15979/Uh.. Surprise

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Uh.. Surprise
Date of Scene: 01 October 2023
Location: Gymnasium and Pool - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: It's Barbara's birthday so Jason and Phoebe put together a party at Wayne Manor. Theme for Talk Like a Pirate Day, too. Because We Wants The Red 'ead!
Cast of Characters: Jason Todd, Phoebe Beacon, Stephanie Brown, Harper Row, Barbara Gordon, Austin Reese, Cassandra Cain, Dinah Lance

Jason Todd has posed:
So. It's a party. A Secret party. Actually it isn't so secret. Word gets out by hook or by crook that Jason is planning a Talk Like A Pirate Day party. (See what he did there?)

Come to Wayne Manor in festive, theme appropriate garb. A cook out. Some battles on the high seas (pool floaties, inner tub gun boats and all the NERF darts a body can buy) and plenty of loot and booty. Because a pool party has to have all the booty. (Again, see what he did there? So witty.)

Of course there is more afoot to this game. With Phoebe as his organizing cohort in crime, the pool and area are all done up in proper decor. Plenty of Pirate themed treats and drinks. Everyone loves grog, right?

Dressed in an unbuttoned, ruffle collared white pirate shirt, a red bandana wrapped around his head, and tattered pirate pants and barefoot (it's a pool party tyvm) with a foam cutlass and nerf pirate pistol strapped to his side, Jason stands near the grill, watching over the first round of burgers, franks, and veggie burgers as they sizzle and cook.

Loud Pirate Rock (is that a thing? it is now) blares. Currently it's Metallica's cover of Whiskey In The Jar.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is singing along to Whiskey in the Jar as she finishes one of her contributions -- other than acting as go-for due to non-mundane communications (she had a list of sticky-notes on Jason's garage fridge), and she carefully removes a sheet cake from a box. Chocolate fudge cake. Chocolate fudge frosting. Chocolate fudge ganache layers between three cake layers, and the top is decorated with strawberries, stabilized whipped cream (also chocolate), and has 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABS!' written on it in fancy swirling text.

    "This smelled SO GOOD coming out of the bakery." she states, wearing a pirate get-up consisting of a modest bathing suit, a wrap-around dress, and a button that says her download is 75% complete.

    Tim's not here, so she has to rep the dork side of the Bat Fam. Her pink hair is also left to hang down in braids tonight.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown shows up wearing a sheer black pirate out, shoulders left bare and lace ties across the plunging neckline. There is a skirt that only comes to mid-thigh in front, but hangs longer in back. And knee high black boots. A black pirate hat and some bracers on her wrists complete the attire. One might note what appears to be a bathing suit beneath it, so it is apparently not intended to be what she wears into the water.

"If there isn't a burger ready in the galley soon, someone is going to get keel-hauled, arrrr," Stephanie says as she heads over to where Jason is manning the galley. "Preferably one with cheddar and bacon it. And a mug of grog!" she finishes. She looks Jason up and down, and then smiles over to Phoebe as she comes in about the same time. "Thanks for organizing this," she offers. "Dick can't make it tonight I'm afraid. There's a case and he and his partner are having to stake out all night if the suspect doesn't return tonight."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper comes bearing gifts: One wrapped box that's probably an article of clothing and totally...not silly adorb novelty socks surely. And the other dangling from her fingers in the form of rum, coming in one of those neato, Dolphin-friendly netting thingies that sea-faring scallyways dangle their bottled drinks from.

Harper's attire could best be described as cabin-tomboy. Overtop a one-piece swimsuit she's got a wide-necked tee sloping to the right to bare a toned shoulder. Some knee-high stockings slipped into flipflops that make that fa-whip fa-squip sound with each annoying step. Some over the top scars down her cheek and an eyepatch despite still wearing some mirror shades. Her hair is braided as if she thought about doing Bluebeard but settled on a more time-efficient deck scrubber. There ~is~ a parrot attached to her shoulder that is clamped on, sort of uncomfortably, and capable of FNAF movement and tends to repeat every sixth word spoken nearby. "Ba-cooooooon." is screeches and spreads its wings, nearly putting Harper's non eyepatched eye out.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
There are so many ways to go about getting in to the pirate theme. Barbara had gone the more serious route, finding a local tailor who specialized in such outfits in the downtown Gotham area, not that far from her tower in fact. She'd gotten personally fitted for the outfit, and even bought one of their replica flintlock pistols. She hadn't worn the outfit all the way over here though, no... She'd arrived about twenty minutes ago, and had gone upstairs to the room she used to stay in when living here years upon years ago...

Now, Babs is emerging dressed in a deep red dress with frilly edges, layered with black and white underskirts, heeled leather boots that vanish up inside of the dress, and a tight fit leather corset that wraps around her midsection. With her hair done up in large curls, it shines with the ambient light upon the autumnal locks, lost beneath a jaunty pirate hat that adorns her head. A leather holster hangs from her hip carrying the weight of the silvery and wooden flintlock tucked right up against her right side, and a pair of leather gloves are tucked in to the holster's belt that hangs low on that side around her waist.

"Yar. Something be smellin' good out here." The redhead says as she steps down toward the grill area, her hand sliding down one of the rails as she walks with a happy sway to her hips, descending the stairs toward where Jason can be seen.

"You guys sure know how to put together a pre-Halloween costume party..."

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin is currently tending to the drinks, ensuring there's a good variety of alcoholic and non. But the grog is the centerpiece. He is currently wearing an eyepatch over his left eye, no shirt on, but a leather vest. Along with the pants, gives the whole pirate vibe off. He turns back around with his own bottle of water in his hand, and calls out to the group, "Yar, swabbies! Be ye wanting anything from the chest of cold wonders?"

His gift is already with the others, presumably tucked away until the big reveal.

Cassandra Cain has posed:

Something just moved in the bushes. Something shifts, then slips from one bush to the other. No sign of colour or other events occur, but there was definitely a something there, for a moment. Then it rustles again, and a small package slips out just as Barbara is happening past.

A package with the word 'Office supplies' on it. It appears to be paper for a printer, and a couple of cartridges. The word 'supplies' is highlighted.

Inside the bush, a mute martial artist wearing a dinosaur hoodie grins madly at herself. She got told about this 'supplies party' over the com, and is certain she's nailing it. Not sure what the pirate thing is all about, but she'll figure that part out in a minute. She got the hard part down.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah did her best to meet the dress theme... which, really, was actually kind of distressingly easy to do. Heeled boots fit for a pirate? They didn't even have to come out of some emergency costume party section of her wardrobe. A bunch of gaudy costume jewelry bobbles? Okay, those came from the costume section. The eyepatch did too. The plastic cutlass definitely did. Not that Dinah couldn't get her hands on an actual cutlass but... that seemed like a bad idea.

The one piece swimsuit kind of clashes with the boots and the jewelry and the cutlass, but... well, pool party attire does have to give certain allowances for function over form.

As she lounges around and finds herself constantly fiddling with her costume jewelry, her eyebrows perk at Babs... eyes narrow slightly... ever so slightly. Surely she knows the real reason for the party.

Sure, Dinah kept her planning strictly to sticky notes stuck to her fridge in her apartment but... that's never stopped Babs from knowing /absolutely everything/ before! Could it be that Jason's planning and plotting /outmaneuvered/ Red?!

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks up from flipping burgers. "Plenty of cheese and bacon. Full chilled garden toppings sections so you can properly garb your meal. Arr." He's trying.

Looking around to everyone that arrives he nods seriously. "Thanks for coming to my /Private/ /Pirate/ /Party/." There are some knowing looks around. Noone had better have spilled the dubloons about the real reason for the party... speaking of which, here she comes now.

With a nod to Phoebe and then to everyone as Barbara steps onto the spacious patio.

"Yarrr! Surprise!" he hollers toward the redheaded Pirate Queen.

"Happy Birthday!"

With that, the Pirate Party Banner lowers to reveal the 'Happy Birthday Barbara' above it now.

He grins in spite of himself. Convinced his crafty ploy worked. And not caring if it didn't really, because people showed up.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Happy Birthday!" Phoebe adds on, raising one hand into the air and presenting Babs with a fitting Pirate tiara. It has a skull and crossbones and everything, and she offers it out to the redheaded Oracle.

    "We wanted to make sure you got to have a fun day too." she smiles, and then tilts her head "Jason did most of the planning." she leans forward a little bit "There are *so many nerfguns*."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown flashes smiles of greeting to people as they filter in. "That's an outstanding outfit, Dinah," Stephanie shares alliteratively with the likeable Lance. A grin is flashed to Harper's parrot as it, well, parrots her. "And plenty of it!" she tells the faux bird.

The blond gathers up a drink over where Austin is. She sniffs the grog and then pours herself a glass. "I have no idea what grog actually is, but no time to try it like the present" she says, more of an inner monologue making it past her filter than something meant for others.

When Barbara arrives, The Dread Pirate Stephanie joins in welcoming her with the real reason for the party. "Happy Birthday, Babsy!" she calls out, lifting both of her arms and almost spilling grog in doing so. Thankfully she doesn't, that might be an offense worth a strappin'.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Well. That happened. Cass is peering out from the bushes, and sees something that maeks her feel good. She's been working, and working hard, on her spelling lately. She is also very good at pattern-matching, and she's absolutely certain that Jason got the banner wrong.

Whew, she's not the one who screwed up this time. She breathes a sigh of relief, and peeks her horned green head out of the bush to peek around at everyone. Taking in the outfits, she is visible if you look that direction.

Just not as a pirate. For anyone who knows dinosaurs though, the triceratops was a herbivore who ate low-growing vegetation. Like bushes. So she's clearly in character, and nyah.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Mostly rum and lime juice." Replies Austin, putting down some more of his water and grinning at Stephanie. When the big reveal comes, he cheers, "Happy Birthday, Babs!" He calls out, raising his bottle when he cheers. He also is eyeballing the nerf guns, as he starts to slip his way over towards them, grabbing one as he moves by and slipping it inside of his vest as he moves around the pool deck towards Phoebe, though he's also trying to angle his way over towards the grill. Those burgers are starting to smell like they're about done.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
First and foremost, Barbara's arrival at the pool's edge is halted by a package landing on the ground directly in front of her heeled leather boots. She just stutters to a stop, then looks down at it. Her green eyes trail after the hands that vanish back in to the shrub where the package had come from, and then back to the package itself. She eyes the 'Office Supplies' label, and just starts to grin. Leaning down, Barbara gathers the box up, brushing a hand across its top. "Office supplies, huh. I always need those... I hope there's some new pens in here, maybe a stapler. Or even a laser pointer. My cat adores those." Yes, Babs has a cat, he is usually hiding somewhere in the 25 story clocktower, and if anyone ever finds him, legend says they're granted good luck for a month! It's true, don't question it.

"Thank you Amazon for your speedy, and dedicated delivery of these supplies!" Babs says with a raised voice to 'everyone' before she looks to the others, and grins as they start giving her Birthday well-wishes. "Oh, I see how it is. I've been duped! I was lead to believe we were finally going to buy a massive yacht, and sail away on the high seas far away from this dreary world... But instead--" Babs trails off, and sees the cake that Phoebe had acquired. "Is that chocolate?" She asks, while the tiara is placed upon her head. Her eyes look to Phoebe and she groans. "You're the best." She tells the younger one, giving her a shoulder squeeze.

"Oh my god, you guys all look so cool though. Where was this party when I was like... 20 years younger? Back then I just got balloons and streamers..."

Babs rushes toward the cake though, to view it up close and personal, she might be drooling some even... She does tear her eyes away up to the falling banner, and a laugh escapes from her. "Jason. You're amazing." She tells the cook at the grill. "Really, this is nuts. I usually just spend these locked away in my work..."

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah gives a solemn, cool nod to the hoodie-bedecked Cass that's lurking in the bushes, even as she grabs herself a drink and slinks over to stage whisper, "Triceratops was the pirate of the dinosaur world."

She offers a little wink... or is it a blink? The eyepatch really makes it hard to tell.

She grins to Steph and sighs out, "I wish I could say I got it special for the event but like... it was /all/ in my closet at one point or another. I'm beginning to think my fashion choices are... /unique/."

She grins to Babs and shakes her head, "I swear to god, one day you're going to have a yacht and start planning out getting a /spaceship/ or something. Happy birthday, you delightful nerd."

She nods to Jason and grins crookedly, "Yeah, I think 'stealing Barbara away from her computers to a surprise party' might actually be /the/ biggest heist ni Gotham history."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Dangit. Now Cass needs to go buy a stapler. She thought she'd nailed it, but she's going to make this right, by hook or by crook!

See what I did there?

So, pun delivered, Cass looks up and starts! How did Dinah get so close to her without her noticing! Curse these small eyes with their sudden but inevitable betrayal! I mean, lack of peripheral vision.

Oddly, it's only a few moments til a stapler appears on top of the gifts previously delivered. It may have been stolen from Bruce's desk. If you say MINE NOW! I will totally back you up though.

Jason Todd has posed:
See how Smug Jason is? He almost believes that he and Phoebe pulled off the perfect surprise party on the world's smartest, knowingest woman. He doesn't quite believe it. But why spend much time doubting things when there is partying to be had.

"You're welcome, Barbara. It's your party - have cake first if you want to." Then to everyone he calls out, "HEY. Burgers are ready. Come and get 'em ya filthy land lubbers!" as he waves the spatula around before starting to take the first burgers off to stack on a plate for everyone to choose from. "Ones on top are the most done. Bottom are just about Medium. This plate is veggie burgers."

He looks to Dinah with a smirk "Stealing Barbara away. I'll choose to think that's what we did.." Can anyone truly pry her away if she doesn't wanna? It is a mystery of science to this day.

Calling out to the hidden Supplies Giver, "Hey Cass - come get something to eat. We included you too" Because not cooking for her would just be a jerkfaced move.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Absolutely. Chocolate on chocolate on chocolate, with strawberries and whipped cream. Kick-ass cake for a kick-ass lady." PHoebe states, and she gives a small smile, and a shy 'aah' sound, tensing just a moment as her shoulder's squeezed, but she lets Babs take it all in.

    "You spend all your time with work. Best reason ever to pull you away from it all for the day. Night. For some time while it's being covered. The cake smelled amazing when it left the bakery, so if it tastes half as good as it smelled, should be better than even Jason's burgers." she grins, and goes to grab some veggie burgers.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown grins at Barbara's either surprise, or feigned surprise. Maybe they could tell if they watch her haptics, but it's much better to Stephanie to just go with them having surprised her.

She goes over and offers Barbara a warm hug if allowed. "Happy birthday. Dick wanted to be here but he and his partner are on a homicide case tonight," she explains. "But he did send this," Stephanie says. She pulls out a necklace, which even from a distance the lines of smaller diamonds in the strand itself might be noticed. The charm that hangs from it also gleams though.

The pendant is a very ornately wrought platinum watch. Four carats of diamonds accentuate the piece which is done like a very old fashioned watch. The price must run in the tens of thousands of dollars. Yep, Dick definitely had a hand.

Though Stephanie, it appears, picked it out as she says, "I was looking for something with a clocktower. But everything that had one was kitschy looking. And then I saw this and just... this one felt right for you. As class as you are, Barbara," Stephanie says, smiling and offering it over. Along with the jewelry box for it, for after Barbara has had a chance to look at it.


Harper Row has posed:
Harper's attention is drawn towards Cass after the party is triggered. It helped that Dinah let her in on the subtle hiding spot Cass had picked. The hot dog she'd snatched from Jason's grill pauses at her open mouth. Her fingers relax a little, and the meat cylinder slowly slides from between the buns. Harper's level look locks onto the triceratops and she lopes over to investigate, still holding her ketchuped and mustarded bread. "Dinosaur...Dinosaur..." she repeats like a mantra, forgetting to add some pirate ~arrrrs~

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara is quick to grab two of the chocolate covered strawberries off the top of her cake from Phoebe, before she sets off on a round around the party. She hugs everyone once, should they let her, while she enjoys one of the chocolate covered little pieces of fruit. With a full mouth, the redhead speaks anyway. "Youff guyffs arffs the bestsfffss..." She's saying before grinning at Dinah. She looks Dinah over, and nods approvingly. "I digff the styleff" She states, having to cover her mouth with one free hand to keep from being overly rude.

It is when Steph approaches with that gift that Babs' eyes open wide. She eyes it, and then eyes Steph., all with the second of those two chocolate covered treats in her mouth...

"She has to take a moment to clear her palette before she states. "Holy crap, Steph. You sure Dick didn't do the homocide to get that kinda money?" She asks saardonically before reaching for a napkin, then for the gift. She laughs softly and glances over at the others. "You guys are spoiling me, really. My birthdays growing up were just pizza and maybe a Disney movie if I was lucky... This is nuts."

Austin Reese has posed:
Once the finished burgers are announced, Austin makes his way over to the grill, "Ahoy, grillmaster. Would ye get me a double with cheese?" He says to Jason, grabbing a plate and a bun from nearby to be able to grab the patties from Jason once he dishes them out.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass wasn't allowed to watch Disney movies when she was young. To this day she's pretty certain that Steph wanting her to watch Tangled is something about learning to tie knots. Which is strange, since Cass has been an expert at knots since she was eleven years old.

There are no hugs for dinosaurs, but that's to be expected. You can't hug anything with those horns, and the camouflage inherent in the vegetation. But she does lean up and give Harper a quick kiss on the cheek, before returning to ...wait, that's food over there. Jason mentioned food.

She sneaks out of her bush, inspecting the possibility of forage nearer the barbecue. After all, it wouldn't do to leave such an area uninspected.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd smiles more smugly as Barbara voices her approval of the party. He shoots a meaningful look toward Phoebe - thanks. Because other than the brilliant plan to make it a pirate party so they could have a NERF war in the pool, his depth of party planning was pretty shallow. She definitely bailed him out with the cake and decor.

Nodding to Austin, he gestures as if the spatula were a pirate hook. "Git yer cheese .." letting him choose the type he favors, then the slices are set atop two patties to begin melting. He serves them off onto Austin's plate. "There y'go."

Seeing the gift Steph and Dick chose for Barbara he is impressed from afar, "That's really cool, Steph!"

Harper Row has posed:
Harper would ~try~ to hug, horns or scales or dangerous long tails. Whatever wiring is going on in that busy punkish brain seems to have it bad for ancient thunder lizards. And there goes Cass, and Harper's parrot glitches. All that murmering of dinosaurs has a very David Attenborough stolen A.I. tenor: 'Dinosawwhs were known tooo inhabit many, many such habitats, the chief ahmowng those were...' Glitch. 'Squaaaawk'.

Harper blinks and snaps out of it a bit, raising the condiment-smeared bread products to her mouth to take a bite out of. "I will track you down. The museum will pay handsomely..."

Oh dayum, there's a lot of yum over at that table. Sweets in addition to the meats. Harper squints, trying to decide whether to prioritize a foundation in her gut before layering on pieces of cake when it's cut. She veers towards the pool, and she'd rub her palms together if she was fully in buccaneer mode.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    The gift from Dick and Steph draws all the attention, and Phoebe just gives a smile, fading into the back a little bit, and looking over as Cass comes foraging out of the bushes. "Hey there, Triceratops." she grins to Cass, and mozies her way over to Jason.

    "Got to admit, she looked surprised. I think we pulled it off." she states, and she offers a fist for fist-bumping to Jason. "Nicely done." the wrap-clad 'digital pirate' states.

    Her download button updates to 79%.

    "She deserves it. She works so hard for everyone else."

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara continues to talk to Steph for a few moments regarding the expensive jewelry before she is giving the other a hug for it all. Moments after that she is moving toward the food to smile at the feast that Jason has made. "God, you've gone above and beyond, Todd." She says to him with a lopsided grin shown for the young man.

Austin gets a shoulder squeeze from Babs too, along with a smile. "How goes trouble, Austin?" She asks him as she reaches for a plate and some utensils. She steps over to the cake then and instantly just starts cutting herself a piece, because she is a chocolate cake heathen, and there are no rules when it comes to it and her mouth.

Once Babs has a piece of it, she just appears near to Harper, and more specifically near to the electronic Parrot on Harper's shoulder. Babs has a forkful of cake going up to her mouth as she leans in to inspect the robot bird.

"I love it..." She says, eyeing the thing. "Where did you get it? I bet Carrie could make something like that, if she didn't already make it..." The redhead states before another bite of cake is delivered right to her lips and everything beyond.

"Oh my god this is good." She says to everyone within earshot. "I'm gonna have to run on the treadmil for like a whole god damn week straight now." She pauses, and her eyes flick around. "Pardon my language..."

But then the birthday girl is diving back in for another forkful of delicious triple chocolate cake. Apparently burgers come later for her!

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The parrot IS cool. It knows things! And the fact that Harper believes that she could capture Cass Dino even if she got ahold of her is just cute. Even with her tasers. After all, the triceratops' armor is pretty solid. Harumph.

That's when Cass sniffs at the food, making her own decision on whether or not it's acceptable. Hot dogs are not food. She has no idea what went into them! But if he's got anything for her dietary needs, well.

Cass looks up at Jason, eyes wide.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Toddreturns the fistbump. "She's happy. That's really all that mattered. Spends too much time inside. She needs to get out more often." Pot and Kettle, that.

A grin aimed at Tricera-Cass. "It's a hungry hungry Dino! Help yourself. Lots of stuff here for ya." The selection is a mix of foods for the whole Family. He grins at her wide eyed gaze, "I promise. There is Tricera-Cass food here. Phoebe helped make sure."

Glancing back to Phoebe, "Thanks to you for your help. I'd have just screwed it all up on my own"

He nods in agreement to Pheeb's last comment then adds, "She does. And you've got veggie burgers. Make sure you eat too."

Looking to Barbara he smiles. "Happy Birthday Barbara. I'm glad you're enjoying it." Someone had to plan it for her after all. The Family may be rather dysfunctional, but they do try to take care of their own. At least with parties.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper makes a mental note on her whirling internal rolodex to stumble into Carrie and inquire about this possiblity that the birthday girl has mentioned. She wrinkles up her nose and replies that it's a real mutt of mechanisms cannibalized from other furbie-like donors. "Jeez that cake does look good. I might have to pass up another pass at the sizzlin sazzles for some of that frosted good-good." Harper is ready to suck in a bit of saliva herself. Because if there's one thing to really make her hungry, its seeing someone else really enjoying something. Beyond peer pressure. "Worth it. It's gotta be worth it!"

Maybe if everyone gets in the pool, a miscreant could shave a few more pieces off to squirrel away, and surely this group of detectives will ~never know~.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a smile, setting herself up with a veggie burger, and turns to the Triceracass.

    "These burgers are made with peas, and beans. Kinda like what you eat from the garden." she gives a smile, and tears a corner of it, between some bun, and offers it to Cass to try.

    "You would have done fine, Jason. All I really did was pick up the cake and made a costume tiara to wear. I made myself one for an Amazon function back in the day. When I thought Dick and Dick were two different people." She jokes, and just looks over the gathered people. "It's good for her to get out." she states, and then humps her shoulder into Jason. "Good for you too. You're looking a little paler than usua." she jokes

Austin Reese has posed:
Burger in hand, Austin gives Jason a nod of appreciation, "Ye be having me thanks, mate." Gotta stay in character after all. Babs' hand on his shoulder gets a grin, and then he does break character for a moment, "Oh I have so much catching up to do before the new semester starts." He replies quietly to Babs.

Once he finds his way over towards one of the tables, he sets the plate down for a moment, and moves back over to the grog bowl, getting himself a cupfull and then heading back to his burger, taking a seat and giving it a bite. The look on his face shows just how delicious it is, so does the follow on bite he takes.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Given that she's the only one who actually brought office supplies, Cass thinks that she deserves something yummy. So when she's offered a burger, she's uncertain. But Phoebe seems to trust it, so she takes the burger into her hands.

And then she scurries off, not using her manners at all. She's got her foraging and now has to take it back to her den, to sniff and inspect and decide for herself if it's worthy of eating.

The bun will definitely be rejected. But you never know, the burger might just pass muster. Cass is weird, but she's not a complete crazypants.

...that's the dinosaur's job.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd serves up the grilled foods for everyone that wants one, then turns get himself a burger. A triple patty, three cheeses - Swiss, Cheddar AND American. Stacked up with lettuce, onions, tomatos.. the works. It's a burger to make ol' Dagwood himself proud.

"Nah, we both know it'd have just been a Foil Balloon that said 'Happy Retirement', some day old cold pizza and a melting Neopolitan icecream cake if it were left to me. I appreciate your help Pheeb."

Grabbing a fork, he drifts closer to Barbara and... while she's talking with Austin, that fork sneaks out and skewers a small bite of that forbidden chocolate cake. What? Nothing happened!

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Babs is distracted when a fork flies in to snatch some of her cake. She catches sight of it out of the peripheral of her vision, and instantly yanks her plate away. With a smile cast to Jason, she shakes her head. "I realize this is a pirate party, and plundering is part of the game. But watch yourself..." She warns him with a happy expression upon her face. She saunters away then, and without much-ado, Babs starts entering the pool in her full pirate costume.

She steps down in to the water, and moves down the submerged staircase, one step at a time until her red dress is pooling up around her waistline. She wades her way over to one of the lounge chairs floating in the water, and nimbly pulls herself up on to it.

"I am now..." She struggles to get her attire straightened out as she tries not to topple over in the chair with her remaining cake. "Ahem." She clears her throat. "I am now isolated and ready to enjoy myself, far from other scoundrel pirates!"

Fork goes back in cake. Cake goes back in mouth!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe changs back a moment, dark eyes overlooking the interactions between everyone else. She rubs at her left shoulder a moment, and gives a wry smile as she sits in one of the on-the-poolside-lounges and eats her own veggie burger, with lettuce, tomato, onion rings, and contents herself to see what becomes of Babs's challenge -- WILL IT GO UNANSWERED?