13256/A Night Out For Alfred

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A Night Out For Alfred
Date of Scene: 02 November 2022
Location: Red Rose Cafe
Synopsis: Phoebe, Dick, Stephanie, Damian and Austin take a night to take Alfred out for Italian, and are joined by Michael Hannigan. Austin gets a birthday present. Stephanie and Dick get a duck.
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Dick Grayson, Phoebe Beacon, Alfred Pennyworth, Michael Hannigan, Austin Reese, Damian Wayne

Stephanie Brown has posed:
If there's one person who does more than any other at Wayne Manor, it is definitely Alfred Pennyworth. So it's not all that surprising, especially with the holidays coming, and everyone knowing what kind of extra effort it will mean for the man, that various members of the family want to take him out for a nice dinner.

The Red Rose Cafe is the site of their rendezvous. Messages went out for anyone who is able to attend. Stephanie arrives, having come right from school, having spent extra time in the chemistry lab this afternoon. Thankfully those goggle marks have faded from her face by the time she opens up the door and heads inside. She called ahead to reserve a table, which has been set aside and with plenty of seats to hold the number of people who might show up.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick shows up a little bit after Steph does, looking around the room and then heading over to the table she is seated at. He leans in to kiss her cheek and takes a seat next to her. "Hi love, looks like we're the first ones who managed to get here. Glad we're doing this, Alfred deserves a whole lot more than this, but it's a start."

    He picks up a menu to scan over as they await the other arrivals who responded to Stephanie's invitation to dinner.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    In and out of the Wayne Manor, Alfred takes on so many extra duties above and beyond the call of his pay grade. So when Phoebe gets the message that they're going to have a rendezvous, she extends the invitation to new friend to Alfred, Michael.

    And hey, with all the other craziness going on, Michael deserves a dinner on her. Least she can do following angry ten foot tall spiders. She's also arriving from class, wearing her black-and-orange motorcycle jacket and carting her helmet in a bag as she makes her way to the table, giving a small wave.

    "Thanks for setting this up, Stephanie. After last night, Alfred especially deserves a night off from cooking. I'll arrange for some take-out to go back to the manor to cover anyone who doesn't show up." she gives a wry smile.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Stephanie's invitation is a well-timed (and well-appreciated) relief for poor Alfred, who has been moving about the manor a bit more stiffly than usual today. Yes, Phoebe healed his wounds last night, but his brain still THINKS he should be bruised and sore, and so that is how he feels. Also, for some reason he keeps checking his reflection in any mirror he passes.

As this is a private engagement, he's arrived via his personal vehicle rather than the Rolls, as it looks a bit more natural in street parking in Little Italy. In front of a mob restaurant. Eh, who is he to judge? They're the best when it comes to Italian cooking.

At any rate, he arrives after some of the other invitees are already seated, and so it's easy to spot their table when he steps inside. A warm smile lights his face as he observes the assembled, and he walks over to join them, favoring his right ankle slightly. "This was a splendid idea, Stephanie," he agrees, settling himself in one of the chairs with a slight sigh of appreciation to be off his feet.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Normally when Mike gets a call from Phoebe, he just knows there's going to be trouble at some point. Honestly, even after the explanation of what tonight's events will feature, the entertainer wouldn't be surprised if tonight ended up devolving into encounter with the uncanny.

But, there is another truth to Mr. Hannigan. He's not that inclined to turn down an offer of dinner on someone else. Due to the suggested meet up location, Mike has forgone the hoodie and is instead wearing some of his borderline nicer clothes. His hair is still pulled back but the pony tail is much neater in execution. Had he not consciously chosen the offbrand 'nice' clothes, he'd be skirting the lines of showing up looking more like his celebrity persona of Nick Drago.

Unlike the others, Mike no longer lives in Gotham so it stands to reason he'd likely to be one of the last ones to show up. He lingers near the entranceway for a few moments, catching a glimpse of the one who invited him, he starts to head on over to the table. The musician turned actor gives a relaxed smile to the gathering. "Evening." He greets, setting a hand one of the remaining chairs, and glancing over to Phoebe, "Thanks for the invite."

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin wasn't going to miss this, especially after last night. He could use a good meal that isn't just a warm coffee. So when the text came through he had hopped on his motorcycle and headed down to the cafe. He parked and hopped off, hanging his helmet on the handle bar.

Wearing his leathers, he steps inside and takes a quick look around before spotting the table. He grabs a chair, hangs his jacket on the back of it, and then sits down, "Thanks for the invite. Never been to this place, but judging by the decor everything on the menu is probably good."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Though Damian had been splitting most of his time at Happy Harbor and Metropolis, the invitation to have dinner in honor of the family's de-facto grandfather would not have been missed by him.

  So, he came in, driving the Porsche 918, dressed in his Happy Harbor suit and tie, looking all of the High School Senior he was, also a son of Gotham's First Family, much to the chagrin of the Mayor. The hostess knows exactly what group Damian belonged to, and the young man gave his public-face smile to her and the valet that took the car. He waves a hand to all as he joins the table. "Hey, sorry, the traffic on the expressway from Happy Harbor was packed." He offered, before taking a seat wherever was open.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown rises to her feet when Dick comes, moving to give him a tight hug before they sit back down. "Was worried you might catch... work if you didn't get out of there soon enough," she tells him. The slight hitch likely where she'd have normally said, "catch a body" to the homicide detective. But not wanting to bring that up here. Especially as there are a few Maggia connections to the restaurant, if nothing likely to interfere with a meal there. It is a nice place. As long as Michael Corleone isn't meeting Salazzo and Captain McCluskey tonight.

(The Godfather. If you didn't get that, you really need to watch!)

Phoebe, Austin and Damian all get bright smiles and waves of greeting. Michael, less well known, gets a friendly smile as he arrives and joins Phoebe. Alfred's arrival pulls Stephanie out of her seat to move around behind the seated Englishman, the coed giving him a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. "You do so much, nice for us to get to express our gratitude with some food that you didn't have to prepare," she says with a grin before moving back to sit down.

The waitress comes over with menus and takes drink orders. Stephanie looks to Dick and asks, "Should we get a bottle-" before looking back at how many people are there, "or two of wine?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick greets each person as they join the party, standing to shake hands with a smile. "Thanks for coming, it's nice to see you. Hope you enjoy the evening."

    When Steph suggests wine, he nods "Doesn't sound like a bad idea. Red goes well with Italian food, might as well get something decent." He picks up the wine list and passes it to Steph. "Do you want to pick one?"

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"I'd love a nice Chianti," Alfred suggests, managing somehow to resist the impulse to follow up the comment with the Hannibal Lecter fpfpfpfp. "And a glass of water with lemon for me, thank you," he adds to the waitress. He lifts his chin slightly to focus on the menu before him and peruses the options.

"It'll be a slight ordeal, having to consume food NOT prepared by the best chef in Gotham," he muses, with a smile and a wink, "but I shall endeavor to get through it intact."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had given a smile to Dick as she came up, greeting all the 'Siblings' in the extended family.

    Michael gets a friendly wave and a brief introduction: "This is Michael; he's been helping me out with some of my special projects outside of Gotham. He lent a hand last night, and I kinda owed him a good dinner, so his tab's on me." she makes way of introduction.

    Austin gets a fist bump, and Damian gets a kind smile. "I'm pretty sure everyone will get over the fact that the best chef in Gotham is taking the night off in order to recover from hard work every OTHER day of the year." Phoebe points out.

Austin Reese has posed:
His birthday was two days ago. Austin enthusiastically nods at the suggestion of getting a bottle of wine, "That's a great idea. I'd love to have some." He'll definitely get carded by the waiter.

He return's Phoebe's fistbump and then gives Damien a grin, "Hey Damian. Glad you made it." He nods a few times at what Phoebe says, "Exactly. Everybody deserves a break once in a while."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Austin comes in to be seated, the musician glances over to the newcomer, giving another nod of greeting but Damian approaching draws his attention. Recognizing the vigilante primarily from Happy Harbor, Mike tilts his head towards him. "Damian." He greets, "Good to see you. Considering how traffic is there, I'd say you made great time if you left just after getting out."

The discussion of whether or not to get wine does reach Mike's ears he looks over. "I'm fine with just water or tea." His head turns as he speaks, directing at least the end portion of that statement to the waitress. Then again he gave two items "Tea please." Not having been here for awhile, Mike pulls one of the menus towards him to skim through the listing. It's the usual fare so it doesn't take long. "Definitely hard work last night." He adds to Phoebe's comments regarding Alfred as he slides the menu back.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown smiles to Michael as Phoebe makes his introduction. "Nice to meet you Michael. I'm Stephanie," she says, reaching over to offer her hand. "This is Dick," she says, leaning towards Richard Grayson to give him a little playful bump as she takes the wine list from him.

"You seriously want me to order a wine. For Alfred? Oh this is so a test," she says. "If you get sparkling grape juice, Alfred, it's his fault," she says as she looks down the list.

She peruses the wine list for a few moments, looking like she's putting effort into it. "Alright, we'll have two bottles of the Emidio Pepe Montepulciano d'Abruzzo," she tells the waitress, looking over to Alfred to see if that meets with his approval.

Stephanie reaches into a back pocket and pulls out a present wrapped in shiny blue foil. It's thin, only two inches thick, and a little over six inches long and a few inches wide. "Happy birthday, Austin. Belatedly. Sorry we didn't get this to you earlier," she tells him as she offers the present over.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"Oh dear, I'll be expected to WORK for my upkeep every other day of the year?" Alfred quips in mock despair. He is clearly in a mood already, no wine needed.

"Indeed," he adds in a quieter tone in response to Mike's reference to last night. One hand creeps up to touch his neck, a bit furtively before he returns it to holding the menu. "It's been a while since I had to brandish arms in the course of my, ahem, housekeeping duties." Another hint of a smile.

Stephanie's wine selection earns an, "Ah, very nice," from him, which is indeed high praise. He reconsiders the menu options with a mind for what that will pair best with.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Not even reaching for his menu, Dick looks around the table, "Well, looks like we got a pretty good crowd here, should make for a fun time." He looks over at Damian to ask, "How are things at Happy Harbor, everything going well?"

    He turns to Alfred, saying "As Steph said, this is a little thank you for taking care of us. It's probably not enough for all you do, but it's a start."

    Addressing the group in general, he explains "The man is always there to take care of us. I don't even want to say how many times I've gotten home at four a.m. from a case and he's there to make sure I get something to eat. I'd be in much worse shape without his help."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian gives a smile to Austin as he sits. "Just in time it seems. I thought I was going to be even later." "Pellegrino for me, with lime please. I'll have to drive back after this." Damian responds, looking at the menu, though the scampi would go really well with a nice white.

  "Yeah, I left after my lab." He answers Mike, before scanning the menu still.

  "Gesundheit." He quips to Stephanie as she pronounces the wine. "Oh, I should have told you. I still have one...party favor in my golf bag, if it's ever needed." He comments with a wink, thank you Jason Todd for that.

  "Things are alright..." He trails off answering Dick. "I've been working on a major project, it's been keeping me busy."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Well, yeah, Steph got us a table here. Only place we get better service is if it's being held by the boss." Phoebe lilts playfully at Dick, and gives a nod. "Through the last year, Alfred's been the steady one at home. Even if I mess up menu plans with my whole 'no meat' thing." she jokes, "And he always is around to field questions and thoughts about The Weird Stuff." she flips the menu a moment "Oooh. They have the fizzy orange juice, I'm going to do that." she states.

Austin Reese has posed:
"Oh thanks, both of you." Austin replies, as he takes the package and gives it a quick look over, "Trust me I know Halloween is always a busy time. Hard to cram a birthday party in there too." He opens it up pulls the foil paper off, turning the box over and opening it, revealing a rather striking black titanium watch with gold highlights. Austin actually looks at it in shock for a few moments, "Holy hell, this is..Amazing." He says, as he quickly tries it on, making sure it fits perfect, "Don't worry, this is definitely way too fancy to wear all the time, I know."

Watch secured on his wrist, he finally picks up a menu and starts perusing it, listening to Dick's words about Alfred being there for him, "Honestly if it wasn't for Alfred I'd probably still be lost in the mansion."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods once more as he's given the names to go with the faces, repeating them. "Good to meet you, Stephanie..." He looks to her companion. "You too, Dick."

"Well, for the really big messes, you sometimes need the heavier duty cleaning supplies." The musician comments. Noticing Alfred playing with his neck and nods. "It's weird in the 24 hours following." He comments, not adding more context than that.

As Austin opens his present, Mike looks curiously over that way for the dramatic reveal.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred actually looks a little bit self-conscious in response to Dick's praise, a bit of color rising in his cheeks. Then as Phoebe and Austin chime in, they burn even brighter. "Yes, well, if not me, then who?" he attempts to demure.

And then he tries to deflect. He clears his throat and inquires politely, "What project would that be, Master Damian?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown's face lights up as Austin reacts as he does to the present. The look she gives to Dick, and the smile and slipping her arm about his waist will make it obvious to most of the table that Dick deserves the credit for the selection of the fine time piece. "Glad you like it," she tells Austin warmly.

The blond coed's eyes fall on Damian again. "I think I liked you better when you weren't taller than me," she says with a joking pout. Stephanie glances up as the wine is brought to the table, the cork given to Alfred to approve of it, and then a glass poured for him to taste before anyone else at the table who wants some has it poured for them.

Stephanie waits for her glass to be filled and takes a sip. She shakes her head and says to Phoebe, "Oddest thing, I could have swore you said something about 'no meat'." From the quirking going on at the corners of her lips, she's clearly just teasing.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Grinning as Alfred turns red, Dick says "Afraid you'll have to live with the fact that we appreciate what you do for us." As Austin's present is opened, he explains, "I'd say anyone should have at least one really good accessory for nice parties and the like."

    Once the wine arrives at the table, he takes a small sip to get the flavor, then nods and puts his glass back down. "Very good choice, dear." Returning his attention to the group in general, he asks "So, what shall we talk about? A group this size, there must be a couple of amusing events to discuss."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Thank god I'm not the shortest anymore." He comments, just a little bit of that Damian-fire behind his voice, it was his normal voice, the one not uttered in public.

  A quick moment later, he drops that passion, sounding softer to Alfred. "I'll show you later." he says with a wink. Though for the next part of the plan he would have to use the prototyping equipment in the Cave.

  Damian takes a glance at the watch that Austin was gifted and gives a nod of approval. "Nice style. But that was the same one I was going to gift you..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Funny how that works. I say 'no meat' and someone always has beef with it." Phoebe gives a dramatic roll of her eyes, stretching her arms up over her head before she removes her riding jacket. "I'm not chicken, but was raised vegetarian. Rabbit food and a lot of simple Mediterranean food around the house. Goat really good at cooking for myself, since it was that or mutton else to be had." she looks over the menu, and makes a slight face.

    "... all I gave him was nightmares. I'm the worst sibling ever." she mumbles crossly.

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin sets his menu down and stares across the table at Phoebe. Just giving her a look, his face neutral. It's hard to tell if it's disapproving or approving, until there's a slight tilt upwards at the corner of his mouth, "Don't you mean the wurst?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike finishes admiring the watch from his chosen seat. When Alfred follow ups Damian's project comment with a request for more detail, he looks over to the high schooler. Another science project perhaps?

But it looks like that's a topic that won't get visited here. Which leaves the comment about no longer being the shortest. Mike gives a slight smirk. "You've definitely sprouted. I think you're taller than me now."

Dick's inquiry to amusing events causes for him to look to the ones he doesn't know. What amusing stories could be brought about in the middle of a restaurant?

And then Austin makes his comment. "Oh God that's horrible."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred nods to Damian, quirking an intrigued smile at the young man's response. And he lets out a soft groan as the punning begins. "I once asked a young lady to hit me with her ten best puns to see if any could make me laugh. But no pun in ten did." With that, he signals to the waitress to come over and rescue him by interrupting the conversation with food orders. "I'll have the lasagne bolognese, please," he murmurs, handing her his menu.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown breaks out in warm laughter at Phoebe's reply to her. "There's a song I need to play for you sometime," she says, "Though I don't know the name, will just have to find it from the lyrics."

The menu is looked at again and Stephanie bites her lower lip in thought. "I think I'll get the fettucine crab alfredo, please," she tells the waitress. "With the garlic bread, and the salad." She smiles and hands the menu back over before turning back to her friends, including Michael who she's just met. "So, Michael, what do you do?" she inquires before taking another sip of her wine.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian puts his menu down as well and gives Austin and Phoebe 'a look' his green eyes catching the light and almost glow. "Listen, these puns are insufferable. Even if they are said ingest."

  "Scampi prawns for me, thank you."

  "Mike is a renaissance man, he even helps out at Happy Harbor. And thank you for noticing, Hannigan."

Austin Reese has posed:
This place is too fancy to order a Meat Lover's pizza, so Austin instead finally turns to the waitress, "I'll take the sausage ravioli, please. And as many breadsticks as you're legally allowed to give me." He jokes, folding up his menu and handing it over, before he takes a drink from his glass of wine. He's never had wine quite like it before, but he doesn't hate it, so there's no complaints from him.

"Thank you." He says to Michael, with a grin, "I'm not as skilled at it as Phoebe, but hanging around her has definitely been a bad influence on me."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Dick blinks at Phoebe's pun barrage and Alfred's reply, then shakes his head and lets it go before it gets any worse. "Took the order right out of my brain Alfred, I was planning on the lasagna myself." He nods at the waitress to make sure she caught his order, then takes another sip of wine.

    "I'd start out with one of my own, but we're not really supposed to talk about cases, and other than that I haven't been up to much exciting." *If only they knew* "Steph, any good college stories? There must be something interesting happening on campus.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks to Austin, Phoebe and then to Alfred. With a shake of his head he brings his hands up before rapping a quick 'ba dum bum' with the middle and forefinger of each hand. Well, on the bright side when they started punning, they already had a drummer on hand.

When the server gets to him he smiles, "The Arancini along with some Ministrone, please." Handing over the menu.

Hearing Stephanie's question and Damian's teaser, he gives a slight smile, waiting for the server to move away.

"You're welcome." He responds back to Damian, "Damian's correct, One of the things I do is volunteer with Happy Harbor by acting as a Liaison for the work study partnership with Shaw Studios."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod as she looks with all seriousness to Austin.

    "I am the wurst." she confirms to Austin, her lips pursing a moment as she looks over the menu critically.

    "I'll have the Eggplant Rollatini, with the chef's choice of pasta."

    And she blinks her dark eyes, looking over to Stephanie and then to Damian, and she leans forward a moment.

    "Word play is an art that occasionally leaves your opponent something to chew upon, followed by a throaty complaint because no pun is complete without being Full Groan." she comments, and gives a grin, and looks over to Stephanie.

    "I will totally still break that girl's nose. If I say I had a flashback to highschool and my expulsion for destroying someone's rhinoplasty I might even get away with it in daylight." she jokes.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"You're lucky I didn't know you yet when that happened," Alfred observes, as he takes a sip of his wine. "If Master Bruce had ever-- well," he smirks. Then adds in a lower voice, "I'd have called him a bloody fool for doing it in plain sight of the world and getting caught."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looked over to Phoebe as she mentions getting expelled. "...Case of them not seeing the first swing?" He asks curiously.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is still snickering at Phoebe and shaking her head. The question from Dick makes her think for a moment. "Jordanna slipped and fell in a mud puddle, but you kind of have to know her to appreciate the justice of the moment," she replies to him. Which he knows her, but the rest of the table do not.

She sits back in her chair, arm going about Dick as she falls quiet for a bit and just listens, enjoying having so many people here from this family that she's become part of. Maybe most of the people here appreciate, or did at one point in their lives, what they have. It's still new enough for her that she really feels the moments like this with these people gathered together.

Austin Reese has posed:
"I just started at Gotham University." Austin adds, though no doubt a few of the group already knew that, "So uh, I don't really have any college stories. Yet." He says, "Mostly just been catching up, though. Lacking a completely formal education has made it harder, I admit. But I got my GED and got admitted, though I'm sure Bruce's name on the paperwork helped."

He takes another drink from his glass of wine, and sits back listening to the others give their tales, though. He has worked really hard since getting brought into the fold to get caught up to speed with everything.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Aaaah, it's public record, Mike. My house had burned down, my adoptive mom was in the hospital with third degree burns, I was too young to have power of attorney so that went to her father, I was living in a friend's basement, and the girl had pretty much tortured me since kindergarten. Her family knew mine through church." Phoebe states as she selects a piece of bread and begins worrying at it. "She decided to get three of the football players to back her up and pushed me into a fountain in December, destroying my books and my laptop, said that I was going to be an orphan again..." she shrugs "and so I broke her nose and collar bone, and then broke the shoulder of our quarterback, forearm of a linebacker and another game guy's shoulder. Basically put my school out of the running for the Gotham Holiday Bowl. Escaped out the third floor window of the guidance office and took a walk. Never even cleaned out my locker." she gives a huff.

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"And yet look at the well-adjusted family you've got yourself now," Alfred remarks, with fond self-deprecation. "Although I'll thank you not to leave by the window. Every time someone does that it's a proper bollocks to clean them afterward." He calmly reaches for a hunk of bread and dips it into some olive oil, as if he hadn't just dropped language like that in public.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike rests his arms on the table, listening to Phoebe's explanation. "Ah. Kettle too long on the burner with the spout blocked off. Just asking for something to pop off." He shakes his head, "And no one thinks to yell at the ass who put them there in the first place."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian averts his eyes, knowing that's exactly how he left the mansion more than a couple times.

  "Well. I'd have sent them to the forever box." Yep, knowing Damian that sounds about right.

Dick Grayson has posed:
    Looking over at Steph with a smile, Dick listens to the stories being shared and comments, "We do our best to keep things well-adjusted at the manor. After all, Gotham is all about the gossiping when someone steps out of line."

    He's even almost believable as he says it, but most of the people at the table would catch the undercurrent of amusement as he speaks since most of them are just as 'well-adjusted' as he is.

    Two waitresses bring the orders to the table, allowing everyone to begin eating. Dick tries his lasagna, then nods. "It's very good, but Alfred, yours still beats out all the others I've had."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown smiles as food arrives at the table. She leans over towards her dish to draw in the aroma of it. "Oh that smells delicious," she says with a smile. "Not as good as -someone- makes," she says with a smile to Alfred after the waitress has moved out of earshot of her, "But then this is your night," she tells the Englishman warmly.

Stephanie listens to Phoebe's tale, her eyes widening a little bit. Definitely not something she knew about the other young woman before apparently. She looks over to Phoebe with a look of sympathy and a gentle, supportive smile.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Incredibly well adjusted, I haven't lost my cool that badly in a long, long time. Pretty sure when Tim heard about it he pinched his nose for a whole minute and a half." Phoebe replies with amusement, and she takes a deep breath, looking over her very vegetarian pasta dish, and gives a happy sound, but she doesn't bring her gaze up.

    "I always wipe the windowsill when I escape out the third floor now. Far more mysterious. Way less expell-y." she jokes, and she stirs some of the sauce and eggplant into the pasta.

    "I gotta admit, it does lack the home-made quality of Alfred-food. And you know their dessert isn't going to hold muster."

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin gets his breadsticks, and he chows down on one while listening to Phoebe, "Sounds like she got off light. Imagine what you could have done to her now." He says, holding the half a breadstick in his hand and gesturing with it a bit as he says that.

Alfred's well adjusted comment gets a bit of a laugh out of Austin, "We are very well adjusted for Gotham."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's eyes roll up in thought to Damian's addition. There's no attempt to contradict the younger man but simply a small, slight nod. "I can see that."

A look of approval is given to the bowl of soup and the fried balls of Italian goodness in red sauce set before him. Hearing the comments meant to tease Alfred about the quality of his cooking, the musician smiles. But he quiets as he tilts his head down and closes his eyes. He stills for a few moments before opening his eyes again to grab his fork. "I should be glad that I have never had your cooking then." He comments to Alfred, "Because right now I can enjoy my food without lamenting about it being inferior to whatever you may concoct in the kitchen. But I'm sure your culinary fans will be eager to inform me."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"Why thank you, Master Dick," Alfred inclines his head with exaggerated formality before he tries a forkful of lasagne himself. He chews thoughtfully; swallows. "Mm. I'm inclined to agree."

He smiles merrily at Stephanie's assessment. "How well I know it. I shall have to outdo myself tomorrow to make up for it. I'm thinking... delivery." A beat. "Although I shall have to ruin Mr. Hannigan's palate with some pastries, at least."

His mood does seem to be much improved for the good food and drink, but most importantly the good company. How often do so many of them even have the chance to gather peacefully together like this?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Probably nothing, because now I have a last name on a credit card better than hers, she'd at least *pretend* to be my friend for real." Phoebe points out, pointing her fork at Austin. "Also: stop encouraging that kinda behavior. Totally unappealing for a young lady to throw punches, pull hair, break noses. Going out the window is right out." she jokes, giving an amused look to Stephanie who she's pretty sure would get the humor.

    "But seriously, Mike, if you try Alfred's cooking it's all over, forever. You always end up chasing that high, that first time. You just spend the rest of your life split between 'I wish I had it earlier' and 'I wish I'd never tried it'... for me? It was Alfred's pancakes. Never again." she pitches a fake sob.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian's prawns come in with their heads on, something that always makes Damian smile a little, the best flavors came from the heads of the crustacean. The light sauce with the prawns and the side of linguini, it was exceptional. "Oh, that's right. A couple colleagues of mine are invited to visit the estate, I will inform everyone of the particulars before it happens." He's sure people will like to pop their heads in and say hi, perhaps.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike makes a mock gasp of horror to Alfred's threat of more food, "You monster. Although be warned that may start the inevitable exchange of food. You may have cornered the market on Italian, baked goods, and likely high end foods, but I have slow cooker and potato recipes."

He's joking.


Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred laughs. "I may just be able to manage some pancakes tomorrow to ease your withdrawal. Apple cinnamon, or pumpkin spice?"

He continues to work on his (very good, really) lasagne before tilting his head to Damian. "Thank you for the advance notice. Would these be school colleagues, or..." he doesn't say ninjas. But it's ninjas, isn't it.

"There's not an Englishman alive who'd say no to a jolly good portion of bangers and mash. I admit I don't often use a slow cooker, but I'll happily submit to a challenge of potatoess."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "No problem Damian, just let us know and we can set out the welcome mat. If I know Alfred, he'll probably make something special for the occasion." He looks over to Alfred again and adds, "You should really hit Bruce up for a raise, it can't be easy taking care of the horde of people we have going in and out these days. But it is nice to see more of the manor in use instead of closed off and covered with sheets."

    "I remember shortly after Bruce brought me home, I managed to hide for a day and a half in all those unused rooms. Just tons of places to hide in that place."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred snorts at Dick. "And what makes you think I haven't? Every time I have to cover for him at public functions, clean up his messes, help him hide a body..." that last is said in jest but given context, might just cause a doubletake. "If he paid me any more money I'm afraid I'd start doing something rash like buy Twitter."

Austin Reese has posed:
"I am always going to encourage that kind of behavior because you know exactly how I feel about that kinda thing." Austin replies to Phoebe, even though she's joking. Because he's not, he absolutely always will encourage Phoebe and anyone else to be rough and tumble. Makes things more fun.

He glances over at Dick and nods, "I have been lost way too many times, and that's with so many folks around now. I can't imagine how it was when it was just you and Bruce." He says to Alfred, before digging into his ravioli, spearing a couple with his fork and eating.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Still tons of places to hide. Idu's taken to finding places to nap. Which reminds me, I have a duck I have to move in to the barn. I've already ordered her a duck house that I can put together in an afternoon." she explains "I accidentally won her at a nut festival."

    And she gives a small smile, and then she knits her brow, and she looks over at Alfred.

    "Wait... do you use Twitter, Alfred?" she asks, and then pulls out her phone, trying to be stealthy, to change her privacy settings.

    No one needs to know about how much time she spends on the ground taking pictures of tiny wildflowers.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Intramural Colleagues." Damian answers, knowing Damian was not on any specific team, there could only be one other thing: Titans. "Oh, and one charity partner, Garfield Logan." Given that he is green, it's a good thing that Damian publicly volunteers and contributes to charities for animals and animal welfare.

  "If only Father had bought it, I can only think of one worse person it could have been bought by, even though I am sure Lex Luthor would not have been that deranged to actually buy it."

Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
"As rarely as possible," Alfred assures Phoebe. "But the dog, and now a duck? Are you intending to turn the estate into a menagerie? I'm afraid that scooping elephant sh--poop isn't in my contract."

He leans back, casting his thoughts back to those earlier days at Austin's comment. "Well, we didn't keep so many of the rooms in active use when it was just the two of us. But the house did still feel very large... and empty, at times. Still, it was a... smaller world back then," he adds, but doesn't elaborate on what exactly he means by that.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks to his dish and grins. "You just had to say Bangers and Mash." Mike comments, giving a chuckle. "I'm going to be wanting to make some later...just not Friday." Shaking his head, he uses the side of his fork to break off a piece of Arancini. "But first, Arancini."

Dick Grayson has posed:
    "You can always keep the duck at the lake. If I know Steph she'll be feeding it off our dock the very first moment she sees it there." He grins and adds, "Of course, it will probably get too fat to fly if you don't keep an eye on her."

    He nods to Alfred, "Yeah, it was rather different back then. I think we've done quite well for ourselves since then, wouldn't you say?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Aww, thanks Dick! She's a good duck and likes sitting on laps. I can bring her by sometime to get her acquainted with everyone." Phoebe gives a bright smile "Hazelduck McQuack isn't much of a flier, but she has fallen asleep on me on the couch. So she crashes pretty easily."

    Said straight faced. Phoebe has a pretty good poker face by now.

    "Beats some of the other creatures we've been working with lately."

    And she gives a little smile over to Damian.

    "Aww, Gar's a sweetheart."