1271/Here's Wally.

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Here's Wally.
Date of Scene: 21 April 2020
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Wally returns to Titans Tower, and the gang is almost all back.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Wally West, Naomi McDuffie, Kate Bishop, Terry O'Neil, Rachel Roth

Donna Troy has posed:
    There had been training. For the new Titans, this was a new experience - actual, formal training in how to fight. Donna may not have her sister's experience, but she's had thirteen years of hard and intense Amazonian training as well as her time with the Titans, and she's a pretty able instructor.

    For Terry who's training so far has been with Harley Quinn, Donna's methods may come as something of a relief - he came out of this one with a distinct lack of additional bruising. For Naomi, it might have been a little disappointingly lacking in the purely physical side of things she excels in. For Kate there was a lack of the sword-against-sword clanging she may have been hoping for. Donna had the trio doing defenisive drills that mostly involved excercises in balance, correcting their stances /endlessly/, and showing them how to watch the muscles of their opponent to predict their next moves.

    Honestly it wasn't the most satisfying of experiences. It was tiring and the clearest lesson they learned is about how much they have to learn. Donna had demonstrated a few cool sword moves though, just to keep the rookies interested - including challenging Kate to try attacking her from behind, and doing a reverse flip over Kate's head before tapping the tip of her own sword on Kate's back. That was kind of cool.

    All good - or in this case somewhat dull - things must come to an end. Training session done for the day, the trio have moved upstairs to the main room for a bit of refreshment and relaxation.

    Donna is standing in the kitchen area, preparing drinks when the doorbell alert goes off. She doesn't look exactly domestic in her black and silver Grecian armor, with lasso at her hip and sword sheathed, though she did at least leave her shield leaning on the sofa. She returns carring drinks on a tray and puts it down for everyone to grab their own, before approaching a wall console and activating the door camera.

    Donna stares at the screen for a while, then turns to the others, eyes wide. "Someone's about to show up. Very rapidly. Don't jump." She turns back to the console, saying "It's Wally," and presses the button to open the door.

Wally West has posed:
The instant the door starts to open Wally is inside. He doesn't bother to wait for there to be enough space -- just vibrates his molecules at the proper frequency to pass through the door as though it wasn't even there. When he was younger this might have caused problems -- specifically, an exploding door. These days he's got such things under control.

First stop: the kitchen. That's where Donna is. He has likely heard of the others, but they are not old friends.

"Donna!" he announces, throwing back his cowl an instant before embracing her. "Been way too long. I mean, WAY too long. 'Scuse me."

Grabs Vorpal's hand. "Hey there. Nice to meet you. I'm Wally."

Naomi's hand. "Hiya. I'm Wally. Welcome to the Titans!"

Kate's. "Good to have you aboard! Pleasure to meet you. Wally West."

And between each of these greetings he just... isn't there. Or rather, he seems to vanish from the side of one hero and appear next to another. And then, after having left Kate behind, he appears once more at the refrigerator, pulls the door open, closes it, and appears in a chair with a Coke and an assortment of sugary treats. He doesn't know who they belong to. He'll replace them later. Being the Flash uses up a lot of categories.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Leaning into the arm of the sofa, Naomi is sitting there with her eyes shut. She takes in a sharp breath and then lets it out slowly before looking over at Donna and blinking, "Who? What?" ANd she sits up to grab a drink when she looks with a blink at Wally before she groans at her arm being shaked and she rubs it a little, "Still sore from training..." She grumbles a little and hten looks at the kitchen table where he is sitting before blinking again.

"What? Uh, hi I guess. I'm Naomi." She then just sits up a little more and sips her drink before saying, "Do we have any of those protein shakes Cait makes?" She asks, "Or meat of any kind? Or a protein bar?" She shifts in her spot and yawns a little, "Otherwise I'm gonna go out again."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate honestly seems pretty used to these style drills. It reminds her of her martial arts instructers of a variety of different disciplines at this point. Also familiar if the fact that no matter how advanced you are in one art or at one dojo, the instructor at the new place has to drill you on the way they want things done.

The sword flip and spinal point demonstration was definitely an exciting moment for Kate. "I wish I had your strength and speed." she will note with amusement, but accepts the demonstration as it is. I mean honestly it is a good demonstration why she insists on using a bow and now her sword in all but the most dire situations. Range means more options especially when someone handles a sword like Donna does.

Once up in the common area, even though she had plenty of water, she is grabbing the glass from the tray. "I think I am going to have a shower.... wait.. what?" eyes wide as she turns towards Donna. Then suddenly Wally is there embracing Donna, and well her hand is creeping to the quiver on her back still not having registered that it is someone who is happy to see her. By the time Wally pops along to shake her hand she has an arrow in her other hand and was reaching for where she set her bow .. but now that hand is being shaken. "Uh."

At least she didn't try to stab Wally with the arrow. Instead she sheepishly tucks it back into the quiver. "Damn."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It had been definitely an interesting experience. Getting training from Harley //and// Donna was like night and day, but he would be lying if both were not learning experiences: Harley's chaotic streetsmart style and Donna's well-drilled Amazonian tradition. If he could be a good student to both, he might end up with something uniquely his own...

Or hopelessly confused. But that's how these things go, right?

"That was good stuff, Donna... I can't wait for the next sesh..." he leans on the kitchen counter, looking from Naomi to Kate to Donna. He's wearing the typical sweatpants and tank top combo he wears to work out, their grey color looking odd in contrast with his fur. "Saaay... I have to ask- how did you guys go around getting your costumes? Thing is, I still don't ha-"

But then there's the door alert, and he looks quizzically at Donna when she says someone is going to come in, and not to be surprised... and then there is a scarlet blur shaking his hand. And Naomi's. And Kate's, and-

"Holy shit, Wally West!" the Cheshire cat breaks into a huge grin once the speedster has greeted everyone and helped himself to supplies, "Dude, it's so cool to meet you! Man, wait'll Gar hears you've stopped by. This means that the gang's all here at last..." he pauses. Then he frowns. "Except for Victor." But then a somewhat cunning look comes over him and he adds "Well, for now. We'll see soon enough if my bait had any meat to it!" he gives Donna a wink, and then turns to Wally again. "But... yeah, holy hell, dude, that was an awesome entrance."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Wally, I..." Even Donna, who is /insanely/ fast, just does not have the time to react before she has been embraced and Wally has made the tour of the newbies too. She blinks a few times, watching him take his sugar-laden repast with him to sit.

    "Snacky shakes on the tray," Donna says to Naomi as she walks back to the sofa to take a seat opposite Wally. There's a touch of hesitence in her movements that Terry at least will have come to recognize, particularly after their get-together with Kori in New York. Despite the friendliness of Wally's greetings and the fact that nobody has yet demonstrated any hard feelings towards her, she's still uncertain about her reception.

    "Wally, it's really good to see you. All of you... the gang's pretty much back together, as the cat guy said. Vorpal, right?" she glances over to him, checking. He still seems a little uncertain of his code-name.

    "I um. I'm sorry I wasn't here. For you guys. For Doomsday. I... should have been. I left earlier than I had to. I'm sorry about... everything."

    That's only the start of her confession, which is probably beginning to get boring to the others by now. As she mentioned the other day, she probably ought to have got cards printed up.

Wally West has posed:

The problem with drinking things from a bottle is purely that you have to wait for gravity to pour the stuff into your mouth. For this reason, Wally prefers a straw. He neglected to bring one, though, and he refuses to use the plastic ones (so wasteful when you consume as much tasty beverage as he does), so while he drinks his Coke quickly, it's visible, at least, to those around him. "Sorry for the rapid introduction," he offers to the three newbies. "I'm just really happy the Titans are getting back together." His attention goes to Donna in the instant it takes for an ice cream bar to disappear. "Is Gar around?"

A grin appears on his face at Terry's declaration. "I'm not the one who makes the flashiest entrances around here, but I do my part. I just wanted to get in here, see people, and I do things fast. It kind of comes with the name." It's not as though he didn't notice Kate's arrow, or Naomi's physical discomfort. The former is ignored, because clearly she was aiming to protect her teammates. The latter is answered in the space of half a blink. There is suddenly a tube of liniment gel and a bag of cheeseburgers on the table before her.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
A blink as she looks over at Kate with an arrow out and hten she suddenly has gel and cheeseburgers and then she looks to Wally again and then Naomi just slowly blinks. SHe shifts a little and then lets out a breath before looking to Terry. She shifts some and then she downs the entirety of her shake before setting that down and letting out a breath, "Ok, that done." She smiles to Terry.

"My costume came with the powers." She nods her head, "It is part of it. If you want to know more...I have no idea. I apparently had these powers since birth but couldn't access them till about a month ago thanks to my sorta Aunt Akira's work on a special device to hide me from a homicidal maniac with the power to destroy Earth." She shrugs.

Then she reaches out and puts the gel on her arm partially due to the shake, partially due to the sore muscles.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"This costume cost almost six figures." she notes as she settles back down on the couch at normal speeds and moves to get the snacky shake back up into her hand once more and settles in giving it a slow sip. She is watching Wally try to be slow. Then be very fast. Then be slow again after the delivery of the liniment gel and bag of cheeseburgers. "Welp." she notes with bemusement.

She sips her shake, normal speed after that slow sip of appraisal before. "If that isn't the flashiest.. also.. sic nice pun... seriously who has the flashiest entrance?" puzzled for a moment then her eyes widen as she realizes who has the best entrance. Siiiiip. She doesn't say it though.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    The sound of a door is enough to break a portion of silence in the welcoming party.

    Raven enters, hood up and hands sleeved firmly in the pockets of her sweater. She makes her way into the kitchen, pointedly reacting little to none at the arrival of one of her oldest people-she-knows. Getting Raven to admit friendship is a heroic task, one the Titans should probably work up to, one of these days. Until then, Raven's response is muted.

    Idly, she stops into the kitchen, retrieving from a suspiciously locked cabinet a Chemex pot, spice grinder, and bag of coffee beans, the logo of which is entirely minimal, consisting of its name in an art-deco style font. The bag is grey, because of course it is.

    As she goes about the business of her usual routine, she does pause while grinding the coffee to remark- without turning away- "Hello, Wally."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yep, it's Vorpal. Like you said, snicker-snack!" he grins at Donna, and to Wally he says "Oh, Gar is around. He sort of started this whole thing, actually... but you know how he is. I mean, of course you do, you've known him longer than I have- he gets enthusiastic about something, he spends a lot of energy, gets super excited, and then tires out and crashes for a day or three of recovery. Right now he's in the 'crash' period- he went to his stepdad's to sort some things out but he should be back in a few days or so. Man, he's going to be over the moon to see you."

The Cheshire cat sidles up on the counter, and then he visibly forces himself to get off it and sit on a chair like an actual person. Clearly, there are some things that he does on reflex that he has to watch out for. So far he hasn't had the urge to push any glasses off the table, so there is that, at least.

At Kate and Naomi's answers, he huhs. "Well, I didn't get a costume with the title of Cheshire cat, and I sure don't have six figures to invest in one... so maybe I should ask Harley about how to put a costume together on a limited budget." He grins.

When Raven enters, he gives her a smile, "Hi Raven..." he squints, looking at the bag of coffee. "... that looks like the good stuff..." Terry's a coffee addict, but his knowledge of coffee has increased tenfold since working for Lois. Occasionally, he gets sent out on errands for The Good Stuff- usually, first thing in the morning before it has had a chance to run out. He's occasionally been elbowed in the face while trying to get the last of it. There are several brands, many of which have names he doesn't dare pronounce for fear of butchering, but he has started to recognize a few of the logos.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Raven's arrival gets a quick smile from Donna before she's back to not exactly looking at Wally. She's still having a little trouble processing things. Mainly the fact that nobody has yet been upset at her for not being there for Doomsday, which is exactly what she wasn't expecting, and it makes her nervous.

    "It's not just Gar" she says, following up on Vorpal's explanation as to where the Green One was. "Cait's at work, she's doing science things for Stark Industries these days, but she has been around quite a bit. Kori's got a modelling thing going on right now, but she seems to be staying at the Tower again. Nightwing is doing Nightwing things I guess. He's been back, but hasn't been sticking around. No idea where Cy is. Rae's living at the tower. And me too, I guess."

    She glances at the others. "You've met the new guys, but there's a fourth one too. Kian, an alien bird-guy. They all seem pretty good. I guess the Titans are back, huh?"

    Donna looks back, smiling a little. "How about you Wally? Is this just a social call, or are you... you know? Joining the gang again?"

Wally West has posed:
For all that Raven is an old friend, Wally is wise enough not to hug her where others can see. And when he doesn't have a good escape route. "Good to see you, Raven," he says, having stilled, for the moment, in his chair. His eyes still move from one place to the next. He taps his fingers and feet. He shifts in his seat. All of that speedster impatience that he controls pretty darn well for being the fastest one around.

"I heard about Gar getting the ball rolling. A friend of his got in touch and we met up the other day for coffee. She told me he needed his friends around, and honestly, I missed all you guys, Donna. I'm planning on sticking around. It's not like I don't have time.

"Vorpal. If you need a costume, there's this guy in Keystone. He generally works fairly inexpensively -- or for a cut, depending on who he's working for. But I'm betting I can get him to cut you a deal."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I also want to bring Ghost spider... she is a spider sort but a cool chick version of Spiderman... by to meet you all soon." then Kate considers her shake and then takes another sip. She has this feeling it tastes this way because of how healthy it is. Still working out like that she has definitely had her fill of other shakes and various juices and blends. So all in all. This is pretty okay.

She lifts her hand waving at Raven's back "Hey Rae." then she looks over to Vorpal. "Well a lot of it was R&D and getting everything right. Acquiring the materials. You know." she says acquiring like there is something illicit involved. "The armorweave is critical though. So look. I don't want you full of holes so you tell me what you want it to look like.. design.. cut.. colors.. and I'll get you a costume made that should deflect small arms and knives and stuff Vorpal. That should help minimize catblood on it."

Then what he said actually sinks in there. "Wait.. Harley who?" eyes narrowed at Vorpal.

Naomi McDuffie has posed:
Standing up, she shifts a little and then grabs a cheeseburger and finishes it pretty fast. She then blinks up, "Oh, hey Raven. Hope you are feeling better." She nods her head, "That whole thing...just that thing. Just hope you are doing well." She nods and gives Raven a smile she can't see but she's giving it anyway. She then turns to look back at Terry with a smile before she hmms, "Well, while it is all great we are meeting new people and such, I kinda wanna stretch out and get some flying in."

Naomi walks around the couch, then slaps her hands together before she lifts off the ground and light literaly arcs and moves around her, twisting into weird geometric patterns as her body is wrapped in her new armor in a flash of light. She lands briefly, grabs a couple more cheeseburgers and then nods, "Good to meet you, Wally. I got class tomorrow so if I don't fly now, I won't get to before bed." She then waves at Terry and Kate before nodding to Donna, "Thanks for the training, see you all later." And then she is...flying into the wall for a moment and lets out an oof, "Uh...that was meant to be..." She then shrugs, "Umm, see you!" And then she flies up and out...only hitting one more wall on the way out. A moment later, a sonic boom.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven's attention lingers on Donna whens he enters- but nothing more, for the moment. Instead, she goes about making her coffee.

    Wally's caution is appreciated. Teleporting speedsters against their will is always tricky, especially the more capricious they are. She's used to Wally's brand of capricious, but at the same time, she's rusty in that regard. No need to test it.

    Instead, she plucks up a pot, quite literally conjuring water into the pot- which, then, begins to steam and heat itself without her having to do much of anything... Other than all of the magic involved in creating water and boiling it.

    Either way, this long-spouted pot ends up being the base for the coffee. Tipping it lightly, Raven goes about pouring in this -meticulous- manner, once she's added the ground beans into the filter set atop the Chemex.

    "For all the noise, I would kindly ask you to stop tapping your foot." The hands, apparently, are fine. "It is the best stuff, 'Vorpal.'" she comments, then, pouring herself the cup she'd just spent so much time preparing. She takes a sip, then, adding nothing to the coffee, and seemingly not minding the heat.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Wally, that would be awesome- give me the contact when you can! Oh, you can call me Terry. I don't look like a cat ninety percent of the time and, hey, you're a fellow ginger so I know you're trustworthy." Nobody introduce him to Poison Ivy.

He looks at Kate and hmms. "Hawkybug, I'd love to take you up on that but you know how I feel about other people's money... besides, I /am/ already full of holes, see?" he suddenly plunges a hand into his chest where a Rabbit Hole opens up, and his hand emerges in the air next to Kate. Unless she is too fast he will, effectively, boop her nose. He then withdraws the hand and the holes close up. "I've been practicing," he says, grinning. When Kate turns a narrow look on him, he raises his hands, "Harley Quinn... befoooore you say anything, I know you two had a tussle. She's on the reform and she's not killing anyone anymore- Power Girl is keeping her eye on her, and she's living with my cousin. Trust me..." and she's also teaching him how to fight.

He sniffs the air as Raven prepares her coffee- appreciating his enhanced senses- and he lets out an appreciative hum. "That smells like the best stuff... you have to tell me where to find this. I swear, if I serve this to Miss Lane in the morning, she might promote me."

As Naomi heads out, he grins and waves to her. And then he winces when she hits the first wall. "You okay there Na-" thurd. Ow. Wince. Once she manages to actually depart, the Cheshire cat stares after her for a few seconds, and then turns to his team-mates and says "That's gotta leave a mark..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Take care out there Naomi!" Donna says to her as she leaves. Then, after she leaves she adds "Maybe I should have been giving her flight training rather than fight training."

    Donna gives a smile and small shake of the head as she returns her attention to the others. "Neat trick Vorpal. You could give someone a really nasty surprise that way if they try shooting you. There are some pretty good fabrication facilities in the tower. And speak to Caitlin. Normally I'd have said Nightwing, but she's around more. I'm not sure what state the Titans Trust is in now, whether there's money to help you with a costume or not. I guess that's one of the things we're going to have to work out. Kate shouldn't have to fund it out of her own pockets, though. Oh, and don't bother asking Rae to try her coffee. She made it clear years ago that it is far too good for us mere mortals." She flashes Raven a broad grin.

    Donna looks back to Wally with a grin. "It's good to have you back then, Wally. I'm glad you're sticking around. But..." She takes a deep breath and starts speaking rapidly."Confession time: basically everything I told you guys about me isn't true because I wasn't allowed to tell you all the truth back then but I am now my name isn't really Donna Troy Troia is my real name not my code-name I'm not really a paladin of the mystical Knights of Ilium because I made that up and I'm not really Greek exactly I'm an Amazon."

    Donna exhales slowly, glad to have got all that out there in one grand run-on sentence, and leans back into the sofa distinctly more relaxed.

    "Oh. And Wonder Woman is my sister," she adds.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate isn't really expecting it so she isn't fast enough to stop the boop to the snoot there, but she is quite fast enough to give his hand a slap on the pull back. "Sonofa.. " she blinks and rubs her nose scrunching it all up now.

"Despite that... and your incredibly questionable taste in friends evidently.. I am still willing to get you the armorweave and you can deal with the manfucturing. I still don't want to see you full of bulletholes" she stresses bullet. "Maybe arrow holes though."

She frowns a bit still though. "She literally smashed a russian gangsters head and made it pop like a watermelon Te...vorpal. Right in front of me and threatened to kill me. I am not sure that counts as a tussle. She is bonkers nuts and good for her trying to go straight and narrow but... fuck sakes." yeah Kate swore, she usually doesn't swear like that but now she looks irritated as she pulls her phone out with one hand and checks it.

Wally West has posed:
"Terry, then," Wally says, waving after Naomi. "I'll get you his card." Blink. Card is there. Tucked into Terry's hand. "Nice to hear that Harley's trying to reform," he adds. "She's generally best when she's not involved with the clown I once tried to bring in on tax evasion charges. The IRS wouldn't go for it. They didn't want to be responsible for him.

He does try to stop tapping his feet. Raven's tolerance is limited, and he doesn't want to upset her his first day back. "Sorry," he says. "Speedster's gonna twitch, you know?

"Good to be back, Donna. I'm technically with the League, too, but, I mean, they're not exactly a going concern these days. Just, you know, world shattering problems. So maybe semi-annual commitments. And really, you can see the family resemblance." Changing topics with the speed of everything else he does. "I thought the Amazons were Greek anyway. More or less."

There's a beep from somewhere near his neck. He pulls his cowl up and taps one of the little gold lightning bolts resting against his ear. Nod, nod, quick nod. Right. "And... that was the Keystone cops," he says with a sigh. "Mirror Master has threatened to transplant the city to the mirror dimension if he doesn't get twenty billion dollars. Time to break out the Twinkies again." He's up before anybody can see him move. "Gotta run, guys, but I'll be around. And if you need me, just call."

And that's it. He's gone.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    "I will allow you to purchase some, Terry." As if she's the arbiter of who gets to buy this brand of coffee. Honestly, there are more outlandish ideas.

    "You may not, however, have any of mine. It would kill you." she states, taking another quiet sip. "I am altogether merciful." There's another sip, of course, after she finishes that. Of course, Donna practically vomits the whole of her self-history, retconning Wally's memory in an altogether merciless fashion.

    "Some of it wasn't a lie. Some bits and pieces, here and there." Raven chides, locking eyes with Donna for a few moments and then turning her attention to Kate, who gets an acknowledging lift of her mug.

    Momentarily, Raven is enthralled by Naomi. "Like a bee bashing itself ungracefully against a flower. We need to... Fix that."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry looks at the card in his hands, and glances up- just in time not to miss the scarlet blur heading out. He stares a few seconds, and then whistles. "Man, it's like being in the presence of a hummingbird that drank a gallon of Red Bull. Does he ever, you know, slow down even for a second?" He had never been in the presence of a speedster, and so the entire experience was new. "Whatever poor girl he's dating probably has tranq darts on hand for date night." And he thought Gar could be hyperactive at times.

He turns to Kate, and says "Well, imagine livint with the murderclown in your head for god knows how long and then trying to go cold turkey, Hawky. Donna's sister believes she's earnest. And she's got that lasso of truth..." he pauses, and then looks at Donna with a sly grin, "Say, do you think I could ever borrow that lasso one of those days? It could save me sooo much trouble in some interviews."

He stands up and goes to fetch himself one of the snacky shakes, and nods his head to Raven. "I appreciate that, Raven." Because he very much believes Raven could bar him from her favorite coffee source if she so chose to do so. Anyone who has a hundred-storey tall demon inside her is capable of a lot...

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna watches Wally leave, slightly nonplussed. That's Wally," she announces. "He does not slow down, Terry. Ever. I mean I you already knew his name, but the whole sudden vanishing act thing. As well as the sudden appearing act thing. That's Wally. And you'll have to ask Diana if you want to borrow her lasso."

    Donna puffs her cheeks out. "Kate, the question of evil is a complicated one. Sometimes evil is in someone's heart. Sometimes it is only in their mind. Sometimes it is an outside influence. If one who has done evil in the past truly now wishes to do good, does it make sense to stop them from doing good for the sake of punishing them for crimes they have already repented?"

    She reaches out for the coke she'd poured herself, still sitting on the tray, and settles back with it comfortably. "If this Harlequin that Terry has met has truly repented for what she has done and wishes to make the world a better place, we should not seek to stop her."

    Raven gets a 'not helping' look from Donna. "I tried to tell you all the closest thing I could to the truth, but they were still lies. It hurt me telling you those lies, and it's a relief that I can now tell the truth. I'm just glad most of you have taken it well. I think Kori was the most hurt. She asked me if I still considered her a friend."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"This was like a month and a half ago and she did it so she could get a rocket launcher and a bunch of explosives to use in Metropolis." she doesn't even bother looking up from her phone at Terry and Donna at this point.

"I'll wait to see her do something redeemable or do some sort of repariations to all the people she murdered over the years, until then I am surely not going to be considering her a hero. Hell even then I probably won't consider her a hero but more likely someone who has tried to make right and I constantly hope doesn't have a murderous relapse." she finally looks up from her phone. "Evil is in ones actions. Can people redeem themselves. Sure. They need to do something though, not just words, but deeds." then she is sliding to her feet grabbing her bow and seems intent on walking to the residential suites.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Terry watches Kate walk towards the residentials. He doesn't move to stop her- the archer clearly holds a very strong opinion... and he can't blame her for it. He frowns for a second as he sips his water. "Am I more inclined to give Harley the benefit of the doubt because I see myself in her?" he thinks out loud, looking at Donna. "In the brief time I've been this, I can feel it. The residue of that other place, little edges of madness occasionally trying to get closer to center. It's a stray thought, a voice, a mental image. But they go away and grow quiet when I use my powers, isn't that funny?" he says, setting down the glass and smiles. "I wonder what would happen if I /didn't/ use them, and the edges got closer and closer and tighter and tighter. What would I be? Would I be like Harley?" he reaches over and grabs a paper towel, and dabs at his lips.

"Funny thing is, I don't get any of that when I'm human. Say..." he looks down at his body, and at the fur, "I guess now I find out something I've been wondering about- if the tower showers are equipped to deal with fur. This should be very educational."

He pushes off from the counter and stretches, "So... Cyborg should be coming to the tower soon, if the disguised guilt trip I laid on him works at all. Then you'll only have one more person to repeat your confession to!" he gives Donna a grin, starting to head over to the elevator so he can take a shower.