed in the heel... stupid mythology.

Toni Ho has posed:
<Oh boy, they're drawing down on me. I'll fire up the forcefields and keep 'em distracted,> Toni transmits on S.H.I.E.L.D. comms. The eyes of the armor glow brighter as the field generator hums to life, sheathing the Iron Patriot in a nearly invisible field of repulsor energy.

<Goin' in hot!>

Tony cranks her thrusters and buzzes the armed goons, skimming -just- over the tops of the Hummers. Low enough that her wake will pull in loose trash, leaves and other lightweight junk on the ground. She pulls up sharply, loosing a light repulsor blast back at the, apparently, Hydra goons. She's not intending to hit them, just pull aggro.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord comes barreling in hot, from a side street. He leaps off the aero-disks, doing a leap and tumble through the air. The disks go crashing into the second van's windshield. Whether they go through it or bounce off he recalls his ride electronically., hopefully before he hits the pavement.

That's the plan.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The HYDRA agents aren't -super- incognito. They might be wearing flak jackets and plate carriers and face masks, they're not wearing the comically bright green combat armor. This time around. Whatever they're lugging, it must be important. Unfortunately, though, for Natasha, the men guarding the crashed H3 aren't too worried about collateral. They open fire on her and the bike, automatic military-grade weapons. They may very much not be entirely aware of the consequences of the caltrops and oil slick, however. They seem much more focused on just keeping people away from the Mystery Crate.

    The two by the van they're trying to steal press up against it and start laying into the Iron Patriot, though their small arms fire may not be nearly enough to damage the high-flying power armor. While Angelo, well, draws the fire of all four remaining men that he hadn't knocked out. Fire rifles just erupt into him, and in those two seconds between where he's bloodied and laying on the pavement, Carin screams.

    Ted can likely recognize the sound, even as the second H3's windshield gets utterly destroyed by his disks even if the actual vehicle itself isn't disabled. It's gunfire and broken glass everywhere now, and other people are screaming and running and taking shelter. For Carin, it feels. All too familiar. Everything slows to a crawl and then nearly halts. Muzzle flashes and brass. Her AR HUD lights up the HYDRA agents, identifies their weapons. Gas-operated. Closed rotating bolt. Schema for similar weapons are downloaded, analyzed, unbidden at the speed of thought. And she acts. She vanishes from sight.

    One HYDRA goon's gun literally falls apart in his hands. To Carin, she's field-stripping it in an instant, the design close enough to an M4 to know where the removal mechanisms are. It didn't hurt that the trooper had emptied the entire 20-round magazine into Angelo. And she re-appears for a moment, panting, smoke rising from her shoes. "...hi..."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
They have a local vigilante that isn't popping in as someone fluent to Natasha. But first priority, any avenue of escape for the Hydra attack team is thwarted. They have to fight thier way out now. Their rendezous will be aborted and they'll have to take secondary vehicles. Locking them in place in an area already evacuated means that there's limited risk of further collateral damage or civilians. So Natasha goes to dismount her motorcycle, kicking it into place while going to draw out a small compact submachine gun.
    As Toni goes in to draw fire, Natasha goes to backup Angelo. She's leaning down tot he ground, firing quick bursts. She's seen him work his way through very, very dangerous entities so she's presuming he can take out the ones on his end quickly. She goes to give hom cover fire, moving to pop up to fire quick three round bursts from her compact weapon.

Achilles has posed:
    "Okay. So that is what you're after." says Angelo with a grunt as he kips up to his feet, his large bronze shield materializing on his arm. I mean it's Hephaestus-made, so it's more durable than it should be. But it's no super-alloy like Cap's. He can't even throw his. BORING!

    But he -does- charge into the gunmen, spear and shield being his preferred technique. He's not superhuman in strength or speed. But he is at the virtual peak of human capacity in those regards.

    "You see that?" he asks as he stabs at the right arm of a shooter, his shield turning a fusillade fired his way into a bunch of sparking ricochets.. "That's the Iron Patriot. If you have -any- brain cells, I'd be surrendering if I were you." he says. Yeah, the guy fights like he's had centuries of experience... which he has had actually. He is moving in close proximity to the gunmen, knowing that rifles are less useful in close like that. And he even dismisses the spear, in lieu of punching and kicking.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord is surprised his disks destroyed the windshield. Hell of a distraction. Not quite an exo-armor suit inbound. He's gratified when his disks reattach to his feet, holding him upside down as he draws his sidearm and fires concussion blasts at the goons. Carin might even see the slight distortion of the beam of air, moving towards them. Slower than a bullet, hard as a brick wall. Ted fires inverted. He practiced this enough. Besides, non-lethal device in use. Mostly.

Toni Ho has posed:
Unluckily for Hydra, unless they're packing, say, a high energy weapon or a literal ship gun, there's not much they can do to the Iron Patriot armor. She spins through the air, laughing to herself almost like a maniac as she draws fire.

"Hey Computer," a pause. "I really need to name you. Anyway, throw on Combat Playlist number ...three."
"Yes, ma'am. Shall I use the external speakers as well?"
"You know it."

An Ulta Heavy Beat<tm> begins to blast from the armor as Toni comes back around, landing the heavy armor -hard- on the H3 with the crate in it, peeling it a bit from the light pole.

"You boys may as well just give up." She pauses. "Hell, I'll just take that thing right now."

She reaches down, hands punching into the body of the Hummer like it were paper and she starts to peel, going for Hydra's goodies.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    These guys really didn't come for a fight. In fact, if not for the ice, they'd have gotten clear of the scene. They were mostly incognito, their arms are light. It's as if they were prepared for fighting police or small security forces. Or they're just a guard contingent for whatever they're hauling. Out of the ten, there are now nine. Angelo having dropped one and paid... nothing for it. Eight now after one takes a spear in the arm and cries out, even as two in his squad reload and ... unload ineffectually on the shield. The fifth? Trying to figure out why his gun fell to pieces. Literally. With the waifish redhead in front of him.

    The one who had been barking orders initially focuses on Natasha, turning his rifle on her and firing bursts with more discipline as he uses the H3's door for cover. The pair guarding the box? Floored by Ted's concussive blasts! This leaves the vehicle wide open for Toni's hard landing and can-opener act. The vehicles aren't heavily armored, given how the glass gave to Ted's disks and the Iron Patriot is not having trouble ripping the roof off of the other. Inside? A long box that looks more akin to some sort of weapons crate.

    By now, the only two unmolested agents are the two by the van they'd planned on stealing, and they start opening fire on Ted instead. Six men total still up and armed, and finding extensive difficulty in being boxed in more and more swiftly.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha goes to duck down low as the others go on the attack and moves to dive for cover. She goes to dive quickly out of the way and goes ot tuck and roll. Around her she goes to throw out a number of smoke bombs, drenching the area around her in darkness. The point is to give the rest of the team cover and make herself the priority target. If the Hydra troopers have thier attention split even more.. Between those charging, those flying, and those coming in at every angle.. Well.. Then they'll be all the easier to pick off.

And hopefully to take them alive. hydra troopers could be made to squeal wiht the right amount of coercion after all.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord uh ohs. Bulletproof he is not. He twists and twirls trying to avoid being shot. At least the goons are shooting at him and the bystanders are getting clear. He should be able to handle one or two bullets. ResistWeave is good stuff. The those are light arms. Not battle rifles. Time to try a blinding beam. The dodging only works so long. Ted's goggles go to black as a narrow bam of dazzling light hopefully blinds the riflemen.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni grins to herself as the heavy bass and drum machines thud out from the Iron Patriot armor. She peers down at the crate and reaches into the now wrecked vehicle, grabbing it with both hands.

"Yoink! You guys probably shouldn't have this. Confiscating!"

She hefts the (weapons?) case and rests it on her shoulder as she stands, repulsors firing as she tries to ascend. <I got their loot. You guys can clean this up, right?>

As she rises, Toni uses her free hand to, unprofessionally, give the Hydra thugs the bird.

Achilles has posed:
    And... now that there is more backup, Angelo dismisses his shield and reaches into his back pocket to pull out wallet-with-badge. He flashes it and lifts a brow. "You wankers really want to push this farther. You're in New York blokes... you know, the Capital City of superheroes. Iron Patriot, good to see you here. Nat..." He gives not of greetings to the others before glancing to Ted. "Not sure who that one is, but again, it's New York." That said, he steps back away and says, "Patriot. I think you should get the collar on this one. I just happened to be nearby. And please.. PLEASE you wankers, stop shooting. I can't die, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The macguffin is gone. The guards are floored. And between Nat's smoke show and Ted's flashbang, the gunfire stops and all that reigns is confusion. The attention is absolutely split, the organization of the fire team is shot, and the pair of men trying to steal the truck are left trying to slip away with their dignity intact.

    Not that it avails them anything. Amid the silence and the groaning and the surrenders, the smoke suddenly swirls up like a whirlwind and there's a heavy, metallic -THONK- followed by a second -WHUNK- near where the pair had tried to sneak off.

    The kicked-up smoke clears after the sudden mini-tornado with Carin at the center of it, standing over the two troopers. Her shoes are smoking and the jean jacket she was wearing is looking more than a little frayed from air friction, and in both hands is the fire extinguisher from the box truck. The likely source of the sounds.

    She spots Angelo's badge and watches Iron Patriot speed off, with Nat and the Ted nearby. "...oh thank goodness..."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Carin after a few moments, inclining her head, "Good job." The girl doesn't look familiar to her, but she can easily spot the signs of cybernetic enhancements. Curious.. Most speedsters she's seen don't ever have anything of the sort. At least..
    Those whom haven't been enhanced or controlled externally. But still, Natasha doesn't ask questions. Ultimately it's the girl's decision if she wants to even say or stay anything before heading out. Or if she's going to stay for awhile. "Thank you for your assistance." She would glancea t the others. "And excellent work." They retrieved whatever Hydra was after, and they have prisoners. Even if low ranking ones.

Achilles has posed:
    "Well, now I need to get a new cup of coffee... oh, and clothes without bullet holes." mutters Angelo. "You got this Agent Romanoff?" he asks as he gives a two fingered salute towards Iron Patriot.

    But for now, he's just kinda doing his best to fade into the background. He is not the sort of person who wants to hog glory. Just the opposite, he's happy to let everyone else get credit.

Toni Ho has posed:
<Heading back to the Trisk with the toys. Wonder what the goodies are.>

Toni, at a more sedate pace, flies back the way she came, carting the crate in one arm. Power armor is -so cool-. "Heh heh, suck it, Stark," she says to herself.

She's still blasting heavy beats from her external speakers, and will be doing so until she gets back into her lab. Someone's going to file a complaint.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord drops down, the disks returning to their holder on his back. Ted pulls his goggles up as he walks over to Carin, offering her a handshake. "I'd say good job... but I couldn't see what you did. Too fast. I recorded via goggles. I'll look later. Ahh what the hell... great job!" Hmmm those shoes held up pretty well. Amazing. He absently kicks a rifle away from a thug. "What do you think you'r doing there?" The thug shrugs.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...huh?" Carin asks, blinking at Natasha. "..um.. thank you.." she hugs the fire extinguisher to herself for a moment, looking down at herself. She's certainly looking a /little/ torn up. Her clothing must not be cut out for the rigors of super speed. At least, anything but her shoes. She looks between the others, staring at Angelo for a moment and his utterly trashed clothes. Well, what would've been about a hundred sucking chest wounds turning out to be nothing.

    "Ted!" she blinks, maybe not quite having registered things exactly, more focused as she was on the enemy combatants. "I... I did? T-thanks! I just... saw him get shot and... reacted... wanted to help..." she shakes her head, "...I feel like I should help. Right?" She glances around at the mess. Thankfully it doesn't seem like anyone was really hurt. Outside of the bashed and stabbed Hydra guys. "Um. ..there's.. I ordered pizza.."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Carin, then evaluating the girl's quick attention shift down to her footwear. Watching down. "Those aren't fully protected from friction, are they? So they have a degree of damage that comes over them depending on maneuvers, even when specially made?" OTher speedsters she's seen can somehow make some sort of field around thier bodies. So this one actually has to pay attention to a /few/ of the laws of physics!?

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin feels very self-conscious when the redhead focuses her attention on her. "Huh?" she blinks. Then she looks down at her shoes again. "...they're better than most... they're... supposed to be resistant. Just. Need to heat them up and they'll re-form..." She tries to avoid eye contact with Natasha, but she can't hide the ink on her face or the alabaster-white skin. "The rest though..." she lifts her arms and sighs, the sleeves of the jean jacket practically in tatters. "...just... stuff from the Goodwill..."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Ah, I see. So they have some sort of inlaid regenerative abilities to them? I also do think that if you're making use of them in a fight and they become damaged that severely limits your abilities and your mobility, and puts you at risk." She would glance over at Carin. "Come."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "W-well no, see..." she lifts her feet one after the other. They seem to be just fine, overall. "...if they get cut or anything... I can fix them..." she murmurs. At the request to approach, though, she pauses. "...come?" she asks, blinking. "..um.. who are you people..?" she asks, looking around. It didn't seem like Ted freaked out over them or anything, though, and they'd just dealt with the gunmen. To say nothing of the power armor swooping in and snatching their special item. Still, she hesitates to take more than a half-step towards Natasha.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would gesture over at Carin, "I'm with the Avengers." She would say simply. "And with SHIELD." Presuming the second is not familiar to the girl. "We're an organization dedicated to helping keep the world safe from harm and from thsoe that would threaten it, from within or outside."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    One of those she might've heard in passing. The first one though, absolutely. Her eyes widen and she gasps quietly. "Oh! No wonder you got here so quick... and... took care of things.." she looks around, such a mess. Now she approaches Natasha, feeling much less trepidation. "But.. what do you want from me? Did I hit them too hard?" she asks, still clutching the dented fire extinguisher. It's not that Natasha's gun and Angelo's spear had slipped her notice, it's more than Carin is concerned she isn't... 'licensed' to do such things outside of personal self-defense.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would shake her head, "Not in the slightest. Merely noting that you lent aid, no matter the circumstances against hostiles armed with guns. That you appear to be in a bad state." The outfit from Goodwill. The cybernetics. "And you seem the type that could use a chance to start over."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Another couple of steps closer. The cold starts to set in and Carin hugs her arms tighter around herself. The jacket isn't doing much and the rush of speed that was heating her up is wearing off steadily. "I thought they'd killed..." she trails off, replaying Angelo's 'death' back in slow motion, as she'd perceived it. She shakes her head, "I just wanted to help," she states. Her lower lip is pulled between her teeth for a moment at the mention of starting over. "I'm trying. Ted's been helping me and..." she rubs her upper arm with her other hand, "...but things keep happening."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "We have others who can help you. We can give you a place to stay, at least. If you want it training and a place to belong. At least give you a roof voer your head and access to resources. Ted works with us and he can help as well if you feel safer with someone you know. And things will keep on happening. So best to be ready for them and to have what you need to face them head on. Allies."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin listens. She listens intently. It's a wonderful, impassioned speech she's given. Well, more like that matter-of-fact Romanoff tone, probably. Still, if it had been AIM or Cyberdata or HYDRA, they'd be whipping out the temporal disruptors, electrified nets, and other things right now. Or would have already. At least this one is talking. And not... preaching. Or trying to be intimidating. And a key word.

    "Allies?" she asks. Not friends. Not 'family'. Something more pragmatically sanitary than the other ones, but the differentiation is important. And it clicks in her mind. She sort of untwists herself, letting her body language react a little more in a relaxing way and then reaches her hand out. "...Carin."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to offer her hand forwards over and go to shake Carin's hand when it was given forwards. "Natasha." She would go to reach into a pouch (of course she had them on her) and pull out a business card. "Take this to the Triskelion. Consider it your first training mission to find out where it is and go in the main entrance. They'll give you a room and a place to stay. Then you can figure out where you want to go with the organization, if anywhere."
    Natasha was all about the pragmatics. She had litlte idea of who the girl was, and only a small amount of what she could do. If the girl was chased or just on her own. So she put it simply. Allies.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    That's new. Not just a business card, but a choice. 'If anywhere'. "Triskelion..." she says quietly to herself, taking the card and looking it over. She purses her lips. She could just ask Ted. He knows a lot. Or she can try to do this for herself. The fear of failure creeps in. The confidence in the ability to do this task that's been issued as a challenge. But she tucks it into the one intact pocket of her jacket, nodding. "...okay. I'll do it. If... you people are in the business of helping people.. maybe you can help me.. and. I can help you?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile, "We'll see. I'm sure you can. But you're not require dto. You didn't -have- to come and stop the men attacking. Others were coming. You knew this but you went in to help anyways and put yourself at risk to save civilians when you didn't have to. You're helping people already. So I can at least pay it forwards. And you've already earnt my aid by that."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    She finally puts the fire extinguisher down, right next to the rifle that's in pieces by her own hands not more than a couple of minutes ago. "I couldn't -not- do anything.. I just saw what happened and reacted.." Carin shrugs, as if she's doing the best she can to not take direct, deliberate credit. "I don't like hurting people but if I can stop others from being hurt.." she gives a half-hearted smile. "Oh! But. There's. All this mess. And. I'm... getting really cold."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would nod, "Well, then let me treat you to a coffee. THen I can get you a hotel room to spend the night so you have somewhere warm to sleep. And I'll get you a cab so you don't have to run out when it's cold." She would switch her voicetone to that of an old, nagging lady, "You'll catch a cold if you're out in this weather."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Ah, I've got a pizza..." she glances at the storefront she'd been loitering out in front of. Everything happened so fast, her name hadn't been called yet. "And.. I've got a room in Ted's place but.." But Kord Co is six miles away in Midtown, across the East River. She could get there in a flash but not only would there be no pizza, all that'd be left of her clothes is her shoes. "...a hot drink would be nice... I've got a change of clothes back in my room. It's just. A ways away. Thank you, Natasha."