13234/Halloween Harvest Scare

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Halloween Harvest Scare
Date of Scene: 01 November 2022
Location: Gotham Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: An event of the Gardens gets some surprises Halloween night as Ivy takes offense to some 'creatively' done pumpkins. Only to be 'thwarted?' by a few heroes on hand
Cast of Characters: Pamela Isley, Sunny Harlow, Karolina Dean, Austin Reese

Pamela Isley has posed:
    This is a night that is infamous in the hero circles. Known for being absolutely a roller coaster ride through the layers of hell, or stone dead quiet. So far this year seems to be fairly calm. Most of the kids have had their fun and sleep away in candy induced sugar comas, and now the adults can play. Several parties through Gotham are well underway. From the high end costume balls, to the rowdy collage parties that most won't remember.
This is a slightly different party. Hosted by the botanical garden, as fall is nearing its end, there's a fundraiser and party going on. There's been corn mazes, and bobbing for apples and more exotic fruits. Even candied fair of all sorts for people to enjoy the bounty of plants! People are in costumes some, but they are closer to the 'classy' and less the '$15 in a bag' sort. People are mingling, sipping drinks, there is a place to make donates to help the green house through the winter months as most plants go into a more dormant state. The last thing to be revealed and scheduled to happen in about fifteen minutes is the pumpkin art and carving. With a simply massive table covered up and the size of the gourds and pumpkins in it range from near cherry size to small cars.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
A visit to a friend from highschool who had moved away to Gotham for university had brought Sunny to the city, the blonde excited to catch up...but said friend heading off with their boyfriend and ditching the party way too early had left her looking for something new to do. Perhaps that was why she'd done the crazy thing of going wandering through Gotham and had found her way to the gardens.

A shoulderless turtleneck sweater with semi-detached sleaves on her upper body and paired with a pair of simple black jeans, the young woman made her way through the gardens drinking in the body of the space and sipping at a paper takeaway coffee cup. Probably pumpkin-spice, right?

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina certainly does get around. While she has a home in New York and goes to school there, she's also a Titan and spends time in Metropolis on the regular! And tonight it's no differnt, she's out in Gotham and enjoying her absolute favorite place in the city: The Botanical Gardens! She's brought her own pumpkin to be judged, too! It's huge! Well. Not 'small car' huge, but it takes an effort for her to lug the thing in both arms--especially that distance on the hyperloop.

    The beautiful blonde is not, however, looking like her usual! She's done a full dye job, her hair pitch black and done up in a 'knowledge bump', as those in the know might say. She's wearing a black dress with tight sleeves that end loose, show a lot of cleavage, and bares one leg. That's right, she's Elvira, Mistress of the Dark! Quite the costume, to be sure, considering the woman's extremely sunny... everything.

    "There we go~" she says cheerfully, making sure she's ticked off all of the boxes in her submission form. The judging will come after the carving, surely! For now she's just happy to wander around and check out the plants. Her power's are being self-suppressed for now, too. Nobody would be able to tell it's her, surely.

Austin Reese has posed:
After the bonfire and the s'mores, Austin Reese had gotten a bit restless. He'd been at the manor all day, and the night had been far too quiet. So he had opted to go out on a patrol.

Having ridden a Batcycle into the city proper, he had eventually taken to rooftops nearby. He had already stopped a pair of muggings and helped some drunk folks figure out how to call a rideshare. A lot of folks thought he was just in a costume, it was Halloween after all! 'Who're you supposed to be?' Is a common question, most of them not getting an answer before he heads off.

At present, Osprey was currently taking a break at the Botanical Gardens, lingering in the rafters above the party, having practiced a little bit of stealth by grabbing some food from one of the booths. And leaving some money in the donation box.

So now he sits on a catwalk above the party proper, hood down, while snacking on some candy. He doesn't expect anything to happen, but when there's a lot of people and alcohol around, things can get rowdy, even at the higher end events.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    One of the attendants steps up to Sunny and offers a simple choice for plain domino mask of Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red (fall leave colors) to wear, as well as offering her a tasty snack while she wanders around. There are sliced apples that have been lightly baked and covered in a crumble. Pastries made to look icons of the holiday with fig fillings and other such treats.

    One of the attendants is happy to help Miss Dean get her entry with the others and registered as well. She's handed a simple little carnival like raffle ticket to match her claim to her pumpkin that is carefully taped to the bottom back of her entry to keep them together. A woman with redhair, wearing a pair of twisting wood horn/antlers that go up from her head and dressed in a high colored gown of her own, though not quiet the neckline of Miss Dean's likely. From the waistline the gown gets a more patterned look to it of almost weathered stone, that is overtaken by large briars and thorns. Having done a take on Maleficent it would seem, "how did you learn of Elvira?" Comes her alto voice to the dyed blonde.

    As far as Osprey, nobody has noticed him and that's not surprising. Security is fairly light once you're past the valets and parking. In here there are three 'guards' in the way of two uniform cops sort of hanging out not far from the donation box, and he managed to get a plainclothes who let his badge catch the light when reaching for a second snack mid crowd mingling. Sure there's money there, but this is far from a grand haul or likely to draw the eyes of any named or serious threat. All in all the area is pretty chill in feel.

    People are beginning to drive to the tables for the reveal of the pumpkins and the judgement to begin. Some pumpkins and art have been done by an art club from Gotham's own art department of Gotham university. So in order to begin judging they go and pull back the sheets....
What is revealed is mostly very tastefully and not poorly done. But then people start to notice a theme in several of the pumpkins. That of some of the more notorious 'citizens' of the city in less the flattering views. A white pumpkin has been 'carved' to look like Joker flashing his glowing butt at someone. There's another that has a group of heroes having rounded up a few easily recognizable cads as well. One of Two-Face wearing half a ghost costume. Then there a kneeling poison ivy who is set up in the center of the biggest pumpkin with all sort of smashed bits of pumpkins and leaves all about her glowing from the bottom.

    Most seem amused. There's faint chuckles and snide snickers as people take turns looking over the display of pumpkins. Not all seem to think it in the best of form given the venue.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny was very much like her namesake in personality and looks, but Karolina? She kinda took that to the next level! It was hard not to notice. Still, she let her attention shift to the masks as she was handed one, a red one chosen with a grin before she moved deeper into the gathering. Snack in hand to go with her drink, the alien girl does spot the costumes of the pair (and not spot Osprey yet!), leading her to stare a little as she sips from her drink before her gaze slips towards the mocking display of festive spirit in pumpkin form!

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Costume or not, Karolina-Elvira has a smile as radiant as the sun, and her costumed character tended to have a fantastic smile, too! She takes her ticket and directs that brightness to the horned redhead as she's asked that question. "Who hasn't heard of her?" she asks, sounding incredulous. Without revealing anything, she goes on, "I'm big into old television shows... and my taste in music goes way back, too. I figured this would be a pretty fun costume. Go against what I usually wear! You like it?" she asks.

    Of course, then it's pumpkin time! Her brows lift, eyes going wide at the carved offerings on display. "Oh, goodness... that.. seems to be in curious taste..." she blinks a couple of times, recognizing the figures, of course, but certainly being on the fence at the caricatures of them. "That does seem a bit disrespectful..." she adds.

Austin Reese has posed:
Three cops. Two in uniform, one plainclothes. Probably adequate security. Nobody here would be wearing multi million dollar jewelry. Collection box could be a target of opportunity, perhaps. He wanders over towards the displays from the Gotham University crew. Time to see what his school is doing.

Seeing the theme of a lot of the carvings does make him wonder. These are all very serious threats to people's lives, for sure. But he also thinks mocking people who deserve it isn't a bad thing.

Usually people won't mock folks who can come murder them though. Brave.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    A guy steps up near Sunny, "that one of the clown's butt is hilarious don't you think?" Trying to seem cool and seems to be dressed like some sort of WWI fighter pilot. The scarf and bomber jacket type. "Man I think I got to vote for that one. What about you?"

    "Not enough have, she was a pretty great woman," says Pamela-Maleficent taking a liking to Korolina-Elvira even if she isn't sure why. Her own offering was a mini pumpkin patch grown among a briar with a fake tower diorama. Not one of the bigger entries but elaborate and set to small detail. Truth is she had some left overs from a test in cross breeding pumpkins with grapes. She sees the 'offerings' of some of the others and before she can stop herself she drops her drink causing it to crack on the pavement. She stares at the view before her and the mocking some of the pumpkins do. She knew there be carving, and while not her favorite thing, it isn't the worst thing humans do. But this. This is so different. The muscle of her jaw clenches a bit a few time.

    It takes Austin no time to see the people who put those questionable offerings up. They're all to one side watching everyone's faces. Elbowing each other and laughing. From here he can even see one taking a quiet pull from a flask he has, likely strong alcohol. They think it's the greatest joke ever and everyone will love it. He may also notice that in spite of them being inside a green house, the leaves are rustling as if a wind blew through.

    Others may start to notice too as the whole place starts to... murmur. The leaves rustle, branches and vines creek and move. Not far off a light bulb POPS with that instantly recognizable sound. Something seems to be stirring.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny herself was silently lamenting her costume had been packed away after she'd flown to Gotham post her outing in Happy Harbour, but she couldn't really risk explaining why a Sailor scout was suddenly flying for real. Still, the guy approaching her does bring a little blink and a tilt of her head considering, a bite of her lip before she shrugs. "I mean, the one with the half-ghost is kinda cute but...some of them are a little mean..." That'd be Sunny of course, ever the earnest and sympathetic sort.

Unaware of Pamela's rage and having taken the dropped drink as simply that she was indeed moving down the line, ironically staring at the Chlorokinetic's own offering and...suitably unaware of trouble until that lightbulb popping makes her jump with a start.

Well done girl, the big tough Viltrumite scared by a loud noise!

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "She really was! Her actress is also fantastic," the not-currently-blonde says. But the pumpkins. So focused as Karolina is on the spectacle of ... well, unkind pumpkins that she is, the sound of the falling drink makes her start. She looks down and notices it's the one right next to her, and she looks at Pameleficent with a blink.

    "They are very striking, but unkind..." she states and looks down again, checking for broken glass. Then back to her standing companion. "Are you okay?" she asks, fixed on the redhead. "Probably just a bunch of frat boys playing a stupid prank, you should see what the idiots at NYU get up to. This is why I'm in Gotham tonight and not back home..." she tries to lighten the mood a little.

    She does trail off, though, when things start to feel tense. And then starts again when the lightbulb pops. "...ah? What?"

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey's eyes lock onto the group laughing and pointing, thinking they're being subtle. They might be to folks who's eyes are focused on the carvings, but Osprey knows what to look for. He rises up from where he had been seated, and then quickly starts scanning the crowd as he makes his way across the catwalk, hopping up to perch on the railing as he scans across the crowd. There's a murmur among the crowd, something is off. Someone is going to demand answers for those carvings, and what happens after that well hopefully things will be able to be kept under control. He doesn't want to have to step in. The pop of the lightbulb and sudden area of darkness just confirms what he fears, and he tenses up as he gets ready.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Several people, likely having been drinking are enjoying the laughing and comments as votes go in. The host steps up and says, "a rather um, hehe, unorthodox entry to say the least. But they say a full moon, can always bring out the crazy ones." Which gets a few MORE laughs from the crowd.
    How 'fortunate' for Ivy that this place has such well tended grounds, also that she had the foresight to always keep some things on hand. The host says, "nobody panic I'm sure it's just some more just friendly spooks prepared for the uh... um... party." Even as he is talking people are noticing that all around the green house a snarling mean set of vines is growing out of the ground. Bushes twist and twine about, building a dense thicket of a wall before five inch long thorns begin to sprout all over them.
    Ivy turns to look at 'Elvira' there and says, "I'd love to talk but I think this may not be my crowd after all." That's when her eyes notice the boys who are not so filled with humor as before. Ivy figures people want tricks. They want to make fun of things. Okay. Let's have some real holiday fun now.
    Osprey sees it first. The rapidly swelling pumpkin from behind the 'artist's as it grows and starts to flex several vine like legs to make a spider like support to move. Then the pumpkin opens it's mouth. Seed like teeth line the jaw as it snarls at them to send the boys screaming and running the other way. Soon there is a second, and a third of these 'pumpkin spiders' rising up all around.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh dear, spooky...but it was probably part of the show. A little nervous laughter from the girl joining in with the crowd until the vines started to grow and lash around like an 80's horror movie.

"Eek..." she begins before the spiderlike things start to rise up properly and the blonde girl looks about. A villain, radioactive vegitation? She had no idea! Last time she'd been to Gotham the villain she fought was a guy dressed as a moth trying to kidnap a Wayne heir. Obnoxiously in here? There wasn't really a great place to change into her Indestructibelle costume.

At least they'd given her a mask, right?

The girl starts to push towards the monsters, a little bump against Ivy as she pushes between the pair of woman and a blushing apology to the fairy queen of darkness and the mistress Elvira, she even makes a point to drop her coffee cup into a proper trashcan before stepping forwards and trying to seize one of the snarling Orange things by its hind legs.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "It is in poor taste, but aren't you staying for the other judging?" ElviraLina asks her red-haired companion. That's when she notices the vines starting to go, well, wild. "If... we're not stuck here..." she says with a frown. Then a laugh, "...look just because I'm dressed as the scream queen of the eighties doesn't mean I need to live the part!" Karolina comes from California, after all, and she can really bring in the 'valley girl' vibes.

    When the pumpkin spiders start to form, though, her expression drops, "...seriously. Come on, everyone look for an emergency exit if it's not grown over," she calls out as at least one heroine steps up to get physical, even if Sunny does end up bumping into her! "Ah... be careful! Pretty sure those aren't for show!" Then she looks over at the woman she hasn't figured out is Pamela and puts a hand on her hip. "Means you too, stay close if you can't find a way out, I'll try to protect you, okay?"

    She hasn't shouted 'SHINE ON!' yet like some flamboyant rainbow Johnny Storm. ... yet.

Austin Reese has posed:
Aw hell. Osprey makes a mental note to himself to stop joking about evil jack-o-lanterns on Halloween. He flips off of the catwalk dropping towards the group of pumpkin spiders, as he flings a batarang towards the closest of the trio of purturbed plants.

Landing in a three point pose, he pulls his hood up before rising up to his feet, "Everybody clear out!" He calls out to the crowd, which will most likely start a rush towards the doors. Hopefully that trio of GCPD can control the crowd and help get them evacuated.

He raises his fists and drops into a fighting stance as he prepares to stand off against those pumpkins, watching for movement so he can defend himself when the pumpkins attack, unless they ignore him and go after their original targets anyway, of course.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    People panic easy and so with someone talking about going to exits and others being scared. They are all RUSHING for the obvious exits. Which are mostly blocked by the briars. There's a lot going on in all ways. The 'Spider-kins' are not all in one group. The biggest is by the college artists. One is nearer the display itself (closet to Sunny) and there is a third off to the side. From his vantage Osprey saw that the darkest part of the building, where the bulb broke, the vines seemed a bit thinner. Also not to be totally useless, the boys in blue of GCPDs finest do put their hands on their guns but stay NEAR the money as they radio in. The plainclothes cop pulls out his gun and badge as he steps up toward the mostly untouched pumpkin.

    The Spider-kin turns from starting to smash the offending pumpkins as Sunny comes up and chomps its teeth threateningly at her. The one that Osprey sprung into action on now ahs a batterang firmly sunk into the orange shape of its body. Even as one 'leg' has grabbed an artist to start dragging him closer.
    For all of this Ivy has mostly stood there looking around, until someone touches her hip and pulls her attention away. The woman blinks her green eye that maybe seem just a bit more.... intense then first glance? She glances around and then back to ElviraLina. "Don't follow the crowd, never the wise choice." She points toward the darkness away from the mass. She glances to her hip with she was touched and comments, "You're warm." Seeming pleased for some reason by the observation.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny was an earnest heroine, but she -was- also a rookie one who was self taught. Sure she could think quick enough, just like she had when she'd helped at that damn collapse and gotten superman's approval (something she'd been excited about for days after) but she didn't have the trained analysis of someone who was trained by the Bats. Her plan so far went as far as 'Ahh! Monster go Grrr and attack people!'

With the creature gnashing at her she turns, dragging it by its viney legs and flinging the creature towards the further wall with inhuman strength before she moves towards the one dragging an artist towards itself.

If the danger was 'fake'? Sunny didn't know any better.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    At this point, Karolina has no idea if the danger is fake or not. The panic ensuing and the GCPD being largely ineffectual seems like things are definitely being on the side of real. The mention of the crowd by th woman at her side seems cryptic and confusing to her, "I never do, but the people do need to get to safety.." she states. Then blinks at the commentary about her temperature. "I, yes, well..." she sucks on her lower lip for a moment, then shakes her head. "Don't be alarmed, okay?"

    She really hadn't wanted to do this, especially on this night of all nights. And especially at night. But Karolina shifts her focus and lets her power flow freely. The Mistress of the Dark now is the Mistress of the Rainbow. The black clothing and dyed hair just serves to further enhance the aura of rainbow light that's clinging to to the woman's curves. She's *really* warm now. Radiating heat and solar energy.

    Solar energy she forms into warm ribbons, "Come on, everyone, follow the light, get to the working doors!" she calls out, adopting the position of 'Team Mom' and using her powers to create easy-to-follow streamers of rainbow light for everyone to see.

Austin Reese has posed:
The batarang sticking out of the pumpkin as it continues doing what it was doing, trying to drag away one of the artists, makes Osprey mutter to himself. Next time use some kind of explosive one maybe. At least he can use another one, as he quickly throws a second one towards the vine-like leg grabbing around the artist.

He runs in and grabs a couple of the artists, moving to put himself between the spider-kin and the artists, throwing a quick kick at the gourd in order to try to both force it back and force it to pay attention to him instead, "There's a break in the vines near where that bulb went out, get out that way!" He tells the artists, "And tell those cops so they can get the civilians out!" Then back to the spider-kin, throwing another kick to try to punt the thing like a soccer ball.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The Spid-kin, Ivy really missed a chance of using potatoes for spuders, that Sunny throws goes flying pretty well. While most green houses are made of glass, that glass is strong and well framed. This results in the creature getting smashed pretty badly but not down for the count. Fortunately the undercover cop has seen the chance. He puts his gun away, and grabs up one of those little metal podiums for roping off a section that these events and movie theaters have. He charges the stunned creature to bring the heavy base down like a hammer to smash the thing till the pumpkin guts are spilled. One down!

    Osprey is getting some oncoming back up, and his second rang does a good enough at clipping the leg to cut most of it. So much so when the artist and he tug hard the leg will snap off. Between him and Karolina yelling at Ivy's own bolt hole the crowd, most of them, are starting to turn and respond. Rushing for the supposed exit. There's still a group of about twelve that are being corned by the last of the spider-pumpkins.

    Then there is Ivy herself. She had been enjoying the night, and she wasn't going to rob the place either. Honest! They do good work here. She wasn't even using her poison in anyway as usual. She is busy looking at Elvira quizzically as to the warning. "What do you me-eeeee-ean!?" Her answer coming quickly as the sudden blast of light is a pure JOLT of energy into Ivy she was not ready for. Karoline can see as Ivy's skin, for a moment, ripples green, and the woman's legs buckle as she gets stunned. This is getting to be fall and Ivy has to live off lower light, in both time and intensity. It can be hard on a plant lady. This felt like taking a person dying of dehydration and dropping a water tower on them. The whiplash is rather intense. The result gets echoed through the WHOLE building. Every plant surges in growth and turns toward Karolina just for a brief moment.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh crap! Things just got a little bit bigger and more violent. Dealing with the pumpkins seemed at least to be easy enough, that swinging hammer down on the pumpkin shows her how to deal with it. She wasn't really a fan of 'killing' things in any sense, but the blonde woman swings a hand around and 'squishes' the pumpkin drawing the caught artist. He might have been a jerk, but he didn't need to be pumpkin food!

Ivy's green moment was missed, Indestructibelle was facing the wrong way, but it was hard to match every plant and vine suddenly rushing the light girl.

Austin Reese has posed:
After disabling the spider-kin, the flash of light that comes from near the exit he had been pointing people to gets his attention, turning to look at Karolina. But more importantly he's able to see there are still too many vines blocking the path.

He'll have to go over the footage later to see what he missed, but for now the important thing was getting the people out. But first he needs to save the group still being harassed by the last of the pumpkin spiders.

Osprey leaps up to grab a branch off one of the trees that's leaning towards Karolina, and uses that to his advantage as he swings through and drops down fist first onto the last of the hostile plants.

Once it's smashed, he'll head back to the vine blocked exit, and using a pair of batarangs, will quickly cut through the sharp vines blocking the exit, opening it up for everyone to stream out, "Come on folks, get out of here!" Once it looks like all the civilians have been evacuated and the cops have things under control, he'll then make his exit.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina is too busy trying to direct civilians with her light to notice Pam's 'green' moment, too. She does, however, notice the woman hitting the floor. "Ohcrap! I'msosorry!" she turns around, stammering, still shining with that lovely warm rainbow aura. "Are you light sensitive? Burn easily?" she panics slightly, not even thinking of dousing her powers at the moment, just trying to make sure Pam is okay. She hadn't really done the 'math' yet. But she isn't exactly one who lives in Gotham, either!

    "I can help you out of here, we'll get the others and..." she pauses, something seems weird. She looks up, finding the plants just... turned towards her. She's grateful for being able to watch Austin wrap up the last pumpkin and get the others out, leaving her to focus on the... trees. Plants. Flowers. Pumpkins. She spends time with her plants in her garden all the time! They've never done this.

    "...and..." she can't find the words, her hand still outstretched to Pamela. "...huh...?"

Pamela Isley has posed:
    Osprey is able to cut through the briar as well as any prince charming to lead the charge to freedom. A charge soon followed by many more. Undercover cop will see to helping secure the area as he tells one of the officers to follow them out and help calm the crowd. Sunny at least is treated to a stammered, "thanks babe!" As artists responsible for this, no it isn't Ivy's fault they're to blame, gather up their friends and beat feet with the rest of masses.
    This leaves Sunny standing off to the side as more and more people start to follow the exodus out. The plants seem to be calming down at least as well. No more spider-pumpkins about. This also means Sunny can see how the plants have a clear focal point and there's a woman near her that's struggling to get to her feet. Ivy's gloved hand reaches up toward Karolina's cheek as her voice asks, "How?" She seems to be.... basking in the light? Leaning herself back as if to get as much exposure as she can. Ivy isn't even aware that slowly her skin is starting to shift toward green as well. She swallows and says, "you taste incredible." Trees, vines, grass, flowers. They all are starting to grow, reaching for Karolina as the briars grow. A thorned nest beginning to tighten and grow around this new 'sun' that is provided.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
'Babe?' She'd let it fly, monster plants were attacking at the moment after all. Instead she steps around and turns towards the pair who were still there, headed towards the pair of women only to skid to a stop as she opens her mouth towards the pair. "Hey girl's you need to get out o-..oh..." A blink, a blush, Sunny.exe stops working for a moment as she catches the sight and the words in all.

Oh, thorns, imprisonment and danger...she shakes her head and zips forwards, floating a foot off the air...and probably looking less dramatic in her autumn clothing than she would in her costume. "Hey! Let her go!" she calls out.

Karolina Dean has posed:
    "I... what? How what?" Karolina asks, trying to figure out what the question is before she can even give an answer. She's trying to help Pam up, her hands warmer and more radiant than the light she gives off, her skin practically formed of the same material stars are. Her cheeks, scintillating rainbow colors as they are, seem to... darken slightly? A shift in the colors there? She's blushing. And. Slightly leaning into the hand reaching for her.

    "Taste? What?" The poor woman is short-circuiting. "N-no this is just.. how I am... my body's.." she struggles to come up with a coherent thought, even as she sees Ivy's form revealing itself more thoroughly. "..d-dryad?" she says the first word that comes to mind. Maybe she's not -that- familiar with the infamous Poison Ivy. Not yet.

    Then Incredibelle's shout makes her blink and she looks up to truly notices the sphere of vines and briars starting to encapsulate her. "No wait! I'm not hurt! Am I?!" she looks around suddenly, wondering if any of the thorny vines or maybe a spider-gourd had started to chomp on her leg.

    She was being distracted. Girls. Pretty. Now there's two of them.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The good thing is, the women and Osprey have fully removed the insulting pumpkins from Ivy's mind. Well that and most of them were smashed quickly. Well... technically there are TWO other people in the building still. They are a bit off and keeping low, because it is an officer and the undercover cop. For now they seem to be watching and waiting on backup.

    By now the vine are a good ten feet up around the outside of the building, the grass around Ivy and Karolina are up to a lush rich green more fitting to May, not October.

    Ivy herself has gotten to her feet as she takes in another long slow breath looking at the two women. "Oh. I don't think either of you should go just yet. We're just getting to know each other." Her green eyes notice some of the seeds from the fight on Sunny and she giggles. Ivy hates when she giggles, but she's feeling a bit drunk for some reason. She holds up a finger to them in the classic 'give me a moment' gesture as a hand goes to her face and she tries to clear her head. By now she's full on green skin. "Who are you two?" Those eyes open and are a little dilated as she looks from Karolina to Sunny. Which if she heard the NOT glowing woman was named Sunny, her best friend would go into giggle fits lightly.

It is about this time a clear wooden sort of 'inner cage' starts to form around the three women. Growing up from the ground around them, just like the building, but without the thorns.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The giggling was probably a little unsettling, but it was just plants right? Sunny could juggle a bus after all! Still she watches Ivy's rather confident and slightly inebriated form turning green has the blonde settling down, lifting her hands in what was probably some form of a 'ready' position, her gaze looking back towards Karolina. "Are you okay?" she questions, well aware she looked just like a cute blonde girl rather than the dramatic costumed figure. At least she had the cheap domino mask, right? Then again, she didn't really wear a mask as 'Belle either. It worked for a bunch of other heroes after all!

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Heroes do come in all sizes, realy. If only Sunny could know that Karolina is a cute blonde girl normally, too! She's definitely not dressed for hero-ing, though. "Ah? Me? Oh!" she laughs a little uneasily. "...Karolina..." she nods. Her name isn't really associated with anything. Hero stuff? Maybe. Child television star from some years back? That might stand out. But sunshine superhero? Probably not! "I'm from New York, I was just here for a date at the gardens... you're okay, right? Both of you?"

    She seems fine. She nods to Sunny, then looks around as their 'dome' grows bigger. "...is... is all this because of me?" she asks, pursing her lips some now. "I can turn it off... if you want."

Pamela Isley has posed:
    It's about that time that the undercover cop has seen enough. "POISON IVY! FREEZE!!" Doing his best cop voice. "Do not do anything to those two women! Ladies if you are not with her you need to back away. She's a very dangerous murderer and thief." This of course sours Ivy's expression as she looks over to the cop and considers the options. Her eyes flicking to the flying woman and what she has done, and then going to the much glowing Karolina. "Please don't turn it off." Softly she mutters something about her luck, and karma, and stupid boy cop meatsacks that isn't quiet clear to hear. Ivy makes a calming gesture and the plants all begin to return closer to how they were. "Shhhhhh. Sleep. I know she's wonderful and bright. But not now. Shhhhhh." The little plant ball is relaxing, returning to the earth.

     Eyes on the flying girl Ivy dials up her charm some. "You look like the strong tough type. Would you be a helpful dear and mind staying between me and the man pointing a gun at me? I'd be very grateful."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Wait, was this just because the green lady liked the glow? Sunny wasn't stupid, even if she was inexperienced. This was probably a plant thing, right?

Despite her namesake and the fact she might look like a discount Supergirl, the young woman's hands lower slightly only for the shouting to come back and pulls her out of her moment. Okay, right. Focus!

'Belle lifts a hand out towards the undercover cop, never taking her eyes off Ivy herself. "Wait!"

Things didn't need to get lethal after all and the pumpkin things were dealt with. Maybe this was just a halloween prank that got out of hand, right?

Of course, they -had- almost been cocooned too so...

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina blinks. "Poison Ivy?" she asks, realization dawning on her. She looks from the cop then to Pam, looking her over. "Oh wow pictures do not do you justice," she simply stammers out before she catches herself. Then she looks to the cop, "Hey, no need to point guns at people. Come on now. Nobody got hurt, right? Some stupid college boys pulled some prank and someone took offense at the rude imagery, but nobody got hurt..." she tries to diffuse the situation some.

    It's pretty comical. Rainbow glowing Elvira standing next to green plant goddess Maleficent, and mask-wearing autumn chic... discount Supergirl? Her own words! And the glowy one is trying to talk the cop down. "And nobody's going to get hurt, right?" she pours on the mom while Ivy pours on the charm. She's hung out with Harley before. Some of the so-called 'villains' aren't always all bad...are they?

Pamela Isley has posed:
    So much for being nice. Ivy's eyes roll and she starts to sigh when she hears Karolina's question of her name. Then her slightly drunk brain catches up with what was said next. "Wait." Looking into that light and blinking a bit, "What?" She is looking at the two women but mostly at Karolina. However the cop is having none of it.
    "You two need to slowly back away from her. It's clear she's the cause of this and at the least that's public disturbance. I'm willing to bet a lot more can get tacked on. You know, endangerment." The cop did help smash a spider-pumpkin.

    Ivy just sighs and drops something from her hand "You two seem nice, but there's no way he's gonna just let me go." She is talking softly. "So try to play along okay?"
    As Ivy talks a small ripple in the ground ribbons its way from Ivy's feet toward the cop. "Oh right you need your cover stories."

    Ivy moves quickly as she looks to raise a hand and then quickly blows a cloud of green... SOMETHING toward Sunny's face. Then in the same smooth motion she lunges for Karolina to cup her face and seemingly go in for a deep kiss. Though Karolina, and maybe Sunny, can tell Ivy put her thumb over the glowing woman's lips and kissed the back of her own hand. No poisonous direct contact. It's about that time a stalk springs up from the cop to distract him as some weird looking plant explodes in spores.
    Ivy tries to move behind the two women, "act enthralled for me will you? It is Halloween?" The green cloud aimed at Sunny? It was just a fresh mint scent and literally no poison or ill effects. All show and razzle-dazzle. But to the COP it likely looks to be an attack.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Act enthalled? Sunny blinks for a moment. Karolina seemed to recognize the other woman even if she herself didn't, but at least the praise wasn't exactly incorrect. Of course, she had to get her head out of those thoughts...and apparently into theatre as the minty scent hit her and she reflexively inhalled, staggering a little and looking dazed for a moment only to lean into it, playing that expression and standing a little more 'blank faced'.

Of course her 'hypnotised' face probably didn't matter as much since part of her back was facing the cop.

Oh right, turn around...

Karolina Dean has posed:
    Karolina looks to Sunny to back her up! The other cute blonde thinks Pam is stunning, right? Though with the things that happen next, it would almost be literal stunning. "Try to play along?" she asks, following the example of hushed voices. She really doesn't like a gun being pointed in her general direction, though. "H-hold on!" she gasps, breaching in the faint hint of mint that washed past her. It gives her no reaction time at all to be... grabbed. Like /that/.

    Her eyes widen, her aura -flares- slightly as her heart skips a beat. Well, what passes for a heart! It likely gives Pam another accidental surge of that sunlight. She isn't sure what's going on, there's a thumb pressed against her lips that she... sort of accidentally-kisses on reflex. But no lip contact. "Iwhatnow?" she mumbles when she's told to act enthralled, but it isn't hard. As a TV kid she can draw on her experience and... put on a glazed-over dead-eyed expression.

    "...yes?" she asks, voice now sounding distant. "...welcome to Movie Macabre, I'm your hostess with the mostest cleavage, Elvira. Tonight's episode: The Return of Count Yorga. I tell you one thing, I hope you brought a receipt, goddess..." she filters on her best Elvira impression as if the 'kiss' had made her descend back into character.

Pamela Isley has posed:
    The burst from Karolina does make Ivy swoon as she wasn't quiet ready for that and leaves her having to gasp audibly and shake her head. She feels a bit unsteady again, Ivy can't help but smile at the two performances from the women. She may have to show them the real deal soon. She leans in to whisper to both women. "Thank you ladies." Though Karolina gets a light stroke down her back. During this time the cop has gotten hit by something mild himself. "See you both soon I hope." With that she turns and runs for one of the obviously blocked ways. It looks to be impassible but the way opens for her and inside of moments Ivy is able to run away as the sounds of sirens start to rise up.