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You're Gonna Be Cool, Right
Date of Scene: 11 May 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Thor and Jane seek Loki and find a Vintridr and Caitlin as well. Plans are discussed on what to do with the current troll situation.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Thor, Jane Foster, Caitlin Fairchild, Vintridr

Loki has posed:
When the younger, not Crown, Prince sulks and irritation gains ground, it can be difficult to track him. Or not, as the case may be. It all depends upon his mood at the time. Mischief, destruction, or a deeply abiding, almost eery silence can be palpable.

So it is in Midtown Manhattan, not far from Embassy Row, and most notably near the Asgardian Embassy. And of the three, it is indeed the third. There is no sign of the Trickster, even if his presence might be felt by one, two of the more sensitive. Or the paranoid, it's always up in the air.

The streets of Manhattan are springing back to life after the dull chill of winter releases its grasp; the stalwart, brave bits of green are cropping up, pushing against the forces of the city to prove there is renewed life. Skies are overcast, of course, but it's not stopping the flow of traffic both on the asphalt and the sidewalks.

Outside the Embassy, there is very little that would suggest there was a pitched battle here only evenings ago. No trees are uprooted, no mark mars the marble, the grounds.. all is eerily.. normal.

Thor has posed:
    There had been some that handled matters. For there were issues to address and the fallen to be tended to. Indeed it was the matter of the warrior who gave his life in defense of Asgard... as well as those lives of the Trolls who spent it attacking this representation of the Shining Realm. Yet during the tumult it had not escaped the Thunderer's notice that his brother had suffered the ill attentions of the hunter's pet.
    And Loki... he had been known to hold a grudge.
    So once orders had been issued and preparations begun, the next order of business... was to find the Trickster. And woe unto those who seek the adopted son of Odin when he wishes not to be found.
    The journey, however, had a starting point and that was the embassy. A hall that was alive with traffic was likely what was seen when the Odin-Blessed Midgardian entered and then bright blue eyes fell upon her. "Jane Foster!" Greeting sent, "I am here but short. I am to seek my brother." He takes a slip of paper from the hands of Bjarke who waits there patiently for an answer. An answer which seems to be a nod which is enough to send him off on whatever errand that may be.
    It allows him to turn then his full attention upon the scientist as he starts to step past. "If I am the one you seek then you are more than welcome to walk with me." All said as he steps to the door and opens it once again.
    The next few moments? They find them outside in that chill of reluctant Winter.

Jane Foster has posed:
The streets sprinkled in delights call to those workers smudged by dreary work, to those tired souls smudged by despair. A beauty in Manhattan trickles through its concrete body, the metal ribs and blazing colours strung from lights and awnings enfolding a bystander with open arms. This is the New York of fables and film, the city alive and breathing. Reach out and something vibrant reaches back, brushing over in a breeze or a trickle of laughter from cheerful teenagers galumphing down the sidewalk. From a man walking his harnessed dog, rubbing the hound's jowls and sharing to all the world, "Such a good boy!"

Here, then, Thor and Jane enter into a world outside Asgard but part of it. "I would be glad to, though I should warn you, there's a cafe down the street that makes me hungry. They're baking something delicious." This to Thor's friendly greeting and offer holds a spark of the city's assembly of hopes, always there as a current to tap for those willing to listen to it. Not all is good, but not all is bad. "I wasn't expecting such a nip to the air. But too lovely a day to be cooped up, isn't it?"

Her gaze lifts to the buildings, then the pedestrians going about their days. A row of skulls, a vibrant sparkle of so many lives. "Should we bring him something or is this a case of him working hard on something and we are about to interrupt?"

Hopefully he won't mind.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Just a beat later, there's one of those near-misses between an irresistable force and an un-moveable object. Caitlin Fairchild is moving with a brisk step and her attention focused on the phone in her hand. The redhed yelps in surprise and jukes a little too aggressively, bouncing her against the Embassy's wall. One of the white earbuds falls from her ear, blasting tinny classic rock music.

"Sor-- oh hey! Hi, wow, I'm so sorry I'm late." Her phone's held up with the screen aimed in their direction and a brief snippet of texts between Thor and Caitlin on display. "My car's in the shop and every Uber I called was a compact for some reason." Her mouth pulls down in a moue of frustration, but it passes like a zephyr a moment later. She looks at Jane and beams a pleased smile at the valkyrie. "And hey, hi! It's good to see you, Doctor Foster," Caitlin bids the woman with sincere warmth. "Glad you're along too. Published any good articles lately?"

Thor has posed:
    "This is how I find, Loki." Thor says to Jane sidelong with a hint of tone to his words that seems as if he is about to impart some blessed touch of wisdom. He strides along the sidewalk at a leisurely gait not too fast for those not entirely of his proportions. "And it is, indeed, an easier task when the day is as fine a one as this."
    The tall Asgardian strolls, hands in the pockets of his grey hoodie, the zipper partially up. He's garbed as those of Midgard these days, wearing the 'blue jeans' and the 'sneakers' that are so popular. Under his arm is his umbrella, of course. Though there is no hint of rain.
    Yet there is wisdom to impart.
    "I walk, in the direction I last saw him. And I speak of him." He says that with a calm aplomb, "I make sure as I pass people I say something along the lines of,"
    And then his voice rises, "Loki's insight would surely be of great use."
    And then his voice drops, "Eventually I find him." Then there's a beat held as he continues to walk. "Or I don't. To be fair."
    However it is in the next moment that a sudden Caitlin appears making herself known in her own inimitable fashion. "Ah, Caitlin Fairchild!" He straightens and gestures along the path they have taken. "Feel free to walk with us. We are seeking Loki." Because apparently this is a thing that is to be done.
    Though he does add, "I would have words with thee, however."

Jane Foster has posed:
The breezy relief of the blue-smudged sky rests lightly on Jane's shoulders. She carries only a small crossbody backpack, small enough to contain a wallet and probably a bottle of water, strap diagonally splitting her shirt from shoulder to waist. In short, comfortable for strolling through the city instead of running around in work attire, heels, or worse. Worse could be a chainmail bikini.

Sonja's opinions on proper attire for ladies in the field is generally disregarded. Ten thousand years of progress, Red.

"Have you tried saying his name?" she asks after hearing the pearls of wisdom. More ideas surely would follow, but she says no more than "Loki" before Caitlin crashes the party. In one sense or another, leaving someone out of the way. She halts and waves to the woman, slipping closer to the inside of the sidewalk to allow more space. When it comes between the three of them, she's the slightest. "Why hello, Doctor Fairchild." Briefest glimmer of hesitancy on the proper title, but her thoughts might be related to green-eyed Odinsons lurking around the corner. "I've had some put together, though repeating the results has been something of a challenge for a partner in the Philippines and another in Germany."

Loki has posed:
It's true. If Loki doesn't wish to be found, then there is little (save one) that can be done to rouse him from his hiding place. Or rather, his quiet place. He certainly doesn't 'hide'. Never.

To be fair, while he's on Midgard, he's not //fully// on Midgard. Tucked away in his own brand of 'in between Realms', he's taken care of his wounds and has planned and discarded dozens of plans for a response to the trolls and their insolence.

'Loki's insight would surely be of great use'.

Loki hears the words, the inflection, and in his pacing, he pauses. His jaw sets and his eyes rise briefly in that silent supplication to whom? Probably Mother. He'd promised her, well, many things. Counsel is up there. And for Thor to actually //ask// for his aid, his advice? It's something that can be used in the future, undoubtedly.

In the next minute or two, long enough to allow a message yet short enough that it needs not be repeated, it looks as if there's an open hole in reality, and there, falling through, is a figure in green, hair brushed back and off his face.

The arrival is such that the pedestrian traffic, at least, has to walk around, and actually stares.. which is something for a New Yorker.

Dusting bits of non-existant dust and fluff off his dark green suit jacket, white button down shirt beneath.. he's dressed impeccably. He's favoring his right arm, in that it's not quite so used; even with his healing factor, it was a beast of the Realms that had inflicted the injury.

His words sound a touch of irritation, though Thor'd know it was more of a show than true annoyance. "If it weren't for the fact I'd promised Mother.."

The gathered, however, does surprise him, and he looks upon the small gathering, "Greetings."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's nod to the weather is slightly thicker-than-usual leggings in speckled grey and white, along with new-looking athletic trainer shoes and a thick, pink hoodie with 'Columbia Medical' in bright new white vinyl. Much like Jane she's got a backpack slung over one shoulder, but aside from the shining gold-hued bracers on her wrists, it doesn't look as if she's packed out anything special.

Caitlin's brow perks curiously at Thor's statement and she shrugs at him agreeably. "Uh, sure, I'm always down for a--" It's at that moment that Loki just arrives with his usual flash. Caitlin's face sets to something stony and she fixes him with a positively baleful look. "--talk," she finishes, and grinds her teeth with a flexion of jaw muscles-- most likely, to keep her from blurting out something potentially disagreeable.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, you see?"
    There is no hiding the triumph in Thor's voice as he turns to Jane and Caitlin, one hand gesturing in the direction of the now appeared Loki. But then his attention returns to the Trickster and his brow furrows. "Brother your timing is impeccable. I am glad to see you recovered, when we had lost sight of you in the battle I had confidence you would be well, but am reassured at the sight of you."
    A glance is spared to the others as if trying to consider what he needs to cover and what he does not need to do so. One hand lifts as if taking inventory, but then he turns back. "I am to Trollheim. I mean to have answer for what has passed. You are welcome to join me, though I understand if you would view it as more wise to hold here on Midgard. Though," He looks to Jane and Caitlin, "I am open to counsel for though I wish to embark on this course of action I am not immune to well-reasoned arguments."
    Despite what Loki might say at times.
    Then he starts to walk, albeit slowly, back in the direction of the Embassy. "Which, Lady Fairchild, I should mention. We have been having some difficulty with Ulik and his countrymen. I had thought to enlist your aid."

Jane Foster has posed:
"I see." Confirmation of the best strategy comes easily to Jane, and she happily defers to the wisdom of the elder brother's tactics against the younger. As an only child, she probably doesn't know what success rate that particular issue has.

Nonetheless, she asides lightly, "Watch out for the sandworms. They get a bit particular whenever he's invoked." Being the Lydia in that matter, possibly absent a few cobwebs -- but all the rest is probably accurate -- the brunette nods in kind. Nothing about her is especially that exciting to indicate a foray into another realm. Much less in the present company. "I am happy to accompany you three there, though I'll be the polite one to state the obvious in the liability you have. Trollheim is built on a scale for you, rather than me." Mortality, such a bummer. Hers happens to be signed, sealed, and frozen in more ways than one, but it still may or may not be relevant. Her lifted brows measure Caitlyn's response to Loki, and then gauge his reaction to her, all without saying a word.

Some things are best not poked, when labelled a hornet's nest or stuck by a conversational hazard sticker.

"What manner of reception are you expecting?" Just worth asking. Really.

Loki has posed:
The chilly reception given by Caitlin is returned with one of //those// smiles; unflustered and so very assured. It amuses him, but not in a 'ha ha' funny way, but with something with a lot more depth behind it.

Turning slowly to the rest, and particularly Thor, Loki gives a single-shouldered shrug. "It was a minor annoyance. To be very honest, I hadn't expected them to utilize the magic they had. It is something for another day, perhaps, but definitely worth looking in to." If it was more straightforward, it probably would have been easier, and the Asgardians would have had clear advantage.

He walks forward, allowing the gathered to act as a boulder in a river, though he gestures towards the embassy with a slow, careful sweep of the injured arm. "Perhaps it is best that all is discussed within. As amusing as talking of battling trolls on the busy streets of your New York City is."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Loki's charming indifference manages to make Caitlin even angrier, mottling coming up in her neck. But she has her temper in hand and nothing more comes of it than a twitching reluctance to make a fist with her left hand. She takes up a rear position in the little group as they move along, so Jane and Loki aren't forced to talk around her shoulders. Green eyes do their level best to bore a hole into the back of Loki's head. "M'Lord, I'm always ready for a fight," Caitlin tells Thor. Focus flickers to him and she nods once with a ready expression. "I've, uh, been a little busy with work and school, and, uh, Titan-ing, so if there's a scroll on Trollheim in the Embassy, can I borrow it real fast to read? You know. Brush up on the local flora and fauna and whether you kill trolls with acid or fire."

Jane Foster is given an encouraging look and Caitlin silently offers her a fistbump in scientist solidarity. "How bad is it over there?" she inquires of the woman. "I could probably borrow an atmosphere suit or even a light exoskeleton for you to use, if you want."

Thor has posed:
    "There is some to be said about needing souls to remain here, if only to make sure Ulik remains true to the oath he has given." Thor says as he looks to Jane, "A journey to Trollheim is no easy thing for any from the Nine Realms."
    Then he turns to focus on Loki and his words. Once hearing them he lifts a hand to gesture to the side, "Be that as it may, your finding their hidden warriors made it so we were not taken by surprise. Others would have fallen." There's a pause as the Thunderer frowns and he murmurs, "Ragnar Ufdansen dines in Valhalla. And he is not joined by others of his brethren due to your quick thinking."
    But then he sees reason, "Aye, inside then." Said as he steps to the side and then back they go heading toward the embassy.
    It's as they walk that he takes it on himself to try and fill Caitlin as he says, "This is what has passed, Lady Caitlin." A glance is given Jane, a silent request between them likely asking her to make sure he doesn't forget anything. He continues, perhaps much to Loki's chagrin as he /talks/ about what they're going inside to talk about, "My old enemy Ulik came to Midgard seeking to challenge me to a duel."
    He gestures to Jane, "Lady Jane covinced him to come along peacefully to our embassy. Something did not sit well, however..."
    Up the steps of the embassy he climbs, sneakers scraping the cement as he goes.

Jane Foster has posed:
One of them knows about Ragnar's jolly ambitions to ride for Odin's glory day after day, and come back to a great flagon of nutty ale. About his worries for a beloved nephew and niece, whether that oaf is any good for his sister, and the rest. Jane won't speak of Ragnar's story, since she has already sung it by the wayside to the doors of the great Hall.

She settles for a fist bump and a knowing look afterward at Loki when he protests about streetside diplomacy. "Presidents have done worse. Quite a bit worse, actually."

The entry to the embassy is simple enough, and she follows Thor's lead in conversation and entry. One doesn't simply barge into the Asgardian domain, after all. "Ulik has composed himself very well as a guest and a man claiming blood feud rights. That only complicates matters."

Her aside is fairly dry, "Trollheim's geography could be a problem, though it's not the most inhospitable place. Muspelheim and Niflheim, on the other hand, call for significant bundling up or plain not visiting. With any luck a spacesuit won't be necessary."

The faintest of smiles grows, though distraction Harriet's her off to some other contemplative corner.

Vintridr has posed:
    "Trollheim is unpleasant but bearable to those of Midgard blood, although I'd recommend a breath mask to filter out the worst," comes a response from behind Thor.

    "Neither fire nor acid are strictly necessary," Vin continues as she steps around the Odinson into view. "While Trolls are spectacularly resilient and heal more swiftly than Midgard would think possible, sufficient conventional damage will be fatal -- the legends grew simply because a Troll can take grievous damage that would kill a child of Midgard ten times over before falling, be left to bleed out, only to recover enough to get back up unaided within a day."

    She gives Thor a respectful nod, then a slightly less respectful - but still formally correct - one to Loki. "Odinson. Prince Loki. I take it you're planning to reconnoiter Trollheim personally to get the lay of the land?"

Loki has posed:
Caitlin's reaction is //exactly// the one that Loki looks for; the goading is properly spent and the payoff received properly. To be fair, if it wasn't she that was his target, it certainly would have been someone else. It's just the way he is.

Thor's seeming insistence in discussing that which has recently passed in grand public gains an exasperated sigh from the younger prince, and perhaps just a slightly quicker step towards the embassy proper. Loki is, of course, slightly mollified by his brother's words to him, even if tinged with a touch of sadness. Of course, to be ushered into the Grand Halls is something that is to be envied and not feared. Of course, it also shouldn't be rushed! "The All-Father has gained a grand warrior," is murmured. Not 'Father' or 'our Father'. "but questions certainly would have been raised if the request for more able-bodied warriors was placed due to a trifle." Slight understatement there. "I have wondered what Odin shall say of this."

If everyone else can talk out in the street, he can place his question as they take the steps into the great ediface.

"I think perhaps the best course of action is not to question Ulik's word." Just sayin'. "Has he yet proven false?" Of course, that doesn't negate the need for a guard. Simply, with different motivations is all.

The discussion of the different environments of the Realms passes the Younger with little concern. He's been many places, none of which is of concern to him other than the actual 'these guys are bad' turn. Instead? His attention is to the newly arrived, and his eyes narrow. One that he doesn't recognize, yet proper basic obeissance is given, and thus returned with an incline of his head.

"We are. After a fashion, I assume." To that end, of course, there are certain preparations to be made, and as the group gains entrance, he is walking beyond, in the direction of his study.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Wait, we're doing this now? Right now?" Caitlin looks a little alarmed-- though it's more surprise than fear! "I gotta run home and get my travel gear," she informs the others. Vintridr's arrival is a pleasant surprise, and she beams at the Asgardian warrior. "Lady Vintridr, you ninja. I didn't even hear you get here." She reaches over to offer a brief but friendly clasp of the hand, then returns her focus to the others.

"I mean, I can go now, I just gotta um, call in to work with Hero Stuff so they know I'm not in the labs. And I'll need to swing by the Tower, get my travel kit. Is that OK?" she asks Thor with concern in her voice. "If we're like, full go right this second-- I could do it, I would just need to grab some food from the kitchen and some appropriate clothing. Yoga pants and a hoodie probably won't hold up well in Trollheim."

Thor has posed:
    Once in the halls of the Asgardian Embassy once again, Thor turns as he starts to pull off his hoodie, unzipping it and hanging it up on the coat-rack near. There is still some tumult in the hall itself as people rush hither and yon upon one duty or another to make it so the travelers will be suitably equipped.
    "Vintridr!" Thor's voice is strong as he offers greeting, "Join us, we have much to discuss." He gestures with a nod as he walks down the hall from the foyer.
    "Our original intention was to delay the duel Ulik sought, procure what information we could through messenger and scout. You see," Turning to Caitlin, Thor spreads his hands. "It seems he has been deposed by another troll leader. Korek?" He again looks to Jane as if for correction.
    Then it's back to Caitlin, "Ah, forgive me. No we depart in several days. And if you wish to join us you are welcome. But if your time is not entirely your own then remaining here on Midgard and being on hand in case something passes with Ulik, then that might be wise."
     "You see, he was seeking some glorious end. A noble wish, but I am no man's sword upon which he wishes to throw himself. Though as Loki says, he has been true to his word so far and not broken guest rite."
    "Then," A glance is given to Loki, as he was there at the battle as well as Jane. "A warband chose to give battle here in the service of this Korek I believe. And now we have lost one of our Einherjar, and I admit..."
    He stops as he opens the door to the library. Already the drink cart is ready with ice chilling and bottles freshly topped. "I am mispleased."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vin nods. "Aside from all else," -- and from the thunderous expression on the Valkyrior's face she does not lay 'all else' aside lightly at all -- "Attacking Asgard's sovereign territory without prior cause would have been a severe provocation in any case; but they attempted to harm or abduct one who enjoys our hospitality. Such an attempt to break your word - all of Asgard's word - demands response."

    She glances briefly at Caitlin, then Jane. "... And one from Midgard, as well, given that this Embassy in turn enjoys their hospitality."

    She turns to regard the Odinson again. "The exact nature of said response is, of course, ultimately up to you; I would, however, stringently recommend that the response be reasonably swift and thorough. Both from Ulik's accounts and the sheer brazenness of this attack, it would appear that this Korek understands and respects naught but naked force."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I'm not sure I really count as a representative of Midgard," Caitlin tries to object-- but her voice falters as her face falls. After all the list of non-native Asgardians welcomed into the Golden City is not much longer than the two mortal women standing in the room here, now. Caitlin gives Jane a look of wry resignation, then looks to Vintridr and nods ruefully. "I guess... well, yeah, I do count," she concedes. "An' Vintridr's making a lot of sense here. Rules are rules," she says with a firm nod.

"Which leads me to another thought: maybe it'd help make this some, uh, royal thing, if you, uh, er..." She screws her brows up, searching her memory. " 'Appoint some champions to Fight on your behalf'. That way it doesn't look like the Crown Prince bringing a war to Trollheim. It's just his entourage, right, all here-- uh, /there/, to settle things the old fashioned way." Hands spread in mute appeal, aimed at the others, then Thor. "And if things -do- go pear-shaped, you're fresh faced and ready to fight and can cover our retreat through the, um, Boarfrost," she says, mangling the name a little.

Thor has posed:
    "That is my sentiment as well, Vintridr." Into the library he goes, already moving to that cart with the drinks and the bottles. He sets out three snifters for the Brandy, then knits his brow as he lifts his eyes toward Caitlin and points with the ice tongs. "Ginger Ale?"
    No judgment.
    But for himself and for Vintridr he pours some Midgardian liquor in those glasses and sees to it before he distributes the drinks around. If he had waited a servant would likely have been along but people have /things/ to do. "Yet even when we were at war with Trollheim, we were not at /war/ with them."
    The Thunderer thumps down into an over-stuffed and reinforced chair, crossing a foot over his knee and looking across the way with furrowed brow. "When we would ride out to meet a raiding party and send them on their way we would go and confront this or that leader. Always it was some errant chieftain attempting to make a name for himself. When we would go to the Troll King it would always be, 'an unfortunate mistake' which, I am sure we will receive like sentiment from this Korek."
    It's clear Thor's mood is close to anger, at the least when it comes to this topic. Not overly strong anger, but hints in the way his features are tighter than normal, the tension in his shoulders as he sits there in that chair. A look is given to Caitlin as she offers her insight and he listens, nodding along for a time, eyes meeting her gaze.
    "There is some wisdom in what you say, Caitlin." He chews on the inside of his cheek as his gaze distances for a time, then adds, "Yet I appoint champions. They reach Trollheim and declare our grievances. The Trolls may well be dishonest in their dealings. A champion would have to return and pass word, and then sally out once again. This could go on repeatedly."
    He glances to Vintridr and perhaps she might be following along with his thoughts for he mentions, "In the past we would dispatch a raid and deliver our displeasure on the end of a sword and the edge of an axe. But I know not entirely what may have passed. If there is some aspect of innocence to discern in their actions I would have it first."
    He takes a deep breath, then adds. "Also the messenger we dispatched to Trollheim has gone missing. We have little information from there. I wish to learn what has happened to them. And if they do transgress... then I will want to be there." To make them pay.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vin nods thoughtfully at Thor's words, then scowls as he relates the unknown fate of the messenger. "It would seem that a scouting mission is called for, then," she comments. "To enter Trollheim, chart the political landscape, uncover what has come of your messenger, and report back so you may decide how to respond."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin accepts the drink with careful hands, a silently mouthed 'thanks!', and a smile of appreciation for Thor remembering her preferences. She sips it carefully and nods encouragingly along with Thor's stream of consciousness as he mulls the options over.

"A scouting mission wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe the valkyrior do it from the skies, and I could stay on the ground? I'd need to sort out some kind of food and hydration, but I can get by with just extra water in a pinch," she reflects. "I can hit about hunnered-and-fifty KPH on good roads. If the forests aren't like, massive overgrown, I could probably keep up about sixty percent of that. Once we get his scent trail we can figure out where he's going next. I've got a drone I could repurpose for that with just a few little tweaks."

Thor has posed:
    "If you think you would be able to Caitlin, yet... with it being unfamiliar land and we know not what dangers we could face." A hand drifts up to rub at his beard, thumb and forefinger sliding along the sides as he seems pensive then murmurs, "I am loathe to risk another life. My instinct is to go myself, though..." A small exhalation is heard, almost a laugh if he chose to give it more vigour, "That is often my instinct." And he knows that he is not a man without flaws.
    "My feeling is this Korek is not likely to give us an honest answer unless he was gloating or..."
    And that is the moment when Thor stops talking as his eyebrows beetle together and his eyes slip left and right as if chasing the flicker of shadows along the floor.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane is not one of those people to openly question the wisdom of more experienced people in the field without a good reason. Gut feeling can be good reason. So can actual hard fact. Lacking either calls for a watchful silence, a measured consideration. Especially after Loki leaves, it's much easier for her to train her thoughts on the various bits and pieces of evidence laid out before them.

Korek is many things, but the risk of an inciting action by just showing up on the doorstep is significant. That, and... there's another few factors keeping her busy, thanks to some rather bothersome elves in a bothersome corner of a place far, far from Earth. Green moon, forest world, shouting and hollering massacre. All in a day's work.

"I don't especially pine for a war," she finally says. "I have to imagine that veiled attackers ambushing you outside the embassy could be construed as another violation. You could swing this several ways to your advantage, ways that don't necessarily involve caving someone's skull in. However much fun that might be for some. Scouting gives us a better lay of the land than some other methods, though it's Trollheim. Why not watch them without having to be there at all, then go collect whatever you see afterward? I doubt highly they're going to expect a trail cam, especially one intended to be hidden. You might collect sound as well as visual proof, and more importantly, it's something provided by Midgard. Not Asgard. That provides at least a measure of viable evidence, though they might dislike the technology, and such that's indisputably not of your own make or ability to tamper with. At least not in a way that wouldn't be rather obvious to the parties in question, if magical, or other scientists. Safeguards can be worked up rather easily to assure of that."

And if they fail that, hammer to the face. "Or what, your highness?" She can nearly see where that path may go, much as she might not want to. Shadows dance. Possibilities stretch.

Vintridr has posed:
    "... A trap?" Vin suggests. "Ulik denounced him as a beligerent fool, but that does not preclude a certain amount of cunning - or at least an attempt at it." There's something vaguely similar to a smirk on her features now. "That might almost make it interesting."

    She nods at Jane. "There's merit to using Midgard technology to gather the evidence, as you say; I believe it would be wise if at least one person somewhat familiar with the lay of the land accompanied the search party, though."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin raises her hand at Vintridr's thoughts, nodding along with some excitement. "Oooh, ooh! I can handle the forensic work. I did an Associate's in Criminal Justice. I've got a Bache--" she thinks better of going into detail, and lowers her hand to take a timid grasp of her beverage. "I mean, at college, I learned about criminal psychology and how to track and detain criminals," she clarifies for the Asgardians.

Jane gets a sidelong look, then a neutral shrug that ameliorates any appearance of self-aggrandizement. "Elective courses, y'know?"

"Anyway-- I can definitely pull together an evidence kit. Maybe the trolls have their own rules also. The, uh, Troll King probably expects you to beat down a few ambitious chiefs now and then. In fact, encouraging upstart villages to attack Asgard is a pretty convenient way to clear out threats to the throne," she says with blinking realization. "But if that's true, think about what an upset it would be if you could make the King face his failures in public! Even a worst case scenario is that you get a few years of relative peace before anyone manages to restore social hierarchies."

Thor has posed:
    Thor is, for a moment at least, distracted. But then he is brought around by Jane's reasoned words and he seems to become engaged in the conversation once again. "Mmm? Nothing." The Asgardian says at first, then adds. "Foolishness." He seems willing to let it lie at that then gives a nod finally.
    "Aye then, you've convinced me. A scouting team to get the lay of the land. Trollheim is not without trade, and it has not closed its borders as far as I know. It should be a feasible thing to enter the city and gain what you can from the area." Thor nods toward the others then takes a deep breath.
    "Caitlin, you and those that wish to join you. You shall have... four days?" He quirks an eyebrow as he looks about the room, then leans over to start preparing another glass for Jane should she seem inclined to accept. "And then I will go and see what this Korek has to say."
    He takes a drink of his brandy, then sets the glass aside. "Now, if you will excuse me. I am going to have words with Ulik." He glances to Caitlin and Vintridr, "Let me know if there is aught you will need."