1152/Ramen: Poor Mans Feast!

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Ramen: Poor Mans Feast!
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Ramen Empire
Synopsis: X Folks go out for dinner. Piotr ends up viciously attacked by a kitten and adopts it.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Laura Kinney, Henry McCoy, Piotr Rasputin

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There were many things that Gabby had yet to try in this world. Ramen was one of those. The instant packets that were sometimes had at school weren't quite the same as those delicious looking bowls she saw in movies. It didn't take *too* long to get some folks interested in heading into the city to try some of the apparent 'real stuff' that Ramen Empire claimed to serve.

Upon entering she stares at the decor with a look that was difficult to read, and her eyes narrow suspiciously. "Somehow I expected more given the name. Smells good at least!" Glancing back over her shoulder at the others that had come with she flashes a smile. "Wanna grab seats at the counter? Or we could try to push tables together maybe," she adds with a glance at the high-top tables as tall as her.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura had eaten here a few times before, so she shouldn't have her usual issue with convincing the owner to give her spicy enough food. Chicken and wonton, extra spicy was her order of choice. "We should sit at the counter. Moving tables would be difficult and noisy."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The good Doctor looked around, taking in a deep breath to savor the various cooking aromas. "I would be find with moving tables, but if a counter is easier." He chuckles. "I just have to sit carefully." The Beast grins. "Were you expecting guards, Gabby? Or perhaps a tall gentelman all in black, using a respirator and bearing a lightsaber?" He's clearly in a good mood, out with friends and family.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr had ran into the others on his way to Ramen Empire, a happy coincidence. "Counter is sufficient," he remarks and grabs a seat at it, listening quietly as he looks over the four options while Beast makes the Vader commentary, a bit lost in his decision making, until he says, "Diet Mountain Dew and the least spicy Tonkotsu you have," he remarks and tries to get comfortable in the counter seat, realizing he had chosen poorly, as it was not made for his size.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney purses her lips together considering her response to Hank. "No... But at least light-saber chopsticks and some stormtroopers in a mess hall type thing." Sighing in her disappointment she nods as most suggest the counter. Heading that way she reaches up to tug out a chair to clamber up into only to flash Piotr a sympathetic smile. "We can switch to the table if it helps. You're as tall as I am short! But at least I don't have to worry about kneecapping myself," she adds glancing down.

The menu though gets her attention as she considers thoughtfully. "Oh, Pepsi and.... Tonkotsu... With eggs, corn, and chili pepper flakes, please!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "That would get them sued for copyright infringement. Disney does not like to share." Dispensing this pearl of wisdom, Laura continues to await the arrival of her dinner. "I am glad you like spicy food too, Gabby. I should teach you how to cook." Admittedly, Laura isn't the /best/ cook, but at least she can do the basics.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast climbs up to carefully perch on one of the stools - his larger, heavier frame something he's concerned with. "Too true. If there is an empire, they are quite close to being such." A glance over the menu. "I'll have the same as the young lady. Can we add chicken for extra protien?" He asks, looking to the others.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr has since kind of wedged himself into a spot when he turns to Gabby, "It will be fine, at the very least I am already up here!" His tone does not appear to show any anger or irritation, he looks at the diet dew in front of him and takes a big drink, "So what made you all decide to visit here, today?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney settles in on her seat scooching up to the counter to rest her elbows on it with a grin. "Yeah, it would have still been cool," she admits of the Star Wars references. The Roman archetecture references were still something she could see even if it was lame. "I'm trying the spicy stuff. It is good. I don't know if I'm gonna do it as spicy as you do though, Laura."

Grinning broadly she glancs to Piotr with a nod. "Oh, there's this series on Netflix about like, sushi masters and ramen chefs. I've had the instant stuff before but it looked so good! Then I heard about here." Her hands spread in a little shrug. "I'm glad others wanted to come too though! It's more fun with people. ... Plus I have reeeally bad luck with eating out in the city so far."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "I came to spend time with my little sister, and because the last time we had a public dinner, it was interrupted." Piotr was there, so he should know. Laura ruffles Gabby's hair. "I ate nothing but bland food for longer than you. I am making up for it." Plus... Spicy food is a socially acceptable pain feeling. ...And control. Control is good.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank ohs, looking to Laura, then Gabby. "Ah... all right. I should have noticed the resemblence." He grins. "Spice is good, every once and a while. I quite enjoy it - the way it provides a rush is fantastic." The man grins over to Laura. A nod to Piotr. "I thought it would be a good time to chat more with the students, and possibly ask Gabby about her theoretical questions in the lab."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr smiles, "It is good, here," he looks around, "Though the fusion decor does also make it pretty funny." He frowns and nods to Laura, "Indeed, but today should be better." THe Russian then turns to Beast and says, "Not a big fan of spicy food, but the pork broth tastes a bit like home. But yes, also good to speak with students."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I'm Laura's clone so yeah we look a lot a like." Gabby grins faintly at that as she considers what Hank said. It's momentarily interrupted by Laura ruffling her hair causes her to mock-scowl as she reaches up to straighten her hair with both hands and put her headband back into place.

It's around this time that the owner comes over to begin dishing out the orders to everyone. A bright smile comes from the Oriental woman though she looks a little strained when sliding Hank's over to him. For a moment the little lady stands there regarding him before giving a curt nod. "Very pretty shade of blue," she informs with a bright smile as she tries to be PC among a set of customers she knew were a little on the odd side. If only due to Laura and her insane requests for levels of spice that she always orders. Speaking of which she puts on gloves before sliding Laura's to her. "You should bring family here more often. Good for soul," she advises before turning back to cooking while humming an off key song to herself.

Gabby flashes a grin over at Piotr. "Maybe you could help them out? You paint don't you? I'm sure you could do something really cool in here for them maybe." Then there was that hanging question of theoretical questions from Hank. She fidgets just a little bit. "Well. Yeah. It's how I can't feel pain. The labs did something to us... I really want to try and get some of their files when we finally go to take them down."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura gives a polite smile as she accepts her order, nodding her head. "Thank you. I just might." That was... nice. Fortunately, there'd been enough of a pause in the conversation that nobody overheard things they probably shouldn't. "I will get you all of the data I can. Even if I have to carry many couputers. ...or we could borrow Kitty."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank chuckles to the explanation from Gabby. "That would... yes, that would certainly explain it." He smirks, looking amused at the revelation. At the mention of the lab. "I'll do whatever I can to help you out." The blue furry man offers over.

As he's served by the staff member, he gives her a polite smile - though those close to him can see a touch of sadness in his eyes. "It smells wonderful, miss. Thank you very much." He comments, his tone warm and friendly.

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
"Currently pretty deep on a couple of portraits at the moment," Piotr notes, "But if someone wants a commission I can try to add it to the list." He thinks for a moment as he drains his drink and waits for it to be refilled, as he begins eating his soup, "It is indeed good." The Russian frowns to Hank and then says, "We are all family, so you are stuck with us whether you like it or not."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Laura?" Gabby leans over to bump into her sister's shoulder lightly. "They make these things called USB drives..." It's a little tease at least and she sits back up to pull her bowl closer. It was rather giant. The chopsticks are picked up and she takes a moment to fiddle with situating them in her grasp attempting to get it right. Whatever 'right' was. Chopsticks were going to be one of those things that took some practice for her.

"Ooh, I want to see when you're done! The only thing I've painted before is the wall in my room. Who are they of?" Looking up from her attempt at chopsticking she smies toward both Piotr and Hank when that sentiment is expressed. "Yeah! We're all family kinda right? You too Hank!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "Yes, but if they are smart, they will have disabled the USB ports. It is standard procedure for high security computers." Laura returns the bump, nomming and slurping up some noodles herself. Mmmmmm... Spicy! Also warm, and filling. Ramen was excellent dinner. Also easy to weaponize in case of attack. ...Which hopefully she wouldn't have to do tonight.

Henry McCoy has posed:
The Beast nods to Piotr, then to Gabby. "Indeed, we are." He agrees, whole-heartedly. "We are a motley family, but one with strong bonds. Woe to those who would come between us." A grin. He picks up his chopsticks, snapping them apart and rubbing them together to remove any errant splinters.

"Has Warren reached out to you, Piotr? I know he's looking for some portraits for his office. I suppose he was inspired by some of the ones he saw in Latveria, at Victor's ball."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr is pretty engrossed with his soup, but he manages to look up and says, "Some of my friends and coworkers, but I have a couple of landscapes I recently finished. Those should be hung up soon in the halls, I believe." He resumes eating and shakes his head to Beast, "Not recently, but I will be sure to speak with him, though I am not surprised."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney leans down to start slurping her soup. She uses the spoon part more than the chopsticks, though the chopsticks are used to push things toward her spoon. It sort of works. Just as she gets that hard boiled egg into her mouth she hears a noise.

It's a small, tiny noise. A little squeak really that causes her to glance down and to each side while her cheeks are puffed out keeping that egg in her mouth.

The source is a tiny kitten that sits at the floor by Piotr's feet looking up at him. Another squeaky mew is given and then it launches itself up his leg to clumsily clamber up his pantleg with prickly kitty claws. Mew. MEW! Hungry MEWS as it smells that yummy pork broth that he has. None of that spicy trick food.

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura takes another bite, attention snagged by the kitten, and smiles. Hey, she /does/ have feelings. And kittens are cute. "I wonder how a cat got in here. ...Restaurant cat? I know Bodega Cats are a thing..." ...Although that might have issues with food and sanitation? She's not sure. Nolt a lawyer.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Busy slurping up noodles in traditional fashion, the Beast glances over to Piotr and the tiny feline scaling the Russian. "You've found a friend, Piotr." He grins over to the other man. "I hope you're not allergic."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr blinks as he is surprised by the tiny kitten now sitting in his lap giving him the hungry kitten eyes and says, "Indeed, it seems to have chosen me." He fishes out a piece of meat from his ramen and gives it to the tiny kitten with giant paws and ears. The little thing begins devouring teh food in his lap as Piotr continues ating, "I am surprised, but at least it has elected to behave... somewhat."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The owner glances over at the 'commotion' only to lean over the counter to see the kitten in Piotr's lap. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" she blurts out as she realizes what was going on. "There's a stray cat I feed out back that had kittens, and I took them in to try and find homes for. I thought I'd closed the office door but that one keeps escaping! Ah, of course your ramen is on the house. I'm so sorry!" She blurts again.

Gabby for her part gulps down her mouthful of food and clutches her hands to her chin with a little squeal. "OHmygosh it's so cute! Look at those paws!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
     "It is okay, and I will still pay. You should not lose money because the kitten was hungry, and Gabby is very happy." Laura is very enthusiastic about supporting local small business owners, especially restaurants that would actually take her at her word. ...hang on. Someting needs to be addressed. "Gabby. Pets are a large responsibility, especially kittens."

Henry McCoy has posed:
The doctor nods. "Yes, please. We will certainly pay - sorry if our little friend there caused you distress." He offers over to the proprietor, with a smile. He glances then to Gabby, watching her behavior. "Indeed. They are a responsibility. If the kitten is up for adoption, we can get them checked out and vaccinated."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr finishes most of his soup, but is now focused on the tiny life sitting in his lap. He has started giving it tidbits and scritches behind the ear, "I will still pay, but if kitten needs a home, I could see about adopting it." He says to the owner and lays his money on the table, "If that is all right with you," the little brat is now curling up and making itself comfortable in his lap, "It seems to have adopted me."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over at Laura, then Hank when they both mention responsibilities. Her hands hold up with a light cluck of her tongue. "Cute as it may be, it didn't choose me, it chose Piotr. The kitty choses the owner," she proclaims even as Piotr makes offers of adoption. That gets a bright grin from her as she watches him dote on the cute critter.

The owner glances around them all looking quite relieved. At least she wouldn't have to worry about a report to the health board or something. "Oh! Yes, of course, if you'd like! They're quite healthy but still need shots and such. I could give you the information for the vet I was going to bring them to."

Laura Kinney has posed:
     Laura shrugs. If Gabby doesn't want to adopt, that means less vacuuming cat hair up. ...Also, fortunately not having to deal with a litter box. Those smell, and enhanced senses make faint bad smells worse. "Just make sure that the kitten will not be scared of anyone at the school."

Henry McCoy has posed:
A nod of thanks to the woman who's been serving them. "That sounds perfect, yes, thank you." A grin. Of course, he can check out the little feline as well - but no need to deny a vet their work. He finishes up his noodles, quite happy with the selection. "Piotr, it sounds as if you have a new roommate." The man teases. "I've read studies that say purrs help people mend up and sleep."

Piotr Rasputin has posed:
Piotr has since picked up the kitten in his arm as it begins to start snoozing, it's little belly puffed out. "Indeed, though it could be worse. And if it could actually do that, we might be in trouble." He grins and says, "Well, we had best be going, looks like my little buddy here needs to go for a vet visit, and I will need to pick up some stuff for my room..." His head starts categorizing this, but he puts an end to it before saying "But yes, if you would like to join me, you are welcome." And with that, he ensures that he has paid, is reminded that he did, and says, "Thank you again, have a wonderful night." With that, he departs.