17959/Spider-Man vs the Revenge Squad

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Spider-Man vs the Revenge Squad
Date of Scene: 15 May 2024
Location: Long Island
Synopsis: The Spider-Family runs into the Spider-Man Revenge Squad. It is less than intimidating.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Peter Parker, Kaine Parker, Cindy Moon

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It had started with drinking. That was all how adventures started. They met in a bar, drinking on thier sorrows, ruminating on how they all came from one source. Complaining of failings. Fortified by alcohol, they had gone out and set forth in an impromptu spread.
    The group had followed along the Daily Bugle's social media app, regarding the latest sightings of that Spider-Menace (Jameson is totally right) to Long Island.
    And up on a rooftop, the SPOT teleported that (less htan) dangerous group of marauders.
    GRIZZLY! GIBBON! KANGAROO MAN! They were hooting and hollering.

Peter Parker has posed:
For the most part Spider-Man generally tries to stick to the Five Borroughs of New York City as much as possible. It's already a pretty big city and he is a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man afterall.

But things don't always allow for that. Sometimes you just have to go with the criminals are. And while for the most part that usually ends up being in the city proper, every once in awhile those crooked types seem to frequent the subburbs. The outskirts of the city. Possibly to avoid complications from masked-types like him.

If that's the case it hasn't worked out very well this particular time.

Getting out to Long Island isn't quite as easy as getting around the city. There are a whole lot fewer towering buildings for one, and a whole lot more riding atop vehicles. Usually transport trucks or buses where possible. But that just isn't always the case. Which is where Spider-Man can be found on this particular evening, tracking down a lead on a gang of drug traffickers back in the city that has brought him out to Suffolk County, casually backflipping off the truck he has hitched a ride on to land on the branch of a nearby tree. "Now if I was a dirty druggie, where would I be..."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's not the weirdest issue of Spider-Villain Team up (probably) but it's got to be up there. Grizzly spots Peter first. "Hey! Don't you dare ignore us!" He gesticulates wildly. Whether or not Peter is aware of him yelling from that far away.. Gibbon goes to hurl a bottle a thim that would miss by about half a block.
    Spot would yell, "Let's GET HIM!" Before going to move to open a portal.. Before turning green (well, as much as one could tell with his costume. "Gimme a sec." Putting his head through, and then a GGRRBLEAUGH noise coming from it.

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider is just watching from up high. He spots well, The Spot. "Well, that's not the usual weird for New York." He waits to see where this wild adventure is going to go. Seeing spot take a moment to actually go back into the portal, causes an eyebrow to raise. So, he will swing down to land near The Spot.

"What brings Polka-Dot Man out to New York?" oh, that's intentional. He knows the diference, one's in color. Still, The Spot, may not know this factoid. And Blood Spider's okay with poking the metaphorical bear a little bit.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Swing, swing, swing! That would be a certain female spider swooshing and swishing about Manhattan. Where do those threads stick to? Who knows? It's just magic.

And her swinging would bring her up onto a nearby rooftop where she perches like a gargoyle. The sudden shouting down below catches her attention, and it seems her Silk-sense is going all !!!!! in her head.

Her eyes widen as she looks down and finds two Spider-men, and for some reason, she feels torn and conflicted now between Peter and Kaine. Who does she help first? How does she help?

So instead, she swings on down and calls out, "You boys need help?"

Peter Parker has posed:
It's not that Spider-Man is ignoring this particular collection of his not quite ready for prime time villains so much as that's not what he's here for. And he certainly doesn't expect to get ambushed by them, that's for sure.

Even before Grizzly shouts in his direction his Spider-Sense is giving off a low level tingle, the reason for which becomes clear at that shout. And at the bottle hurled in his general direction.

As for the low level tingle? Given that the bottle doesn't come anywhere close to him and the way that they slur their words, the reason for that is obvious. At the best of times these are not the biggest threats that Pete has ever faced. Intoxicated?

Yeah, this should be interesting.

"Really? You want to do this now? I'm not even here for you lot," Spidey points out reasonably from where he perches in that tree. "Why don't you all go sleep this off before you hurt someone. Or more likely, get hurt," Pete suggests with a shake of his head. Though he does glance away briefly when surprising backup suddnely appears on the scene.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The BLECCHHT from Spot finishes, "Much better now." He goes to raise up with his fists and then swings them experimentally. He goes to punch one through a portal. The fist swings towards Kaine's face from however far away Spot it! Just as instantly, the portal disappears and then another one goes as the Spot punches through it as well! It's a tricky thing with the fists coming from everywhere - but helped by the fact that Spot is a drunk and on a good day is still a middle aged man that's not in the best of shape. But it's still possibly quite disorienting to have lots of fists swinging through holes trying to punch you. Then again, they're not particularly strong ones either.
    Grizzly goes to call out, "Let's make 'em have it!" Gibbon goes to jump up on Grizzly's back, arm swrapping around the guy in the bear costume's back, even as Grizzly would go to jump through the air, landing near Spidey! Kangaroo goes to taunt at SIlk, "So, what's the little girl doing out here? Out to get her nappies in?"

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider looks at Silk and there's a visible pause. Speaking low he begins, "I didn't know they tried to clone females." Yes, he thinks Silk is another clone just with some "alterations." Then he looks forward, "Three's a crowd. I like crowds when Polk-Dots are involved," it's his way to brush off the bajillion questions he has for Silk while inviting her to the party.

"You're not the only Spider in New York. You're just one of the first, Spidey," Blood speaks. Then those red lensed eyes go toward the company.

A second later a portal appears then "THWAK!" Blood reels a little bit. There's a pause from this Spider. "How do we wanna do this group?" he asks the room because they're playing with drunk portals.

Cindy Moon has posed:
As she lands in LONG ISLAND, Silk turns around to watch the display of fisticuffs with the Spider-men. Considering the portal punching, she looks like she's going to help Kaine before there's a sudden taunt by Kangaroo behind her.

Turning around, she looks at him. There's no tingling of her Silk Sense yet, and instead just laughs. HEARTILY LAUGHS. CHORTLES even. "Oh my God, after a long day, I needed to see this. What kind of cosplay is this? I mean the armor looks... what are you? A Pokemon? Oh wait, you're that Digimon! Armadillomon! I LOVED HIM!"

Peter Parker has posed:
This little particular piece of Long Island has suddenly become a whole lot more likely then probably any of the locals would have expected, and while some people might still be out and about or commuting back from the city, at least it is far less populated out here then in the city proper.

Much less likely that someone is going to get caught up in something dangerous. To the extent that any of this particular group can be considered dangerous.

Still, the arrival of Blood Spider and Silk does distract Pete enough that he only barely avoids when one of those portals opens up just behind his head, jerking away as that not quite steady punch flicks through before disappearing once more, the Spot coming a whole lot closer to him then he probably should under the ciscumstances.

"None of them are huge threats. Just... don't get too rough with them if you don't have to," Spidey urges. He has more then a few villains that deserve pretty much everything they get. Not this particular lot.

Swinging down off that tree limb, Spider-Man lands in a crouch, arms extended, ready to throw out web-lines in their direction. "Marty, Marty, what are you doing out here like this?" he asks the Gibbon, perched on Grizzly's shoulders before he lunges over towards him, rolling aside with ease before the man can land where he was, shooting out a spray of webbing over his feet. "Nice! You really stuck the landing there pal!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
THe Kangaroo hisses, "Hey, don't mock me! Yer making me REAL hoppity." He would go to swing a leg out at her, then a fist, then the other leg! And then snap out at her with a mechanical tail that would snap at Silk over like someone swinging a lamppole! It wasn't the most powerful or the potent thing, but the combination of that pun, her own giggling like mad, and the fact that her adversary ahd no compunctios whatsoever about his gimmick and if anything reveled in it would possibly be weird.. Even by New York standards!
    Spot continues what's the equivalent of a teleporting nerd slapfight. The punches keep on going back and forth as they would flail at the face of Kaine. Then they stop for a moment. THere's panting over from the rooftop of Spot, even as he goes to make another portal, puts his head through it, and likely hurls once more.
    Grizzly goes to swing at Spidey, "Thanks, been working on it. Nearly had a contract going on for toys, but those #$*#!'s screwed me over at teh last minute. When we're done with you, we're going to go smash thier corporate office. Too DERIVATIVE they said. I'll derivative them on my FIST!" Not the most articulate, but well meaning. If a bit unbearable. Admittedly, mostly flailing over with his feet webbed down and Spidey out of range, the alcohol having not quite registered the distance with him.
    Gibbon goes to flail and jump out of the way, but not fast enoug - even as Spidey thwacks him!

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood smirks at Silk's sudden fangirling. Yep. She's a Spider. It just makes him a believer in his theory about where she comes from.

"I never took Polka Dot Man to be a threat," Blood just waits. He wants a hand to appears o he can pull Spot THROUGH the portal. So, he'll take a small beating to try and bring Spot closer to the party.

That's where his attention lies. And hoping to not get thrown up on. That would be bad for a number of reasons.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Swing! And it hits. Cindy wasn't expecting that as she fortunately misses the fist and is instead swept almost twice by the leg of Kangaroo. This is what you get for underestimating your enemy, and she ignored her tingling until she sees that mechanical tail headed her way.

"Alley oop!" she says, flipping backwards and landing with one knee on the ground as she catches her breath. "Okay, okay, you're a scary bad guy..." With that, she starts wriggling her fingers, going forming her patented Silk spidershield!

Peter Parker has posed:
While he is fairly certain that he could have handled this particular quartet on his own if he absolutely had to -- at least given their state of inebriation -- it helps a great deal to have Blood Spider and Silk on hand to divide the workload as it were.

So Spidey focuses on the matter at hand, leaving the Spot and the Kangaroo to the others, focusing instead on Gibbon and Grizzly.

The fact that Marty lands right in that puddle of webbign drapoed on the ground should certainly slow him down some, enough that for the moment at least Pete focuses exclusively on the angry bear in a suit. Or man in a bear suit? Either way, it's a little hard not to laugh.

"Sounds like a really bummer! But I don't know why you're mad at me about it," he counters, dodging a wild haymaker as he rolls aside, dropping to a crouch before lunging in, seeking to take the hulking man off his fuzzy feat. "I've had my share of problems with the promotional world too, you know. Direct deposit is right out and it's not like I can cash a cheque made out to Spider-Man you know. Clearly we should be teaming up," he says as he sweeps those legs.

"Just kidding. I've got a rep to maintain. Not much of one grant you, but more then you buddy!" he points out as he leaps up into the air directly over the fallen Grizzly, hands pointed downward, sending out a spray of webbing at his fallen foe.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Grizzly goes to flail once more, "If you wouldn't stop me from robbing a bank then I could just steal enough money to get lawyers! But you had to go and.." There's a wham over as Grizzly goes down hard (relativley) and out over as he's on the ground unconscious, feet webbed. Gibbon isn't in any better state, out and doing the monkey wtih it.
    Kaine goes to via Spider-Sense figure out what hole leads to what, and a fist going through one hits Spot in the chin, dropping him over hard. And fortunately Kaine retracts the hand fast enough to avoid the splortch.
    The Kangaroo goes to advance on Silk, kicking and tailing at her hard. But when she pays attention, he has no chance even as he ends up tumbling over like a bowling ball!

Kaine Parker has posed:
Blood Spider retracts the hand. "That's weird." and hten he's quickly leaping back to avoid the splortching. "How's everyone else doing!"

He sees Kangaroo tumble over thanks to Silk. his gaze goes to Spidey to see how the original wall-crawler is doing. "How are things on your end, Spidey?" it still feesl weird to say that word aloud. Like addressing an enemy like a friend, but that's a lifetime ago talking.

Cindy Moon has posed:
SCHLURP! SCHRIP! The tail is the first thing to be webbed considering it's the biggest threat from the Kangaroo. As she tries to get closer, repeatedly blocking the legs and fists with her Silkshield, she gets close enough to point her fingers towards the tail.

The wisps of webbing go around the tail or at least tries to to hopefully wrap up the evil doer with her webs. Unfortunately, on the way, a leg hits her fingers, breaking out and she acks in pain. "DAMNIT!"

Peter Parker has posed:
It wasn't really a fair fight.

Three Spiders against this particular lot? Even if they had been sober it wouldn't have been a fair fight really. Not that Pete has any real problems with taking the win and running. Lord knows he has been on the other side of this kind of thing more times that he can conveniently count. Which says a lot given just how old he is.

Glancing down at the webbed-up forms of the Gibbon and Grizzly, Spidey lifts a hand and flashes Kaine the big ol' thumbs up. "My two are down for the count. With luck one of the locals has already called the cops so they can drop on by and pick up this lot. Let 'em sleep it off," he says, waving a hand in front of his face to disburse the alcohol fumes. "Whew."

Glancing over to check on Cindy, he watches her back and forth with the Kangaroo as he is increasingly wrapped up as well despite his wild flailing. "That was diverting."