2586/Amazons Assemble!

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Amazons Assemble!
Date of Scene: 23 July 2020
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: An assortment of Amazons descend on the embassy to plot the downfall of America. Not really. Actually they just take Diana out to a cool new Asian-Latin fusion place, but a Themysciran can dream...
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Caitlin Fairchild, Cassie Sandsmark, Diana Prince

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna had borrowed Cassie from Diana for a while, but all good things must come to an end, and it's time to give her back.

    Not really. However after spending a fair chunk of the last few weeks (not to mention the drama of the Brainiac invasion) hanging out and training with the Donna and the Titans, it's time the pair checked in with big sister, anyway. Coming along for the trip is Caitlin, a frequent visitor to the Embassy and honorary Amazon. It's Amazon gathering time!

    The sub-basement garage of the Titans Tower has an exciting array of vehicles, including a /submarine/, but it's a bike that Donna picks for the journey to New York. Yeah they could fly, but sometimes it's fun to ride. While not quite as fancy as the Redbird that Robin has been turning up on lately, the Titans have some rather nice bikes, painted in a black and yellow livery with a bold, stylized T symbol on the side showing who it belongs to. It's not that they couldn't all fit in Caitlin's car, it's that motorbikes are fun.

    The drive is fun. Crossing the Gateway bridge is the best part, but the long route up Garden State Parkway gives plenty of opportunities for Donna to drive recklessly fast, which she seems to enjoy doing. Several times during the journey Donna and Cassie roar ahead of Caitlin's car, only to zoom out of some hiding spot a few miles up the road and tailgate her for a while. Clearly the amazons are having fun.

    Once they hit the busy streets of Manhattan it's less fun, but soon enough car and bike are pulling up at the Embassy, and the trio arrive at the appointed time, Donna and Cassie having come off no worse for the reckless journey than cases of helmet hair to deal with.

    "/Khaire, Galatea!/" Donna greets the Amazon at the front with a broad grin. "Can you let Diana know we've arrived please?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin is a fantastic cook, a skilled aviatrix, an intense gamer and a steadfast ally.

She is, at best, a very mediocre driver, and drives like it. Full stops at all signals. Turn signals for 3-5 seconds. Careful merging; lots of defensive driving. It's utterly boring, but it gets her to the Embassy in one piece.

Were it not for Donna and Cassie leapfrogging her, she'd have gotten there a good fifteen minutes later. As it is, the car pulls into the Embassy gates not far after the motorcycle, and Caitlin carefully backs it into a spot.

"You are a terrible role model for American youth," Caitlin informs Donna. She's in her usual athleisure comfort clothing; black leggings with mesh breathing panels in slashes on her hips and a close-fitting sports tee in lime green. A very well-worn old bookbag overstuffed with a change of clothes and her laptop is pulled out of the front seat and carried on one shoulder.

"Galatea, tell Diana that they were driving recklessly!" Caitlin says, raising her voice to be heard before the Amazon on guard passes the message along.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Firmly in the midst of that weird border territory with adulthood that her culture insists on practicing, Cassie is always pretty eager for chances to look cool and vaguely grown-up. Whether driving recklessly on a motorbike counts is debatable, but it definitely looks cool! So she's in for taking the trip the old-fashion way, at least so long as no ancient Toyota sedans are involved. That is very much her /mom's/ style. Helena would not approve of any of this, particularly not the illegal speeds down the Parkway, whether or not they pose any real threat.

And that makes it so much better.

There are definitely some "Woos!" at appropriate junctures on the ride, and at least one of the times they pull out to ambush Caitlin, she does in fact briefly fly, hopping off the back of the bike to sail alongside the car, making faces at Caitlin through the window, before looping back to land on the moving bike. It's uh... practice for high-speed vehicle to vehicle boarding maneuvers, or something!

The ride through the city at the far end isn't as exciting, save for the 'hot chicks on a bike, coming through!' head-turning opportunities it presents. Cassie enjoys /those/, by the look of it!

"Well it's not like she was actually a real American youth anyway... so, close enough," she counters Caitlin, grinning as she hops down off the bike. "Sisters!" she calls, quickly jogging up. "Ignore Cait being lame. How are things? Have you been staying here on duty, or have you been back to the island recently? Is Di- er, the Princess here?"

Diana Prince has posed:
The women are indeed greeted by other Themyscirans who are openly happy to see them. Galatea is quick to tell Caitlin that she has no desire to get involved in those types of affairs, but shows a hint of a grin before leading them deeper into the embassy.

They're lead to a set of doors near the back of the house that look out on a side garden. It's Diana's studio. It is lined with windows that allow natural sunlight to shine in, and since it's a nice day out a few of the windows are actually open with white sheer drapes flowing softly in the breezes.

The studio has polished marble floors with a few rugs draped over parts of them. Diana is located on one of these rug spaces, seated on a wooden stool with her back straight. She's working on a statue restoration. Being that this is something she's done for over a hundred years now, she's one of the best in the world at it, if not the best.

Galatea announces their arrival, Diana takes a break from sweeping a cleaning solution across the statue's jawline to look back at them all. She smiles quite large. "What a lovely surprise. Though you make enough noise, I think I could hear you coming from several kilometers away."

The Princess grins then as she takes a moment to finish what she was doing. "Come in, come in." She turns back to the statue. "I need just a moment longer. How is everyone?" She asks.

The rest of the studio is filled with shelves and work spaces, loaded with art of all varieties that are in various states of condition.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna is clearly outraged by Caitlin's assertion, a fact evidence by the enormous grin and the very adult and sophisticated manner in which she sticks her tongue out at her old friend.

    Cassie on the other hand rates a wink. There are times when Donna is very serious, and the last few weeks with the looming threat of Brainiac that was the only side of her she had been showing, but with that threat dealt with she has definitely been more relaxed, and Cassie knows Donna can be a bit wild. Truth be told it's probably Cassie being a bad influence on Donna more than it is the other way around - Donna never had any friends her own age to get in trouble with when she was growing up.

    When they're brought into Diana's studio, Donna's grin only grows wider, but she knows better than to offer too much disturbance when Diana's in the middle of this delicate work. Hugs will have to wait a moment or two. "Very well, sister. It seems we have a day where nothing Earth-shaking enough to rouse Poseidon's jealousy is occuring, so it seemed like a good day to bring the gang down. Vic said he could spare Caitlin from the project we have to restore Genosha and Bushwick to normal size for the day, and Cassie and I generally just get underfoot when it comes to hard science. How are you?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin loiters behind Donna and Cassie again, but this time, it's voluntary. Anytime she comes to the embassy she brings along some desserts for the Amazons-- mostly ice cream and cookies. Her bag seems like a never-ending supply of bite-size edible containers, but her bag is looking a little lighter by the time she catches up with the others.

"Have a homemade fudgesicle, Diana." Caitlin offers the last one to the elder princess.

She's sniffing around the art exhibits, more interested in the chemical science than the process for refinishing some of the worn old statues. She sniffs at solvents and acetates alike with an indifference for the effect they have on most people.

"Cassie's fine, Donna's the one who's underfoot," Caitlin chimes in. "Vic threw her out of the lab because she wouldn't stop fiddling with the tools. The last thing we need is someone activating a Pym field in the Tower and us getting stuck in some micro-dimension beyond rescue."

She sticks her tongue out at Donna, in retribution for the earlier chastisement!

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
As weird as it would be for a lot of people to see Diana engrossed in this kind of work, how it would clash with the public image of a powerful champion like Wonder Woman, it is very familiar to Cassie: before she was Wonder Girl, she was the junior Sandsmark, often left sitting quietly at the museum where her mother and Diana worked. Well, or at least she was supposed to sit quietly. It was the height of boredom as a teenager, but her exposure to the very much living history has enhanced her appreciation of these artifacts of the Amazon's progenitor culture.

So, although she at some point breaks from the procession as they move through the embassy to fly ahead in eagerness to find her mentor, she does in fact pull up short of completing what would otherwise be a flying charge-hug. Instead, she hovers and drifts around without disturbing the work, looking over the statue from all the unusual angles a 3-dimensional freedom of movement allows.

"I'm great! What's this one?" she wonders.

"Yeah I seem like the only one who *doesn't* want to spend all their time crammed in a lab studying dead Brain-o junk," she echoes back at Caitlin. "Its boring. Oh, but Kate's new bow is pretty cool. You know she really wants to come to the island and do some training. Could we arrange somethign like that soon, you think? Like an end-of-summer camp thing for some of the girls from the team, before I start school." She makes the latter almost sound like a chore. But then again, Superheroing AND schoolwork is legitimately a lot to handle.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana finishes the strokes she was working on and she sets her tools aside on the table to her left. She then moves to stand up from her stool. Her eyes go back to the others, a light smile showing across her unpainted lips. "I am quite great today." She tells Donna, before she moves to a work station just a few steps away. She flips the water spout on and uses a special kind of soap to clean her hands before she turns back toward them. "It is my day off, so I am using it... to... do work." She grins again before accepting the fudge-pop from Caitlin.

"Oooh... mmmm..." The Princess emits as her eyes lock on to the treat. "Why thank you, Caitlin." She glances over to her and watches the redhead sniff at a container of carnauba wax. "Do not get it on your nose." She warns, a second later she has the chocolate treat unwrapped and is raising it up for a tasting sample while she looks then to Cassie.

After removing the chocolate ICETACULAR SPECTACULAR from between her lips, she folds one arm across her stomach and smiles to Cassie. "Possibly." Is he initial answer to the question. "We would need a lot of information on who would be going, so that they could be summarily vetted by... you know who." The Queen, of course.

Diana samples the treat again, then uses it to point at the statue that Cassie asked of. "Cassiopeia." She answers. "Still at least two months left on its return to form..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks thoughtful for a moment, then starts correcting herself. "I didn't mean that we are aiming to restore Genosha and Bushwick to normal size for only a day. We will do that permanently. I meant to say that Vic could spare Caitlin, for the day, from the project to restore Bushwick and Genosha to normal size." She gestures with her hands as she speaks, moving them with each clause as if to visually compartmentalize the sentence. "English is a poorly constructed language," she concludes.

    "And Vic never did," she replies to Caitlin. "That's a foul slur. I make contributions to the team's science efforts too! Remember the anti-drone rounds were my idea." No, the truth is that Donna's not far off Cassie's opinion on this one. Why would you want to be stuck in the labs sciencing when you could be fighting things instead?

    "Maybe later in the year," Donna says to Cassie. "Apart from the whole vetting thing, August probably isn't the best time of year visiting. Better to go when it's not quite as hot." The vetting raises some interesting questions though. Amongst those Donna would like to bring to Themyscira is Supergirl, and that could take some vetting.

    "Cassie has been doing great with us Diana," Donna says, changing the subject. "I pushed her hard in training the last few weeks, and she barely complained." There's a quick wink Cassie's direction. "She fought very well with the team. Honestly the whole team really came together during the Brainiac crisis. We had three teams on the ground dealing with the invasion, and Cassie helped out there. We had them moving in and containing hotspots of drone activity while Raven vanished them. Supergirl went with a group of Avengers and Leaguers on the direct assault. Cait and I and another of the new Titans infiltrated the ship to recover the stolen cities. I can't tell you how proud I am of them all."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Information? Well, it'd be people from the team, so Donna already knows all about them, right? She's probably vetted them once already even, when they joined in the first place," Cassie argues, visibly disappointed that her idea for a summer vacation isn't more of an instant hit. Not that she has any reason to be surprised, but... it's Cassie! "I dunno everyone who'd want to go, but hrm, Kate for sure, and she's *already* taking Amazon training with us. Supergirl maybe? How could anyone say no to Superman's cousin?!"

It's Donna's interjection that really does it, though. Et tu, Troia?! "But I'll be busy with school in the fall!? And what's a little heat anyway. It's paradise! And we can go swimming!" She looks back and forth, expression teetering on the precipice between excitement and utter dejection.

Ultimately, her floating rotation around the statue stops, and she settles to cross-legged spot on the floor next to it, putting her head in her hands and looking rather pouty. "At least they only chained you up in the sky," she mutters at the statue.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is actually dressed very casually this afternoon, wearing a black apron over a black tshirt that she has tucked into a pair of old blue jeans that are fit to her form, and even are speckled with a bit of paint from her various art projects here in this very studio.

With fudge pop in her mouth she listens to the others speaking and then draws it back out to smile at Donna, then over to Cassie. "I would expect nothing short of greatness from this one." She playfully points at Cassie with the fudge pop before she glances over to Caitlin. "Caitlin was vetted, it is... not as terrible of a process as the word itself sounds. It sounds very... harsh, invasive."

The sounds of the sprinklers systems outside the many windows along the far waall can be heard coming on to water the flowers and grass of that small side garden, Diana glances toward one of the open windows, but no water seems to be coming in so she looks back to the others.

"The Queen just wants... proof of someone's... value, toward good and the betterment of this world." She shows a hint of a grin. "She believes most, that are not of Themyscira, generally have ill-intent and maligned hearts. We have to prove to her that that is not the case, and then she is likely to give them access to the island, as she did Caitlin."

She walks toward Caitlin and waggles the fudge pop at her. "Such as the fine ability to make homemade chocolate ice cream treats." She grins to the redhead before now angling her casual striding pace toward Donna and Cassie.

"Does this mean Cassie is an official member of the Titans now?" The Princess then asks.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "For eternity, Cass." Donna looks over at the morose teen with a smile. "You wouldn't want to change places. Mom is kind of... stubborn. It can take a little while to bring her around to a new idea, and bringing several people in at one time... well. We'll try to aim for Fall break, how about that? That's not so long away."

    Donna casts her gaze over to Caitlin, thoughtfully. "I think Cait got in pretty easily because we both knew her. I'd known her for years, even. But mom has her own ways of... well she's pretty good at finding out what's happening out in Partriarch's World when she wants to. So I wouldn't expect any vetting to be a lengthy process. I'm not sure she makes her judgements based on baking skills and chocolate ice cream treats though." Donna beams a big grin in Diana's direction.

    "As for Cassie in the Titans... that's pretty much up to her," Donna says. "And her mother, I guess. She's had a good chance to meet the team and see how we work. Trained alongside us, fought alongside us." She turns her attention to Cassie. "What do you think, Cassie? I mean it's not like it has to be a full-time job. You can pretty much come and go as you like."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Yeah, yeah." Cassie knows the legend, of course, but /trivial/ details like eternal imprisonment don't serve her pouting narrative!

Of course, her mood swings one way and it swings the other just as easily, encouraged as Diana offers those reassurances on the process itself, and Donna on the scheduling. "I guess that wouldn't be too bad. I just thought it'd make for a cool summer camp." But that's not a detail worth hanging on, as opposed to the prospect of actually getting to go. "Ok, well, we better get started then, yeah? On whatever... the process is." Somewhere in there, she hits upon a stray thought and wonders: "How does your mom even- like if they can't come, how will she? She doesn't leave, does she?" Donna claims Hippolyta has her ways, but Cassie's expression remains doubtful!

Also: "At least we're not planning for Spring Break, huh?" Will that one go over Amazon heads?

In any event, all gloom is dispelled and she pops up from her seated spot again, only to stop in her tracks at Diana's question about the Titans. She turns to Donna curiously, and then grins all too brightly. "I am all for it!" she announces with little hesitation. "I think even my mom will go for it, if only because being on a team means at least /someone/ will be supervising rather than me just running around fighting badguys all by myself..." And a glance toward Diana, "Or trying to sneak off after you again."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Cassie a skeptical look. "Seriously, Cassie? Spring Break? Think about it, you think I wanna go home to mom for Spring Break?" The skeptical look becomes a broad smirk and Donna glances at Diana. She spent her later teen years in America, living with a bunch of other teens. She knows what's indicated by the phrase 'Spring Break', but she's not sure whether her big sister does or not.

    "She doesn't leave," Donna confirms. "But being queen of the Amazons comes with perks, I guess. She probably just has Athena on speed dial and just asks her what's going on. It's a terrible thing to have a mother who knows what trouble you get into even when you're thousands of miles away. At least here in America she can't threaten to ground us because of it. That's probably why we..." Donna's grin had been widening as she spoke, but when she stops mid-sentence the grin falls over the period of a couple of seconds. "It's not really a terrible thing," she adds. "Mother is just very protective. Of us, of the island, of the Amazons. She..."

    Donna waves the thought away and shifts topics. "I'm not actually the boss of the Titans, Cassie. Whatever impression you might have got over the last few weeks. But if you want to be part of the team, I don't think that anyone else is going to object. You have a place at the tower whenever you want it, and you seem to get on with the others. The more time you spend there, the more you will be part of the team. And yes..." Donna's smile returns. "It's good to be part of a team. You always have people watching your back and looking out for you."

    Donna raises a warning finger to Diana, but accompanies it with a big, playful smile. "That doesn't mean she's all my responsibility all of a sudden!"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh, huh." Cassie puts a thoughtful finger to her lips. "Yeah I guess for you it's probably not nearly as exciting an idea. Well, we can always just go down to Daytona beach or something." Yeeeeah. File under: 'Precipitating Causes of the Amazon Invasion of the United States, volume 17.'

The idea of on-demand Athena surveillance causes the young woman's eyes to tilt upward toward the ceiling and then around a bit. "Ugh, yeah, that's rough. I just hope she's not watching TOO closely," she mutters without entirely thinking through the self-implication involved in the statement, before being distracted from her momentary paranoia by a threat all more immediate and omnipresent: "Well, maybe YOUR mom can't ground YOU, but that doesn't help me any around here!" Sometimes, she gets grounded in a very literal sense of it, flight ability and all!

There's a slight narrowing of her eyes, a suspicious 'what cool thing are you not telling me' when Donna trails off, but ultimately, she partly concedes the mom topic. "I mean I get that, mine is too. I know she thinks she's just looking out for me, but it can be pretty frustrating sometimes, getting treated like a kid with a toy and not, you know, a warrior, Olympian champion, superhero, whatever!"

With her arms barred arms over her chest in a posture of stubborn frustration, her posture only relaxes a little when Donna disclaims leadership and she snickers reflexively. "Uhuh. Maybe not officially, but c'mon, sis. You're one of the founders! Nightwing," insert <3 eyes, "has his Bat stuff, Gar's got his fans, and Cy's more interested in tuning up the T-Car. So, like it or not, people look up to you! I mean, are we supposed to follow that new Robin around?" /As if./

She casts a sidelong look back at Di. "She knows she can't get rid of me that easy! Anyway, we're here now, so you're not getting rid of us. We saw some cool new Asian-Latin fusion place on the ride over, and we're taking you out!" Promptly, Cassie's reaching for her arm. "No excuses, Princess!" Nevermind that she's already had dessert!