2921/Down Time

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Down Time
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: The Robin's Roost - Chelsea
Synopsis: Outsiders chatter in the kitchen.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Laura Kinney, Conner Kent, Phoebe Beacon, Rose Wilson, Bart Allen

Tim Drake has posed:
It's late evening at the base, and Tim is working out the kinks with his new project. A vaguely humanoid robot is in the kitchen, cooking an ever-increasing pile of french toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, and those hashbrowns like the sort one might get at cheap diners. Breakfast at 8pm? Well, sure, why not. It's not like there's a rule against it.

While AHAB (complete with his comically atrocious pirate hat) cooks, Tim is lounging on one of the chairs in the dining room, in sweats and a tank top... and the gauntlet from his costume with the wrist computer. He's tweaking things and watching the code that drives the robot as he works.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura had been gone the last few days, but that probably wasn't surprising as she was spending as much, if not more time back at Xavier's than she was at the Roost. And, perhaps it's the smell of food that draws her back, but the door opens nonetheless and scenting the smell of cooking, the girl with the knife-hands makes her way into the kitchen.

She sizes up the robot, Tim working on it, and simply says, "Hello," politely, before moving to the pile of breakfast, and begins to help herself to a rather large portion of the food available as if this were just a normal mealtime, rather than anything out of the ordinary.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner has been sleeping five or six hours every night since he got hurt. Not that he has been around much. Or if he has, he kept to his room. But he is around today.

He didn't expect anyone around, to be honest. This group is not formed by early risers. At least the old group was not. He is not sure about the new guys. Something tells him Laura might be one of those weird almost mythical morning people.

And there she is! "Good morning, folks," he murmurs, looking somewhat tired. "Laura, you are a morning person, arentcha? Asking for a friend who wants to know."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    French toast, hashbrowns-- Phoebe, as she came in from the outside, tilts her head back a bit more as she purses her lips, and pulls back the hood of her open sweatshirt, making her way to the kitchen as well, wearing jeans, a gray hoodie, and a T-shirt with #GothamHope scrawled on it. "Helloooooo all my happy team mates~" she cheerily greets everyone, and then specifically "And good evening AHAB!" she adds, "Evening, Connor, how are you feeling? What's up Laura? Tim -- *please* tell me you actually slept?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe, for the record, is most *definitely* a morning person.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Is Rose a morning person? A night person? Rose is an awake when it suits her person, honestly. This hour, it suits the white haired girl to be awake, and she looks like she's been busy. When she makes her way into the dining room/kitchen area she's wearing a pair of short shorts, sports bra, socks, tennis shoes, and has a towel drapped across her neck.

Anyone need a second guess as to what she was doing? Probably not, if so, the sweaty ponytail and fact she's unwrapping tape from around her hands and wrists is a large clue.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim is NOT a morning person, which works out in this case, given the late hour. He looks over at Laura with a grin as she helps herself to the continually growing pile of breakfast food. Oh, right-- he should get some of that instead of sitting here tinkering with AHAB's settings. He actually pulls himself out of his chair, snagging one of the free plates and piling it reasonably high before returning to his seat.

Phoebe's question gets a slight smirk. "Ahhh... yes. Sleep was had. Lots of sleep. And evening to you too, Phoebe." He glances to Conner and grins. "Conner. You look better at least. I'm sure bacon is a miracle cure for Special K poisoning." When Rose arrives, though, Tim's face lights up a bit (and he does an appreciative once-over look, as well). "Break-dinner-fast, Rose?"

AHAB tilts its head as Beacon greets the robot, and replies (far less stuttering than the other day), "H-hello, Pheobe. Would you like some b-breakfast?" The voice sounds suspiciously like Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, because Tim has a horrendous sense of humor.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes running in and stops mid run and zoo pamphlets from zoos around the world go flying and he goes from standing still, and then zoom is across the room "We have a kitten and a robot pirate?"" He smiles and seems all around the robot for a moment, not even worrying about the food at first." He looks over to Robin and says "A ninja robot gardener next?"" He asks and zooms back to pick up the pamphlets and finally gets a large plate of food and looks for a place to sit .

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am fine," lies Conner. "Just a lot of sleeping and sunlight. Good thing it is the summer break. But no longer green," green is not his color, not even a little bit. "Pirate robot cook, definitely ninja robo-gardener. Make it so, Timster. And hello, Rosie. And Phoebe. And Bart. Well, seems we have a full house today."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I'll just take some from what's prepared, thank you AHAB. You're deoing great!" she informs the Johnny Depp robot, though she does eyeball Tim at the voice in curiosity, and then she reaches for some of the french toast and hash browns.

    Hi Bart!" Phoebe greets the speedster "How are the snails?"

    Phoebe tries to make a seat in the middle of everyone, sitting up proper and straight as she gives a slight grin to Rose. "Evening, Rose! Lookin' sharp!" she greets the absolutely terrifying young woman, then gives a slight look to Tim.

    "I might not be smart enough to reverse-engineer the biometic scanner in the suit, but I'll make you wear a fitbit." she states, pointing a spoon at him in a threatening manner.

    "So, then you're a bit like a solar cell, Conner? Sunshine perks you up after an injury?" She inquires, her dark eyes turning with curiosity and interest to Conner as she begins to size him up.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I can go three days without sleep," remarks Laura, "Quite easily. Usually, however, I get at least three or four hours of sleep per day. I do not require more." The somewhat emotionally stunted girl watches the others come into attendance, nods to them as she takes her more-than-full plate to a place to sit, and begins to consume the food with as much appreciation for the taste of it as the sustenance it will provide her.

If she thinks something is 'off' or 'weird' about the Pirate outfit, and voice? She says nothing. But then, she's seen a lot weirder in Xavier's.

"Hello, Phoebe. It is good to see you again. Bart. Conner." She eyes Conner, then, for a long moment. Her look tells Conner that -she- knows he's lying about how he's feeling, but she had been told it's not kind to call people out on their lies, so she doesn't do this. Instead, she looks to Rose.

"You are the one that is his girlfriend?" Him, being Tim, of course.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Phoebe and says "Pretty good, they help me remember to slow down and take a moment sorta my Zen place. Oh speaking of which let me know when ya get that info Rob, I maybe training a new speedster, and want to make sure he is a good guy and all." He has munched his food and waits making sure all have a plate before getting a second huge helping. At Laura's question he decides to be quiet and watch the entertainment.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Someone didn't ever tell Rose it's not kind to call people out on their lies. Although, unlike Laura, she's just guessing that he's lying and not picking up on it with the special sniffer-lie-detector. "Bullshit, Conner. Being injured, and not admitting that you're hurt, or how bad, or that you need time, puts the rest of us at risk because we'll rely on you to perform at top level. And you won't be."

Tim's familiar with this argument. She used it on him. It's dirty, and it is underhanded. And in Rose speak, it shows she gives a damn about two of her oldest friends. Then she glances at Phoebe, giving her a nod and looking like she might say something before Laura pipes up, and she glances at her, "Yeah. How are the hands?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner gives Rose a look of surprise and outrage. Like she ever admits... anything. "Hey, maybe not at 100 percent, but I am well, really. Also, the French toasts look pretty good," he comments, snatching one to try. Change subjects.

"I have to ask, Tim. Is the robot able to make good pizzas," it is a critical question in this team. So much for eating better food.

Tim Drake has posed:
"He should," Tim responds regarding the pizza question. Laura's query to Rose garners a lifted eyebrow and a glance towards Rose, but she answers in the affirmative and without making a big deal out of it... which is good, as far as he's concerned. He stuffs a bite of french toast into his mouth, chewing and frowning down at the screen attached to his wrist. "Huh, maybe I should test these next--" flick, flick... "..or not, don't have the ingredients on hand. Maybe later then." He looks up and gives Rose a grin, gesturing to the food and then the empty chair beside him, if she wants.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "We need stuff for Pizza? On it." and yea he is gone but his second plate of food is as well. Then he is back, and beside Rob. "Um, I need money to pay for the food. I sorta used all mine going to different zoos earlier." He tells the other man.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "A zen place, huh?" Phoebe inquires, looking distracted a moment by Rose's statement on Conner's status, and she gnaws thoughtfully on a bit of french toast before responding: "... she's right, you know. Unless you have a healing factor like me or Laura, it's probably a bad idea to just walk around all injured when you could be, oh I dunno, /not/ as injured?" she states with a shrug directed at no one in particular, but likely mostly to Tim and Conner. Two birds (not a bird, plane, not a plane!) one stone. Her eyes narrow slightly, her lips purse in thought before she goes for another shrug "BUt what do I know?"

    She looks to Bart in amusement "/That/ explains the pamphlets! Did you hit up the Gotham Zoo? Did you see the giraffe witht he heart on its butt?!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura shows Rose her hands, as if Rose hadn't seen them before, her gesture more naive and sincere than anything that could even be minorly mistaken for sarcasm. "My hands are returned, and healed." She unsheathes the twin blades in each hand with two sharp *snikts* to demonstrate they work just as they ought, before retracting the blades easily, and returning to her breakfast.

"As I told the others, I will not be caught off-guard by his defenses, or his strength again. I will not underestimate him again, either. He was a formidable opponent, and more prepared than we were."

She doesn't sound upset, merely determined.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim blinks as Bart returns, and then, "Oh. Yeah... cash right? Uh, should be some in..." he gives Bart some directions to where a stash of $20s are, before tapping a few more times on the computer screen and then putting it 'away', returning his attention to his food. He cuts Phoebe a look, "Yeah yeah, got it. Besides, I think if I let myself stay that injured for that long again, Rose might smother me." His tone and expression are amused and teasing. He watches Laura unsheathe her claws, starting a little at the *snikt* noises but relaxing almost immediately.

Rose Wilson has posed:
If Conner's anger and outrage shocks her, Rose just ignores it. Probably not shocked by it, honestly. She moves to grab herself some food, then taking the seat next to Tim.

The plate gets put down before she leans her elbows on the table, studying Laura, "Father tends to be more prepared than everyone." She glances back at her food, starting to pick at it, "I wouldn't smother you. I'd drag you to Phoebe."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Phoebe and says "Not today, but I am working there and yea Geradine likes it when you use the long brush on her, and is a real sweetheart." He tells her, and then listening to Tim, he is off again , and then back and putting up bags of groceries, stops beside AHAB "There a place on him I can put the receipt and he can update what we have?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe watches Laura with a sense of fascination, the highschooler seeing the claws come out, then go back in. She breathes out, realizing she's staring, and then turns to her french toast with some seriousness as she cuts it up. Eschewing the bacon, so far.

    "I wouldn't smother you either, but I would remind you that I'm not *technically* a medical professional. But!" she reaches down, and picks up her school bag, and opens it, showing off several thick books. "I bought a bunch of used Advanced A&P Books from Gotham U's bookstore and I'm gonna brush up. My highschool AP Bio class doesn't exactly cover crimefighting medical emergencies." she states -- and then, excitedly to Bart:

    "*You work at the Zoo that is freaking amazing I am so entirely jealous!* I want to brush a giraffe!"

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim chuckles a bit at Pheobe's excitement. "I'm working on that, man, right now he just does a manual inventory every 36 hours," he replies to Bart's question. "Though... huh. Probably--" he snags the receipt from Bart, using his wrist computer to scan it in, and then musses with it a bit to add the receipt's contents to the database.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Ever pragmatic, halfway through her breakfast, Laura asks simply, "What is our next mission?" Because, shouldn't a team always have a mission? It makes enough sense, in her world. "Do we regroup, and continue to track Deathstroke down, and work more on preperations? Or is there a new target to take down that you have in mind? I am ready to take action. I have rested enough."

She exchanges a glance with each of them, meaningfully, ready to contribute, ready to - well, do what she does best. Sitting on her perverbial laurels is not something that Laura's ever been able to be comfortable doing, at least, not yet.

Rose Wilson has posed:
There's a glance at Laura, and it's clear that Rose has maybe a few different opinions on the matter of her father. But she doesn't share any of her ideas or opinions. Instead she shoves a piece of bacon into her mouth, glancing at Tim to field that question.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Working on a few things," Tim says mildly to Laura, before crumbling his bacon into his eggs and stirring them a bit. "Looking into some company that might be taking young metahuamns... but I can't get proof of it or anything nailed down as to where they might be." He scowls a bit. "They are the people who created Conner, though, and we think they are back up to their old tricks." This may explain some of the reasons he had been pretty much glued to the computers in the labs. "On top of that, there's an old fairytale in Gotham apparently coming to life. Or unlife. I'm trying to dig into that, but a lot of the early history of Gotham is... questionable and apocryphal." He stuffs some of the eggs into his mouth, chewing and swallowing, before continuing. "That doesn't include the normal insanity that is usual for us, either. Don't worry too much, Laura, we'll have more to do before too much longer." He pointedly doesn't mention Rose's father-- or the pretty obvious hit he made in the aftermath of failing his last one. But Tim had seen the news and the coroner's report.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Phoebe and says "I work at nights, but I could probably sneak you in sometime, but would have to make sure the other cleaning crew does not see you, but they pretty much leave me alone once I showed I get the job done and the animals are happy." He admits "And I can always get the place clean come help on missions and then go back to have been at work the whole time.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Still, extremely cool. I'm not able to do much with my blog other than make garden posts or random observations about the little bits of light in Gotham. My dad used to take me to the zoo all the time. It's... some of my favorite memories." she remarks, and then nervously glances around the room.

    She was the normal kid.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I have never been to a zoo," remarks Laura, casually, nearly finished ravaging her breakfast like she were practicing for an eating contest.

"Yes. Conner and I were talking about hunting the people responsible for creating him, to find out from them if his memories were real, or created. He was afraid that Superman and Batman would prevent him, or us, from investigating. I told him that was foolish, and it was his choice to make. And that I would asssist his infiltration and assault when he was ready," Laura agrees with Tim, "Regardless of what anyone else wants. It is his life. And his choice." Of this, she is absolutely certain. And, -- for once, perhaps, even passionate about in her own right.

She looks to Rose, nods a silent affirmation of her assessment of her father. Deathstroke had, in fact, impressed her.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim gives Laura a level look. "No, it's doubtful either Superman or Batman would prevent it," he says after a moment. "But if either advise caution, or offer advice, we should take it." He frowns a bit. "And as for infiltration and assault... well, I need to find a location before we can do that." He smirks a bit. "Conner only is worried that Big Blue will stop us because he's not used to having a--" he cuts himself off, remembering who all is sitting with him. Laura, another clone who he's not sure what her relationship with her father is... Rose, who's Dad seriously isn't earning father of the year awards... Bart, whose parents are in the far-flung future... and Phoebe, whose father (step father?) has died. Tim, though his own father was dead a couple of years now, was lucky in having Bruce as a relatively stable father figure, and his relationship with his own father was pretty supportive before he had been killed. "...an adult looking over his shoulder on occasion." Nice save. Probably not, but he tried.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Speaking of father's, this is something that has nothing to do with anything, but probably is an easier topic for Rose. "Tim's dad is hot."

She can't speak about Big Blue, though. Not having bothered to be around when he visits.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks around and says "We can make a team building trip of going to the zoo sometime, something together besides kicking butt." He suggests to them and says "Luckily that is something i do not have to worry about all the adults in my life are very... adult."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe was uncomfortable. Dads were always a little sore topic, especially when yours was killed. She attempts to stave off saving anything else awkward by taking on a particularly large piece of hashbrown, when Rose states that Tim's dad is hot.

    At that point, Phoebe's windpipe decides it wants to be an esophagus part-time, and some of that potatoy goodness gets stuck, and she chokes a moment, split between thanking her lucky stars that it wasn't a carbonated beverage and being unsure on if she needed a hero right in that moment.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura makes a face at Rose. The sort of face that one might give another person when they vaugely understand the concept of what's being said to them, but not really the core of it. She asks, "You mean he is attractive?"

She looks to Tim, commenting to Rose, "I met him when some Bratva attempted to attack him. I severely maimed one of them, and we took down the others. He then bought me dinner. I thought he was propositioning me. I am still getting used to -," she frowns, "Understanding attractiveness, and relationships. It is very difficult."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim also coughs. It's... actually not untrue. Tim's adopted dad is pretty much one of the most eligible bachelor-types in Gotham... and beyond, honestly. Actually, that comment reminds Tim that his two older brothers are also pretty ridiculously good looking (especially Dick, in ways that are simply NOT FAIR to have to be compared to), which makes Tim run his hand through his already-mussed hair self-consciously. "I mean, yeah, and he and... my oldest brother... get a lot of that 'oh, you're not married, let me throw myself at you' at galas. It's hilarious to watch but probably annoying to deal with." Tim hasn't had to deal with it yet. Ahh, the glories of being nineteen. He figures he hasn't because he doesn't really see himself as on that level... which generally he's okay with.

Generally. Then sometimes your girlfriend points out that your adoptive dad is hot, which reminds you that you're not entirely sure you fit into that category yourself..

Then Laura speaks and Tim looks embarrassed. "It's... fine, Laura. Misunderstandings happen." He gives her a half-smile. "Attractiveness is strange. Sometimes everyone agrees, and sometimes it's really in the eye of the beholder."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to the others and says "It is all a mater of taste really, I mean it can be physical, mental I have been told even hormonal. It is ok to take your time and find someone you like and who likes you. " This sounds like a speech Bart may have been told a few times.

Rose Wilson has posed:
When Phoebe starts to choke, Rose reaches over to smack a hand on her back. It's probably meant to help keep their healer from dying on them at the dinner table, which would be a complicated thing to explain.

"He is attractive. Tall. Dark. Doesn't have a dad bod." Which might not be a reference that Laura understands. "But if we're rating Tim's brothers...." She thinks about it, then shakes her head, "I wouldn't throw myself at him, the oldest. Middle brother."

There is a slight squint, and she glances at Tim at the propositioning thing, then she glances back at Laura, "I'll introduce you to Jason. You'd like him, too."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I have six sisters," Laura tells Rose, casually. This bit, she hadn't shared with Tim, or any of the others before. And only Conner knew about Gabby, so far. "To be more precise, clones. Of myself. Four of them are dead. One is missing. The youngest is Gabby. She and I reside, when I am not here, at Xavier's. She looks exactly like me, save that she has a scar over her eye." Laura's finger moves to draw where the scar would be. "And, slightly younger than myself. But I would enjoy meeting your brothers, Tim. And I would be glad to introduce you to Gabby. She is - not like me."

Curiously? Laura almost sounds happy about this. Pleased, in some facet. "She is - normal." The words don't pain her. THey are merely facts. Facets of her life which she embraces, accepts, and understands.

Finally she looks back to Bart. "I would be glad to go to the zoo with the team. I am certain Gabby would enjoy it too."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hrk!" Phoebe squacks, and swallows. She straightens up a moment, and then wipes the back of her hand across her eyes as she breathes.

    "Thanks, Rose. That would have been a terrible way to go!" she coughs, and then she breathes out.

    "And they've got the right of it, Laura. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there's a lot of ways someone can be attractive!" she replies, and then clears her throat. "It's really about what you like, and that you find attractive. However, as I have met precisely zero of Tim's family, I cannot offer my own opinions as to their attractiveness? Besides, my tastes might not lean to Rose's." she glances to Tim, then looks him up and down in a jokingly critical motion.

    "We should totally meet your sister. And go to the zoo. There's a dog park near there that I take Scout to sometimes."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim rubs the back of his neck. "Sisters."

"Aww shit." He looks annoyed. "Yeah... speaking of those... I gotta bring mine around, too." Yes, he has a sister. It's complicated.

Rose Wilson has posed:
Does Rose have siblings? She doesn't offer the information if she does. Instead she just goes back to shoving bacon into her mouth, letting the others take control of the conversation.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen 's phone beeps and he looks down at it and types something and then frowns a bit at it "Ok this is odd...." He will type a bit more.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Having had her fill of breakfast, or food for the moment, Laura gets up, looking briefly to Tim. "I have already met your sister. She was the quiet one, correct?" She means, of course, her quiet run-in with Cassandra. "Or is there another?"

She pauses to squint at Bart, but doesn't ask about his little odd problem, figuring it is something to do with phone technology, or something that is otherwise not her business.

Tim Drake has posed:
"Mm? Oh no, she's not... my sister. She's..." Tim rubs the back of his neck. Damn, Bat-relations are complicated outside the family. "Ah..." he grimaces. "So, my parents... my real parents... were killed a few years ago. I was adopted by our neighbor-- he is from one of the other Founding Families-- and he's my adoptive father now. He keeps track of my trust fund, does all the dad stuff. You know, lecturing, teaching, giving advice..." He pauses. "He's a pretty good dad, honestly... I mean, I miss my parents. But having this new family makes it not so bad." He looks a little embarrassed. "Uh, but my adoptive father, he also adopted several other kids. They aren't my siblings by blood, just by adoption. But that doesn't matter." He looks to Laura. "Cass hasn't been adopted, exactly, but she's a close friend." That's as good of an explanation as any.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe glances around the room. She rubs the back of her head a moment, giving a breath out before she leans her head back, and then picks up her dishes (and any other empty dishes), and makes for the dishwasher. Her shoulders are tense as she quietly goes about cleaning up -- not having AHAB do all the work.

    "Thanks for the dinner, AHAB, good job!" she compliments the robot quietly.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to the others and says "Someone is using my grandpa's twitter account and he has been gone for like 3 years no one has seen him." He tells the others and starts to pace getting a bit faster and faster.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura tips her head over to Bart, "No one has seen him. Did anyone see him die?" A fair enough question. She shrugs, simply. "Going dark is a common practice. He may simply have decided to go off grid, and cease communications if he did not die. And now he has returned." A simple explination from someone who lived a few years in the world of infiltration, and assassination. And finding people who didn't want to be found.

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim frowns over at Bart. "Well... if there's something up, I'm sure I'll find out soon enough." He stands, giving Phoebe a mouthed 'thank you' for grabbing the plates. "But I need to get ready for patrolling tonight... there's a place down in the Narrows I really need to look in on." He leans over and kisses Rose's forehead lightly. "Coming?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, shoot me a buzz if you need me when you come in, and stay careful around the 1170 block of A-Street, the homeless camp under the bridge is expanding with the recent evictions." Phoebe states gentle-like to Tim and Rose -- and then points at Tim.

    "You Especially take it easy. Those were deep and I'm still feeling it." she warns him, and then goes to grab her bookbag.

    "I'll be setting up a bit in the med lab if anyone needs me, and if there is an instruction manual for anything in there, I'd like it!" she gives a wry grin, grabs up some fruit, and heads down to 'work'.