3760/When the Doctor is away the mystics will play

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When the Doctor is away the mystics will play
Date of Scene: 09 October 2020
Location: Sanctum Santorum
Synopsis: Strange is missing, a magical frat party has broken out. A couple of couples show up and enjoy in the dancing and festivities.
Cast of Characters: Stephen Strange, Spiral, Nico Minoru, Viola Fiore, Harley Quinn

Stephen Strange has posed:
    Stephen Strange has been missing for some time, that's not unusual, what is unusual though, is that the lights at and around the Sanctum Sanctorum have become a mystical night club. There are spot lights that boom up from nothingness up into the skies and wave back and forth, yet in true mystic fashion, only those with the 'sight' or the 'ability' can see them. Several of the house guards and protections have been lifted for the moment as scores of mages move in and out and about the place with impunity and as such, one person decided to tap into the spirits left within the houes and the bottomless glass spells have been very popular.

    There's a DJ in the corner with his hands upon a mandala and is spinning it semi-slowly, bringing the house music down so he can tap his enchanted microphone to make an announcement. "Witches and Warlocks, we are nearing our fourth night of partying at the Sanctum de Sanctum." Yeah, he got the name wrong, many of these mystics have varrying levels of skill, so some may not have heard about the sanctum before now, "And as we draw upon the witching hour, everyone make sure they have their drinks ready to toast another POWERFUL night at the house magic built. Five minute warning y'all." The DJ warns before he starts to spin the 'record' a bit faster, back up to tempo.

Spiral has posed:
Spiral fashionably late. She doesn't teleport directly into the Sanctum just in case - space is weird in there, she'd hate to end up at the Big Crunch or something - but appears right outside, alongside Harley Quinn, and pushes open the door. She's got an invite after all.

"Um.". She blinks white eyes, seeing a normally rather studious and sombre place turned into a den of iniquity with magical strobe lights and all. "It's good to see Earth is defended by a man who takes his role seriously.". She's wearing her blue spandex and furry boots. She ALWAYS has furry boots, that's the rule.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you cast a spell on him, Harley...". But whatever. She may as well mingle with mystics in this particular Earth-variant. Naturally, she heads vaguely for where the dancing is happening.

Nico Minoru has posed:
It had been a while since Nico had visited the Sanctum. She had been meaning to, but you know wandering the city and such had just kept her so busy. Truth be told, she had no real excuse as to wehy she hadn't. People. Perhaps too many people. People that would want to interact and talk and want to know how she was. She was well aware of the nights of gathering and partying going on there, but she had skipped the last few. However, she felt like had to at least make an appearance.

She was not going to go alone tho. Oh no. She needed a wing-woman and it was Viola who got the text <<Hey. Meet me at Dunks. You know the one. We are going to a party. Yeah I know what you are going to text back. Just go with it..okay?" Thus Nico arrives with Viola beside her entering the room and exhaling softly as she takes in the scene and all those gathered. She turns her head to her companion. "Can you believe her. I mean I may dress like a witch...but she would not give up on the pumpkin spice thing. Jesus." Nevertheless, she raises the coffee cup in her hand to her lips and takes a sip. "Oh my god...I have officially joined the masses."

She grabs her friends hand and walks further into the room. "Okay let's try to have fun. Don't start dancing, because then I will feel like I need to join you...and that is not something anyone here wants to see."

Viola Fiore has posed:
Receiving the text from Nico was pleasant enough. And if it wasn't by itself a surprise, that it contained an invitation to a party was. The response from the Italian-American girl was an emphatic yes, and a few questions about what kind of party.

The answers of which probably confused Viola more than helped, but she ran with it. So she shows up in a pair of black denim jeans, worn low enough to reveal a silver belly chain where her stomach is left bared between the jeans and her snug-fitting black spaghetti strap top. In one ear is a dark earring shaped like a skull.

She's got her own cup as well, and lets out a soft grin. "You are being assimilated," Viola confirms of Nico's predilection for the October-themed drink. "I know, right?" she says about the delicious flavor.

Viola's eyes go around the Sanctum's interior, and over some of those that are here who have a less than normal appearance to them. "This party is going to be another of those, Vi don't freak out moments, isn't it?" she says. Though not sounding like she's about to freak out. "Got it. No dancing."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"So ...." Harley is moving along with Spiral. "When ya said this was a witch party, ya meant it's an actual WITCH party?!" There is glee on Harley's face while she walks within, dressed in a tight t-shirt with '#TeamSnape' in front, shorts and fishnet stockings that would very much be a copy of Zatanna's usual ones. On her feet are high heeled boots and to finish she wears a top hat... Which really doesn't hide the pigtails and the differently colored hair.

"With us bein' so close ta HAlloween I thought this would be one o' those, but I shoulda known betta!" She says, "And yep, I got him some Tahiti fevah. I did tell ya it was a magic place, right?"

The dancing does call her attention too. "So what's yoh poison?" she asks of Spiral. "And I mean in terms o' drinks. Don't go all literal on me!"

Spiral has posed:
Six armed Spiral just stalks over to where people are dancing, and then lifts up most of her arms, and pirouettes on one foot ballet style. "Harry Potter?" she asks, suddenly noticing what Harley is wearing. "Talk about lowest common denominator mass entertainment... Anything popular is usually like that. Millions of people caught in the grip of mindless worship...".

She spins off into the crowd, and then starts swaying around, weaving expertly between the people in a multiarmed dance. "Beer!" she calls out over the crowd, showing off her hidden tomboy side. Rita probably wouldn't drink anything else.

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The bass is thumping, the treble is high and the mids are almost impossible to hear, and yet the music continues, loud, shaking the whole house with ever beat and yet, the neighbors haven't once complained. There are people dancing all over the sanctum, not only on the main tile floor, but there are people on the walls, those with wings and those with flying spells are in the air and some are on the ceiling. It's like in MC Esher painted a nightclub.

    A woman with capricorn horns from her forehead that curl around her ears steps past Spiral and Harley and the yellow firey eyes waggle open brightly at them as she walks past the two. A wom- ma- a goregously handsom person with a literal halo walks past Nico and Viola with a bow to the two women before finding the devilish woman and with abandon, the two lock lips and embrace before lifting into the air in a beautiful sort of waltz of love.

    The DJ hands his hand up and is bumping to the music he's creating on the fly, or out of another dimension. "All you lovely abyssal creatures out there, yah, even you Cthuluians, the witching hour is soon and the swell of powah will be upon us." He says with a roar coming up from the house guests following, and a chorus of drinks being raised. A large clock forms behind the master of ceremonies and the floating hands tick away, getting closer and closer to midnight, roughly 3 minutes to go.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico has managed to find herself a safe spot for the momennt off to the side of all the happenings, taking in who is gathered and taking another sip of her coffee. She spies Harley and murmurs to Viola. "You know I hate clowns. But, I think that is one clown I would have loved to have had at my birthday parties. She seems like a lot of fun and more likely to pop a kids balloon animal and laugh in his face than make one."

Eyes slide to Spiral now, taking in the multi-armed woman. "I once dated a guy like her. I mean not literally like her. But he was all hands, so kind of I guess. Okay I'll shut up now." Another sip of the coffee is taken and she makes a face. "Oh my god, I actually can feel the joy of fall coursing through my veins and it hurts. Not in a Halloween good kind of way either."

Her eyes drift to the large clock and she gestures to Viola. "A few minutes or so to the witching hour toast. Have you ever been a part of one of those?" She pauses a moment and then asnswers her own question. "Of course you haven't. Unless they do it down at Fratelli's."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yes, yes, yes... Ms. Social Media.." Hard eye roll of her eyes from Harley when Spiral goes into a tirade about mindless worship. "And I thought that was yoh all schtick! Gettin' people mindless people worshippin' the big, bad Mo-Mo.." she laughs at the girl with horns. "Oh shit! How did ya make 'em look so real!" she is amazed! And perhaps not figuring just yet they may just be real. Ah well! But she has a mission, and that mission is beer.. Nothing shall stop her!

At least until she spots Viola and Nico. "Hey, dontcha I know ya?" a brow arching. "With that no good guy at the pumpkin spice lattes. They were pretty good! But ya looked a bit smothered by the guy." Hey, she knows how that is! Too many years with the experience. "I am Hah'lee!"

But being the type to not stay with her attention too long in a place she then says. "But, I got a mission!" and she steps close to the guy doing drinks. "Two beeahs! And they betta be good!" she waves her hand over to Spiral then as if calling her over.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola doesn't stare but she definitely is engaged in deep levels of people watching. There are so many sights to be had here, and anywhere she looks, Vi is missing a dozen other things, people or... let's go back with 'things', worth seeing.

She stays close to Nico, letting the Asian girl lead the way. "So is this a friend's place, or are we crashing?" Viola inquires as she watches a man and woman dancing overhead, literally cha-cha'ing through the air. Viola lets out a laugh of delight. "Usually I only make it to parties like this if someone slips me acid," she says.

She looks back to Nico to say, "Definitely have not been a part of one of those toasts. Are the drinks normal? Normalish?" She spots a few of the beverages up for grabs and motions towards them and to Nico questioningly.

Vi turns towards Harley as the woman starts greeting them. "Hey there, Hah'lee," Vi says, repeating it the way it was said, not knowing if that's the right pronunciation or not. "Viola," she offers with a pleasant smile. "Great outfit."

Spiral has posed:
"That's not my 'stick', that's me doing what I'm told by an insane lump of blubber." Spiral replies acidly, cutting through the dancers back over to her so she can talk a bit more easily. "Who nevertheless is often a few moves in front of everybody else..." she grudgingly admits.

Feeling eyes on her, stops dancing and slinks over to Nico. "All hands? Yes, thank you for pointing out my warped and twisted body. It's certainly true.". And she holds up a couple of them, palms out, one of them glinting metallically under the lights.

Another hand meanwhile snakes over to Harley to take any beer when it turns up, as she glances over to Viola when she speaks. Though she doesn't say anything, merely looks a bit calculating for a moment.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico looks over to Viola as she askes about the drinks at the parts, trying to give her a small tutorial. "Alright. Here is the crash course. If it has some weird mist coming off the top avoid it. I'll explain later. If it changes colors...you could give it a try. However, I will not be repsonsible for anything you may do and cannot promise it won't end up on social media. Lastly, if one of the guests with those curly horns tries to offer you a drink. Take it. Fake a sip and then dump it after they walk away. Trust me on this one from experience. I have both refused and swallowed what was offered, both ended up poorly. Beer is safe. I recommend it."

As Harley makes her way over, Nico gives a small hand wave with a soft word. "Hey. Nico." She raises the coffee cup and smiles a sarcastic smile. "Pumpkin power. Nothing better." And then Harley is off again, resulting in a small murmur to Viola. "Well we know whose on Ritalin and missed her dose."

When Spiral approaches and extends her hands, Nico actually pauses, a little intimidated for a a moment at her comment about her warped body. Nico is actually speechless, as no sarcasm escapes her, only managing to get out a small phrase. "Nice party huh?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Once the beers are delivered Harley makes her way back, handing one of them to Spiral. "Showin' off all yoh hands already?" She asks. Apparently she knows the six-armed woman. But her grin quickly goes back to Viola. "And thank you foh the compliment.." she tips her top hat in quite the elegant motion. Stage-worthy even! "I am quite the magician myself! Well, maybe not as *real* as so many around heah but ..., lots a magic one can do without actually.., havin' it!" she takes a long drink out of her beer and inspects Viola and Nico more closely.

"You two awhe witchy witches? I am mostly heah foh the ride. Ya can blame Spiral heah foh it!"

When Nico starts going into the types of drinks she eyes her own beer ... No shifting colors, or mists.. What the .. "So you awhe the one we should go to if we want to survive these parties, uh?" this said to Nico before she says with a side glance to Spiral. "Man, this is even moouh cutthroat than Arkham!"

Stephen Strange has posed:
    The clock strikes midnight and the music shifts into that low singular bass note that continues to drop until a single sound is heard from a deep hallway upstairs. A single howl from a wolf, or warewolf, who knows, sounds louder and louder and louder. More and more people meet that howl and the tiles in the ceiling begin to drip a thick fluid, that splats on the floors, or the tiles below, or on people's heads or shoulders. It's not blood, too thick for that, but it's ... sweet to the smell and the taste.

    the demon and the angel that passed the two couples moments ago merge into a singular being, with two heads and seem perfectly split down the middle as the dichotomy of their phsycial selfs is now a true line in their singular body. The stuff driping is avoided by some, and lapped up like snow by others and yet no one complains.

    "MAGIC PROVIDES!" The DJ roars as he builds up the bass and the music with the party seemingly exploding in energy from the sudden shower that slowly trickles to a halt.

    The girls are given empty cups that quickly feel heavier and heavier, drinks being provided by the house itself, filling cups with the desired drinks and the perfect tongue wetting liquors and cocktails.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore looks over as Spiral comes over, and the young woman catches the tone that suggests Spiral wasn't pleased with the reference. "I thought they were kind of cool actually," Viola tells Spiral of her arms. "But I'm sort of out of my elements on what is the norm as... ah, well as any of this goes. But, in any event, no offense intended," she says diplomatically.

Vi looks back to Nico as she gives as the instructions about the beverages. "Right, curly horns get the frat boy treatment," she says in a softer voice, and giving Nico a little wink. She gets one of the empty glasses and then things get even more bizarre, from Viola's standpoint.

She jumps a bit at the wolf howl, and thankfully Nico doesn't seem able to read her thoughts - she can't, can she!? - to know Viola had a brief moment of wonder if this was going to be that moment when all the invited guests find out "How To Serve Man" was a cook book.

But thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case, and Viola relaxes as the cup fills with the perfect cocktail. She takes a sip of it. "Wow. So... besides the great drink, what is the rest of this that's happening?" she asks Nico.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico has been privy to this before, so it was not a suprise, tho she does have a look on her face when Viola seems a little freaked out like: I probably should have told her about that part." Her free hand takes the offered cup and allows the liquid to fill it, looking to Viola and raising the new drink to her friend. "A toast to...well whatever we want to toast to." She then takes a sip of the liquid and savors the flavor. It is actually quite delightful and she takes another.

"You like it. I still am not sure what it is. I know it tastes good. I am also not sure what effect it may have on someone without any magical abilities or blood in their veins. So stay close and let's hope you don't start glowing or something."

She gives Viola an assuring wink and nudges her with her shoulder. "You'll be fine...I think."

Attention then falls to Harley, a half smile given. "You should be fine as well. I mean it may be hard to tell...unlike in my Italian Princess friend over here, but drink away." She pauses a moment and bites her lower lip. "Oh..shit. Um...if you don't have any magical abilites or are from some other mysticsal realm, it may hit you like a full bottle of Tequila pretty damn quick."

Spiral has posed:
Spiral seems a bit mollified by the expression on Nico's face. Harley might be allowed to talk arms now, but strangers are not. And even Harley gets a Look. "I should give you a few extra arms, just for a while" ... maybe ... "...so you can see what it's like.". She looks at Viola, and adds, "Or you, if you like them that much. I'm not showing anything off, they are just there. Straitjackets aren't comfortable.".

Now the arm issue has been dealt with, anyway, she gives the two new women an appraising glance. "Witches?" she asks, adding to Harley's question, her blank white eyes glancing between the two of them. And then in a moment of whimsy, she extends a hand to each of them. "I am Spiral... a wanderer through space and time.". And she sips some of the beer, a bit half heartedly.

She's more interested in the raw magic dripping from the roof, one droplet splashing on an... arm. There's a lot of arm. She casts a smirk at Harley Quinn, then. "May be its time to dance in the wildways themselves, finally.".

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley knows all about straightjackets! So she nods solemnly at Spiral when she mentions them. And even a little sigh. "Very hard ta get out of..." but not impossible! The proposition about extra arms just makes Harley eyebrow-waggle and her lips to turn upward delightfully. "Oh, I have some ideas on what I could do with extra arms.., if ya know what I mean.. Yea, you doooo." harmless teasing!

She reaches up to catch some of that magic stuff on one hand, taking a sniff at it and then eyeing Spiral. "And this is ..?" but she is curious on what she means exactly by dancing in the Wildways. "I thought ya already did that. Oh what you talkin' of. Is this a new thing? Am I gonna glow forevah like some Twilight wannabe in the sun? Takin' weird stuff at a party is a biiiiig no-no, but heh, I trust one o' ya will bring me home if things get dire." so she holds her glass up to get some of the magic stuff inside her beer. Nothing like a cocktail!

And those magic words are important. Getting hit like it was a full Tequilla bottle! "Bottoms up!" she drains her beer. Impulsive Harley!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola seems relieved that Spiral isn't taking further offense about the earlier statement. She takes a sip of her drink and her eyes widen just slightly at Spiral's introduction. "Viola," she replies. "Or just Vi to my friends. Um, graduated recently," she says, of an age for that to be college not high school. "Not a witch. Debating maybe going to work for a charity. Or, I have an offer to do event planning, a partner with an old boss I used to work for," she says.

A little self-deprecating grin is given. "Which is really lame compared to wandering space and time. I think I'll just drink then," she says, though pausing for a moment at Nico's comment. Vi takes another sip, but more carefully. Looking at her hand. No glow. Whew.

The being who was once separate demon and angel drifts over to the group. "It is time for dancing," the... person?... says, and trying to gently guide Nico and Viola towards the dance floor. "Totally not my doing, Nico," Viola points out.

Spiral has posed:
"Event planning.". Something in Spiral's area of expertise, a hand points at Viola. "More dangerous than you might assume if you're good enough to attract the greats. Quite often things don't go according to plan, and then all of a sudden you're not planning, but problem solving.". And she nods solemnly, hands no longer pointing at anything in particular, instead just waving around on their own volition. "I did prefer just dancing alone through the wildways, but my retreat was cut short, and now I seem to be dancing with Harley instead.". And yet another hand points at Harley briefly, as she smirks a bit. She may not be as free as she would like, but this Earth isn't that bad.

As she's pointing at Harley now, she glances over at her. "You'll have to give me some tips. It might be useful with our current employer.". Spiral doesn't plan on underestimating her quite so grossly again, anyway.

"Never mind." she adds as the bottle is drained. "I think we'll be teleporting home soon.".

Nico Minoru has posed:
There she was, enjoying her drink and watching the others enjoy themselves. Quietly observing and loving doing it. And then it happens. As the Angelemon(Angel/Demon) gently tries to guide them to the dance floor there is a wide eyed glance given and a small shake of her head. "Oh Hell no. There is nothing like bringing down the mood of a party than watching me dance." However, she quickly realizes there is no real way out of this and she takes a small breath and exhales it slowly. "Fine. Nobody films this." Oh it is totally going to be filmed.

Her drink is sat down and she moves to removes her boots, unzipping them and taking the calf-high stilleto type heels off, leaving her in her black fishnet stocking, that match the black skirt in a seemless transition. "If I am doing this I am so picking the song." She makes her way over to the DJ and there is a small conversation had, as she then makes her way back to the dance floor. "Alright. Let's do this before I I run out the door."

She raaises a finger as she makes her way to the floor and beckons harley out there as well, Spiral already there. "I am so not doing this alone." Her hair released from the ponytail it is trapped in and her hair is actual let down, a sight unoften seen. A glance is given to her companions and she rubs her hands together waiting for the music to start. "One time show girls." Is Nico actually going to dance?

As the music starts she just starts dancing and she actrually seems to know all the moves, tho the dance is a bit simple, her hips are snapping, her feet are moving and her arm is in the air.


Harley Quinn has posed:
"Event plannin'..? Ooooh. What kinda events we talkin' about?" Harley asks with both her brows quirking up. But then drinks are being had, she looking around a moment, then up to Spiral.. "With Blubbs? Oh, she is a bitch." then she lifts one finger. "One sec." then feels the need to add, "I am fine." which of course she isn't because she just promptly flops down to the floor... She is up in the next moment though and lets out a loooong exhale. "Holy shit, Nico wasn't jokin' about it feelin' a fuckin' Tequila bottle. Good grief." and because she never does what normal people would do she glances about. "I wondah if I can get anotha.."

"Teleportin' already! At least a dance!" She calls out to Spiral.

"Let's rock this joint. It will be just like Sion eh?" a wink to Spiral and she moves in to join the 'gang'. She does look fired up, eyes wide, manic grin.

And once the beat starts it's time to shake it up! If there is a pattern to her dancing it doesn't show, she right now just moving those limbs in a completely free, loose manner. Dance like noone is watching, or so they say!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore tells Spiral and Harley, "Events like weddings, reunions, corporate retreats. I worked part time while I was in school. Mostly stuff around Manhattan, so sort of upscale events," she says, a little gesture accompanying 'upscale' to make it just a descriptive comment and not come across as some sort of bragging. "I enjoyed it, just not sure if that's what I want to do with my sociology degree. Which is... really nothing to do with magic or witchcraft," she says, her expression showing just how odd it is for Viola to be putting those words together in that particular order.

But then she's getting shown out to the dance floor with Nico. "What are we dancing to?" she asks, as the music starts up. Viola was ready to join in, but she ends up laughing. With Nico, not at. Seeing the gothic-dressed Asian girl dancing like that is about as unexpected as Viola could have imagined. And she laughs, and laughs, grinning at her friend and obviously loving it.

Spiral has posed:
"Weddings, they get the ratings sometimes." Spiral says a bit ominously. Yeah, that's the sort of event that often needs problem solving after all. "Sociology is nothing to do with magic or withcraft, though." she agrees at least. "Maybe you should get into viral marketing...".

Whether that means what a human thinks it does is anybody's guess - it's fair to say Spiral exists on a slightly different, and addled, plane from normal people.

As for Harley's pleas, it's become a running joke that when things are about to get fun is when Spiral decides to teleport everybody home. But this time its /dancing/, so for once, Spiral doesn't drag Harley off just when things are getting a bit wild, instead following along.

The extra arms do lend themselves more to pirouetting around, two arms mostly held up high above her head, the others weaving around in time with the music, her hips swaying and bending.

For a while she's paying attention to Harley and Nico, but it doesn't take too long for her eyes to become half lidded, and then she's just focused on the dance, only just about paying enough attention so she doesn't crash into someone else, or even worse, give someone an unintended slap with a flailing hand.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico actually is committed to the dance. Like commited. If she is going to get out there and do it, she is going to do it right. She does look out of place toh, the young goth girl in stocking feet, twilring to a song usually played at weddings to a bunch of drunk revelers. She does not seem to care that Viola is laughing, she expected it and was that smile on her face. No couldn't be. Perhaps?

Her eyes catch the flailing Harley. Oh that drink hit her hard. Yet, she cannot help but admire the free spirited clown girl, dancing like nobody is watching and not caring if they were. There is a small bit of envy felt, being able to be who you want to be and not really care whaat other people think. Harley had it figured out...or perhaps the drink did it for her.

Between twirls, she spies Spiral. This woman can truly dance, like really dance. There were three types of dancers. The ones who had to focus on what she was doing(Nico), the ones who had no idea what they were doing (Harley) and the ones who became lost in what they were doing and truly felt it(Spiral).

When the song finally comes to an end, Nico actually does a small cross legged curtsy to those watching and moves to high five Spiral and Harley (that is is Harley actually stopped spinning). She then approaches Viola and gives her a hug. "You so owe me."

Harley Quinn has posed:
Those dance moves on the clownette seem to imply a certain type of elegance to her even if right now .., she just doesn't seem to give a damn. It's all about getting the body and pumped up. "Viola, ya got ta dance!" she says midspin, moving about the dance floor like a lil hurricane of action, back and forth, delighted little laugh on her face. One hand comes up to hold her top hat from time to time..., just to make sure it doesn't fly off... or is stolen by those horned creatures. She has seen them eyeing her weirdly!

As the song eventually starts to come down and it's time to stop she still spins in place for a little while longer.. But she is dizzy now.., just focusing enough to give Nico the highfive in return. "Damn girl, you got the moves! Just need ta loosen up and you'll be just..." she kisses her fingers like she was an italian chef. ".. perfect!"

She offers another curtsey similar to the one she offered earlier in the evening when they met. "Foh guidin' us successfully through this weihd party, here you go." she takes out her top hat, extending it to the Goth.