17961/Social Justice Daddy Sales

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Social Justice Daddy Sales
Date of Scene: 20 May 2024
Location: Kenny Roger's Roasters
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Paige Guthrie, Negasonic, Noriko Ashida, Bishop, Quentin Quire

Paige Guthrie has posed:
It's been a bit of a blur. After the riots last night in Bushwick, it seems that a bit of a fundraiser is going on at the local coffee shop. Set up in one of the corners of the shop is a blonde mutant with a long drawn out table. In front of her are stickers, decals, t-shirts (one size fits all), and even coffee mugs.

There's a bit of a crowd as more and people line up to buy the goods, with things like Magneto Was Right and My Social Justice Daddy Is Hot the most popular items. "Yeah, the money is going to the family of the young girl who was murdered (we don't know her name). The other items sold will go to support MLM, Mutant Lives Matter, as we're now a 501c-non profit."

Negasonic has posed:
And who else was good with riots? That would be Ellie Philmeister.

Otherwise known as Negasonic Teenage Warhead. She read like a mutant, or maybe just a punkish human who was down with the cause, so to speak. But her shaven head, beneath the cover of the hood of a hoodie, was flipped up. And in the not-quite-shadows that that hoodie cast, well. There was the gleam of her piercings (of which she had many).

And she had on some leather pants, and big, stompy boots, and was texting away. "Must be selling a shitton of this stuff in these parts," notes Ellie to the girl behind the stand, her eyes glancing from her to the bit of a crowd.

Ellie didn't seem to be interested in buying any of it though. Musta spent all her money on her clothes and makeup.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't keep up much on political events other than the general gist of what's going.  Like knowing what the weather might be because someone around you checks it.  As far a she's trying to concern herself, she's just out for her evening run, looking to score a snack.

"What the-?  Are you guys all eating chicken?" Noriko doesn't bother to stop and hear the answer.  She zips up further in the line when people aren't paying attention.  When she gets up to the front of the line, there's a look of disappointment lining the faces of more than a few people behind the speedster beyond the girl herself.

"I thought this was the chicken line!" Noriko exclaims as if she just misplaced some ashes.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Perhaps ignorance is bliss, as they say, which means, Paige is just being Paige. It would be known that she recently moved out after graduation, but selling Magneto merchandise wasn't on her bingo card for 2024. And yet, here she is, doing such a thing.

Her brow raises as she looks up at Noriko raising a fuss about chicken, and she squints. "Roasters coffee. I think the Kenny Rogers with chicken is a southern thing?"

Negasonic has posed:
"I'm not sure," says Negasonic, running her tongue over her dark-painted lips.

She was kinda used to blending, so she glosses over her attempt at interaction, instead going back towards her phone, sliding her thumb along the screen. "Well, it's the tomb of Kenny Rogers and his chicken-roasting ways," she says towards Noriko, lifting her chin to her fellow mansioner.

"Could probably get some, if you're hungry, Nori," she says.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I...I thought," Noriko's shoulders droop.  She wasted SO MUCH TIME.  "Nah that took too long.  I'll just get a burrito."  And suddenly she has one as big as her gauntlet.  "Why are you selling this trash?"  Not really helpful given all of Paige's customers are right behind her.

The speedster sets some bananas down amongst Paige's merchandise with no explanation other than she obviously doesn't want to hold them while eating a burrito.

"Can I have a Magneto Was Right shirt?  It might be worth something one day.  Can you set it aside?  I don't have money on me right now but I can get it before you split..."    Chomp. Burrito. Chomp.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"I would hardly call the Mutant Lives Matter movement trash." That's a squinty face from Paige, though she does notice the look towards Magneto was Right. "We're raising money. People are angry. A young girl was murdered by fl... human cops last night. So this is my nonviolent resistance." she explains.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Merchandise isn't a movement Paige.  Don't put words in my mouth."  If Noriko were more nuanced, she might make it clear she doesn't hate the movement, but this is Noriko.

"Look I'm buying the tshirt.  I can call it dumb if I want.  Looks like you don't need my help anyway.  These things are selling like hotcakes.  I mean it's cool you're standing up for something.  I'm just not sure what it's doing.  Where did you get all of this stuff?"  Noriko asks genuinely before stepping off to the side, her slew of words a minefield of wtf kind of intention does she have?  Still, regardless of how thorny the speedster presents, she doesn't start warding off the customers or anything.

"How long have you been at it?  Are you hungry?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Scratching the back of her head at thee question for where she got all the capital to produce the merch, she simply coughs in her hand. "Someone who cares about mutants. He saw what I was doing and thought he could help. So I pitched him this idea."

It's a half truth, but it's that's good enough for now as an explanation "Which one do you want? Social Justice Daddy? MLM? Magneto Was Right?" And she sells a few more.

"You could always help me by being on this side of the counter. Like you said, they're selling like hotcakes. I'll even give you a shirt for free if you help!"

Bishop has posed:
Lucas Bishop heals fast. It's no healing factor, no, but a healthy dose of energy and he's able to reinvigorate his body and accelerate his physiology to more rapidly recover from injuries both great and small.

This is a good thing becaues the other day there was a terrorist attack in Mutant Town in the aftermath of the death of a mutant child and he just happened to get slammed into a wall by a giant four armed mutant that can bench a city bus..with each arm...

So needless to say, not a great day. But now that some time has passed, even still bruiised as he is, he's returned to District X in the aftermath of the event for further investigation. They have the culprit and a good idea of the purpose of what went down but more questions remain and answers are needed to help bring tensions back down.

The gathering crowd outside of the coffee shop naturally grabs his attention as he pulls up ontop of a large motorcycle and as he sees the tee-shirts a frown touches his face along with a memory of the previous night. After a pause he slips off of the bike and begins approaching the shop. His large size does the job of gaining him rapid entry and steps in to see the table and..

"..Paige Guthrie? What the---"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Okay I want a Social Justice Daddy and the Magneto Was Right."  Maybe the fact that Paige is successfully selling to one of her detractors is /helping/ business.  The merch is just TOO hot.  "Okay.  I'll earn the Social Justice Daddy one," Noriko says with smirk.

After devouring her last bite of burrito, Noriko sidles over and snags a chair for herself to setup shop on the other side with Paige.  "Wait.  What guy?  He just happened to have a bunch of Magneto stuff lying around?"  Noriko is obviously confused, but seems to have no problem handling a separate two streams of customers who have broken off from the main line when they see the speed with which she fills orders.  It means less people giving up who are at the back of the line.

When Noriko spots Bishop above the puny crowd around him, she shrugs as soon as he gets some words out.  "She and this guy-I'm only helping-I want a Social Justice Daddy!" she spits out so fast that only some of the words can be heard in concert.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"A super rich..." Paige is about about to answer Noriko's question, when she hears her name called out. There's a friendly wave sent in his direction and a flash of her pearly whites, "Hey! You want a shirt? Or maybe a mug?" she calls out.

Paige Guthrie is acting normal. For someone who followed a homicidal man with a tin bucket on his head through a portal with other mutant terrorists, it's almost giving off some Stepford Wife vibe that she's now out and about back in Mutant Town selling shirts.

Looking back to Nori, she finishes, "He's someone who is looking out for the mutant cause. I believe Magneto inspired him so that we could do more. I could give you an intro if you like?"

Bishop has posed:
"You were last seen going with The MLF Paige. What's the meaning of this? Everyone was worried sick."

He steps forward, moving brazenly towards the front of the line but also stepping aside so that transactions can continue to happen here. He's not in the business of getting in the way -of- business but there's a deep furrowed crease on his face as he looks her over for anything that might be concerning.

"The Mutant Liberation Front attacked last night. They were the cause of the tradegy here the other day.." he explains to Noriok, "I didn't even realize Paige was present until the later half of that insanity but Blindfold and others saw her leave with Stryfe..."

He looks back to Paige now, waiting for an answer though he does say, "We'll need to go to the Institute..."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Two words.  Super.  Rich.  Noriko caught those and her eyes widen a millimeter in anticipation that is only satisfied when Paige FINALLY (in Nori's mind) gets around to the invite.

"Sounds like a standup dude.  Sure!"  Noriko is helping Paige sell a bunch of Mutant Lives Matter related merch.  She makes sure to take a quick break between customers to set aside the tshirts she wanted.  The cheer with which she has and the speed slows drastically though when she catches Bishop.  She stops selling.

"...What?"  Noriko looks to Bishop, her gaze slack, slightly shocked.  Then she looks to Paige.  Then she nods to Bishop in understanding of what he's said.  She'll back him up.

"Paige.  Maybe that's a good idea.  We could get some food like old times sake," Noriko doesn't really do this.  She eats too fast for anyone to enjoy her company at a mealtime.

Quentin Quire has posed:
Word gets around quickly when someone starts doing something interesting in Mutant Town. Even if it's only as interesting as squatting in the last Roasters and slinging t-shirts and laptop stickers. But with tensions on the rise as a result of the Po Po shooting another innocent mutant, the Mutant Lives Matter pop up is quick to gain traction on Insta & Twitter.

Which brings the attention of everyone's 'favorite' lavender haired telepath. Elbowing his way past the crowd at the door with physical and telekinetic pushes, Quentin Quire makes his way to the front of the line. Well, front right after Bishop anyway. Glaring towards the pair behind the table, slinging merch.

Slinging merch with an awfully familiar phrase across the chest. One that he's been wearing on and off for the btter part of however-long-it's-been since Magneto was last around. One he's wearing right now, under the beaten leather jacket with its punk patches.

'Magneto Was Right'

Paige Guthrie has posed:
As Bishop heads inside, she flashes her pearly whites towards the enforcer from the future before looking back towards Nori. "I'd love to! What would you want to go for? I know of a great southern place that has some amazing fried chicken!" she chirps, knowing that the other young woman was searching for that earlier. "It's called Gus's. They have an amazing Nashville hot chicken."

Mmmm. Yum.. Chicken. With Quentin's entrance and the more 'retro' version of the t-shirt, she flashes a smile in his direction. "Here to help the cause?"

Bishop has posed:
Quentin's arrival draws a furrowed brow of frustration from Bishop. He's not unhappy to see the young mutant but the distraction it provides Paige from the line of questioning he just laid out for her is noted as is her evasiveness to Noriko's suggestion to heed Bishop's advice.

The large man looks over the table, eyes settling on the Magneto Was Right shirts. He shakes his head and then reaches up and rubs his jaw in thought before turning his dour gaze back towards Paige.

"You didn't answer me, Paige. What happened? You don't just go with Stryfe and then turn up here and set up shop. Noriko doesn't mean go for a walk or to grab a bite to eat. We mean going back to the mansion so you can be looked over. Do you understand?"

The thought that she might be telepathically compromised is not out of the question but he doesn't bring that up just yet, even with Quentin now present.

"I think it'd be best for you to close this up soon and come back with us."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Well I kind of thought we could do both," Noriko says in the shadow of Bishop's oh-so-clear explanation.  "Paige.  We made a lot of progress.  Bishop's right.  We should pack up anyway before someone demands to see a permit and throws our asses in jail."

"Hey, yours is way cooler.  Where'd you get it?"  Noriko asks the glaring young guy, not realizing she might be drawing his ire.  She even has the audacity to point at it with her chunky gauntlets, leaning so she can get a better view around Bishop.  "Woah.  What's up your butt?" directed to Quentin still.

Quentin Quire has posed:
Retro?! He'll have you know this is an original. The Original! Even when other people were whispering it, Quentin was... okay, Quentin wasn't exactly shouting it, but he was the first guy to think to put it on a t-shirt, just to annoy the staff at Xavier's and its various schools.

Glancing at Bishop and Noriko as the crowd jostles along behind him, Quentin makes a huffing sound at Paige. "Help the cause?? Why would I want to help some cheap copycat rip me off?" he asks. "I mean, first you're leaving husks all over with your shoddy 'omnimorphability'..." and he throws in the airquotes to boot. But at least he's being circumspect about it, rather than shouting it at her "...and now you've got to copy my idea, too?" he asks, tugging at the front of his shirt, the hand-screened MAGNETO WAS RIGHT folding in weird ways.

Certainly explains a lot. Quentin's more concerned with the money she's making then the possibility that she might be a brand new MLF spy. He casts an annoyed look at Noriko, "I _made_ it..." he replies, tone dripping in snark as he looks from Bishop to Paige and back again. "I mean, if that's your concern, Bishop, I can sort it right here..."

The offer is made without any thought of any possible psionic timebomb or booby traps that Stryfe may have left behind in the young girl's psyche, either.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Gulp! Ooop. Her secret is out. She followed the mutant terrorist through a zero portal. Still, she gives an honest answer.

"He's the one who sponsored all the money for the merchandise. I explained to him what happened, what I believed Mutant Lives Matter should do, and he said he would support me..." in return for her unending loyalty and support, but that's neither here nor there. The mental shielding around her is wicked strong now.

"But he's not that bad of a guy. He's like Magneto in a way. He just needs to be taught that there are other ways to resist power, and I want to teach them that!" she beams brightly, with the youthful optimism.

There's a frown, "I may have..." and then he answers. "Borrowed his concept. But it's for a good cause!"

She looks at Quentin and taps on her temple. Nothing's going on." And for the most part, there hasn't been tampering with the brainmeats. There's the memories. Fantasies and dreams of doing things that only Chuck Austen can describe in the sky. Nightmares of going insane and having sex with Toad. Those sorts of things, but there's a small niggling bit that's closed off utterly and completely from Quentin.

Bishop has posed:
For all his dour expression and dark looks...Bishop does have the patience of a saint and also a deep empathy and understanding of many elements of what he's hearing Paige now say. He was in similar shoes...has seen the end of the road for what much of what he's witnessing now has to offer. Grew up in that awful nightmare. So the hope and passion behind her deseperate explanation is well understand and for a moment he stands there silent.

He gives Quentin a slight glance at him offering to do the looking for himself and he shakes his head, advising.. "I wouldn't suggest that. At least not here. But it will have to happen." His suggestion is for Quentin's own good as he anticipates something nasty possibly lurking in there. Something that Paige simply wouldn't be aware of.

He does, however, study Quentin's shirt and then looks back to Paige's merchandise and then to Noriko and then he just sighs. Nope. Not getting into the middle of -that- one.

"Paige.." he begins, "...What you're doing is well meaning but it's built on the foundation of a lie. These people cannot be trusted and the mean harm to anyone who doesn't agree with them or their tactics. I know it feels good to lash out and ....to give people what we feel they deserve but these people are murderers. We have reason to believe they were responsible or the mutant girls death. They worked with another telepath who incited the police officers to fire on the crowds. We need to question him for more detail but.....Ghost Rider was there and did something to his mind."

Yeah that was -- ALOT --

Bishop turns to Quentin, "We probably could use your help with that. Getting to the guys mind..."

He glances back to Paige, "But you are going to come back to the Institute. The money the MLF is offering you is covered in blood."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh I was just working the booth to earn one, since you really suck at getting your idea out there," Noriko says without batting an eyelash or showing a hint of being ruffled by Quentin.  All very on purpose and way too obvious, but at least she manages to make her indifference seem effortless.

"She wouldn't have to copy your idea if you made more than one."  Noriko obviously doesn't care.

"Wait, dude, you don't know what's in there..." Noriko suddenly sounds much more invested when Quentin makes the offer to just pop open Paige's mind-hood right here.  But something else requires addressing, "Paige."  That holds all the disappointment at her ripping off the idea right there.  Noriko just shakes her head.  "Now I don't want the shirt.  Did you rip off Social Justice Daddy too?"  Apparently defending Paige was either just that, or Noriko was bored, or she's trying to maintain Paige's delusions, or something else, because this disappointment she bears seems genuine, like she was really looking forward to wearing that shirt.

Quentin Quire has posed:
"Pfft..." the telepath scoffs at Bishop, "...it'll be easy, bet she doesn't even know the Red Triangle Protocol yet..." he continues as his eyes flare a flash of pink behind his glasses, turning his telepathy on the Kentuckian.

"Ewwwwwwwww...." is naturally Quentin's first response to a surface scan of the omnimorph. "...Toad? Sweet zombie mutant Jesus that is disgusting you freakin' hillbilly..." as he misreads nightmare as fantasy. Well, there's so much other smut dancing around up there, it's probably easy to get it all confused. And he wasn't even trying, it's just like reading the menu up there on the wall for the telepath.

Quentin takes a step back as he tries to scrub that particular mental image out of his minds eye. Where's the bleach when you need it.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
The mention of the lie causes her to quirk a brow for a few moments as she looks towards Bishop. "You come from a potential future where mutants are still hunted and still killed for being what we are, right?" Paige asks curiously as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"That's probably because we never fought back. Peace and harmony is fine, but when push comes to shove repeatedly, we need to fight back. They're fighting back by being..." and she glances around furtively, "Proactive about things. They came about because a mutant girl was murdered. They don't come around just killing and destroying things indiscriminantly. One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter."

With that out of the way, having finished her little soapbox, she chuckles. "Quentin and I came up with Social Justice Daddy and Social Justice Grandpa when we were trying to come up with nicknames for Magneto other than Rustbucket and other things like that. Though maybe I should have one that says Zaddy too."

Thinking about it for a few moments, she pffts and squints at Quentin. "That was from a nightmare, I'll have you know." she says somewhat defensively, as he trods about her sexually frustrated 20-something mind.

As Quentin continues to dig, he'll find that she isn't being brainwashed per se, but her sense of youthful idealism has been cranked up to 20.

Bishop has posed:
The young Guthrie's words draw a deep frown from Bishop.

He is not happy.

Quentin only gets a side long glance "Paige. No. That's not entirely right nor exactly why my future ended up the way it did. I grew up in camps that were created out of fear after a devesating incident involving mutants cost uncountable lives but it was humans and mutants alike who paid the price for not learning how to co-exist when all was said and done and the damage was irreversible. It was only by working -together- were we able to topple the regime that formed. That's why I wear the uniform of the X-Men. Beacuse my security force was formed from the need to help bring order to the chaos in honor of Xavier's dream. Now that I'm here in the past...I see where these things are going. Simply fighting back and taking the extreme option of terrorists is not the answer. It's a short term answer to a long term problem and -again-...""

Bishop's deep voice is firm now, cutting deep and stern with the rumble of his rising agitation.

"...The people who you are siding with may very well responsible for the death of the little girl whose family you're raising money for. It was one of us, not the police, who incited that riot and even caused the police to fire on you. So - again - you are closing up shop and coming back to the mansion for a full telepathic scan and after that if you want to do what you want to do you can. But I'm goign to sure as hell make sure that you make your decisions based on the truth and not lies designed to create this sort of division. Are we clear?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko stops looking at Paige and starts looking at Bishop when he talks about what his future is, was like.  "Yeah Paige I don't know but you sound kind of brainwashed.  We need to get your brain wrinkles checked for bugs.  I'm sure that's what grossed Quentin out-wait what grossed you out?"  Noriko turns to Quentin, squinting slightly.

"If you need me to Bishop I can taze her," Noriko says offhand, not thinking that a telepathic slumber might be less horrible.

Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin dives as much as he can into Paige's sexual-fustrated and social justice activated mind as he can without being harmful. And comes up empty, aside from "Damn, you really gotta work out some issues..." commented dryly to the hayseed.

"For what it's worth, Bishop, there's no overt brainwashing, nor any evidence of recent memory manipulation in the last couple of days." the pink-haired telepath announces as he looks from Paige to Bishop and back again.

"And why are you so quick to jump to the defense of the normies, anyway, Bishop? It was a mutant girl shot in Mutant Town, by a cop." he reiterates the point. "...and it's all 'oh, we need to go easy on them'. If it was the other way around, and some snot-nosed brat got iced by a mutant; deliberate or not; it'd be an entirely different tune." the telepath points out, sounding a little annoyed at the security officer's insistence.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"What proof do you have that a mutant actually did something to the cops? It sounds all circumstantial to me." See, look at the big words! Someone watches a lot of Law and Order: SVU. "And what happened to innocent until proven guilty. We /know/ the cops shot that girl, but we don't /know/ that a mutant made them do it. Besides, that sounds like a defense that fla.. humans would use to try to deflect from their own issues." Paige says with a nod.

Jerking a thumb to Quentin, "So yeah. What he said. And I'll go back with you. There's nothing wrong with me. My eyes have been opened to the injustices we mutants face against humans though. Hence.."

And she points at the shirts, "MAGNETO. WAS. RIGHT."

Bishop has posed:
"Are you two not listening?" Bishop looks at Quentin with a frown, "I've said several time now we have the actual perp behind the incident and it was -not- the police. They were manipulated into the situation further by this mutant perp who Ghost Rider got his hands on before we could question. I wsa -going- to consider asking you for help in case the guys mind is still in shambles due to the Rider but perhaps your own maturity is in question here? The issue is not about who did what wrong or seeking revnge. It's about fixing the issues so that it doesn't--"

When Paige speaks up, Bishop's stern demeanor intensifies, "For God's sake, I'm not going to argue with you on those points Paige. That is utter nonsense. No you don't know -anything-. You only know what you saw in the aftermath and the word that was put out. You weren't involved in the actual act of aprehending the mutant involved as the MLF. Come on you two. Use your -heads-. Do you honestly think that the NYPD would openly open fire en masse on civilian mutants in District X while displaying -no- emotion while doing so and then sit there and allow themselves to be struck down afterwards? -Think-. Whith all eyes on the mutant community in District X with the aftermath of things like the sentinels attacking and the incident at the Starport? Who would benefit from that sort of event? Come on Quentin. Paige. You both educated in cultural affairs -better- then this."

The scatching rebuke comes with a deep frown on the large mans face as he looks between the both of them and then glances to Noriko. "Now then...Blindfold telepathically pinged the guy as he was attempting to escape into what was looking like one of the same portals the MLF uses to get around. We caught him but that damned Ghost Rider intervened and put him into a catatonic state. I intend to interrogate him but we need to check on his status first."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Do you have any shirts that say 'I got more than I bargained for?' on them?" Noriko says as her eyes flit from Paige to the other two men.  "Who's this Ghost Rider character?  Does he get anything when he's...you know, putting people into states?"  Noriko sounds like she's trying to pass the time, which is true.  She doesn't actually listen to everything Bishop says, but she tries.

"......Soooo...taze her?"

Quentin Quire has posed:
An uncharacteristic frown crosses Quentin's features as Bishop chews him out. Alright, maybe the frown isn't uncharacteristic, given who we're talking about here, but the getting chewed out part is always annoying. And he's questioning Quentin's maturity? (I mean, who hasn't here, but still).

Frowning, Quentin replies "I wouldn't put it past the NYPD to call in SWAT if they noticed more than two mutants gathered in one place at the same time, all scared for their wellbeing and all that." is he really wrong there?

But he seems to be missing some information, so he turns his attention from the hayseed to the time-displaced security officer. Bishop gets the same surface scan as Paige did as Quentin reviews his surface thoughts and memories for the timeframe of the incident, as much as he can grab without actively resisting him. Which at least confirms that there's more to this situation than he's aware of.

"I am not a lawyer, and I'm certainly not legal representation..." he says sidelong to Paige, sotto vocce, "...but you may want to drop it and go back with him... I dunno if the MLF _were_ involved like he said, but there was a mutant controlling the cops."

Which is about as close to 'I was wrong' you're going to get from Quentin.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Humans shoot at humans with little provocation." Paige says rather matter of factly, as she sighs and shakes her head before running her fingers through her hair.

Glancing back at Quentin, she nods, "I said I would. It's not like I've been brainwashed or anything." She totally has been. "Also, I'm surprised you're not calling the MLF, MiLF..." cause that is totally something Quentin would do in her head. HURR HURR.

Bishop has posed:
The future cop gives Quentin a side glance for a few seconds but says nothing and then looks away and back to Paige when Quentin begins to speak.

No. Quentin's not necessarily wrong - but Bishop adds to that, "Even in that we need to apply some logic and some steps here. The worst of humanity...the worst anyone can bring about is always going to be out there and possible. Be prepared to deal with the worst but we also have to make sure we keep our eyes wide open and don't jump to conclusions based strictly on that worst. It may be that they could have been frightened to that point by a growing mob but that seems like part of the intention behind what happened, no? To create a situation that would buld sympathy for their cause and people willing to go with them.."

That last bit leads him to looking at Paige.

"That's not the same situation here and you know it Paige. You may not be brainwashed but something's going on here. Most people wouldn't attempt to double down like you have on this.."

He pauses and then adds, "And even if that's not the case you-still- went willingly with someone who is an active threat. You might not even -realize- if something's been done to you until it's too late. We should just..."

He actually softens abit, looking more concerned as opposed to stern, "..We should just be sure..."

At that he nods to Noriko, "You can take her back whenever you're both ready..."

The milf comment ...gets no response from Bishop cause, really now.

Quentin Quire has posed:
"Alright then, wrap it up..." Quentin says to Paige while Nori is distracted by whatever it is that distracts a Noriko. Pink telekinetic energy starting to swirl around the omnimorph's table, rapidly folding tshirts back up into neat bundles and stuffing them into whatever boxes she brought them.

"Better not to argue infront of the normals, and all that..." he offers as a concilatory gesture to both Bishop and Paige as the boxes pull themselves out from under her table and walk themselves over to the door.

Bishop has posed:
Believing he can trust Noriko to get Paige back to the Institute, Bishop turns slightly to watch Quentin get to work. He says nothing just yet but does put his shades back on. "I'm heading to the District X station to secure access to the prisoner.."

He pauses again and then removes his shades and turns slightly to look back to Quentin. There's another glance back to the table and then he lowers his voice softly to address the young man.

"...If you're willing....upon getting access to this mutant...you could be a big help in getting to the bottom of everything..."

He just issued a sharp rebuke mere moments ago on Quentine's viewpoint but is he here trying to 'make up for that?' Perhaps!! No that he'd admit to that anymore then Quentin admitted to anything earlier.

"You're A Class in what you do." he adds, "..Certainly would be good to have backup in case the guy ends up having some additional tricks up his sleeve.."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige offers no resistance, instead just sighing when the pink energy starts to surround her sales. Looking back to Quentin, she nosescrunches, "You're not getting your cut then." she stagewhispers, before letting out a resigned sigh.

"Okay, let's go home and go on with this whole guilty until proven innocent sort of deal against our own kind..."

Quentin Quire has posed:
The table packs itself away, legs folding and the tabletop splitting to fold in half, floating over to join the stack of t-shirt stuffed boxes. "She's not brainwashed, for what it's worth." he reiterates to Bishop as Paige is perp-walked away. The stack of boxes and the tables following them back all the way to Xavier's. "A little high on her own ideals, but aren't we all?"

As Bishop offers a bit of an olive branch, Quentin seems to accept it. "All I need is a few minutes. Will do it faster than Jean or Chuck, too." he says, agreeing to investigating the mysterious Mesmer. "If just to get to the bottom of this all so no more mutant kids get shot."