16712/Capital D, Capital H...

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Capital D, Capital H...
Date of Scene: 30 December 2023
Location: Bronx
Synopsis: A group of random passerby encounter the Freelance Peacekeeping Agent Death's Head! The ensuing conversation is strange, even by New York standards.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Sma'shaw Ihaka, Olivia Gaudin, Frank Noble

Emma Frost has posed:
It's a busy day. The period between Christmas and New Year's when everyone is rushing to get from one holiday to the next and all the scurrying needed in between. It's later in the eve, but there's still wall to wall traffic and people. One of the subways in the area was running late, and there's a cascading effect of backup proceeding like dominos.
    Into this rather irritable mess of New Yorkers in the midst of all this stuck traffic, there's a bright, flashing light. A very, very big light. A light higher than the entryways to nearby buildings. A spiraling light in a wide diameter. Slightly less than two stories tall. Warping, stinking of ozone. Flashing blue.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
It was probably a good thing that Sma'shaw didn't take the Tornado. The streets were completely grid locked, and he would've been pissed as hell to be stuck in New York traffic on the -holidays-. Though even the subways were starting to feel the Crimbo slam. Frankly, he was just glad he had a good long-sprint routine under his belt, and the endurance to keep up with it. That was small comfort for sudden blaring light stabbing into his eyes, however! "OI!! Who tha' HELL is shoinin' tha' STUPID loight! God damn tykes n' their drones!!" The hyena mutate barked out, likely startling most of the people around him and scattering more with his visage as he shielded his peeper.

Emma Frost has posed:
For whatever reason - call it fate, call it karma.. Whatever greater power there might be having a sense of warped humor.. The mutant hyena is in for a spate of ill luck. On the good side, the light stops after a few moments with some final flashing. It's gone. But right over in front of him now is something bulky and metal. Maybe he just turned around and is facing in another direction? No, nothing on the street. Like a boot!
    A boot belonging to a very, very big thing. Well, moreso robot. A very, very big robot. A more than ten meters tall robot.
    "Talking to me, yes?"
    Worse news, the large robot was speaking to him directly.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
"MOI EYES!" He shouted, followed by a LONG string of expletives as his vision began to trickle back to him, his eyes fluttering and blinking as he looked towards the source of the voice. Then he looked up. And up. And uuuup. His ears flattened back, snout-lips pulling back with a BIG amount of discomfort. Damn, maybe he didn't look too bad, compared to this guy. But this guy was HUGE in comparison. And he realized this drongo was talking to -him-. -Hells-. "...Ah. Ahhhahah," He chuckled nervously, cleaning his throat. "Y-you? Nah, definitely not ah, tyke loik or nothin'. Must've been someone else further down tha' road." Sma'shaw spoke with a thick Australian accent and a LOT of anxiety.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    You know what is best about the holidays? Olivia would normally say it's the chance to show and feel appreciation. She was only down here to meet with her agent at a coffee shop. A light chat, giving gifts, talking about how things are going. Her gift to him: a well thought out keepsake showing her appreciation with a personal note. Plus a fancy pair of wine bottles to go with it. It was a great year! He landed her the chance for her dream job! His to her: a gift card to some fancy tailor or other that his assistant picked out for Olivia. Oh well, at least he was almost thinking of her.

    On the street, Liv is just in time to see... what is this? She's not far from the nifty new robot in town. You have to forgive her for not being more verbose. She is just remembering why she never wants to leave Manhattan again. Beyond the range of human hearing there is the most pitiful of whimpers of alarm. She doesn't even know she's doing it.

Emma Frost has posed:
The very, very big robot turns it's eyes (optics?) downwards at Sma'shaw, "And you were refering to me as a drone? SHould I then refer to you as a gob of protoplasmic goo farting neurochemical reactions and hormones then?" The robot seems to not particularly care as car alarms go off everywhere and people yell at even /more/ of a backup in traffic.
    Olivia's got a clear view of the two story or so tall Sentinel scale abomination. "And what planet is this?"

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan steps from the shadows, mildly haggard having been up fighting THE FORCES OF EVIL for the last 24 hours since the supernarual spring boarding of Frank pushing GM into a box has been pushing back....he says, (he's shouting in caps front wise in the comics but for trnalsation for our audicence only normal text will be used) "Greetings Citizen Robot. This is the Earth. I am Grenademan. You seem to be causing concern. What is your quest good sir/madame/other?"

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Initially bared his fangs in -rage- as he heard the clap back...until his face softened back into confusion. "Protopla...whot??" He crinkled his nose a little, thankfully not having to think about it too long as GRENADEMAN(trademark symbol) showed up to save this anxious night! Except...come to think of it, Sma'shaw didn't know who Grenademan was either, but the -moniker- alone was enough to inspire concern for his surroundings. "Yeeeah, ah, nah, mate, this is Earth. Think ye' moighta' gotten turned around a star or two. Doubt we got whot yer lookin' for...especially around 'ere." He tried oh so desperately to keep his cool, but this guy's size alone had him doubting how much his enhanced toughness was gonna help if he took a hit from THIS guy.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia sees this robot as someone who is lost. Perhaps a tourist? You know, there is no reason a visitor from afar cannot be a gigantic robot! They cannot all be gorgeous Kryptonians or demonic Brood. Sadly about the former and thank goodness on the latter.

    Liv needs to focus, though. How should one welcome someone from so very far away. Has the robot noticed her? She is very small, after all.

    She pauses in her greeting, though, since someone else is speaking. Who is that? Oh god the name. Grenade? She isn't sure about leaving a delicate situation to someone who is named after things that blow up. But the robot already has enough people talking to it. So she just loiters nearby, ready to run, but also trying to appear friendly. She is good at friendly.

Emma Frost has posed:
The huge robotic entity would grunt, "I asked for the name of the planet. I /know/ this is dirt. Low standards if one can't even say the name of the planet they're on, yes?" Speaking over derisively and dismissively. Then turning to Grenademan. "I'm causing no concern. If the little whatever it is blot has concerns, it's thier issue, not mine." The monstrocity would ever so cavalierly converse.
    There's an immense array of weaponry on the robot's back. Which it isn't bothering to grab. Yet it wasn't touching them. So yay?

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan blinks and looks from side to side to see if this is a Netflix comedy special re whose on First, so he tries again, "Whilst I conced ethe name is not original, it is the english latin translation for Gaia, ancient greek language for the mother creation of all; which in the local collqouial translates to Terra or more commonly known as Earth....and I see." He considers this. Not CARING isnt inherently evil, just waggling its eyebrows and twirling its mustache adn getting ready to jump in the pool party held by THE FORCES OF EVIL. "What, prey tell is YOUR concern good vitizen and how, besides nominal navigational clarificatoin might I be of assitance?"

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia was about to cut into this dance, as it were, but it seems that Grenademan (god help her) is going right along at a blistering pace. She looks to Sma'shaw. There is a doubletake. Please forgive her. It is just that there is a robot, and then there is another unique individual right here, too!

    "Oh, um, hello! I'm Olivia. Is this thing going to kill us? Shall we be running now?"

    She's not a fighter. She's not even much of a runner, truth be told. She's wearing high heels, after all. But at least she's able to seek common ground. Hopefully.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Sma'shaw was admittedly a liiiitttle thankful when Olivia stepped up to bat (not even really minding the usual shocked face at the sight of him), until he realized she wasn't much of a conversationalist either. Damn it. Right, time to steer this convo in the right place and hopefully convince Mr. Roboto here that this place was way too -boring- to stick around. "Ahhhh, yeah, nah, mate planet's literally called 'Earth'...at least an English. Oi can't take credit for tha' one, someone far less creative than me came up with it...koinda ironic since 70% is loik...wotah, you know, the blue n' clear stuff." Or was that the water composition of the body? Hell he didn't remember in the moment.

Emma Frost has posed:
The robot would point, "Thank you, inhabitant. Helpful, yes? Ask simple question, get quick response to inquiry. Your assistance is appreciated." The robot was.. Thanking him totally sincerely. That could possibly throw Sma'shaw and Olivia for a loop.
    "What's point of killing either of you? No value in it. Unless someone makes an offer. In which case would consider it."

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan is about to reply, and then does something subtle for him....dare one say unheard of? He shuts up. This person is neither observably yet part of THE FORCE OF GOOD or THE FORCES OF EVIL. So he watches and waits.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Well, if the giant weird robot is happy, Olivia is happy. Or something. Still, it is not saying a thing that is useful from her perspective.

    She cannot get distracted again. This thing is dangerous and not making its purpose clear. "My apologies. I am called Olivia. What is your name? I would be happy to assist. Well all would. But what is your purpose of coming here? Is there something or someone you are looking for?"

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Sma'shaw let out a breath of relief. You know what, being not worth killing wasn't so bad on a night like this. He honestly wanted to be back on the Landshark, sipping cocoa and baking cookies while the onboard vending machine makes him a pizza. "Yeah ahhhh...moi specialty is more aquatic navigation, but Oi do now how to get around this city, New York, pretty well. Whot exactly are you lookin' for, big fella?" The hyena lad perks a brow, clearing his throat as he relaxes.

Emma Frost has posed:
This being is on the forces of profit. Whatever pays enough. Or whomever pays enough. "Not supposed to be here. Free advise, never get a used pan galactic transit device. Would be seeking gainful employment for the time being but doubt this planet has anything of worth for payment. So no point, yes?"
    The huge robot pondering. "I've been rude, not introduced myself. Death's Head, Freelance Peacekeeping Agent." Upbeat name and job title!

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan has giant question marks above his head. The FORCES OF ORDER? (though that particular word causes a distrubance in his memory...something bad about it...) THE FORCES OF ...MOSTLY GOOD? Mercinaries exist in his world view but corporate speak and mercinary talk together cause confusion. if he is part of THE FORCES OF GOOD then he doesnt want to insult him. If he is a mercinary, then making sure he gets hired by an ethical agent would be ideal before someone from THE FORCES OF EVIL did so....tactically, he is about to open his mouth when he serendipitously determines that the other two are doing a bter job; perceiiving realityt for what it actually is....ish.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Peacekeeping agent! Well, that sounds wonderful. But he probably is one of those types who just kills everyone. A pity. He has no handcuffs in sight, after all.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Death's Head. I imagine we do not have anything of value, no. I am just a performer. I make music. Perhaps you are best off finding a better place, where you can get fair compensation for your work."

    She is not telling him to get lost! Honest! But what is she supposed to do, give him a pair of tickets and a backstage pass? The guy couldn't even get into the Gershwin!

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Clicks his tongue in feigned disappointment. "Aw, ye, real shame about that. Planet's not very advanced at all, probably won't find any pay suited to your needs or specifications." The Hyena mutant really, REALLY just needed the guy to go back to whatever helllish war world that produces things like -that-. Hopefully it was still capable of going back, because frankly he didn't quite like the robot's vibe very much...not one bit.

Emma Frost has posed:
Via the sheer amount of weaponry connected to him, the unit self-designated Death's Head can kill most things to death. Then bcak to life so they cn be blasted again. "No exotic technologies, exotic minerals, or currency valid on the intergalactic stage. Being hired requires being paid, yes. If no one has something with to pay, that causes an issue. And I don't like it when I'm not paid." The killer robot would note very sincerely. Then at Sma'shaw. "Correct. Soon as I can leave here, I'll be going. Not even worth testing the local singularities."

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan is slow on the uptake sometimes....but he is akin to THE FORCES OF SUBTLY. He looks from Olivia to Sma'shaw and manages considers carefully. He finally considers....if he wants to leave, "Good citizen, I believe there is a spaceport of some sort, THNT WAY" he points....The irnoy being that several of the materials in his armor look potentially replciable with a sufficent analysis of the moydic structure but if they want to make Earth seem like back water rubes instead of Galactus Snipers...so be it.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    This begs the question. "And what needs to be done to help you get on your way? As someone who works, I can understand that lost time is a serious issue. Who knows what opportunities you might be missing!"

    Olivia does not think too hard about the fact that she is trying to get a giant robot of total death to leave the planet by encouraging him to look for gainful employment. Does this count as saving the world? Or is this parenting? She also worries that a space port might indicate that the whole bluff of having no value here is a big fat lie.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Makes a bit of a face as he realizes this guy is going to be -stranded- here, unknowing and uncaring of the culture of this planet much less its people. This simply, would not do. But suddenly, a LIGHTBULB came alight in his mind! Of -course-, why didn't he think of this soon. "Well, ay, Oi'm feelin' like trading some free repairs back for tha' free advice y' gave. You still got that pan...pan galactic garg-...the transit doohickey? Oi can probably get it back up to workin' for at least one use if you're willin' to be flexible with your suspension of disbelief. Not loik y' got anywhere else to be roigh' now, ay?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Death's Head would glance at Olivia, "Access to local starport with willingness of local authorities, or merely interspatial teleporter which can send me to the nearest location iwth suitable facilities. Has to be one within a few thousand light years." And then he would go to take his hand over to his back, take out one of the very, very large multi-barreled guns on it and clip it onto his opposite arm. "Yes, I do." Weapon clicking as it would be ready to chamber photon charges.

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan is fascinated by this. A portable hyperspace generator small enough to fit in a weapon that size? He steos aside and eagely aits to see the vast technical and scientific knowledge Sma'shaw is about to display....

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    You know, Olivia usually covers herself with green body paint and pretends to talk to a guy with no brain eight times a week, so, from a certain point of view, this really isn't the weirdest thing she is going to do today.

    After considering her options, she says, "Yeah, well, I'm sure there is something like that hereabouts. Maybe you can hitch a ride to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension." Olivia loves that movie.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
OH boy. That was a BIG gun he just casually attached his arm, like the world's deadliest action figure. Sma'shaw cleared his throat, forming a steeple with his hands. "Excellent! Feel free to pull that used transit thing out, and I'll take a whack it with m' wrench! Feel free to keep a hold of it, if you wish, whoile Oi work m' magic! Implausible as it sounds, Oi can help get it back to a workin' state well enough for the round trip, at least." The Hyena pulls the wrench on his hip free, giving it a confident flip and catch, grinning a bit wider!

Emma Frost has posed:
Death's Head slowly twists over to face in the direction of Sma'shaw, "Offer /appreciated/, but declined." The weapon arm is then withdrawn and put over on Death's Head back once more. Then grunting at Olivia. "If that comes up, will take it. But depends on parallel dimension. Always be specific on that. Some can be quite nasty, yes?" That implied a.. Probably best not to ask. Probably too weird. "But, suggestion taken." With that, the huge robot freelance peacekeeping agent would just start to walk along through the streets, at least not stepping on cars or New Yorkers lollygagging

Frank Noble has posed:
Grenademan listens to this and finally a tiny sliver of Frank comes to the forefront. This has not happened before and it disconcerts Greadmenan immesnely. Wacking a piece of hypersensitive technology....with a WRENCH? If this is some form of technomagic so beig but better to have a backup plan. Some of the armament present operates on principles he can at least theoretically understand. He atches closely and the talk of paraleell dimensions makes Grenademan distracted momentarily as he pounts against the walls of his memory gap searching for...SOEMTHING. And JUST as the scientic part of his brain is about to finally offer to pay the dingo in Vorsoric Plasma coolant for that nasty blue gun there....it works. They managed to make him walk away. Gremadneman Salutes, "Excellent work!" To the other two.

Olivia Gaudin has posed:
    Olivia watches the robot of death walk away. She has to ask, "Should we just let him go?" He doesn't even have a map! She is a good New Yorker, though, and will finally just turn away. "I'm going to go to work," she mutters. No point in getting a cab here, though. Traffic is a mess!

    She stops and looks at Grenademan and then to Sma'shaw. "I.... well. Let's just say have a great day, and hopefully this all just kind of blows over." Iron Man can fix this! Or the Fantastic Four! Or Hulk. Actually, no. Not Hulk. An undestroyed New York is preferred.

Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Stood there, utterly baffled, floored even, that this guy could've had his doohickey fixed and just...didn't. Maybe it was a culture thing? But the bot seemed way too pragmatic for that. Exasperated with this sequence of events, Sma'shaw holsters his wrench with a huff. "Ye, nah, hell with this. Oi'm gonn get a buncha froied chicken n' pizza and haul it back to m' home. Man...-New York-." The Hyena huffs, pulling out a smartphone to start punching in some pick-up orders for the trip back.

Emma Frost has posed:
In the distance, there's some yelling that's recognizable as the robot, swearing about some Englishman with a.. Scarf? Then more flashing, people yelling about a blue teleporting phone booth, more flashing, and even the three of them could hear the -BHVOOT BHVOOT BHVOOT- sound echoing along.. And today would no doubt go on that ledger that every New York person had of things to never, ever be brought up again.