17653/Through A Mirror Darkly: The Mutant Liberation Front

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Through A Mirror Darkly: The Mutant Liberation Front
Date of Scene: 27 April 2024
Location: Festival Grounds -- Omaha
Synopsis: The Mutant Liberation Front makes their appearance at a music festival in Omaha, Nebraska as an assortment of mutants are on site to intervene, drawn by rumors of likely trouble.
Cast of Characters: Cable, Tabitha Smith, Negasonic, Neena Thurman, Bishop
Tinyplot: Through a Mirror Darkly

Cable has posed:
As a general rule, Omaha, Nebraska is not the sort of place that would necessarily bring in a whole host of attention from those outside the state. But a popular musical festival has insured that there is plenty of attention focused on this Midwestern city. Though not entirely for the right reasons necessarily.

The weather has recently improved enough to make the outdoor festival grounds a reasonably pleasant place to be and while the sky overhead might be overcast and slowly darkening as the hour steadily advances towards the twilight, rain has blessedly stayed away. At least it's a blessing for those eager to be in attendance.

What storm clouds there might be hanging in the air are more of the metaphorical sort, largely brought about by the headliner, one Jared Banks, a popular performer. And a rabid anti-mutant activist. It has insured plenty of coverage for this particular concert venue on this weekend, not all of it welcome, and a number of news vans are parked around the peremeter of the venue, reporters joining the throng of fans in attendance.

With the darkening skies, powerful floodlights have sprung to life, draping the open air venue in their illumination, though the center of attention is still very much the stage at one end of the field. At the moment the stage crew is just finishing setting up for the next and final performance of the night and speakers blare, pumping out music in the interim as the crowd flows and circulates, taking advantage of the brief lull before the next performance starts.

Not everyone present is necessarily here to see the show on this evening however. Some have another purpose here entirely. And likely would not be terribly welcome by much of the crowd if they realized just who -- or rather what -- they actually are.

While it can sometimes skirt something of a morally grey line, there are certain advantages in walking and operating in the underworld, in trafficking in sometimes shady merceneray activities. It tends to give one a unique set of contacts, individuals who have access to information that might go unnoticed by more conventional sources. Individuals that might have tipped off the fact that 'something' would likely happen at a certain music festival.

Scant on details as it might be, it is still enough to draw Cable's attention, to encourage him to share with a few select parties. To be in a position to watch, to intervene if necessary.

So the grizzled mutant soldier from the future moves through the crowd, the hooded sweatshirt he wears drawn up over his head, leaving his features sheathed in shady and covering that most unusual of metal arms, a case casually slung over his shoulder. It's not the sort of thing that he could have gotten past security -- not with what it contains -- but then teleporation technology insures that he didn't exactly pay for a ticket to get in here in the first place.

Reaching up and tapping the headset at his ear, he murmurs over the mic. "Sound off," he instructs.

Sure, telepathy is more reliable. But it's good to have a backup. And he does seem to avoid using that particular ability of his whenever possible.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Undercover at a concert. One for well, racism.

But it's probably easier for Tabitha to blend into the crowd.

Ripped, extra tight old Levi's. Red chucks. Matching spiky leather belt, collar, and wrist cuffs. Some wayfarer style shades with red frames and yellow lenses. And het long mane of hair in high pigtails.

Her top is a stolen FoH tee, cropped by hand with hints of a second underneath it. It's a DAZZLER top, merch for one of her BFFs because if she let the bigotry touch sensitive skin she's never get out of the shower.

With the sound off, Tabby keeps up with the noise over the top. The mind link can come if need be, right now she's struggling a bit with the sheer amount of anti-mutant vitriol hitting her brain.

<<I'm gonna go play in the mosh pit. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. So I'm gonna dish it back up. Also hope you went to the bathroom before you came guys. That line might be a little extra long.>> So she might have psychically nudged more than a few psychic brown notes. If she's gonna feel queasy, so can they.

Negasonic has posed:
What Negasonic might lack in grace, charm, and diplomacy, she made up for in knowing the darker sides of the internet well. Which gave her an insight as to what might be going on here at this festival. And really... what little information that she could glean on forums and boards had her worried enough to want to come along on this little factfinding soiree.

Plus, she really did blend in with the crowd.

And she was going ultra-edgy for this trip.

She was letting her hair grow out, but only in the middle, a baby mohawk starting to be seen, which she had dyed bleach blonde. Her nose ring was in, black eyeliner, and enough piercings to make people wonder when the next Hellraiser remake was coming out. Long trench coat, gloves, big stompy boots, artfully torn band t-shirt and leather pants.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead had a groupchat going for those that hated the mindlink.

No one *really* wanted in her mind, anyway.

<<Yeah, well. Just piss your pants if you got to. Half these people already have that smell anyways.>> thinks Negasonic into the mindlink, with an extra gloomy vibe to her thoughts. Tabby was going to play in the mosh pit? She was going to try to get a good view of the stage.

Neena Thurman has posed:
People and noise and an underlying threat of whatever, it's a situation ripe with distractions all while the visiting team doesn't yet know who or what their targets of the evening might be. It may just be another moment in their lives, though Domino can say she's been in more favorable situations.

With the music festival in full swing the albino operator has opted for the high ground, positioned within some nearby scaffolding with a compact scoped rifle outfitted with a suppressor. Fire support has always been one of her callings and if anyone tries to flee the scene before the team might happen to be done with them, they'll also have to get past overwatch.

"High and dry" she reports in over comms. "On your eleven, visibility clear."

With only her face and the tips of her fingers escaping a fully blacked out uniform one would have to look extra hard to see her up there. She does so love having an unfair advantage.

Bishop has posed:
Considering the volitale combo of the subject matter, the people in attendance, current events, size of the venue and popularity and message of the performer...it's no surprise that security is tight and security guards present and stationed throughout the various critical points of concern necessary for managing an affair such as this.

One such guard observes the backstage happenings as prep for the next performance continues apace, watching with narrowed eyes and a sharp intense focus on all happening around him, though, perhaps this guard is an extra hand that doesn't truly belong here. However, considering the combo of the way he fills out his 'borrowed' security outfit and venue tee-tee shirt with his size and the stoic, stern and unamused expression he's more then practiced in maintaining none have questioned him, it was fairly easy to slip in and simply become one of the hired hands and to not be singled out as not belonging

<<IBishop here... I'm backstage watching the setup for the next performance. Nothing unusual to report. Yet.....>> rumbles his deep voice into the commlink in answer to his fellow time travelers command.

The large man exchanges glance with another security guard who notices him but when Bishop glances his way the guard quickly moves off, content to mind his business versus engage in a staredown with the XSE officer.

Bishop sighs and just shakes his head, frowning and begining another prowling walk to continue a survey of the backstage area.

Cable has posed:
Being in the midst of tightly-packed humanity is rather condusive to a pleasant sensory experience, though it might be a little worse then normal in this particular instance, given the nature of so many of those present.

Still, hopefully Tabitha doesn't lay too hard into that psychic brown note. At least not until they are ready to body slide out of here. Even given growing up in a post apocalyptic future, there are some things that Cable would just as soon avoid.

"Keep your heads up and eyes open. My usual informats were just emphatic enough that 'something' was going to happen, but remarkably short on details," Cable says flatly over the comms. Enough so that he has at least a little suspicion that all of this is some sort of trap. Or at least that there is something more going on here then meets the eye.

Maybe that's a little paranoid. But decades of fighting for his life have given him pretty finely honed senses when it comes to that kind of thing.

Up on stage, the crew is very nearly done their setup, the band's equipment in place and hooked up where needed. As they start to hustle off stage, the noise of the crowd begins to build, louder and louder as the band begins to filter onto stage, finally rising up to a crescendo when Jared Banks himself appears, a rather ratty looking man in truth.

Or maybe that's just understandable bias.

Making his way towards the mic, Banks throws his hands over his head, fingers clenched in fists. "Good evening Omaha! I am so glad to see so many good, decent, -human- fans in the audience tonight. It's you who make all of this worthwhile. Your support. Your belief. So get ready to make some noise!" he calls out.

As those up on the stage all settle in, the first notes of the set begin to ring out into the air, the lights going through their programmed excess, blanketting the stage in a multi-colored hue as pyro begins to go off all around the stage.

In the midst of that kind of spectacle, it would almost be possible to miss the sudden brightening in the air above the stage. At least at first. But hte faintly whirling circle of light grows in intensity, faster and faster, spinning wildly.

Eyes turn upward and the crowd goes crazy for this new show, not even noticing at first that the music is starting to trail off, and while the crowd might be entranced, thinking that this is just another part of the show, those up on stage look confused, looking amongst themselves with frowns and furrowed brows, Jared Banks even stepping away from the mic to yell at someone just off stage.

It doesn't take a lipreader to tell that he is asking just what the heck is going on.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The mosh pit affords Tabitha closer view of the stage itself. And an extra chance to accidentally on purpose get a few licks in herself. Jumping back and forth, the occasional elbow or headbutt.

It takes skill to do all that and keep her tinted shades on her nose. But she has been training off and on since se was a teenager.

When things get rolling, and the music starts Tabby follows everyone's eyes up into the sky. Likely the rest of the team know as well. Tabby's psi sweeping trying to discern and filter for the hatred she's looking for alleged hatred for Humans.

<<I'd hardly call what we're doing unusual. Ain't no one gonna be appreciative if we gotta save them here. If we gotta fight with powers the crowds probably gonna take potshots. This is Nebraska. Bet this shithole's got some open and conceal carry shit. Boss could wear a tank top, say Mutie Genescum did it to him. And he'd be on stage in an instant.>>

It might be a rant but how much is true.

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie's own eyes track with the crowd going upwards, Ellie taking a step away, bumping into some guy in the crowd. She gives him a sharp look. She decides to use the comms, bringing her hand up all cool to tap the side of her ear. "Yeah. You guys see that?" she says.

"Doesn't look like it was planned by these people. Brotherhood?" she asks.

<<Yeah, well, I don't want to get shot.>> mindlinks Ellie to Tabitha at that point.

Neena Thurman has posed:
"How frickin' convenient" Domino monotones back to Cable. "Who needs mission critical details, anyway."

The rise in anticipation from the crowd hits like a physical force, already serving as a reminder to keep her breaths steady and her pulse level. Energy has a habit of carrying, regardless of its form. Ignore the crowd, tonight it's just her team and a trigger.

As Banks takes the stage an undetectable red glow of a chevron reticle draws itself to his forehead, the pale lady behind the trigger wondering what might happen if she chose to roll those particular dice. They aren't here to silence the performer, but when an opportunity presents itself...

Tempting. But unprofessional. The little slimeball gets to live for a while longer.

The unexpected glow might play a part in her decision not to jump the gun. There's something bigger in play, something which led to Cable rounding up an entire team for on nothing but a hunch. Now... Well, she has more questions than answers.

"The hell?" is her eloquently worded initial reaction. "Is...that...a portal? Portals do that, don't they?"

Whatever it is it's now staring down something in the thirty caliber range with a disengaged safety. "Unexplained hypno-disc is covered. On the bright side, there's about to be a big enough stampede that they'll be far more likely to take down their fellow haters if they draw iron. Whup -- sorry, that was my out loud voice."

Not that she sounds remotely apologetic.

Bishop has posed:
Being this close to the performance is potentially deafening and more then a little problematic in more ways then one...but as most of the security detail withdraw to give the performance space and due, Bishop folds his arms and maintains his general position to watch and listen as the music begins to kick in and the ramp up of the crowds anticipation begins to reach its apex. A combo of his mutant gifts and his XSE training may have something to do with aiding him in withstanding the buffer of force and sound against him but he's hardly enjoying it...and eventually he begins to prepare to pull back to a better distance.

That is until the light show begins. From his vantage point he can see the confusion of the stage hands and the band members and instinct kicks in right away. This could be -anything- but if it's the worst case scenario--

<Cable. The stage!>> barks Bishop, as he charges forward, starting with a powerful leap and then a sprint, intending to burst past the stunned stage hands and confused security and to get right onto the stage itself before whatever it is that's forming finishes forming. if it -is- what he -thinks- it might be...he's the one best suited to act first, assuming he makes it in time, reaching up with his arms as he draws near to try and shove Banks out of the way and get in front of him and the other band members.

Cable has posed:
Seconds pass, with the crowd still shouting and pointing, only a few noticing how the music died away, just how upset Jared Banks appears to be and the confusion amongst the crew as they rush about, looking for the source of that airborn disturbance above.

That swirling vortex of light grows in intensity, enough so that it is difficult to look at and those on the ground below finally begin to clue in that this isn't just another part of the show, glancing away, covering their eyes from that painfully intense light.

A portal does seem to be a good bet. It certainly has most of the hallmarks at any rate but before Cable can offer his two cents on it, the whole thing becomes moot.

Abruptly that swirling vortex of light stablilizes, stops spinning and becomes a more or less stationary circle hovering in midair, about fifteen feet above the stage.

Then the first figure passes through. It seems a safe bet that he is definitely not with the band. A muscual humanoid figure draped head to toe in white concealing any features, the only thing disrupting the starkness of that outfit is a pair of black circles -- one on his chest and one of his forehead. He simply hovers there above, head turning as if surveying the crowd. Then he gives a nod of apparent satisfaction and the portal behind him flickers.

The flickering comes right in time with the second figure emerging, looking every bit as incongruous as the first. A huge man, dressed in nothing more then a muwashi -- the traditional loincloth of a sumo wrestler -- the mammoth of a man simply leaps from that portal and plunges downward to the stage.

As huge as the man is, the result is still surprising. As he hits, the stage buckles and collapses, the band members that were trying to scamper away flug back towards the point of the impact, screaming and sliding down into the sudden pit opened up all around them, instruments and equipment sliding down right along with them.

The impact has an even larger effect though, the shockwaves radiating outward, sending a shiver through all the metal scaffolding around the stage that supports the light standards and pyro emplacements, metal bars buckling, bending and then beginning to collapse, sending the whole thing collapsing towards the crowd surrounding the stage as those screams begin to spread.

Up above, the hovering figure simply looks on, those nearly blank features impassive at the growing panic and destruction below.

"I would say it's a safe bet that is our 'something'" Cable says over the comms, the line of his mouth settling into a fine line. "I see it," he replies to Bishop, glaring at both the portal and the figure who has positioned himself just outside of it, hovering fifteen feet above.

But before he can do or say anything else, that scaffolding begins to collapse and Cable flings out a hand instinctively, brow furrowing with strain as he does what he can to telekinetically hold that structure in place.

"I approve of their distaste in music, but I think we might have to do something about their methods," the grizzled future soldier suggests, voice beginning to strain just a little.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's kind of difficult to hear comms chatter, but once they stop having to worry about finding anyone, and everyone else about to start fleeing, Tabby can then set up the mind link proper as Negasonic beams out.

Noise cancelling at it's most mid.

She still has to filter the change in moods from mostly hatred, to hatred and actual fear.

"Don't think they'll be Dazzler fans either." Boom-Boom actually is and when she has to try and not get stampeded by moshers that do not want to be mosting, she sneaks the change to tear the Friends of Humanity top away, letting the pink Dazzler tank top and sports bra be seen.

She maybe kind of wants to throw a bomb into the portal. But that almost never works. Or worse backfires and the portal brings in things from worse places.

Seeing Bishop on stage, as it starts buckling gets a wince as she squeezes past concert going bigots to get to the barricades and railings.

<<So glad they didn't also put up chicken wire.>>

The guy coming through trips a few memories. <<Hey, do we know this guy? Feels like he's ringing a few bells.>>

Negasonic has posed:
<<I think that it's a problem either way,>> comes Negasonic's thinking. She starts to push through the crowd towards the stage.

She probably wasn't the only one with that idea, though, being bumped by people fleeing the stage, to being bumped forward towards the stage, her mouth mubling curses as she goes.

A creaking from the stage draws her eyes. "Get away from the stage!" she tells people. "Looks like it's going to collapse!"

Neena Thurman has posed:
The plan is to keep eyes and sights on target but before the floating disc of light reaches its grand finale she has to pinch her eyes shut and lean away from the optics with a hissed curse. (Not worth the retinal damage, Dom!)

The disc stabilizes and two forms step through, the first seeming every bit the Big Bad while the second screams 'less popular henchdude' who makes short work of the stage. And the scaffolding. With shockwaves spreading away from the stage...

Domino's perch begins to rattle and sway, prompting another subtle swear as she latches on and hopes it doesn't start collapsing like the center stage one is. Yikes!

"Get the people out of here before this turns into a massacre" she comms in, which Negasonic is already in the process of. It's darn fortunate the festival was held outside, no need for crowded exits. Just pick a direction and start running. Less hassle for all!

"Do we know who these jokers are? Follow-up, we planning a fireside chat or a beat-down?" she inquires while setting her sights onto the little black circle on the first guy's forehead. Such an inviting target, that circle... It's almost like the guy's asking for it.

Bishop has posed:
Bishops first thought was indeed that it could be a portal opening. However, his second assumption was that it also might have been a building explosion or the wonderful combo of a portal from which an explosion or blast might emerge from. Either way, his goal to get to the stage to - not so gently - shove the lead singer aside to take whatever hit was incoming was not rewarded as he the impact of the monstrous Sumo takes place right as he hears Cable's response and before he himself has a chance to regain his footing or reach any of the band members.

The kinetic force of the shockwave rolls into him and his gifts kick in right away, drawing in the wild concussive force unleashed by the giant and shielding anyone in his immediate area or right behind him from the worst of it as the force wave charges him up and sets his eyes alight with building power.

The stage, however, he can't do too much about and before he can discharge an attack back at the giant, ir bursts asunder sending him tumbling down with band members and equipment into the opened pit, grunting roughly as the speakers and shorn power cables and shattered instruments crash about him and the shocked cries of the terrified band members fill his ears.

He grits his teeth, stunned as he lays on among the rubble, silent for a moment, before slowly sitting back up.

<<Yes..>> he responds in a deadpan tone to Cable's remark about their dislike of the music, <<....Yes....I think I picked up on that...>>

As the others spring into action, he begins to pull up to his feet, looking for the giant mutant and also up towards the hovering figure.

Cable has posed:
"They're both destinctive enough, I'll give them that," Cable offers back to Tabitha, voice straining ever so slightly still, that mass of twisted metal bars that make up the scaffolding continuing to tilt precariously, slowed but not entirely stopped by Cable's telekinetic hold. One can only defy physics so much afterall, at least without fulling cutting loose and beneath that hooded sweatshirt the edge of the metal that seems to crawl up his arm roils a bit, straining at the hold of his psychic gifts that hold it at bay.

Panic is definitely setting in now and even without Negasonic and Tabitha's encouragement it is likely that the crowd would start to do as instructed and get the hell out of Dodge. Not that it is entirely easy of course and despite Cable's efforts, he can't hold back at all the debris that starts to fall as the scaffolding tilts further and further outward above the crowd. While it might not simply collapse on them thanks to his efforts, shattered metal bars and heavy performance lights begin to drop, little airborn missiles to rain down destruction below on anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in the way.

No further destruction is really necessary in the case of the stage itself, looking very much like a bomb was dropped right in the middle of it. What remains tilts inward precariously, a huge crater at the center of it where the equipment, instruments, the band and Bishop have all be draw into the gapping hole caused the the plummetting Sumo wrestler.

While the figure hovering above does indeed seem to have targets on both his head and chest, soon he is not the only target in the sky as the portal begins to flicker once more, four times in rapid sequence. First through is a dark skinned woman in what appears to be golden armor, soaring through the air rather casually. A smirk slides across her expression and she motions with her hand. Down below, all the fleeing concert goers suddenly seem to slow down dramatically, that rush to safety slowed to a snails pace as if they are trying to run through air that is suddenly semi-solid.

Either way, it leaves a whole lot of people trapped in the danger zone, though as one of those lights plummets downward, it suddenly seems to dramatically slow as well as it gets closer to the ground, though instead of nearly standing still it just begins to fall at a much slower but still discernable rate.

The secoond figure is another flying woman, this one a redhead in gold and black who soars through and directs her gaze towards that scaffolding. Almost at once the twisted metal bars that make up the structure begin to glow a bright red. And then they begin to dissolve, melting clean away and beginning to rain down molten steel on anyone unfortunate enough to be caught below.

The third figure that emerges from the rift does not appear to fly. Another large man like the first one who dropped to the stage, he features two sets of powerful, muscual arms and as he lands amongst the wreckage, he simply slides down into the pit after everyone trapped down there below.

The last item to come through is not a figure at all. Instead it is a floating half-dome metal device that hovers beside the inscrutable figure in white. When it suddenly pwoers up a tall, broad figure in spikey metal armor appears there, outlined in a haze blue glow as he looks on.

"I would say that we are beyond a stern talking to Dom," Cable offers up, voice still straining. "A little discipline is definitely called for. And everyone else, do what you can to speed the evacuation along. I can't hold this indefinitely, especially if they're going to turn the whole thing into a rainstorm of melted metal."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Okay, so that's a pretty eclectic gathering of hostile mutants. <<Any good publicity is going out the window for us.>> she says and watches the gold woman, and then the crowds slowing.

<<I wonder how their psi defenses are? Bucket like that gives so many Vibes.>> she ponders curiously and starts sending a stream of plasma at the woman's center mass, guiding it telekinetically from her spot on increasingly empty ground.

It could be emptier but something is slowing the escape. "You know you look like something I keep in my bedside drawers. Do you take D-Cell batteries too honey!" get that attention on Boom-Boom, and not on the civilians.

"We'd probably have the same fun if you weren't trying to kill people! Shame!" she adds wickedly. And maybe with a little lamentation.

"So, umm anyone calling dibs on the others?" she asks. Double checking, while she at least tries to be weary of maybe the other side having their targets picket out.

Negasonic has posed:
Seeing as Negasonic probably blended into the crowd quite a bit, she had to take a few steps away, seperated by the crowd only by virtue of the positioning, her eyes turned skyward as the people start to peel away. She dips into a low crouch as the five figures start to turn the place into a warzone.

"****," Negasonic says, with passion and meaning.

"I dunno, Tabs," says Negasonic. "I'll let you figure out how to fight the flying superpeople," she says.

With that said, though, Negasonic looks after the groundbound large man, and narrows her eyes, moving to skirt her way across the ground and leap unto the wreckage of the stage, to slide into the pit soon after them.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Domino's question gets answered by more than Cable as four additional portals open up and what begins as a rude interruption turns into full-scale attempt at mass murder. "Yeah, I get that" she replies as her sights darts toward the dark skinned woman in gold who is somehow exerting a chrono-shield or whatever on those trying to flee the scene. Molten metal is bad but /everything/ is bad if a person is physically incapable of getting away in time. Boom seems to have the same idea, making it too good of a tag-team opportunity to ignore.

"Slow this, bitch."

The compact rifle gives a familiar kick to the albino's shoulder as she sends the first bullet toward somewhere that golden armor /doesn't/ protect. She'll go for the headshot and/or rapid follow-up shots if she has to, no question, but she's at least trying to not immediately jump to a fatal solution. Because it's rude, and someone might complain.

Bishop has posed:
<<On it.>>

Bishop's response to Cable is clinical and brief as he precariously balances himself among the rubble of the shattered stage. The absorbed kinetic energy from the shockwave unleashed by Sumo works its way through his system, reinforcing his body, but a look at the titanic mutant and his previous feat is more then enough to reveal that attempting to engage him in hand to hand would not be a sound strategy.

"Make sure you remember to work into your lyrics the line about the mutants risking their lives to save your sorry necks." he rumbles darkly at the band members trapped with him. "I'm sure it'll be a hit.."

A dangling, sparking, generator cable grabs his attention and he lunges over to grab it while raising his voice to the band members, "Now keep your heads down!"

Upon seizing it, a torrent of electricity begins to surge into him, setting his eyes ablaze with blue-white fire as electricity scorches out and sears into his security garments while straining his physique as his internal battery drinks deeply of the energy pouring within him.

With a loud shout he turns, whipping his arm around and clenching his fist, sends a bright surge of concussive energy lancing out towards Sumo, sparing no effort or power in an attempt to send the mutant hurtling backwads through the broken stage and away from him and the desperate band members.

Cable has posed:
If there was any real doubt about the intentions of the portal jumpers, or whether or not this is indeed about the anti-mutant tendancies of the headline performer at this particular Midwestern music festival, those are all put to rest rather quickly as the holographic armored figure being projected by that strange, floating device begins to speak.

"I am Stryfe and today you are witness to history as I present my allies in our fight for Mutantkind and the future of this planet. We are the Mutant Liberation Front. For too long humanity has stood in the way of the next step in evolution. In the dawning of the age of Homo Superior. But no longer shall we stand by."

Across the field, the television cameras of the news crews on site are all surely locked on both that holographic figure and the growing melee beginning to take place around the ruins of the stage.

Down in the pit itself, the muffled cries of the band members continue to sound in amongst coughs and panicked squirming as they try to get free of the wreckage all around them. Unlike the band, the Sumo rises up with ease amongst that destruction, a sneer on his face though his eyes narrow a little when they fall on Bishop. Though that is nothing compared to when the man grabs a live wire and begins to channel electricity right at him. Rocked back, the huge man, stumbles against the shattered boards that made up the stage, twitching, smoke rising from him. Though after a moment he actually starts to rise up once more, still jerking, still twitching, but able to regain his feet despite all the voltage pumped his way.

He is not the only big figure to be concerned with though as the hulking figure with a quartet of arms slides right down into the pit as well. He does not go after Bishop however and instead makes a beeline straight for Jared Banks, plucking him up out of the wreckage and holding him aloft as casually as one might a baby kitten, before whirling and starting to ascend upwards once more, apparently unmindful of the fact that Negasonic has already moved to block his path.

In the sky above, the holographic armored figure and self-proclaimed leader of the Mutant Liberation Front continues to speak. "This so-called performer, Jared Banks, has long done what he could to oppress our people, to encourage hate against mutantkind. And today he answers for that."

As Stryfe speaks, the battle in the skies continues around him. The streaking figure in gold armor continues to do what she can to slow the crtowd below, keeping them in danger, utilizing them as a sort of human shield. As those bursts of plasma start to head her way she seems entirely unmindful of the danger.

But not everyone is. As Boom-Boom's blasts are about to hit the woman, micro-sized portals suddenly flare to life right in front of them, swallowing up those balls of dangerous plasma energy.

And where did they go? That becomes apparent an instant later as new tiny portals open up amongst the crowd, spilling that energy out amongst them.

Which leaves the woman to deal with Domino's shots, no easy matter. But perhaps a little easier for someone who appears to manipulate time in a fixed area. Lifting a hand, that first blast heading for her helmet is slowed and she alters her flight path to soar around it with ease. But the second shot gets through before she can bring her powers to bear, striking her shoulder and making her cry out in pain.

It also disrupts the slowing force focuwsed on the crowd who immediately begin to leap forward in real time as lights and dripping molten metal falls around them, provoking screams of panic and pain.

Cable has posed:
The other flying woman adds the that chaos and the redhead suddenly comes to a stop midair, hands pressed together in front of her as she begins to glow, brighter and brighter until a blinding flash explodes out from her, blanketting the entire field in that impossibly bright light burst.

CLosing his organic eye, Cable nevertheless keeps tabs on the scene through the artifical one on the other side of his face, reaching back over his shoulder with his free hand to rifle through the pack slung across his back.

Meanwhile Stryfe continues to drone on. "These allies of mine; Zero. Sumo. Forearm. Strobe and Tempo are but a small part of the army of dedicated mutants that I have assembled to fight for our cause. So today, we put all the nations, all of the humans on notice. The future starts now."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Did Tabby's plasma just get teleported out from under her?

"Oh wow, you guts are just horrible at this shizzle!" she taunts right as they come out.

And right back under Tabitha's telekinetic control.

It's close though as she floats the plasma just over the crowds head. "Fliers and teleporters are a pain. Just charge up and deck the dumb muscle on the ground! Jared's only got one life to live. Even if he's not really worth it!" she suggests to Negasonic.

With Domino taking shots at temp. Tabby switches over to the teleporting dude.

This is a thing she has some decent experience. Distraction and misdirection are often really good tactics.

Those plasma blasts she lets fly take on a heading to the 'guy' with the targets on his face and chest. She however starts hauling ass to get herself up in punching and point blank range while Zero gets busy redirecting plasma over and over again that just keeps on coming.

Finding the patterns!

Negasonic has posed:
Now, Negasonic didn't exactly like too many of the people here that were being pummeled, but it was the whole thing of Xavier's to change hearts or whatever. And at least while she was living under Charles' roof at least...

Negasonic probably should keep to that.

"Okay, stop," she says, calling out to the hulking man as he starts pummelling on Jared Banks.

She hated using her powers in anything resembling a crowd, but here we are. She breathes out, draws in, and opens up her heart to let the nuclear sunshine in. A faint nimbus of energy starts to surround her. "Your name is seriously Forearm? Four arms? Fucking cringe, my guy," she says.

A glance towards Tabby at the suggestion she gives, and Negasonic sighs. She figured that surprising him enough to drop Jared is better than Fourarm tearing him apart, so... she launches herself at him with that power. She wasn't channelling enough to really give a big boom, as she didn't want to kill Jared too. But maybe surprise Forearm and get him to drop his cargo?

That'd be nice. Even if she got Forearmed after.

Neena Thurman has posed:
"Lady, you weren't actually supposed to slow it."

Never to worry, there are plenty more where the first bullet is concerned and before long one /does/ make it through, disrupting Tempo's hold on the crowd enough to let the bystanders fend for themselves. This should be a step in the right direction, although something about it rather feels bittersweet to Domino. So many bigoted humans, living on to spread their hate another day.

Oh, shit. This Stryfe guy makes his announcement and something about it rings just a teensy bit too close to home...

(Think later, act now.)

The redhead is the next to get Dom's attention but this turns into a terrible idea before she can take further action. Another light, far more blinding than the portal, earns a surprised yell from the albino who has to give up her rifle to try and shield her face. Dammitall! Sniping is a LOT harder when you can't see!

"I'm out! Can't see shit!"

What if she DID take the shot on Jared before..? Could all of this have been prevented? 'Sorry dude, someone beat you to the punchline. Kindly screw off now.'

Bishop has posed:
"I said stay down!" commands Bishop to the squirming band members. It'd be all he needs for them to free themselves and end up stumbling into his line of fire or getting nabbed by--well wait nevermind, there goes Jared.

<<Theyre making off with Banks! I can't disengage from the sumo wrestler or the other band members will be vulnerable!>> he yells over the commlink.

Not to mention, shooting at the other giant while he's carrying the human do more harm then good. Super tough and strong mutant giant 1: Scorched, broken and battered human: 0, in such an event.

Instead, warning given, he turns his attention back towards Sumo - seeing the giant rise up again and Bishop begins once more charging up with energy as his eyes flash with menacing light.

"You had your fancy entrance. Do us both a favor and stay down while I get these morons out of here."

It's not a request he expects the other mutant to honor but hey. Had to ask.

Suddenly the light flashes and fills the air as Strobe unleashes her powers and Bishop grimaces and recoils, lifting a large arm up to shield his eyes from the glow as it fills the air.

Cable has posed:
This whole affair is probably not doing wonders for convincing people that mutants are not a threat and are just a part of the population, just people, like anyone else, deserving of the same treatment. But then listening to Stryfe, it doesn't sound like he is terrible interested in making nice.

Certainly none of those that have come through the portal are showing any great concern for the human audience and while most are putting increasing distance between themselves and imminent danger, scattered here and there are those not so lucky. Some writhe on the ground, clutching limbs, screaming in pain where they have been hit by fallen debris or melted metal. Others are still, unmoving, heavier debris littered around them while still others show signs of being pushed to the ground by the panicked crowd before being trampled.

Down in the pit, Bishop's expectations are about to be met. "Traitor!" the huge sumo wrestler bellows back at the man, that booming voice easily heard over the screams, over the sounds of the fight going on around them. While he might still smoke from the electrical discharge, where portions of his flesh might show signs of electrical burns, he remains on his feet. One of which he lifts up before bringing it crashing back down to the earth. Again a shockwave ripples forth, sending parts of the remains of the stage flying, a shower of debris pushed forward by the sheer concussive force in a shower towards Bishop.

As he climbs out of the pit, Forearm is abruptly confronted by the snide Negasonic and he sneers right back at her. "And what do they call you?" he offers back before he gets a rather first hand look at her powers at least. Sure enough, Forearm goes flying back, crashing in amongst the debris as he loses his grip on the racist singer who crashes to the ground moaning.

Better then being hauled off though, for whatever the Mutant Liberation Front intends.

Not sending those plasma orbs somewhere very far away comes back to haunt Zero as Tabby is able to regain control over them so that instead of exploding amongst the not entirely innocent crowd, they once more start towards the hovering figure in white. This time no portals open to fend them off, whether because he doesn't have the power or because he has something else in mind.

That something else seems innocuous, at least at first. Zero simply hovers there, staring at the approaching orbs of energy. And as they near, it's like they begin to melt away, that plasma energy slowly but surely drained away at a steady rate.

Cable has posed:
"Copy that Dom. Redeloy to secondary position until your vision clears," comes Cable's brisk, tight reply, his real eye still tightly closed as he scans the field of battle with that artificial one, an array of information beyond the visual relayed as well. "Greymalkin, Bodyslide by one, secondary position," he orders, teleporting her away even as the injured Tempo starts to fly up towards her.

And for his part? Out of that back Cable starts to pull out an impossibly big gun. There's no way that it could possibly fit in that thing, at least if not all things were equal. But then he has shown a tendancy for that before. Instead of the usual plasma or high energy rifle he tends to favor, it is instead a massive chain gun that he grips in his arms. "Enough out of you," he says flatly before the barrel of that weapon begins to whirl. In short order a barrage of bullets are ripping across the sky, tearing into the floating holographic projector, starting to shread it before that minigun begins to track the pair of flyers through the air, giving them something else to think about.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The floating Bombs fizzle and Tabby grunts. Not happy but if the guy. She hasn't figured out it's true nature yet. But if Zero can neutralize her powers. It just means she has to adjust. The plasma keeps coming and circling around to be dealt with.

Meanwhile Tabitha rushes the android clad all in white. It's hovering but even if Tabitha can't fly. She can pull a few moves. Ellie might have see this one before since it's one of hers. Tabitha was always a fan of imitation as the sincerest form of flattery. Well it might technically be more like Cannonball's.

There's a sprint and a leap up at Zero, a blast of plasma going off under and behind her to propel her up into the air at the alleged mutant.

Sure there's a pair of plasma blasts being generated in and around Boom-Boom's fists but a hundred and twenty pounds of blonde bombshell moving at speeds is pretty hefty a hit in it's own right. <<How well can this guy multitask? Portals or absorbing or dissipating or whatever!>> she mind-links as she sends herself along with the plasma blasts.

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie glances towards the debris that Forearm ended up in, looking briefly down towards the singer.

She looks the recovering Forearm dead in the face, and says with the dryest tone in the universe...

"Negasonic Teenage Warhead," she says.

Again she starts to soak in the ambient energy, and she starts to flare with that orange energy, her eyes glowing alight as she looks down to the singer.

"Cool music. Message sucks. Should get out of here and work on that," she says. Kneeling a bit, Ellie launches herself into the air towards Forearm and the debris.

And this time, she really wants to boom. And she's agonna.

Neena Thurman has posed:
Sumo sets the ground shaking again which also gets Domino's perch a-rattling all while Tempo is closing in on the blind markswoman. Before any number of bad things can catch up to her there's a bodyslide and she's neatly deposited at position Bravo. Safe from those dangers for now, but the resulting string of curses is deliberately kept off comms while the others continue their fight.

She's not okay with being a liability, dammit! But there's very little she can do to get her vision back.

Her temper gets withheld long enough to report in "Safe evac" in a flat tone, the connection not quite ending before she starts dropping another F-bomb over the airwaves.

Hey. Hey, hang on a sec... Dom starts patting herself down as some confusion sets in. "Where are my grenades?"

Why, still caught up in the rattling scaffolding which Tempo had been levitating herself toward, of course.

Sitting on the ground beside her happens to be a single familiar pin on a ring, going by the feel of it. "Thaaat's not good."

Bishop has posed:
As Sumo shouts at him, booming voice filling the venue and shaking air and earth, BIshop holds his ground, power cable draped across his shouldres as he braces and stands infront of the defenseless band members.

"I've been called worse--and to prevent the future that I've seen...that idiots like you helped bring about...you'll be surprised at what I'm willing to do!"

His deep voice may ultimately be drowned out by that last move by teh MLF member. but his expression should say it all. When the shockwave erupts, Bishop lunges forward with both arms and unleashes the full battery of his stored energy in a torrent of concussive energy which he scythes across the rolling debris field and assortment of flying pieces in a brilliant wide arc.

The blasts war against the concussive shockwave as well and what manages to push through gets further absorbed by the XSE officers unyielding frame.

The expression of power is explsoive but his aim is true and it may even catch Sumo and force the large mutant upwards and out of the pit, transformed as it is by his x-gene from electrical energy into concussive blasts not to dissimilar form Cyclops own. Either way, for better or for worse, the band members should be shielded and even if many may use this event as an excuse to continue to point out the dangers of mutants - these ones here won't be able to deny the basic fact that this one stood his ground to protect them, despite them not deserving it.

Cable has posed:
As that minigun pumps about a hundred rounds into the floating holographic projector in just a few seconds the glowing image of the armored Stryfe begins to flicker and fade. That armored helmet does not entirely cover the face of the Mutant Liberation Front's leader and a brief smile appears there even as that image begins to break up and fail, that gaze seeming to fall on Cable. "This is not over Dayspring," he says before the holographic orjection fails entirely, that floating metal dome crashing down towards the earth below.

As that chain gun continues to pump out round after round of tracer fire, chasing the two flying women through the air, they try to keep ahead of it with some difficulty. The fall of Stryfe's projector seems to serve as an unspoken cue and the mutant terrorists begin to collapse back from the fray.

As it becomes clear that the forces directed at him only serve to make him stronger, the barrage of debris rains down on Bishop even as he takes in all that concussive force, sending it flying back towards Sumo. But the giant of a man is already shifting his weight, body rippling and rolling as he does, flinging himself upwards. A yelp of pain sounds from him as Bishops projection slams into his very ample backside, but it only adds to the momentum of his jump, sanding him hurtling back through that portal fifteen feet above.

Maybe Forearm could make that leap or maybe he couldn't. Either way, he has other problems to contend with. He might have a sizable strength advantage on Negasonic, but so long as that energy is plowing the way in front of her, it doesn't much matter. Bracing himself, he appears to be prepared to take another impact, though he strangle turns his head away.

Which is precisely when Strobe swoops down out of the sky between them, that rippling glow beginning to undualte across the redhead's body. Another bright burst of light emits from here -- this time right in Ellie's face as she continues on, grabbing Forearm with a grunt and straining to lift the man, the reasons from him looking away becoming much more clear. With that effort, they too start to shoot up towards the waiting portal.

Zero continues to keep his masked gaze on Tabitha as she shoots towards him and while it would seem that he can neutrailize powers, or perhaps just sap energy, it doesn't seem to do much against sheer momentum. Draining away the plasma blast directed behind her doesn't do much to stop Boom-Boom from flying straight towards him.

What does help? Someone who can slow time. The streaking Tempo cuts in front of Tabitha, forcing Cable to break off attacking with that minigun less he cut down his own ally. And the golden armored woman takes advantage, projecting that field of slowness towards the flying blonde as abruptly her forward momentum is cut to a crawl. Then she too starts to streak towards the portal.

Apparently Jared Banks is going to escape mutant justice. At least on this day.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby feels herself slowing down physically as she gets a golden helmeted woman slowing down.

Bad guys using teamwork, who'd have thunk it. "YOOOOOOUUUUUU DIIIIIIIRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!" she tries to yell but it just looks comical, like dropping the speed and pitch on a record player. Several octaves dropped.

However just because temporal powers might slow Tabitha.

Mentally, there as a whole mess of ADHD With extra H. Which means her brain is still going a mile a minute.

And with that she tries to take one last potshot via telepathy.

The psychic brown note beamed to as many of the MLF as she can reach. That mental command to poop themselves may or may not get through. Stryfe being the kind of asshole that might be shielding his minions.

With an escape portal opening maybe Tabby might be hoping she might squeeze through but unlikely with Tempo slowing Tabby's movements a lot.

Negasonic has posed:

That glorious noise comes from Negasonic in the midst of her heroic and fiery leap, and the flash of light - and the force that comes from that flash, destablizing her jump. She does end up striking the debris, twisting her ankle as Negasonic releases the energy anyways.

Better than just letting it build up again.

The small pile of debris flies in all directions, leaving Negasonic admist a small crater, bringing her forearm up to wipe at her eyes, as if that could clear them from the strobe sooner.

Squinting, she glances across the way.

She curses elegantly.

"So this is some more future shit," she calls out, mostly to Tabitha.

Neena Thurman has posed:
For the pale sniper it's a most concerning few seconds, only ending with the distant *thump!* of explosives going off comfortably far far away from where Domino ended up. "Oh thank hell."

For Team Stryfe now on full evac mode, a parting gift is quickly being sent their way in the form of a large twisted piece of shrapnel blasted out of the scaffolding. There's a distinct whooshing sound as it helicopters across the concert field in hot pursuit of the last few baddies through their exit.

Bishop has posed:
The XSE officer drops the power cable to the ground and kicks it away lest one of the band members trip on it or something and wouldn't that be a shame....

Bishop grimaces, feeling where some of the smaller bits of sharpnel may have gotten through and scored him here and there. That'll be fun to get taken care of back at the medbay.

The fact that the MLF has escaped isn't lost on him though and he looks up towards the portal with a deep scowl to his broad features...but for now the matter seems resolved. Mostly.

Cable has posed:

There is a name that he has not heard in a long time. A long time.

It certainly serves to raise a few questions in the grizzle future soldier, almost all of them troublemsome.

For the most part, he simply goes by Cable. Nothing more, nothing less needed. A few might know him as Nathan Summers. Fewer still might know his full name of Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. But it is rare indeed for anyone to his other name, the one he carried for all thos years in the dark future that he has travelled back to prevent. Nathan Dayspring Askani'son.

As far as he is aware, this Stryfe is certainly not someone he would have shared that with. Which, of course, begs the question how on Earth he would know it? And while there is an assortment of possibilities, none of them are terribly comforting.

Strobe and Forearm shooting upward and before the redheaded mutant can lose her grip on the much bigger man they vanish through the portal. Tempo is the next up, but before she can shoot through the portal, Tabby sends out that little psychic prod. A lot of surprise flashes across the dark skinned woman and she glances backward a grimace on her face. "What the --" she starts as she vanishes through that portal.

Which only leaves Zero still present. If that last little psychic timebomb has any effect on him, he certainly gives no indication of it. Nor does that all white outfit which certainly suggests that it did not reach him. Or he is somehow immune. Either way, that expressionless mask sweeps across the battlefield one last time even as that explosion sounds, as that fiery burst launches jagged shrapnel just right to soar overhead, right towards that portal. And as Zero disappears through it a brief shower of jagged debris follows after -- one little goodbye present before the portal snaps shut.

Leaving them in the middle of an increasingly deserted field, the injured still crying, wailing in pain around them while others lay ominous ly still. In the distance the sound of sirens -- approaching emergency response vehicles -- grow closer and the distant television cameras by the news vans continue to record everything.

"I don't know about any of you but I don't much fancy answering a whole lot of questions," Cable says, expression and voice both grim as he glances around at the others.

"Greymalkin, bodyslide by five."

They may have saved JAred Banks. May have prevented who knows how many deaths. But there is little doubt that this entire ordeal is just beginning.