17937/Cajun Cookin'

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Cajun Cookin'
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Remy sneaks into the mansion for a sandwich, has a chat with Jubilee, Patty, Rogue and the Professor, and ends up leaving with a job and a home.
Cast of Characters: Remy LeBeau, Jubilation Lee, Rogue, Patty Sloan

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Sometime in the darkness of the night, a certain Cajun comes creeping cleverly canceled, carefully circumventing certain cameras. Confidently calm, collected, and content that he hasn't tripped anything on his way in. By the low light of the fridge, Remy starts pulling out the mixings for a sandwich that one tends to find on the streets of New Orleans. Ham, salami, mozzarella, provolone, hint of olive oil, and topped with a generous heap of olive tapenade spread over the top all placed in between a nice round of Italian bread.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    In the corner, cloaked in charcoal-colored clothing, a cold-eyed creature carefully conceals herself in the shadows. The creature concentrates on the cajun chef confidently crafting his culinary creation. A chill fills the chamber.

    The cadaverous creature continues her clandestine observation, compelled by an insatiable curiosity and caught in a cursed cycle of living death. Curiosity crackles within her consciousness, craving closer contact, yet constrained by caution. Cutting through the calm brought a contrast to the otherwise continuous silence, the creature communicates.

    "Making a sandwich?" Jubilee asks as loud as she can without being accused of yelling, purposely making a mockery of Remy's apparent attempt to be sneaky. She's grinning from ear to ear as she steps out of the shadows, finally making herself known. Creepy!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Ramy doesn't startle, but he does toss a very lightly charged toothpick that won't do more than pop with some smoke over in that direction as Jubilee raises her voice to such levels. "Hush, chere! We don' need to be awakin' everyone so I can get a bite to eat, non?" he smirks as he adds the top half of the bread to the sandwich and looks as his creation. "I'd offer you a bite...but..."

     He looks over at Jubilee with those black eyes of his, giving her a wink and a very sly smile, "We both know dat you wouldn' want to be bitin' de sandwich anyway."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee wafts her hand to try to deflect that toothpick, but it's all just for show. It's more fun if it hits her, after all. A little plume of smoke puffs from its impact point on her chest. No harm done.

    "C'mon, dude!" she complains as she brushes the spot with her hand. There's a hint of her dark curse making itself known as the corner of her mouth rises a little to expose her fangs. A little hiss can be heard, but she suppresses it. It's a visceral, feral reaction to sharpened wood and hints of fire that vampires can't seem to get rid of.

    "Nice. Real nice!" she adds, trying to play it off like her reaction was just a joke. "It's real offensive throwing a sharp piece of wood at a vampire, you know..."

    The moment passes, which is a true testament to just how much work she puts into resisting her base urges.

    "Stop saying bite so much," Jubes jokes, now fully leaning in to the joke of being annoyed. It's a nice camouflage for her earlier reaction to the tiny bit of wood and smoke.

    Jubilation's features soften as she steps closer, now leaning forward against the counter top. "Wait, what? Why are you sneaking around for food?" she asks, looking up at Remy with no shortage of confusion on her face.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy snickers as Jube brushes off the little spot, "Oui? Well next time I suppose Gambit toss something else. Maybe one of dose small plastic swords?" he mimics the size of the sword with his fingers and a shrug. "Dat be less offensive. non? Jus' be glad it wasn't garlic."

     He laughs quietly, shrugging his shoulder with a grin and proving that he knew exactly what he was doing. "Fine, fine. Remy will start to behave, at least for now. He looks down at the sandwich then back to Jubilee and shrugs a shoulder, "It's free, and y'all are less likely to raise a stink if I get caught? Proper businesses don' take kindly to me takin' from dere profits."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    It's free. Jubes rolls her eyes a little. "I know it's /free/...!" she drones, allowing her posture to flare around a little to exaggerate how much that answer annoyed her. Teenagers, even undead ones, are all the same.

    "The part I don't get...I mean, like, why are you sneaking/ around /here/...?"

    Jubes straightens up and puts her hands on both hips. A thought forms. She frowns. "Wait, wait. Did someone tell you that you can't eat anything?" she asks, both eyes hiked up above her dark sunglasses. "Don't lie."

    Jubilee reaches up, perhaps to remove her sunglasses and allow her supernatural influence to take charge, but she decides against it at the last minute. Instead, she rakes her fingers through her hair, playing it off like she meant to do that.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Shaking his head, Remy brings the finished sandwich to his lips and takes a big bite. He spends a minute chewing, and making the odd sound of enjoyment, before swallowing and looking to Jubilee to answer. "Non, not in so many words. Technically I'm not livin' here, not workin' here, nor really part of anythin' dat goes on here...so..." he shrugs. "I guess you be my chaperone tonight, oui? Dat way if anyone ask, nobody get in a twist over Gambit fillin' his belly on the school's dime." He snorts, "Maybe I should just bite the proverbial bullet and become somethin' legit other than a freeloadin' visitor."

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee frowns a little as she considers this, as though it's the first time she's confronted with the harsh reality that Xavier's isn't /really/ a family, no matter how much they might try to act like it is. After just a couple seconds of wallowing, Jubes shrugs. "Eye candy," she offers up with a little smirk, suggesting that's what Remy brings to the table.

    "/Come on/, Remy, no one minds if you come over and eat or whatever else...." she claims. There's a little hesitation, though, revealing that Jubilee knows she doesn't speak for the organization itself and what she's saying is just based on her gut feeling.


    "Woah, woah, woah," Jubilation protests, waving both of her palms in the air between them. "We're not telling people I'm your..." She uses finger-quotes for this. "...'chaperone'...And, even if I was, like you could afford me." She gives the cajun one of her easy-going smirks, now with the addition of those razor sharp fangs they love so much down at Hot Topic.

    Jubilation steps away from the counter to retrieve a plate from one of the cabinets. "You can be my 'Gentleman Caller'..." she suggests while going up on her tippy-toes to reach the plates. She pronounces the phrase with some mock sophistocation, as though it's coming straight from the assigned reading for a class.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy arches a brow and smirks, doing a little pose for Jubes for the eye candy comment. "Gentleman caller? I'm sure dat would go over well. Nori might get jealous." He snickers just a bit as he takes another bite from his sandwich, chewing slowly as he leans against the counter. "As for de others, dey may or dey may not, but why take de chance or dem sayin' no? Sometimes it better to beg forgiveness den to ask permission, chere." The cajun winks charmingly, before moving in to take another bite. "I'm serious dough, maybe I go legit and do somethin' round here worth while instead of just steal food." He shrugs, "Wonder if Charlie give ol' Remy a job?"

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Oh, she probably already is," Jubes mutters from the other side of the cabinet door, still reaching for a plate. Once she has one in hand, Jubilee turns away from the cabinet and sets the plate down on the counter top. There's a little cluster of fireworks that whistle and explode near the cabinet door, giving it the tiny kinetic nudge it needs to close itself. On her way to the fridge, Jubilee detours back to the cabinets so she can wipe away a tiny mark left by her fireworks.

    "Well, /that/ didn't save me any time," she admits with a laugh. Back to the fridge and, focus Jubes, back to the topic at hand.

    "Anyway, it's like you're eating my food, anyway..." she suggests, now bent forward and looting around inside the fridge. "I mean, it's not like I'm gonna. So, like, you're kinda helping out. Don't want it to go to waste, right?"

    Jubes returns to the counter and lays out a spread of meats, cheeses, lettuce, tomato -- all normal sandwich things. She also sets down a few ingredients that are more than a little concerning for the task at hand: baking soda, chocolate syrup, Greek yogurt, and a couple of eggs.

    "Remy LeBeau... legitimate businessman... for real..." Jubes mutters in an airy sort of way to stoke their imaginations. She shrugs and reaches across the counter for the bread. "I mean, I don't /personally/ love the idea that you won't be trying to sell us back our own stuff anymore, but...." Jubes grins and starts working at removing the little plastic tie that keeps the loaf of bread fresh.

    Two slices are put on the empty plate. She stares at them for a second before turning them both over for some reason. Weird.

    "Remy, are you /kidding/?" Jubes exclaims, rolling her eyes a little and directing a fangy smile across the counter. "Of course he'd give you a job. I mean, like, there's gotta be something...End of the year is coming up. There's always at least a few kids who have a little freak out when they stare down the barrel of the 'real world' after graduating. You could help me with the evictions." She shrugs!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     "I never said I was quitting my 'night' job, chere. I still do de odd job when I feel the need, but it at least give me some legitimacy. Maybe I go be a PI or something?" He smirks, "Or start a security service. I mean who better to test your security dan a master t'eif, non?"

     "Maybe I just come be the janitor. Someone hand me a broom and I sweep up de place in the dead of de night. Just me, and you, cleaning up after de day's events. Ok, me cleanin', you watching and making more of a mess outta spite."

Rogue has posed:
Being that it's late, obviously the mansion is pretty quiet. But outside, a rather nice vehicle pulls in to the long drive, passing around the edge of the garage before slipping in to one of the doors upon its near-silent opening. Charles' personal car. The Professor had been away in Boston for the past day, and with him the Southern Belle herself had been his escort and bodyguard. Boston was a hotspot for genetics, epigenetics, and all manner of research in to DNA, both regular Human variety and that of Mutants themselves. Charles was thus a regular appearance at conferences, and speaking engagements, and often needed at least one X-Men to help ensure his well being.

From the western hallway access to the garage, Rogue and Charles move together down the hallway, talking softly to one another about the days events, and since Charles is no longer restrained to a wheelchair, the pair walk side by side together, both dressed to the nines, with Charles in a dark blue suit, and Rogue is a green dress with a white light jacket worn over it, hair up and a light amount of makeup on her face.

With a light on in the kitchen, the duo are suddenly drawn in, the sound of their voices heralding their arrival through the open doorway from the hall.

"I think that Sinclair fella is full'a crap though, if ya ask me." Rogue is saying to the Professor, who laughs lightly at her words, shaking his head as the southern gal walks in ahead of him in to the kitchen, her heels clicking softly on the polished stone floor.

"Professor Sinclair is a remarkable mind, and his work will truly change the world." Charles counters as he steps in, moving toward the cupboard.

"That's what the world needs, more damn change..." Rogue mutters, before she notes those who already occupy the kitchen. She smiles toward them. "It's the late night crew, I see." She comments, causing Charles to turn around and offer a smile toward Jubilee and Remy.

"Hello to you both. All is well, I presume?" The Professor asks, as he returns to retreiving some tea cups from a cabinet.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Remy LeBeau, private eye...." Jubilee repeats. She purses her lips and nods a couple of times. "I could see it. You already got that 'my ex-wife got everything in the divorce' sorta look. Are you any good at solving crimes? Could be important."

    Grinning to herself, Jubilation looks down at the counter and focuses again on preparing a pointless sandwich she can't eat. Meats, cheeses, a couple of pieces of lettuce. It all looks pretty normal until she reaches out for the box of baking soda she took from the fridge for some reason.

    She's just about ready to start pouring the baking soda onto the sandwich until the process is interrupted by Remy's second idea. Jubes puts the box of baking soda down and looks up at Remy really, truly, very, sloooooooowly for maximum effect. She can't believe her ears.

    "Remy," Jubes starts before taking a moment to collect herself before continuing. "Remy, I get that everyone's kinda going through their own 'oh, wow, vampires are real' awakening at different speeds around here, and, like, I don't know if you keep up with, like, history or, I dunno, horror movies or whatever..." Jubilee says. "...But, like, c'mon...how many times have you heard of a vampire who spends all her time watching some guy mop a floor? Plus, I don't know how I feel about being involved with the 'cleaning' part in the Circle of Messes..."

    When Rogue and Charles /walk/ in, Jubilee's grin stretches to the edges of her cheeks. She really needs to learn how to retract her fangs. "Woah, they fixed the makeup gun?!" she announces before moving away from her potentially poisonous sandwich-in-progress to make a big show of orbiting around Rogue and Charles, impressed by how nice they both look. "What a couple of heart breakers," Jubilee decides. She stops right in front of the professor and straight-back bends down and gets very close to the tips of his shoes. "Professor.....You got scuff marks!" she cheers, rising with both arms in the air in a V-for-victory pose.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Leaning against the counter with Jubilee, Remy starts laughing, Remy shakes his head at Jubilee, "Non, chere. Not so much the solving, but the creation. But, I figure you know how to break in, it easy to figure out how to keep people out. After all, dat's de easy part. 'Sides, cops solve crimes. PI's just get information, and dat is much less difficult." He shrugs a shoulder, still grinning, "What? You don' want to keep ol' Remy company during a lonely night shift? Some friend you are, amu." He winks.

     It's the sound of the heels on the floor that first catches the master thief's ear, causing his head to tilt up and away from Jubilee and his muffuletta sandwich as his eyes search out the doorway, but it's the specific lilt of a certain southern accented voice that elicits a little sigh from the cajun. He casts a glance over to Jubilee before looking back to Rogue...and the Professor, the later puts an expression not unlike a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar onto Remy's face as he sets his sandwich down. It's short lived as he quickly throws on the charm he is known for.

     "Ah, chere, you know me. I do my best work in de dark. Just so happens Jubilee keeps the same hours these nights, and I t'ink she appreciate de company." he quips over towards Rogue with a rakish wink as he combs the hair away from his face with one hand before turning to look at the Professor.

     "Bonjour, Professor Xavier, sir. Oui, life is as it always is. Well enough for now, until it isn't. I, uh, just stopped by for a bite to eat." He casts a quick glance to Jubilee then back, "I didn't t'ink anyone would be awake to care if dere was a sandwich missin'." he says motioning to the sandwich.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty comes running into the kitchen, not really aware of who all might be present. All she knows is she is out of water in her dorm and she really needs a drink after her daily jaunt around the lake. Her legs are tired, her wings are tired, and she is parched. Quickly she makes her way into the cooler and pulls out a nice could bottle of water.

Cracking it open, she takes a long sip before finally looking around. "Oh... Ummm. Hello Professor. Hello Remmy, Jubes..." She blushes and quickly caps off the water bottle and puts it in her pocket. Of course she has pockets because this is the comic universe and womens jeans have pockets here! "How is everyone today?" She asks curiously.

Rogue has posed:
Charles grabs himself the pair of tea cups, setting them down on the counter as he reacts to Jubilee commenting on his shoes. With a small smirk, he steps over to the sink to prepare some water for his inevitable tea. "Well, I suppose that is the benefit of being back on my feet, so to speak." He replies to Jubilation, before he nods once toward Remy. "I do not think anyone will miss a sandwich." The Professor says. "It is always good to see you back around here too, Remy."

Rogue stands beside the central island counter's edge, her eyes on Jubilee first, then over to Remy. She shows a soft smirk. "We decided to make the drive home, and not stay overnight in Boston. No real need since we got out soon enough t'make it back before a crazy hour." She explains, while the Professor goes on about making his tea.

"Yes, I told Rogue that I would prepare her a perfect cup of tea to help shake off the long car ride jitters, helps ease one in to sleep, I do say." He comments, before Patty arrives.

Both Rogue, and the Professor, regard Patty when she strides in, the Professor showing her a friendly smile. "Miss Sloan. Good to see you>" He offers in his kind voice.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Woah, so, like, you could be like that magician on TV who tells how all the tricks are done!" Jubilee concludes from Remy's suggestion that it takes a thief to catch one. That enthusiasm fades as she remembers that fateful night when she learned how they saw a lady in half for real: they don't. "That guy ruins everything..."

    When the cajun slips into his some-friend-you-are routine, Jubilee rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "Obviously we'll still hang, you idiot!" she stage whispers for all to hear.

    Jubilation even returns Rogue's glance with a confident one of her own, standing tall, as though she's taking full ownership of the fact that she's been spotted multiple times hanging out with everyone's favorite cajun thief.

    Her posture shifts as soon as he starts making excuses for his sandwich. Both arms cross in front of her chest and each of Remy's furtive glances gets a little frown from Jubilee. Each one makes it easier and easier for anyone without telepathic abilities to read her mind. She's thinking 'come on, dude...it's just a sandwich, he's not gonna care...'

    As soon as the professor declares Sandwichgate over, Jubilee rolls her eyes at Remy. "Told you!" she gloats before turning to grin at Charles. "Pardon his French," she adds with a shrug. What are you gonna do? The gears inside her head begin turning. Is that...is she...is she getting an....Yes. An idea forms.

    "Hey, Professor..." Jubilee begins cautiously, giving Remy a brief side-eyed glance before continuing. "...So, you're, like, uh..." She hesitates, trying her best to figure out a smarter way to say it. "...peram...bu...lating...now. Like, you know, left, right, left again, right, then, well, like, you know how to do it. So, it'd be a real shame if you were to suffer a fall, don't you think?"

    She smiles, both eyebrows hiked over her dark sunglasses. She still wears them to protect people from getting accidentally glamoured by looking into her undead eyes. After posing like that for a beat, Jubes realizes what this sounds like. "Wait, no, not, like, hah, I'm not gonna, I'm not threatening to break your---" Jubilee rakes her hand through her hair and looks over at Remy for some inspiration. "I...I'm just saying," Jubilee adds, trying to recover from her own self-imposed blunder. "The floors can get pretty slippery sometimes. You never know, right? Don't you think we ought to, like, add a night janitor or, like, whatever? You know... to keep up with the additional, uh, demand, that like, another set of legs adds...?"

    Jubilee might just be blowing this. She's certainly likely to blow this if she keeps going, but then PATTY comes in! "Patty!" Jubilee cries out, latching on to her appearance as a way of redirecting. "Patty Sloan, good to see ya! Hey, what do you think about it? Isn't this school /filthy/?"

    Jubes raises both eyebrows and glances over at Rogue and then Remy. She shoots a thumbs-up in his direction. Smooth.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy glances from Charles to Rogue for a moment then back, eyes shifting over to Patty as she comes running in. He grins to the new arrival, giving her a tip of the head. "Chere. Settlin' in? How's the family?"

     The Cajun's red eyes move from Patty, to Jubilee. As she tries to be helpful, the thief just watches as his eyes widen in a state of disbelief right up until the vampire is distracted by Patty. He shakes his head with a long and deep sigh. "Dear Lord...give me de strength.'

    He takes a moment to reset before he looks back to Rogue and Charles. "Well....bout dat..." Remy reaches up and combs his fingers through his hair, pushing it up and away from his face as he takes in a large, slow breath. "I'm thinkin' maybe it's time to stop runnin' from everythin' all the time and put a root down or two." He shifts his eyes ever so quickly from Charles to Rogue then back to the Professor. "Maybe go all in on one hand instead of spreading out over the table. Didn't know if you had any extra seats for any new players. I know dat de ante, she be steep. Every man has a price to charge and a price to pay, but Gambit is good for it. I ain' above moppin' a floor if dat's what it takes."

     That being said, the Cajun takes another bite from his muffuletta sandwich, filling his belly as much as he can before he gets pulled out of the kitchen by his ear from Rogue.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles to the Professor. She politely waves and then greets Rogue with a polite, "Hello Rogue." The blonde adjusts her glasses before taking another long sip of her water. "Sorry yall I just needed a cold bottle of water. I haven't gotten to stock up my dorm room yet." She blushes and shrugs.

Patty is then apprehended by Jubilee. She blinks a few times and looks at the excitable girl, "Ummm if you are suggesting I become a janitor I think I would rather a desk job or something." She laughs a little. "I don't think this place is that dirty. I mean everything seems clean enough. More cleaning though is not necessarily a bad thing. I would suggest the boss man make a choice on that." She looks at the Professor with a smile not really knowing what to say. One thing is certain. She herself needs a shower and that is painfully obvious. "Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to shower after my run."

Patty turns to look at Remy and frowns. "Odd story, that. Yesterday I got a phone call from my Moms." She shakes her head. "I need to come up with a plan. I know I gotta go back home to help deal with things. Someone vandalized my parents' house. Lots of anti-mutant graffiti. I have an idea who did it. My parents aren't mutants so its clear they want my attention." She frowns. "They need confronted at the very least. I'm not the meek little girl that let them walk all over her anymore. If I don't go back and at least talk to them, Its going to get worse for my moms. I can't let that happen. Its not fair to my Moms and it certainly isn't right. I need to do something!" She exclaims looking quite desperate.

Rogue has posed:
Both Charles, and Rogue for that matter, are quiet while the pitches are pitched, and the words are shared. Rogue folds her arms together over her stomach, clutching her sides gently as her eyes move toward Patty. She shows the young woman a soft smile. "I should pay ya to take my dog on those runs with ya." She tells the blonde, before she looks back toward Jubilee, having to restrain a smirk at her friend's antics, but ultimately she looks between the Cajun, and Charles, as a pitch is pitched by the pitcher.

Charles, preparing the tea for he and Rogue, seems utterly at peace. "I should hope not to fall, at my advanced age. It could spell the end of me." Charles dryly jokes, as he pours the water in to the cups, and dips tea bags in to allow them to steep. When he turns around, he proceeds to the island counter, where he offers Rogue one of the cups. She accepts it with both of her hands, craddling it in her palms.

"Remy." Charles says to the New Orleans native. "Residents of the house are expected to perform janitorial duties by their base expectations. If you're looking to call the school home again, you'd be expected to pitch in, in that regard. Thus we have no official 'janitor' role..." Charles states, glancing between Jubilee and Gambit, before he regards the man again. "You're always welcome here. You've done a lot to ensure the safety of this place, and its people. I believe your room upstairs has not even been touched since you last left it."

Rogue, raising her glass of tea up to her red hued lips, seems to almost glare toward the others in the kitchen as she takes a soft sip from it, just listening.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee's eyes practically shoot daggers at Patty when she suggests that perhaps she'd be the night janitor. Ix-nay on the atty-pay. She glances over at Remy, oblivious or uncaring about the fact that her approach might not be what he had in mind, and nudges her head in the direction of the professor, as though urging the cajun to take over before Patty accidentally swoops in and steals his dream job.

    As soon as the professor starts explaining that there's no need for a new janitor because there are no janitors, Jubilee leans in to tell Remy something. "You shouldn't have gone all-in on that stupid poker analogy...." she whispers. "Jeez! Now you got me doing it!"

    The professor's conclusion that Remy does, in fact, have a home here should settle this matter very nicely. Problem solved, right? Jubilation opens her mouth again, as every fiber of her being is yelling 'not so fast' all at once. She must interrupt.

    "Hey, hey, does this look like a guy who wants a handout?" Jubilee begins, raising her voice like she's a quack doctor who just rolled into a small town to sell opaque bottles of a placebo cure-all tonic. "He doesn't want his old pity room! C'mon, he wants to earn that sandwich. /Those/ sandwiches.... C'mon, professor... you're telling us there isn't a single carpet in this whole place that could use a good mop?"

    Jubilee raises both eyebrows and tilts her head to the side, doe-eyed behind her sunglasses. "...It's Christmas..." she reminds.

    It's not.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy looks to Patty with a frown, "Do you need help cleanin' up de place? I can paint just as well as I can do anythin' else. Happy to give your mom some help, and give you some added support should you desire it. You just let me know, chere."

     "Jube," the Cajun says with a light smirk on his face as he gives a chuckle, "You help enough, ami. I think ol' Remy can take it from here. Merci beaucoup, tu as fait un travail merveilleux."

     It's evident that even though he tries to hide it, or not do it at all, the Cajun's eyes continue to flit over to Rogue subconsciously as Charles talks, taking in her expression and body language. When the Professor stops, Remy gives a brief nod with his shoulders relaxing some of the tension that had formed in them. "I t'ink I might like dat, Professor. I t'ink it might be time to be part of a family again, and one dat ain' out to do me harm. T'ough if my room ain' been touched since I left, going to be an army o' dust bunnies waitin' to strike. I might need to call in reserves."

     He smiles quickly, before letting his face get a bit more serious as he turns to look at Rogue, "You ok wit' dis, chere? You an me, we got history and it ain't all good. Want to make sure you ok with me comin' back and bein' around."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Thanks Remy." She smiles a little. "I think I am going to go do this one myself. I just don't wanna do things wrong here. I mean I could make things a whole lot worse if I don't do things right." She sighs "The whole thing stinks."

She turns her attention to Jubes. She shrugs. "I didn't understand." She looks curious about it. She frowns a little and tries to follow what was going on. "I'm still a blonde ya know." She snickers and winks playfully.

"Anyway I'm going to look around and see if there is any teachers who can help me find out about my powers in the danger room." She smiles to Rogue and to the Professor. "I wanna go all out. Pretty sure tropical storm level winds outside would be really not good." She laughs playfully.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lowers her cup of tea down from her lips, following another sip from the contents. She glances toward Charles on her left, and then back toward Remy and Jubilee. She does show a soft smirk, for but a second, before her green eyes dart back over toward Patty. "Be careful." Rogue says softly in her Mississippi accented voice, naturally husky in pitch and tone. "Don't get too windy."

"Yes, Miss Sloan, do be careful." The Professor adds to Patty, before his stare is drawn back to Remy. "Well. If you're looking to pitch in a little more than simply what the Residents are asked to provide... It is possible that we could use your ... expertise, to shore up any weaknesses you might see in our security." Charles offers, getting a glance from Rogue, and a raise of her left brow.

Remy's question directly to her causes her to look back upon his red eyes. She hesitates for a moment, before she shakes her head side to side quickly once. "I don't care. I mean... how long will it last this time anyhow?" She has to question, even if it might seem snippy, she at least has reason to be.

Charles draws in a light breath, one hand holding his cup of tea, the other straightening his tie with a soft swipe of his hand down his chest. "If it would interest you, Remy, I do think your skills could provide valuable insight in the safety of this place, and where we might wish to make improvements. I could write up a document, and you could pick it up in the Staff Meeting Hall. This way ... well, it is more official. Perhaps even a title." The Professor says, a bit of warmth in his voice, though it could be the hot tea.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Success! Jubilee broadly grins. "See! I told you!" Jubes claims, turning to Remy with both eyebrows hiked up. "You gotta be a thief to catch a thief, just like I said!" She didn't. Her idea was that he could mop the carpets.

    Her enthusiasm is interrupted by Rogue's little jab. Jubilee opens her mouth, as if to weigh in on that little barb, no stranger to letting even a close friend have a piece of her mind when she doesn't agree with something, but then... Something more pressing demands her attention.

    To anyone able to experience them, the emotional vibrations of the room turn cold and dark for a moment as Jubilation Lee draws upon the power of the blood and her dark curse. As if by magic, Jubilation appears in between Patty Sloan and the exit of the kitchen. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she's frowning!

    "Patty," Jubilee begins, her tone sounding more adult and serious than it usually does. She's still wearing her sunglasses, so her supernatural influence over the conversation is still at a minimum.

    "I don't think that's cool. It could be dangerous. You could get hurt. Someone else could get hurt. Or worse," Jubilation explains. It's odd that Jubilee is the one taking this stance, but it's happening. Her tone has softened. It's kinder. Gentler. "Look...I know there's nothing anyone's gonna say to keep you from going, but, like, going by yourself is /not/ cool, girl."

    "No offense...but.." Jubilee starts, making sure to be as gentle as she can about it, like she's turning down someone asking her to prom in front of everyone. "...You just got here. You just started. I know, like, you're feeling super great now that you're on a good path, but, like, there's a ton more you gotta learn. Like, a literal ton. I think one of the nerd kids weighed their books one time."

    "You want my advice?" Jubilee suggests. No, no one asked for it, Jubes. That doesn't stop her.

    "Someone spray painted something on your house, right? So, like, call the cops. That's their job."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy nods to Patty, his red eyes finding hers for a moment as he says, "Understand dat desire to do things on your own, but jus' remember we here to help if you need it, even if it just paintin' the house." The Cajun smiles towards Patty, "You can do it," and then Jubilee is there with Remy adding, "...but maybe not alone."

     Remy looks to the Professor, then Rogue, and back. Rogue gets a nod, it's slow and deliberate, conveying his understanding. "Dat's fair. Still, I..." he pauses for a moment, perhaps stalling to find the right words he is looking for before he continues, "...care and don' want to cause you no more upset dan I have already. Don' worry none, though. Remy understands how things are, not looking to splash the pot. Hopefully you don' get to hit me with an 'I told ya so', but if you do...well, I 'spose at least it's expected of Gambit, non?"

     Turning to the Professor, Remy nods and half-smiles. "I can do dat. As Jubilee said, I was just tellin' her earlier sometimes it takes a t'ief to catch a t'ief. I'll be happy to poke around an' find out where dere is a lack of coverage. I already know of a few I've used myself. Together we get t'is place tighter than Frost or Worthington's pocketbook at Christmas."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"You are right, Jubes." She frowns. "I just know the people that did it. I know what they are like. The cops aren't going to do anything to the former star Quarterback and the cheer captain." She sighs. "I will call the police down there and drop a tip as to who did it. I can guarantee it was them. They are the only ones who have anything against me." She sighs and rubs her head. "I need to train more or something. I don't know what but I need to do something. I can't go there. I can't help my moms. I feel helpless!"

She frowns and shakes her head. "I guess calling the cops is the first step. At least its something." She sighs. "I should grab some ice cream or something... UGH!" She face palms. "I just... I'm going to go for a flight." SHe frowns and turns to leave.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue could see the little barb got a reaction in Jubes, which has the Belle widening her eyes in emphasis toward the Vampiric one, as if to convey she believes in what she'd said! Her green eyes settle, and return to Remy, as she indulges in another sip of her tea.

"Well," the Professor continues. "Let us figure out the details in the morning then, shall we?" He asks, glancing around at the others, before he pays a side glance to Patty. "Should you wish my help with something, Miss Sloan, you need but ask. I am sure we can resolve whatever is happening back at home, with peace and reason." The Professor then displays a soft smile. "Now then, I shall be retiring to my room... Have a good rest of your evenings." He states, offering a thanks to Rogue for her guardianship on the trip to Boston before he proceeds toward the kitchen's main exit.

Rogue, lowering her cup after another sip, merely nods her head a few times. "Let me know how I can help too." She says, but to whom in particular? Either way, she too turns, and begins to stride out of the room, the sounds of her heels lightly clicking on the floor as she walks with a graceful stride in the Professor's wake.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilation steps to the side and gets out of Patty's way once she's had her chance to speak her peace. She nods a little at the girl's change of heart and returns to the spot on the counter where she was making that suspicious sandwich.

    "Yeah, call the cops, see what happens. We can help out with the painting, if you want. Well, not me, obviously, but, like, the royal we," Jubilation adds, agreeing with the sentiment shared by the others. She looks up from the sandwich and back over at Patty.

    "And Patty..."

    "If it doesn't go okay, tell us before you do anything," she adds, though it sounds more like a request than anything else. "If it doesn't work out with the cops, I mean. Tell us so we can help figure something out. None of this 'party of one' stuff, okay?"

    Just for the heck of it, Jubilee stirs that dark monster within herself again, drawing upon the power of the blood to briefly move at a speed that causes her to appear blurry, just for an instant. She must've moved to the refrigerator and back in that instant because she's now cradling a pint of ice cream in both hands. Jubilee tosses it over for Patty to catch. "Don't forget the ice cream," she says as her way of alerting Patty to catch the tossed pint.

    With that settled, Jubilee finds a spot to stand next to Remy, both arms crossed over her chest, so she can watch the Professor head back to his room looking super fancy. "I can't believe he's walking already..." she whispers, making it sound like she's a proud mother seeing her 89 year old toddler take his first steps. Jubilation's smile fades when Rogue just leaves, leaving Jubes to wonder if frowning at her earlier was such a good idea. Unable to leave well enough alone, Jubilation brings her hand up to her mouth so her voice can carry.

    "Okay, bye then!"

    With a shrug, Jubilee turns to resume making that potentially poisonous sandwich. "Looks like you don't have to sleep in a box anymore," she mutters, presenting that like her imagined scenario for Remy was an objective truth.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
     Remy lifts a hand in a wave towards Patty as she heads out, "We're here for you, when you need us, petite."

     Remy looks right back at Rogue, offering her a smile that shows no ill will towards her feelings towards him, and gives her a nod as she turns to leave. "Evenin' chere. Tell Red I say hello."

     To the Professor, the Cajun nods. "In de mornin', oui. Sounds like I have an army of dust bunnies I have to go evict from de premises. Merci, Professor."

     Remy looks over to Jubes and lets out a breath he hadn't really realized he had been holding. "Dat could have gone worse, non? T'ank you for your...help." He chuckles and gives the vampire a nod, "At least one of us doesn't have to sleep in one anymore. I'll see you around, Jubilee. Have a good rest of your evening." The Cajun leans over and attempts to give the vampire a chaste kiss on the cheek before he makes his way towards the door and up to his room.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah..." Jubilee agrees, nodding a little. "He could've asked you if you had any prior convictions..." Her grin can't be contained as Jubilee's biggest fan is Jubilee herself. She returns to where she was working on that alleged sandwich and strums both sets of fingers against the counter top. What do do, what to do.

    "Yeah, well, it's not really even sleep..." Jubes complains, staring down at the collection of bread and nonsense she found in the fridge earlier. She looks at it like a math text book. She knows what it is. She's seen one of these before yet it's so alien to her right now. Jubilee hesitates before cautiously reaching out to grab another slice of cheese to add to the pile of ingredients.

    "Oh, you probably need me to go get you your key again," Jubilation realizes, still focusing on the sandwich and the discomfort it's bringing. "...I got 'em all on this really big key ring. It's pretty hilarious...like, I gotta..." Jubilation rolls her eyes at her mistake. "What am I even saying, you don't need a key, you can jus--"

    The feeling of lips on cheek, even the little nothing that the gesture was, stops Jubilation from continuing that thought. She stands silent and motionless, porceline and still like a dead body and this is Weekend At Jubilee's. After what feels like an eternity, Jubilation covers the spot on her cheek with the palm of her hand and turns to find herself alone in the kitchen. Finally, a single word reaches her lips.

    "J'Accuse...!" she shouts, pointing her finger at the door to the kitchen.